HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-07-21; City Council; Resolution 1760PGREEMEXT FOR 1;U'IUAL FIRE PROTECTION AID - #rePC" !lHIS ACREEXENT, made ad entered into this 17th day of Aucust 19 70
by and between the WV of Carlshad, catifnrnis
qualified and ac-Ling State Forester; hereinafter called FOFiZSTRY.
and the STAE CF
11 I T N E S S E TH: ----------
WHEREAS, $he C itv of Carlsbad. California mintains and operates a
fire protection organization in the area generally knm~ as the City of
Carlsbad Fire De~ar tment and
VHEEWS, FORESTRY maintains and operates a fire protection organizzbion for
t3e purpose of' providing protection to State responsibility lands which are
adjacent or proximate to the ares protected by Citv of Carlsbad-Cal7f - acd
WHBWS, it is the desire of the parties hereto to render aid each to
the other to Conbat the effect of fire when such aid is necessary as herein set
forth, and
%lEEEEAS, the parties hereto desire to effect,the pwose of this agreement
pmmznt to the provisiors of the "Joint Exercise of Parer Act" (Gov. Ccde Sec.
6500-6547) and Section Public Resources Ccde
NCV, EEXE3?ORE, the pwties hereto mrtually agree as follcws:
1. To -ish fire protection personnel, equipment, Iraterials, and
supplies a&d to render such fire protection services to each other
as nay be necessary to suppress fire of a magnitude that has develupeci,
or appears litrily to develop, beyocd tke e control of 2 single party
and therefore requires the ccmbined forces of the parties hereto.
Scch mtual aid ~f3aI.l be provided within the Units of the County of 2:
DieEa ; pravided, however, that neither party shall
be required to deplete its mm fire protection rescurces, personnel,
services and facilities to the detriEnt of its nom1 fire
protection responsibilities.
No response to a mtud aid request provided for in this agreercent
will be made by the parties hereto unless such request is received
thrcugh the established ccrm;unication channels CO~~ZIG~ to each Fwty
and =de by a responsible fire cfficial of the pzrty recpestiug such
&.d .
: 3.
. ** .. -1
That any mtual aid extended under this agreement is extended with
the express understanding that the responsible local fire official
(ia whose jurisd2ction an incident requiring rmtual aid has occurred)
shall remain in chwge at such inci5ent including the direction of
#at personnel and equipmezlt provided bin through the operation of
this mtual aid ageencnt.
Except 86 may be pro-vided by separate agrement betrreen the parties
hereto, the assurance of mtualaid set forth herein shall constitute
the sole consideretion for the perfomance hereof and neither prty
shall be obligated to rehhrse the other on account of any action
taken or aid rendered hereunder or for any use of materials,
equipment or liabit-ity incurred which may occur in the course of
rendering the firefighthg assistance herein provided for.
damage to
This agreeaent shall remain
of live years from the &ate
terminated by eitber of the
fifteen (15) dzys rotice LTI
in Oil3 force and effect for a pericd
hereinabove mitten unless sooner ..
pzrties hereto giving to the other
writkg cf such "trrnination.
herzto bavc? caused this agreement to
%e executed as 02 the day and yew first hereinabove mitten.
m Deputy State Forester Approved by Dept. of Finance
__. 446-54 tcaw Gr)