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1972-09-29; City Council; Resolution 2094
, 8 , 1 1 t I t $ 1( 1: 1: 1: 1L If 1f 1: LE 15 2c 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 2094 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERMINING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF PER DIEM WAGE AND THE GENERAL PREVAIL- ING RATE FOR LEGAL HOLIDAY AND OVERTIME WORK CANNON ROAD IPJPROVEMENT DISTRICT 1-1970 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad resolves as follows: 1. The City Council has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vacation and similar purposes, in the local- ity in which the work is to be performed under these proceedings and the City Council has ascertained the general prevailing wage for legal holiday and overtime work. 2. Such rates of wages are set forth in Exhibit A attached and made a part of this resolution. Such prevailing rates shall be specified in the call for bids for the contract and in the contract itself. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a special meeting held September 29 , 1972, by the following vote: AYES: Cmn. McComas, Lewis, Frazee and Chase NOES : None /I ABSENT : Cmn. Dunne. .. 'C . SECTION 5. ' SECTION 5-2. FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGES ' 5-2.01 The U. S. Department of Labor has issued Decision No. AM-2526 Minimum Waqes.--Attention is directed to Section 6, , Federal Requirements, of ,these special provisions. dated 9-3-71 8 constituting predetermination of the basic hourly wage rates and fringe benefit payments, prevailing in the immediate locality, for the labor classifications listed below: 7-UL-s Cd. H-rrt, a.t., 9.77 7.20 6.90 6.35 5.56 6.51 6.64 6.76 6.76 6.52 6.645 6.77 7.25 6.75 9.05 6.45 7.5: 7C? R 5O"ZJR 6.19 7.96 7.89 8.03 615u 6.92 6.41 6.74 8.75 9-05 6.46 5.69 6.93 7.43 I_ 7.68 8.33 4.86 4.38 7.50 6.70 8.30 5.25 8.30 6.70 6.46 6.46 5.69 0.55 .1-2-3-Q (1-2) I_ urn .4c 030 .30 .37 .30 .5b .56, .56 -56 .45 .45 .45 .55 .20 .20 I_ lC!, .A85 .1S .43 .43 .a 10% .3* .20 .25 .20 .to .20 .20 .39 .39 .39 .39 .20 .20 .25 107. .19 .39 .40 -25 . 20 .to 920 .40 . - Lr.,.". -- .35 .70 .70 .LO .35 .65. .tS .65 -65 .43 .43 .4: e65 17A.23 176.23 1% ,m .20 . .20 -625 .425 .425 162 .75 . 15 1-A.23 lXL23 lfA.23 .45 .45 .39 .39 .39 r39 .20 '.ZO .30 .25 161 -40 -30 .40 .65 .45 .45 t...,,- - .45 .45 .35 I .35 .45 .45 .45 .45 .55 35 .55 -50 ILba 27.6. b. -50 30 .SO 132 -50 -60 .bO -60 e60 .60 60 C C e25 13% .85 .3s -60 -60 .(a EXH I B IT ''A" "."I, A,.. To. ,022 .02 .02 'io1 P -- __- .015 .OL5 .G:5 .C15 .005 ,005 .@OS 04 .02 .oz .02 1Z -03 e03 -03 -03 -03 1Z .os .os *.f , . .. ?AID I(OttDAYSI r0m:xz:: 9. t e. thployer contrlbuter $.17 per hour Lo )lol.ida for one year's rcwlcc, $.ZO per hodr aftcr $.A0 per hour afrcr fire year8 but 1e.s Uun tan yoax.' renlce. . EXH IB IT "A" ,. FWS GUDW 01 HIGUJAYS. STIIERS I AmPCRTS PAVIHI (seer I dralnrce llr#s)-Ldacapo Cradcner I LAWHER (p.cktin& md ntsol & p.nn)-Tmk Sulor &' CAI~~N IZ~LLIX'S "PCI (iniluding 8.11owrrs)- VI13LxJ CLC!lEi-Zhuck tender (except tunnsls)Saptic Hutaery ran, Cleaner Dorlnc Wchim Helper Tank DiCRer k Insbller (leadnun) CrsSpDoL DIWJLS I 11STALm COECH XE IX &R -1-p rr Ious Keenbra ne -Rl pra p Stona - prvcr-S;rndtlaster (pot tenders)-bkinp I bulkin< ::sn-t!!tdlic pips Joints, T-n, .%f" men, Potmen . .. vlbratinr: mchhine I sinilar nechanial tools not sepcrately classified herein; Concrete Saw (ex- Cludine tractor t'ypc, Hotorcrsper; shipping harmer, concrete core cutter k form blower)- Asphalt b%r, Ironer, Sprcadcr-Rutmobile- Cerent DzFr (1 yd. or lercer mkcrs I badlirq bulk ecr.cnt)&as I Dil Pipeline i'ranper. Pot Sender G Porn Y.n-'rrce climber (ucnanicir tooisj ---. PUNHATIC I -IC TOOLS, Concrete Pump, , s5.a 5.17 5.19 5.25 5.28 5-31 5.35 I -. k. - .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .IS .35 r3S .35 .35 .3J .35 .33 .?as 1 .3s .35. .3S .35 .3S * .35 .35 .35 'I. .35 .35 .3J .35 . 35 .AS .35 .35 .36 .3J I EXH I E: I T "A" . _.- : - . .. .l* I. OI SWT uin PAISE XINER 5.015 BWTtRERS; Drlllcrst Cherry - Pickerren( Kcqwr 6 oLhcr PncunuCtC Concrrcc Nacrr Op5. ; ?.incrs. in short dry rvnticls un2c-r screccs, hip.hwAYS 6 air,. pkrccs; ).'.rncrs, tunncl (hand or machine) Powdrmcn; Primer House; Tirbcmrn; Rerirbcrmen (wod or sroei)I SKccl Form RJiSCrS b SCtt*r& . 4.165 GROLT CUWEN 4.115 CliL'ChTEhDtH; Cablc Tender; Hippert Steal Tom Raiser 4 SeCter'r Ilclpari Vibrator Man; Jackbmner; Pneumrtie Tools (excepc drliicr) 4.615 .25 .21 .I5 -25 4.515 .25 rwchinc (water vclls); Equipnenr grrascr (mouilc L grcare rack): Ford Fcrgmon or siallar type (vl drap type aKtachwnc,); Forklifc (under '5 ion cepaclryl: Ilyr'ra-hnmer-Aero rtoni.rr; Ilydroer rphta. scsdrr nichlnc (strav, punp or rcrd); Inrt~ucmt- ran; H.*chlw toul; t:a;;lnnls internal Cull slab vIbr8lor; rlrchanlcal Berm, curb or guttcc (con- crete or arphJ1t)j tlcchanlcal finisher (concrete. C~8ry-Johnson-LIidwtlt or rimilar); Pauc-.ent brcakcr (truck mounted); Road oil mixInR machlns: rc1; 11,11< - ",- .- e25 .25 .2s .25 .25 .35 .35 .35 - rll - m - NMJU LAROhW' ' e 25 e 25 .25 .25 .25 .3s .35 .35 :2i co. n BULL WC; Concrete Crew (inclr. rodders . ' 6 sprcaders); Dqcen; trouc Crew: tluckers (laborers) In short dry runnels unZcr strects, hlahvayr 6 rim. places: Track"; Swaver (brakeman L rdcchn or cunncl work) . GLXITE WORKW: Horxlcnan and Rod" .. 15.56 1.25 CRWP 1 Brakeman; Caprearm Enffinccr ollcr; Crncrator; L_ ibay duly rtpaitmw helper; Punpi SfenalrPJni Switchnu, 02 02 02 02 CRWP 11 Concrete mixer, akip type; Conveyor: Fircarin; Can rrilior. Dump or compreswr. 2-5 inclusive. 1Ivdro.J \ 1 .41 stattc pLrzp1 Piant bp., &erator, punp or- sot; Skiploadcr - Phrcl type up to 314 yd. wlo mttachmcnt*; Solls field tcchnlcirnr; Tar pot fircwn: Temporary heating plant; Trenching IU- chlna otlcr; Well poInc pump . GPOllP TI1 -(inside); Ford Ferguron - u/drag; Helic ter radlomn (ground)$ bilcr-crusher (asphalt or concreto plant); Povcr concrete curing mochtne 0p.1 Povcr concrcte sau; Power-driven Jumbo form setter; Scatlonary pipe wrapping L cleaning m- cfitnc; Truck crane otler 15 .eo t .80 . b0 -30 ChP IV - Asphalt plant fircmn; Boring nuchine; Chip spread in$ machine; Concrete pump; Concrc'.c pu*.p (truck mounicd); Dlnky loconotlve or notowran (10 ton); Hellcepter hoist; HcliCCpKcr radio,mm; Hlnhlinc cableway rlpnolman; Pourr succprr: Screed; Rod- man 6 chainman# Trenching m>chlne (up eo 6') CnWP v A-lrmc ulnch truck; Asplult plant or concrete EXH I B I T "A" ?C'Zll ~CU1P!EW mMTCRS (CO!?T@DL *I 2. VT - Asphalt or concrata ptanr enaineerj Asphalt or con.. Crete rprradini (Campins or finlshln8)i ABphalt paving mchlne (aarber Crcsna or rirsilar CypC)I Belt spllccr or vulcanlrcri BHL Liru road pactor, Uagner Pacroc or slmllar; Drldge crane; Bridge Cypc unlobdcr 4 turntable; CJSt-fn-p&aCe pipe laylrg rachme; Cablnaclorr nlxcr b comprcrsor (&ur,ita uork)g Concreta aIxrr-paving; Craris (up eo 6 incl. 25 Con cap - long boon pay applicable) Crurhlng plant: Deck engine Drill doctor; Elav- atlng &rader$ iorkllft (over 5 tons)r Crada\t: Crada checker1 Grouting mchlnel Heading rhirld: Reavy duty repairtun; Hoirt (single drum-buck hoist- Chicago bo- 6 DitPihr type); Holsc (2 or 3 dru?), Eolmun belt loader b sfmilar type; IS- TOUKTWDU blob con?acror cr sIc.11aC type; Lift mobile; Llfr slab urchfna (Vrgtborg b SinihC types)! Yarerial holBt (I drum); Xuckfng machins (t)d -rublcr-ttred, rail or crack type)! Pile driver! Pneu-urfc concrete placing -chine (Rscklcy-Precs~ett or similar type)! Pneunutfc headin$ shtc\d (Tunnel); Purpcrcte gun; Rotary drlll (excl. CJI~~OII type)$ Rubber-tired earch moving rquipaent (single cngtne-Crtcrpiller, Euclld. Atliey uagon. Water Poll@ 6 similar types vfth any 6 a11 atcacbr&ncs up to 50 CU. yds. atruck); Rubbrr-tfrrd acrnper (self-loading paddlci heel typeJohn Deer., 1050 b slnilsir single unit' Sklploader (wheel or crack type, over 1% yds up 10 6 Incl. 65 yds); Surface hratars 6 plancri Tractor Co'xpretsor dclll combioatfon: Tractor (Bull dorcr, Tinpar, Seraper 6 Push Tmctor, alnglc cnclx); Trcnchint machine (over 6' ,depth cap., mnufacturera ratlnc); Tunnel locawtlve * (10 to 33 tons); UnIv?rral cqufpacnC (Shovel, 8wA%ac, Drqljne, Cluthtll, up 50 6 inel. L CU. yd. ILiC) (1or.g bo= pay applicable) (La-: k::= +j eppiicaoicj: Derrick barge; ha1 1 , dnn alxct; Holst (2 or 3 drua u/booa attrchnent) ltoLrC (Stiff lep, Cuy Derricks oc sLmllar type a? to 1CO ton cop-Oller or long booa PAY applice ble): Loader (Athcy, EucliC, Sierra or sfoilalr type): Panorall locwotive (Dleiel, gar oc alee- trlc)! Hator patrol - Blade; Kultfple engine tractor (Euclid 6 sinilsr type. excqt Quad 9 cec)i Parry chief; Xubbcr-tired earth moving equipment (Huitiple engine. Euclid, Cate- pillar & rinllar type up to 50 cu. yds. struck); fr8stor (boom attachments -over 40' boom) ; Tracc or loader (Cravlcr & wheel type over 65 yd6); twcr crane (2 ops. required); Tovcr crane repa can; Universal equipment (Shovel, Backhoe, Drag line, Clamrhcll, over 1 CU. yd. KQC); Welder (heavy duty repalram) combination; Wood mtxer L 7.11 CRWP VI1 Crma (over 25 tons up re 6 fncl. 100 ton kRC) etaer slnilar Pugmtll equfpnent 17.2 I CRO'JP VITI Auto grader! Automatic sllo form Crane-over 100 conr-(long-boom pay app1i;able); Hoist (Stfff lrga, Guy Derricks or similar types, capable of hoisting over 100 tons-long bocn pay appllcablc); Has. excavator (less chin 759 CU. ydi); xeclranica flnfrhfng cachinn: Habile form traveler; llotor patrol (nJltL-fnpinc); Pipc nobile n;rchfnc$ lubbe circd cw:h roving equfpncnt (Xulttp-1 enxine, ' Euclid. Ca:erptllot and simllnr typo ovcr $0 cy. atruck)$ lubber-tlrcd rcraprr (pubhlng one anatha , W/O Push Crt, Push-Pull - $.'A F/h additional t4 bare rata): Rubber-tlrrd self-loodisg scrnper (Paddle uhrel-Augcr Lypd mlf-loadinn, 2 or mora units): Tandcu equlprrcnc (2 unlti only)! Tandem tractor (Quad 9 or similar type) (Art. XV-V.10.): L Tunnel wla burinfi mchlne 7.3 CRWP Tx Canal linrr oy.; Canal trimer op.; Xelfcopzer pilot; tllghltna cableva).! Rcnote concrolled earth lwlnc equipmenr ($1.00 plh addlriorul fo bar. ratr)~ Uhe.1 exe.*atot op. (over 750 cy) , 7.71 P .oz ,oz ,02 . EXH I B IT "A" , .. ,. "f .. i .. i '. i - BAS1 {OCRI RA? E - b .91 5.17 5-50 5.33 5.36 5.38 5.U 5.t6 SA8 5.5k 5.60 5.63 5.3 5.73 1 i.75 ;q76 :. 835 82 5.86 5.88 5.95 6.03 6.6 - Ubi - .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .IS .55 .§? .55 .55 .55 .SS RIKGE BENEFITS PAYMENTS - - IPP. n - .. t I .I '. i .. ,, :. .55 6s I55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 i .! , EXHlBlT ''A" . .. .. .- . *' -. .. .. . -. - .. .. - .' . -* . -. -. .. .. ,. .... ,' ..... .. ~. _. .. .. . .' . .... ... . -.. . .. ... ... .. -. . i- . . ... -_ - .. -.. .... . .-. - .-_ . ...... .. .. : ' . ~ .- ..... :.,. ., + #. .. B .....