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1973-01-16; City Council; Resolution 3057
*’ * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3057 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2050 ADOPTING SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR 1972-73 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad did on July 18, 1972 adopt a salary plan for the City of Carlsbad for 1972-73, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2050 dated July 18, 1972, is amended by deletion and addition of salary ranges, as set forth on Exhibit “A”attached and incor- porated herein. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held January 16, 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis and Frazee. NOES : Councilman Chase. ABSENT 14 0 ne. ATTEST: (SEAL) I.XlIIIIIT "A" l7CSOLWIOCl t.3. 1 I. , a CLASS IF I CAT I [>?I Accountant Accountin9 Sulwrvisor 1 Adri in i s t ra ti ve ;Is..; is t.3 n t Administrative Intern Assistant City Cngincer hssistant City I.ibrL?riin Assistant Planner Assistant to the City >lanager Associate Planner Audio-visual Librarian Assistant City !lanagcr 1 Building Inspector City Attorney City Clerk City Councilm n City Librarian City Manager City Treasurer Civil Engineering Assistant Civil Engineering Associate Clerk Stenographer Clerk Typist Communications Operator Community Service Of Eicer Community Service Off. Coord'tor Construction Inspec tor Construction Maintenanceman Custodian Deputy City Clerk Director of Building and Housing Director of Planning Director VI' PULlic WorksL Engineering Aide Equipment Maint?nance Foreman FnuiDment Mechanic Equipment Mechanic Helper Finance Director Fire Battalion Chief Fire Captain Fire Chief Fire Engineer Fireman Garage Attendant Heavy Equipment Operator Kousing Assistance Officer' Housing Assistance Secretary6 Intermediate Account Clerk Junior Planner- Library Assistant Library Clerk License Supervisor City Engineer 4 .. Mai ntenanceman Notor Sweeper Operator Park Caretaker Park Foreman Park Landscape Technician1 Park Maintenance Leadman Parks and Recreation Director Planning Technician Pol j cc CJptain Policc Chief POI ice I>ieutenant 1 ~olice 0fficcr3 Po 1 i ce S cr qca n t pol icewonan1 SALARY IL\NCX 32 36 28 43 33 33 46 42 27 34 XA xc xcc 44' XCM XT 36 42 14 12 17 24 44 ' 36 16 35 19 46 53 24 34 29 18 47 44 40 50 36 32 13 26 15 29 23 13 34 18 23 18 32 23 6 25 42 25 44 52 33 37 CLASSIFICATIOS . SALARY RA?.!C.: Principcil civil hqineer 51 Proi>L>i ty %iintc:idnce Supt. 35 P.t!. Director-City Cqyinecr 56 1 PrOJtY't .\SS1Sta!lt4 Public Works Foreman 25 Public Works LaJJman P. ti. Satri ta tion Ipspec tor 26 Que Sera Coordinator4 Que Sera Clerk4 Recreation Leader I Recreation Lezder I1 Recreation Leader 111 Recreation Superindendentl Recreation Supervisor Reference Librarian Secretary Secretary to the City Xanager Secretary to the Mayor (XC) Senior Account Clerk Senior Building Inspector Senior Clerk Stenographer Senior Communications Opr. Senior Engineering Ride Senior Librarian Senior Library Assistant Senior Library Clerk Senior filaintenanceman Senior Water Serviceman Serra Regional Coordinator4 Street Superintendent Switchboard Opr. Re eptionist Eys ta6s Cwruinator I 33 13 3 10 20 31 23 19 21 31 20 40 16 19 28 27 23 18 22 22 % 12 40 Tree Trimmer Leadman 23 Water Leadman 24 Water Maintenance Foreman .33 Water Pump Foreman 34 Water Pump Operator 26 Water Serviceman 18 Water Superintendent . 39 employee positioned 7/1/72 'See Public Works Direc tor-City Engineer 3Two (2) additional Range (5%0 when assigned as Detective lSERRA (library) SYSTEM 5Police CCCJ Grant 'HUD January 1973 DEPARTMENT NEW DEPARTMENT, EMPLOYEE PRESENT 1972-73 COST FOR NEW 1972-73 SALARY 21;; INCIKASE RANGE SALARY BY NANE & TITLE ~PJL----- borf, Faye - Sec. to C/Mgr. C/Att.. 20 4,194 86 21 4,280 101 CITY MANAiEK TOTAL 86 __ Envmzen - Switchboard. Recep. 11 5,940 78 12 6,018 102CITY CLERK Gardiner, Nora - Uep. City Clerk 18 8,256 102 19 8,358 Snrith, Virginia - Dep. City Clerk 18 7,872 96 19 7,968 __ PEP Erriployee(s) TOTAL 73 34- 14 7,480 96 15 7,576 104 GEN. GOVT. (P.W.) Purcell, Jarlies - Custodian PEP Eiirployee(s) 108 TOTAL 360 -- 106 FINANCE Cratty, Patricia - Inter. Acct. Clerk Failina. Mariorie - Sr. Acct. Clerk -__ McClaii; Donna - Sr. Acct. Clerk Nordberg, Sallie - Clerk (Cashier) Nordby, Sandra - Inter Acct. Clerk Wood, Lucille - Clerk Typist TOTAL 108 PLANNING Clark, Harold - Technician Estel, Liz - Secretary Klingman, Doris - Sr. Clerk Steno. Lucky, Sandra - Junior Meyer, David - Assistant Zander. Michael - Assistant 14 6.765 19 8,229 19 8,460 11+13 6,249 13+14 6,530 11 3,216 23+24 14+18 15 18+28 32 32 9,539 7,074 4,235 8,420 6;915 6,804 84 15 6,849 106 20 8,335 108 20 8,568 78 14 6,327 84 15 6,614 72 12 3,288 532 114 84 78 25 19 16 29 33 33 9,653 7.158 4,313 8,528 7,053 6,936 110 ENGINEERING Allen, William - C. Engr. Assistant Carson, Maryanne - Secretary McNiel, Ray - Sr. Engr. Aide Morrison, Rbssell - Construction Engr. Sprehe, Leo - C. Engr. Assistant Smertelny, EdvJard - Const. Inspector *Wolcott, Diane - Sr. Clerk Steno. Engr. Aide C. E. Assistant C. E. Assistant PEP Enployee(s) TOTAL 35 18 27 35 35 35 15 23 35 35 10,542 7,053 10,284 11,904 12.5il4 6,615 545 3,840 5,142 5,142 132 84 126 150 156 138 96 126 126 78 1,212 36 10,674 19 7,137 28 10,410 36 12,054 36 12,660 36 6,753 16 24 3,936 36 5,286 36 5,286 111 PURCHASING PEP Employee(s) 78 TOTAL 78 112 PERSONNEL Schuldt, Virginia - Secretary 18 8,064 102 19 8,166 TOTAL 102 113 STREETS Brandt, Charles - Maintenanceman 17 7,872 96 18 7,923 Cunningham, Earl - Maintenanceman 17 8,064 96 18 8,160 Flores, Mauro - P.W. Leadinan 24 9,564 114 25 9,678 Greagrey, Clifton - Heavy Equip. Opr. 24+25 9,706 126 26 9,832 Kirker. Peter - Maintenanceman 17 8,064 96 18 8,160 Mitchell, Charles - Maintenanceman 17 8,064 96 18 8,160 Romero, Alonzo - Sr. Maintenanceman 21 8,892 108 22 9,000 *Drip, Dennis - Maintenanceman 16+17 4,640 90 18 4,730 TOTAL 82 2 114 PARKS Baird, Jim - Caretaker 17 Burgess, James - Caretaker 17 Folz, Mark - Caretaker 17 Kruger, Forrest - Foreman 31 Lobo, Robert - Tree Trim. Leadman 22 Nilsen, Raymond - Irr. Leadrnan 22 Rodriguez, Reginald - Caretaker 17 Scaparo, Peter - Pk. Maintenance Leadman 24 Terry, Kermit - Caretaker 17 11 Caretaker Caretaker -- PEP Emp 1 oyee (s ) Palriquist, Mary Jane - Clerk Typist TOTK 6,989 7,401 4,478 11,340 8.928 8,676 6,356 9.100 8.064 4,834 3,318 3,318 90 93 82 138 114 108 88 114 96 78 - 78 78 114 1,271 18 7,079 18 7,494 18 4.560 32 11,478 23 9,042 23 8,784 18 6,444 25 9,222 8,160 18 12 4,912 3,396 * . 3,396 .. NEW NEW 1972-73 DEPARTMENT PRESENT 1972-73 COST FOll RANGE SALARY __ 2',% INCREASE ___ RANGE __ SALARY 0 DEPARTMENT, EMPLOYEE BY NAME & TITLE ----- b >ANIIHIIUN t?GF,JGViT- P.W. Inspector 25 9,792 126 26 9,918 Franco, Joe - Motor Sweeper Opr. 22 9,108 114 23 9,222 Lopez, Raymond - Mai ntenanceiiian 17 5,914 86 18 6,000 Rush, Richard - Maintenanceiiian 17 I_ 7.308 90 18 7,398 for7 118 Gre, I SUI LUING en, Ray - Sr. Inspector 39 13,788 168 40 13,956 Mata, Anthony - Inspector 33 11,904 150 34 12,054 Nelson, John - Inspector 33 7,871 138 34 8,009 O'Kelly, Patricia - Secretary 18 7,053 84 19 7,137 Plude, Ernile - Inspector 33 11,481 144 34 11,625 TOTAL fiRA 119 POLICE Harris, Christine - Comm. Opr. Kiser, Shirley - Convir. Opr. Loden, Gayle - Corm. Opr. Moore, Mildred - Sr. Coinmi. Opr. Tarvin, Shiela - Conim. Opr. Venable, Dorothy - Cotrun. Opr. Vermilyea, Natalie - Sec. to Chief Brown, Mary Jane - Clerk Typist Bertics, John - Sergeant Childers, Paul - Officer Collins, Howard - Sergeant *Casteneda, Richard - Officer Griffith, William - Officer Hale, Orvil - Officer Hargett, Robin - Officer Hasenaur, Joseph - Officer Hawks, James - Officer Huntington, William - Officer Kellogg, Gene - Detective Macleod, John - Officer Needels, Richard - Officer *Ready, William - Officer Ruiz, tlenigno - Sergeant Stachoviak, James - Detective Storm, Larry - Officer Suttle, George - Officer Telebar, Paul - Officer Trujillo, Ramon - Officer Urbanski, Edward - Sergeant Walton, Harry - Sergeant Wishart, Bruce - Officer 2 PEP Employees 11+16 16+ (3) 16 18+(2) 16 16 19+(4) 11 36 32 36+ (2) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32+ (2) 32 32 32 36 32+( 3) 32+(1) 32+(1) 32 32 36 36t (3) 32 6,409 8,460 7,872 8,676 849 7,227 9,336 3,100 12,816 6,854 13,452 6,737 11,616 7.463 11;020 6,854 8,130 8,228 12,816 10,290 11,616 6,778 8,811 13,128 11,295 11,340 11,020 6 -854 12 1816 .13,78a 11,616 84 402 96 318 (LOA) . 90. 552 72 156 116 122 144 132 144 116 118 144 444 132 144 124 156 624 276 276 138 486 ii6 156 654 144 17 6,493 17 8,862 17 7.968 19 8,994 17 7,317 20 9,888 12 3,172 37 12,972 33 6,970 37 13,938 33 6 -859 33 11 ;760 33 7,595 33 11,164 33 6,970 33 8 I 248 33 8,372 33 13,260 33 10,422 33 11,760 33 6,902 37 C ,967 33 13,752 33 11,571 33 11,616 33 11,158 33 6,970 37 12,972 37 14,442 33 11,760 5- 232 TOTAL 6,908 120 FIRE BarnhiT1, Donald - Fireman Bennett, Darrell - Engineer Bond, Ernest - Engineer Crane, George - Captain Eads, Michael - Fireman Guest, Carrol - Fireman Harrold, Dean - Fireman Hill, William - Engineer Krepps , Uonald - Fi renian Smith, Richard - Captain Vas, Allen - Fireman Vlach, Dennis - Fireman Walton, Richard - Engineer West, George - Fireman Almand, Lloyd - Engineer Castro, Ricardo - Fireman Edwards, Jerry - Captain Garcia, John E. - Captain Klingman, Harold - Fireman Osburn, Cody - Fireman Smith, Michael - Fireman Thomas, Bernard - Engineer - 2 PEP Employees TOTAL 31 10,038 126 32 10 -164 35 11,901 31t35 11.71f 31 6,689 118 32 6;807 31 11,340 138 32 11,478 31 10,080 136 32 10.216 35 12,504 156 36 12,660 31 10,038 126 32 10,164 35+39 12,920 162 40 13,082 31 6,300 118 32 6,418 31 6,300 118 32 6,418 31+35 11,716 150 36 11,866 31 10,800 132 32 10,932 31+35 11,160 138 36 11,298 31 6,856 126 32 6.982 39 13,788 168 40 13,956 39 13,788 168 40 13,956 31 7,560 138 32 7,698 31 11,340 138 32 11,478 31 7,560 138 32 7,698 35 8,336 156 36 8,492 252 3,370 39 . 9,192 - 122 LIBRARY mmack, Julie - Assistant C. Libr. 32 11,616 138 33 11,754 Banks, Ruth - Audio Vis. Libr. 26 9,108 114 27 9,222 Formosa, Kathryn - Library Clerk 8+12 6,468 84 13 6,552 Hoder. Bobbie - Sr.Clerk Ateno. 15 7,680 96 16 7,776 Maerkel. Betty - Sr. Library Clerk 17 7,494 96 1s 7,590 Miesse, Margaret - Sr. Libr. Assistant 22+26 9,108 114 27 9,222 Spangler, Geraldine - Libr. Assistant 22 8,466 108 23 8,574 Narcz, Frank - Custodian 14 7,488 96 15 7,584 PEP Em loyee(s) 210 mAi9 lTOT6 DEPARTMENT NEW DEPARTMENT, EMPLOYEE PRESENT 1972-73 COST FOR NEW 1972-73 BY NAME AND TITLE RANGE SALARY 2L,% INCREASE RANGE SALARY Anson, Charles - Sr. Engr. Aide 27 8,929 109 28 9,038 Backus, Chester - Water Pump Foreman 33 10,456 130 34 10,586 Blosch, Daniel - Serviceman 17 8,064 96 18 8,160 Buck, Clarence - Water Pump Operator 17+25 7,972 96 26 8,068 Clark, Melba - Sr. Clerk Steno 15 6,960 90 16 7,050 McIntosh, Edward - Heavy Equip. Opr. 25 9,792 126 26 9.918 Partain, Paul - Water Maint. Foreman 32 10,580 133 33 10,713 Ramos, Carlos - Leadman 23 9,336 114 24 9,450 Russell, Charles - Serviceman 17 8,064 96 18 8,160 Sanchez, Henry - Serviceman 17 8,064 96 18 8,160 Guevara, Louis - Sr. Water Serviceman 21 8,892 108 22 9,000 AL 1,194 123 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE Bertelsen, James - Foreman 33 10,413 129 34 10,542 Focht, Emmet - Mechanic , 18+28 8,821 113 29 8,934 Smith, Whitney - Mechanic 28 9,564 114 29 9,678 *Sawyer, Rodney - Garage Attendant 12 4,112 72 13 4,184 TOTAL 428 GRANT FUNUS (INCREASE COST ADDED TO DEPARTMENT TOTAL) Boone, Roberta - Library 8,501 108 Chawla, Gloria - Library 7;740 102 Clavier, Rachael 3,363 73 Donnelly, Michael - Police 6,456 116 Eggleston, Richard - Gen. Govt. 8,604 108 Fletcher, Ruth - Purchasing 5,534 78 Gommel, Joel - Fire 9,792 126 Hawks, Thomas - Fire 9,792 126 Johnson, Larry 6,456 116 King, James - Planning 9,146 114 Sonnhalter, John - Recreation 9,564 114 Wolcott, Diane - Engineering 4,664 78 Sawyer, Rodney - Equip. Maint. 2,006 Dripps, Dennis - Streets 2,183 Ready, Williant - Police 3,348 Casteneda, Richard - Police 3 , 348 K1 ingman, 2,141