HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-04; City Council; Resolution 35841 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 1c 11 12 1: 0 2: 2: 2: 24 2! 21 2' 21 2( RESOLUTION NO. 3584 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE CITIZENS AND PRO- FESSIONALS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is required by Government Code 5 65302.1 to prepare and adopt a Public Safety Element of the General Plan; and WHEREAS, the purpose of establishing a citizens and professionals advisory committee is to obtain maximum citizen participation in the formulation of the Public Safety Element: anc WHEREAS, citizen, professional and agency consultation and advice is necessary to insure maximum coordination; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: SECTION 1: In accordance with the provisions of S 65304 of the Government Code, the Citizens and Professionals Advisory Committee on Public Safety Element of the General Plan is hereby established. SECTION 2: This Committee shall be an advisory committee consisting of members having a special interest and/or qualifica- tions in public safety or related matters. SECTION 3: This Committee shall be responsible for the following: (a) Identifying potential and existing in the community. (b) Determining the possible effects o on the community. safety hazards these hazards up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 9- (c) Identifying means of reducing hazards. (d) Recommending levels of acceptable risk. (e) Recommending safety programs and policies. SECTION 4: The Committee shall be composed of nine members appointed by the Mayor with the consent and approval of the City Council. SECTION 5: The Committee shall serve until the recom- mended Public Safety Element is adopted by the Planning Commission whereupon the Committee will be dissolved. The Committee shall select a chairman from among its members. SECTION 6: Meetings of the Committee shall be governed by rules as adopted by the Committee. SECTION 7: .The Committee shall meet as frequently as required to complete the tasks assigned it at the call of the chairman. SECTION 8: Primary staff support shall be provided by the Planning Director with other staff support being provided by the other departments as the Committee may desire. SECTION 9: Members shall serve without compensation but will be reimbursed for personal expenses incurred in the per- formance of duties determined to be official in nature by the City Manager. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 4th ... ... 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1: 0 2c 21 2: 2; 2L 2: 2( 2: 2t rl)C day of February , 1975 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis and Skotnicki NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST : (SEAL) 3. .- ,THIS AG-EE,EYT is e~tered into by and ktween the County of San Diego, hereinafter referred! to as "County", and the City of hereinafter referred to asmursuant to authority granted in Article I (coxmeacing with Section 6500) of C3apter 5, Diyiision 7, Title 1 of. the Govern-nent Code relatir,g to Joint Powers Agreements. r TWELR3ASy City is desirous of obtaining a current accurate ce-n_s'-Is (enu!!eration of population) within its boundaries; and FEEF.EAS, County is Cesirous o? obtainiag-a carrent accrxrate census' of both the incorporated an3 unincorgorated portions of the Couzky of San Dieyo; arid WWEPJIAS, the census nay 52 usedy inter alia, for the pixpose of dzteri?.iciq an-litkz~nt to cat2i.n 92s tax revenues uder Revenlle znci Tzxation Code Szction 11001 e%. sq.; and I?HE?XAS, pursuznt to 2,,ever?ue and Taxation Code Section lIGG5.6, said census n3y bs used for the purpose of deternining entitlezent to gas tzx revenues only if it is cor,ducted uzlc3er the supergisiolz of the c Population 3ssearch Unit of the State Ds~:rLxent or Finance (hereinafter referred to as "Population Research Unit") ; and costs to City and Coznty associated with ths provision of supplies and with the administration 05 p9rsonnel re- quired to conduct the census WOUE be reduced if County were to purchase all supplies and fnandle al'l ahinistration of personnel for a County-wide census and were to be reimbursed by City for the prcportionate share of that cost allocatable to City; and WIIEIEAS, City and County racoqrize that the Eotal --, WHEREAS, on Decerrber 10, 197.1 the 20ar2 of Supervisors . GCMG: gvb of County, pursuant to Government Code Section 26203, adoptcd Ordilzancc KO. 4427 (Sew Series) authorizing Com-ty to take a census of the County of Sdn bicgo in the ysar 1375 l-ihic3 ccnscs shall bc vLilic':acc5 by c?i.c Popula.:lc:i Research Unit; and Iiev . l/i 7/7 5 0 I , thc CFt.i7 !:o!.:ncil of City, prsuafit to Gavcrzrsx1.k CZI?.~ Sections 40T'?;! Z~C? 40201, 2292ted _pesolztioil X?7o. 2ec!.aring its intent503 to. cause a census to be taken of tke City of shall be validated by the %plation Eksearch Unit; and WXE?SAS, City is desirous of having County conduct, under suTarvlsion of the PopulaYion Research Unit,' a census w5thin the boyndaries of City, and County is desirous of perfo-ming this service, subject to City's agreemat to reimburse County for the cost 02 same as determind below; Ei)W TiIEEEFORE . -- ---_I_ h-i-=?XAs , on Carlsbad in the year 1975, vhich ce2si-i~ r IT hS IRJTUALLY AGREED by and between the parties heretor 'ir?ar? the fol1o:Ting terns, covenants and con- ditions, zs follows: Section 1. SC0'25 OF SEWICES A. County agrees to: (1) Provide ell services zsscxizkd with the negotiation of a coritract with the r3epa.rkn,ent ' of Finance of the State of California for the purpose of conductizg a 1975 census (enmezation of Fopulaticn) of the incorporated am3 uzin- corporated areas 'of the County under- the supervision or' Population Iiesearch Upit. 112) Provide all services associated with personnel aiiiiinistration an2 fhcal support . _related to the conducting of the census, speci€ically the recruitment, hirizg, training, @onpensation, supervision, and termimtion of all census personnel required to conduct the census, I3) Contract for the services of, or employ, the following classifications of personnel zequired to conduct the ce~sus: (a) Supervisors (b) Crew Leaders (c) Enumerators C4) Provide all services associated with acquisition of the followigg itas as necessary 20 properly conduct the cer-six.: (a) (hl Office and census supplies (c) Telephones and other utilities Tapordry office spacc &d furniture -2- aTreerients, contrzct~, ~1xctl2se srC?'zrs, and leases to obtairi si-:Z sczvFcn,s. (5) Provide all services associ3ted with thz purchase, printing, storaye and distriSution of any and all su2plies and Corms necessary for the proper conduct of thc census, except as indicated in Section 1.3. below. (6) Arrange for publicity of the census, said publicity to include television, radio and newspaper coverage. (7) Conduct the census, under supsrvision of the PopulatSon Xiesearch Unit, within the boundaries of City, said! census to begin or? or about March 1, 1975 and end on or about April 30, 1975. .. (8) Provide data processing support associated with transferring data on the porto-punch carcis used to take the census to a magnetic tape and to transxnit that inagnetic tape to the Population Research Unit, (9) Provide, upon corr2Letion of the census and as authorized 5y the State Cepartm-ctnt of Finance, a tape an6 a ?rint out of census information relating to City. B. City agrees to provide census tract maps for all territory locattc7, within its boundaxies. Section 2. OTER CENSUSZS, EXU3iER3TIONSI OR POPULATIGN ESTIXATES County's responsiibility and liability for the conduct of a census within City's boundaries shall be limited to that census of incorporated and unincorporated territory of the Courky contracted for between County and the State Departnent of Finance which is referred to in Section 1.2,. (1) of this Agreement.- County shall have no re'sponsibility or liability for the conduct o:, or payment for, any censuses, enumerations or population estimates which City may contract for with the State Departmeat of Finance, or any other census taking or assisting agency. Section 3, CONSIDER\TIOX FOR SEXVICES A. City agrees to pay County on or before Yarch 1, 1975, as papent for servkc?s to b?:: rendered the amount s? $a.,2.o0 oa-i,. -3 - C. (11 If City offers at no charge to County, and County accegts, office space which is availabfe fron March 1, 1975 thlrouqE April 30, 1975 "or census taking purposes, - the "Value of City-Provided Office Space" [referrcc? to as "L" below) sh-all equaL the Square Foctaqe of City-Provided office Space [referred to as "M" below) multipliec! by the Average Square Footzage Costs of All Office Space Rented by County For 1975 Ce~z'ls Takhg Purposes (rezerred to as "N" below), as in tire f o 1 lowing formula : L=MxN (21 If City offers at no charge to County, and County acceptsc the use of automobile Cs) (not to exceed five) for census taking ?ur?oses, the "Value of Each City-Provicled AutomcSile" a!ld "P- '' below] shall-equal tfie Nlnber or ?!Fles 3' Traveled by That Autsxobile !_reZcrrd to 2s "Q7 , mul'ciplrea by the ?.a.te of Xeinbursenent Pez Mile (referred to as "Zit .$elow) , as in the followixg fcmulas : (referred to as ,. I' "P2, 'lP3 'rp A' I1 "?2: "Q3, 'I "Q4, '* ar?C "05, 'I ~s~oQ?! P2 = 42 x 'R P3 = 43 x R. P4 .p Q4 x R The Rate 05 RsimbursPment Per Mile ("R") shall equal 16 cents/mile for the first' 750 miles ir, any month and 10 cents/mile for every mile there- after in any month, City, at its expense, shall be responsible for all costs incxrred in the us? of each City-Provided Autoztobiie including, but not limited to gasoline, oil, maintenance, repairs and insurance coverage. County's determination of,all amounts and neasure- merits under this Scction 3 shall be final, subject to the Rcr3i.t 'provJisisns of. Section 7. -4- -. I Coun2y shall Trcvide to City, 2s ai~thozizA by th.2 Population Research Unit, a 11.sylat.ion isi’j’u~:p_ obtained as 2, result 05 this census. city 5hail s,dvise the Population Research Unit regarding whether it vFshes this po?ulaiti.cn figure certified to the Controller of the State of Calizornia for purposes of determining entitlement to gas tax revenues unaer Eevenrze an2 Tasation Code Section 11001 et seq. - Section 5 CITY LIAISO3T EMPLOYEE , . City agrees to designate a City Liaison Zmployee to assist in coordination of the census vithin the boundaries of City. This City Liaison Exployee shall be, for all purposes arising out of this Agreement, an employee of City and mt an evployee of County, Section 6. ENVIRONMENTAL CO>JSIDSTSITION County is hezeby designated as the Lead Agency as that term is defined in the “Guidelines for Impleinentation of the Califorriia Environnental Quality Act of 1970” (Ch. ’3 of Division 6 of Title 14 of tho, CaliforRFa Ahirristrative Code, cormencing with Section 15OC)O) , as amen6ed. Before cormencing the rendition of services hereunder, County as Lead Agency, shall tzke all . steps, mzke all studies and perforn all requireaents necessary to comply fully with the Envirornental OualFty Act of 1970 (Division 13 of the Public 3esources Code, corniiencing with Section 210001, as amended, and as nay hereafter he anezlded, Copies 02 all actions, studies, reports, evaluations a~6 other docunents.produced in connectior, with County’s duties pursuant to this section shall be furnished to City, Section 7. AVDIT At any time &.ring normal business hours and as often as the City of San Diego may deem necessary, County shall make available to the City of San Diego for examination all of its records with respect to all xatters covered by this Agreement and will permit the City of San Diego to audit, examine and ‘make excerpts or transcripts of such records, and to perform audit procedures as deemed necessary with respect to all invoices, payrolls, personnel records, equipment, materials, and other data relating to matters covered by this Agreement. City agrees to accept the audit of the City of San Diego as its entitlement to Audit under this Agreement. Section 8 - IXDEMNIFICATION A, City; its agents, officers, and employees, shall not be held liable for any claims,,liabilities, penalties, fines or for damacje to any goods, properties or effects of any person whatsoever, nor for 2ersonal injuries to or death of them, or any of them, caused by or resulting from any neglicjent acts or omissions of County, or its agents, employees, or representatives, not -5- I ixludir,g liability by ,re?scn ~f ;icts or cr1i3sioi:s cau:;e:! 517 Cit;f, iL:; :tr-j:!~ks or shnll no5 be hcld liable fsr ?my clc?.is?.s, 1Fz.:l?i15.!-;?- d-L.2 * pznnlties, Cines or for rjax-taqe to my ~oo?~~ properties or effects of my pcrson tihatr.socver , nor for personal injuries to or death of tkn, or any of them, cailsed by or resulting fro= any negligent acts or amissions of City, or its agents, m~loyees, or representatives, not in- cluding liaSility by reason of acts or cnissions caused by County, its agents or ezployees, --. ar.J Cc)un'cy, iks zTnnL-. - -3, c.:rLc'rs, 3rcl c?.;io;.1._.; E. Coufity further agrees to indemnify, and save free and hamless City zrk? its autk9rized agents, officers and employees aqzinst neglirjent acts or omissions caused by County, its agents or eixployc2s, and ani7 cost ZEZ ex2enses incurred by the respective parties on account of any claim therefor, an2 City- a3rees to indasnify and save free and hamless County and its authorize5 representati7res and exployees dqainst negligent acts or c;nisaions caused by City, its agents or enployezs, ard any cost a32 exlpecsas incurred by the respczive parties on account of any claim therefor. C. It is conternplated by the parties that this indemnity agreexent is not limited in any way by the extent 02 any 23licy of insurance currently in force md heid by eitker party, This documer,t embodies the agreement between Courzty and City for the census taking service described herein and its terns and conditions. No verbal agrsements or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of County prior to the execution of this Agreerr.ent shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations con- tained in any documents comprising this Agreexnt, Any such verbal agreenent shall 52 considered as unofficial information and in no v;ay binzing upon County. Section 10. SEVERABILI?Y OF PROVISIOYS If any provisions of this Agreement are held invalid, the remaindp,r of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder t:oulii then continue to conform to the tems and xequireinents of agplicable law. -6 - Section 12. I?inE?E>TDZ??T COfJT?I'.;CITO_',-CT02 county is, for all'pxrposes arising out 02 this , Agreensnt, an independent contractor a_n,d no employce of County is, for any purpose arising out of t5Fs Agreeiient, an employee of City. This Agreemerzt may be amended at arry time by mutual written agreenent of the parties hereto. The Deputy Director of Planning, Planning Services, of County or his &?.signate6 representative shzll represent County in all matters pertaining to this AqreerreRt 2nd shall adninister this Agreement on behalf of County. IN WiTXESS Ti?Z,P,WOF, this Agrzesent is executed this 4th day of February , L975, CITY-OF, CARLSBAD "ROBERT c. FRAZEE, Bllayor of the City of Carlsbad, Cal i forni a COUNTY OF S2JJ DIEGO .. . BY - 7-