HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-17; City Council; Resolution 38341 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3834 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PROJECT REPORT, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND FINAN- CIAL REPORT AND REVENUE PROGRAM FOR THE PHASE I11 ENLARGEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES WHEREAS, as a member of the Encina Joint Sewerage System, the :ity of Carlsbad previously entered into the Seventh Supplement to 3asic Agreement to provide for (1) Phase I11 enlargement and up- grading of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, (2) ownersh: rights, (3) distribution of buy-in monies, and (4) participation in :he Joint Advisory Committee, (hereinafter the "Agreement") ; and WHEREAS, the Agreement provided for certain engineering services to be provided by Brown and Caldwell, Consulting Engineers such services have been performed, and there has been produced in i competent and professional manner the following (hereinafter :ollectively the "Report") : Project Report .. Environmental Impact Report Financial Plan and Revenue Program, vith respect to the Phase I11 Enlargement and Upgrading of the Zncina Water Pollution Control Facilities; and WHEREAS, copies of said Report have been received by the :ity Council of the City of Carlsbad, and it and the recommendation: zontained therein are acceptable; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad desires that Phase I11 Enlargement and Upgrading of the Encina Water ?ollution Control Facilities should go forward and be completed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ti 11 2( 2: 2: 22 24 2E 26 27 28 City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. The Report and the recommendations contained therein are hereby approved. This City Council approves going forward with the Phase I11 Upgrading and Enlargement of the Encina Water Pollu- tion Control Facilities in accordance with the recommends tions of the Report. 2. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California at a regular meeting held the 17th day of February , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: Councilwoman Casler AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotnicki and NOES: None 0 d4A ROBERT C. FRAZEE, LMyor ittest: :seal) -2- ENCLOSURE #1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PROPOSED TIblETABLE PILASE I I I UPGRADING 6 ENLARGEbIENT I: OR 0 1: ESC1N.A II'PCF - Action Obtain JAC approval of Project Report, EIR, and Financial Plan and Revenue Program. Obtain JAC approval of negotiations with Brown and Caldwell for design, construction, OFrM manual, and special services. Obtain State Coastal Zone Permit. Obtain approval from each agency of Project Report, EIR, and Financial Plan and Revenue Program. Agency review of revised design contract with Engineer . 31 Dec 1.975 31 Dec 1975 19 Jan 1976 Jan 1976 to Early Fcb 1976 Jan 1976 State 17ater Resources Control Board (SNRCB) gives concept approval of proj cct ; defines portion that is eligible; authorizes preparation of final plans and specifications (verbal approval already reached). Feb 1976 SI"U'RC:B approves grant appli cati on and certifies Step 1 (Facilities Plan) and Step 2 (Final Plans and Specifications) grants. (Verbal approval already reached.) EPA and SiVRCB grant offers completed, Vista Sanitation Dis'lrict executes revised contract with design engineer and authorizes proceedings with final design. Local funding needs accomplished by each agency for project through bond elections and other income. Pl'ans and Specifications completed and sent to SWRCR for review. StSRCB approves Plans and Specifications; makes grant offer; and authorizes advertising for bids. Advertise and open construction bids. Award contract and start construction. Complete construction, 2-1/2 years. Feb 1976 -- Mar 1976 Mar 1976 June 1976 -. Nov 1976 Sept 1976 Nov 1976 or Dcc 1976 Dec 1976 -- Feb 1977 May 1977 Nov 1979 DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND FLOOD CONTROL COUNTS' OF SAN DIEGO January 1976 @ ENCLOSURE #2 PHASE I I I UPGIiADING 6 ENLARGEMENT ESCINA WPCF OF Step 1 Grant-Facilities Plan (Verbally approved by State) $55,000 Facilities Plan by Brow and Caldwell Administrative, professional and technical services by County (Project management and coordination 1dith engineer, State, EPA, applications and permits, archaeology overview, etc.) $19,000 $74,000 Total : Less 8742 % State and Federal Grant $65,000 (1) $ 9,000 Local Funds Required (2) Payment anticipated to be made soon after February 1976 since this portion of the project has been completed and approved by grant agencies. Local agencies have already funded all of Step 1 work. When grant payments are made approximately $65,000 will be available for Step 2 local costs. DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AVD FLOOD CONTROL, c0uirr-Y OF SA,, DIEGO January 1976 0 PHASE I I I UPGRADIXG G ERLARGEPIENT OF ENCIK’A wcr: ENCLOSURE 113 Step 2 - Grant-Design Plaiis and Specifications _. (Verbally approved by State) Consulting Engineer’s BasYic Design Fee $700,000 Preparation of Draft 0 & M Manual Fee 40 J 000 Professional, Technical, Project blanagement and Miscel laneous Services Including Contingency. A. Borings, Surveys, Special Tests, Other $ 75,000 B. County I’roject Management and Other - $ 60,000 Estimate Total : $875,000 Less 87-1/2 % State and Federal Grant Net Local Funds Required - $746,000 $109,000 DEPARTMENT OF sANImnoN AND FLOOD CONTROL COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO January 1976 ENCLOSURE #4 - 0 PHASE I11 UPGR4DIXG E ENLARGEMENT OF ENC I NA lVPCF DERIVATION OF LOCAL SllAKE OF COSTS FOR I-'II.kSE 111 - (Thousands of Dollars) Description 13.75 nigd 18 mgd Total Project Cost $24,560 28,340 Eligible Cost 24,560 24,560 Ineligible Cost -0- 3,780 Local Share of Eligible Cost (12.5 percent) 3,070 3,070 Total Local Share of Cost 3,070 6,850 Incremental Cost 3,070 3,780 Total -- -- 3,780 3,070 -- $6,850 DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION AND FLOOD CONTROL COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO January 1976 H H H w zn 4 3: a .. w u 1= rj CL -4 u -4 u k rj c, 0 c, c 0 .rl c, rj u 0 d d < . - ... do N -4-0 'LO a r-i .... -. __ . o\o a In M K!? dP a LOM d- -- .- o\o 0 or. 00 I 0 I dP \L) r. d d? M 0, r-i M N M €0 r. a d d CI -. . a N d h r. r-4 M ENCLOSURE #6 wL__- AGENCY Vista Carlsbad Buena San Marcos Leucadi a Encinitas PHASE I1 I UPGRIWING 6 ENLARGLfIENT OF - ENCINA WPCF PROPOSED FIETI-IOD OF FINILYCING Step 2 ($875,000) TOTAL (1) OU'NERSH I P SHARE PERCENTAGE \V/O GRAi\iT I 30.00 $262,000 25.33 $222,000 4.56 .$ 40,000 17.87 $156,000 16.67 $146,000 5.55 $ 49,000 100 $875,000 FUNDS EST. B L S: IED NET LOCAL LOCAL FUNDS To BE AVAILABLE SHARE WITH NEEDED TO UPON cow rxrI ON GRKXI' (1) 50% POINT (1) OF PHASE II 6 IIA -- - $ 33,000 $129,000 $244,000 $ 25,000 $109,0 00 $1S6,000 $ 5,000 $ 20,000 J 95,000 $ 19,000 $ 77,000 $750,000 (4) $ 18,000 $ 72,000 $500,000 (4) $ 6,000 ,$ 32,000 - $700,000 (4) $109,000 (3) $439,000 (2) (1) Rounded out to the nearest $1,000. (2) State will make 50% and 90% grant payments as the design phase of the project proceeds. (3) 12-1/2% of total cost. (4) Approximate amount available in District Special Capital Improvement Funds for share in Encina Project. CONCLUSION: Each agency has sufficient funds for share in the Step 2 Phase of the project including lead monies necessary to meet on-going expenses prior to receilring State and Federal 50% completion grant payments. - DEPARTMENT OF S.UITATION ilND FLOOD CONTROL COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO January 1976 ' ENCLOSURE #7 PHASE I I I UPGRADING 6 ENi,ARGEMENT OF ENCINA WPCF ESTIMATE OF CONSTRUCT103 PIIASE STEP 3 GRANT Construction Cost, Including Contingency Office Engineering by Consultant Completion of OGbl blanual by Consultant Special Servj ces during Construction Resident Engineei-jng for 2-1/2 years -- 3 years; Equipment ; and Incidental Expenses For Financial Planning Round Off to Portion Eligible for Grants -- Rounded Out (Proj ect is considered 86.2% grant eligible by State.) $17,100,000 140,000 25,000 50,000 500,000 $17,815,000 (1) $18,000,000 $15,500,000 Total Grant Anticipated 87.5% x 15.5 million $13,580,000 Total Estimated Local Cost: Ineligible Portion (18 -- 15.5 million) $ 2,500,000 12.5% of Eligible Portion (12.5% x 15.5 1,940,000 --- million) $ 4,440,000 (1) Adjust Funds Needed to Reflect Actual Expenses at Mid-piont of Constructi.on (September 1978). Estimated ENR Index = 3,500 4.44 million x 3,500 = $6.75 million 2,300 Total Estimated Local Funds Needed: $6.75 million (I) All costs based on Engineering News Record Index of 2300. The December 1975 ENR Index was 2585. DEPARTblENT OF SANJTATION AND FLOOD CONTROL COUNTY OF SAY DIEGO January 1976 d ,.: , COUNTY- OPSAN DIEGO - COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY Department of Sanitation @ Flood Control (0360) C. J. HOUSON County Operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123 . . . . . Telephone: 565-5325 Director 9 3A City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Ronald Beckman - Public Works Administrator G ent 1 em en : Sub j ect : Pro j ect YR0064, Phase I I I Upgrading and Enlargement of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (Supervisorial District V) .., Enclosed is a copy of a proposed resolution approving the Project Report, Environmental Impact Report, and Financial Plan and Revenue Program for the Phase I11 Upgrading and Enlargement of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF),. On 31 December 1975 the Joint Advisory Committee (JAC) for the Encina Joint Powers Regional Sewerage Agency met and agreed to recommend approval of the resolution to their respective Board or Council. The JAC consists of two members of each of the six owner agencies: Vista Sanitation District, City of Carlsbad, Buena Sanitation District, San Marcos County Water District, Leucadia County Water District, and the Encinitas Sanitary District. are Mr. Lew Chase and Mr. David Dunne. Sanitation and Flood Control provides project management and facility operation and maintenance on a contractual basis, under policy direction of the JAC, for the Encina Agency. It is my The JAC representatives for Carlsbad The County Department of RECOMMENDATION: That your Council Authorize the execution of a resolution approving the Project Report, Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and Financial Plan and Revenue Program for the Phase 111 Upgrading and Enlargement of the Encina WPCF. Discussion: On 18 June 1974 your Council approved the Seventh Supplement to the Basic Agreement which provided for the joint upgrading and enlargement of the Encina WPCF to comply with state and federal water qualigy requirements, c City of Carlsbad Page 2 appointed the Vista Sanitation District as project administrator, authorized Vista to apply for state and federal grants, and to contract with Brown and Caldwell, Consulting Engineers, for certain engineering services. The agreement allowed Brown and Caldwell to prepare a Project Report, an EIR, a Financial Plan and Revenue Program, and do related preliminary engineering. to each owner agency, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review. Sections 3 and 4 of the agreement require approval of this work by each agency before Vista can authorize Brown and Caldwell to proceed with the design services, office engineering during construction, preparation of operation and mainte- nance manual, and miscellaneous engineering services; all as described in the Seventh Supplement. This work has been accomplished and the results submitted A grant application for federal and state assistance has been submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for a Step 1 (Facilities Plan) and Step 2 (Final Design Plans and Specifications) Grant. Telephone contact with the SWRCB grant evaluator revealed the grant would be approved in the very near future in general accordance with Enclosures #2 and #3. The SWRCB project evaluator has also informed us that the Facilities Plan has been reviewed, found satisfactory, and that a determination has been . made relative to the eligibility of the project. We are anticipating that 86.2 percent of the total project is eligible for a 75 percent federal and a 12.5 percent state grant. letters have been prepared by the state and sent to EPA for concurrence. The principal item that the EPA is concerned about is the obtainment of copies of resolutions from each of the general purpose governments in the Encina Service Area stating they will cooperate in the development of a public facilities and land use staging program. All of these resolutions will be forwarded to EPA in a few weeks. We expect to receive a formal grant offer from EPA in February after completion of their review. The SWRCB grant offer will follow shortly thereafter. The concept approval and project certification You will recall the project consists of upgrading and enlarging the 13.75 million gallons per day (mgd) capacity primary treatment facilities to primary and secondary facilities with a capacity of 18 mgd. The existing federal and state treatment regulations require the upgrading of the facility by January, 1977. due to environmental review considerations, project eligibility discussions with the SWRCB and EPA, obtainment of permits, and other review. Enclosure #1 presents a tentative timetable for proceeding with the project. The project time schedule is lagging f Agency % Flow (MGD) V 29.45 4.05 C 24.95 3.43 B 4.51 0.62 SM 17.45 2.40 L 16.36 2.25 E 7.27 1.00 a A- - % Flow (MGD) 30.00 5.40 25.33 4.56 4.56 0.82 17.87 3.22 16.67 3.00 5.55 1 .oo City of Carlsbad Page 3 It has been necessary to renegotiate and modify the design and construction phase of the existing engineering contract between the Vista Sanitation District and the consulting engLeeis. regulations imposed by EPA and an increase in the scope (capital cost) of the project. December 1975. reviewed by each agency prior to Vista executing a new or modified engineer- ing-services agreement. ?his was required because of new The JAC approved a new fee structure for the work on 31 The contract is presently being revised and will be We are pleased to report the Comprehensive Planning Organization (CPO) has reviewed and unconditionally approved the project. §an Diego Coast Regional Commission unanimously approved an application to permit the construction of this project within the coastal zone. On 9 January 1976 the Your approval of the resolution will allow Vista to authorize the consulting engineer to start the design phase of the work as soon as the Step 1 and Step 2 grant offers are received and accepted. consulting engineer will be permitted until state and federal approval for the grants is received. No further work by the 100 13.75 100 18.00 Note: Refer to Table 2-1, Page 10, of the Financial Plan and Revenue Program Report dated Feb. 75. City of Carlsbad Page 4 It is recommended that in the future an agreement be prepared to reflect the new ownership and thus the cost sharing for the project. After receipt and acceptance of the Step 1 and 2 grant offers it would be appropriate to proceed with a supplementary agreement covering capacity rights and ownership. Each of the agencies has reviewed the capacity rights and ownership situation as presented in the Financial Plan and Revenue Program and are in mutual agreement as to the proposed changes. The cost sharing method for the project is recommended to be as shown on Table 3-2 (Page 14) and Table 3-3 (Page 15) of the Financial Plan and Revenue Program Report. project costs and an increase in grant eligible flow. the current estimate of local project costs and compares to Table 3-2. Enclosure #5 shows the present estimate for allocation of local costs and is similar to Table 3-3. to upgrade the plant to 13.75 mgd. agencies pay all costs for enlarging the facility from 13.75 to 18.00. The Tables are revised to reflect decreased Enclosure #4 presents It should be noted that Encinitas pays its share The remaining five participating Funds for the Step 2 work (project design) will come from grants and each of the six owner agencies. financing will be shared. Carlsbad's ownership of the Encina WPCF will increase from 24.95 to 25.33 percent. twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000) will fund the City's share of step 2. demand. Upon completion of the project, Carlsbad's capacity rights will increase from 3.43 mgd to 4.56 mgd. rate of about 2.2 mgd coming from all sewer connections within the City. Enclosure #6 provides an estimate of how the An estimated net cash outlay of about The City presently has sufficient capital reserve monies to meet this Present flow measurements indicate a Enclosure #7 presents an estimate, for preliminary guidance, as to the cost of the final phase of the proposed project which is the construction of the improvements. of monies for the project. bond issues to provide their share of funds while others have capital improvement funds of sufficient magnitude. of bonds and capital savings may be used. plan for their own share of funds so as not to delay progress. This portion of the work (Step 3) requires the major share Some of the agencies will be required to pass It is also possible a combination Each agency is responsible to Enclosure #5 shows the estimated total share of project costs for the City is about $1.8 million. upon completion of Phase I1 and IIA construction. quate monies to finish the Step 2 or design part of the project. understanding the electorate of Carlsbad will be voting in June on the issuance of revenue or general obligation bonds to provide the remaining funds. Your city will have approximately $185,000 available Therefore there are ade- It is our Exhibit B 4 of 5 City of Carlsbad Page 5 We believe the resolution should be approved. Work on this mandated project has been under way for approximately two and one-half years. All reviews and approvals have either been obtained or are forthcoming. The project is already behind schedule due to its complexity, grant reviews and other agency approvals. the project which allows Vista to authorize preparation of final plans and specifications. completion of the design work will be provided prior to advertising for construction bids. It is now appropriate to approve Further opportunity for project review after All parties are concurrently processing the approval of the resolution to expedite action by the six agencies. resolution acceptable, a copy should be sent by your Clerk to the Vista Sanitation District. If your Council finds the C. J. HOUSON CBO: jc Enclosures: (1) Proposed Timetable for Phase I11 Upgrading G Enlargement 08 Encina WPCF (2) Phase I11 Upgrading G Enlargement of Encina WPCF - Step 1 (3) Phase I11 ?I I1 Step 2 (4) Derivation of Local Share of Costs for Phase I11 (5) Allocation of Local Share of Costs (Thousands of Dollars) (6) Proposed Method of Financing (7) (8) Estimate of Construction Phase Step 3 Grant Resolution approving the Project Report, EIR, and Financial Plan and Revenue Program cc - w/enc) - Controller Branch Office: Attn: Mr. Jack Morien Exhibit B 5 of 5 c MEMORANDUM February 9, 1976 TO : City Manager FROM : Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, Phase I11 project approval Attached is a report received from the County Department of Sanitation and Flood Control summarizing and updating information contained in the Phase I11 Project Report and Financial Report. The County has requested that the City Council, along with the boards of directors for the other agencies of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, approve a reso- lution of approval for the Project Report, Environmental Impact Report, and Financial Plan and Revenue Program. order to proceed with the design and preparation of plans and specifi- cations of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Phase I11 expan- sion and upgrading program. This approval is required in Briefly summarizing the history of this project, State and Federal laws required that we bring the quality of our treated effluent into confor- mance with Federal and State discharge quality standards. Preliminary engineering studies indicated that the most efficient way of meeting State and Federal discharge standards would be to convert the existing primary treatment plant to a secondary treatment plant, utilizing bio- filters. In addition, it was suggested that the capacity of the secondary portion of the project be enlarged to 18 million gallons per day (mgd) in order to take advantage of the capability of our present primary facilities to handle increased flows when followed by secondary treatment. This project is not without opposition. The first objection surfaced when experts in the field of sanitary engineering challenged the require- ment for effluent discharge into the Pacific Ocean basins to meet the quality standards, set forth in federal laws, established primarily on the basis of the quality needs for discharge of effluent into the Atlantic Ocean and inland bodies of water. Some efforts are still being made to change those standards as they apply to discharges into the Pacific Ocean. Another basis of objection to this project lies in what is claimed to be the growth-accommodating characteristics of increased capacity. This growth-accommodating characteristic is portrayed as presenting a danger to the preservation of prime agricultural areas within our service basin, as well as contributing to the deterioration of air quality. the issuance of a Regional Coastal Commission permit for the construction of this facility. by the Sierra Club and by Carlsbad Community Cause to the issuance of the Regional Coastal Commission permit. This logic has been the primary basis of objections to This logic was also included in the appeals submitted c City 14anager February 9, 1976 Page Two In response to the objections outlined above, the following facts are presented for consideration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Unless State and Federal laws are changed, we have no choice but to comply with discharge standards. In this respect, secondary treat- ment is mandated. With regards to the preservation of agricultural land, the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad states that it is the express policy of the City of Carlsbad to ''regard agricultural land and prime soil as a natural resource and as a significant contrasting land use to the urbanized environment of the city." To this end, it is the intent of the Open Space and Conservation Element to "insure recognition of the benefits which accrue from the conservation, development and utilization of natural resources." The City has entered into an agreement with the Regional Coastal Commission's staff to jointly prepare a developmental program for the area surrounding the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. An express purpose of this project is to establish parity between the City General Plan and the California Coastal Plan as it may be passed by the legislature. The City is actively involved with the other general purpose govern- ments in the Encina Public Facilities Planning Group. The goals of this group are to establish a public facilities and land use staging program for the entire Encina service area. Conditions placed on existing Coastal Commission permits and on the Regional permit for the construction of Phase I11 protect all agricul- tural land lying within the Coastal Resources Management Zone and within the City limits. construction grant preclude the use of any additional capacity we may gain as a result of this project until June 30, 1980, or until the acceptance of an Air Quality Maintenance Program, whichever comes first. The concept of the project has been approved by the State Water Resources Control Board and has received preliminary approval from the Environmental Protection Agency. Stage 1 and 2 grants have been made. The project was approved unconditionally by CPO in its A-95 review process and has been cleared by all other State agencies through the State clearinghouse process. The Regional Coastal Commission unanim- ously approved a construction permit. The project is cost-effective. The unit price of converting our existing 13.75 mgd primary plant to a secondary plant of equivalent size is $1.78.6C per gallon. Taking advantage of the economies of construction and the unique ability of our plant to be expanded economically, the additional capacity which would accrue to the facility and to the City of Carlsbad (1.13 mgd) would be available at a cost of 89C per gallon. Should we not take advantage of the opportunity, the other agencies within the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility would certainly be able to benefit by paying for and receiving the additional "cheap capacity" at this time. In 1985, Restrictions placed on the issuance of the _.-- City Manager February 9, 1976 Page Three when our existing capacity will be reached, the cost of providing both primary and secondary treatment to gain additional capacity would be prohibitive, The Regional Comprehensive Plan, Series 2A forecasts for the City of Carlsbad, which were published by the Comprehensive Planning Organization in December of 1975, indicate that our population projections for 1980 are 28,600; for 1985, 34,300; and for 1990, 42,000. Using the rule of thumb of LOO gallons per day per capita requirements, the CPO population projection figures show that our present capacity limits will be reached in 1985. Based upon experience gained by the Phase 111 project, we would no sooner complete the construction of Phase I11 when we would be required to start planning and implementation for construction of Phase IV. This is not only a shameful waste of the time resources of City personnel, but contrary to the policies of the Environmental Pro- tection Agency, which provides for a ten-year design period. An additional side benefit gained by adding the additional capacity at this time would be that the operations and maintenance of the facility in that time in- terval between the completion of Phase 111 and the time the additional capacity would be needed, could be performed on a more routine basis with the resultant lowering of operations and maintenance costs and increased reliability of plant, thereby preventing malfunctions which may result in discharge violations. The method of financing this project suggested by the Phase 111 Financial Plan was the issuance of General Obligation bonds. This financing method was also referred to in the County letter. This issue has not been dis- cussed to date for two reasons; the first being the need for more precise information on the project costs. (This wait was justified when you compare Carlsbad's share of the cost in the Financial Plan, estimated at $2,786,000, with the current estimate of Carlsbad's share, $1,771,0003 The second reason for the delay is the pending Sewer Master Plan and Financing Program which will address not only the need of financing the plant upgrading and expansion but also any questions which may arise concerning needed trunk line construction costs. The one question that can be definitely answered now is that there are sufficient funds available to meet our obligations for the payment of the design fees on the Phase 111 project, as well as the other sewer construction obligations the City has undertaken. The question facing the City Council at this time is the policy decision as to whether we should join with the other five owners and acquire additional capacity in conjunction with the Phase I11 upgrading, or should we seek only to provide secondary treatment for our existing 13.75 mgd capacity? Should the latter course be taken, the remaining five agencies, I am sure, would continue with the project as proposed (18 mgd) acquiring what would have been Carlsbad's share of the increased capacity. City Manager February 9, 1976 Page Four RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee and City staff that City Council approve the attached resolution approving the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility Phase 111 Project Report, Environmental Impact Report and Financial Plan and Revenue Program. RAB/dh attach.