HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-06-15; City Council; Resolution 3931RESOLUTION NO. 3931
The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California does
nereby resolve as follows:
1. That Sections 2 and 3 of Resolution No. 3440 are amended
to read as follows:
"Section 2. This committee shall be an advisory committee
zomposed of members from the community at large.
Section 3. The Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs
shall be charged with the responsibility for making recommendations
to the Council on all matters pertinent to senior citizens."
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council
held on the 15th day of June , 1976, by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and
NOES : None Councilwoman Casler
2, c)
#Jr . 1.- I
Resolution NO. 3930
This Agreement is made and entered into this . 17th
AU~S~ , 19~, by and between the City of
Carlsbad, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to'as
the "CITY") and the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit
day of
" -.l
corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "CHAMBER").
WHEREAS, the City does desire to advertise and promote the
natural. and cultural resourses of the City of Carlsbad for the
purpose of increasing the commerce and trade of the City, with
particular reference to the residential facilities and the
opportunity and potential for business and commercial activity,
and to induce tourists to visit and vacation in the City of
Carlsbad; and' .-
WHEREAS, the laws of the State of California authorize and
contemplate the expediture of monies for the promotion and
advertising of the City; and
WHEREAS, the Chamber has as one of its primary objectives,
and is organized for the purpose of maintaining and-carrying on'
promotional activities for said general and-special-purposes
for and on behalf of the City and is possessed of facilities for
so doing:
NOW, THEREFORE, in .consi&rat$on-of-- the mutual- covenants -
and agreements as hereinafter set forth,-the parties hereto do
hereby covenant and agree as follows:
-_ - -
- 1- The Chamber shall render. to the City continuous: -_
-_ . service-on- an annual basis hereinafter set -forth, - __ ._
to actively and continuoasly promote-the interest.
of the City-by making known--the resources of the - . -.
- -_ City for the purposes of increasing the trade and - -
commerce of the City. A_-- ___.__ -. - . ~
---_.. 2,- The specific scope and nature of services to.-be --
rendered- by the Chamber to the City shall be-enlunerated--
in an "Annual Statement of Chamber-Services to the City." __
3, The City Council of the City shall review and consider
annually, prior to the adoption of the annual City
budget,'the proposed Annual Statement of Chamber Services
to the City, and upon City Council approval of same, it .
shall become a part of this Agreement for the next ensuing
fiscal year.
- ._ _- . - - . . .. - - . - ... -- . - - _.
4, The Chamber does hereby covenant and agree as follows:
a. On or before April 1st of each year, the Chamber
shall submit to the City, a proposed Annual Statement
of Chamber Services.
shall be divided into two sections. Section one shall
enumerate activities of a continuing long term nature
to be hereinafter referred to as "Basic Services."
Basic Services are further defined as those which
The proposed annual statement
continue from year to year and include, but are not
necessarily limited to the following programs and
services: general advertising and publicity of benefit
. .. .
to khe City;- community infomational services; and- ~ . -.
programs of-economic or commercial promotion of the
. -. .., .. City, - - __
b, The Chamber shall also include in Section 0ne.a pro-
posed budget for- Basic Services for- the ensuing fiscal-
The budget shall be presented in one of the-
The budget shall be divided:into three general
- -. -- following alternative formats: - .- -
- .- categories: Personnel Services; Materials, . - - _. .- - __ -
- Supplies an8 Services; Capital Expenditures,
The Chamber may include a -copy_ of._ its. annual __ -
(2) -
-4 - budget and indicate what-percentage of that bLdget
will be expended to provide-Basic Services-to the
City. The- ChambershaU-also indicate the dollar - -
amount of compensation it requests for supplying
Basic Services.
.-- ___
e * .1 *
Section two shall enumerate a list of proposed activities
of a special or one-time nature (such as, tournaments,
contests, races, festivals, celebrations, award ceremonies, .
and other special events) to be hereinafter referred to as
"Special Services".
shall provide a summary of the Special Service activities
to be carried out or assisted by the Chamber for which the
Chamber requests City financial assistance,
shall indicate: the nature of the activity; the time, date,
and place of the activity; the sponsors, producers, or
operators of the event; the promotional benefit of the activ-
ity to the City; and the amount of City financial assistance
The proposed Special Services list
The summary
The Chamber shall-l--have an- opportunkty of making -an oral --
pregentation before the City Council on its proposed Annual
. Statement of Chamber-Services -t-o the City during the City --
- Council' s-normal %udget review process: -
-_ - -- - _.
In order to completely - and--prop&y:carry out -the -Basic Services -
contemplated by this- agreement- the - C~~er-does--hereby--further- -- - -
covenant and agree as follows: - - -A- - _-.-. .
a. To maintah-suitable quarters and-employ- competent personnel, --
--- to properly-carry on the activities contemplated by this
agreement.- - --
To promptly- answer all inquires and correspondence relative
to the business, industria1,and residential advantages-
-3- .
and opportunities in the City, and to disseminate information ~
by correspondence, personal contact's, -and' the mass media
favorably advertising such advantages and opportunities,
c1 To prepare articles, news stories, and literature-descriptive
of the City's resources whereby outside interests and
individuals may be induced to locate in the City. -
d. To aid in promoting tourism and the development and use of
unoccupied and vacant properties.
- .. e. To interview business and industrial executives with the
view of urging the establishment of business activities
in the City.
f, Topromote and invite trade and business meetings,- cele-
brations and conventions whereby outside interests and
individuals may become acquaint&-with the. advantages -and_--_ - __
. opportunities in the City-,
- . . . . - - -. 6-, The- City- COE-icXTZX X;fs -sole- discretion shall determine the amount
-. - - of money necessary to fairly compensa-te,thk_Chamber for .the .-
s'ervices to be provirded .-in accordzmce ~&th.,the_ .Ba.sik Services - _-_, - =- - -
-- section of the agref?ment-- TBe-C-itye .- the ?City: _shal. ._ -
also review and conszder- the list -of Spe!i=iaX'Serv_ices -pr-oposed
by the-Chamber ana the _amo%int_of financial- assistance -requested
=- - - - -therefore, The City -Council. at -itssole --discretion_ shalL4eter- __
mine for which, if. any,_ .$pee-i_al Se.mke gctivities -.%he--City- --- =- -
--. sliall provide f inanciaksupport and- the- amount--o€---tka-t--s~por-t-.- .- ---
The Chamber -shall -have -the opt-ion of-.-withdrawing_.a -proposed-, - -- - -.
Special Service activity .if not funded by the-City in the amount
. ..
. ..
__ --
requested by the Chamber. :.If, after approval o_f Annual Statement
of Chamber Service.tcr the City; therchamber wishes to submit for - -
City consideration a proposed new Special Service or request
the. reallocation of City financial assistance to other approved
Special Service activities, the Chamber must submit a request
to the City in accordance with procedures established in this
agreement within 15 days of the anticipated initiation of the
proposed new activity or change in an approved activity specified .
in the Special Services section.
The City covenants and agr.ees to compensate the. Chamber for
services as follows:
a. Basic services, The City shall pay to the Chamber at the
end of each calendar quarter an amount equal to one-fourth
(1/4) of the amountthe-City agrees-ta -gay m-the--Cha_mbex -
for Basic Services .---- -Prior -to receiving payment ,- -the Chamber
--- - shal.~-sub~~to--th-e-Cityits-written- report--on activities __
and finSficfa1 -state5ents covedni-pFogrms- receiving financial.
assistance from -the city=-a
accomplished-and pending==activikies and. expendiman :fore~ -
- ._
-- --. -
_- - -- - - - preceding qua-r teELy-peri ad. ._ - _-
b. Special Services. -The--City shall - pay -for - its agreed share
. -.. of the Gost for SpeciaIzrSem6-cesr:kn advarrce -a€ter-*.he- follow- 3
". ing procedures -for approva-f- -are-~fQ~lowedtr Y.
(1) Prior to the initiafhn -uf-~~.Specfa-l-~~rv~i;ce--a-ctivity-, --- -- ___ _.
_. - the Chamber-shall--su~-a~~~~~d autline- of --the- -plan -
for the activity- - . -
- ._ .
(2) After review, the City Council-shall then authorize
advance payment of the City's share of-the cost for-
the Special Service activity as approved in the Annual
Statement or as revised by the procedures established
by this agreement.
This agreement shall be automatically renewed on July 1 of each
year upon approval by the City Council of the Annual Statement
of Chamber Services to the City-unless the Chamber or the City
serves 30 days written notice of its desire to renegotiate the
In the event the City does not approve the Annual Statement- of
Chamber Services to the City on or before July 1 of each year,
this agreement shall terminate unless other arrangements are
made by mutual agreement -between the- -City and--+he- Chamber ., ---
The City may terminate an approved Special Service activity
prior to advance City payment to the- Chamber-for the activity
upon 30 days written--=not&cea-t-a --the-&amber-with- -reasonable .cause - --
_- -- resulting from -changi-ng-drcwstanez - .- *- __
. - . . .
independent-contxact-oY--and--sh-il~7~~-be- considered-as the - --- --- - - - -
agent or employee ofrule-City. --*_ -
The Chamber -hereby Wr-e s ,to- ma in taig. gener
in an amount deemed suffi-cie_nt by---the. City. At%orney:+ixmning the
City as- an additional insured-, - In add~-~~~-~~~_~~rChamber --shall.,
make known,-or cause'to - be known, to all sponsors of Special
Service -activ-i&esT-tht- swzh-spensors--shall--%x+ire~i~d-tcr
post -a- certificate of 5nsurance-, *an amount _deemed=tt-p_ be :-
=1 i-ahiUty--insurance,
sufficient by the City Attorney, or-execute a ,,old harmless -
agreement as a condition.precedentZtoLreceiving any City
financial assistance.
13. The parties to this agreement hereby rescind that previous
written agreement between the City and the Chamber dated
August 21, 1973, with the understanding that all payments made
to date during the current fiscal year pursuant to said rescinded
agreement shall be applied to the Basic Services section delineated
- herein as a continuous program of the Chamber.
Date: By :
... -- -_.
This statement is presented to the- Carlsbad -City Council ~ -
- pursuant to the agreement between the City and the Chamber
dated of the City of Carlsbad, shall amend and become part of that
- August 17, 7976-, and upon approval by the City Council
said agreement. - .. -
. The Chamber approves the expenditure of $25,000 to provide the Basic Services as outlined in the Agreement between the City
and the Chamber for the 1976-77 Fiscal Year, and $10,000 for Special Services.
Special Services
The Chamber agrees to sponsor or support the following Special Service activities as indicated below:
1. Southern California Expo -= Del Mar - June 25 to July-4, 1977.
A comparatively inexpensive but excellent means through which
exposure of Carlsbad and its advantages for both residences and industry can reach a maximum number of people.
City's share of --project: $850.00
2. Christmas Proqram
-. - --&.hoLida-y program designedJx-,add_ to_ ~hefks-tiv.~a~osphere_._ - -. of the ciky-for the- enjoyniient of both- residents- and visitors.
City's share of project: $850.00- -" -
4. Grand Prix MotockfSs -_ -
- 'Attracts thousands--of LV gs--nation-.--- -
new spaper---coverage"- a21 - over t_fre---coun _- _-
- - wide publicity thmu ..
id&< ___ . -aci%mmodatia-- inZe - - __ -
- City's share of- projeak-: S1-&D5-,9-&- -= ---- -- - -- -- - .
Exhibit 'Br
Page 2
-- .-. . Annual Statement of Chamber services-to. the City - - -_ - Special Services (cont'd) --_. -
5. Tournament of Champions- --Spring,--l9?7-- - - - ._ - - .
Television and other media coveraye-given this nationally--
Trophies and other forms of recognition provided, plus wide .-
known event which- brings thousands -to: the -area each year,--- -- -- -
a publicity.
City's share of project: $637.50 -.
6. La Costa Tennis Events
Attract visitors to the area from a wide area. Awards,
special signs-and -publicity-are provided.
- _- City's share of-project: $637.50
7. . . __ City Map -
A one time only expense for a basic map. This is themosL-:--- - asked for informational material by residents,.potential
residents, business-es and -visitors alike,
City's share of project: $3,825.00
-. 8. Miscellaneous Civic Event$-= ..
- Many events are proposed-to- the Chamber- during-the year, '---
in terms of visitor dollars, int-eres~-to--residen~~~ - and -- --- -
- - __-- - some of .which could be highly -beneficial to the community ' .
__ -- the-welfare-of -€he community.- This- fu - .. - - . - __
- - - - _- - - . Chamber to take advantagex&-: suckprqm a-- _--e I
City's share of the- fund== -_- __- - -. - -