HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-03; City Council; Resolution 64592 3 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 lt? 19 2c 21 22 23 2 4 25 26 27 20 1046 RESOLUTi ON NO. - A REsoi_ui-iot\1 OF -rHr CITY COUNCI L. OF THE CITY OF CARL.SBFL), CALI FORN 1 A, SUMMARI LY VACATING A POiiT IC4 OF ._--- A'JEN I D,4 ENCLKE WHEREAS, a portion of Avenida Encinas was dedicated to the City of Carlsbad per. an easement description recorded November 13, 1972, per San . Diego bunt), record fi le No. 303348; and WHEREP\S, -the Avenidz Encinas al isnrnent has been relcoated lo a new al ignment and a new easemen? has been dedicated to the City of Carlsbad over said relocated a1 ignment; and WHERCAS, the portior, of Avenida Encinas previously dedicated contains no public faci li-lies or appurtenances, ana provides no usable access to -the ad jo i n i ng p rLpe rty ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Carlsbad as fcl lows: 1. The above racts are true and correct. 2. That-, pursuml to Chapter 4 Part 3, Division 9, Sect of the Cal i iornia Streets and Highway Code, the portion of Aven referenced above and rwre particularly described on Exhibit "A" City of on 8330 et sei. da Encinas as shown on Attachment oA\rc attached hereto 8nd by th is referertce i ncorpora-ted here! n, be summari ly vacated. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular mectlng of the Cily Counci 1 , of the City of Carlsbad, held I-he 3rd day of _____I__- March ----...-Y 19 ---+--* 81 by I-he following vote, to wit: Coru.lci.1 Members Packard, Casler, Anear , Lewis and chin AYES : NOES : None ABSENT : None ATTEST : (SEAL) 1047 .. 79298 01-22-81 Thct portion of Lot H of Ranzho Agua Hcdionda, in the City of CarlsLad, County of San Diego, State of CalifoYnia, according to mcp th2reof No. 823 filed in the office of the Cijiirity Recordsr of said Ccrlrnty described as follows: Comlnencinz at the Northeasterly terminus of that certain course described as South G7°33.1401i West 27.44 feet for a portion of the Southeasterly line of the land described in Farce1 7 of the deed to the City of Carlsbad recorded November 13, 1952, File. No, 303348 of Official Records in the office of said County Reeordcr; thence tilang said Souiheasterly line, the following courses:, South 67°3?-1/Ic01' West 27.44 feet to the TRLJK POINT OF BXGENNING, said point being the beginiiing of a tangent. curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of 25.30 feet, Soutiwesterly 36.80 feet along said curve through a central angle of Swlh 73?7.'20r' West 35.@0 feet to the beginning of 8 non-tangent curve concave Southweiterly hatring a radius of 25.00 fect, a radial line to said curve bears North 73°1i.20i' Eest, and Korthwesterly 4%.74 feet along said curve through a central angle of Y5°3914011; thenee North 6'i6311$01' Ertst 120.59 feet to the true point of beginning. ._. 84"2W20t1, South 73?L1t2011 West 35.00 feet, Smth 16°48t40" East 11.93 feet, EXH I B I T "A" of RESOLUTI ON NO .hq62-- -_ 17782 SI<Y PARK BOULEVARD * IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 0 (714) 543-2222 . . 1048 .. . .. .. .. .i ~ .. I. ATTACHMENT "A" OF RESOLUTION VO. 6qrT I I SCALE /"=ISD' 4 (714 1049 NO FEE