HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-21; City Council; Resolution 65042
WHEREAS, the City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment Commission
if the City of Carlsbad, California will hold a joint Public Hearing as
irovided by Section 33355 of the City Health and Safety Code of the State of
:alifornia for the purpose of considering the adoption of a Redevelopment Plan
for the Village Redevelopment Area; a copy of legal description is attached
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
:arlsbad, California, that a said joint Public Hearing will be held by the
:ity Council/ Housing and Redevelopment Commission, Tuesday, May 26, 1981,
Lt 7:OO P.M., in the Council Chambers, Civic Center, 1200 Elm Avenue,
:ar 1 sbad , C a1 if orni a.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad,
tt a regular meeting held on the 21st day of April , 1981, by the
'ollowing vote, to wit:
AYES: Council kxibers Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin
NOES : None
.- Ronald C. Packard, Mayor
0 0
All thse portions of the City of Carlsbsd, County of San Diego, State of
California described as follows :
BEGI2XING at the most Westerly Corner of ZrJt 55 of Graaville Psrk KC+. 2,
according to Pip thereof Eo. 2037 filed in the office of the County Ekcorde?r-
of San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence along the Eorthwesterly, Northerly
and Zortheasterly line of said Hap 2037 to the most Easterly corner of Lot 233
of said Yap 2037; thence leaving the boundary of said Lot 133, Easterly to t;he
most Vesterly corner of Lot 174 of said Map 2037; thence continuing Easterly
along the Southerly line of said Lot 174, 20.00 feet more or less, ta the
Easterly line af the State Highway (Carlsbad Boulevard) as granted to the State
of California in bok 266, page 240 of Official Records; thence Xortheasterly
along the Ezsterly line of said State Eighway and along the Eksterly line of
the State Highway (Carlsbad Boulevard) as granted to the State of California
in deed recordari in bok 316, page 309, of Official Pecards to the most Eorth-
westerly corner of land described in deed to PlcMahan Furniture Ca., a &E-
fornia corporation, recorded January 3, 1975 as File Xo. 75-001664, being also
a point of intersection between the Easterly line of said State Highway and
the Southwesterly line of State Street, 60.00 feet wide, as shown on the records
of the Cbunty Assessor of said San Diego Couney; thence Northeasterly, radially
from szid Ebuthwesterly line of State Street to a point on the Kortheasterly
line of said State Street, being also a point in the boundary of land described
in Parcel 7 in deed to the State of California recorded August 19, 1974 as File
Eo. 74-223647; thence Southeasterly along the krtheasterly line of said State
Street to a point in the Northerly line of Lot: 19 of Seaside bnds, according
to Php thereof 80, 1722, filed in the Office of the County &corder of San
Diego County, July 26, 1921, thence Easterly along said Northerly line to the
Hortheast comer of said Lot 19, being also a point in the Easterly line of
land described in deed to R, R. Robinson, et ux, recorded July 6, 1972 as File
No. 174347; thence along the Idesterly boundary of said Robinson's land 8orth
0°03' East to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 89"50' East along
the Xartherly line of said Fabinson's land and its Easterly prolongation to
the most Westerly corner of bt 1 of Buena Vista Gardens, according to Pap
thereof KO. 2492, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego
Ccunty, August 4, 1948, thence dong the boundary of said Lot 1, South 56"57'40"
East, 89.93 feet and South 77"39' East to a line drawn parallel with and 90.00
feet Westerly of the West line of a 40.00 foot easement €or private road as
shown on said map 2492; thence Southerly along said parallel line and its
Southerly prolongation to a point on the Southarly line of Laguna Drive as
shown on Map of Seaside Lands No. 1722, being also a point in the Northerly
line of Lot: 20 of said Seaside Lands; thence South 89"50' East along theS3uth-
erly line of said Lsguna Drive to the most Ezsterly corner of Lot 46 of said
Seaside Lands; thence contizuing South 89'50' East along the 2~ut'nerly line
02 said Laguna Drive to a paint on the Northeasterly line of fourth Street
(Jefferson Street) as shown on Mp of Carlsbad Lands, Yfp 1661; filed in the
office of the County Recorder of San Diego County March 1, 1915; thence Southerly
& S*x~theasterly alongsaidNorth~F?sterly line to the most Uesterly corner of Lot 1 of
Schelland Sites Addition to Carlsbad, according to Yap thereof Ho. 2145, filed
in the office of thi! Councy Recorder 05 Sen Diego kunty, February 20, 1929;
therzce continuir?g Southeasterly along sard Easterly line of Zourth Street to
the vast TtTesterly corner of bt 14 of said Yap 2145; thence Kortheasterly to
the most Nxtherly corner of said Lot 14; thence Southeasterly to the most
Iksterly comer of Lot 20 of ssid bkp 2145; thence Northeasterly to the most
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h'ortherly corner of Lot 26 of said Nap 2145; thence Southeasterly to the
most Easterly corner of said Lot 2G; thence Kartheasterly to the 35st
Sxtherly cornzr of Eot 27 of said Yap 2145; thence Kartheasterly to the
most Easterly corner of Lot 31 of said Hap 2145, thence Northwesterly to
the krtheast
Westeely boundary of land described in deed to W, Joseph Farisi, et ux,
recorded November LO, 1969 as File No. 205432; theme Northerly along said
Westerly boundary and its Northerly prolongation, 330 feet to the Eorthsr3.y
line of Tract 117 of said Garlsbad Lands, according to Ywp thereof Ea. 1661;
thence Easterly along said h'ortherly line to an intersection with the South-
westerly line of California State Highway XI - SD - 2B; thence Southeasterly
along said Southwesterly line of the State Highway to the most Easterly corner
of Parcel 1 of Parcel. Map 1311 filed in the office of the Gmnty Recorder of
San Diego County, February 16, 1973, being a.portihsn of said Tract 117;
thence along the Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel 1 South 48°22r2T'1 East
26.59 feet to an angle point in said Southeasterly boundary of said Parcel 1;
thence continuing Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of the State
Highway to the Northeast corner of land described in deed to the State of
California recorded February 16, 1968, 2s file Eo, 27350; thence along the
intersection with the East line of land described in deed to Vera Aguilar
Soto, an unmarried woman, recorded June 3, 1968 as File N3. 92031; thence
Korthwesterly along said East line 10.00 feet to a point in the Rortherly
line of chat portion 05 Oak Avenue as vacated 2nd closed to public use;
thence Southwesterly along said Northerly line to a. point in the Westerly
line of land described in Parcel If of Judgement of Final Distribution on
Vaiver of Accounting in the Estate of Darrell Alexander Welch, also known
as Dzrrell A, h'eIch, deceased, Superior Gurt Case No. YE 1232, a copy oE
which was recorded Nay 5, 1975 as File No. 75-106699; thence Southwesterly in
a straight line to the most Northerly corner of Ut 17 in Bfock.58 of Town
of Carlsbad, according to Yap thereof No. 775, filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of San Diego County, Febrzary 15, L895; thence along
the Northwesterly line of said Lot 17 and its Southwesterly prolongation,
to the most Westerly corner of Lot 17 in Black 40 o€ said Kap 775; thence
Southeasterly along the Souelwesterly line of said Lot 17 Block 40, arid its
%"easterly prolongation to the most k'esterly corner of Lot 3.7 in Block
42 of said Nap 775; thence Southwesterly along the Southwesterly prolongation
of the Horthwesterly line of said Lot 17, Block 42 to a point of intersection
with the Northeasterly line of Lot 8 of Industrial Tract, according to bbp
thereof No. 1743, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego
County, January 3, 1923, thence along said Xortheasterly Pine, Southeasterly
to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 8; thence Southwesterly slung the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 and its Southwesterly prol.ongation to its
intersection with the Southwesterly line of the Atcheson, .Topeka and Santa
Fe &ilway Right of Way, thence liorthwesterly along said Southwesterly line .
to an intersection with the Eortheasterly prolongation of the Southeast line
of Block 16 of Town of Carlsbad, according to Rap thereof k, 535, filed in
the Office of th-? County &corder of San Diego County, thy 2, 1880, thence
Southgesterly along said Scuthzast line and its Northeasterly prolongation to
the most Southerly corner of the Nwthecst half of the Southeast half of said
Block 16; thence Eorthwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Kortheast
half of tne Southeast half to the most Westerly corner of said Northeast
half of the Southeast half of szid Block 16; thence Southwesterly along the
Nort'nwsterly line of the Southeast half of said Block 16 to the n'orthwest
corner of the Southeast half of said Block 16; thence Southeasterly along
corner of said Lot 31, being also an angle poht in the
-- Eorthwesterly line of said State of California Land, Southwesterly to an
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0 e
the Southwest line of said Southeast hhlf of Block 16 to the mast Ssutherfy
corner of said Soi?theast hdf; thi;nce lhrtheasterly along the S~utltpeas~ Iine
of said Southeast half of Block 15 for an intersection wL.th the Narthwesterly
prolongation of the Nortihcasterly line of the Westerly 150.00 €ee& aE Black
17 of said Nap 535; thence Southeasterly along said Northwesterly prolongatton
and said Northeasterly fine to the most Etrsterly corner of the Worthwesterly
100.00 feet of said Westerly 150.00 feet of Block 17; tbence Southwesterly
along the Southeasterly line of said Northwesterly 10O.00 feet and its Szuth-
westerly prolongation to a point in the Southwesterly line of the Kar'iheasc
150.00 feet of Block 18 said point being the most Southerly corner of land
described in deed to John W. Kodgers, et al, recorded July 24, 1975 as File
Ea. 75- 193415; thence Southeaster! y along the Southeasterly prolongation of
the Southwesterly line of Rodgers' land to an angle point in the brtherly
Bcmndary of Tract 100 of Ccirlsbad lands, Nap 1661, being also a point on the
krthwesterly boundary of land described in Parcel I in deed to Thelma 3.
William, et al, recorded March 9, 1964 as File No. 43062; thence along the
boundary sf said Parcel 102 said Williams deed, Southwesterly 31.50 feet to
the most Westerly corner thereof and Southeasterly 64.00 €eet tu the most
Easterly corner of Parcel 2 of said Williams deed; thence leaving the boundary
of said Parcel 12x3 along the boundary of said Parcel 2, Southwesterly 148.50
feet to an angle point in the Southerly boundary of Tract 100 of said Map 1661;
thence Southeasterly along said Southerly boundary 05 said Tract 100 to its
most Southerly corner, thence Southeasterly in a straight line to the most
Northerly corner of Block 20 in said Wp 535; thence South 3fsQ33' East along
the Eortheasterfy line and the Southeasterly pro$onn;ation of the Kortheasterly
line of said Block 20, 140.00 feet to the szost Northeasterly corner of land
described in deed to Cicbis Properties, i? partnership, recorded September 12,
1977 as File k. 77-371495; thence along the boundary of said Giebis' land as
follows: Southeasterly 53.00 feet, more or less, tc, the most Easterly corner
thereof; thence South 55"27' Kest, 60.00 feet; thence South 34"33' East, 7.00
feet; thence kuth 55"27' %est 60.00 to the most Korrherly corner of land
described in deed to Ceibis Properties, a partnership, recorded September 12,
1977 8s File No. 77-371497; thence leaving the &ibis land first above described
and along the boundary of the Ceibis' land last descrFbe6 above, as follows:
Ssutheasterly along the Northeasterly line thereof, 210.00 icet to the most
Easterly corner thereof; thence South 55"27' West, 128.59 feet to the beginning
of a tangent 10.00 foot radius curve, concave Northerly, thence Southwesterly
gesterly and HorthwesterLy along said curve through a central angle of 90' an
arc distance of 15.71 feet; thence leaving the boundory of said Ceibis' fsnd
Northwesterly in a straight line to the most Southerly corner of land described
in deed to the State of California recorded August 25, I967 as File KO. 128584;
thence along the Westerly boundary of said State of California land Eorth
30"39'55" kst, 301.73 feet to the Korthwesterly corner tftersof; thence leaving
the boundary of said State of California lznd Northerly in a straight line to
the most Southerly corner of Tract 94 of Carisbad hnds, Nap 1661; thence
Eorthwasterly along the Southwesterly line of said Tract 94 to the most Westerly
corner of said Tract 94, being 2lso a point in the Southwesterly line of Block
13 of Town of Carlsbad, Nap 535; thence continuing Korthtresterly along said
Smthuesterly line of Block 13 to the mst Resterly corner of said Block 13;
thence krthwesterly in a straighc fine to the most So2tfierl.y corner of Block
9 of Town of Carlsbad, according to Php thereof Eo. 365, filed in the office
05 the County Recorder of Szn Diego County, February 2, 1887; thence Korth-
wzstsrly along the Southwesterf_y line of said Block 8 to the mast Westerly
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corner thereof; thence continuing Northwest in a straight lir~ to the mast
Southerly corner of Block 7, Hap 535; thence Eorthlesterl-y along the South-
west line 02 Block 7 to the most Westerly corner thereof; thence continuing
Korthwesterly in a straight line to the most Sutherly corner of Eot 85 of
Granville Park Ma. 2, according to Php thereof %. 2037 filed in the office
of the County Recorder of San Diego County, June 18, 1927; thence continuing
Northwesterly along the Southwesterly lines of Lots 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79,
78, 77, 76, 75 and 74 to a point in the Scxtthwester3.y line of saiO ht 74
being the Southwesterly terainus of a line ir, the Narthwesterly boundary af
said Lot 74 with a distance of 70.21 feet; thence Ieming the boundary of
said Lot 74, continuing Norrhwesterly in a straight fine to the most Souther3
corner of Lot 69 of said Map 2037; thence continuing Eorthwesterly along the
buthwesterly lines of Lots 69, 68, 67, 66, that portion of La Cresta Avenue
adjoining Lots 66 and 61, Lot 61, 60, 59 and 58 to the Point of Beginning.
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