HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-06; City Council; Resolution 78031 2 3 4 E * E r I E $ l( 1: 1; 1: 1. 1 1 1 1 1 2 City of Carlsbac 3. Th PASSED City Council of November A RESOL CARLSBA BETWEEN INC. FC REPORT PROTECT The Cit hereby resolve i 1. The WESTEC Services, Report for the ( copy of which is reference as Ex1 2. Thc 21 22 23 ii AYES : NOES : ABSENT 24 11 25 I~ATTEST: 28 (SEAL) I1 ll RESOLUTION NO. 7803 JTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT < PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ?OR THE CARLSBAD STATE BEACH BLUFF CON - PROJECT NO. 3185 THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WESTEC SERVICES, 1 Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does 5 follows: t an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Inc. for preparation of an Environmental Impact arlsbad State Beach Bluff Protection Project, a attached hereto and incorporated herein by ibit A, is hereby approved. Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized execute said agreement for and on behalf of the s resolution supercedes Resolution No. 7772. APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the the City of Carlsbad held the 6th day of , 1984, by the following vote, to wit: Council Mmhrs Casler, Lewis, Kulckin, CHick and Prescott None None CASLER, Mayor 3 * c RECITALS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEM NT is made this yfA day of fclod, , 1984, between the CITY OF I CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California,l hereinafter referred to as CITY, and WESTEC SERVICES, INC. hereibafter referred to as CONSULTANT. city must prepare an( Environmental Impact Report. The proposed project is identifie as the construction of a seawall the design d alternatives and ications for which are being prepared by Woodward-Clyde Civil Engineers. The subject property is located est of Carlsbad Boulevard between Oak Avenue and Agua Hedionda La oon, and more precisely shown on the plat marked Attachment "1 ', attached hereto and made a part hereof; and I WHEREAS, th$ Consultant has the qualifications to pre- pare the required En ironmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, it Y is understood that the Consultant shall be an independent contr ctor of the city; NOW, THEREF i RE, in consideration of their mutual conve- nants and conditions; the parties hereto agree as follows: (1) DUTIES OF THE CC~NSULTANT Consultant shall prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the subject project in accord with the California Environ- mental Quality ct as implemented by the State Guidelines and by City in itle 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and its implementin resolutions. In carrying out this obligation the lonsultant's duties shall include the l I following: I EXHIBIT "A" associated necessary analy$is appear prepa Report. Planning -2- with the scope of work; (2) make all and required laboratory tests and associated with the scope of work; (3) and be prepared to answer questions and 'e testimony on the final Environmental Impact at up to four public hearings before the Commission and the City Council prior to 5- preparinq submit check specifications for the proposed seawall. Before the draft report, the Consultant shall five copies of a preliminary report (screen EIR) to the Planning Director for staff . cant report. agreerent facto (a) Consultant written quent attac appl i Consu ring draft (c) Consu possi facto the p tors Direc b.he feasibility of continuing with the The objective of this subsection of the is to minimize the cost if these adverse s exist. shall prepare and file with the city a responses to all comments received subse- to public notice that the draft envirolnmental impact report has been filed. led hereto and made a part hereof and with :able state law and city ordinances. The .tant shall submit to city fifty copies (in 3 )inders) plus a reproducible master of the EIR to the city. .tant shall attempt to determine as soon as )le in his study of the area involved, those -s which could severely inhibit or prohibit -oposed project. If it appears that such fac- ire present, he shall so inform the Planning .or who in turn will discuss with the appli- -3- DUTIES OF THE (a) The City vided for (b) The City cument, related tq) (c) The City by the ( 3) TERMINATION OF !AGREEMENT CITY will make payment to the Consultant as pro- in this agreement. will make available to the Consultant any do- s:udies, or other information in its possession the proposed project. will review the Preliminary Report presented Corsultant within fourteen working days of their The city may te minate this agreement at any time by giving written notice o the Consultant of such termination and specifying the ffective date thereof, at least fifteen days prior to the ef ective date of the termination. In event of termination 11 finished or unfinished documents and mental the draft and is other materials 1 prepared pursuant to this agreement shall Impact Report subsequent to public notice that Environmental Impact Report has been filed available for public review. become its prop rty. Upon termination for reasons other than breach of his agreement City shall pay Consultant the reasonable valu f of the services completed to the date of notice of termidation. -4- ( 4 ) RELEASE OF Any reports, bled by the Codsultant under this agreement shall not be INFORMATION BY CONSULTANT iriformation or other data, prepared or assem- made available (to any individual or organization by the con- sultant without! (5) OWNERSHIP, the prior written approval of the city. PUBLICATION, REPRODUCTION AND USE OF ENVIRON- All documents and materials prepared pursuant to this agree- (6) PAYMENT I ment are the unrestricted The Consultant bill be paid a maximum of $ 19,330 dollars property of the city. The city shall have the authority to publish, disclose, distribute and for all work ne essary to carry out the requirements of this agreement. Act a1 payment shall be based on the cost of the otherwise use, other materials in whole or in part, any reports, data, or prepared under this agreement. Consultant shal be paid sixty percent of the compensable services comple'ed within 15 days after receipt of his invoice for the i completion of the draft Environmental Impact report based on and "3" on file Report in accor ance with Paragraph 1 above. The Consultant will be paid tw nty-five percent upon acceptance by the city the costs as set forth in Attachments "2" at the Land Use Planning Office. The of the response fifteen percent I -5- to comments from the Consultant, the final will be paid not to exceed the maximum amount provide in this agreement within thirty days after receipt of inv ice, to be submitted after the certification of the Environ ental Impact Report by the City Council or if the City Counc I 1 has not held a public hearing to consider the certificat on of the Environmental Impact Report within the time limit specified by Title 19 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code I after the expiration of said time limit whichever is e rlier. If the final amount is paid prior to I certification Consultant sha certifiable re the City. (7) Time is of the agreement. It ditions may delay tant will be essary to The Consultant df the Environmental Impact Report the 1 do any work necessary to produce a tort, without delay or cost upon direction of TIME OF COMPLETION essence in carrying out the terms of this is understood that inclement weather con- the completion of field work. The Consul- allowed as many additional days as are nec- compensate for days lost due to inclement weather. hall submit to the city five copies of the I -6- (8) LIMITS OF THE The limits of ment is in the be sufficient performed hereLnder the event at ar.y sum may not be the Planning incur any appropriate ame (9) CHANGES IN WORK If, in the cour the Consultant cate that a cha ranted, the Con the contract. in the followin changes shall b inform them of of estimated ch reaching mutual agreement shall City Council. ineffective or Changes requiri bBLIGATION ':he obligation of the city under this agree- sum of $ 19,330 which amount is estimated to to compensate the consultant for all services during the terms of this agree-ment, In time it appears to the Consultant that said sufficient, he shall immediately so notify Director. He will not perform any work or obligation beyond said sum of $ 19,330 without dment to this agreement. e of this contract, changes seem merited by r the City and informal consultations indi- ge in the conditions of the contract is war- ultant or the City may request a change in uch changes shall be processed by the City manner. A letter outlining the required forwarded to the City or Consultant to he proposed changes along with a statement nqes in charges or time schedule, After agreement on the proposal, a supplemental be prepared by the City and approved by the uch supplemental agreement shall not render nvalid unaffected portions of the agreement. g immediate action by the Consultant or the -7- City shall be principal of action and follow such work. The lump sum adjusted for c$anges, either additive or deductive, in the brdered by the City Manager, who will inform a t:ie Consultant's firm of the necessity of such up with a supplemental agreement covering anounts detailed in this agreement shall be scope of work. 1 Consultant will and losses (10) HOLD HARMLESS reimburse the City for all costs, expenses incurred by it in consequence of any claims, de- The Consultant~will indemnify the City against and hold it by a person this agreement. harmless from and any cost, expense, or liability for damages on acc of injury or death to persons or damage to property re from or arising out of or in any way arising out of the performance by Consultant of connected with the performance by consultant of this agree- ment, includin the defense of any action arising therefrom. ( 11 ) MAINTAIN INSURAXCE Consultant shall, at all times that this agreement is in mands and causeis of action which may be brought against it effect cause to be maintained in force and effect an insurance polic or policies which will insure and indemnify both City and C nsultant against liability or financial loss I -8- resulting from1 injuries occurring as a result of any acts or himself out as city by reason activity of Co sultant. The liability under such insurance policy shall b not less than $100,000 for any one person nor claim to be an officer or employee of the hereof, and that he will not by reason injured or $3O(l,OOO for any one accident and $50,000 for right or privilege the City including, property damag The policy shall be written by a responsible co pany or companies to be approved by City, and shall be nonca celable except on ten days' written notice to f applicable to an officer or employee of but not limited to, workmen's compensa- City. Such po icy shall name City as co-assured and a copy of such policy shall be filed with the City. (13) ASSIGNMENT OF ( 12 INDEPENDENT CO~TRACTOR C3NTRACT Consultant in dccordance with his status as an independent contractor, codenants and agrees that he will conduct him- self consistent/ with such status, that he will neither hold hereof, make anly claim, demand, or application to or for any tion coverage, iunemployment insurance benefits, social se- curity coveragel, or retirement membership credit. of or any due or to become due thereunder without the prior nsent of the City. I -9- ( 14 ) SUBCONTRACTING 1 If the Consultant performed under shall be fully omissions of its directly or is for the acts by it. Nothing contractual sultant and the contractor and s&.,all subcontract any of the work to be this contract by Consultant, the Consultant responsible to the City for the acts and subcontractor and of the persons either indirectly employed by its subcontractor, as it and omissions of persons directly employed contained in this contract shall create any relationship between any subcontractor of Con- City. The Consultant shall bind every sub- very subcontractor of a subcontractor by attorney, engin er or inspector of or for the City who is authorized in s ch capacity and on behalf of the City to specifically question approved ( 15) PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of on behalf of thg or to take part ing any architectural, tion, or materie.1 tion with the ectly or indireatly I -10- nozed to the contrary in the subcontract in in writing by the city. ':he City who is authorized in such capacity City to negotiate, make, accept or approve, in negotiating, making, accepting or approv- engineering, inspection, construc- supply contract or subcontract in connec- ccnstruction of the project, shall become dir- interested personally in this contract exercise any e. tions in mnnel shall become d in this contra ( 16 ) VERBAL AGREEME' No verbal agre or employee of execution of t the terms or o agreemefit or CI additional pay contract. :ecutive, supervisory or other similar func- ition with the performance of this contract .rectly or indirectly interested personally :t or any part thereof. IT OR CONVERSATION merit or conversation with any officer, agent the City, either before, during or after the lis contract, shall affect or modify any of )ligations herein contained, nor such verbal tnversation entitle the Consultant to any lent whatsoever under the terms of this -11- IN WITNES this agreement on ATTEST: .- APPROVED AS ,TO ,FOR Assistant! City Att WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed Le day and year first above written. CITY OF CARLSBAD, a Municipal Corporation of the State of California BY MARY CASWR Mayor U $, + City lerk i rney -1 2- t i 1 '2 366 3 4 I ,362 I I I I . (61 9) 294-9770 84-800-E September 27, 1984 Land Use Planning Offi City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Michael Howes 1 Dear Mr. Howes: I I'm writing at Services met with Associates yesterday to discuss the possibility of reducing our cost to and Final EIRs for the Carlsbad Seawall Project. to the City (9/17/84), we were unaware project area would be available to us Engineering Study and Project Desiqn as a follow-up to our telephone conversation. WESTEC At the time we that some As I indicated on the telephone, the availability of site specific geologic informa- tion will reduce our effo t somewhat in the areas of literature review, geologic mapping and the preparation of b uff and beach cross sections. This will enable us to reduce our total costs by $400.00 described in our the EIR process preliminary t a total of $19,330.00 ($19,730.00 - $400.00) for all tasks (9/17/84) to the City. It should be emphasized that a valuable third-party review of the appropriateness of the in addition to an analysis of its subsequent effects on the environment. Please forward all contractual information to our office as soon as possible. We are anxious to begin wo k on this challenging project. It will be necessary for the City to provide WESTEC wit the Preliminary Engineering Study and Project Design along with the notice to proc ed. Our project schedule is dependent upon receipt of this information which will s rve as the project description and the basis of our analyses. i I J Project Manaker San Diego. CA Venturai CA Brawley, CA Phoenix. A2 Philadelphia. PA Washington, D C 17 Submitted To: City of Carlsbad Land Use Planning Office 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Submitted By: WESTEC Services, Inc. 3211 Fifth Avenue San Diego, California 92103 September 17, 1984 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title I I11 SCHEDULE 3.1 Schedule 3.2 cost 1.1 AND COST 1.2 tanding of the Project Under the Contract 11 2.1 2.2 IV 4.1 V 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 AND REFERENCES Page i 1 2 9 9 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 i Section VI 6.1 6.2 v I1 7.1 7.2 Number 1 Points Letter A B of Contact Authorization TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Title EXPERIE CE WEST i C Services Project Leightbn and Associates TABLE Title Team Contributions Resumes Project Er erience APPENDICES Title Page 20 20 20 22 22 22 Page 11 Page A- 1 B- 1 ii SECTION I INTRODUCTION provide the expertise logical impacts associated 1.1 UNDERSTANDING The 4000-foot Lagoon in the City of needed to properly evaluate the key issue of coastal geomorpho- with the project. OF THE PROJECT .seawall would be built between Oak Avenue and Agua Hedionda Carlsbad. The purpose of the seawall is to protect Carlsbad I 1 1.2 RESPONSIBILWS WESTEC Services' 0 Attendance meetings requested e Preparation 2 UNDER THE CONTRACT responsibility under the contract wili include the following: and presentations at a maximum of two public scoping only if prior to preparation of the Draft EIR (optional: by City). of Draft and Final EIRs which are acceptable to the City SECTION XI SCOPE OF WORK probable long-term and CEQA. The EIR will provide ect alternatives which codd of the project. 2.2 TECHNICAL Based on informition ning Office Of the City Cm-"SSiOn, our familiarity well as our previous the following technical the EIR. Primary emphasis those issues which could In addition, WESTEC will Preparation. Other surate with their potential Our analysis will term effects of the seawal-. short-range effects of the proposed project in accordance with an evaluation of all feasible mitigation measures or Proj- be used to reduce or eliminate potential adverse impacts APPROACH given in the RFP, conversations with the Land Use Plan- df Carlsbad and the staff of the Sari Diego Region Coastal with the City of Carlsbad and with the project area7 as experience with similar projects, WESTEC Services has developed approach. We have identified issues which should be included in has been given to those issues identified in the RFP and to involve significant environmental impacts, as discussed below. address any issues identified in response to the Notice of envircnmental issues will be analyzed in a level of detail commen- level of impact. focus on impacts resulting from construction and the long- A development plan is not available at this time; however, 3 it is assumed that a detailed consultant. The analysis impacts associated with the tives. The EIR will also approach to the identified 0 Coastal Leighton ard EIR. The primary methoc review of available geomor?hic, subject site. All appropriate project description will be available for use by the ElR will focus heavily on the significant, long-term environmental seawall and recommended mitigation measurw and alterna- WESTEC's describe effects found not to be significant. ziignificant issues is described below: Ge~morpholoay/CoastaI Processes Associates will conduct the analysis for this POrtion Of the involved in the investigation will include an analysis and geologic, soils and hydrogeologic data Frrinent to the and pertinent data will be transferred to 0 base map. A will be addressed. Possib where appropriate. 4 e mitigation measures and/or alternatives will be provided, also be addressed. A WESTEC ing Department and Caitrans related impacts. e Land 5 analyst will consult with the City of Carlsbad's Engineer- to arrive at suitable mitigation measures for construction- Use/Coastal Act Compatibility points, including Tamara1 the beach. The impacts term beach use will be ai term effect of sand loss Mitigation measures will 0 Other Re The Dra: State CEQA Guidelines a including, but not limite Section. 0 Project P This sect to the "no project" alter meet the project objectii access and drainage modi ing materials and a disco1 :, Cherry and Pine Avenues, as well as the many footpaths to E seawall construction on beach access, temporary and long- .lyzed. It is conceivable that the seawall could have the long- )r accretion which would affect recreational opportunities. 3 recommended. Aired Sections EIR will contain all sections required by Article 9 of the j as shown in the RFP tentative Draft EIR table of contents, to, a Summary, Project Description and Cumulative Effects :ernatives In of the Draft EIR will receive major emphasis. In addition itive, the EIR will address feasible alternatives which could s. These alternatives could include restrictions on pedestrian cations/improvements, alternative seawall designs and build- inuous rather than continuous seawall. 6 3.1 SCHEDULE Prior to comme 7 SECTION IU SCHEDULE AND COST icing with the EIR analysis, WESTEC Services will participate in a maximum of two pub..ic is not clear whether the will be prepared and three 6 weeks of official scoping meetings, if requested by the City. At this time it City will conduct scoping meetings. The preliminary Draft EIR copies submitted for review by the City of Carlsbad within This schedule commitment (and the cost notification to proceed. within 2 weeks. 3.2 COST The estimated $19,730.00. The fee Draft EIR, integration of the Draft EIR in 3-ring cost for preparing the EIR for the proposed project is incl-ldes preparation and submittal of 3 copies of the preliminary modifications requested by the City, submittal of 50 copies of bi.nders (including 1 reproducible copy), response to public corn- Draf Ar GE Fina. Hear T EIR lysis by WESTEC Services $ 9,762 technical Analysis 6,600 COST ESTIMATE EIR 2,192 1gs (4) 1,176 ,TAL: $19,730 8 SECTION N PERSONNEL content and scope of preparation. He has had variety of project types, complex controversial studies. Mr. Kingery is also responajible environmental documents 10 years of geological anc advice and direction to environmental studies WESTEC Services w 11 provide a highly competent, experienced management team to complete the EIR. Th staff of WESTEC Services is fully aware and accustomed to the level of detail and for at that environmental studies must meet to satisfy require- ments of the California Members of WESTEC's project team have had a wide ra ge of experience in environmental studies, and are familiar with a variety of local and regional projects. 4.1 nvironmental Quality Act. PROJECT TEAM Environmental c nsulting services for the proposed project will be provided largely by members of WE TEC's in-house staff. All of the team members have exten- sive experience in environ ental planning and analysis. Mr. Frank Kingery will serve as Senior Project Manager to provide overall project direction and quality assurance. Mr. Kingery serves as W' E STEC Services' California registered Geologist. He will attend any scoping meetin s and public hearings for the project. Mr. David Claycomb will serve as Project Man ger and will be responsible for the day-to-day direction of the project team. A sum I ary of the qualifications and pertinent experience for key I environmental documents through public review and final report direct managerial and analytical experience with a wide and has worked with a broad range of agencies to complete Some of his management experience has included EIRs. for the geology and hydrology elements of the firm's Imd is a California Registered Geologist. Based on over environmental studies experience, he provides technical Geotechnical and direqted by Mr. Kingery have been completed for both private Eqvironmental Division staff as required. 9 ing and Repair Facility includes management of nia cities and over 3 years sioner and Chairman of nated the preparation of nd the Woodley Island Marina project. Other related work the preparation of Local Coastal Programs for several Califor- experience as a City of Arcata, California Planning Commis- the Planning Commission. Mr. Claycomb has recently coordi- several large-scale complex EIRs for the San Diego Unified I 10 Mr. Artim and Associates and conduct mitigations. Mr. Artim has a variety of land use soils, geology, seismicity ongoing sea cliff recession Diego since 1969 which migration of beach sands local field exploration and methodologies used in photography analysis; 33 will manage the engineering geologic evaluation for Leighton the analysis of the project setting, possible constraints and over 16 years of experience in geotechnical assessments for prcljects and has been at the forefront of understanding of the of western San Diego County. He has personally conducted an study on the San Diego County coast from Oceanside to San includes the transgression and regression as well as lateral In addition, he is experienced in all phases of regional and seismic investigations. He is highly knowledgeable of the field investigations including field mapping; profiles; aerial relnote sensing techniques; and geologic and environmental impact report preparatior ment Advisory Board from ologist-Leighton Associates Name ' - Frank Kingery SC David Claycomb P Stephen Lacy SC Terry Jacques E Ernest R. Artim C Dorian E. Mills G Mr. Artim served on the City of San Diego Land Develop- 1978 to 1982. Table 1 'ROJECT TEAM CONTRIBUTIONS Title Percent of Analysis Effort 15 25 5 20 20 15 11 31 5.1 WESTEC SERW W ESTEC Servicc rience for the preparatior 0 Direct E Car Is bad 0 Direct e coastal a nia. 0 A major and relatc 0 Direct ex 5.1.1 Corporate Pra WESTEC Sen government and industry time, the firm has comp: nia, Arizona, Oregon, Ne1 WESTEC Serv time employees. Enviror ters in San Diego and fro Las Vegas, Nevada; and P A two-fold pt ronmental consulting cap scientific and technical full-time employees with agement controls in the participation/review in tl shown in the repeat busin 5.1.2 Analytical Ap] WESTEC Sen field data and impact ani complete and well docur SECTION V 3ALIFICATIONS AND REFERENCES 5, INC. offers the following combination of qualifications and expe- >f the EIR. perience with preparation of environmental reports in Id north San Diego County. Erience with analysis of environmental issues involving I marine oriented development projects throughout Califor- Insultant for the preparation of environmental impact reports surveys in the southwest United States. 2rience with CEQA guidelines. le :es was established in 1972 to meet the growing needs of 3r environmental analysis and planning services. Since that ted over 1200 environmental and planning studies in Califor- da, Idaho, Utah and New Mexico. es is staffed with a multi-disciplinary team of over 200 full- iental services are provided out of the corporate headquar- regional offices located in Ventura and Brawley, California; ladelphia, Pennsylvania. osophy has prevailed in developing WESTEC Services' envi- dities. First, the company is dedicated to building a staff of tperts who, to the greatest extent possible, are long-term, most-graduate degrees. Second, the firm applies strict man- eas of task assignment, scheduling, budget, and management ! final output. Evidence of the success of these policies is ,s conducted with virtually all of our major clients. oach :es' analytical approach is based on the following premise: pes prepared at the environmental assessment level must be mted to insure that they will withstand the scrutiny of the - - 12 required agency and pub1 trial and commercial and environmentally nificant adverse impacts offers the capability to opment monitoring progrz.ms. WESTEC Services in in subsequent project in significant impacts to lifornia Department of Transportation Port District c review. In addition, our experience with residential, indus- devetlopmen t projects allows us to formulate economically feasible acceptable mitigation measures and/or alternatives should any sig- 3e associated with any project. Therefore, WESTEC Services conduct both pre-development impact analyses and post-devel- Environmental inventory or baseline data developed by numerous studies throughout the western states have been utilized plarning and design to avoid what would otherwise have resulted environmental resources. 13 WESTEC Serv.ces ronmental and energy have resulted in the reviewing authorities, the! more, WESTEC Services documents on time and 5.1.4 Facilities The corporate vices is located at 3211 facility houses professional tems Divisions in addition areas, reference library, tem. 5.1.5 Clients has demonstrated the capability to manage complex envi- These studies generation of reports which meet the needs of the permitting and Further- has earned an excellent reputation for the delivery of these studies requiring a multi-disciplinary approach. applicant, and private environmentalist concerns. within budget. headquarters and principal operating facility of WESTEC Ser- Fifth Avenue, San Diego, California. This 15,000 square foot staff of WESTEC Services' Environmental, Energy, and Sys- to the clerical and graphic arts departments, conference laboratory space for development projects, and computer sys- project experience applicable to City of Carlsbad's needs an Bernardino Mr. Allen M. Jones Environmental Quality Division Planning Department City of San Diego 202 "C" Street, MS 5A San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 236-5775 Developers, Inc. The willia+ Lyon Company Developers Shape11 Indptries of San Diego Mr. Tomas E. Firle Environmental Management Unified Port District 3165 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 921 12 (619) 291 -3900 5.1.6 References Public Agencies Mr. Werner von Cundell Coordinator Planning Director City of Oceanside Community Development Center 320 N. Home Street Oceanside, CA 92054 (6 19) 439-7272 Mr. Doug Reid Environmental Review Coordinator City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 575-5009 14 34 Private Firms vices for this project. In southern California, the f Mr. Mike Ryan Daon Corporation Daon Centre 404 1 McArthur Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 752-7855 the 20 years Leighton and Associates has been consulting in 'rm has developed an expertise in evaluations for Environmen- AVCO Community Develo ers, Inc. Mr. Gary Copson, or Mr. H.L. Troutman 16770 West Bernard0 Driv San Diego, CA 92127 I (619) 277-2132 Mr. Keith Johnson The Fieldstone Company 8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Suite 21 1 San Diego, CA 92 11 1 (619) 565-4172 Mr. Lou Lightfoot Louis N. Lightfoot & Associates 708 Fourth Street Oceanside, CA 92054 (619) 722-1924 15 this project. The firm has study as described below: 0 Coastal Their studies along the southern assessment studies to Mr. Ernest R. Artim, ChFf ongoing sea cliff recessior sion as well as lateral 0 Geochemical Key ous projects involving 16 experience in each of the areas of expertise needed for this and Bluff Study Experience personnel have conducted numerous geotechnical assessment California coastal area. These studies have ranged from EIR investigations of design work for stabilization of sea cliffs. Also, Engineering Geologist at San Diego, has conducted an study since 1969 which includes the transgression and regres- migration of beach sands (see Appendix A). Effects of Groundwater Fluctuation on Beach Sands personnel with Leighton and Associates have performed numer- evaluations of fluctuating groundwater tables and the potential investigations, whether it be for single-story structures, seawalls, or for heavy founda- changes in conditions. Their plete investigations which parameters based upon liberal estimations. This reduce the potential for the 5.2.2 Facilities general investigative philosophy is to make thorough and com- allow them to address and evaluate site conditions and soil re..listic conditions rather than through overly conservative or ?hilosophy and resultant product reports often significantly development of soil problems. County of County of County of County of San Bernardino San Diego San Mateo Ventura 17 E.S.I. Land Edaw, Inc. Technology a1 Impact Profiles onsulting Engineering, Inc. Group VTN Private Developers Boise Casciade Broadmoor Condor Criterion Crocker Dart Indw'ries Corporation Homes International Development Lad Company 18 0 Kaiser John D. I Mission V Mobil Oil Pardee C Shape11 Ir Trammel Union Oil Watt Indub usk & Son iejo Company t ries mstruction Company dustries Crow Company 19 SECTION VI EXPERIENCE 6.1 WESTEC SERVICES WESTEC Servicebs EIR for the Seawall 0 Prepared tive exarrples 0 Direct EXPERIENCE has an experience base particularly suited to preparing the Development project. The firm has: numerous EIRs for coastal development projects. Representa- include Sunset Cliffs Stabilization Project EIR experience involving project with similar issues: 20 - sc - Se - Se - so - Tc 0 Other Ne - C< - Hi - Dt - Se - Ct Sipps Institution Sea Wall i Bluff Properties, Leucadia i Wall Failure, Del Mar ana Beach Post Development Study rrey Pines Park Coastal Bluffs, City of San Diego irshore (Marine/Freshwater) Facility Projects: lony Cove Bluffs Stabilization Report, San Clemente, CA itorical Analysis of Coastal Erosion, Sand City, CA ep Submergence Pier, Submarine Base, San Diego, CA iwall Bulkhead, Minoo Island, Iran annel Bulkhead (2 miles long), Linda Isle, Newport Beach, CA wall Bulkheads, Capistrano Beach, CA Biology Laboratories, Catalina Island, University of - - California and North American Rockwell 21 SECTION VII STATEMENT OF OFFER Any additional informati directed to Frank A. Kin, 7.2 AUTHORIZATN Submittal of th vices, Lnc. to the servil period of 60 days. All exceed $19,730.00. We u vices, Inc. will enter intc terms of our contractual W ESTEC Servic contract with an applicz the proposed project. N between WESTEC Servic Respectfully submitted, Vice Pres iden t, Envir onn WESTEC Services, Inc. 'ACT ervices, Inc. be selected to prepare the EIR for the proposed iduals are authorized to negotiate and contractually bind the - ael W. Wright jident, Executive Vice President mental Division WESTEC Services, Inc. Services, Inc. :h Avenue Mr. William R. Eldredge 321 I Fifth Avenue San Diego, CA 92 103 0, CA 92103 (619) 294-9770 -9770 requested during the period of proposal evaluation should be ry. I proposal to the City of Carlsbad hereby binds WESTEC Ser.? j and commensurate compensation described herein for a rk shall be performed on a time-and-materials basis not to erstand that upon acceptance of this proposal, WESTEC Ser- ontract negotiations with the City which will define the final ;reemen t. , Inc. does not currently hold, nor does it expect to hold, a or property owner who would be substantially affected by :ontractual arrangements exist now, or are expected to exist Inc. and any person or individual that would be so affected. ita1 Division 22