HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-20; City Council; Resolution 92-310~
F m
RESOLUTION NO. 9 2 - 3 1 O
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad, California has determined the need to
provide warehouse/storage space for the Library;
I WHEREAS, Utilities and Maintenance staff has negotiated with the property
manager and secured a new three-year lease and a reduction in the rental rate;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad, California as follows:
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the new lease agreement between the City of Carlsbad and
Palomar #46, attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby approved.
3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the lease agreement on
behalf of the City.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 20th day
of OCTOBER , 1992, and by the following vote, to wit:
AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Larson, Stanton, Nygaard
NOES: None
P @
" Southern California Chapter of the sK>R/ Society of Industrial and Office RealtorsPInc.
This Article One contains the Basic Terms of this Louse bolwoon the Landlord and Tenant namud blow.
Term' and aro to be rucrd in conjunction with thu Uasic Terms. Other Arliclos. Suctions and I'arayraplrs of the Luuse roferred to in this Arliclu One explain ond delinu tlre'Uasic
Section t .OI. Dale of Lease: -- September 16, 1992
Section 1.02. Landlord (incIu& legal entity): --PE&~aLd#46
Address of Landlord: 541 1 Avenida Encinas, Ste. 110 . .."- Carlsbad. CA 92003
Section 1.03. Tenant (include legal entity): Citvofarlsbad - -
Address of Tenant:
"- 2075 Corte del NOQal, Ste. Q _."
""". ._." Carlsbad,.CA 92009 ""~
Section 1.04. Properly: The Propurty is part of Landlord's multi-tenant red proparty duvelopment known
and described'or depicted in Exhibil "A" (the "Projuct"). Thu I'rojuct itlcludes the land. tire buildings and 011 other improvements located on llro land. and the cummon arms duscribad in Paragraph 4.0 a The Property is (include street address, approximala quure footage and duucription) Aqproximatelv %&I rentable square
8S """.."._ "".
feet lomted at: 2075 Corte del Nogal, Ste. Q
Carlsbad, CA 92009 ,
"_ .-~-
Section 1.05. Leas tern^: __._. 3. _... ymn hgidn on November 1, 1 992 -
Section 1.06. Permitted Uses: (SCC Articlu five) Municipal- Government Purposes
Section 1.07. Tenant's Guaranlor: (if none. so state) N/A -
Section 1.08. Brokers: (SL% Article Fuurtucn) (ll nonu. so state)
or such other datu as is specilied in this Lease. and ending on . ..~.~.~~ber~~....-19~.5 . . ___.__ ..__.___.._.
"""_ -
Landlord's Broker: Tanant's Broker: -__-._._ -47%"- .__..__._. ____.____ - - "-" -.. " - . "_
Section 1 .OO. Commission Payable lo Landlord's Broker: (See Article ):ourteen) $ "-IN/!--
Section 1.10. Initio1 Securily Deposit: (See Section 3.03) $ :--t56.L4L_an..hand _____.____.___.__
Scction 1.11. Vehicle Parking Spaces Allucatcd lo Tenant: (See Section 4.~) ..N?ne. .a?s.?.peL
Section 1.12. Rent and Other Charges Payable by Tenank
. . . _. . .
(a) BASE RENT: ~~~_~-~~~~.d-..~~x~e~~andx,:L100_.- D~II~~ (s -.----) 968 00
fmt day ol tllc per month for llu first ---.12-- --.- . . III~II~~IS. as provided in Section 3.01. and shall be increased on [ha
ect 1 on $YtmencumL mt Date. citlrer (i) as providd in
Section 3.02. or (ii) -~.eeRent_al-..s.~he~l-~.-~~ ___---___ -- .-_____.-_._-_- . (If (ii] is completed. tlren (i) and Section 3.02 arc inapplicable.)
1I- ...__ ._ tnontll s) after the
Soction.4.M); (iv) Tcnant's Initial Pro Kato Share of Commo
Maintenam. Rupairs
cs [SLW Section 4.0U); (vi)
Section 1.15. Riders: The Ibllowing Hiders arc attedui to and madu a part of this hsu: Ill now. so spte)
-=ion 15, 16, 1/,-18, 19
@ 1986 Suutllern Olifornia Cllaptur 1 Initials -___ or the socic4y ut \ndus\rial KX'
od Oflice Hualturs? IIIC. 2 (Multi-Tenant Grws Form) ".". -e--
w ” --- - “-w
Section 2.01. Lease of Properly For Lease Tcrm. Landlord lcases the I’roperty to Tenont and Tcnont leases the Proparty from Landlord for tlte Lease Term. The Loose Term is for the period stated in Section 1.05 above and shall begin and end on tho dntes specificd in Section 1 .OS abovc. unless tlre boginning or end of tlre Lcase Term is clrongcci under any provision of this I.e;rsc. The “Conlmenccmcnt Date” shall b tlre dele spccified in Scction 1.05
above for tire beginning of the Lease Term. un1es.s advonctd or cleluyod under any provision of this Lcase.
Section 2.02. Delay in Commcnccmcnl. Landlord shall not be liable to Tcnnnt if Londlord does not deliver possession of the Property to Tenant on tllc Co~nmencemcnt Oalc. Lundlord’s non-delivery of thc Property to Tenant
on that dale shnll not affect this Lease or the obliglrtiolrs of Tenant undor this I.arse except 111:rt tllc Cotnmencerncnt
Date shall be delayed until Lundlord delivcm possession of tlrc Property to Tenant and thu Lease Term shall be extended for a period equal to t11c delay in clclivcry of posscssion of the I’roperty to Tenant. plus thc number of days neccssiiry to cnd the Lcm! Term on tllc Iirst thy of 41 rnontlr. If Lirndlord does not dclivcr possession of the Property to
Tenant within sixty (GO) clays after tile Comnrcncement Dote. Tcnent nray clcct to cancel this Lease by giving writtcn
noticc to Landlord within ten (10) ditys aftcr lltc sixty (GO) -doy pcriotl ends. If Tenant gives such notice, thc Lease
shall be concellcd ond ncithcr Landlord nor Tcnont shall have ony furtllcr obligations to the other. If Tcnant does not
give such noticc. Tenont’s right to cancel tlw Lcose slloll expire and 111~ Lcose Tcrm shell coanmcncc upon the
delivery of possession of the Property to Tenant. If delivury of possession of the Property to Tonant is delayed.
Landlord and Tcnont shall, upon suclr delivcry. execute an amendment to this Lcasc sctting forth tlrc actual
Commcnccment Dale and expiration datc of the Lcasc. Failure to cxcculc such mncndment slrall not affect !Ire actual Commencement Dale ond expiration datc of Urc Lcasc.
Section 2.03. Early Occupancy. If Tenant occupies the Proparty prior to tire Commcncemcnt Date. Tenant’s occupancy of the Property sholl be subject to nll of the provisions of tlris Lease. Early occupency of lire Property sholl not advance thc expirution date of this Lease. Tenant shall pay Uasc llent and 011 othcr clrargcs specified in this Lcase for the early occupancy period.
.._ Section 2.04. 1loIding Over. Tcnirclt shall vacate tllc Property upon lllc expirotion or oarlicr tcrminotion of
this Lcose. Tenant sllall reimburse Landlord I’or and ir~demnify Landlord against all damagos which Landlord incurs
from Tenant’s delay in vacating tlre I’ropwty. If Tenant docs not v~lcata the I’rolmrty upon the cxpiration or eorlicr: termination of the 1.c;w and bndlord ilwt?aflcr ircwpls rent fro111 ‘I’cnent. Tunctt~t’s occuponcy of the Property shdE
be o “montlr-to-lnontll“ tcnancy. sul)ject IO dl of tile terms of this Lease nl)plicnblc to a nrontll-to-month tenancy*-
except that the Uasc Rent thcn in cffcct sl~all bo.incrcoscd by twenty-five perccnt (25%).
Section 3.01. Time and Manncr of I’nyment. Upon axccution of this isasc. Tenant shall pay Idandlord the
Base Rent in the amount stated in I’arugraph 1.12(n) irbovc for the first nronllt uf the I.casc Term. On tire first day of
the second montlr of tltc I.casc Tcrnl end c:;rclr month tllercaflor. Tenant s11;rll pay Isntllortl the Dasc Rent. in advoncc. without offset. deduction or prior dc~~~at~d. l’hc Base Rent slrull be ~~lyabh at Landlord’s address or at such other
place os Lnndlord may designate in writinll.
ul Labor. Uure;ru of I.ir1)11r St;rlislics. Consultwr I’rice 1ndt:x for All llrbau (:onsumcrs [dl items for 111
Statisticol Area in which thc I’ropcrty is located on the basis of 1902-1984 = 100) (thc “Index”)
opplicablc Rental Adjustlnent Dale. thc I)crcent;lgc incr
provided for in Paragraph 1.12[4.
@ 1988 Southern Cnlihnio h~ptcr . of tlla Socioty of Industrid mc’ ’
ond Offica I<oulturs? Irrc. 7 (Mulli-Tcnunl Crow, Form)
2. Initials __ “lf/=- .
w ~~ *m
Section 3.03. Sccurity Deposit: Increases.
(a) Upon the execution of this Lcnsc. Tenant shnll deposit with hndlord a cash Socurity Doposit in the amount
set forth in Section 1.10 nbovc. Londlord may apply dl or port of the Security Deposit to any unpaid rent or other
chargas due from Tenant or to cure any otller defaults of Tenant. If hndlord uses any pori of (he Security Deposit.
Tenant shall reslore.(he Security Deposit to its full amount within ten (10) days after Iandlord's written request. Tenant's failure to do so shnll be o mnterinl defuult under this Lcnse. No intarest sholl be paid on the Sccurity
DeposiL Landlord shnll not be required to keep the Security Dcposit separate from its other accounts and no lrust
relationship is created with respect to the Security Deposit.
Ilr) F ' :: .. .. 3.
<. p .._" ..t . ., . ..., n n
Section 3.04. Termination; Advance Payments. Upon terminnlion of this Lcose under Ariiclo Seven
(Domnge or Destruction). Article Eight (Condomnntion) or ony other tcmlinnlion not rcsulting from Tenant's default.
and after Tenont hns vnccltcd the Property in the monncr requircd by this IAcose. Londlord shall refund or credit to Tenant (or Tenont's successnf) the unused portion of the Security Deposit. any advance rent or other advance payments made by Tcnnnl to Landlord, and any amounts paid for real propcrty toxas ond other reserves which apply
to any lime periods nftcr termination of tl~c Lease.
Section 4.02. Propcrty Taxes.
most recent tax fiscal year c!nJinK prior to the Commcncomcnf Date.
Taxes. Subject lo 1'aragrq)h 4.02(c]. Tenant shill1 makc such paym
Londlord's statement showing Ihc amount and computation of sucll ony real properly taxes paid 11y Tenanl covering any period of time
ns: [i) any fcc, license fee. license tax. ;illy or tax imposetl by ony toxing authority
IIC rmoipt of. rcnt or income from tho Property.
or charge for fire protection. strcets. sidewolks.
Landlord's inlcrcst in t11e I'roperty: and (VI ony chorge or elinition of rcd proprty tax. "Kcal property tax" does not.
fra,nchise. inllcritanct: or estate tnxcs.
(c) Joint Asscssmcnt. If Ilic J'ropc
reasonably ovnilc~ble infonnntion. Landlord's written statement.
d Tenont shall
@ 1986 Southern Chlifornia Clleplar 3 Initials
nf thn Soc:ic!ly of Intlustriel end Office Kedlors? hc. q (Multi-Tcnant Cross Form)
w w
Soclion 4.04. 'Insurance Policies. . ..
(c) Payment of Prcmiums.
ant is required to mnintnin under this Leuso slloll include n provision whicll
If Tenant fails 10 deliver any policy. ccrtificnte or renown1 lo Lundlord required under Illis bse within
cribod time period or if nny suc:h policy is cr~nculled or nwclifiecf dtrring IIm Lease Term_wihout
lord's consent, kndIor4 tnny obtain s~tclt insuruncu. in wllich cnsu l'utlunt sl~uli reinlburse Landlord for h
est ol such insuroncc within fifteen - d n rLUL...*" ' lhn' - "*^ c ' -r d
City is self insured.
0 1988 Southern California Cltoptor 1niti.k of the Society of lncluslriul and OIlico Reallorso Inc. 9 ' (Multi-Tenan: croee Form)
.. 47"
w m
’cs mnintainc:d. 1-nndlord and Tcnanl cach agninst the ofliccrs. cmployccs. agents or tlw property of othcrs under its control. if
cthcr or not described in this Lease) at the
Section 4.05. Common Areas; Use, Maintenance and Costs.
(a) Common Areas. As used in this Lcasc. “Common Areas” slrall meon nll areas within thc Project which are ovailnblc lor the common uso of tcnants of tho Project and wlriclr are not loused or hcld for the exclusivc use of
Tenant or other tenants. including. but not limited to. parking areas. driveways. sidewalks. loading arens. nccess roads. corridors. Innclscoping and planted areas. Landlord. from time to time. may clronRe the size. location, nature
nnd use of any ol the Common Areas. convert Common Areas into 11:asenble arcos. construct odditionol parking locilitics (including parking structures) in the Common Areas. and increase or kcase Common Arca lond andlor facilities. Tellant iIcknowloc1gc:s that strr:h activities mny rcsult in inconveaiencc to Tcnnnt. Such activities and
changes arc permitted if thc:y do not mntcrinlly affect Tenant’s use of’tlre l’ropcrty.
(b] Use of Common Areas. Tenant shall 1r;tvc the nonexclusivn right (in commonwith other tenants and all others to whom Lnncllord has grunted or lnny grant such rights) to usc the Common Areas for the purposes intended;
subject to such rcasnn;lblc rulas and regulations os hndlortl mny establish from time to timc. Tenant shall abidc by such rules and regulations and shall rlsc its bost effort to C~IISC otlrers who IISC the Common Arcas with Tcnont’s. exprcss or implied permission to isbidt! hy Landlord’s rulcs and rc~ul;rtio~rs. At nny time. I~ndlord may close any
Common Areas 10 pcrfnrm any acts in tlln Common Arcns ns. in 1.nncllord’s judgment. ire desirable to improve the
I’rojcct. Ttmnnt sh;~ll not intorfore with 1110 rights of Lnntllorcl. ollrer tenants or any other person entitled to uso tho Common Areas.
(c) Specific Provision re: Vehicle Parking. Tcnunt sl~ull hc cntitlnd to us0 the numb of vehicle parking
spaccs in thn I’rojcct ;~lloc:;rtad to Tcnant in Section 1.1 1 of 11w L!;ISC witllo~lt paying any additional rent. Tenant’s parking shdl not be rcservwl and sllnll he limited to vchiclcs no Iurpx than stanclartl size automobiles or pickup. utility vcl~ic:les. Tenant sl~irll not cnuse large trucks or other largo vclric:les to bc parked within the Project or on the
atljaccnt public streots. Temporary prking of Iirrgc delivcry vehicles in tlw I’rojcct may bc permitted by the rules and
regulations cstablisllr:d by Lirndlorct. Vehicles sl~all be parked only in striped parking spnces and not in drivewoys, loading areas or othw lnc:ations not spccifically clesignutcd lor IlnrkinR. Ilantlicnpped spaces shall only bc used by those Icg;~liy pcrmittod to use tlrcm. If T~!nant pxks more vchic:lw in the parking arca than the ,pumbcr set forth in
Section 1.11 of this Lease. such conduct sh:,Il be a motorial breach ol this Ltme. In addition to Landlord’s other remedics under the Imso, Tenant sl~all pny n doily charge delermined hy Landlord for mch such additional vchicle.
(d) Maintenance of Common Areas. Lanctlorcl shall maintniu tl~c Common Arcns in good ordcr. condition
and repair and slrall operate the I’rojcct. it1 Lwdlord’s sole discretion. as a first-class industriallcommercial real
@ toon Southern Cnlifomia Cllnplur 5 initials of the Society of ln~lrrstrinl and Officc Rcnltors? Inc. q. (Multi-Tenant Gross Form)
.. F
- "
ere IB ret out In
rojocl loosod or held for
Irongo occurs. Landlord may. roo cosis. 011 roo1 proporty taxor for nilumr for wlrlclt Tenent ir liobla under onnnl is hblo undor Soclion 6.04 of the Lease.
of lllo laoro Torm. Landlord BIIUII deliver lo Tonant a
ccounling princlpies relling forth. in reasonable detail.
1110 procuding calondar yoar and Tonant's pro rata shue. or11 bolwu011 Landlord ~d Tonont. wltll payment IO or
ord shall receive the entlre amount of Tennnl'r #hue of
Soction 4.06. Lalo Chargos. Tonont'r foiluro to pay ronl promplly may cauce landlord to Incur unsnticlpried
costs. The oxact amount of such COB^:, or0 iniprocticol or oxlromoly difflcull lo arcertaln. Such costs may include, but ue no1 llmlted lo. processing ond occountltlg chorgos ond lolo cllorgor wllicl~ may bo Imposed on Letidlord by my
ground loaso. morlgogo or bust dood oncumboring tho I'roporty. 'Illoroforo. if Lnndlord docs not rocelve any rent
payme~l within ton (IO) deyr sftor it bocomor duo. Tononl rhdl pay Lendlord a late charge oqud lo len percent
(10%) of tlra ovorduo omounl. Tho portio8 ayroo tl~et such lolo chorgo roprarenb a fair ~nd reasonable esthete of the coria Landlord will Incur by renson of such lato paymonl. Thze will te a W.00 d-& m
Soctlon 4.00. Impuundn for h~surunco P l'roporty Taxes. If roquertod by MY ground lessor or lundor to whom Londlord hut gr n 1110 Property. or If Tonont 1s nroro tlmn ten (lo)
days Isle In tho poymont of rant consucullvo twolvo (12) -month poriod. Tonant sholl pay
Tenant undor th Landlord a sum oquol to
I uuclr puy~r~unt of Uuso Ilonl. Landlord ~11011 lrolcl such paymonts in a
10 unnuol roul proporly 10x0s end lnsuranco promiutns payeble by
ount. If ullknown. bndlord slrlrll roosonobly ostlmnlo tho omounl of real proporty
miurns wlron duo. Tonanl slrclll pay my doficioncy of funds In 1110 impound occounl to
or this Loaru. Landlord moy apply any fundr in the lmpound
1.06 nbovr.
Section 5.01. Permilted has. Totranl may UBO 111s Proporly only for Ihe Pormltlod User BOI forth in Sectlon
Seclion 5.02. Msnner of Use. Tonant slroll no1 couse or pormil the Proporiy lo be used In any woy which
constitutes a violotlon of ony law. ordinonco. or govortrmenlel rogulation or ordor. which annoys or Interfores with the rlghls of lononls of ll~e Projecl. or wl~lch constllutor e nulsenco or waslo. Tenant shall obtain and pey for ell
permits. Including a Grliflcale of Occupancy, roquirod for Tenonl's occupancy of Ihe Properly and shall promptly lob all ocllons necorrry lo comply wllh ell ap~~licablo slntutus. ordlnoncas. rules. rogula~ions. orders and roquhnualr regulrllng the UBO by Tonant of Ure Property, including the Occupationsl Sefety and Heallh Act.
SSctbn 5.03. IIazsrdour Malorisle. AB ured In his hro. the term "I-iazardour Motorial" meanr any fl- ilemr, eXptOOiVOB, rndloncllve moleriah. hotardous or toxic rubrlance& materiol or warle or reloted
m-iinduding any rubslancor dufind os or included In 1110 dofinlllon of "hazardous rubstonces", "hazardous w~;%uudour matertdf' or "loxk subsloncos" now or rubroquontly rogulsted under any bppilcable federal. rta&Or.;Jb&I laws or regulrtlons. including without llmitntlon potroloum-based products. palnts, solvenls. lead.
cyanide, DDT. prlntlng Inks, acidr. pasticidoa, emmonia cotnpounds and other chomlcal products. asboslos. PCDB
ond rlmllnr compoundr. and Including rny difforonl producb and melorlelr whlch nre rubrequently found IO have adverse efhcls on the envlmnmenl or llro Irwllll and rafoty of porsons. Tenani shall no1 cause or perm11 any
Hnzudour Malorid IO bo generatod. pruducod. brought upon. usod, rtorod. heated or disposed of in or aboul Uta
Property by Tonant. Itr agonla. employeon. conlrnclorr. BU~~O~BOEB or lnulloor wllhout the prlor wrtllen COnSenl Of landlord. Lnndlord rhd be enilild to toko Into occounl BUCII othor foclorr or fectr as Landlord mry reasonably determlno IO bo ralovant 111 determlnlng wholltor to (Iran1 or wltllhold conrenl lo Tenanl'r propored aclivltY with rerpwl to Hsznrdour Mstorlal. In no evont, howover, rllall Lnndlord be required Io conrenl to the Inrlahtlon 01 USE
of any rtorrgr tnnlu 00 the Properly.
(0 IOU Southern CIIlfornla chrplu 8. laltktr of Ibo Socl.ly of indurlrld md Offkr hli~d lnc. . q (Multi-Tannnl Grou Form) "il A ,T
w !w
Section 5.04. Signs and Auctions. Tenant shall not place nny signs on the Proporty without Landlord's prior written consent. Tcnont shnll not conduct or permit any euctions or sheriff's sales ol the Property.
Section 5.05. Indemnily. Tcnnnt shnll indemnify Landlord ngni~rsl ond hold Landlord harmless from MY and
all costs. claims or.linbi1ily nrising from: (n) 'Tcnnnl's usc of thc Prol~crty; (b) the conduct of Tcnont's business or
anything else done or pcnnittcd by Tcnnnt to bc clone in or obout the I'ropcrty. including any contaminntion of the Property or any othcr properly resulting from Lhc presence or usc of lin7~rdous Matorinl couscd or permitted by Tenant; (c) ony breach or default in tl~c pwformnncc of Tenant's obligntions undcr this Lensc; ((1) ony mismprosenta-
tion or brcoch of wnrrarrty by Tctrnnt untlcr Illis I.cnsc: or (e) otllcr oc:ls or omissions of Tunant. Tcnnnt shell defend Landlord nvninst any stdl cmst. claim or linbility nt Tcnont's cxpcnse witlr counsol rcnsonsblv acccl)toblo to Lnndlord
I 1 Section 5.06. Landlord's Access. Landlord or its ogents mcly cntor tho Propcrty nt all reosonoblo times to
show the Property to potcntial buyers, invcstors or tcnnnts or oUmr purtics; to do ony other act or to inspect and
conduct tests in order to monitor Tenant's compliencc with all applicnblc cnvironmcntol laws and all laws governing
thc presence and use of kfamrdous Mnlcrinl: or for any other purposc Landlord deems ncccssory. Landlord shall give
Tenant prior noticc of sucll entry, except in the case of an emergency. Lo~rtllord moy plecc customary "For Sole" or
"For Lease" signs on the Property.
Section 5.07. Quiet Possession. If Tcnont pays Lhc rent and complies wit11 oll other tcrms of this base. Tcnant may occupy and cnjoy the I'roporty for tho full hose Term. s~rl~cct to thc provisions of fhis Lease.
Seclion 6.01. Exisling Conditions. Tenant nccepts the Propcrty in its condition os of tho cxecution of the
Lease. suhjcct to all rccorclcd mottcrs, laws. ordinances. ond govcrnmcntd regulations nnd ordcrs. Exccpt os provided herein. Tenant nc:knowlc!dgcs that ncithcr landlord nor any ogent of l~ncllortl 110s modc my rcprescntotion as to the condition of the I'ropcrty or the suitability of the Properly for Tennnt's intcndcd use. Tcnnnt rcprcsents end worrants
that Tenant has mntlc its own inspcction of nntl inquiry rcgording tha condition of the Property and is nof relying on
any rcprascntntions of 1,nncllord or any Urnkcr with respect thcroto. If landlord or landlord's Orokcr hos provided a I'roporty lnformotion Shcct or other Disclosure Stolcmcnt regarding the I'ropcrty. o copy is nttaclred os an exhibit to
the Leosc.
Scction 6.02. Exemption of Landlord from Liability. IsnciIortI s11;1ll not IM! Iinblc for any dnmogo or injury'
lo tilo pc!rsnn. t~llsin~!ss (or my toss of irlcmnc! I~~or~!frotn), gtmcls. w;lrw. ~~rc:rc;hantliso or ollrcr propcrly of Tcnont. Tcnnnt's cn~ployc~rs. invit~rcs. I;IIS~~IIIC~S or any otl~cr porson in or ~IIOIII the l'rnperty, wlwtlrcr such dnmagc or injury
is.causcd by or rcsulls from: (a) lirc. steam. clcctrit:i\y. watcr, gas or rnin; (I)) thc brcaknge. lcaknge. obstruction or
other dcfacts of pipes. sprinklers. wires. applioncos. plumbing. air c;nntIitioning or lighting fixturcs or ony other
cause: (c] conditiot~s arisinK iu or ahout the! I'ropcrty or upon othcr portions of thc I'rojuct. or from other sources or placcs; or [el) any act or on~ission of my olhcr lcnnnl of Lhc Projoct. Ln~~cllord shall not IE liable for ony such demago or injury evan Iho~~alr the cnusc of or the mcans Of rcpairing suclr tl;~mnac or injury arc not ncccssiblc to Tenant. The
provisions of this Swtion 0.02 sl~nll not. howcvcr. oxc~npt Lr~ndlod from linbility for hndlord's gross ncgligencc or
willful misconduct
Section 6.03. Landlord's Obligations. Subject to the provisions of Arliclc Scvcn [Dnmnge or Dcslruction) and Article Eight (Conclemnation), and cxccpt lor dnmngc couscd by nny act or omission of Tcnanl. or Tenant's
employccs. ogcnts. contractors or invitecs, Landlord shall keep the loundotion. rooFnnd -all** portions of
exterior walls of the improvcments on the Property in good order. condition and rcpnir. I-lowcvcr. 1,mdlord shall not
be obligntcd to mointain or repair wilrdows. doors. plate glnss or the surfaccs of walls. Landlord shall not bo
obligntcd to make nny rcpoirs undcr this Section 6.03 until n rcasonnblc linac nftcr rccci1)t of a written nolico from Tenant& ttto nced lor such repairs. Tcnont wnivcs tlrc hncfit of any present or future law which might give Tenant
the *to ropoir thc Property ot Lnndlord's expense or to tcrmlnntc the Lcaso bccauso of the condition of tho
Pro-5~: .. . ._ . :.%X.,? . ._
*Ai+cohd.itioner and heating systems. ** Structural and non-structural.
@ 1988 Southcrn CIllifornin Chaptor 7 Initials of tho Sociaty of lndustrinl . and Ollicc Raaltors? Inc. 9 (MultiTenanf Cross Form)
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Section 6.04. Tenant’s Obligations.
(a] Except 8s providcd in Arliclc Scvcn (Damage or Destruction) and Articlc Eight (Condemnation). Tenant shall keop all portions of the Property [[. *
ordor. condition and repair (i. .
.. y in gm.d
or anysystem or cquipmenl in 111c I’ropcrty whic:h Tenant is obligated to rcpnir cannot tW: fully repaired or restored, ’ b. If ally portion of the Property
Tenant shall promptly rcplucc such portion of Ihc Propcrty or system or cquipmsnt in tlle I’roperty. rcqprdless of whethor he bcnefit of such rcplaccmunt extends beyond tllc Loasc Tcrrn: but if the benefit or useflll life of such
replacement extends boyond the Loose ‘I‘wrn [as such term muy be cxtcndod by exercise of any options). 1\10 uscrul
.. .. .
life of such rep~acemcnl sl~ull be prorated over tllc! rcmuining portion of tlw Lt!wc Term [;IS exlI!,1dcd), and Tellant shall bc liable only for tllut Itortion of tlw cost wlliclr is applic;tlle to 111c l.casc Term (as exlcn(l(!tf). - . .. ... * .,
,... . ,. . . ’ . I;dltd shall + .’ ’ ’ , - ,.. I, udart;rke thc r~:sponsibiIity for prc:vonlive miliillcn;m(:e of t11(! Ite;;ting and air conditiorriug syste~n nt Tenaltt’s exp~:ns~:. 111 itcldition. 1’t:nant sl~ull. at ’VCII~IIII*S cxpc:l1sc. rcq);tir ally durnitge to tlrc
roof.’foundation or structural portions of witlls mused by Tenant’s acts or onlissions. It is the intontion of Landlord and Tcnnnt that. at all limcs during the Lease Term. Tcnnnt shall maintain tho Property in an attractive, first-class
and fully opcrativo condition. *( .i.nc!.ucling windows plat interior ell s&ace, f cors, floor ~0verinSs & hot water heater!’ eqlass,
(bl Tenant shall fulfill all of Tenant‘s obligations under this Section 6.04 at Tcnunt’s solc expanse. If Tennnt fails lo mainlain. rcpair or replace thc Propcrty as rcquired by this Section 6.04, Lnndlord moy. upon ten (10) days’ prior notice to Tenunt (cxccpt that no notice shall bc required in the case of an emergency). cnter tho Proporty and
perform such maintenance or ropair (including replacement, as nccdcd) on bululf of Tenant. In such case. Tenant
shall reimburse Landlord for all costs incurred in performing such maintcnancc or rcpair immediately upon demand.
Section 6.05. Allerations. Additions, and Improvcments.
[a) Tenant shall not mekc any altcr;llicms. additions. or irnprovcmeuts lo tlae l’ropcrty without landlord’s prior
written conscnt. except lor non-structurul altorations which do not cxccud Tc:n ‘I’housnnd L)ollars ($lo.ooo) in cost cumulatively over the Lcasc Term and w1lic:h are not visible from Ilrc outside of any building ol whicl> tho l’ropefly is
, part. Landlord may require Tenant lo providc dcmolilion and/or lien and complction bIJl1d.S in form and amount
satisfactory to Landlord. Tenant shull 11r11111ptly remove any altcrations. additions. or ilnprovemonts constructed in violation of this Paragraph G.05(ii) ulwn 1;ultllorcl’s written roqucst. All ultcratims, additions. nncl improvcmcnts shall LC donc in a good and workmmlikt: manner. in conformity with all app1ic;hlc laws and regulations. and by e
conkactor approved by Landlord. Upun conlpletion of any such work. Tc:nerat~shall provide Landlord with “as built*
plans, copies of all construction contracts. and proof of payment for all lahr and materials.
(b) Tenant shuli pay when due all dairns for lubor and material furnishcd to lhc Properly. Tenant shall give Landlord at least twenty (20) days’ prior written noticc of the commnncomcnt of any work on the Property. ragordlcss of whether Lnndlord’s consent to such work is required. Landlord may clcct lo record and post notices of non-responsibility on the I’roperty.
Section 6.06. Condition upan Termination. Upon thc tcrminution of t11e hsc. Tcnant shall surrender the
Property lo Landlord. broom clean ;Ind in the same condition as reccivccl cxcel~t for ordinary wear and tear which
Tenant was not otherwise obligatcd to remedy undcr any provision of this Lease. llowcvcr. Tcnant sllall not be obligated lo rcpair any damitgc wllich Lmtllord is recluircd lo repair uncler Article Scvsn (I)amagc? or Destruction). In addition. Landlord may rcrluire Tenant to rcmovc any altcratinns. additions or improvcmcnts (whcther or not made with Lnndlord’s corlsent) prior to tl~e cxpirntion of the Lease and to restorc tlw Property to its prior condition. all at
Tcnnnt’s expense. All ultcraliuns. additions ant1 i;nprovenwnls which Inndlord has not rucpired ‘Tenant lo reniovc
shall bccome Landlctrtl’s propcrty and sl~all be surrendcmd to Lundlorcl upoll the expirotion or cnrlicr termination of the Leasc. cxccpt thut Tmunt may rcmovt! any of Tenant’s nlacllinery or wpipmcnt wllicll can bc removed without material damage to the Property. Tenant sl~all rqx~ir, ut Tenant’s cxlmvsc. any damage to the Property caused by the
removal of any such nlacllinery or taluiltlncnt. In no event. however. sllall Tenant remove any of the following
materials or equipmcnt (which shall Ln! decnled hndlord’s propcrty] witllout Landlord’s prior written consent: any power wiring or power pancls: lighting or lighting fixturcs; wall coverings; drapes. blinds or other window
coverings; carpets or otllcr floor coverings; Ireatcrs, air conditioners or any othcr hcating or fir conditioning
equipmont; fencing or socurity gates; or other similar building operating equipmcnt and dccorotions.
S&n 7.01. Partial Damage lo Property. I
(&~,Tmanl shall notify Lnndlord in writing inlmediatcly upon the occurrcwc of iny damage to the 1’roI)erty. If
the Pwy is only partially damaged (i.e.. less than fifty pcrccnt (50%) ol llre Property is untenantable LIS a result of
such damago or lass than fifty percent (SO4%) Of Tell;lot’s opc!mtions urd! ~l~i~l~!ri:d~Y ilIt~)~i~l!d) and if the I)rocLWdS
recoivwi by ~~~dlord from the insuriuux policies descrihcd in I’aragral~h 4.ottb) xu suflicienl 10 pay for the
necessary repairs. this ease s11!t11 rclnain in offcct ant1 LunclIord sIbitII rcpair tI1e dam;lgc 0s s(mn as riasonably possiblc. Landlord muy elect (but is not r~vpired) to rcpuir any damugc to Tenant’s fixlurcs, CWipmCnt. Or
@ 1988 Southern California Chul~tcr H Initials
of tho Society uf Industrial
snd Offico Rwltors? lac. 9 (Multi-Tenunl Cross .Form] “
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(b) If the insurance procecds received by Lundlord nrc not sulficic?nt lo pny the cnlire cast of repair. or if tho
cause of the damage is not coyered by the insurance policies which 1.andlord mnintclins under I'arograph 4.04(b). Landlord may clcct either to (i) repair the damage as soon ns rcnsonihly Idssiblc, in which case this hose shall
remain in full force and cffcct. or (ii) terminnle this I-case os of tl~c tl;ltt? the clamngr: occurred. Londlord shall notify
Tenant within thirty (30) days uftcr rcccipt of notice of the occurronce nf lite damngc wllcther Londlord elects to repair the damage or terminate the Lcnse. If Landlord elects to repair the dnmngc. '-
Tenant. or Tenant's employccs. agents. contrnctors or invitccs. tllc diffcrcncc belwmn the octuol cos1 of repair and
any insurance procccds received by Landlord. If landlord elects In torminote this Lease. Tenant may elect to
continue this Lease in full force and eflect. in which cnsc Tenant shall repair any domagr! to the Property and any
building in which the Property is locnteti. Tnnnnt sholl pny the cost of such repairs. except that upon satisfactory
completion of such ropairs. landlord sllnll deliver to Tenant any insurance procccds roccived by bndlord for the
damage repaired by Tenant. Tennnt shall give Londlord written notice of such elcction within ten (10) days aHer
receiving Landlord's termination notice.
v * _'' ' . '. . J 011d. if the damage wos due to an act or omission of
Y (c) If tlrc damage (o the Property occurs during the lost six (6) months of the base Term and such damage will
require more than thirty (30) bays to repair. either hndlord or Tenant may olwt to terminato this hose as of the date the damagc occurrod, regardless of the sufficiency of any insurance proceeds. The party electing to terminale his
Lease shall give written notification to the othcr party of such election within thirty (30) doys after Tenant's nolice to
Landlord of the Occurrence of the damage.
Section 7.02. Substantial or Told Destruction. If Ihe Property is substantially or totally destroyed by any
cause whotsoever - :- ~ p '* * ' - .' r). and
ngardlcss of whethar lantllord receives any instrrclnce procccds. this Lease shall terminate os of tho date the
the Property a1 Lnndlortl's solo expense. except that if the destruction was caused by an act or omission of Tenant, Tenant shall pay Landlord the difference bctwecn tl~e actual cost of rcbuilding and any insurance procoeds received
by Landlord.
Seclion 7.03. Temporary Reduclion of Rent. If the I'ropertyvV!l or ciamogcd ond Landlord or
Tenant rcpnirs or restorcs the I'roporty pursuant lo !he provisions of this hrticln Sewn. any rent payable during the pcriocl or such damage?. repair imcUor rcstorntion sl~nll h reduced according to the dt!grec. if any. to which Tenant's
use of the l'ropnrty is i~t~paircti. Itowever. the reduction sholl not exccrxi t1w sum of one year's poymcnt of Base Rent.
Except lor such possilrlc rocluction in Uase Rent. 4-6
r-. Tcnunt shall not he entitled to any coml)ensation. reductinn. or reimbursement from Londlord as a result of any di~mirge. destruction. rcpair, or restoration of or, to the I'ropcrty. Except for dam e an3 destruction caused by the Landlord in repairing or.restoring the property. ?hion 7.04. Waivcr. Tenant waivcs the protection of nny statute, code or judicial decision which grants a tenant tho riglrt to terlninate a lanse in the nvcnt of the substantial or totel ctnstruction of the looscd property. Tenant
agrees that the i~rovisions of Section 7.02 nbove shall ~ovcrn tlrc rights and o1)ligntions of Londlord and Tenant in the event of any substantial or total destruction to the Property.
If all or any portion of the I'roperty is tnkon under tho power of omincnt tlnmnin or sold under the threat of that .power (all of whit:h arc c;dlcd "COIIC~I!III~~~I~~OI~"). this 1.e11se shdl tarnrinatc! as to Ihe part tekcn or sold on the date the condemning authority takes tillc or possession. whichevcr occurs first. If tnwc than twenty percent (20%) of the floor area of the building in which Ihc Property is locnled. or which is locatecl on the I'ropcrty. is taken. either Landlord or Tenon1 mny terminate this Ixnse as of the date thrr condemning authority tnkes title or passession. by delivering
written notice to 111~ other within tcn [In) days after rcceipt of written notice of such taking (or in the obsence of such
notice. within ten (10) flays a€&m,&& conrkmning outkority kkas.~it4~w:.&nehMbrd nel."Foymt
terminates this Lease, this Lease shall remain in effect as to the portion ofthc I'ropcrty not takcn. except that the'Bose
Rant-and Additional Rent s11all h raluced in proportion to the reduction in the floor area of the-Property. Any
Condo@pation award or poymcnt shall be distributed in the following ortlcr: (a) first. to any ground lessor. mortgagee
or bqx$&iury under a cl~d of trust cncumbcring the Property. the amount of its intcmst in the Property; (b) second.
lo F*,.; ;,only IIto amount of any award s~rccificolly designated for loss of or rlnmage to Tcnant's trade fixtures or
rsonal property; and (c) third. to Lm~dlord. thc remainder of such award. wllctller as compensation for
he value of the leaselrold. the laking of the Ice, or otherwise. If this Lcnse is not torminoted. Landlord shall repair nny damage to tllu I'rol~orty caused by tlle C;ondemnation. axce~rt thal Landlord shnll not be obligated to repair any damage for which Tenant llns Iw?cn reimbursed by the contlcmning uuthority. if the severance damages
receivcd by Landlord arc not sufficient to pny for such rcpoir. hndlord shall have the right to ellher terminate this Lmse or make such repair at Landlord's expense.
f I.=&?. .2d""?2-
@ 1088 Southern California Chnptcrr 9 Initials of tlrc Society or Industriot nnd Office Kcull~ws? inc. q (Multi-Tenant Cross Fonn)
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Section 9.01. Landlord's Consent Required. No portion of the I'rol~erty or of Tenant's interest in this Lense may bewquid by any other pcrson or entity. whether by solo. assignment. nlortgirgc!. sublease. transfer. operation
of I~~+-or-sct of Tcnont. without Londlord's prior written consent. except (IS provided in Section 9.02 below.
Landlord.has the right to grant or withllold its conscnt as provided in Section 9.05 below. Any altcmptcd transfer
without consetit.shWbd and shall constitute D nonturabls bmclrof tltis tcasc. If Tennnt is a partnership, any
cumulativo transfer of more than twenty ~~erccnt (ZO'~,) of thc partnership intcrests shall require Londlord's consent.
If Tenant is a corporation. any change in the owncrship of a controlling interest ol the voting stock of the corporation
shall require Landlord's consent.
Section 9.02. Tenant Afliliale. Tenant moy assign this Lease or sublcosc the Prcq~crty. without hndlod's consent. to any corl~oration which controls. is controllcd by or is under common control with Tenant, or to any corporation resulting from the merger of or c:oasolidi~tion with l'cnnnt ("Tenant's Affi1i;hte"). 111 such cosc, any
Tenant's Affiliate sllall assume in writing all of Tenant's obligations under this Lcosc.
Section 9.03. No Kclcase of Tenant. No transfor. permitted by this Article Ninc, wlwtllor with or without
Landlord's consent, shall release Tenant or change Tenant's primnry liability to pay the rent and to ~~crfonn all olhcr obligations of Tenant under this Lcuse. Landlord's acceptance of rent from any other pcrson.is not o waiver of any
provision of this Article. Nine. Consent to one transfer is no1 a conscnt to ony subsqucnt transfer. If Tenant's
transferee defaults under this Loase. Landlord may proceed directly adaiiist Tenant without pursuing romcdies
against the transferee. Landlord ~r~ay consent to subsccluunl assignments or modifications of this Lease by Tenant's lransferee. without notifying Tenant or obtaining its consent. Such oction shall not relieve 'I'enont's liability undor this Lease.
Section 9.04. Offer lo Terminate. If Tenant desires to assign the Lcose-or subloose the Propedy. Tenant shall have tho right to offer. in writing. to terminate thc Leasc ns of a date spccificd in the prhr. If Landlord elects in
writing to accept the offer to terntinote within twenty (20) doys after noticc of the offer, +e Lease shall terminate as of
the dote specified and all the terms and ~~rc~visions of the tcose govorning ttkmination sl~all npply. If Landlord docs
not so elect. the Lcasc shall continue in effect until otherwise terminatcd nnd the provisions of Section 9.05 with
respect to any proposcd transfer shall continue to apply.
Section 9.05. Landlord's Consent.
(a) Tenant's rcqucst for conscnt to any tmnsfer descrihd in Section 9.01 shall sot forth in writing the dctails of
the proposcd transfer. including the name. business ond financial condition of the prospective transferee, finnncial details of the proposed transfer (c.g.. the term of and the rent and security deposit pnyoblc undcr any proposed
assignment or sublcnsc). ar~cl any other information Lndlord deems .rcleviuIt. Landlord sl1all hava the right to withhold consent. if reclsonul~le. or to grant consent. bused on the following factors: (i) thc busincss of the proposcd
assignee or subtenant and the proposcd use Of the Property; (ii) tllc net worth and finitncial rcputotion of the
proposed assignca or subtenant; (iii) Tencurt's compliance with all of its obligations under the 1,casc; and (iv) such . other factors as Landlord may rcasonobly due111 relevant. If Landlord objects to a proposed essiynmcnt solely kcausc
of lhe net worth andlor financiul reputation of lhc proposed assignw. Tenant may noncthcless sublcasc [but not
assign), all or a portion of tho Property to the proposed transferoc. but only ori the other terms of the proposed
sublease. including "key" money. monthly rent in excess of the m
Section 9.06. No Merger. NO merger shall result from Tcnnnl's sublease of thc Prol~crty under this Article
Nine, Tenant's surrender of this Lease or tire termination of this Lcasc in any OtllCr miinner. In any such event. hndlord may terminate any or all subtanoncics or succeed to the intcrust of Tenant 0s sublandlord under any Or dl
@ 1988 Southcrn California Cltupter 10 Initials of the Society of Industrid -=
and Offico Realtors? Inc. 2. (Multi-Tenant Cross Form) "-
w W
Section 10.01. Covenants and Conditions. Tcnnnt's pcrformnncc of coch of Tonont's obligntions under this
W, is n condition as well as n cnvcnnnt. Tcnant's right to continut? in posscssion of tile I'ropcrty is condaionod upon such prformancc!. Tima is of tltc csscncc in the prlormnnce of a11 covcnants ond conditions.
Section 10.02. Defaults. Tcnont shall bc in mutcrial dcfault under this Lcnsc:
(a) If Tonant abandons thc Propcrty or if Tcnnnt's vocation of tile l'ropcrly rcsults in tho cancellotion of any
insurance dcscrihed in Scction 4.04;
(b) If Tcnant fails to pay rent or any othcr clrorge when duc;
(c) If Tenant foils lo pcrform any of Tcnnnt's non-monetnry obligations undcr this Lcase for o period of thirty
(30) days after written noticc from Landlord: provided thnt if more than thirty (30) days arc rcquircd to complete such
pcrformnncc. Tenant sl~nll not be in default if Tenant commcnccs such pcrfornlancc within lllc thirty (30) -day period
and thcrcaftcr diligently ~~ursucs its complction. Ilowcvcr. Lnndlorcl shall not IIC rcquired to give such notice if Tenant's failure 111 pcrfnrln c nstitutes n non-curablc brcacll of this ~IISO. The noticc rcquircd by this Pnrogroph is
intonded to satisfy any nnd afl noticc rcquircments imposed by Inw on Lnndlord and is not in addition to any such requirement.
(d) (i) If Tenant makes a gcncrnl ossignmcnt or gencrnl arrangement for thc bcncfit of creditors; (ii) if a petition
for adjudication of bankrl~ptcy or for reorgnnizntion or rcnrrnngcmc!nt is filed by or ogoinst Tenant and is not dismissed within thirty (:io) days; [iii) if n trustcc or receiver is nppointcd to toke posscssion of substontially all of Tcnant's assets locnted nt the Property or of Tenant's interest in this Lcnsc and posscssion is not rcstorcd lo Tenant
within thirty (30) days; or (iv) il subslonliolly all of Tenant's asscts locnlcd at the Property or of Tcnant's interest in
this Lase is subjected lo nttochmcnt. execution or other judicial scizurc which is not disclmgcd within thirty (30) days. If a court of com))clc?nl jurisdiction rlolcrmincs Ilral nny of lhc ;~c:ls dr!sc:rit~etl in this subpnrngraph (d) is not a default undcr this hnsa. rind o trrtstec! is nppninled to tnkc posscssion (or if Tenant remains n debtor in possession)
and such trustcc or Tenant tronsfcrs Tenant's interest hcrcuntlcr. Ihcn Landlord shnll rcccivc. os Additionol Rcnl. the
cxcess. if any. of thc rcnt (or nny other consideratior!) paid in conacction with such assignmcnt or sublease over the . rent payable by Tenant under this Lease. .
(e) lr any guarnntor of the Leasc rcvokcs or othcrwisc terminates. or lnlrports to revoke or othcrwise terminate, any guarnnty of all or nny portion of Tenant's obligntions undcr thc Lease. Unless otl~crwisc oxprossly provided, no
guoronty or the Lease is revocable.
Section 10.03. Remedies. On tile occurrence of any mntcri;d clcfnult by Tenant. Lnndlord may. at any limo
thcrcaftcr. with or without noticc or clemand nnd without limiting I.sncllord in thc cxcrcisc of any right or rcmedy which Lnndlord may hnvc:
(a) Terminate Tcnnnt's right to possession of the Propcrty by nny lawful means. in which case this Leaso shall' lcrminatc and Tonant sirdl imrnwlintcly srrrrcndor possession of tlw Prdparty 10 Lrndlord. In such cvent. Landlord
shall be cntitlcd to rccovcr [ronl Tcnnnt all tlnmngcs incurrcd by Lnndlorcl by rcnson of Tcnnnt's dcfault, including (i) tho worlh at thc time of the award of thc unpaid Haw Rent. Additional ILmt and other chnrgcs which Lnndlord had enrncd nt tl~c timc of tlw tcrmination: (ii) the worth 81 tllc time or t11c awnrcl of thc amount by which tho unpaid Bas0
Kent. Additional Kent nntl otllcr chnrges wlliclr Lnndlorcl would have cnrnccl nftcr termination until thc time of the
nward exccccls tho nmount of such rcnlal loss tlutt Tenant proves Landlord could hnvc rcnsonably avoided; (iii) the
worth at tl~c time of thc awilrd of tllc nlnount by wlrich the unpaid lliw Rent, Additional Rent and other charges
wllich Tenant would havc paid for the bnlnncc of the Lcosc term nftcr tile timc.of award cxcccds thc amount of such rcnlal loss that Tcnnnt proves Lnndlord cuulcl have rcrisanably avoitlcxl; and (iv) any othcr amount necessary to compcnsatc Lnncllord for dl thc dctrimcnt proximately cnusad by Tcnnnt's fnilurc to perform its obligotions under
the Lcasc or which in tlm ordinury course of things would bc likely to rcsult tltcrefrom. including. but not limited to.
any costs or cxpcnscs lancllord incurs in maintaining or preserving 1110 Property nftcr such defoult. tho cost of
rccovcring posscssion of thc Property, cxpenscs of rclctting. including ncdcssnry rcnovation or altoration of the
Property. Lnndlord's ransonabla ottorncys' fces incurrcd in conncclion therewith, and any rcnl estate commission
paid or payoble. As usod in subports (i) and (ii) ubovc. the "worth at the time nf tho award" is computed by oilowing
inlatagJon unpaid amounts at thc rate of fifteen pcrccnt (15%) per annllm. or such lesser amount os moy then bo tho
rno~-Iawftrl roto. As usd. in suhpnrt (iii] above. tlrc "worth nt tho time of the award" is computcd by :such amount ut IIIC discount rntc of the Fedcrnl Roscrvc Ihnk of San Ihncisco at thc tima of the award, Pcent (1%). If Tcnnnt hns nbnndoncd the Property. landlord shall hsvc tho option of (i) rctnking I tho I'ropcrty and rncovcring from Tcnnnt tllc nmount slmificd in this hrngroph 10.03[al. or (ii)
pro&dingunder Porngroph 10.03(b);
(b) Maintain Tcnant's right to possession. in which coso Illis I.cnsc sltall continue in cffocl whether or not
Tenant has abandoned tllc Property. In such event, hndlord shall bo cntitlcd to cnforco oil of Landlord's rights and rcmFdics undcr this Icosc, including tho ri8ht to rccovcr the rcnt as it bcwncs due;
(c) Pursue any other rcmcdy now or herooftor ovailablc to Londlord under the laws or judicial decisions of tho
state in which tho Propcrty is locoted.
@ 1988 Snutlmrn California Clmptor 11 Initiak of tl~o Society nl industrisl and Ollicn Hertitors> lac. 9 (Mulli-Tenant Groas Form) v @ 1988 Snutlmrn California Clmptor or t~to society nr industrisi 3 11 Initiak
lant Groas Form) v
- w
Section 10.04. Repaymenl of "Free" Rent. If this Lcusc provides for a postponement of any monthly rental
Rent". Tcnanl shall be crcditcd wit11 I~aving paid all of tl1o Abalccl Kcat 011 tlw expiration 111 tlw Lease Term only if payments, a period of "free" rent or other rent concession. such postpot~ed rent or "IrLd' rent is called the "Alotcd
Tenant has fully. fi~itl~f~~lly. and ])1111clua1ly pcdornrcd all of Tenant's obligatio~rs Ilercunclcr. ilrcluclirrg the payment
of all ronl (othcr tlron tl~c Alwtcd Kent) and 1111 othcr nlonolory oblig;~tions and the surrentl~!r of tlrc Property in the physical condition rcquircd by Illis Ixuw. To~~ar~l ;a:knowl~ulgcs 111;1t its right to rczeivo crotlit for t110 Abi~lcd Rent is absolutely conditioncd upon 'Pcn;tnt's full. faitlhl und punctual pcrfornluncc of its obligutions under this Lcosc. If
Tenant defoults and docs not cure within any alJplicablc gracc period. the Alwtcd Rent shall immcdiatcly bcome due and payable in full and this Ixasc! sl~nll be clrforcwl as if tllcrc wcrc no such rent abatement or other rent concession. In such case Abated Hen1 sl~a~ll IJO culcul;~lcd busud on t110 full initial rmt p~yal~le under this Lease.
Section 10.05. Automatic Terminatiun. Nolwitllstanding any othcr term or provision lrcrcol to tlrc contrary. the Lcasc shall tcrminatc on the occurrencn of any act wl~iclr affirms thr! Lundlord's intention to terminate tile Lease
as provided in Section 10.03 I~crcof. including 11113 filing of an unlowful detainer action against Tenant. On such
tcrmination. Landlord's damagcs for clcfault sl~all include all costs and fws, including rcasonablc attorneys' fees that Landlord incurs in conncction with thc filing. commencoment. pursuing undlor defending of any action in any bankruptcy court or otllcr court with rcspcct to thc I.casc; the obtaining of relief from any stay in hnlrruptcy
rcstraining any action to cvict Tenant: or th pursuing of ony action with rcspcct to Landlord's right to possession of
thc Property. All such damages suffcrccl [apurt from Uasc Kent and otllcr rent payable hereunder) shull constitute
pecuniary dnmagcs wlliclr must be reirnbursed to Landlord prior lo assumption of tlrc hsc by Tenant or MY successor to Tenant in any banluptcy or otlwr prococding.
Section 10.06. Cumulative Kemcdies. Landlord's exercisc of any right or mmcdy sl~all not provent it from exercising any otllcr right or rclncdy.
Section 11.01. Subordination. Luntllord shall hove the right to subordinate this h~su to ony ground loase. dccd of trust or mortgage encunlbcring t11c I'ropcrty, any adva~~ccs made on tllc swurity tl~~of and uny renowols.
modifications. const~Iid;~tior~s. rc:pl;umcnls or extensions tlrcrcof. wl~oncvcr madc or rmordcd. Tenant shall coopcratc with Luntllord and iltty Icnder w11ic:h is acquiring a security intcrcst in tl~a I'ropcrty or tl~c Lcuse. Tonant- shall cxcculc such further tlocuntcnts ant1 assurances as such lendcr n~ay require. provided Illat Tenant's obligations.
under this Lease sl~all IIOI be increused in ally mi~tcrii~l way (the pcrformm~ce of ministerial acts shall not bo dwmcd.
motcrial). and Tenant shall not be deprived of its rights under this Lease. 'hlant's right to quiet pos.wssion of tile
Propcrly during the Ir!asc Term sII~III not be disturbcd if Tonant pays the rent and performs all of Tonant's
obligotions under this I.e;~so and is not otlwrwisc in default. If any ground lessor. beneficiary or mortgageu elccts to have this Lcasc prior to tllc liw of itsgrottnd Icasc. deed OP trust or mortgsgc and gives wiincn notico theof to
Tcnanl. this Lcasc sII~III IN 111:onretl prior lo SIIC:~I ground Icasc. deed of trust or mortgage wlwtlmr this Lcasc is datcd
prior or subsec~ucnt to tl~c datc of said ground lcasc. dwd of bust or mortgage or the datc of recording thcrcof.
Scclion 11.02. Allornmc!nl. If l.undlortl's inlcrcst in tho 1'ropc:rty is acquired by any ground lassor. bcn-.
cficiary under a dccd of trust, mortgagee. or pttrc:hascr at a foreclosure s:111!, Tenant shall attorn to 1110 transferec of or
succcssor to Imntllord's interest in tlrc I'rqwrty and recmgnixc such tr;lnsfcrot: or successor ns landlord under this
Lease. Tenant waives thc protection of any sti~ll~ta or rulc of law whic:l~ gives or purports to givo Tenant any right to tcrminatc tlris Lcaso or surrcndor posscssitm of 1110 I'ropcrty upon tho transfer of I*uldlord's interest.
Section_l.l.QJ. .Sign.i@g of.l)ocumenlsi Tcuilnt skull sign nntl-tlulivc!r any instrumcnt or clocurncnls ncccssary
or nppropri;ltc to cvidmcc any sucl~ atttm~~nent or subordinution or ugrc!cerncnt to do so. If 'renant fails to do so
within ten (101 days ;dtcr written rcqunst. Tenant hcreby makos. constitutes and irrevocably appoints Landlord. or
any tronsferec or successor of Lurdlord. the attorncy-in-fuct of Tenant to execute and dclivcr any such inslrumenl or
Seclion 11.04. Esloppel Ccrlficalcs.
(a) Upon Lnndlord's written rcquest. Tenant sl~ull cxocute, acknowlLdgc and deliver to Landlord o written
statement certifying: [i) t110t now of the terms or provisions of this bast hnvu buan changed [or if they have been changed. stating how thoy hovc hen cl~anged): (ii) that this Lease 110s not bucn concelled or terminated; [iii) the last date of payment of tho Uaso Rent and othcr cllnrgcs and tlrc time pcriod covcxod by such payment; (iv) that Landlord is n&'ia:defaull under tllis kasc (or. if Landlord is claimed to be in clcfault. stating why); and (v) such other
repre+&tians or information with rospcct to *renant or the Lease as Landlord may reasonably rcqucst or which any
prosp&%ye purchaser or cncumbranccr of tlw I'roperty may rcquirc. Tcnant shall delivpr such stulcmonl lo Londlord
withi* (lo) days after I*lncllorcl's raqttest. lundlord mcly give my such slatcmont by Tonnnt to ony prospcctive
pur&& or encumbrunccr of the I'ropcrty. Such purchoscr or encumbrancer moy rcly conclusively upon such
statement os true and correct.
(b) If Tenant docs not dclivcr such statement to Landlord within such ton (10) -day poriod. Londlorci: and any
prospective purchaser or encumbrancer. may conclusively presumc and rely upon the following facts: (i) that the torms and provisions of- his Lonsc lravc not been cltanged cxccpt ;IS otl~crwisc represented IJY Landlord: (ii) that this haso has not bocn carrccllcd or terminatc!tl CXCI$~I~ OS otherwise represented by Landlord; [iii) thut not more than one
month's Base Rent or other charges IIWO been paid in advoncc; and (iv) that Londlord is not in dcfault under the Lease. In such event. Tenon1 sl~all k estoppcd from dcnying tllc truth or such facts.
@ 1988 Southern California Chapter 12 Initials of thu Socitdy of Industrial and Office Kaultors? Inc. 9 (Mull~Tenunl Grogs Form) n
,fl- .
w W
Section 13.05. Incorporation of Prior Agmments: Modifications. This hsc is the. only ogreement between the portics pertuining to the lease of the I'roperty and no other agrmments nrc effcctivs. All omondmcnts to
this Loesc shall bc in writing and signed by 011 portics. Any other ottemptcd amendment shall be void.
Section 13.06. Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Lease shall bo in writing and shall be personally delivered or swt by certified mail. return receipt rcquestttd. postage prepaid. Notices lo Tenant shall be delivcred to tlw ntldrcss spwificd in Section 1.03 obovc. cxcept that upon 'Tenant's taking possession of the Propcrty,
the Property sholl Iw Tencnt's atldrcss for notice purlmsos. Nolices to 1;lntllord shnll b dclivercd to tllc oddress
specified in Scclion 1.02 above. All notices shall Lw? effective upon dnlivcry. Eithor pnrty may change its nolice oddress upon writtcn notice to thc other party.
Section 13.07. Waivers. All wnivcrs must In? in writing and signed by tho waiving party. Londlord's foilure to
enforcc,any provision of this Lease or its acceptance of rcnt shnll not bc a woivcr end sholl not prevent Landlord from
enforcing that provision or any other provision of this koso in the futurc, No statcmont on a payment check from
Tenant or in a letter accompanying a poyment check shall be binding on Landlord. Lnndlord moy. with or without
notice to Tenant. negotiate such check without being bound to thc conditions of such stotcment.
Section 13.00. No Redordotion. Tenant shall not record this Leosc without prior writlcn consent from
Landlord. I-lowevcr. either Landlord or Tenant may require thot o "Short Form" memorondum of this hose executed by both portics be recorded. The party rcquiring such recording shall pay 011 bonsfcr taxcs and recording fees.
Scclion 13.09. Binding EIFect: Choice of Law. This Ifiosc binds any party who logolly acquires any rights or intcrest in this Lease from Landlord or Tcnant. Ilowevor. Landlord shall havc no obligation to Tenant's successor unlcss the rights or interests of Tcnont's successor ore ocquired in accordancc with the terms of this Loose. The lows
of the statc in whicll 111c Property is locoted shall govern this Lease.
Section 13.10. Corporale Authority: Partnership Authority. If Tcnont is o corporation. each person signing this Ixnsc on 111hIf of 'I'anunt rqmsents untl wnrrnnts that III: Iws full uutlmrity to do so ond that this Lcosc binds the corporation. Within thirty (:lo) clnys oftcr this Lcme is signed. Tenant shnll clclivdr to Londlord o ccrtified
. copy of a resolution of Tenant's llonrd of Directors outhoriring the execution of this hosc or other cvidcnce of such
authority rcasonal~ly c~cccptablc lo Lnndlord. If Tenant is n portnerslrip. each person or entity signing this hose for
Tenant represents nncl worr;wts Illat 110 or it is n gc!ncrnl partner of the partnership. that 110 or it llas full authority to --
sign for the partnership and that this Lease binds tl~e portncrship and nll Renerd portners of the portncrship. Tenant shall give written notice to Landlord of any general prtncr's withdrowal or addition. Witllin thirty (30) doys oftcr. . this hose is signed. Tenant shall delivcr to Lundlord o copy of Tcnanl's rccordod stutcment of partnership or
certificote of limited portnership.
Section 13.11. Join1 and Several Liability. 1\11 portics signing this Lcosc as Tenant shall ba jointly and
Section 13.12. Force Majeure. lf Lnndlord cannot perform my of its obligntions due to events beyond Landlord's control. the time proviclutl for p~!rfnrnlin~ such obligations sl~all be extenclml by a period of time equal to .
the duration of such CVCIIIS. ICvc!nts I~oyond landlord's control includc, 11111 are not limited to. acts of God. wnr, civil
commotion. labor disputes. strikes. Tim. flood or other cnsualty, shortages of Idmr or moterial, govcmmcnl regulation or restriction and weatllnr conditions.
Section 13.13. Execution of Lcase.'Tllis I,esse mny be executed in counterparts ond. when all countorport documcnts are exect~tod. 1110 counterparts s11;dl constitute n single binding instrument. 1-andlord's delivery of this Lease to Tenant shall not be decmcd to bc on offer to lcasc and shall not be binding upn either party until executed
and delivered by both parties.
Section 13.14. Survival. All rcprcsentotions ond warrontics of Landlord end Tenant shall survive the
severally liable for all o1)ligclIions of Tenant.
terminotion of this Lcaso.
Section 14.01.
Landlord sholl pny o
rendorad ID Londlord by 1.andlord.s Urukcr in this transaction. Lnndlorcl shall poy Londlorc
TenanQhrcisos any option lo extend the Lease Term or to buy tho Property. or o Lnndf&&;,py grant to Tenilnl. or if lnncllortl's Broker is the procuring ausa e or sole entcrcd into
bctwa@-~dlord and Tcnnnl covering the Property. Such commissi ount set forth in Landlord's
Brokdx'&hmmissioo sc:hdulc in effect as of the execution of tlli 1's nroker is namcd in Section 1.08 above. Lnndlord's Rroker shnll ply an appropriate portio to Tenant's I3roker if so provided in any agreemcnt htwecm lrncllr~rd's Urnkcr imtl Tcna ing containccl in this lznsc sholl imposc ony
obligation on Landlord to pay a .commissio arty otl~er than 'Landlord's Droker.
ells thc Property. or ossigns Landlord's interest in this cyonce of the I'roperty or assignment of the Loose. be Landlord's Uroker thcrcoftcr quircd of Landlord under
to bring a legal action to enforce or dcclore rights under entitled to rcasonable ottorncys' foes to bc paid by the in such oction. This I'orograph is Includcd in this Lease
@ 1988 Southom Calilornio Chopter
of tho Society clr tlrclustrinl ~7 .
ond Olficn Rtdtorsa Inc. (Multi-Tenant Gram Form)
14 Initials
w W
Seclion 14.03.
0 Landlord exclusivel~ or
0' bo111 Landlord and Tcnanl.
and Landlord and 181
Seclion 14.04. No- andlord 111i11 lllc brokers named ill nl 'L'cnanl has tlmll ~110 arc or may
Landlord and Tcncrnl havu signed Illis Lease a1 the [hcc and An llte dah spucifiud adjacolll lo lllcir signatures
below and have initialled all Riders which arc ;~ttacllcd to or incorporeted by reference in Illis base.
Signed on &3LLr9.L -....-. -. .. , I9 "..." "".""._ Palanar . ._...."__ 46 ""_) _..""" __
a1 - . - . .. "" " - - .
ny. QJ llliam &:-&: H. lr
Ils:E%tive Vice President
UY:"."" -
11s: "" ___ ""^_ ___
Signed on ___._ .____ --.. - .. . ...-. , 19 __ - -Ci!~-f_Qr-1~.&d _______
at ________." .". . _._...-.-.--. -.". ..".. . "._"_____._ "."". . _."_ ."~"__
Claude ''Wid" Lewis uy: "- _. "._ .. ."" ___._
Its: Emr-Qc"es!?d -
-::".:: , . ' , ~ ~ ,.S~,?., $&&?*,< < Its: ____ _". ___-_
@ 1'Jtltl Soullwn Chlifw11ia C:ha1111!r I5 of IIM: Society of tnctustrid x]"', und Office Kcalturs~ IIIC. 7 (Mulli-Ten;int Cross Form)
Initials ... _. ._..__. ___.___._-.__
/ .$- .'
" .. ....._ _"_
w W
SECTION 15: This Rental Schedule is attached to and made part of that certain'real estate Lease (the "Lease") dated September 16,
1992 between Palomar t46 as Landlord, and City of Carlsbad as Tenant, covering property commonly known as 2075 Corte del Nogapl,
Suite Q, Carlsbad, California 92008. The terms used in this
section shall have the same definitions as set forth in the Lease.
11/01/92-10/31/93 S 968.00
11/01/93-10/31/94 31154.00
11/01/94-10/31/95 31236.00
3 968.00
31 154.00 31236.00
- The term of this lease is contingent upon appropriation of funds by the City Council. In the event funding is not available this lease may be cancelled. Lessee shall have the right to terminate said lease anytime after completion of one (1) year of this lease
by first giving ninety (90) days prior written notice to the Lessor on .or after October 31. 1993.
,. ". .
:cT>y&:: -*+q,";
..,.@"&:F; ,Tb ~ 2-9 .e-.+ > ._" 3 ..
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ItEPAnts M~/l~'~~~l'
Thio Loose Attacllmon(; rofere Lo LlmL cerL.ain Leauu dated 9 1
by and between Palomar 46 as Land I-.# or City of Carlsbad as Tenant for the premises
known as 2075 Corte Del Nogal. Ste. 0. m. CA 93008.
Lease and macle a part LhereofJ
Paragraph Y 16 . owrsxok: STOIIACX:. ~cac;ou hereby qranLu parmission, to Lessor to tow away and store, at Leasee's cxlxnsc, all automobiles or ' motor vchiclcs belonqinq to Lcssec or iLs clnployocs or customers, which romain in Lhe conunon parkillq area Cor more Lhan 4U corlsvcuLive Iwura. NO
automobilcs or motor vellicico sllall be parked wid IctL unirLLcndcd in my ' part of the conunon area or acrvice ydrd-not aLripcd or dcsiunaLed tor
parking. Lcssce shall not, store ill L~IC p;lCkiI)cJ, scrvicc or CotNnotl area dny materials, supplies, equipcnL or In,1cllincry outsidc Lhu I~rcaises, wlluthcr
in tho open or in tanks, bin or other container cluvicou, and shall rtoL
otherwise obstruct prkirlCJ. scrvicc or coitunon arcau.
Paragraph I 17
Tho Eollowiny paracJralAts are haruby iacorporaLud into Lhu aCorwwLiolv&
Paragrapt) Y 10 . ss. I.ensor stlall rcpldcu, JL t~~c cx~xr~se ot LIIC Lesoee, any and all pla~e and otllcr CJ~.US datnagcd or broken frail ally cause whatsoever in and ahu~ L~IC 1ci1:;cd prcmisca, or Lesuce IltilYr at its opLion,
replace such <JlJSS at iLr cxlxlnae provided Lcsacc receives approval from
Laseor to perform Lhis repair.
_. . .
ny :
. ., Claude '!Bud" Lewis
Mayor of Carlsbad
W w
h.rWsnN0. 19
1. Woolone. t.nn( .h.l ID(:
a. p.tm .ry vrtw~m on Ih* pomtrms IO O~I onhausl rhi~h ia *I W~IIQ, d any gov~tnmamai law. IUIO. 10gu1a1s-n w roqumn(;
b. Olrchwgo. omtl or pclmrl lo bo d~~~I~;lryrxl of urmu00J. any Iqd. SOIUJ 01 Oasowc matla#. M any combuIIon lhmlaol. IO th~ .mmo.ph~ro. ne Otovna 01 my bod7 01 WAIYI. w1-h mwlrr. as romsonsnly dmlo*mmoa by Losmo~ 01 any gowornmontal anwv. ~1008.01 may. pollulo 0, ConIammBIa lho aanw. 1u IS. o( may baCOnlu. rad~acllro oi &us. of may. bJvOBSCIv allc.cl Ilec Ill haallh w salal~ 01 porsoius. whororcr localud. whc~lw~ WI I~U Iwormsos 01 anywhusa also. (21 cwuhoun. urn 01 on1ovmont ol IIIOII~C~~~~SOS w any 01h.1 goal or pwsonal propurly. wtroI1101 on tho (II~IIIIS~S of anvwlmora ulso. 01 (31 pco~nwr U(my 01 UH ny)loromurIls thofulo w thmfoon ncbdwg kn(6n0a. loundalmna. PP... uWy Mus. IandsclpnO w pukmg UOJS;
5. Produco. M permtl lo bo P~oJuccd. OIIV IIIICIISU yl.uc. kylu or Imal OUCII~ w~llu~r .In crulored w KIUCIIL'J afor anu UIOII wc YI SuCh
d. Cfealc. Of pornul 10 bo CfeoIoJ. any suwul OWSSUIU luvol whrh w9 wiwlwa wdh lho qwul OnpymofII 01 my raa8 plopany wls& ~h.
-I Ihol Uw glara. kyhl M hoal shall no1 00 docofmbh Ifan out- 111. pmsos:
pmaam. of rhsh WIU Cfaela a nwsanca or rDIala any yovamnmonlal law. ruY. rqulallon w raqwemonl:
0. 6oalo. of potmll lo b. cfoolorl. any yround v*Yalmn IhaI IS dtac*tnbh ouludo lh. pormses;
1. Ttmrmif. IOCOIVO 01 PClnM IO bo lfallsnullud 01 locu~ruJ. any aIocCorflaywlr. mtcIowava o( ollw fa&dluM W~IB lc hunJJ O)
hOIHQOYD IO HIV P.*.On Q P9HalV n. Wl Of -1 Ih. pf*lTNMOS. OI MWhrfO .IS..
2. Chaw and UW. ** .
a. SlWap*. SublOCl IO tho USUS POlrn~llurl and pdwllod Io lunanl under llus lease.. Tunanl $haw sturu w) a~,#t#oyla~o laab plod c~~I~~~~. BY IO(d ku10 01 sasawm msllmr. 01 ~**v~co~IILIu~~~J~ Ihersol. wheh mullof. 11 ch+cltaequrl m anut(ea I~IIU IIIC aonorg~w~o Ih* r~~o,,,,d Q( anybodyol warn. doosw may 1 I1 lrulluluor cutIldrrUnalo 1110 samo. w (21 rdvwsrly ailucl ow (11 IIC~IIIIOI L..IIVIV~ IIU~~W~S. w~le~hol ~n: Ihe promises of anphuro CI50. (10 cwW*Im UIU 01 cnloywortt ol Iho pmmlrus VI any roa~oi pacsonacpqlcvty. who11101 on 1110 ~OM~OC w anywhoro mlso. of lltlf pomsos 01 any 01 lho unp~ovorri.ntr Ih.fmlo o( horoon
b. Use In addllron. w~lhoul LJIUJIIJI~'~ ~IIW witllc~~ consclll. lcnanl sl~all no1 use. slwo w pefnsl lo rumam 011 llw pwnlses any s-. w:j
01 gaseous mallor wlrlr 1s. w IIWV ~CCOIIW. ~ad~~aclrra II Candlcrd doos qwc 11s CMSOIII. lcnanc SIIJII SIMO 1110 maImrIc n swn E manna# Iltal rm~.td~o~cl~r~l~ wdlbc ~IL.IVCI.ILII~UUILLIU adusnpalud s1m.w)- ~IIE~I JIW Iosrr~l s11dllusc IIw~~~.IIw~.BI~ YI s~hanlamm~ Ilrap; [I I no ma1 of pulsonal properly oulsnh! IIrc *lesqnaled slruryo moa UI(III Wcw\o caumuna1ml 1hu1u0y u8 121 111cw am arld shaY (n no.
adrassa ollucls on 1110 (1) huaIIIt of r.rlulv u( lwrsvns. wllolhuf on Il~r#ucrnusur o( dnywhom alsu. In) cufHI*l*vt~. usc 01 awyn)od ol lhm pfonuro~ w any foal o( personal prowrl~ I~UIOM o( Uuran. w (M) ~OINSOS w my 04 Ihm unpmvon~mnlr Ilw~oto w Uufoon;
a OIB~OB.N 01 W~BIO.
a. Raluso (~S~OSJI Tcrranl shaUnuIherp .IIIV I+.rsl~, yabrgc. waslo w OIIICI relusc uolhu prorr~rrus cmcepl UI ~.~t~~I~~vco~rlama~s and rlmY r.gula,ly Jnd twqwontty IomOra satno Ieuw IIIC Inunusos Ian& shall hoop all uumo(alo0. conlamc*s Or ullrwr oquqmlenl usM lor VI. rtotagl QC Qrposol ol 5wh malo11aI5 11 a CI~JII and rarutory conckm.
b. Sowago aspor~l Tcnarll rh~U (~t~bpurly drslw..e ol all 5aru1.11 y scwac~o and.sIuII IIUI u5e 1110 sewrgq J1.rl1us.11 $+!em I 1) IUI Ihc d#sposal 01 anylhrng oacopl san,Idfv sowoyu or 121 C'SCVSS 01 Ihu IUSLUI 01 Om announl t.11 ~cosonrlbl~ CUI~IUI~~IIIJ~C'~ bv Ihe usus pcfmllcd undar
op.r.wg Condtllon.
C. (hJpOSPldOlhLW WdSlO ~~IlJIIt sh~dl)eyru~I~~hy~ubc ul dllUlI~c1 waslc M oll~c, IIIJIIUI rklwu~edlo. sIuIuJ~,~~~)~ Wrludu~or w8thu1, uscdon.o1tornorodlrorn,llre(u~~rnscsu1sucl1~1rr~a~~ur1l1;1l1sdOesn~.~~~w~u~mgl.~~rc1$oly~Ilucl111r(l)l~~~111~w~;lIc1~01pc~s~ns.
whurovw IocaIud. whclhet on Ilre plwlnws UI ~ISCW~ICIO. (2) condrlmn. us@ of c.quyn,uIII 01 UIU ~IWIIISU~ UI any olhcr mal M personal
proporly. rrhorowar Iucalud. wlwclwr w( (In- IYC~IULU~ 01 awwhafa .Ism. w (3) (nunwsws 01 any 01 1110 muplowomorus IharolO QI Ihof*M uldu&ng butlOqs. loUn(sll0ns. pp5. ulMy knez. M5capmg 01 pathwig amas
4. Complianco wilh LBW. Nulw~It~sl~ntInyl any UIIICI ynonsuwl UI flus Loaso IO IIIU CIJII~IJI~. leaan1 ~11~11 cwwIV WIUI JU bws. slalulos. mdu10nc0s. Iqpdatlons. rulus mnrl OI~WI gororw~w~~~rl roqwanunls n cwnply~yl w,h 11. oollgBllon8 WUI Uun Iuam and n PUUUtu.
thwg lo nu nocog.. wo ond osposa 01 tutwdou~ ot tome manor.
5. )ndomnllicolion Tonanl rlwbdulu~wl. ~Hk.~~uuly ar~JIloW La~nJlotdhurn)orr II~II asby lobs. clam. LAW o( e-(~.n>u. nc*r&ny .IlWrurS' (..a M c9@l#. UlUng ou( d OI bl ComrClrOn WIN1 I18 #u*rcm b 0bUf.I. W - Wdh &hO pOrl.r0(1* o( U*S LO.-.
..*e . j?;, ."$$ ,; , . ...
;&Y -i .. :+,&.:?*;:'.
YLLILI~ 11. ~d~tr, CX~CULLVO Vice Precldonr
TEWANR city of carlsbad
Claude "Bud" Lewis Mayor of Carlsbad
yu .. _.
__ . ... 1- - . e W
ntCity of Carlsbad
WIT "2075 Corte Del Nogal, Ste. Q Carlsbad, CA. 92009
mI palomar #46
WAW, PLEC. arrLEr81
PWX ourxaT81
A/c at varp FAN:
A/C 11001-UP1
OmEUl .:
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, ~. ~ .. .. ..
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Palomar #46
aha11 be inrorlb-d. dirplryrd. printad or rLCLu-d on or fo any part
1. No rign, placecard, picture. advertisement. name or noticr
of the OUtBlde. or lnridr of the Building without the written conrrnt oL Landlord flrrt. Landlord shall have the right to remove any ruch rlgn. placecrrd.'plcturr, advertirerent. name Or noticr
without notice to and at the expanma of Tenant.
All approved rigns or lettering on doorr shall be printed. pa&nted.
oC by Landlord. Tenant rhall not place anything or allow anything aCClxed or inrcrlbed at the expenre oC Trnant by a person approved
which ray appear unrlghtly from outride the Prerirer as determined to br placed noar the qlaer oL any window. door. par.titlon or wall
by Landlord. Landlord, however, ray require a Standard Bullding window covering at all exterior windowr. Tenrnt ahall not without
prior written conrent of Lndlord aauaa or otherwire runacrean any window.
2. The sidewalks. exit.. entrance., truck doorr. man ,doorr and
by them Cor any purporr other than for entrancer and exits Cron
front doorr ahall not bo obrtruotrd by any of the Tenantr. or ured
rertriotad to designated are-au only. their rerpective Premiser. All lording and unloading rhall br
- "
3. . Tenant shall not alter any lock or install any new or additional locks or any bolt. on any doorr or windowr oC +ha
Preaiaer wLthout prior writtan oonrent from tha Landlord.
4. Tha toilet rooms. urinal., waah bowlr and other apparatum .hall not be used cor any purporr other than that for which they were constructed rnd no Loreign rubrtancm of any kind whatraever ahall be thrown therein and the expenrr oL any breakage, etoppage or domaw resulting from the violation oC thir rule aha11 be born,- by the Tonant who. or whore erployaer or Inviter rhrll have caurad kt.
5. Tenant ohall not in any way delrce the Prenireo or any part 'thetaoC .
6. Tenant shall not uno. keep or permit to be uned or krpt any
euLLer the Prerirvr to bo occupied or ured in a manner oCfunrive
Lou1 or noxiour gar or rubrtance, in the Prerirer. or permit or
by rrason OS noise. odors. and/or vtbrationr, or interfere in any or objectionable to the Landlord or other occupantr of the Dullding
way uith other Lr~seer or thoau having burinerr therein. nor .hall any aninalr or bird8 br brought in or krpt in or about the Pramiare
7. Lmreee ahall not uaa or keap in the Prerirrs or the Building any karorenr, pasoline or inflarmablr or comburtlble fluid ar terirl.. or use any method oL hrrting or air conditioning other
os th. BuiLdLng.
.that. 8uFplied by Landlord.
?Landlord reservar the right to oxcluda or expel from the Lrmm any person who, in the judgement OC the Landlord i*
' . -in any manner do any ac+ in violation of an.y of these Ruler and rfcrted or under the influence OS liquor or drugs. or who ahill
9. No vending machine or machine. or newspaper distribution
operated upon the premises without the Written Consent of the machinem. OC any description shall be installed. maintained Or
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Palomar #46
wlthout llabllity to Landlord to chanyq, the name and street, 10. Landlord -ha11 havo tho rlglrt. oxorclmable without notlco and
oddrooo OE tho Dulldlng of vinlch tho l’rumiaeo aro a part.
11. Tenant shall not dloturb. oollclt, canvas any occupant of the Dulldlnq and shall cooperate to prnvont same.
12. Without the wrltton conaent OC Landlord. Tenant shall not uso
tho name of the Dulldlnq ln connoctlon with or In promotlng or advertlelny the buslnoae of Tonant except aa Tonant’e address.
13. All garbago and refuse shall be plnced by Tenant in containera.
14. No norial or antenna rhall bo rroatod on tho rooC or oxtorior
walls of the Leased promlooe. or on the qrounde. wlthout in each
inotanco, tho written conuant of Landlord flrot being obtained.
Any aerlal or antonna so inatallod wlthout such written consent
,8hall be subject to removal by Landlord et any tlmo without notice.
15. No loud opeakere, televiolon. phonographe, radios or other
devlaos ohall be uood in a manner 00 ea to be heard or seen outslde
of the Loosed Promlooo wlthout tho prlor wrltton consent of ,-
16. Tho outolde areae immedlotoly ndjoininy the Leased Premises .‘-
ohall be kept.cloan and froe from dirt and rubblah by Tenant, to
tho oatisfaction of the Landlord. and Tenant ohall not place or porrnit any obotructlon or matorlaln ln such areas. No exterior otoraqe ohell be allowod including. wlthout llnltation, tho storage
ol: motor vehlclou. truckm, boate, tralloro. palleto, drums, or
equipmont of any klnd or naturo. without Lho pormisalon In wrltlng
Crom Landlord.
17. Tonant ohell uso at Tonant’a coat nuch pent oxtermination contractor an Landlord may dlreot and at such lntotvals aa Landlord
mny roqulre.
10. Tenent ohall not burn eny trash or garbago of any kind in or
sbout tho Loasud i’romloeo or the Projoct.
19. No remidontlnl UOOD. including. wlthout limltlng the genorallty of tho Coregolny. rorldLny, oleoplng or cooking are permitted on the Promlouo or anywhero on tho Project.
20. No animals oC any type, lncludinc), wlthout limiting the
generallty .?E tho forcrloinq, IJOCS. guard dogs, exotic animals. roptlles or blrds, ara purmittod on tho Prernlseo or anywhere on the
Pr-o ject - . .+’ ::: _, .
ptandlord resarves the rfght, by wrltten notice to Tonant, to n& alter edd or ualvo any rule or rogulatlon at any time
ribed Tor tho Duildlny when, In Landlord’s judqment. it 1s sary,. doslre~,lo or propcr Lor tho I?eat interest OC the
iG~.L~ing”and its tonanto.
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