HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-03; City Council; Resolution 2014-113EXHIBIT 1
1 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-113
g WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the need to sustain market competitiveness as an
7 employer; and
WHEREAS, City Council desires to amend the Management Compensation and Benefits
Plan to add seven (7) agencies to the City of Carlsbad survey market for certain management
job classifications as outlined in Attachment B; and
one (1) classification specification to support department changes and accurately reflect the
duties and responsibilities of classifications; and
12 WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish four (4) new classification specifications and revise
16 WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the Conflict of Interest Code to reflect the above
17 changes.
21 1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad,
California, as follows:
2. That Attachment A, the Management Compensation and Benefits Plan, as approved,
contains revisions to Section 2: Performance Management and Compensation, and
supersedes Resolution No. 2013-217 adopted August 27, 2013.
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That the City Council adopts the new management classifications of Utilities Director,
Utilities Manager, Utilities Maintenance Planner and Meter Services Supervisor and
related summary classification descriptions as outlined in Attachment C.
That Resolution No. 2013-237 which approved the "Local Conflict of Interest Code" is
amended to add the classifications of Utilities Director, Utilities Manager, Utilities
Maintenance Planner and Meter Services Supervisor to the list of Designated
Employees filing in the appropriate disclosure categories as outlined in Attachment D.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting ofthe City Council ofthe City
of Carlsbad on the 3"* day of June, 2014, by the following vote to wit:
Council Members Hall, Packard, Wood, Schumacher and Blackburn.
\n HALL, Mayor MATT
Attachment A
Section 1 Introduction Page 1
Section 2 Performance Management and Compensation Page 1
Purpose Page 2
Background Page 3
Guidance Page 3
Procedures Page 11
Compensation Plan Page 13
Training Page 14
Glossary Page 15
Section 3 Schedule of Benefits Page 16
Life Insurance and Voluntary Benefits Page 16
Retirement Page 16
Employee Retirement Contribution Page 17
Management Leave Page 17
Health Insurance for Retirees Page 23
Sick Leave Conversion Page 24
Separation Compensation Page 24
Holidays Page 24
Health Benefits Page 25
Annual Physical Examination and/or Physical Page 27
Fitness Testing
Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTD) Page 28
Deferred Compensation Page 28
Drug and Alcohol Policy Page 28
Reporting the Value of Uniforms to CalPERS Page 29
Post-Retirement Healthcare Trust Page 29
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
This attachment constitutes the Management Compensation and Benefits Plan, which contains
three parts: 1) an introduction, 2) a brief overview of how management performance will be
evaluated and how compensation levels will be determined, and 3) a schedule of management
A. Definitions
1. Management Employees - Management employees are defined as those employees
whose classifications are listed on the Management Salary Structure. Except as to those
management employees subject to an applicable law, all management employees are
considered "at-will" and have no property rights to their position. At will employment
with the City may be terminated at any time by either party, with or without cause, for
any reason or no reason whatsoever, and with or without advance notice. At will
employees do not have the right to appeal.
2. City Council Appointed Employees - The City Manager and City Attomey are hired
by and responsible directly to the City Council. The salaries for these positions shall
be set by the City Council. The City Manager and City Attomey will not be subject to
the provisions of the Performance Management and Compensation program as outlined
in Section 2 of this attachment. The schedule of management benefits (as outlined in
Section 3 of this attachment) will apply to these positions, except as otherwise provided
by the City Council.
The City Council has delegated its authority to the City Manager (and City Attomey, for
management employees in the City Attorney's Office)' to administer a Performance
Management and Compensation System for management employees under the general guidelines
set forth in this section. The City Manager will periodically provide the City Council with
progress reports on the operation of the Performance Management and Compensation System.
Pay for Performance at the City of Carlsbad is based on the concept of a supervisor providing
regular coaching/feedback to the employee. The purpose is to:
> create an environment that rewards high performers;
> link financial rewards to accomplishing City business objectives;
> create a consistent City-wide approach for managers to link performance and rewards; and
' Hereal\er, all references to the City Manager include, with regard to management employees in the City Attorney's
Office, the City Attomey.
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
> create a meaningful/fair reward system.
Consistent with the direction of the City Council, city staff have developed a compensation
program that establishes competitive pay through regular and consistent compensation surveys.
The Human Resources Department will maintain the highest possible number of benchmarks
within the survey market and make recommendations to City Council regarding maintaining
competitive salary ranges. The components of the compensation plan include:
> a performance management program based on the concepts of performance planning and
regular coaching/feedback;
> a market based salary structure; and
> a Pay for Performance reward system that includes merit increases* (base pay increases
and/or cash rewards for employees who are at the maximum of their salary range) based
on the demonstration of competencies and achievements.
* Eligibility for a merit pay increase is determined by an employee's performance and where
his/her salary is relative to the midpoint of his/her salary range. Eligible employees who are at
the salary range maximum receive a cash reward in lieu of a base pay increase.
A. Annual Review Cycle
The Performance Management Cycle is aligned with the calendar year. Below is a summary of
the annual cycle.
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Council determines
funding for merit
Merit increases
HR determines base pay
matrix that complies with
approved merit pool funding
Supervisors conduct
year end reviews
Supervisors select
competencies and
define priorities
Supervisors conduct mid-year
reviews (after Dept. Director
approves mid-year ratings)
Supervisors submit proposed
year end performance ratings
to Department Director
Department Directors
calibrate and finalize
performance ratings
B. Performance Management
The performance management process consists of four important, interrelated steps.
Step 1 - Performance Planning
Supervisors and employees will have an initial discussion to determine which functional
competencies will be used to evaluate the employee in the upcoming year. The supervisor
explains and sets performance level expectations. The supervisor and employee will also
establish specific priorities, contributions or development plans that are aligned with the
departmental and organizational strategic direction.
Step 2 - Performance Coaching and Feedback
Throughout the year, at least on a quarterly basis, the supervisor and employee review and
discuss the employee's work performance, including significant accomplishments and/or
shortfalls. Generally, these coaching and feedback sessions will be informal and may be initiated
by either the supervisor or employee. It will be the supervisor's responsibility to ensure these
discussions take place and are appropriately documented.
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Step 3- Mid-Year Performance Review
Prior to the mid-year review meeting with the employee, the supervisor proposes mid-year
ratings for the employee based on the employee's demonstrated competencies and
accomplishments related to priorities. The Department Director reviews all proposed mid-year
ratings in his/her department and validates that Pay for Performance (P4P) guidelines are
followed consistently within his/her department.
The goal ofthe mid-year performance review is to encourage open communication between
supervisors and employees and ensure that there are "no surprises" during the annual
performance evaluation session at the end of the year. The supervisor and employee will assess
and discuss the employee's progress and the status of specific priorities. As organizational and
department directions and priorities shift throughout the year, this session also provides the
opportunity to re-evaluate and, if necessary, revise employee's priorities, achievement
expectations or development plans. The performance evaluation form, including mid-year
performance ratings, will be submitted to Human Resources and included in the employee's
personnel file. The employee will be entitled to provide a written rebuttal to any rating and
comments. However, only the final year end performance ratings will be used to determine
eligibility for merit pay increases. The final year end performance ratings may differ from mid-
year performance ratings.
Step 4- Year End Performance Review
Prior to the year-end review meeting with the employee, the supervisor proposes ratings for the
employee based on the employee's demonstrated competencies and accomplishments related to
priorities. The Department Director reviews all proposed ratings in his/her department and
works with Human Resources staff to validate that Pay for Performance (P4P) guidelines are
followed consistently within and across City departments.
Next, the supervisor meets with the employee. The employee will come to the year-end review
meeting with his/her own thoughts and notes as to how well he/she performed during the
evaluation period. The two-way discussion focuses on accomplishments, areas for growth and
improvement, job accountabilities and defined competencies. This meeting will also include the
performance planning for the upcoming year as outlined in Step 1 above.
C. Governance of the Plan
Human Resources will be responsible for the administration and maintenance of the performance
management system, including forms, guidelines and related policies subject to City Council
approval. Human Resources will periodically review the effectiveness of the performance
management system.
D. Major Roles and Responsibilities
Citv Council - The City Council is initially responsible for approving the pay for performance
management system and for annually approving the merit pool/funding amount in order to tie
rewards to performance.
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Human Resources - The role of Human Resources will be to monitor the activities of the
process, ensure compliance with City processes and procedures, and ensure that the employee
receives a fair, accurate, and timely evaluation. This will be done by ensuring that appropriate
results-oriented goals and measures are established for the upcoming calendar year and by
reviewing proposed performance and development plans and evaluation forms for accuracy and
Human Resources will track performance ratings over time to encourage accountability and
ensure that there is consistency among the distribution of performance ratings across
Human Resources will provide on-going guidance and training to supervisors regarding
conducting performance reviews and understanding the purpose and design of the pay for
performance system.
Human Resources uses data from all employee performance ratings and Council's authorized
funding amount to determine the percentages in the base pay matrix. Human Resources will
process merit increases for eligible employees.
Department Director - Department Directors will be responsible for reviewing performance
ratings within their departments to ensure that accurate evaluation ratings are given and that
supervisors are held responsible for effectively rating their staff. In the event of tumover of an
employee's supervisor, the Department Director will be responsible for ensuring that an
employee is equitably and adequately reviewed and rated.
Supervisor - The supervisor will carry out the steps in the performance management process in a
fair, accurate, consistent, and timely manner. This includes guiding the development of
performance plans, monitoring and recording employee accomplishments, providing timely
coaching and feedback, conducting accurate performance evaluations, and ensuring the
employee has the opportunity to participate in the process.
In the event that an employee has more than one supervisor during a rating period, each
supervisor will submit an assessment and the supervisors will mutually agree on a rating for the
review period. A newly assigned supervisor will not be responsible for reviewing a rating period
of less than three months.
Employee - The employee will actively contribute in the process of defining priorities and
performance measures, initiating coaching and feedback sessions as needed. Requests for
feedback by the employee shall be responded to within 14 calendar days of the request, although
actual feedback can be written or oral and can be provided more than 14 calendar days after the
request. Employees will complete a self-assessment prior to the year-end performance
evaluation, and will be prepared to contribute in the mid-year and end of year performance
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E. Performance Management Components
Essential Functions
Essential functions are the job duties/tasks that an employee was hired to perform. These
functions are the permanent features of the employee's job. The essential functions are outlined
in the employee's job description. Essential functions are job-based rather than employee-based.
At the beginning of the performance year, the employee's job description will be reviewed by the
supervisor and employee. Any significant changes in the qualifications or job tasks will be noted
and submitted to Human Resources. Essential functions will determine which functional
competencies may be appropriate for a specific position. At the end of the plan year, the
employee will be rated on their performance related to the essential functions of the job as
described in the job description.
Employees serving in out of class assignments will be reviewed in accordance with their regular
position unless the employee served out of class for more than one-half of the review period. In
that case, the employee will be reviewed based on their out of class assignment. If, at the outset
of the out of class assignment, it is anticipated that the employee will spend more than one-half
of the review period in that out of class assignment, the employee and supervisor shall have a
Performance Planning Meeting as described in Step 1 above.
Core and Functional Competencies
All employees will be reviewed and evaluated based on how well they can demonstrate specific
competencies. Competencies are essential to the success of each employee in their job. There
are two types of competencies: 1) Core - describes the required competencies for all employees
and 2) Functional - describes competencies specific to the essential functions of the job
performed by the employee.
All employees will be evaluated on the five core management competencies and only two of the
seven functional management competencies. Each year, during the Performance Planning step,
the supervisor and the employee will talk about which functional competencies are the most
appropriate to use in the upcoming year based on the employee's specific job, priorities and work
plan. Each year, the supervisor and the employee will select the two functional competencies
that will be used to evaluate the employee that year.
Setting Priorities
Individual priorities indicate specific results to be achieved by an employee for the coming
review period. Priorities often change from year to year because they are intended to focus on a
significant outcome identified by the department. The City will support the employee in their
development and aim to create an environment of engagement, innovation and excellence.
Supervisors will determine three priorities for an employee and will link each priority to a core
or functional competency. Priorities must be related to a significant component of the
employee's job and the needs of the City and individual department or division. Supervisors will
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communicate orally and in writing how each priority is linked to the mission of the
City/department and to the development of the employee.
Individual priority setting is to be done in light of organizational goals and departmental goals
and priorities. That is, goals are to cascade down based on the City's strategic plan and
initiatives from senior management, to mid-level managers, to supervisors and to line employees.
A well-written performance priority has these basic components:
> it is action oriented (e.g., includes phrases such as 'to make', 'to complete', 'to adjust');
> it includes a measurable indicator (e.g., quantity, rate, expense, quality, degree of accuracy,
> there are constraints, such as time limitations; and
it follows the SMART criteria (see below).
Using S.M.A.R.T. Criteria
Priorities must express the action and results required so that both the
employee and supervisor can see clearly whether the priority has been
achieved. What is the achievement or result that is expected?
When setting priorities, there must be some way of measuring and
verifying whether the priority has been achieved and to what level. How
will the employee and supervisor know if the objective has been met?
Although they should provide challenge and development to the
individual, priorities also must be achieved. Is it reasonable that the
priority be achieved?
The priorities must be relevant to the level at which the individual is at in
their career and to the workload of their particular area. Does the priority
contribute to the department, division, or overall organization's success?
Time-bound Priorities need to have clearly defined time periods. What is the
completion date of each milestone?
Rating Process and Criteria
The supervisor is responsible for rating the employee on all five core competencies, the two
selected functional competencies and the priorities, and for providing written narrative to explain
these ratings.
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The rating system shown below will be used in evaluating employee performance.
2. Improvement
Needed 3. Competent 4. Commendable 5. Exemplary
Performance does Performance does Performance Performance Performance
not meet not consistently consistently meets exceeds significantly
requirements. meet all requirements. requirements and exceeds
Performance is requirements. Employee is fully demonstrates the requirements.
consistently and Performance proficient and ability to handle Employee has made
seriously deficiencies are adequately assignments of contributions and
inadequate. This such that demonstrates the greater complexity achievements well
employee must improvement is desired and responsibility. beyond those
make immediate needed for the competency This employee required by their
and sustained employee to behaviors for the shows initiative assigned
improvements. satisfactorily meet level of the job. and seeks responsibilities. In
requirements. opportunities to many cases.
enhance their job performance
related skills and demonstrates new
competencies. areas of
productivity and
innovation far
beyond position
Employee Comments
Employees shall be advised that they are encouraged but not required to provide comments that
they would like documented for the evaluation period. Employee comments will be part of the
performance evaluation documentation.
The employee's signature acknowledges that the performance evaluation has been reviewed and
discussed with them. This does not mean the employee agrees, or disagrees, with statements
made or contained therein. When the evaluation session is completed, the employee and
supervisor sign the form and appropriate levels of signatures are obtained:
• Immediate Supervisor
• Mid-level Manager (if applicable)
• Department Director
• Human Resources
Employee Outlets
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Employees who disagree with their rating may request a meeting with their Department Director.
If, after this meeting, this matter is not resolved, the employee may then request a meeting with
the City Manager or his/her designee and this meeting shall occur within 30 days at the
employee's request. If the employee's performance rating is changed as a result of this process,
any resulting merit pay adjustment shall be paid retroactively.
F. Linking Pay and Performance
Eligibility for a merit increase is determined by an employee's overall performance rating and
where his/her current salary is relative to the midpoint of their salary range.
Employees must receive an overall rating of "Competenf or better to be eligible for
performance-based merit increases. Those employees receiving an overall "Improvement
Needed" or an "Unsatisfactory" performance rating are not eligible for performance based merit
An employee whose salary is at their salary range maximum is not eligible for a base pay
increase. In lieu of a base pay increase, eligible employees will receive a cash reward that is paid
out in a lump sum equivalent to the amount of the base pay increase that they would have
received if they were not at the salary range maximum. An eligible employee whose salary is
close to their salary range maximum (such that the designated pay increase would cause their
salary to exceed the salary range maximum) will receive a base pay increase up to the salary
range maximum and will receive the remaining portion of the designated pay increase as a lump
sum cash reward as described above.
Base Pay Matrix
A base pay matrix will be used to reward performance. The City Council determines the merit
pool or budget for the annual pay increase. After all of the performance reviews have been
completed, merit increase percentages will be determined by Human Resources based on the size
of the Council approved base pay matrix funding, distribution of all employees' performance
ratings and distribution of employees in their salary range (i.e. above or below the salary range
midpoint). The goal is to assign merit increase percentages that will use substantially all ofthe
funding approved by the City Council for merit increases for that performance cycle. An
employee's overall performance rating (sum of individual competency ratings) and position in
the range put them in one ofthe cells "A," "B," "C," "D," "E," or "F" as shown in the sample
Base Pay Matrix below. Each employee's merit increase is determined using the base pay
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Overall Performance Rating
7-10 11-17 18-24 25-31 32-35
Salary Range
Placement Unsatisfactory
Needed Competent Commendable Exemplary
At or above
salary range
0.0% 0.0% A% C% E%
Below salary
0.0% 0.0% B% D% F%
1. All employees will be reviewed at mid-year and at the end of the calendar year. After both
of these review meetings are completed, the performance evaluation form, including
performance ratings, will be submitted to Human Resources and be made a part of the
employee's personnel file.
2. The immediate supervisor most familiar with the employee's performance during the rating
period shall be the rater. If the employee has had more than one supervisor during the
evaluation period, the other supervisor(s) will be consulted and only one evaluation
form/overall rating will be submitted.
3. Electronic performance evaluations forms will be made available by the Human Resources
4. Ratings shall be based upon the competent performance of the full range of skills indicated
by the class specification covering the employee's position. In the event that the class
specification is not representative of the employee's current responsibilities, Human
Resources will be notified and asked to review and make recommendations. Deviations from
the class specification should be noted on the performance evaluation form.
5. Every eligible employee's performance evaluation is due to Human Resources by January
31. Any overdue evaluations will be reported to the Department Director and the City
Manager. Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances, such as employees out on
leaves of absence (see section 7). The Human Resources Department will review all of the
performance ratings and calculate the base pay salary increases and/or cash rewards to be
awarded for each rating level based on the base pay matrix funding established by the City
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6. Merit increases shall be distributed within 30 calendar days of receiving the last performance
review or no later than the first full pay period in March. Merit increases will be effective
retroactive to the last day of the performance review cycle.
7. Employees are eligible for a base pay salary increase or cash reward if the following
requirements are met:
• the employee receives a rating of "Competent" or higher on his/her year-end performance
• the employee has been in a full time or VA time position for a minimum of 6 months*; and
• the employee is active on payroll at the time that merit increases are processed in the
payroll system.
• Merit increases for employees hired into a full time or VA time position during the review
cycle will be prorated as follows:
Start Date Prorated
Merit Increase Percent
January 1- March 31 100%
April 1 - June 30 75%
July 1 - December 31 0%
8. Any employee may be advanced in the pay range during the performance review period
regardless of the length of time served at the employee's present pay rate. This advancement
requires the written recommendation of the employee's department head and approval ofthe
City Manager.
9. Employees who were promoted during the performance cycle will receive a year end
performance-related pay increase based on their salary as of the last day of the performance
10. Eligible employees who are in an out of class assignment will receive a merit increase
calculated using salary information from their regular position.
11. If, as a result of a salary range adjustment, an employee's base salary falls below the
minimum of the salary range, the employee's salary will be increased to the new range
minimum as of the date City Council approves the salary range adjustment.
12. An employee who is on a leave of absence during the year-end review process will meet with
his/her supervisor upon retum to work and complete a year-end review. If the employee was
on a leave of absence (other than a statutorily protected leave of absence) for a portion ofthe
review period he/she will be eligible for a prorated merit increase for that review period
according to the following schedule:
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Length of leave* Percent of merit increase eligible
< 91 calendar days 100%
91-180 calendar days 75%
> 180 calendar days 0%
*not inclusive of statutory leave time
13. Employees who terminate employment after the last day of the review cycle will not be
eligible for merit increases.
The key element ofthe employee pay for performance program is the base pay structure.
Covering all management jobs, the base pay stmcture reflects competitive pay levels for jobs
assigned to each pay grade and provides the basis for equitable pay decisions.
The Management Salary Stmcture contains multiple salary ranges. Each salary range has a
minimum, midpoint and maximum. Employees who are inexperienced or newly hired may be
paid below the midpoint of the salary grade.
In keeping with the City Council's philosophy of surveying the total compensation of local
agencies, the agencies listed below will be considered in the survey market for management
City ofChula Vista
City of Coronado
City of Del Mar
City of El Cajon
City of Encinitas
City of Escondido
City of Imperial Beach
City of La Mesa
City of National City
City of Oceanside
City of Poway
City of San Marcos
City of Solana Beach
City of San Diego
City of Santee
City of Vista
County of San Diego
In addition to the agencies listed above, the following agencies will be considered in the survey
market only for Utilities Director, Utilities Manager and Utilities Supervisor classifications.
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
• Encina Wastewater Authority
• Helix Water District
• Olivenhain Municipal Water District
• Otay Water District
• Padre Dam Municipal Water District
• Vallecitos Water District
• Vista Irrigation District
The Human Resources Department will compare salary and benefits information on each City of
Carlsbad benchmark classification with appropriate classifications in the comparator group.
Those classifications that are considered benchmarks are those in which there was a substantial
match between the competencies and duties required for jobs at the City of Carlsbad and those
for the comparator group. A benchmark requires a minimum of three comparators. The job
matching is conducted by the Human Resources Department. From time to time the City
Council may also request that private sector salary and benefits data be reviewed and compared
to benchmark positions at the City of Carlsbad.
Each City of Carlsbad job classification is assigned to a specific salary range. The non-
benchmark positions are assigned to the salary structure based on intemal relationships,
responsibility and/or knowledge, skills and abilities of jobs. The benchmark salary data will be
surveyed regularly and the benchmark comparisons will be modified when the classifications
change within the organization.
Periodically the Human Resources Department will bring forth salary range movement
recommendations to City Council that are based on market and economic conditions, and may
include one or more salary ranges.
The City Council delegates to the City Manager the authority to assign job classifications to a
specific salary grade, based on both benchmark salary information and intemal relationships
within the organization.
An extensive training program will be designed to enhance the evaluation and feedback skills of
supervisors. Skills training will include:
• Performance Plarming - Competencies
• Conducting Performance Evaluations
• Coaching, Counseling and Feedback
• Compensation Administration
• Performance Planning - Goal Setting
The Human Resources Department will offer periodic review sessions to reinforce managerial
and supervisory skills and to train employees.
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
1. Base Pay increase - A prospective pay increase to an employee's base salary, as calculated to
exclude any additional pays.
2. Base pay matrix - Matrix that determines the base pay increases and cash rewards to be
given to eligible employees.
3. Cash reward -A one-time "lump sum" payment equivalent to the amount of the base pay
increase that an employee would have received if he/she were not at the salary range
4. Merit increase - Either a base pay increase or cash reward as determined by the base pay
5. Survey market - List of Council approved agencies to be used when reviewing market
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Life Insurance and Voluntary Benefits
All management employees shall receive City paid life insurance in an amount equal to two
times the basic yearly eamings. To determine benefits, the amount of insurance is rounded to the
next higher $1,000 multiple, unless the amount equals a $1,000 multiple.
The City provides various voluntary benefits available at the employee's cost. Employees may
select among various levels of coverage. For information regarding these benefits, contact the
Human Resources Department at 760-602-2440.
Former CMWD management employees shall receive Group Term Life Insurance, Accidental
Death and Dismemberment, and Dependent Life Insurance as contained in their Individual
All management employees shall participate in the Califomia Public Employees' Refirement
System (CalPERS). The specific retirement formula applied will be determined based on
whether the posifion is deemed safety or miscellaneous. All positions not deemed eligible for
safety retirement will be deemed miscellaneous under the CalPERS system. Optional benefits
unique to the City of Carlsbad's contract with CalPERS are outlined in the contract between the
city and CalPERS. A copy of this contract is kept on file in the Human Resources Department.
Management employees who are considered fire safety employees are eligible for the same
retirement benefit formula and are subject to the same optional retirement benefits described in
the City of Carlsbad CalPERS safety contract as those provided to employees represented by the
Carlsbad Firefighters' Association, Inc. Unrepresented swom police management employees are
eligible for the same retirement benefit formula and are subject to the same optional retirement
benefits described in the City of Carlsbad CalPERS safety contract as those provided to
employees represented by the Carlsbad Police Officers'Association.
The City has contracted with CalPERS for the following retirement benefits:
a) Miscellaneous Tier 1 (employees entering miscellaneous membership for the first time
prior to November 28, 2011) - retirement formula shall be 3% @ 60; single highest year
final compensation.
b) Miscellaneous Tier 2 (employees entering miscellaneous membership for the first time on
or after November 28, 2011) - retirement formula shall be 2% 60; three year average
final compensation.
c) Safety Tier 1 (employees entering safety membership for the first time prior to October 4,
2010) - retirement formula shall be 3% @ 50; single highest year final compensation.
d) Safety Tier 2 (employees entering safety membership for the first time on or after
October 4, 2010) - retirement formula shall be 2% @ 50; three year average final
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Employees entering membership on or after January 1, 2013 and who are subject to the
Califomia Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) will have the following
retirement benefits:
a) Miscellaneous employees - retirement formula shall be 2% 62; three year average final
b) Safety employees - retirement formula shall be 2.7% @ 57; three year average final
Employee Retirement Contribution
The employee retirement contribution will be made on a pre-tax basis by implementing
provisions of section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).
Effective with the first payroll period including December 1, 2012, the Employee Paid Member
Contribution (EPMC) shall be reduced from 3.5% to 0% for all unrepresented management
employees. Employees shall make the following employee retirement contributions through
payroll deductions:
• First tier miscellaneous employees shall pay 8%,
• Second tier miscellaneous employees shall pay 7% and
• First and Second tier safety employees shall pay 9%.
Employee contributions for employees entering membership on or after January 1, 2013 and
subject to the Califomia Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) will be
determined by CalPERS.
Management Leave
Management employees are exempt from overtime requirements under the Fair Labor Standards
Act. Fire Battalion Chiefs are exempt from overtime requirements under FLSA, however. Fire
Battalion Chiefs that are required to work a 24-hour shift/112 hours per bi-weekly pay period
schedule are paid straight time for overtime when they are covering the duty for a Battalion
Chief on leave. Management employees in the City are paid on a salary basis versus an hourly
basis. Pursuant to FLSA regulation 29 CFR Section 541.5d, the City can make deductions from
salary or leave accounts for partial day absences for personal reasons or sickness because the
City has a policy and practice of requiring its employees to be accountable to the public that they
have eamed their salaries. A partial day absence is an absence of less than the employee's
regular work day. Pursuant to FLSA regulation 29 CFR Section 541.118 (a)(2) and (a)(3), the
City may make salary or leave reductions based upon full day absences.
Partial day or full day absences shall be first charged against the exempt employee's vacation,
sick, or executive leave account. In the event the exempt employee does not have sufficient time
in his/her leave account to cover the absence, deductions without pay will be made on full days
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Every management employee shall accme vacation leave for each calendar year
of actual continuous service dating from the commencement of said service, with
such time to be accmed on a daily (calendar day) basis. Vacation leave can be
used in 15 minute increments.
All management employees (except Fire Battalion Chiefs that work 112 hours per
bi-weekly pay period) shall cam vacation on the following basis:
Beginning with the first (1 st) working day through the completion of five
(5) full calendar years of continuous service - 13 minutes/day.
Beginning the sixth (6th) year of employment through the completion of
ten (10) full calendar years of continuous service - 20 minutes/day.
Beginning the eleventh (11th) year of employment through the completion
of eleven (11) full calendar years of continuous service - 21 minutes/day.
Beginning the twelfth (12th) year of employment through the completion
of twelve (12) full calendar years of continuous service - 22 minutes/day.
Beginning the thirteenth (13th) year of employment through the
completion of thirteen (13) full calendar years of continuous service - 24
Beginning the fourteenth (14th) year of employment through the
completion of fifteen (15) full calendar years of continuous
service - 25 minutes/day.
Beginning the sixteenth (16th) year of continuous employment, vacation
time shall be accrued, and remain at a rate of 26 minutes/day for every full
calendar year of continuous employment thereafter.
Management employees with comparable service in local govemment agencies
may be granted credit for such service for the purpose of computing vacation at
the discretion of the City Manager. All management employees shall be
permitted to earn and accrue up to and including three hundred and twenty (320)
hours of vacation, and no employee will be allowed to eam and accrue vacation
hours in excess of the three hundred and twenty (320) hour maximum.* The City
Manager shall be responsible for the granting of vacation to all management
personnel, except in the case of the City Attorney's Office, where the City
Attomey shall be responsible for granting vacation.
* If there are unusual circumstances that would require an employee to exceed the vacation
accrual maximum, he/she must submit a request in writing to the Department Head and the City
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Manager or Designee. The Department Head and the City Manager or Designee may grant such
a request if it is in the best interest of the City. Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis
and will be considered only in extreme circumstances.
Former CMWD management employees shall earn and accme vacation up to and
including the maximum as contained in their Individual Agreement.
Fire Battalion Chiefs that work 112 hours per bi -weekly pay period shall eam and
accme vacation up to and including the maximum commensurate with Carlsbad
Firefighters' Association (CFA) represented employees that work 112 hours per
bi-weekly pay period.
Vacation Conversion
Each Febmary, management employees will be allowed to voluntarily convert up
to 80 hours of accmed vacation to cash, provided that they have used 80 hours of
vacation during the prior calendar year. Fire Battalion Chiefs that work 112 hours
per bi-weekly pay period will be allowed to voluntarily convert up to 112 hours of
accrued vacation to cash, provided that they have used 112 hours of vacation
during the prior calendar year.
Executive Leave
All management personnel, except former CMWD management employees, shall
receive 56 hours per fiscal year for executive leave. The 56 hours will be credited
at the beginning of each fiscal year to individual leave balances. This leave must
be used within the same fiscal year. The City Manager is authorized to provide
ten (10) additional hours of executive leave per year to any management
employee who is required to work extended hours due to emergencies such as
fires, storms, floods, or other emergencies.
Sick Leave
Sick leave can be used in 15 minute increments.
Sixteen (16) minutes of sick leave are accrued per calendar day. Accumulation is
unlimited (employees cannot receive payment for unused sick leave). Fire
Battalion Chiefs that work 112 hours per bi-weekly pay period shall accrue sick
leave commensurate with CFA represented employees that work at 112 hours per
bi-weekly pay period.
Bereavement Leave
An employee may use up to an equivalent of three work days of paid leave if
required to be absent from duty due to the death of a member of the employee's
immediate family. Additional time off may be authorized by the Department
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Head and charged to accrued vacation or sick leave or, when no accmed leave is
available, treated as leave without pay.
The "immediate family" shall be defined in the personnel mles and
The employee may be required to submit proof of relative's death before final
approval of bereavement leave is granted.
Leave of Absence
1. Leave of Absence Without Pay
A. General Policy
Any employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay
pursuant to the approval of his/her Department Head for less than
two calendar weeks. If the duration of the leave of absence will be
longer, the approval of the City Manager or his/her designee is
An employee shall utilize all his/her vacation, e-time and/or sick
leave (if applicable) prior to taking an authorized leave of absence
without pay.
A leave without pay may be granted for any of the following
1. Illness or disability.
2. To take a course of study which will increase the
employee's usefulness on retum to his/her position in the
City service.
3. For personal reasons acceptable to the City Manager and
Department Head.
B. Authorization Procedure
Requests for leave of absence without pay shall be made in writing
and shall state specifically the reason for the request, the date when
the leave is desired to begin, the probable date of retum, and the
agreement to reimburse the City for any benefit premiums paid by
the City during the leave of absence. The request shall normally
be initiated by the employee, but may be initiated by his/her
Department Head, and, if applicable, shall be promptly transmitted
to the City Manager or his/her designee for approval. A copy of
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Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
any approved request for leave of absence without pay with a
duration equal to or greater than two calendar weeks shall be
delivered promptly to the Directors of Finance and Human
C. Length of Leave and Extension
A leave of absence without pay may be made for a period not to
exceed six months, unless otherwise approved by the City
Manager. The procedure for granting extensions shall be the same
as that in granting the original leave provided that the request for
extension is made no later than fourteen (14) calendar days prior to
the expiration of the original leave.
D. Retum From Leave
When an employee intends to retum from an authorized leave of
absence without pay either before or upon the expiration of such
leave, he/she shall contact his/her Department Head at least
fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the day he/she plans to retum.
The Department Head shall promptly notify the Human Resources
Department of the employee's intention. The employee shall
retum at a rate of pay not less than the rate at the time the leave of
absence began.
E. Effect of Leave Without Pay
A prorata reduction of normal annual vacation and sick leave
accmals shall be applicable to an approved absence without pay.
Any absence without pay constitutes a break of continuous service
with the City. The granting of any leave without pay exceeding
two full scheduled pay periods shall cause the employee's salary
anniversary date and calculation of full-time continuous service to
be extended by the number of calendar days for which such leave
has been granted less the first two full pay periods of such leave.
An employee's accumulation of sick leave and vacation leave will
cease after the completion of two (2) full scheduled pay periods in
which the employee has not received compensation due to a leave
of absence without pay. Accmal will be reinstituted beginning the
first day after the employee has retumed to work.
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
F. Leave Without Pay - Insurance Payments and Privileges
An employee on leave without pay may continue his/her City
insurance benefits by reimbursing the City for the employee's
costs of insurance on a monthly basis during the period of the
leave. Failure to reimburse the City for such benefits during the
term of a leave of absence will result in the employee's coverage
terminating on the first day following the month in which the last
payment was received.
Upon the employee's retum to paid status, any sums due to the
City shall be repaid through payroll deductions. This applies to
sums due for insurance as well as other payment plans entered into
between the City and the employee (e.g., computer loan).
Upon eligibility for COBRA, the employee will be nofified of the
opportunity to continue benefit coverage via the COBRA process.
An employee on leave of absence without pay shall not have all of
the privileges granted to regular employees (e.g., holiday pay),
unless required by law.
Pregnancy Disability Leave
Pregnancy Disability Leave shall be authorized and/or administered in accordance
with the provisions of State and Federal law. An employee disabled by pregnancy
shall be allowed to utilize a combination of accmed sick leave and vacation time
and leave without pay to take a leave for a reasonable period of time, not to
exceed four months. An employee shall utilize all accmed leave prior to taking
leave without pay. Reasonable period of time means that period during which the
employee is disabled on account of pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions.
An employee who plans to take a leave pursuant to this article shall give the City
reasonable notice of the date the leave shall commence and the estimated duration
of the leave.
Family and Medical Leave of Absence (FMLA)
An employee may be granted a FMLA of up to 12 weeks ina 12 month period for
one or more of the following reasons:
for the birth/placement of a child for adoption or foster care,
- to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition, or
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
to take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a
serious condition.
FMLA may be paid or unpaid and may be granted concurrently and in
conjunction with other leave and benefit provisions. Specific details regarding the
provisions of this leave are available by contacting the Human Resources
• Military Leave
Military leave shall be authorized in accordance with the provisions of State and
Federal law. The employee must fumish satisfactory proof to his/her Department
Head, as far in advance as possible, that he/she must report to military duty.
• Jury Duty
When called to jury duty, an employee shall be entitled to his/her regular
compensation. Employees released early from jury duty shall report to their
supervisor for assignment for the duration of the shift. Employees shall be
entitled to keep mileage reimbursement paid while on jury duty.
A Department Head may, at his/her sole discretion, contact the court and request
an exemption and/or postponement of jury service on behalf of an employee.
Employees released early from jury duty shall report to their supervisor for
assignment for the duration of the work day. At the discretion of the supervisor,
an employee may be released fi-om reporting back to work if an unreasonable
amount ofthe work day remains in light of travel time to the job site after release.
Health Insurance for Retirees
Effecfive January 1, 2001, management employees will be covered by the Public Employees'
Medical and Hospital Care Act and will be eligible to participate in the Califomia Public
Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) Health Program. Management employees who retire
from the City, either service or disability, shall be eligible to confinue their enrollment in the
CalPERS Health Program when they retire, provided that the individual is enrolled or eligible to
enroll in a CalPERS medical plan at the time of separation from employment and their effective
date of retirement is within 120 days of separation. The City will contribute the minimum
amount per month required under Govemment Code Section 22892 of the PEMHCA toward the
cost of each refiree's enrollment in the CalPERS Health Program.
Employees who retire from the City, either service or disability, shall be eligible to continue to
participate in the City's dental and/or vision insurance programs. The cost of such dental and/or
vision insurance for the retiree and eligible dependents shall be home solely by the retiree. The
City shall not charge the COBRA administrative cost to the retirees. A retiree who does not
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
choose continued coverage upon retirement, or drops coverage, is only eligible to retum to the
City's dental and vision insurance program during open enrollment periods.
The City will invoice the retiree for his/her monthly premiums for dental and/or vision insurance
and the retiree must keep such payments current to ensure continued coverage.
Sick Leave Conversion
Any management employee who has accrued and maintains a minimum of one hundred (100)
hours of sick leave shall be permitted to convert up to twelve (12) days of sick leave and
uncompensated sick leave to vacation at a ratio of three (3) sick leave days per one (1) day of
vacation. The sick leave conversion option will be provided during the first week of each fiscal
year. Conversion can only be made in increments of full day vacation days. Employees will not
be allowed to convert sick leave to vacation if such conversion would put them over the vacation
accrual maximum.
Former CMWD management employees per their Individual Agreement, have the option to sell
back 100% of accumulated sick leave in excess of 250 hours at their current rate. The City, at its
discretion, may purchase any accumulated sick leave from any of these referenced management
employees at the current rate.
Separation Compensation
All management employees involuntarily separated from the City service due to budget
cutbacks, layoffs, contracting out of service or for other reasons not due to misconduct which
would justify involuntary separation shall receive one month's salary computed at the
employee's actual salary at the time of separation.
All management employees shall be paid holidays in accordance with the schedule of eleven (11)
holidays as established by the City Council. Fire Battalion Chiefs are subject to the same
holiday schedule that is outlined for management employees. However, they are compensated
for holidays in the same manner as CFA represented employees that work 112 hours per bi-
weekly pay period.
The scheduled paid holidays that will be official City holidays shall be as follows:
New Year's Day Columbus Day
Martin Luther King's Birthday Veteran's Day
Presidents' Day Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day Thanksgiving Friday
Independence Day Christmas Day
Labor Day
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Only employees who are on paid status on their last scheduled work day before a holiday shall
be entitled to the paid holiday except where otherwise required by law.
Health Benefits
Management employees will participate in a flexible benefits program which includes medical
insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance and flexible spending accounts (FSAs). Each of
these components is outlined below.
Medical Insurance
Management employees will be covered by the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care
Act (PEMHCA) and will be eligible to participate in the Califomia Public Employees'
Retirement System (CalPERS) Health Program. The City will pay on behalf of all management
employees and their eligible dependents and those retirees mentioned in the section of this
document titled, "Health Insurance for Retirees," the minimum amount per month required under
Govemment Code Section 22892 of the PEMHCA for medical insurance through the Califomia
Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS). If electing to enroll for medical benefits, the
employee must select one medical plan from the variety of medical plans offered.
Effective January 1, 2013, the City will contribute the following monthly amounts (called
"Benefits Credits") on behalf of each active management employee and eligible dependents
toward the payment of 1) medical premiums under the CalPERS Health Program, 2)
contributions in the name of the employee to the City's flexible spending account(s), 3)
contributions of some or all of the premium for dental coverage or vision coverage:
(a) For employees with "employee only" coverage, the City shall contribute
five hundred sixty-seven ($567) per month that shall include the
mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the
City's total contributions, the employee will pay the difference.
(b) For employees with "employee plus one dependent" coverage, the City
shall contribute one thousand eighty-two dollars ($1,082) per month that
shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total
premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the
(c) For employees with "employee plus two or more dependents" coverage,
the City shall contribute one thousand four hundred twenty-one dollars
($1,421) per month that shall include the mandatory payments to
CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total
contributions, the employee will pay the difference.
Effective the first full pay period following City Council approval of this revised Management
Compensation and Benefits Plan, prospectively only, any unused Benefits Credits will be paid to
the employee in cash and reported as taxable income.
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Effective January 1, 2014, the City will contribute the following monthly amounts (called
"Benefits Credits") on behalf of each active management employee and eligible dependents
toward the payment of 1) medical premiums under the CalPERS Health Program, 2)
contributions in the name of the employee to the City's flexible spending account(s), 3) dental
premiums 4) vision premiums and/or 5) accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D)
(a) For employees with "employee only" coverage, the City shall contribute
five hundred forty-four ($544) per month that shall include the mandatory
payments to CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total
contributions, the employee will pay the difference.
(b) For employees with "employee plus one dependent" coverage, the City
shall contribute one thousand thirty-eight dollars ($1,038) per month that
shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS. If the actual total
premiums exceed the City's total contributions, the employee will pay the
(c) For employees with "employee plus two or more dependents" coverage,
the City shall contribute one thousand three hundred sixty-three dollars
($1,363) per month that shall include the mandatory payments to
CalPERS. If the actual total premiums exceed the City's total
contributions, the employee will pay the difference.
Dental Insurance
Management employees will be eligible to enroll in a City-sponsored dental plan. Should an
employee elect to enroll for medical benefits, he/she must also enroll in dental coverage at the
same coverage level (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more
dependents) as medical insurance.
Effective January 1, 2014, the employee will have the option of selecting any dental coverage
level regardless of the employee's selected medical coverage.
Vision Insurance
Management employees will be eligible to enroll in a City-sponsored vision insurance plan.
Employees may elect to purchase vision insurance or to opt out of the vision insurance program.
If the decision is made to pvirchase vision insurance, a management employee may purchase
vision insurance at any level of coverage (employee only, employee plus one dependent,
employee plus two or more dependents).
Opt Out Provision
Management employees who do not wish to participate in the CalPERS Health Program will
have the choice of opting out of the City's medical insurance program, provided they can show
that they are covered under another insurance program.
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Effective January 1, 2013, employees who elect this option will be given a reduced City
contribution amount (Benefits Credits) of three hundred eight dollars ($308) per month, that shall
include the mandatory payments to CalPERS, to be used toward the purchase of dental
insurance, vision insurance, or as a contribution to a flexible spending account. The City
contribution amount of three hundred eight dollars ($308) per month will be granted to any
employee who elects to opt out of the CalPERS Health Program, regardless of the employee's
level of coverage (employee only, employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more
Effective January 1, 2014, employees who elect this option will be given a reduced City
contribution amount (Benefits Credits) of two hundred ninety-five dollars ($295) per month, that
shall include the mandatory payments to CalPERS, to be used toward the purchase of dental
insurance, vision insurance, accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance or as a
contribution to a flexible spending account. The City contribution amount of two hundred
ninety-five dollars ($295) per month will be granted to any employee who elects to opt out of the
CalPERS Health Program, regardless of the employee's level of coverage (employee only,
employee plus one dependent, employee plus two or more dependents).
All active management employees who work three quarter-time or less will receive prorated
benefit credits.
Effective the first full pay period following City Council approval of this revised Management
Compensation and Benefits Plan, prospectively only, unused Benefits Credits as outlined above
will be paid to the employee in cash and reported as taxable income.
Former CMWD management employees shall receive Medical, Dental and Vision, and Retiree
Medical as contained in their Individual Agreement.
Annual Physical Examination and/or Physical Fitness Testing
All management employees, excluding former CMWD management employees, shall be eligible
for reimbursement of up to the amount of four hundred fifty dollars ($450) during each fiscal
year to pay the cost of an employee's annual physical examination and/or physical fitness testing.
The annual physical examination may be completed by a physician of the employee's choice.
Each employee claiming reimbursement shall be required to submit original receipts to the
Human Resources Department in lieu of submitting them to the insurance company for payment.
The annual physical examination offered to management employees provides physical fitness
testing and information regarding lifestyle changes that promote optimum health. Program
components include, but are not limited to: Computerized Heart Risk Profile, Complete Blood
Profile, Nutritional Assessment, Diet Program, Body Measurements, Lung Assessment,
Consultations, etc.
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Long-Term Disability Insurance (LTD)
Long-term disability is available for all management personnel (except management personnel
who are considered fire safety employees) after 30 days of disability. The LTD premium cost is
paid by the City. Employees shall be entitled to combine accumulated vacation leave or e-time
with LTD payments for the purpose of achieving the equivalent of their pre-disability salary to
the extent allowed by law during any period of nonindustrial disability. Accumulated sick leave
may not be combined with LTD payments. Under no circumstances shall the combination of
accumulated leave and LTD payments exceed the employee's pre-disability salary.
Former CMWD management employees shall receive LTD benefits as contained in their
Individual Agreement.
Deferred Compensation
The City shall provide deferred compensation plan(s) which may be utilized by any management
employee. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any particular plan and to impose
specific conditions upon the use of any plan.
The City agrees to work with the City's deferred compensation provider (currently ICMA
Retirement Corporation) to maintain a personal loan provision for all management employees. It
is acknowledged that the City will assist in the administration of this benefit but that the City has
no liability if an employee should default on the repayment of such a loan.
Former CMWD management employees may voluntarily participate in the Deferred
Compensation Plan as contained in their Individual Agreement. The City matches former
CMWD employee contributions up to a maximum of 7.5% of the employee's eamings.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
It is the policy of the City of Carlsbad to provide a work environment free from the effects of
drugs and alcohol consistent with the directives of the Dmg Free Workplace Act. This policy is
applicable to all employees covered by the Management Compensation and Benefits Plan. A
copy of this policy is available in the Human Resources Department.
As a provision of this policy, the City provides a voluntary Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
to assist employees who seek help for substance abuse or other personal problems affecting work
or family life. This program is available to employees and their family members and offers 24-
hour access to confidential professional EAP assistance for emergency or urgent situations. For
more specific information, contact the Human Resources Department or visit the City's intranet
Revised 6/3/14
Management Compensation and Benefits Plan
Reporting the Value of Uniforms to CalPERS
Effective May 31, 2010, all fire management employees who are required to wear City-provided
uniforms will have the amount of $17.31 reported to CalPERS bi-weekly as special
compensation related to the monetary value of the required uniforms, excluding boots.
Under PEPRA, this benefit does not apply to new members.
Post-Retirement Healthcare Trust
Employees who were promoted into a management classification after May 28, 2013 from a
position that was represented by CFA, Inc. will continue to contribute into the post-retirement
healthcare tmst established by CFA, Inc. via payroll deductions until participation by CFA, Inc.,
in this type of trust is terminated. The contribution amount will be equal to the amount established
for employees represented by CFA, Inc. The City has no administrative responsibilities or
liabilities related to this benefit, other than processing of payroll deductions as described above.
The City will not make any contributions to the post-retirement healthcare tmst.
Revised 6/3/14
Attachment B
The key element ofthe employee pay for performance program is the base pay stmcture.
Covering all management jobs, the base pay stmcture reflects competitive pay levels for jobs
assigned to each pay grade and provides the basis for equitable pay decisions.
The Management Salary Stmcture contains multiple salary ranges. Each salary range has a
minimum, midpoint and maximum. Employees who are inexperienced or newly hired may be
paid below the midpoint of the salary grade.
In keeping with the City Council's philosophy of surveying the total compensation of local
agencies, the agencies listed below will be considered in the survey market for management
City of Chula Vista
City of Coronado
City of Del Mar
City of El Cajon
City of Encinitas
City of Escondido
City of Imperial Beach
City of La Mesa
City of National City
City of Oceanside
City of Poway
City of San Marcos
City of Solana Beach
City of San Diego
City of Santee
City of Vista
Coimty of San Diego
In addition to the agencies listed above, the following agencies will be considered in the survey
market only for Utilities Director. Utilities Manager and Utilities Supervisor classifications.
• Encina Wastewater Authority
• Helix Water District
• Olivenhain Municipal Water District
• Otay Water District
• Padre Dam Municipal Water District
• Vallecitos Water District
• Vista Irrigation District
Attachment B
The Human Resources Department vsdll compare salary and benefits information on each City of
Carlsbad benchmark classification with appropriate classifications in the comparator group.
Those classifications that are considered benchmarks are those in which there was a substantial
match between the competencies and duties required for jobs at the City ofCarlsbad and those
for the comparator group. A benchmark requires a minimum of three comparators. The job
matching is conducted by the Human Resources Department. From time to time the City
Council may also request that private sector salary and benefits data be reviewed and compared
to benchmark positions at the City of Carlsbad.
Each City of Carlsbad job classification is assigned to a specific salary range. The non-
benchmark positions are assigned to the salary stmcture based on intemal relationships,
responsibility and/or knowledge, skills and abilities of jobs. The benchmark salary data will be
surveyed regularly and the benchmark comparisons will be modified when the classifications
change within the organization.
Periodically the Human Resources Department will bring forth salary range movement
recommendations to City Council that are based on market and economic conditions, and may
include one or more salary ranges.
The City Council delegates to the City Manager the authority to assign job classifications to a
specific salary grade, based on both benchmark salary information and intemal relationships
within the organization.
Under general direction, to plan, organize, review and direct field maintenance services
and activities; ensure work quality and adherence to established policies and
procedures in assigned divisions and/or programs as it relates to infrastructure and
related storm water program activities; provides professional and technical assistance to
outside agencies, senior management, other divisions, division supervisors, staff and
Plans, directs, and manages programs for the assigned divisions including: Water and
Wastewater Systems Maintenance, Water Systems Operations, Recycled Water
Distribution, Meter Reading/Maintenance/Replacement, Cross Connection Control,
Wastewater Operations; recommends and administers policies and procedures.
Participates in development and manages implementation of the Utilities division goals,
objectives, policies, and procedures.
Manages priorities, assignments and workload; establishes appropriate service and
staffing levels; and allocates resources accordingly.
Monitors and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and
procedures; assesses and monitors work load; identifies opportunities for improvement;
directs the implementation of changes.
Meets with various agency regulators and inspectors to perform various compliance
Maintains full regulatory compliance in all areas.
Ensures appropriate maintenance of records; regulatory reports and correspondence;
provides technical and professional support to operations and City staff.
Manages and coordinates related environmental resource management programs.
Prepares agenda bills and other professional/technical communications, reports and
Utilities Superintendent, Page 2 of 6
Responds to requests from citizens, staff, other divisions, consultants, vendors,
contractors, engineers, regulators, agencies, entities, commissions, organizations, etc.
on a variety of projects, issues, complaints and inquiries.
Attends various meetings to receive, update or provide information.
Selects, manages and evaluates subordinates and provides direction, guidance and
training to division staff.
Ensures ongoing development of subordinates to support succession initiatives and
department staffing and training.
Ensures proper time reporting for proper allocation of time and approvals.
Ensures proper operation/maintenance and inspection of assigned systems and that
work is prepared to standard.
Ensures materials, equipment and supplies are purchased in accordance with City and
division standards.
Directs, leads or provides input into preparation of plans and specifications for
contracts, agreements, purchase of equipment and requests for proposals for various
projects and studies.
Participates in annual budget preparation, capital improvement projects and
administration for the Water/Wastewater Section ofthe Utilities Division.
Reviews both CIP as well as private development improvement plans; submits
suggested changes.
Collaborates with Utilities Engineering for development and execution of CIP contracts.
Reviews and approves all operational expenditures and manages assigned operations
Reviews and oversee contracts, agreements, etc. for goods and services to ensure
compliance; authorizes equipment purchases.
Directs maintenance, repair and replacement of systems and equipment.
Serves as the point of contact for appropriate regulatory agencies.
Serves in the capacity of Utilities Director as needed.
Assignments In Water Operations
Directs, oversees and reviews division and programs in assigned functional areas
engaged in the operation, maintenance and repair of potable and recycled water
utilities Superintendent, Page 3 of 6
systems, SCADA, water quality assurance, meter services, conservation, cross
connection control and administrative support services.
Assignments in Waste Water Operations
Directs, oversees and reviews divisions and programs in assigned functional areas
engaged in the sanitation system operations, waste water collections, planning and
scheduling, and administrative support services.
Knowledge of:
• All applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations related to assigned
division and safe work practices and methods
• Materials, methods, practices, procedures, equipment, standards, safety and
technical requirements pertaining to assigned division
• Operations, principles, practices and methods pertaining to assigned division and
administrative services
Record keeping and reporting requirements and procedures
Contractual agreements and application
Budget development, management and control
Principals and applications of public relations and customer service skills
Computer applications relevant to duties
Principles and practices of management including report writing techniques
Principles and techniques of preventive maintenance
Principles and techniques of performance measurement
Principles of labor relations, supervision, training and performance evaluations
Additional knowledge areas for assignments In Water Operations
• Water wholesaler operations, interaction and relationship
• Hydraulics and mathematics as related to water distribution and treatment in a
utility system
Ability to:
• Plan, organize, direct and coordinate the work of management, supervisory,
professional, and technical personnel
• Manage a comprehensive program for the Water or Waste Water Divisions of the
Utilities Division
• Work with regulatory agencies and representatives on a wide variety of
requirements and issues
• Coordinate programs effectively with public and private agencies
• Apply pertinent Federal, State and City codes, laws and regulations
• Effectively communicate with people from a wide variety of socio-economic
backgrounds, both orally and in writing
Utilities Superintendent, Page 4 of 6
Forecast labor and other pertinent cost factors
Determine training and development programs and classes of subordinates
Plan, assign, supervise and evaluate work of subordinates and provide required
training and guidance
Determine cost-effective ways for efficient and effective operation of functional
Manage the performance of functional areas
Read and interpret Utility maps, plans, diagrams, and blueprints and
Maintain records and prepare technical and complex reports
Answer questions and concerns from staff, public, media, etc.
Prepare and disseminate information and outreach materials
Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with customers, the public and
those contacted in the course of work including negotiating work with outside
• Use computer applications to assist in peri'orming duties
Any combination of equivalent experience and education that would likely provide the
required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and
abilities would be:
Assignments in Water Operations
Five years of increasingly responsible experience in core and functional areas
including four years of supervisory experience as a water operations supervisor
in a D5 and T2 system.
Assignments in Waste Water Operations
Five years of increasingly responsible experience in core and functional areas
including four years of supervisory experience in comparable waste water
Any combination of experience and education that would likely provide the required
knowledge and abilities of qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and
abilities would be:
Equivalent to the completion of a Bachelor's Degree in engineering, construction,
construction management or in a closely related field; and
Five years of progressively responsible experience in a utilities functional area
such as, water distribution and wastewater systems operation and maintenance,
construction inspection or related field, including experience as a supervisor.
Utilities Superintendent Page 5 of 6
Possession of a valid California Driver's License (Class C) or the ability to be
transported throughout the City.
Willingness and demonstrated ability to direct operations during emergency calls
outside of regular schedule or as required.
Assignments in Water Operations
Must possess a California Division of Public Health Water Distribution Operator
Certificate, Grade D3 and the ability to obtain a D5 Certificate within an agreed
Must possess a California Division of Public Health Water Treatment Operator
Certificate, Grade T2.
Assignments in Wastewater Operations
CWEA Collections System Grade 4 Certification and/or
CWEA Mechanical Technologist Grade 4 within an agreed period.
While performing the duties of this class an employee is regulariy required to sit; talk or
hear, in person and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or operate
standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. Specific vision abilities
required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust focus to read and
operate office equipment as necessary during the course of the work assignments. The
employee is frequently required to walk and stand to inspect work sites.
While performing the duties, employees of this class are regulariy required to use
written and oral communication skills; read and interpret schematic data, narrative and
statistical information and document; analyze and solve problems; use math and apply
new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks;
work under deadlines; and interact with staff, vendors, contractors, regulators, agencies,
committees, organizations, entities and the public encountered in the course ofthe
The employee periodically works in the field, exposed to the outdoors and all weather
conditions. Employee is occasionally exposed to fumes, dust, dirt, and construction site
conditions. Employee is required to attend meetings and travel within and outside City
limits during normal work hours and periodically on evenings and on weekends and at
any time during emergency call outs.
DATE APPROVED: June 3, 2014
Utilities Superintendent, Page 6 of 6
This is an at-will management classification.
Under general direction to utilize a computerized work management system to
plan and schedule work activities for water and wastewater field staff. Functional
assignments include planning, scheduling and coordinating the material,
equipment and personnel requirements for projects and work orders. Completed
work is reviewed from an overall standpoint for proficiency and conformance to
requirements, policies, procedures and work standards.
Plans and schedules the work of maintenance employees within a computerized
maintenance management system; plans and schedules planned/unplanned
work orders on a daily, weekly or longer term basis to maximize efficiency and
enhance productivity.
Evaluates skills of employees in assigning the work; works with employees on
process and interaction issues.
Regulariy re-prioritizes work in response to emergencies, availability of parts and
equipment and to make efficient use of maintenance staff.
Plans construction, maintenance and repair projects, including estimating
materials, equipment and scheduling equipment and evaluating labor
requirements; plans for safety requirements.
Identifies work to be performed by outside vendors; develops scope of work and
work schedules.
Participates in developing and updating predictive, preventative and condition-
based maintenance programs and criteria for installed operational equipment;
reviews criteria and participates in monitoring and evaluating effectiveness.
Performs purchasing activities to acquire parts and equipment needed for work
orders; shops availability of parts and materials, identifies sources and obtains
vendor/contractor quotes; arranges for fabrication of parts for older technologies
and supervises the Warehouse Technician.
Utilities Maintenance Planner, Page 2 of 4
Maintains data in the maintenance management system by entering and
updating entity information; analyzes and regroups entities; tracks work orders to
completion and archiving; prepares maintenance related reports.
Serves as technical resource for the associated trades, reviews plans to ensure
they meet department standards and provide assistance regarding work methods
and the resolution of difficult work problems.
Performs all work duties and activities in accordance with City policies and
Works in a safe manner and reports unsafe activity and conditions.
Follows City-wide safety policy and practices and adheres to responsibilities
concerning safety prevention, reporting and monitoring.
Periderms related duties as assigned.
To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the
essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable
accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform
the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are
representative ofthe knowledge, skill and/or ability required.
Knowledge of:
• Computer skills and knowledge of computerized maintenance management
• Principles, practices, methods and equipment used in the construction,
installation, maintenance and repair of water distribution facilities and
equipment and wastewater collection/transmission facilities and equipment
• Maintenance work order management and other applications related to the
work; applicable codes, ordinances and regulations related to the work; Safe
Drinking Water Act and relevant EPA regulations
• Methods, practices and techniques of work order scheduling, with emphasis
on computerized scheduling and tracking systems; methods, techniques and
safety practices ofthe associated trades, which may include electrical
operations and PLC control of pumps, motors, wells, reservoirs, chlorine
systems and other equipment and machinery used in municipal operations
and the material, equipment and tools used in their installation, servicing,
maintenance and repair
• Mechanical operations of pumps, motors, reservoirs, chlorine systems and
other mechanical systems used in a water works system and the material,
equipment and tools used in their construction, maintenance and repair
Utilities Maintenance Planner, Page 3 of 4
Ability to:
• Plan, schedule and evaluate the quality and quantity of work needed to
accomplish work group goals within set limits of time and cost
• Determine staffing, equipment and materials required to complete work
orders; operate computers and work order management systems to plan,
schedule and monitor the completion of work orders and to generate
applicable analyses and reports; coordinate assignments with other
divisions, departments or agencies
• Understand and follow oral and written instructions; prepare clear and
concise records, reports and other written materials; establish and
maintain effective relationships with those encountered in the course of
the work
• Operate and maintain hand and power tools pertaining to the work; read
and understand blueprints, drawings, specifications and sketches
pertaining to the work; periderm journey-level duties as required; work
independently and exercise sound judgment in peri'orming duties.
Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide
the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical background would
Equivalent to the completion ofthe twelfth grade supplemented by course
work or specialized training in assigned or related area, and supervision; and
Four years of increasingly responsible experience in the assigned area,
including two years in a lead or supervisory capacity and a minimum of one
year of supervisory experience of utility workers.
Possession of a valid California Driver's License.
CWEA Collections Grade 1 Certificate
California Department of Health Water Distribution Grade 1
CWEA Mechanical Technologist Grade 1 Certificate
While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regularly required to sit;
talk or hear, in person and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or
operate standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. Specific
vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust
Utilities Maintenance Planner, Page 4 of 4
focus to read and operate office equipment as necessary during the course of the
work assignments. The employee is frequently required to walk and stand to
inspect work sites. The employee may be requireci to withstand hours of sitting,
standing, walking and climbing.
While performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to use
written and oral communication skills; read and interpret schematic data,
narrative and statistical information and document; analyze and solve problems;
use math and apply new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on
multiple, concurrent tasks; work under deadlines; and interact with staff, vendors,
contractors, regulators, agencies, committees, organizations, entities and the
public encountered in the course of the work.
The employee periodically works in the field, exposed to the outdoors and all
weather conditions. Employee is occasionally exposed to fumes, dust, dirt, and
construction site conditions. Employee is required to attend meetings and travel
within and outside City limits during normal work hours and periodically on
evenings and on weekends and at any time during emergency call outs.
DATE APPROVED: June 3, 2014
This is an at-will management classification.
Under broad administrative direction, responsible for policy development, fiscal
management, administration and operation of all water and wastewater programs
and activities. Serve the customer base of Carisbad's utilities and diversified
assets, build and operate infrastructure and manage energy commodities.
Perform highly responsible and complex professional administrative work; and
perform related responsibilities as required.
This is a single incumbent position reporting directly to the Public Works Director.
This incumbent provides general strategic and administrative direction to the City
divisions that are assigned, which typically include water, recycled water,
wastewater, storm drains, and energy management. This position functions as
the General Manager for the CMWD.
Analyze data, make recommendations, prepare reports and make presentations
on the formulation of policy and procedure, and staffing and organizational
requirements for Utilities Management, in alignment with guiding principles
adopted by the City Council and CMWD Board of Directors.
Develop infrastructure, operate utilities and provide related products and services
to the City and the region as applicable.
Work closely with contracting organizations and appropriate federal and state
agencies regarding the viability of water supplies; advise the City council on
issues and programs.
Consult with and advise City and CMWD representatives on County Water
Authority Board and Encina Wastewater Authority Board.
Ensure that the CMWD is in compliance with all contractual and legal
requirements regarding the quantity and quality of water provided. Ensure
compliance with California Water Code and San Diego's Local Agency Formation
Utilities Director, Page 2 of 5
Direct and review the preparation or examination of public and private
engineering plans, specifications, design, cost estimates and legal descriptions
for a variety of construction and maintenance projects.
Plan and direct a comprehensive program relating to overall utility goals,
objectives, operating policy and procedures.
Comply with current regional and state requirements; participate and collaborate
in meeting and adjudicative matters/processes/hearing.
Explore alternative energy resources such as solar energy and wind.
Plan and direct programs relating to production, storage, treatment, transmission
and distribution of the water supply, seawater desalination and recycled water.
Plan and direct programs relating to wastewater collection and treatment.
Direct the preparation, development and evaluation of technical studies; analyze
and determine necessary actions. Ensure efficient planning and management of
Coordinate and integrate Carisbad utility programs and operations with that of
other public jurisdictions.
Incorporate environmentally-friendly practices into utility facilities and daily
operations; bring awareness of energy efficiency to the community.
Act in concert with the direction ofthe City Council and CMWD Board to mitigate
financial impact of water and other utility interests for the City of Carisbad and
Represent the Carisbad utility in conferences and studies relating to water supply
and administration at local, state and national levels. Make presentations to City
Council and CMWD Board, advisory committees, business and educational
groups on a variety of division issues.
Establish inclusive citizen involvement that promotes understanding, input and
feedback to further the division's mission.
Direct the preparation and implementation of a comprehensive safety program to
applicable water/utility issues.
Coordinate and provide responsible staff assistance to the City Manager, City
Council, CMWD Board and other City boards and commissions as assigned.
Utilities Director, Page 3 of 5
Assist in the development of the City's overall goals, objectives, policies and
Conduct difficult policy and fiscal-related analytical studies and reports involving
the evaluation of divisional operations and service programs.
For areas of responsibility, oversee the preparation, coordination and analysis of
annual division budgets; direct the preparation of multiple divisional work
programs and annual budgets.
Attend conferences, schools and professional meetings to keep abreast of new
developments in water, recycled water, wastewater, storm drains and solid waste
programs and administration.
Coordinate activities with other City divisions and other public or private
Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive inquiries and complaints.
To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the
essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable
accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to periderm
the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are
representative ofthe knowledge, skill and/or ability required.
Knowledge of:
• Water resources and treatment management principles and practices. Water
project planning, water resource management, and watershed management
• Principles of organization, administration, budget and human resources
• Federal, State, municipal laws, statutes, codes and ordinances related to
water resources and utilities management. Regulatory analysis and
compliance support for water, recycled water, wastewater and storm drain
• Business process and performance benchmarking. Data analysis and quality
assurance. Local government financial practices and procedures
• Methods and techniques of research, statistical analysis and report
Ability to:
• Plan, organize and direct the City's Utility Management and Water-related
Utilities Director, Page 4 of 5
Provide administrative and professional leadership for the division
Properly interpret and make decisions in accordance with laws, regulations
and policies
Analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of
proposed actions, and implement recommendations in support of goals
Develop and administer annual and long-range programs and budgets
Exercise good judgment, flexibility, creativity, and sensitivity in response to
changing situations and needs
Work cooperatively and effectively with management staff, employees and
Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff
Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing
Work well under pressure to meet deadlines
Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide
the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain
the knowledge and abilities would be:
Equivalent to a bachelor's degree and preferably a graduate degree from
an accredited college or university with major course work in civil
engineering or related field, and, ten years of progressively responsible
professional work experience in the field of civil engineering, public works
or a closely related field at an administrative or management level.
Substantial management experience in the production, treatment and
distribution of a potable water supply.
A master's degree in public or business administration is highly desirable.
CA Department of Public Health Water Distribution Operator Grade 3
Certificate is highly desirable.
While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regulariy required to sit;
talk or hear, in person and by telephone; use hands to finger, handle, feel or
operate standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. An employee
is frequently required to walk and stand. Specific vision abilities required by this
job include close vision and the ability to adjust focus to read and operate office
equipment as necessary during the course of the work assignments.
While performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to use
written and oral communication skills; read and interpret financial and statistical
Utilities Director, Page 5 of 5
data, information and documents; analyze and solve problems; use math and
apply mathematical reasoning and abstract statistical concepts; observe and
interpret complex situations; learn and apply new information or skills; perform
highly detailed work on multiple, concurrent tasks; work under intensive deadlines;
and interact with staff. Council members and others encountered in the course of
Ability to work in a standard office environment with some exposure to the
outdoors; ability to travel to difficult to reach sites and locations; attend evening
meetings; work under pressure and potentially stressful situations.
This is an at-will management classification.
DATE APPROVED: June 3, 2014
Under general direction, to plan, organize, supervise, review programs and
activities, and periderm related work in functional assigned area. Functional
assignments may include any ofthe following:
Operation and maintenance of potable and recycled water systems; operation
and maintenance of drainage systems, sewer collection systems; operation and
maintenance of lift station systems; construction, maintenance and repairs in the
water distribution system.
Assignments may be responsible for any the following:
Plan, organize and supervise subordinate personnel in assigned area.
Develop and implement work plans; prepare reports and analyses on department
Oversee the accuracy and maintenance of time, material and equipment use
records; prepare job estimates and establish priorities for work crews.
Plan-check all private development and CIP projects that involve infrastructure;
provide input and make changes where appropriate.
Develop CIP contracts for rehabilitation and/or replacement of infrastructure.
Supervise and/or assist in the preparation of a variety of bid specifications and
administration of contracts as necessary.
Oversee contracts for service providers, work closely with contractors and ensure
the contracts are being fully executed.
Requisition supplies and materials and monitor inventories.
Plan, organize, schedule, implement and supervise proper maintenance of
infrastructure for assigned area.
utilities Supervisor, Page 2 of 5
Administer ongoing regulatory programs for assigned area.
Recommend the purchase of equipment and assist in the development of
Receive, investigate, and resolve complaints.
Inspect work sites before, during and after completion to assure work is
completed in a satisfactory and thorough manner.
Ensure the maintenance of various records and prepare reports as required.
Ensure the adherence of safe work practices by field maintenance personnel.
Provide shutdowns; work closely with city and private inspectors on related
projects to complete jobs correctly and in a timely manner.
Coordinate field services maintenance activities with other City departments,
divisions, and sections, and with outside agencies.
Oversee all routine and emergency response.
May serve as Utilities' Safety Coordinator for a one or more year term
administering the safety program for the Utilities department and/or division.
Use a computerized maintenance management system to create work orders
and track work peri'ormed.
Supervise and evaluate staff as well as provide, present, and/or deliver ongoing
May supervise and oversee contractor/s and/or subordinate/s assigned to
perform a variety of duties in the design, installation, programming, testing,
maintenance, repair and calibration of SCADA and electrical systems in assigned
Inspect and approve appropriate staff time reports.
Participate in annual budget preparation and administration for assigned area.
Attend seminars, meetings and courses related to the job classification such as
security, regulations, emergency preparedness and industry trends.
Perform related duties as assigned.
utilities Supervisor, Page 3 of 5
To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the
essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable
accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform
the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are
representative ofthe knowledge, skill and/or ability required.
Knowledge of:
Principles of supervision and training
Materials, methods, practices and equipment used in assigned area
Types and level of maintenance and repair activities generally performed
in a utilities field division maintenance program
Applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations related to
assigned functional areas
Practices and principles of equipment in assigned area
Basic to intermediate use of personal computers. Proficiency in Microsoft
Word and Excel
Mathematics as related to a utility system
Budget development and control techniques
Principles and applications of public relations and customer service skills
City, state and federal laws, rules, regulations related to operating a public
water or waste water system
Safety regulations, requirements and practices regarding areas of
Occupational hazards and standard safety precautions necessary in the
Geography ofthe City, including the location of utility infrastructure
Practical elements of civil engineering as they relate to assigned area
Principles of organization, administration, budget and personnel
Ability to:
Supervise a comprehensive program for assigned areas.
Determine cost-effective ways for efficient and effective operation of
functional responsibilities.
Supervise the maintenance of records and prepare reports.
Effectively communicate with people from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds, both orally and in writing
Plan, assign, supervise and evaluate work of staff and provide required
training and guidance
Use computer hardware and software, including troubleshooting issues
Read and interpret utility maps, plans, diagrams and blueprints
Interpret Assessed Parcel Numbers (APN) maps.
utilities Supervisor, Page 4 of 5
• Learn service area, street and address system, alleys and hazards
encountered in the work
• Appropriate use of equipment in assigned area
• Maintain accurate and up-to-date records and prepare reports
• Apply pertinent federal, state and city codes, laws and regulations
• Prepare and disseminate information and outreach materials
• Effectively coordinate programs with public and private agencies
• Establish and maintain effective working relationships
Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide
the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. A typical background would
Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade supplemented by course
work or specialized training in the water technology or related area, and
supervision; an associate's degree in a related field is highly desirable; and
Four years of increasingly responsible experience in the assigned area,
including two years in a lead or supervisory capacity.
Possession of a valid California Driver's License.
Assignments In Water Operations:
CA Department of Public Health Water Distribution Operator Certificate,
Grade D3 and the ability to obtain a D5 Certificate within an agreed
CA Department of Public Health Water Treatment Operator Grade T2
AWWA or ABPA Backflow Tester and Cross Connection Control
Technician Program Specialist Certificates, desirable
Assignments In Wastewater Operations and Wastewater Collections:
CWEA Collections Grade 4 Certificate
CWEA Mechanical Technologist Grade 4 Certificate
While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regularly required to sit;
talk or hear, in person and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or
operate standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. Specific
vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust
focus to read and operate office equipment as necessary during the course of the
utilities Supervisor, Page 5 of 5
work assignments. The employee is frequently required to walk and stand to
inspect work sites. The employee may be required to withstand hours of sitting,
standing, walking and climbing.
While performing the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to use
written and oral communication skills; read and interpret schematic data,
narrative and statistical information and document; analyze and solve problems;
use math and apply new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on
multiple, concurrent tasks; work under deadlines; and interact with staff, vendors,
contractors, regulators, agencies, committees, organizations, entities and the
public encountered in the course of the work.
The employee periodically works in the field, exposed to the outdoors and all
weather conditions. Employee is occasionally exposed to fumes, dust, dirt, and
construction site conditions. Employee is required to attend meetings and travel
within and outside City limits during normal work hours and periodically on
evenings and on weekends and at any time during emergency call outs.
DATE APPROVED: June 3, 2014
This is an at-will management classification.
Under general direction, to supervise, assign, review and participate in the work
of staff responsible forthe installation, maintenance, repair, replacement and
reading of water meters; to respond to customer inquiries and complaints; to
ensure work quality and adherence to established policies and procedures and to
perform the more technical and complex tasks relative to assigned areas of
Plan, organize and supervise subordinate personnel responsible for the
installation, maintenance, repair, and replacement and reading of water meters.
Respond to customer inquiries and complaints.
Establish schedules and methods for providing meter reading and maintenance
Identify resources needs and review needs with appropriate management staff to
allocate approved resources accordingly.
Develop and implement work plans; prepare reports and analyses on department
Oversee the accuracy and maintenance of time, material and equipment use
records; prepare job estimates and establish priorities for work crews.
Supervise and/or assist in the preparation of a variety of bid specifications and
administration of contracts as necessary.
Oversee contracts for service providers, work closely with contractors and ensure
the contracts are being fully executed.
Requisition supplies and materials and monitor inventories.
Plan, organize, schedule, implement and supervise proper maintenance of
infrastructure for assigned area.
Meter Services Supen/isor, Page 2 of 4
Administer ongoing regulatory programs for assigned area.
Recommend the purchase of equipment and assist in the development of
Ensure the maintenance of various records and prepare reports as required.
Ensure the adherence of safe work practices by field maintenance personnel.
Oversee all routine and emergency response.
May serve as Utilities' Safety Coordinator for a one or more year term
administering the safety program for the Utilities department and/or division.
Use a computerized maintenance management system to create work orders
and track work performed.
Supervise and evaluate staff as well as provide, present, and/or deliver ongoing
May supervise and oversee contractor/s and/or subordinate/s assigned to
periderm a variety of duties in the design, installation, programming, testing,
maintenance, repair and calibration of SCADA and electrical systems in assigned
Inspect and approve appropriate staff time reports.
Participate in annual budget preparation and administration for assigned area.
Attend seminars, meetings and courses related to the job classification such as
security, regulations, emergency preparedness and industry trends.
Perform related duties as assigned.
To perform a job in this classification, an individual must be able to perform the
essential duties as generally described in the specification. Reasonable
accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform
the essential duties in a specific job. The requirements listed below are
representative ofthe knowledge, skill and/or ability required.
Knowledge of:
• Principles of supervision and training
Meter Services Supervisor, Page 3 of 4
Materials, methods, practices and equipment used in meter service
Applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations related to
assigned functional areas
Practices and principles of equipment in assigned area
Basic to intermediate use of personal computers. Proficiency in Microsoft
Word and Excel
Mathematics as related to a utility system
Budget development and control techniques
Principles and applications of public relations and customer service skills
City, state and federal laws, rules, regulations related to operating a public
water or waste water system
Safety regulations, requirements and practices regarding areas of
Occupational hazards and standard safety precautions necessary in the
Principles of organization, administration, budget and personnel
Ability to:
Supervise a comprehensive program for assigned areas
Determine cost-effective ways for efficient and effective operation of
functional responsibilities
Supervise the maintenance of records and prepare reports
Effectively communicate with people from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds, both orally and in writing
Plan, assign, supervise and evaluate work of staff and provide required
training and guidance
Use computer hardware and software, including troubleshooting issues
Learn service area, street and address system, alleys and hazards
encountered in the work
Appropriate use of equipment in assigned area
Maintain accurate and up-to-date records and prepare reports
Apply pertinent federal, state and city codes, laws and regulations
Prepare and disseminate information and outreach materials
Effectively coordinate programs with public and private agencies
Establish and maintain effective working relationships
Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide
the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. Atypical background would
Meter Services Supervisor, Page 4 of 4
Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade supplemented by course
work or specialized training in the water technology or related area, and
supervision; and
Four years of increasingly responsible experience in the assigned area,
including two years in a lead or supervisory capacity.
Possession of a valid California Driver's License.
CA Department of Public Health Water Distribution Operator Grade 3 Certificate
to be obtained within twelve months of hire
While performing the duties of this class, an employee is regulariy required to sit;
talk or hear, in person and by telephone; use hands and fingers to handle, feel or
operate standard office equipment; and reach with hands and arms. Specific
vision abilities required by this job include close vision and the ability to adjust
focus to read and operate office equipment as necessary during the course of the
work assignments. The employee is frequently required to walk and stand to
inspect work sites. The employee may be required to withstand hours of sitting,
standing, walking and climbing.
While peri'orming the duties, employees of this class are regularly required to use
written and oral communication skills; read and interpret schematic data,
narrative and statistical information and document; analyze and solve problems;
use math and apply new information or skills; perform highly detailed work on
multiple, concurrent tasks; work under deadlines; and interact with staff, vendors,
contractors, regulators, agencies, committees, organizations, entities and the
public encountered in the course ofthe work.
The employee periodically works in the field, exposed to the outdoors and all
weather conditions. Employee is occasionally exposed to fumes, dust, dirt, and
construction site conditions. Employee is required to attend meetings and travel
within and outside City limits during normal work hours and periodically on
evenings and on weekends and at any time during emergency call outs.
DATE APPROVED: June 3, 2014
This is an at-will management classification.
Attachment D
The positions and categories within the City listed in this appendix are "designated positions." Any person whose
position with the City is a designated position is a designated employee. Designated employees shall disclose in
the manner provided in the Local Conflict of Interest Code of the City of Carisbad those financial interests, which
are within the categories represented by the number(s) following the listed position. The categories correspond
to the subsections of Title 2, California Code of Regulations Section 18730, subsection 7 and represent the
following disclosures: "1" investment and real property disclosure; "2" personal income disclosure; "3" business
entity income disclosure; "4" business position disclosure.
Mayor and Members of the City Council *
City Manager *
City Attorney *
City Clerk
Chairman and Members of the Community Development Commission *
Executive Director of the Community Development Commission **
General Counsel for the Community Development Commission **
Secretary of the Community Development Commission
Chairman and Members of the Successor Agency *
Executive Director of the Successor Agency **
Attorney for the Successor Agency **
Secretary of the Successor Agency *
President, and Members of the Board of Directors of the Carisbad Municipal *
Water District
Executive Manager of the Carisbad Municipal Water District **
General Counsel for the Carisbad Municipal Water District **
Secretary of the CMWD Board
Chairman and Members of the Public Financing Authority
Executive Director of the Carisbad Public Financing Authority **
General Counsel for the Carisbad Public Financing Authority **
Secretary of the Public Financing Authority *
Treasurer of the Public Financing Authority **
Carlsbad Local Conflict of Interest Code
Council Approved 6/3/14
Attachment D
Assistant to the Treasurer
City Treasurer
Deputy City Treasurer
Finance Director
Accounting Supervisor
Administrative Services Director
Aquatics Supervisor
Assistant City Manager
Assistant to the City Manager
Assistant Engineer
Assistant Finance Director
Assistant Planner
Assistant Planning Director
Associate Analyst
Associate Contract Administrator
Associate Engineer
Associate Planner
Benefits Administrator
Building & Code Enforcement Manager
Building Inspector I & II
Business Intelligence Architect
Business Systems Specialist
Buyer /Contract Administrator
City Communications Manager
City Planner
Code Compliance Officer I & II
Communications Coordinator
Community and Economic Development Director
Community Arts Coordinator
Community Outreach Supervisor
Community Relations Manager
Community Volunteer Coordinator
Construction Manager
Cultural Arts Manager
Deputy Fire Marshall
Deputy Library Director
Development Services Manager
Economic Development Manager
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)Paramedic Nurse Coordinator
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Engineering Manager
Environmental Programs Manager
Environmental Specialist I & II & Senior
2, 3,4
Carlsbad Local Conflict of Interest Code
Council Approved 6/3/14
Attachment D
Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 2,3
Facility Manager 1,2,3,4
Finance Manager 1,2,3,4
Finance Payroll & IT Manager 1 \2,ZA
Fire Chief ^,2,^,4
Fire Division Chief 1,2,3,4
Fire Battalion Chief 1,2,3,4
Fire Marshal 1,2,3,4
Fire Prevention Specialist I & II 1 \2,Z
Gallery Curator 2,3
Geographic Information Systems Manager 2^3
Housing & Neighborhood Services Director 1,2,3,4
Housing Program Manager 1,2,3
Human Resources Director 1,2,3,4
Human Resources Manager 2,3
Information Technology Director 1,2,3,4
Information Technology Manager 1,2,3,4
Information Technology Project Manager 1,2,3,4
Junior Planner 1,2,3,4
Library and Cultural Arts Director 1,2,3,4
Management Analyst 1,2,3,4
Management Assistant 2,3
Management Intern 1,2,3,4
Meter Services Supervisor 1,2,3,4
Municipal Projects Manager 1,2,3,4
Municipal Property Manager 1,2,3,4
Park Planning Manager 1,2,3,4
Park Planner 1,2,3,4
Parks and Recreation Director 1,2,3,4
Parks/Trees Supervisor 1,2,3
Parks Superintendent 1,2,3,4
Planning Technician I & II 1,2,3,4
Police Chief 1,2,3,4
Police Captain 2,3
Police Communications Manager 2,3
Police Lieutenant 2,3
Principal Librarian 2,3,4
Principal Planner 1,2,3,4
Project Portfolio Manager 1,2,3,4
Property & Environmental Management Director 1,2,3,4
Public Safety Information Technology Manager 1,2,3,4
Public Works Inspector I & II 1,2,3
Public Works Director 1,2,3,4
Public Works Manager 1,2,3
Public Works Superintendent 1,2,3,4
Public Works Supervisor 2,3
Records Supervisor (Police) 2,3
Carlsbad Local Conflict of interest Code
Council Approved 6/3/14
Attachment D
Recreation Area Manager
Recreation Services Manager
Risk Manager
Senior Accountant
Senior Building Inspector
Senior Business Systems Specialist
Senior Circulation Supervisor
Senior Engineer
Senior Construction Inspector
Senior Contract Administrator
Senior Librarian
Senior Management Analyst
Senior Planner
Special Projects Manager
Traffic Engineer
Transportation Director
Utilities Director
Utilities Maintenance Planner
Utilities Manager
Utilities Supervisor
Video Production Manager
Warehouse Technician
Senior Assistant City Attorney 1,2,3,4
Assistant City Attorney 1,2,3,4
Deputy City Attorney 1,2,3,4
Assistant City Clerk 2,3,4
Deputy City Clerk/Technician 2,3,4
Records Manager 2,3
Records Management Supervisor 2,3
Accountant 2,3,4
Accounting Supervisor 2,3
Cross Connection Control Technician 1,2
Engineering Manager 1,2,3,4
Management Analyst 2,3
Public Works Manager 2,3
Public Works Supervisor 2,3
Senior Engineer 1,2,3,4
Senior Cross Connection Control Technician 1,2,3,4
Carlsbad Local Conflict of interest Code
Council Approved 6/3/14
Attachment D
Members of the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens' 1,2,3,4
Advisory Committee
Members of the Arts Commission 1,2,3,4
Members of the Board of Library Trustees 1,2,3,4
Members of the Carisbad Tourism Business Improvement District 1,2,3,4
Members of the Carisbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District 1,2,3,4
Members of the Housing Commission 1,2,3,4
Members of the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency 1,2,3,4
Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission 1,2,3,4
Members of the Planning Commission *
Members of the Senior Commission 1,2,3,4
Members of the Traffic Safety Commission 1,2,3,4
* This position is required to report by virtue of Government Code Section 87200. It is included for disqualification purposes only. See Government
Code Section 87200 for disclosure requirements.
When a designated employee is also required to fiie a conflict of interest form under Article 2 (Gov't Code §87200, Form 700) ofthe Act, he or she
may expand their statement to cover reportable interests in both jurisdictions or both positions and fiie copies of this expanded statement with the
City Clerk provided that each copy of such expanded statement filed in place of an original is signed and verified by the designated employee as if
it were an original.
The duties of each consultant will be separately evaluated to determine whether or not disclosure will be required, and the categories which will
apply. The evaluation of the consultant's duties will be conducted by the department head of the department which is responsible for the hiring of
the consultants. The disclosure requirement shall be included in the consultant's contract approved by the City Council, Housing and
Redevelopment Commission, City Manager or Executive Manager of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District.
Carlsbad Local Conflict of interest Code
Council Approved 6/3/14
Attachment E
The positions and categories within the City listed in this appendix are "designated positions." Any person
whose position with the City is a designated position is a designated employee. Designated employees shall
disclose in the manner provided in the Local Conflict of Interest Code of the City of Carisbad those financial
interests, which are within the categories represented by the number(s) following the listed position. The
categories correspond to the subsections of Title 2, California Code of Regulations Section 18730, subsection 7
and represent the following disclosures: "1" investment and real property disclosure; "2" personal income
disclosure; "3" business entity income disclosure; "4" business position disclosure.
Mayor and Members of the City Council *
City Manager *
City Attorney *
City Clerk
Chairman and Members of the Community Development Commission *
Executive Director of the Community Development Commission **
General Counsel for the Community Development Commission **
Secretary of the Community Development Commission *
Chairman and Members of the Successor Agency *
Executive Director of the Successor Agency **
Attorney for the Successor Agency **
Secretary of the Successor Agency *
President, and Members of the Board of Directors of the Carisbad Municipal *
Water District
Executive Manager of the Carisbad Municipal Water District **
General Counsel for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District **
Secretary of the CMWD Board
Chairman and Members of the Public Financing Authority *
Executive Director of the Carisbad Public Financing Authority **
General Counsel for the Carisbad Public Financing Authority **
Secretary of the Public Financing Authority *
Treasurer of the Public Financing Authority **
Carlsbad Local Conflict of interest Code
I Council Approved 9/24/136/3/14
Attachment E
Assistant to the Treasurer
City Treasurer
Deputy City Treasurer
Finance Director
Accounting Supervisor
Administrative Services Director
Aquatics Supervisor
Assistant City Manager
Assistant to the City Manager
Assistant Engineer
Assistant Finance Director
Assistant Planner
Assistant Planning Director
Associate Analyst
Associate Contract Administrator
Associate Engineer
Associate Planner
Benefits Administrator
Building & Code Enforcement Manager
Building Inspector I & II
Business Intelligence Architect
Business Systems Specialist
Buyer /Contract Administrator
City Communications Manager
City Planner
Code Compliance Officer I & II
Communications Coordinator
Community and Economic Development Director
Community Arts Coordinator
Community Outreach Supervisor
Community Relations Manager
Community Volunteer Coordinator
Construction Manager
Cultural Arts Manager
Deputy Fire Marshall
Deputy Library Director
Development Services Manager
Economic Development Manager
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)Paramedic Nurse Coordinator
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Engineering Manager
2, 3,4
Carlsbad Local Conflict of interest Code
Council Approved 9/24/136/3/14
Attachment E
Environmental Programs Manager 1,2,3,4
Environmental Specialist 1 & II & Senior 1,2,3
Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 2,3
Facility Manager 1,2,3,4
Finance Manager 1,2,3,4
Finance Payroll & IT Manager 1,2,3,4
Fire Chief 1,2,3,4
Fire Division Chief 1,2,3,4
Fire Battalion Chief 1,2,3,4
Fire Marshal 1,2,3,4
Fire Prevention Specialist 1 & II 1,2,3
Gallery Curator 2,3
Geographic Information Systems Manager 2,3
Housing & Neighborhood Services Director 1,2,3,4
Housing Program Manager 1,2,3
Human Resources Director 1,2,3,4
Human Resources Manager 2,3
Information Technology Director 1,2,3,4
Information Technology Manager 1,2,3,4
Information Technology Project Manager 1,2,3,4
Junior Planner 1,2,3,4
Library and Cultural Arts Director 1,2,3,4
Management Analyst 1,2,3,4
Management Assistant 2,3
Management Intern 1,2,3,4
Meter Services Supervisor 1,2,3,4
Municipal Projects Manager 1,2,3,4
Municipal Property Manager 1,2,3,4
Park Planning Manager 1,2,3,4
Park Planner 1,2,3,4
Parks and Recreation Director 1,2,3,4
Parks/Trees Supervisor 1,2,3
Parks Superintendent 1,2,3,4
Planning Technician 1 & II 1,2,3,4
Police Chief 1,2,3,4
Police Captain 2,3
Police Communications Manager 2,3
Police Lieutenant 2,3
Principal Librarian 2,3,4
Principal Planner 1,2,3,4
Project Portfolio Manager 1,2,3,4
Property & Environmental Management Director 1,2,3,4
Public Safety Information Technology Manager 1,2,3,4
Carlsbad Local Conflict of interest Code
Council Approved 9/24/136/3/14
Attachment E
Public Works Inspector I & II 1,2,3
Public Works Director 1,2,3,4
Public Works Manager 1,2,3
Public Works Superintendent 1,2,3,4
Public Works Supervisor 2,3
Records Supervisor (Police) 2,3
Recreation Area Manager 2,3,4
Recreation Services Manager 2,3,4
Risk Manager 1,2,3,4
Senior Accountant 1,2,3,4
Senior Building Inspector 1,2,3,4
Senior Business Systems Specialist 2,3,4
Senior Circulation Supervisor 1,2,3
Senior Engineer 1,2,3,4
Senior Construction Inspector 1,2,3,4
Senior Contract Administrator 1,2,3,4
Senior Librarian 2,3,4
Senior Management Analyst 1,2,3,4
Senior Planner 1,2,3,4
Special Projects Manager 2,3,4
Traffic Engineer 1,2,3,4
Transportation Director 1,2,3,4
Utilities Director
Utilities Maintenance Planner 1,2,3,4
Utilities Manager
Utilities Supervisor 1,2,3,4
Video Production Manager 2,3
Warehouse Technician 1,2,3,4
Senior Assistant City Attorney 1,2,3,4
Assistant City Attorney 1,2,3,4
Deputy City Attorney 1,2,3,4
Assistant City Clerk 2,3,4
Deputy City Clerk/Technician 2,3,4
Records Manager 2,3
Records Management Supervisor 2,3
Carlsbad Local Conflict of interest Code
Council Approved 9/24/136/3/14
Attachment E
Accountant 2,3,4
Accounting Supervisor 2,3
Cross Connection Control Technician 1,2
Engineering Manager 1,2,3,4
Management Analyst 2,3
Public Works Manager 2,3
Public Works Supervisor 2,3
Senior Engineer 1,2,3,4
Senior Cross Connection Control Technician 1,2,3,4
Members of the Agricultural Conversion Mitigation Fee Ad Hoc Citizens'
Advisory Committee
Members of the Arts Commission
Members of the Board of Library Trustees
Members of the Carisbad Tourism Business Improvement District
Members ofthe Carisbad Golf Lodging Business Improvement District
Members ofthe Housing Commission
Members of the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency
Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission
Members ofthe Planning Commission
Members of the Senior Commission
Members ofthe Traffic Safety Commission
This position is required to report by virtue of Government Code Section 87200.lt is included for disqualification purposes only. See Government
Code Section 87200 for disclosure requirements.
When a designated employee is also required to fiie a conflict of interest form under Article 2 (Gov't Code §87200, Form 700) of the Act, he or
she may expand their statement to cover reportable interests in both jurisdictions or both positions and file copies of this expanded statement
with the City Cleric provided that each copy of such expanded statement filed in place of an original is signed and verified by the designated
employee as if it were an original.
The duties of each consultant will be separately evaluated to determine whether or not disclosure will be required, and the categories which will
apply. The evaluation of the consultant's duties will be conducted by the department head of the department which is responsible for the hiring
of the consultants. The disclosure requirement shall be included in the consultant's contract approved by the City Council, Housing and
Redevelopment Commission, City Manager or Executive IVIanager of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District.
Carlsbad Local Conflict of Interest Code
Council Approved 9/24/136/3/14
IVIanagement Salary Structure (Base Pay)
June 3, 2014
Attachment F
Adminsitrative Services Director 8 $ 130,500 $ 159,900 $ 189,300
Assistant City Manager 8
Fire Chief 8
Police Chief 8
Public Works Director 8
Assistant City Attorney 7 $ 113,500 S 137,900 $ 162,300
Community & Economic Dev. Director 7
Finance Director 7
Fire Division Chief 7
Housing & Neighborhood Svcs Director 7
Human Resources Director 7
Information Technology Director 7
Library and Cultural Arts Director 7
Parks and Recreation Director 7
Property & Environmental Mgmt. Dir. 7
Transportation Director 7
Utilities Director 7
Assistant Finance Director 6 $ 92,900 $ 113,800 $ 134,700
Building & Code Enforc. Manager 6
Business Intelligence Architect 6
City Communications Manager 6
City Traffic Engineer 6
City Planner 6 employees hired prior to
11/29/2011; y-rated due to
Deputy City Attorney 6
Economic Development Manager 6
Engineering Manager 6
Fire Battalion Chief 6
Fire Marshal 6
Information Technology Manager 6
Municipal Property Manager 6
Parks Superintendent 6
Project Portfolio Manager 6
Public Works Manager 6
Recreation Services Manager 6
Utilities Manager 6
Assistant to the City Manager 5 $ 84,700 $ 100,650 $ 116,600
Development Services Manager 5
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Paramedic
Nurse Coordinator 5
Environmental Programs Manager 5
Page 1
Attachment F
Management Salary Structure (Base Pay)
June 3, 2014
Facilities Manager 5
Finance Manager 5
Finance Payroll Information Technology Mgr 5
Geographic Info. Systems Manager 5
Human Resources Manager 5 $ 84,700 $ 100,650 $ 116,600
Information Technology Project Manager 5
Municipal Projects Manager 5
Police Communications Manager 5
Principal Planner 5
Public Safety Info. Technogy Manager 5
Public Works Superintendent 5
Risk Manager 5
Senior Engineer 5
Cultural Arts Manager 4 $ 70,000 $ 83,100 $ 96,200
Construction Manager 4
Deputy Library Director 4
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator 4
Housing Program Manager 4
Park Planning Manager 4
Public Information Officer 4
Records Manager 4
Senior Accountant 4
Senior Management Analyst 4
Special Projects Manager 4
Utilities Supervisor 4
Video Production Manager 4
Community Relations Manager 3 $ 62,300 $ 73,850 $ 85,400
Management Analyst 3
Meter Services Supervisor 3
Parks/Trees Supervisor 3
Principal Librarian 3
Public Works Supervisor 3
Utilities Maintenance Planner 3
Aquatic Supervisor 2 $ 55,400 $ 65,800 $ 76,200
Assistant City Clerk 2
Associate Analyst 2
Benefits Administrator 2
Gallery Curator 2
Media Services Specialist 2
Recreation Area Manager 2
Secretary to City Attorney 2
Secretary to City Council 2
Page 2
Attachment F
Management Salary Structure (Base Pay)
June 3, 2014
Secretary to City Manager 2
Communications Coordinator 1 $ 50,400 $ 59,800 $ 69,200
Community Arts Coordinator 1
Community Volunteer Coordinator 1
Management Assistant 1
Page 3