HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-03; City Council; Resolution 2016-0853
WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad is committed to continuing to provide a suitable
living environment and to expand economic opportunities for the City's low-income residents;
WHEREAS, the 2015 -2016 Action Plan addresses the needs of lower income
persons and households and is currently underway for full implementation; and,
WHEREAS, the city has the need and desire to reallocate $169,000 which requires
for an Amendment to the 2015-2016 Action Plan, hereby included as Attachment A to this
Resolution; and
WHEREAS, on March 22, 2016, the City Council considered CDBG
recommendations from the Citizen Advisory Committee for project funding allocations for
program year 2016-2017; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council has approved the projects as set forth in Attachment
Band subject projects will be included in the City of Carlsbad's 2016-2017 Annual Plan; and,
WHEREAS, the CDBG program is a fully funded federal program and does not
impact the General Fund; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has taken all testimony into account.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad, California, as follows:
1. The above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director is authorized to
submit the city's FY 2015-2016 Action Plan Amendment as set forth in
Attachment A and the 2016-2017 Action Plan as set forth in Attachment B,
to the U.S .. Department ofHousing and Urban Development for approval
and to execute all appropriate related documents for the submission.
3. That the City Manager or Designee is authorized to execute funding
agreements with the selected organizations for the approved CDBG
funding amounts to be adjusted in accordance with actual and final
funding amounts allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
4. The Carlsbad City Council authorizes the City Manager or Designee to
execute ail appropriate documents needed to provide the contributions of
CDBG funds to the selected organizations, and the Finance Director is
authorized to disburse funds as approved to the organizations set forth in
Attachments A and B to this resolution and seek reimbursement by the
federal government, as appropriate.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting ofthe City Council of the City of Carlsbad on
the 3rd day of May 2016, by the following vote, to wit:
4 AYES: Hall, Wood, Schumacher, Blackburn, Packard.
5 NOES: None.
6 ABSENT: None.
10 MATT HALL, Mayor
15 (SEAL)
28 -3-
DRAFT Action Pian, Amendment
Prepared By:
City of Carlsbad
Housing & Neighborhood Services
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015}
Annual Action Plan
{"city of
AP.;lS Expected Resources~ 91.420(b), 91.220{c){112)
.A number of hous.ing and community development resources are currently available in the City. They indude:
• Community Development Block Grant (CDBG} funds
•• HOME funds (via a new program that began in September of 2014 through a new partnership between the County of San Diego
and the San Diego County Housing Commission)
e General funds
• HUD Section 108 Loan funds
• HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program (through the Carlsbad Housing Authority
• California Housing Finance Agency funds (CaiHFA)
•• State Housing and Community Development (HCD) housing funds
• State transportation funds
• Carlsbad Affordable Housing Trust Fund
• Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
of Funds
Uses of funds.
l Acq~isition
Admin and
Expected Amount Available Year 1 Expected Narrativ.e Description .
Annu_al I Program I Prior vein I Total: ! Am~unt I
Allocation: j Income: Resources: i $ I Avaslable I
$ $ $ Reminder
i _j· of Con Plan· . $ ·--·----·+-c---c-----------------1 l estimated amount of CDBG funds
II! available overthe planning period is
generally based on allocations from FY
2015, exCluding funds carried over from
prior years.
Improvements I I . · · ~~~~~:ng ' ~.~· j···
'---,-~---~----.,.......l--P_u_bl_ic_Servic~93 I 100,000 I 0 611,393 2,4~0,000 I
----····-.1 Table 1 -Expected Resources-Priority Table
Expla_in how federal funds wm leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how
matching requirements will be satisfied
The <:ity' s goa! is to leverage federal, state, and local f\.lnds to maximize the number of households that can be assisted. The City may use local
Housing Trust F1.mds to further afford;:~ble housing goals whenever a match, grant, or loan is necessary and appropriate to ensure the financial
feasibility of a project.
If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located. within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs
identified in the plan
The City ofCarlsbad worked towards meeting its affordable housing objectives by allocating CDBG funds in previous years to Solutions for
Change for the planned :a.cql.lisition:of a 16-unit apartment complex in Carlsbad for graduates of the Solutions University for homeless families.
·Prior year CDBG funds were also used to assist in the acquisition of a health care center in the City that continues to provide services to low-
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
_income residents. No other publicly owned land or property is anticipated to be used to address needs identified in this plan~
See discussions above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Annual Goals and Objectives
AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives-91.420, 91.220(c)(3)&(e)
Goals Summary Information
Sort . GoaiName Start End
Order Year Year
1 Affordable 2015 2019
2 Improve Facilities 2015 2019
3 Supportive 2015 2019
4 Fair Housing 2015 2019
5 Planning and 2015 2019
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07 /31/2015)
Category Geographic Needs Addressed
Affordable Housing Affordable
Non-Housing Improve Facilities
Homeless Supportive
Non-Homeless Services
Special Needs
Non-Homeless Fair Housing
Special Needs
Administration Planning and
Table 2-Goals Summary
Annual Action Plan
Funding Goal Outcome Indicator
CDBG: Public Facility or Infrastructure
$166,203 Activities other than
Low/Moderate Income Housing
Benefit: 16 Persons Assisted
CDBG: Public service activities other than
$76,709 Low/Moderate Income Housing
Benefit: 2800 Persons Assisted --
CDBG: Public service activities other than
$15,000. Low/Moderate Income Housing
Benefit: 90 Persons Assisted
Goal Descriptions
1 Goal Name Affordable Housing
Goal Description
2 Goal Name Improve Facilities
Goal Description
3' Goal Name Supportive Services
Goal Description 1
4 Goal Name Fair Housing
Goal Description
5 Goal Name Planning and Administration
Goal Description
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
AP-35 Projects-91.420, 91.220(d)
This plan outlines the action steps that Carlsbad will use to address housing and community
development needs in the City. The plan includes a listing of activities that the City will undertake during
FY 2015-2016 (July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016} that utilize CDBG funds. For FY 2015-16, the City has
a total CDBG allocation of $511,393, not including any prior year resources. Any unallocated prior year
funds will be split equally between activities to enhance public facilities in Carlsbad and the City's
Housing Reserve Fund.
# Project Name
1 Campaign for Casa Kids Phase Ill (Casa de Amparo)
2 Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund r----~
3 Basic Needs for Low Income and Homeless Persons (Brother Benno)
4 La Posada de Guadalupe (Catholic Charities)
5 Homelessness Prevention and Intervention Services {Community Resource Center)
6 Social Services and Housing Assistance Program (Interfaith Community Services)
7 Meals on Wheels Carlsbad
8 Senior Emergency Meal Boxes (The Angel's Depot)
9 Alternatives to Abuse Domestic Violence Shelter (Women's Resource Center)
10 YMCA Street Outreach Program (YMCA of San Diego County)
11 Fair Housing Program (Center for Social Advocacy)
12 Planning and Administration
13 1 AD.A Enhancements
Table 3-Project Information
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved
The City of Carlsbad is limited in its ability to meet all of the housing needs of lower income households.
However; a sincere effort will be made to combine City resources with private industry and non-profit
agency resources to meet as much of the need as financially feasible within the Action Plan time period,
as well as the overall needs identified in the FY 2015-19 Consolidated Plan.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
AP-38 Project Summary
Project Summary Information
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
1 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
I I Targe!_~ate
I Estimate the number I and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
2 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
· Target Date
Campaign for Casa Kids Phase Ill (Casa de Amparo)
Improve Facilities
Improve Facilities
CDBG: $166,203
The Casa Kids Campus is an 11.5-acre site in Twin Oaks Valley, centrally
located for the majority of clients who come from the North Coastal
and North Inland regions of San Diego County. The campus expansion
will provide a safe and nurturing environment where fragile children
and young adults can begin the healing and treatment process.
Phase Ill of Casa de Amparo's Campaign for Kids will expand the
current residential cottage for pregnant and/or parenting foster youth,
construct one residential cottage for additional foster youth and teens,
construct a new counseling wing for our Counseling Services
program, build a storage and maintenance outpost and include the
infrastructure for security throughout each new addition. CDBG funds
will be used for the following:
Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing
CDBG: $166,203
The City of Carlsbad has established a Housing Reserve Fund for the
purpose of developing affordable housing for lower-income
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
3 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
j Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
4 · Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
A specific project has yet to be identified but funds may be used for
identifying and/or acquiring properties for new affordable housing
opportunities in the City .
Basic Needs for Low Income and Homeless Persons (Brother Benno)
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
CDBG: $8,784
Brother Ben no serves the poor and neediest in North County San
Diego, including Carlsbad residents. The agency operates two shelters
for women, a twelve step residential recovery program for men, a hot
meal and food distribution program, and a rental assistance program.
1 6/30/2016
The proposed program will provide a number of services including hot
meals, food packs, rental assistance, funds for prescription
· medications, internet access, mail and telephone services, hot
showers, clothing, and haircuts.·
. La Posada de Guadalupe (Catholic Charities)
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
CDBG: $18,069 ..
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506·0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
5 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
1 Location Description
Planned Activities
La Posada de Guadalupe is a 7-day, 24-hour alcohol-and drug-free
facility in the City of Carlsbad. The program is designed to provide
services for homeless men in San Diego County.
Funds will be used to provide a safe, sanitary, drug and alcohol free
housing environment for homeless men and employed farm workers.
I Through case management and support services/ residents will be
assisted with obtaining employment, finding permanent housing,
accessing health services and achieving social adaptation. -
Homelessness Prevention and Intervention Services (Community
Resource Center}
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
CDBG: $7,500
Community Resource Center enables low-income Carlsbad families to
acquire permanent housing and establish a path to self-sufficiency,
thereby reducing the number of homeless individuals and families in
the community.
Funds will be used to provide a wide range of supportive services
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
6 Project Name
· Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the prQposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
7 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Social Services and Housing Assistance Program (Interfaith Community
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
CDBG: $8,784
Interfaith Community Services' (ICS) Social Services and Housing
Assistance Program reduces the prevalence and duration of I homelessness for Carlsbad families by providing rental assistance,
motel vouchers, and security deposit assistance as a year-round
response to regional homelessness. The Program also connects
homeless and low-income Carlsbad residents to case managed social
services, employment development programs, emergency food
supplies, clothing resources, and referrals to affordable health care
providers to empower residents to achieve self-sufficiency and
Funds will be used to provide rental assistance, motel vouchers, and
security deposit assistance in emergency situations to prevent and end
homelessness among Carlsbad residents.
Meals on Wheels Carlsbad
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
CDBG: $8,000
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
8 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Meals-on-Wheels Greater San Diego, Inc.'s (MOWGSD) primary mission
is to support the independence and well-being of seniors by providing
the deliyery of affordable, fresh meals to homebound seniors
throughout San Diego County.
1 MOWGSD delivers fresh meals to homebound seniors for everyday of
the week (Sunday meals delivered on Saturday), including holidays.
Along with meal delivery} MOWGSD volunteers conduct regular
I wellness checks} provide daily support and social activity} and make
referrals to other providers when necessary.
Senior Emergency Meal Boxes (The Angel's Depot)
I Supportive Services
I l
Supportive Services
CDBG: $10,000
Nutrition is the single most significant factor that affects and defines
the health of all people, but it especially defines the elderly. The
Angel's Depot takes great pride in helping to alleviate the Senior
Hunger Crisis.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Planned Activities
9 Project Name
I Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
· activities
Location Description
Planned Activities
10 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Funds will be used to provide impoverished seniors with a free Senior
Emergency Meal Box specially formulated to meet the needs of seniors
who are at-risk for malnutrition and living with the terrible anxiety of
food insecurity. Senior Emergency Meal Boxes contain nonperishable,
nutritious food to make 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners and snacks,
along with a "Depot Dispatch" Senior Newsletter with healthy living
tips and links to community resources.
Alternatives to Abuse Domestic Violence Shelter (Women's Resource
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
I CDBG: $10,572
Women's Resource Center's purpose is to address the needs of persons
experiencing family violence in order to impact the incidence and
effect of such violence. Since its inception, the Center has been
dedicated to enhancing the lives of families by assisting persons in
crisis develop their own self-help skills.
Funds will be used to provide shelter services for women and children
who are yictims in need of safe, emergency housing.
YMCA Street Outreach Program (YMCA of San Diego County)
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
CDBG: $5,000
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description ---·-
Planned Activities
11 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
The YMCA Street Outreach Program conducts community outreach to
low-income teens and young adults, ages 12-24, in the North Region of
San Diego County to connect them to needed services and to prevent
and address youth homelessness, runaway behavior and other high-
risk behaviors.
CDBG funds will be used to support outreach efforts within the City of
Carlsbad, focusing on local high schools and areas where youth
congregate. Youth will be connected with academic and employment
support services, health services, housing options, opportunities for
personal growth and positive peer interaction, youth crisis resources,
the YMCA Oz San Diego teen shelter and the YMCA Transition Age
Youth (TAY) Academy drop in center.
Fair Housing Program (Center for Social Advocacy)
Supportive Services
Supportive Services
CDBG: $15,000
Carlsbad contracts with CSA San Diego County to provide fair housing
services in the City. CSA promotes housing opportunities for all persons
regardless of race, religion, sex, family size, marital status, ancestry,
national origin, color, or disability.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Planned Activities
12 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number
and type of families
I that will benefit from
the proposed
location Description
Planned Activities
13 I Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
<div>Funds will be used to provide fair housing services.</div>
Planning and Administration
Planning and Administration
Planning and Administration
CDBG: $87,278
The Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Department is
responsible for administering the City's CDBG-funded programs.
Up to 20 percent of CDBG funds will be used to support the general
administration of CDBG-funded programs by the Carlsbad Housing and
Neighborhood Services Department.
ADA Enhancements {amendment 1)
Improve and Provide Facilities to Serve lower Income Persons
Improve and Provide Facilities to Serve Lower Income Persons
Funding will be used to begin ADA enhancements in the Barrio Area to
improve accessibility for all residents and work towards compliance
with the ADA Transition Plan. Enhancements such as but not limited to:
new ADA-compliant curb ramps and associated sidewalks, add
_ truncated domes, and raised_ sidewalks to provide greater accessibility
for residents.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: '2506-0117 (exp. 07 /31/2015)
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Location Description
Planned Activities
Approximately 8,258 residents will benefit from the greater
Barrio Area
ADA enhancements to the Barrio Area to improve accessibility for all
residents and actively make strides towards compliance with the ADA
Transition Plan (adopted in July 2015). Enhancements such as, but not
limited to: new ADA-compliant curb ramps and associated sidewalks,
add truncated domes, and raised sidewalks. Davis-Bacon requirements
will apply. -
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
AP-50 Geographic Distribution -91.420, 91.220{f)
Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and
minority concentration) where assistance will be directed
Through the City's lnclusionary Housing program, the City intends to develop lower-income affordable
housing units throughout Carlsbad, thereby reducing the impact of housing on any one area. City staff
will be responsible for initiating or facilitating the development this housing through agreements with
local for-profit and non-profit housing developers (including agreements to provide City assistance) and
through managing/monitoring the affordability of these housing units in future years. City resources for
the provision, construction, or improvements to public services or facilities to meet the community
development needs will also be distributed throughout the City. Carlsbad will consider the allocation of
resources to public service organizations located outside of the City limits in those instances where such
public services provide adequate access to Carlsbad residents.
Geographic Distribution
Target Area Percentage of Funds
Table 4-Geographic Distribution
Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically
While the City has identified a number of priority strategies and implementing programs in the FY 2015-
2019 Consolidated Plan, given limited resources, the City will not pursue each program every fiscal
year. Priorities for allocation are a result of various community outreach efforts and consultation
meetings and recommendations by City staff and the Carlsbad City Council.
See discussions above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
AP-85 Other Actions -91.420, 91.220(k)
Priority Needs established in the FY 2015-FY 2019 Five-Year Consolidated Plan, which form the basis for
establishing objectives and outcomes in the FY 2015-2016 One-Year Action Plan, are as follows:
High Priority
• Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing Units
• Provide Supportive Services for the Homeless, Lower-Income Residents, and Persons with
Special Needs
• Improve and Provide Facilities to Serve Lower Income Persons
• Provide Fair Housing Services to Residents
• Planning and Administration
Low Priority
• Conserve and Rehabilitate the Existing Housing Stock
Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs
Limited financial resources are the biggest obstacle to meeting underserved needs in Carlsbad. The
City's policy is to leverage, to the maximum extent feasible, the use of funds available in providing public
services and :affordable housing. The City supports the use of CDBG and Housing Trust funds for
development activities and "gap financing" by private and non-profit entities in their efforts to develop
affordable housing.
Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing
In order to foster and maintain affordable housing for lower income households, the Citywill use CDBG
funds to assist with the development of affordable multi-family housing. The City also fosters
development of affordable housing through implementation of its lnclusionary Housing Ordinance,
which requires that 15 percent of all housing units constructed in City be affordable to lower and
moderate income households. For projects proposing seven units or less, a fee is collected and
deposited into the City's Housing Trust Fund to be used to foster and maintain affordable housing.
Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards
The Residential lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X} emphasizes prevention of
childhood lead poisoning through housing-based approaches. This strategy requires jurisdictions to
focus on implementing practical changes in older housing to protect children from lead hazards. The City
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
has identified two primary strategies to reduce lead-based paint hazards in Carlsbad to be carried out
during the FY 2015-2019 CP period.
Strategy 1: Integrate lead hazard evaluation and reduction activities into all housing programs.
Currently, many federal programs have requirements for evaluating and reducing lead hazards. For
those State and local housing and community development programs, the City will pursue the·following
activities to evaluate and reduce lead hazards:
• Require inspection for and abatement of lead-based paint hazards as a requirement of all
· residential rehabilitation programs when children under the age of seven reside in the dwelling
unit and have been identified with elevated blood levels;
• Include lead-based paint hazard abatement as an eligible' activity for funding under the City's
CDBG program and include minimum lead-based paint abatement requirements to housing
quality standards which must be met; and
• Provide all eligible applicants of housing programs, with information regarding lead-based
Strategy 2: Support the development of comprehensive health programs for the screening of children
for lead Poisoning and a follow-up on those identified as lead poisoned. In accordance with Center for
Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, all children found to have elevated blood levels (above 20 micrograms
per deciliter) should both be provided with public health management services and be tested every
three months. The County of San Diego's Department of Health Services currently provides this service.
The City encourages the abatement of lead-based paint hazards once a child under the age of seven is
identified as having elevated blood levels. CDBG funds may be used to help the City or other
organizations in developing a comprehensive approach to lead-poisoning prevention.
Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families
The City currently has various programs and policies in place to help reduce the number of households
with incomes below the poverty line. These policies and programs aim to improve coordination and
collaboration among City departments; and nonprofit agencies which provide health and social services,
employment training, legal assistance, and other support services for low income persons. The City will
pursue the following programs during FY 2015-16 to reduce poverty in Carlsbad:
1. lnclusionary Housing Ordinance
2. Housing Reserve Fund
3. Affordable Housing Trust Fund
4. Section 8 Vouchers
5. Village Revitalization Partnership Program
6. Economic Development Strategic Plan
OMB Control No: 2506~0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Actions planned to develop institutional structure
Currently, staff is collaborating with other partners to develop a future plan.
Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social
service agencies
Currently, staff is collaborating daily with the Carlsbad Housing Authority and many neighboring
jurisdictions to elevate the quality of life for all residents.
See discussions above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp, 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Program Specific Requirements
AP-90 Program Specific Requirements -91.420, 91.220(1)(1,2,4)
The following describes other program-specific requirements.
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Reference 24 CFR 91.220(1){1}
Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the
Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in
projects to be carried out.
1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before the start of the next
program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed 0
2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be used during the year to
address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the grantee's strategic plan. 0
3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements 0
4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use has not
been included in a prior statement or plan 0
5. The amount of income from float-funded activities 0
Total Program Income: 0
Other CDBG Requirements
1. The amount of urgent need activities
2. The estimated percentage of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that
benefit persons of low and moderate income. Overall Benefit-A consecutive
period of one, two or three years may be used to determine that a minimum
overall benefit of 70% of CDBG funds is used to benefit persons of low and
moderate income. Specify the years covered that include this Annual Action Plan.
See discussions above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
FY 2016-2017
DRAFT Action Plan
Prepared By:
City of Carlsbad
Housing & Neighborhood Services
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
{'city of
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Executive Summary
AP-05 Executive Summary-91.200(c}, 91.220(b} ............................................................................... 3
The Process .
PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies-91.200(b} ................................................................................... 8
AP-10 Consultation -91.100, 91.200(b}, 91.215{1} ................................................................................ 9
.AP-12.Participation-91.105, 91.200(c} ................................................................................................ 13
Expected Resources
AP-15 Expected Resources-91.420(b), 91.220(c) (1,2) ............ ., ....................................... .., ............. 14
Annual Goals and Objectives
,AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives 91.420, 91.220(c)(3)&(e} ....................................................... 18
AP-35 Projects-91.420, 91.220(d} ......................................................................................................... 20
AP-38 Project Summary ........................................................................................................................... 21
AP-50 Geographic Distribution-91.420, 91.220(f) ............................................................................. 26
Affordable Housing
· AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing .................................................................................................... 27
AP-85 Other Actions-91.420, 91.220(k) .............................................................................................. 29
Program Specific Requirements
AP-90 Program Specific Requirements-91.420, 91.220(1)(1,2,4) ................................................... 32
Appendix A
Summary of Public Participation
Appendix B
. · Pair Housing Action Plan
Appendix C
· SF-424 and Certifications
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Executive Summary
AP-05 Executive Summary-91.200(c}, 91.220(b)
Carlsbad occupies approximately 39 square miles of rolling hills, beaches and bluffs along the
northern coast of San Diego County. The city is located about 30 miles north of San Diego and
about 90 miles south of Los Angeles. In addition to the Pacific Ocean coastline along its western
boundary, the communities surrounding Carlsbad include the city of Oceanside to the north,
the city of Encinitas to the south, and the cities of Vista and San Marcos and unincorporated
areas of San Diego County to the east.
This Action Plan outlines Carlsbad's planned uses of Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) .funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-2017. The Action Plan describes the following: resources
available, activities to be undertaken during FY 2016-2017 and their relation to the five year
strategic plan, other actions to address affordable housing, homelessness, and other special
needs, as well as provides Carlsbad's Monitoring Plan.
• Resources available
• Activities to be undertaken during FY 2016-2017 and their relation to the five year
strategic plan
• Other actions to address affordable housing, homelessness, and other special needs
• Monitoring Plan
The c;:ity of CC)rlsbad participates in the HOME program under the County of San Diego. HOME
funds are being administered directly by the County of San Diego Housing and Community
Development Department. Homebuyer assistance is available to Carlsbad residents via County's
HOME..:funded Downpayment and Closing Cost Program.
[f ·.. · .··.·. S~mmarize the·objectives and outcomes idel1tifie(firithe Plan
This Annual Plan (A.P} incorporates outcome measures for activities in accordance with the
Federal Register Notice dated March 7;2006; which require the following Performance
Measure Objectives/Outcomes to b~ associated with each activity funded:
General Objective Categories-activities will meet one of the following:
• Decent:Hou~ing (SH)
• A Suitable living Environment (SL)
• Economic Opportunity (EO} General
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp; Oi/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Outcome Categories-activities will meet one of the following:
• Availability/Accessibility (1)
• Affordability (2}
• Sustainability (3)
The City of Carlsbad has a range of housing and community development needs. CDBG funds
alone are not adequate to address the various needs identified during the public outreach
process and summarized in the Needs Assessment of Carlsbad's Consolidated Plan (CP) FY
2015-2019. Recognizing the national objectives of these funding programs and specific program
regulations, the city intends to use these funds to coordinate programs, services, and projects
to create a decent and suitable living environment to benefit low-and moderate-income
households and those with special needs. Needs which have been determined to be a High
Priority level will receiving funding during this AP. Needs with a Low Priority may be funded
based on the availability of funds. The priorities for the FY 2015-2019 CP established in
consultation with residents and community groups are:
High Priority:
• Increase the supply of affordable housing units
• Provide supportive services for the homelessnessf lower-income residents, and persons
wi~h special needs
• Improve and provide facilities to serve lower income persons
Provide fair housing services to residents
• Planning and administration
J .
Low Priority:
• Conserve and rehabilitate the existing housing stock
The priorities identified above specifically address the use of CDBG funds. The city no longer
receives its'sp·ecific allocation of HOME funds from the County of San Diego. The city facilitates
the development of new affordable housing primarily through its lnclusionary Housing
Program, 'Nhich is locally funded, and its' Housing Reserve Fund. The Carlsbad Housing Agency
al~o administers the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program for low income tenants.
In the past, as a participant ofthe County's HOME Consortium, the City of Carlsbad would
receive a small allocation of HOME funds for the city's affordable housing activities. However,
since 20l4,·the sigrHficant reductions in HOME funds necessitated the County to restructure its
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07 /31/2015)
· Annual Action Plan
HOME program to more efficiently expend the limited funds. The city no longer receives its
specific allocation of HOME funds from the County. City residents will continue to be eligible to
apply for the HOME-funded Down payment and Closing Costs program via the a new program
that began in September of :2014 through a partnership between County of San Diego and the
sa·n-Dieg0County Housing Commission.'.
During the last five years, the city utilized HOME and other funding to assist in the development
of affordable housing. The city provided a total of $3,750,000in the form of residual receipts
loans from the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Set-Aside ·
Fund. In 2009, the city assisted San Diego Habitat for Humanity with the development of six
condomi~iltm units (Roosevelt Garde~) for lower-income families. The city also provided
financial ~ssistance to Meta Housing Corporation for the Tavarua Senior Apartments, a 50-unit
apartment community completed in 2013. Ten ofthe 50 units are designated for qualifying
older adu!ts with mental illness eligible for supportive services under the Mental Health
Services Act (MHSA) program. This program is part of a larger regional supportive housing
initiative by the County of San Diego's Behavioral Health Services Division (BHS) to link
homeless or at risk of homelessness individuals with mental illness to permanent housing and
social services.
The city also provided HOME funds in 2012 to Solutions for Change to assist in the acquisition
ofVista Terrace Apartments in the City of Vista to serve as a regional resource for homeless
families with children from the region who are graduating from their program which helps the
families become stable r:nembers of the community and provide them with homes. One unit in
Vista T~rrace was converted to a community room for residents ofthe apartments. In 2014, the
city provided an additional $454,000 to Solutions for Change in order to assist the agency with
the acquisition of a 16-un.it ~partment complex to be used for graduates of the Solutions
University for homeless f,amilies.
During the previous Consolidated Plan period, the city assisted over 9,000 homeless persons or
persons at-risk of homelessness (duplicated counts) with temporary shelter and supportive
ser'vices. An adCiitionat' 3,6oo tower-income persons or persons with speCial needs were assisted
through a variety of public·service programs, irid~dingthe North CotJnty Health Services
Immunization and Health Screening Program, after schoolprograms,· ·and meal or food delivery
In addition, a total of six projects to improve community facilities have been completed since
2010, including the Casa de Amparo Twin Oaks facility, Catholic Charities La Posada de·
Guadall.epe Men's Shelter, North County Health Services Health Care Center, and Hospice ofthe
North Coast Hospice House. In 2013, the city provided funds for the development of a
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07 /31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
pedestrian r.ailway crossing at Chestnut Avenue to benefit the lower-ipcome residents in that
neighborhood. Funding was also allocated for a lighting assessment study in the city's Barri~
area to imp~ove lighting and public safety ..
Citizen participation is one of the key components of the CP and AP process. To solicit public
input during the development of theCP, the City of Carlsbad conducted a community workshop
with residents, local housing and services providers, as well as community stakeholders. A
Housing and Community Devt;!lopment Needs Survey was also administered.
Community Workshop: To set priorities for the CP, the city held one workshop to solicit input
on needs during the development of this CP. The workshop was held at the Carlsbad Senior
Center on December 4, 2014 from 6:00-7:30 PM.
Housing and Community Development Needs Survey: With reference to the CP, the Survey
was made available both on-line and in hard copy form. A total of 162 responses were
received. Outreach for the Community/Stakeholder workshops and the Housing and
Community Needs Development Survey included:
• Notice posted on city website
• Notice posted at Carlsbad City Hall
• Email blast to residents and agencies on the city's contact list
• Flyers advertising the Community Workshop and Survey were distributed to 150 service
providers and agencies
• Advertisement published in the San Diego Union Tribune {English and Spanish).
Public Hearing: For 2016-2017, a public notice for a public hearing was published on March 8,
2016 regarding the review funding recommendations and beneficiaries held on March 22,2016.
A second Public Hearing was held for the adoption of the 2016-2017 AP on May 3, 2016 in the
Carlsbad Council Chamber. A public notice forthe hearing was published on April1, 2016.
Public Review of Draft Documents: A 30-day public review, noticed on April11 20161 was held
from Aprill, 2016 through May 3, 2016. Copies of the Draft AP were made available for the
public at the following locations:
• City website
• Carlsbad City Hall
All final CP, am~ndments/ annual Ac~ion Plans and performance rep(Jrts will be available for five
years atthe. Carlsbad City tJall.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
A summary ofthepublic comments is provided in Appendix A.
All comments were received.
The City of Carlsbad has undertaken diligent and good faith efforts in outreaching to all
segments of the community that may benefit from the CDBG program.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp, 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
PR-OS Lead & Responsible Agencies-91.200(b)
[1.. . ~-Agency/entity responsible for p~eparing/administering the Consol.idated Plan ·-----'--------'-----]
The following are theagendes/entities responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of
each grant program and funding source.
Agency Role I Name I Department/ Agency --~~------~,---------------1
CDBG Administrator j CARLSBAD I Department of Housing and Neighborhood Services
Table 1-Responsible Agencies
[Narra_t_iv_e _________________________________________________________________________________________ _j
The Consolidated.Pian forthe City of Carlsbad was prepared in collaboration with the San Diego County HOME Consortium. The City
of Carlsbad participates. in the HOME program under the County of San Diego. HOME funds are being administered directly by the
County of San Diego Housing and Community Development Department. Homebuyer assistance is available to Carlsbad residents via
the County's HOME-funded Downpayment and Closing Cost Program.
@on~olidated Plan Public Contact Information
Courtney Pene
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07 /31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
AP-10 Consultation-9l.100, 91.200(b), 91.215{1)
As part ofthe development of this CP, the City conducted an outreach program to consult and
coo~dinate nonprofit agencies, affordable housing providers, and government agencies regarding the
needs ofthe low-and moderate-income community. The outreach program has been summarized in
the:Exec~tive Summary and Citizen Participation sec:tions of this CP. Comments received and results of
the survey are summarized in Appendix A to this CP.
Pr~vid~.ft,o(l¢ise summ~ry ofi~hejurisdiction1$;~~~~~~ijs to.!nha~~fc~r~ination b~~~en
·.p·.·u·.··b·.······'·i··.·.c._ ..•. ·.•. a.··.··-·.· .. ·•.· .. "·· .. • .. ····-d···· .. ·· as·s··· i. s.t.· e .... d· .... h··· .. ·o ... -. u .. s. ·.·1. n.· .. ·.·.g···· .... -.•·.p·. r·.o·v.•lders and private ~nd goverr:o:nental health,mente~lhealth. •. · and$erJiceagencies (91.215{1}). . . > .· ·· ... · ..••...• ··.···.· ... -.• ·.-
The City of Carlsbad serves as the citls public housing agency whereby the Section 8 Rental
Assistance Program is implemented and administered daily. The city actively participates in a
variety of coalitions made up of affordable housing and community development coordinators
from all 18 incorporated cities and various nonprofit organizations in the San Diego region.
These strong partnerships result coordination of activities, sharing of information, and jointer
-operation of specific HUD programs. These coalitions include: CDBG Coordinators Group; . .
County of San Diego HOME Consortium; Regional Continuum of Care Council; California Finance
Officers' Group; California Association ofHousing Authorities; National Association of Housing
Redevelopment Officials; Housing Authorities within the County of San Diego; participating
cities in the First-Time Homebuyer Program; and notably, the city engages and contributes as a
memberofthe San Diego Regional Alliance for Fair Housing (www.sdfairhousing.org). Also
included is the· San Diego Housing Federation, made up of affordable housing organizations and
lenders that sponsor programs and activities in partnership with the County of San Diego and
cities in the region.
oescribeicocirdiru:ltionvviththe Continuum ofCarearldeffo~stoadat~~s-theneeds>ot· ·.·.·•· •··.····_·-.·.
h~mel~ss.per.sonJ{part.icularlv·•chronically homl!less ····n~lvi~l~als •. _an_~··famiJies,Janilties wi~~~"r.
chUdren, . .veterans, and unaccompaniec.j youth)and pers()n~ at risk of homeles~ness~ . · -. . -., . -------_--' ' -" -· -. -----·----.----·-. -----. . -·-. -; --.• ---- ----------'.· -': :: .-__ '""• _" -.-·--"'---<<·-· '
The City of Carlsbad is an active member of the San Diego Regional Continuum of Care Council
(RCCC) which is a large cooperative community group consisting of representatives of the 18
cities within the County of San Diego, nonprofit homeless providers and other interested
parties~ Ttl~ RCCCregularly meets to identify gaps in homeless services, establish funding
priorities, and to pursue an overall systemic approach to addressing homelessness. The RCCC
makes recommendations for allocation of funds available under the Emergency Shelter Grants . -
(ESG) program. The representatives seek ways to improve collaboration and share scarce
·Annual Action Plan
OMB Controll~o: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/20l5)
resources. The consensus approach from service providers is to emphasize prevention of
homelessness first, then transitional housing and support services for individuals and families,
and finally: support for chronically homeless individuals. Facilities in proximity to Carlsbad
serving this population include the Brother Ben no Foundation providing transitional housing for
men in recovery from substance abuse, the Women's Resource Center which provides
emergency safe shelter for victims of domestic violence, Catholic Charities' La Posada de
Guadalupe men's shelter which targets homeless men, Community Resource Center which
provides emergency safe shelter for victims of domestic violence, and Casa de Amparo·which
provides targeted support for children and youth who have been removed from their homes by
Child Protective Services.
During 2015, the city actively participated alongside both nonprofit and for profit agencies in
the 25 Cities initiative aimed to end veteran homelessness. The city contributed 10 unique
Section 8 Rental Assistance vouchers to aid in the effort.
1··.Des~ribe ctinsultation.with theContinuum(s} of carethafse~ves theJurisdiction~$atea in
det~rmlning l'towto allocate ·ESGfunds, develop perf()onartce .standards forand evalua.te
' •' . -. --->--_-- ---------·----,.
outcomes. of projects and activities assisted by ESG' funds, and dev~lop funding, policies an({. ~.•,:,,' .. >>1_,:.·-:; .. :-,-_-_-.:-;"__ -_. ___ . · _ c.-_· · .. ·.,. :.-'·<.''·i .·.-.·: ---; • '-':-:'<,-:,
procedures.fot the operation and administratiOil of HMIS
The City of. Carlsbad does not receive ESG funds from HUD.
The Regional Continuum of Care Consortium (RCCC) coordinates efforts to address homeless in
the San Diego region and is the HUD designated Continuum of Care (CoC) for the region. The
RCCC m~nagesthe. application for, receipt and distribution of federal and other grant funds,
including the Homeless Super NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability).
' .
Th·e Regional nisk Force on the Homeless (RTFH) was selected by the RCCC to manage the
region's homeless management information system (HMIS}. This system coordinates the
region's AHAR efforts and i.s working to combine data from multjple consortium area systems
~ •• t ' •
into ore data warehouse: )he HMIS produces quarterly and annual reports that assist in
monitoring key indicators to assess needs and progress on strategic goals pertaining to
homelessness. In 2010, a Data Advisory Committee was created to provide community':'based
oversight, system evaluation, and comprehensive HMIS planning; . ··
Carlsbad does not rece.ive any dedicated homeless assistance funding as a result of the Super
NOFA or ·the RCCC activities. However, annually the city uses a portion of its CDBG Public
Service DOIIprs to assist agencies that serve the homeless and those at risk of becoming
6MB Control No:2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
2. AgenCie~, groups~ o~ganizations and others wh~ participated in the process· and
consu'ltations ·•
' '
Reference Appendix A .:
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Table 2-Agencies, groups, organizations who participated
. Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting
The City of Carlsbad consulted with agencies that provide services to Carlsbad residents.
I Other local/regional/state/federal plcmni~g efforts considered when preparing the Plan
Name of Plan
·· lead Organization How do the goals of your Strategic Plan
overlap with the goals of each plan?
Continuum of Care Regional Continuum of Care Alliance The city's homeless needs are addressed by
the CoC Strategy.
Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness Regional Continuum of Care Alliance The city's homeless needs are addressed by
the Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness
City of Carlsbad General Plan Update City of.car!sbad Aligns with the strategic plan goal of
improving the quality of life for the city's low-
and moderate-income community.
City of Carlsbad Housing Element City of Carlsbad LAiigns with the strategic plan goal of
continuing to create affordable housing units. 1
Table 3 -Other local/ regional/ federal planning efforts
I Narrati_v_e ____________ ~---~-----------------~~---------~-------------~~-~
See discussion above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07 /31/2015}
·Annual Action Plan
AP-12 Participation -91.4011 91.1051 91.200{c)
·1. Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation
Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal-setting
Citizen participation is one of the most important components of the CP process. To solicit public input during-the development of
this CP, the City of Carlsbad held a Community Workshop for residents, local housing and services providers, a; well' as community ·.
stakeholders. A Housing and Community Development Needs Survey was also administered, in both English and Spanish, to
members ofthe community. For this survey, residents could access the survey via the city's website (www.carlsbadca.gov), paper
copies ofthe survey were also made available at the Carlsbad Senior Center (799 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008), also press
releases and social media (Face book, Twitter; NextDoor) were utilized to request community feedback. A total of162 responses
were received. A Public. Hearing before the City Council was also held on April71 2015. A public notice for the hearing was published
on April3, 2015.'A second Public Hearing was held for the adoption of the Consolidated Plan on May 2015. ·A 30-day public
review of the CP was held from April 4, 2015 through May 4, 2015. A public notice for the hearing and public review period was
published on April 4, 2015. The final CP, amendments, Annual Action Plans and performance reports will be available for five years
at Carlsbad City HaiL
Citizen Participation Outreach
Sort Order Mode of Outreach
1 Community
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Target of Outreach Summary of Summary of
response/ attendance comments received
Non-Two people A detailed
targeted/broad . representing various summary of
community agencies attended comments received
this meeting. can be found in
Appendix A.
Table 4-Citizen Participation Outreach
Annual Action Plan
Summary of comments URL (If
not accepted applicable}
and reasons
All comments received n/a
were accepted.
Expected Resources
AP~lS Expected Resources-91.420(b), 91.220(c) {1, 2)
A number of housing and community development resources are currently available in the city. Those resources include:
• Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds
• HOME fuhds (via a new program that began in September of 2014·through a partnership between the County of San Diego
• and the San Diego County Housing Commission)
• General Funds
• HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program (through the Carlsbad Housing Authority)
• State Housing and Community Development (HCD) funds
• State transportation funds
• Carlsbad Affordable Housing Trust Fund
~ Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Anticipated Resources
Program Source Usesotfunds
CDBG Federal ~-CDBG program
planning and
i , ' -Public Facilities &
I -Public Services
Section 8 Federal I Program
Rental administration
Assistance and tenant
voucher based
OMS Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07 /31/2015)
Expected Amount Available Year 1 ,--------· Annual
Program I Prior Year
Income: 1 Resources:
$ $
0 0
0 0
Annual Action Plan
I 6,215,557 i
..,, ... Narrative Description l Amount
Con Plan
.Funding will be utilized to benefit
public services which provide basic
needs such as food, shelter, health
and welfare to Carlsbad residents.
Public Facilities dollars will fund ADA
improvements and enhancements to
facilities throughout the city.
Fair housing services to be provided
by CSA San Diego County.
Any undesignated funds received
throughout 2016-2017 will be
allocated towards ADA
TBD improvements citywide.
A total of $6,215,557 is projected to
be received and spent administering
the tenant based Section 8 Rental
Assistance program.
P.rogram Source Uses of Funds Expected Amount Available Year 1 Expected Narrative Description l of <'<' Annual Program Prior Year Total: I Amount
Funds Allocation: Income: Resources: $ i Available
$ $ $ 1 Reminder
i of
I l Con Plan
l $
Local Homeless r The city actively engages in the
Alliance for Regional Solutions, which
is an active wil1ter shelter prog'ram
I for Northern San Diego County. This
I I is a coordinated effort between local I ! governments and social service I
I providers to address homeless needs
I 18,778 0 0 18J78 56,334 during winter months. i
Table 5 -Expected Resources-Priority Table
.· Expiairl..how. f~deral fl.lnds will:leverage•tbose additi()n.l f'espurces (privcjte;:state~llc[Joccd funds); including a descriptipn Qfhow
L:-....~.c...;...~~-'-"-----~~....c-'"--'--~~~~~=~~.=-'-'====-~~-=~c.c:..-· -·· ·~· ·~---'-~-"------'"-":::..;_-'---·-'-'~.;.__...-'-"-~~~--'
The city's goal is to leverage federal, state, and local funds to maximize the number of households that can be assisted. The city may
use local Housing Trust Funds to further affordable housing goals whenever a match, grant, or loan is necessary and appropriate to
ensure the financial feasibility of a project.
lfappropri~te, describe publi~Uy·()woed.li:Jrad9i prQpertvJc?cated within the· jur~~diqio~ tt\iltmay be used to:~d.~tess the needs
id¢rltifledirl the· plan
The City of Carlsbad worked towards meeting its affordable housing objectives by allocating CDBG funds in previous years to
Solutions for Change for the planned acquisition of a 16-unit apartment complex in Carlsbad for graduates of the Solutions
University for, homeless families. Prior year CDBG funds were also used to assist in the acquisition of a health care center in the City
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
that continues to provide services to low-income residents. No other publicly owned land or property is anticipated to be used to
address needs identified in this plan.
Section 8 Rental Assistance
. The Carlsbad· Housing Agency administers the Section 8 Rental Assistance program for Carlsbad residents. Staff anticipates the total
expenditure for the 2016<2017 program to total $6,215557. The program provides rent subsidy payments for very low-income
· households in privately owned rental housing units. In 2015, 545 families were assisted with Section 8 Rental Assistance funds.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015}
Annual Action Plan
Annual Goals and Objectives
· AP~2.0 Annual Goals and Objectives-91.420, 91.220{c}(3)&(e)
Goals Summary Information
Sort Order ·Goal Name Start End Needs I
Year . Area
Funding Ca~~Geographk Year Addressed i --.
Affordable I CDBG 1 Affordable 2016 2017 Affordable Citywide
Housing· .. I Housing . , . · Housing $168,326.93
-Non-Hou~:.i c;iywide r-~-2 Improve Facilities 2016 2017 Improve CDBG
Community · Facilities $168,326.93
Development . I I
3 .. Supportive 2016 2017 Homeless Citywide I Supportive CDBG
Services Non-Homeless i Services $77,689.35
Special Needs i -.4 F~ir Housing 2016 2017 Non-Homeless ·Citywide 1 FairHousing CDBG
Special Needs $15,000
5 Planning and 2016 2017 Administration Citywide Planning and CDBG
I · Goal Outcome Indicator I
Participate in the acquisition of
property for low/moderate
income housing.
Public facility or infrastructure
activities other than
low/moderate income housing
benefit: 16 persons assisted
Public service activities other than
low/moderate income housing
benefit: 2,800 persons assisted
Public service activities other than
low/moderate income housing
benefit: 90 persons assisted
Successfully implement and
Administration. · $88,585.80 I administer the program. ·---~
Goal Descriptions
1 Goal Name
Goal Description
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Table 6 -Goals Summary
For 2016-2017, the City of Carlsbad will strongly support the development of
affordable housing in Carlsbad through the participation in the acquisition of
property for low/moderate income housing for residents.
Annual Action Plan
2 Goal Name
··Goal Description
3 Goal Name
Goal Description
. For 2016-2017, CDBG funds will be used to support public improvements projects
related to the City of Carlsbad AfJA Transition Plan. These improvements are
targeted to aid the physically challenged residents of Carlsbad.
For.2016-2017, CDBG funds will be used to support senior services (such as senior
mea! delivery and ~::mergency food boxes} af}~ services that benefit primarily low
and moderate income households {such as: homeless prevention services and
~~+-~~~--~-----------~----------------~~-------~--4-a_lt_e_r_na_t_iv_e_s_t_o_d_o __ mest_ic __ vi_o_le_n_c_e)~-----------------------------------~
Goal Name
Goal Description ·
Goal Name
Goal Description ·
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015}
2016-2017, CDBG funds will be used to support fair housing services to be
by CSA San Diego County.
Table 7-Goal Descriptions
Annual Action Plan
execute, and
AP-35 Projects-91.4.20, 91.220(d)
For FY 2016-2017, the City of Carlsbad is projected to receive $517,929 in CDBG funding. Should
Congress choose to adjust the city's allocation, the percentage increase or decrease in funding
will be allocated to the AP's Public Facilities project for ADA improvements. To complement the
city's efforts, any Program Income received during the FY2016-2017 AP will be redirected
towards projects identified in the ADA Tran~ition Plan and ~Khieving compliance.
I Projects .:
I I # Project Name CDBG
1 Basic Needs for low Income and Homeless Persons (Brother Benno) $15,000
2 L~ .. !1 osada de Guadalupe, homeless shelter (Catholic Charities) $20/000 r------~=±Homeless Preventron and lnterventron Servrces (Commun.ty Re;ource Center) i $10c00~ ' '
_4_L Food Delivery Service to Carlsbad Seniors {Meals On Wheels Great San Diego) $10,00~
5 I Senior Emergency Meal Boxes (The Angel's Depot) I $10,000 1
6 Alternatives to Abuse Domestic Violence Shelter (Women's Resource Cent~$12,6-89.35
7 · :ADA Improvements to Public Infrastructure and Facilities (City of Carlsbad) 1 $168,32~.93
Carlsbad Housing Reserve Fund (City of Carlsbad) 1 $168,326.92
Fair Housing Program (CSA San Diego County) I $15,000
. 1 Planning and ~stration (City of Carlsbad} $88,585.80
Table 8-Project Information
The City of Carlsbad is limited in its ability to meet all of the housing needs of lower income
households. However, a sincere effort will be made to combine various city resources to meet
as much of the need as financially feasible within the Action Plan time period, as well as the
overall needs identified in the FY 2015-19 Consolidated Plan.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
AP-38 Project Summary
[Project Sum~ary lr•formatlon
~--.--·. ····. "
· 1 1 Project Name
Target Area
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed r----
Funding r-----.· -----
. Description . -
Target Date
_· Estimate the number and type
of families that will benefit
from the proposed activities
· Locati.on Description
Planned Activities
. . -2 Project. Name
Target Area !-----·· "" "
Goals Supported
"" ~----------" Needs Addressed
. ~:;:~~::,:
·Estimate the number and type
of families that will benefit
from the proposed activitie_s
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
-------~---. -. ..---. -.---.. ------·· ---
. Basic Needs for Low Income and Homeless Persons (Bro~her Benno)
-" Citywide
Supportive ~ervices
Supportive Services
CDBG: $15,000 ----
Brother Benno serves the poor and neediest in North County San Diego, including Carlsbad residents.
The agency operates two shelters for women, a twelve step residential recovery program for men, a hot
meal and food distribution program, and a rental assistance program.
An estimated 248 Carlsbad residents are expected to benefit from this proposed activity.
Brother Benno is conveniently located two miles from Carlsbad, with easy walking distance to
public transportation.
" ---The proposed program will provide a number of services including hot meals, food packs, rental
assistance, funds for prescription medications, internet access, mail and telephone services, hot
showers, clothing for the family, and haircuts . ----La Posada de Guadalupe (Catholic Charities) --Citywide -------·
Supportive Services ---Supportive Services
CDBG: $20,000
La Posada de Guadalupe is a 7-day; 24-hour alcohol-and drug-free facility in the City of Carlsbad. The
program is designed to provide services for homeless men in San Diego County.
An estimated 122 Carlsbad residents are expected to benefit from this proposed program.
Annual Action Plan
n::Descript.ion ·. · · ·. . . \.·The fa· c. ility. is lo.cat·e. d wit.hin the City of Carlsbad. It ls adjac~-nt to th~. C. arlsbad .. Saf. ely Ce. nter and is . · : · ,; '·f. near the Car.!sbad Hiring Center (focus on day labor employment) at El Camino ~eal and Palomar Airport
Rd. · -· ·· ·· ·
d At' ·{-~----Fd_, ___ 'jl b . d t 'd . . f -l d d I h I f ' I . ----.-. -. -t'f,-:-:-1 anne C lVI ieS · . un s Wl, e use o. prov1 e a sa ei san1 ary, ~rug an a co o ree 1ou~mg_ en\(lronmen or
hr:nneless men and employed farm workers. Through case managemennmd support services, r!;!sidents
·,"• will be assisted with obtaining employment, finding permanent housing, accessing health services and
.. achieving social adaptation. ..
Project Name Homelessness Prevention and Intervention Services (Community Resource Center)
~Target ~rea Citywide
Goals Supported Supportive Services
Needs Addressed Supportive Services -
Funding CDBG: $10,000
Description Community Resource Center enables low-income Carlsbad families to acquire permanent housing and I
establish a path to self-sufficiency, thereby reducing the number of homeless individuals and families in
the community. _.
Target Date 6/30/2017
Estimate the number and type An estimated 1,680 Carlsbad residents are expected to benefit from this proposed activity.
of families that will benefit
from the proposed activities ------· Location Description Ci\.yvvouc
PJanned Actlvltir,:::o · , .' .. Fundswili be .used to provide a wide range of supportive services including:
Project Name Meals on Wheels Carlsbad
Target Area Ch.yvvouo::;
Goals Supported Supportive Services
Needs Addressed Supporllvt: Services
Funding CDBG: $10,000
Description Meals-on~Wheels Greater San Diego, Inc.'s (MOWGSD) primary mission is to support the independence
and well-being of seniors by providing the delivery of affordable, fresh meals to homebound seniors
throughout San Diego County.
Target Date 6/30/2017 -
Estimate the number and type. I An estimated 40 lower· and moderate-income homebound seniors are expected to· benefit from this
of families that will benefit I proposed activity. · · ·. ·· . · . ··. · .
from the proposed activities
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Location Destription Citywide ~--~------~-------------r---~--------------~--------~-------------------------------------~---------~ Planru:~d-Activities MOWGSD delivers fresh meals to homebound seniors for everyday of the week (Sunday meals delivered
on Saturday)~ including holidays. Along with meai delivery, MOWGSQ volunteeTS cor1duct reg_ular
. . . weliness checks, provide daily support and social activity, and make ref€rralsto other providers when
1 necessary. ------~--------------·-~----------------------------------------~
5 ·.Project Name ' Senior Emergency Meal Boxes (The Angel's Depot)
~----~~----------------------------------------Target Area Citywide ~~--------------------~~------------------------------------------~---------------------~-~--------Goals Supported Supportive Services ~----~~--------------~ Needs Addressed Supportive Services ~------------------------+--~----------------------------------------------------~---------------~--~ Funding CDBG: $10,000 . _ . . D~sc-r"-rp-ti-o~ Nutrition is the single most significant factor that affects and defines the health of all people, but it I
especially defines the elderly. The Angel's Depot takes great pride in helping to alleviate the Senior
Hunger Crisis.
Target Date 6/30/2017
Estimate the number and type An estimated 30 lower-income seniors are expected to benefit from this proposedactivity.
of families that will benefit
from the proposed activities
Location Description Citywide ·---~------~--~------------------------------------Planned Activities Funds will be used to provide impoverished seniors with a free Senior Eni_ergenc;y Meal Box specially
formulated to meet the needs of seniors who are at-risk for malnutrition and living with the terrible I
anxiety of food insecurity. Senior Emergency Meal Boxes contain nonperishable, nutritious food to make
7 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners and snacks, along with a "Depot Dispatch" Senior Newsletter with
r----~----------------~------+_h_e_a_lt~h~y_li_v_in~g~t~ip~s_a_n_d __ li_n_k_s_t_o __ co_m __ m_u_n_i~ty~r_e_s_o_u_rc_·e_s_. ____________________________________ ~
6 Project 1\Jame · · · Alternatives to Abuse Domestic Violence Shelter (Women's Resource Center)
Target Area Citywide
Goals Supported Supportive Services
Needs Addressed Supportive Services
Funding CDBG: $12,689.35
Description . . Women's Resource Center's purpose is to address the needs of persons experiencing family violence in
order to impact the incidence and effect· of such violence. Since its inception, the Center has been
Target Date
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
dedicated to enhancing the lives of families by assisting persons in crisis develop their own self~help ..
skills. · · · · · · · . _
6/30/2017 . . . . .·
Annual Action Plan
Estimate the number and type
of families that will benefit
from the proposed activities
location Description
Planned Activities
7. Project Name
Target Area
Goals SUP!J.Orted
Needs Addressed
Target Date ----
Estimate the number and type
of families that will benefit
from the proposed activities
location Description
. .Planned Activities ..
8 Project Name
Target Area --
Goals Supported
Needs Addressed
Target Date
Estimate the number and the
type of families that will
benefit from the proposed
Location description
OMB Control No: 2S06-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
An estimated 32 Carlsbad .residents are expected to benefit from this proposed activit~--
----------------______ j
Funds will be used to provide shelter services for w omen and children who are yictims in _need of safe,
emergency housing.
ADA Improvements to Public Infrastructure and Facil ities
Improve Facilities -
Improve Facilities
CDBG: $1681326.93 ----.· · .. ·. .. . j ..
ements throughout the Barrio Area of Carlsbad. The
duals and is a priority project,
Execute.ADA improvements and implement enhanc
goal is to provide improved accessi~ility for all indivi
This program will benefit the 81258 persons with dis abilities in the City of Carlsbad.
Improvements include the installation of pedestrian
some of the improvements to be made to create a
ramps} truncated domes} and raised sidewalks are
more accessible community. J
S31rlsbad Housing Reserve Fund ---Citywide
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing
---=---. --~ -________ -J
CDBG: $168,326.92
The City of Carlsbad has established a Housing Rese rve Fund for the purpose of developing affordable
housing for lower-income households.
Annual Action Plan
-,~··~· -~--··~ ..
l Planned activities A specific project has yet to be identified however funds may be used for idE:mtifYing and/or: acquiring
i . properties for new affordable housing opportunities in the city.
Project Name Fair Housing r!U!'>IGIIII (Center for Social A,.:!'v~~~~ 1) .. , .....
I Target Area Citywide . '
Goals Supported <_;I l!vt: Set v,~.~s ..
Needs Addressed Supportive Services
Funding CDBG: $15,000
Description Carlsbad contractswith CSA San Diego County to provide fair housing services in the City. CSA promotes
housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, religion, ~ex, famiiy ~ize, marital status, ancestry,
national origin, color, or disability.
Target Date 6/30/2017
Estimate the number·and type I An estimated 90 persons are expected to benefrt from this proposed activity.
of families that will benefit
from the proposed activities · · ·
location Description Citywide -. Planned;Activities Funds will be used to provide fair housing services.
Proje<:t _Name Planning and Administration
Target Area Citywide
Goals Supported Planning and Administration
Needs Addressed · -t-6 · and Administration .. ...
Funding _DBG: $88,585.80
~-. -Description
Target Date
Estimate the number and type
of families that will benefit
from t~~e-proposed activities
location Description
Planned Activities
. .
·------------.. "(he Carlsbad Housing & Neighborhood S.et:Vices Department is responsible for administering the city's
CDBG-funded programs.
Up to 20 percent of CDBG funds will be used to support the general administration of CDBG-funded
programs by the Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Department .
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
'' ~
AP-50 Geographic Distribution -91.420, 91.220{f)
Through .the city;s lnclusionary Housing program, the city intends to de,velop lower~income affordable
housing u~its throughout Carlsbad, thereby reducing the impact of housing on arly one area. City staff
will be responsible for ·initiating or facilitating the development this housing through agreements with
local f~r-profit and non-profit housing developers{induding ~greements to provide ~ity assistance) and
through m'anagingjmonitoring the affordability ofthese hoysing units in future years. City resources for . . '
the provision, construction, or improvements to public services or facilities to meet the community
development.needs will also be distributed throughout the city. Carlsbad will consider the allocation of
resources to public se1vice organizations located outside of the city limits in those instances where such
public ser..rices provide adequate access to Carlsbad residents.
While the city has identified a number of priority strategies and implementing programs in the FY 2015-
2019 Consolidated Plan, given limited resources, the city will not pursue each program every fiscal
. year. Priorities for allocation are a result of various community outreac~ efforts and consu!tat[pn
. . -' . . . . .
meetings and recommendations by city staff and the Carlsbad City Council.
See discussions above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
AP~ 75 Barriers to affordable housing
The City of Carlsbad works to remove barriers to affordable housing and the financial impacts of efforts
to protect public health and safety by taking actions to reduce the costs or provide financial incentives
to assist in the production of safe, high quality, affordable housing.
I Actions it "planned to remove or ameliorate the negative eff~~of.public poliCies that serv~ #s 0S'"
.. barrierstQ ~ffordabJe housing such as land use controls, ta)(pgli~ies affecting Ia rid; zoning ordina~~; ··.
· buildins ~odes~ fee~ arid charges, growth limitations, and pollcles~ffectingtt1e return1>n resid~nitaJ2 ·· I· .... •· ·. .... . . ·.. . . •. . . .• . . . .. .. . •
1 investment;
' The City of Carlsbad works diligently to remove barriers to affordable housing and the financial impacts
of efforts to protect public heaith and safety by taking actions to reduce the costs or provide off-setting
financial incentives to assist in the production of safe, high quality, affordable housing. The following
measures may be taken to alleviate the barriers to affordable housing:
• Apply for State and federal funding to provide gap financing for affordable housing production
and rehabilitation of existing affordable housing stock.
• Continue to support applications for Tax Exempt Bond financing from the California Debt Limit
Allocation Committee.
• Continue to support applications for low-Income Housing Tax Credits from the California Tax
.Credit Allocation Committee.
• . Continue to streamline the environmental review process for housing developments, using
ayaiJab.ie statecategorical exemptions and federal categorical exclusions, when applicable. Also,
send staff to CEQA and NEPA trainings as needed to gairi expertise in the pre'paration of
environrnental review documents.
• · :tontinue to improve the· permit processing and planning approval processes to minimize delay
in housing development in general and in particular affordable housing development.
• Continue providing rehabilitation assistance and homeownership assistance, and to assist in the
construction and pres~rvation ofaffordab!e housing.
• Encourage public participation when a proposed project is being c()nsidered for approval.
.: • ' .' > ' . ' ' •
• Implement policies and strategies identified in Carlsbad's 2013-2021 Housing Element.
Housing affordability is affected by numero1.1s factors in both the private and public. sectors. With the
dissolution of redevelopment in California, the City of Carlsbad has lost its most powerful tool and
funding mechanism to provide afford.able housing in the community. Funding at the State and Federal
levels has also continued to exp.erience significant cuts. With reduced funding and increased housing
costs, the city faces significant challenges in providing affordable and decent housing opportunities for
OMB Control No: 250&-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
its lower and moderate income residents, especially with extremely lqw incomes. Actions by the city can
have a significant impact on the price and. availability of housing in Carlsbad. Lack of affordable. housing
funds, land use .controls,. site improvement requirements, building codes, fees, and other local programs
intended to improve the overall quality of housing may serve as a constr~int to affordable holjsing
development. These governmental constraints can. limit the_ operations of the public, private, and
nonprofit sectors, making it challenging to meet the demand for affordable housing and ever dwindling
supply in the region. '
See discus.sion above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
AP-85 Other Actions -91.420, 91.220(k)
!Introduction .·
Priority Needs established in the FY 2015-2019 Five-Year Consolidated Plan, which form the
basis for establishing objectives and outcomes in the FY 2016-2017 One-Year Action Plan, are as
High Priority
• Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing Units
• Provide Supportive Services for the Homeless, Lower-Income Residents, and Persons
with Special Needs
• Improve and Provide Facilities to Serve Lower-Income Persons
• Provide Fair Housing Services to Residents
• Planning and Administration
Low Priority
• Conserve and Rehabilitate the Existing Housing Stock
I Actions planned to ad.dress obstacles to meeting underserved needs ·
Limited financial resources are the biggest obstacle to meeting underserved needs in Carlsbad. The city's
policy is to leverage, to the maximum extent feasible, the use of funds available in providing public
services and_ affordable housing. The city supports the use of CDBG and Housing Trust funds for
development activities and "gap financing" by private and non-profit entities in their efforts to develop
affordable housing.
I Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing·-'----------------'
In order to foster and maintain affordable housing for lower income households, the city will use CDBG
funds to assist with the development of affordable multi-family housing. The city also fosters
development of affordable housing through implementation of its lnclusionary Housing Ordinance,
whic;h requires that 15 percent of all housing units constructed in city be affordable to lower and
moderate income households. For projects proposing seven units or less, a fee is collected and
deposited into the city's Housing Trust Fund to be used to foster and maintain affordable housing.
I. Actions planned to reduce lead.;based paint hazards .· . . .
The Residential !ead Based.Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X) emphasizes prevention of
childhood lead poisoning through housing-bas<;!d approaches. This strategy requires jurisdictions to
focus on implementing practical changes in older housing to protect children from lead hazards. The City
has identified two primary strategies to redwce lead-based paint hazards in Carlsbad to be carried out
during ~he FY 2015-2019 CP P,eriod.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Strategy,1: integrate lead hazard evaluation and reduction activities into all housing programs.
Currently, many federal prQgrams have requirements for evaluating and reducing lead hazards. For
those State and local housing and community development programs, the city will pursue the following
activ~ti.es tq eva.!uate and reduce lead hazards:
~ .. Require. inspection. for and abatement of lead-based paint h~zards as a requirement of all
reside,ntial rehabilitation programs when children under the age of seven reside in the dwelling
unit and have been' identified with elevated blood levels; · · · · .
• . Include lead-based paint hazard abatement as an eligible· activity for funding under the city's
CDBG ·program and include minimum lead-based paint abatement requirements to housing
• quality standards which mustbe met; and
• Provide all eligible applicants of housing programs, with information regarding lead-based paint.
Strategy 2: Support the development of comprehensive health programs for the screening of children
for lead Poisohing and a follow-up on those identified as lead poisoned. in accordance with Center for
Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, all children found to have elevated blood levels {above 20 micrograms
per deciliter) should both be provided with public health management services and be tested every
three months, The County of San Diego's Department of Health Services currently provides this service.
the city encourages the abatement of lead-based paint hazards once a child under the age of seven is
identified as having elevated blood levels. CDBG funds may be used to help the city or other
organizations !n developing a comprehensive approach to lead-polsoning prevention.
Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families
The city currently has various programs and polfcies in place to help reduce the number of households
with incomes below the poverty line. These policies and programs aim to improve coordination and
collaboration among city departments; and nonprofit agencies which provide health and ·social services,
employment training, legal assistance, and other support services for low income persons. The city will
pursue the following programs during FY 2016-17 to reduce poverty in Carlsbad:
1. inclusionary Housing Ordinance
2. Housing Reserve Fund
3. Affordable Housi!lg Trust Fund ·
4. Section 8Vouchers ·
5. ··Village Revitalization Partnership Program ·
6, Economic Development Strategic Rlan
Ther~ .. are many organizati<ms within the County of San Diego that provide housing or supportive
' ' ' .. . . . . -
services to Carlsbad residents. These agencies tend to be smaller organizations with many using
voluntee\s., The city will continue. to encourage greater efforts to make use of available housing, social
service and mental and other health care resources. The city can also help strengthen the housing and
OMB Control No:'250G·0117 (exp: 07/3:1/2015)
Annual Action Plan
service delivery system by helping to educate such organizations and agencies regarding the resources
that are available.
A~IOJ)~P,fanned tt) enhance.poordina~io.n b~tWeen p~blic a~d priv~te housing and,Social . ,;~· : ' .
ser~~cig~~·c:t~.s .•.
The city pmpc;>Sf:S to strengthen, coordin.ateand integrate the governmental institutions, non-profit and pri~atede:livery:syste~·{s dis~ussed in th~ FY 2015-19 CP and FY 2016-17 Action Plan through on-going
"strategy and development" meetings between city staff, private.deve,lopers, non-profit organizations
and various financial institutions. Through these meetings, the city will continue to identify the
constrajnts to affordable housing and develop/implement programs to mitigate them. The key to
successful deve!opme.nt of affordable housing for lower-income households in Carlsbad is
communication, flexibility, and adequate funding. The city will communicate openly with private
developers and service providers as well as make every effort to maintain the flexibility in policies
and/or ordinances necessary to create public/private housing development partnerships,
See discussions above.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp, 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Program Specific Requirements
AP-90 Program Specific Requirements-91.420, 91.220(1)(1,2,4}
The following describes other program-specific requirements.
Community Development Block Grant Program {CDBG)
I Reference 24 CFR 91.220(1)(1)
Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the
Projects Tah!e, The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in
projects to be carried out.
1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before
the start of the next program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed
2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be
used during the year to address the priority needs and specific objectives
identified in the grantee's strategic plan ·
3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements
4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which ttie
planned use has not been included in a prior statement or plan.
5. The amount of income from float-funded activities
Total Program Income
I Other CD~G Re.quirements
1. The amount of urgent need activities
2. The'estimated percentage of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that
benefit persons of low and 'moderate ii1come. Overall benefit-a consecutive period
of one, two, or three years may beused to determine that a minimum overall
benefit of'70% of CDBG funds is used to benefit persons of low and moderate
income. Specify the years covered that include this Annual Action Plan.
. . . .
See discussions above.
OMB Control No: 2505°0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Summary of Public Participation
The public was invited to a Public Hearing held on March 22, 2016 to receive the 2016-2017 funding
recommeridations. The city accepted public comment from the following individuals:
• Paula McKinney, Community Resource Center
Comments: Expressing gratitude for the Council for previous support and encouraging the
proposed 2016-2017 funding proposals.
• Joaquin Bias, Catholic Charities/La Posada de Guadalupe
Comments: Expressing gratitude for the Council for previous support and encouraging the
proposed 2016-2017 funding proposals.
• Raymond Kitlas, The Angel's Depot
Comments: Expressing gratitude for the Council for previous support and encouraging the
proposed 2016-2017 funding proposals.
" Heidi !<one, Meals-On-Wheels Greater San Diego
Comments: Expressing gratitude for the Council for previous support and encouraging the
proposed 2016-2017 funding proposals.
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan
Carlsbad Fair Housing Action Plan
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Annual Action Plan
62OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
Annual Action Plan