HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-17; City Council; Resolution 2016-091Item 3; page 3
Exhibit 1
WHEREAS, the attached Annual Housing Element Progress Report has been
prepared to comply with Government Code Section 65400{a)(2), meet the grant funding
requirements of certain SANDAG and California Department of Housing and Community
Development (HCD) programs, and implement Housing Element Program 3.18. The purpose of
the report is to provide information to the City Council, the State Office of Planning and Research,
the State Department of Housing and Community Development, San Diego Association of
Governments and the public as to the status of the Housing Element programs, as well as mark
the City's progress in meeting its share ofthe region's housing needs.
The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows:
1. That the above recitation is true and correct.
2. That the report attached hereto as Attachment A is accepted and the City Planner
is directed to submit the report to the California Office of Planning and Research, the California
Department of Housing and Community Development, and the San Diego Association of
Item 3; page 4
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City
of Carlsbad on the 17th day of _ __:_::M=a:.Ly __ ., 2016, by the following vote to wit:
AYES: Hall, Schumacher, Blackburn.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Wood, Packard.
Item 3; page 5
Reporting Period
Project Identifier
(may be APN No.,
project name or
Housing Element Implementation
(CCR Title 25 §6202 )
City of Carlsbad
1-Jan-15 31-0ec--15
Table A
Annual Building Activity Report Summary -New Construction
Very Low-, Low-, and Mixed-Income Multifamily Projects
Housing Development Information
3 4 5
Affordability by Household Incomes
R=Renter Very low-low-
O=Owner Income .Income
Total Units
Housing with Financial Assistance
Deed Restrictions
6 7
Housing without
Financial Assistance
or Deed Restrictions
Assistance Deed Note below the number of units
Programs Restricted deiermlned to be affordable without
Est. # lnfill for Each Units financial or deed res!Jictions and
Units* Development attach an explanation how the
1---------------+--------ljurisdlction determined the unfts were
See Instructions See Instructions affordable_ Refer to instructions.
i Inc --------1------+------+------------------------i Inc
IR 1 Inc I sou !
[R -----+---+---------1 -----[-----C-------1-----+-------+--1-n..,.c---+--------------------
·--'--t-----·-'---~ --------------+-------------1----------+--~--------: .
1662124100 !SDU iR 1 1 Inc
-iSOU -,-f-R--+ 1 1 -------!-··----+--------1-+------+-j
~2_1_027~0 ____ ,_. __ -+----+----------+----------1--------,. --------------------l------1----+--------------
2121027400 isou IR 1 I Inc ----------------+F--_;.--tl---+------+ -------+--------------j--------i----------------+------....,~-----+--
212~o~_9oo J~DU __ ~-----~------'--------+--------+-----________ ___1_ 1 Inc
(9) Total of Moderate and Above Moderate from Table A3 ~ • 20 200 220
(1 0) Total by income Table A/A3 ,._ ~ 9 20 200 229
(11) Total Extremely Low-Income Units*
* Note: These fields are voluntary
Attachment 1
page 1 of4
Item 3; page 6
Reporting Period
City of Carlsbad
Housing Element Implementation
(CCR Title 25 §6202 )
Table A2
Annual Building Activity Report Summary -Units Rehabilitated, Preserved and Acquired pursuant
to GC Section 65583.1(c){1)
Please note:. Units may only be credited to the table below when a jwisdiction has included a program it its housing alement to rehabilitate, preserve or acquire
units to accommodate a portion of its RHNA which meet the specific criteria as outlined in GC Section 65583.1 (c)(1)
Affordability by Household Incomes
Activity Type Extremely Very low-Low-TOTAL (4) Description of Activity Including Housing Element Program Reference
Income* Income Income UNITS
(1) Rehabilitation Activity 0
(2) Preservation of Units At-Risk 0
(3) Acquisition of Units
{5) Total U111ts by income 0 ! 0 I 0 0 --* Note: This field is voluntary
Annual building Activity Report Summary for Above Moderate-Income Units
(not including those units reported on Table A)
I i ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Single Family**
2-4 Units 5+ Units Second Unit Mobile Homes
No. of Units Permitted for 2 ' : iS Moderate
I :
No. of Units Permitted for I
Above Moderate 198 2
* Note: This field is voluntary ** Includes 54 single family attached townhomes
6. 7.
Total Number of
infill units*
Attachment 1
page 2 of 4
Item 3; page 7
Jurisdiction City of Carlsbad
Reporting Period 1-Jan-15
Enter Calendar Year starting with the first year of
the RHNA allocation period. See Example.
Income Level Allocation by
Income Level
Very Low Restricted 912 -Non:<feed
Restricted Low Naii~deed 693
Restricted Moderate ----Non-deed ---1,062
Above Moderate 2,332
I otal KHNA Dy (.;Ulo. 4,999 Enter allocation n':!!·nber:
Total Units ~ ~ ...
Remaining Need for RHNA Period ~ ~ ~
Housing Element Implementation
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Table B
Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress
Permitted Units Issued by Affordability
i I I
2010 2011 i 2012 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I
I i I
I I Year Year Year Year Year ' Year Year
1 i 2 3 4 5 I 6 7 I
35 L -----------<----------,--,
4 23 6 9
1 I
1 1
l ~--~---~-----------------·-
2 56 41 i 5 ! 13 20
371 200 I 364 201 I 235 i 200 i
I i
I 377 315 405 207
255 I 229
I ,. i
~ ~
Note: 4nits serving extremly low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals.
Year Year
8 I 9
Total Units
to Date
(all years)
. 1,788'
Remaining RHNA
by Income Level
Attachment 1
page 3 of 4
Item 3; page 8
C -Completed
0 Ongoing
In Process
P -Pending
D -D.elete
Part 2-Program Implementation Status
January 2015 through December 2015
---------------,~~~---------------------------~ Division:
= One_., time project for which all work has been completed and local
approvals have been obtained
= Completed program, but one that requires recurring activity
= Staff work is well under way and program will be implemented soon
(including any necessary hearings)
= Program for which preliminary work needs to be initiated, or program is
in early stages of work
·· = Program _that may no longer be necessary or relevant due to another
Community & Economic
Housing & Neighborhood Services
L_____----~----~-p-ro_g_r_a_m~·-c_h_a_ng_e_d_c_i_rc_u_m_s_ta_n_c_e_s_,o_r_p_o_ii--cychange -------~--------------------------------_j
Item 3; page 9
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status
HE Program T
Proaram # Description Status 1 Div Comments
The city will continue to discourage and/or restrict condominium I conversions when such conversions .would reduce the number o~ low or I The city considers condominium conversions on
Condominium moderate income housing units available throughout the City. AI! a case by case basis. In 2015, the city received
Conversion 1.1 condominium conversions are subject to the city's lnclusionary Housing 0 p no applications and issued no permits to convert
Ordinance; the in-lieu fees or actual affordable units required by the rental housing to condominiums. ordinance would be used to mitigate the loss of affordable rental units
from the city's housing stock.
The city will continue to implement the city's Residential Mobile Home
Park zoning ordinance (Municipal Code Chapter 21.37) that sets The city continues to implement the mobile
Mobile Home conditions on changes of use or conversions of mobile home parks, home zoning ordinance. No applications for
Park 1.2 consistent with Government Code Section 66427.5. 0 P,HNS change in use or conversion of a mobile home
Preservation I park were received in 2015. The city will also assist lower income tenants of mobile home parks to
research the financial feasibility of purchasing their mobile home parks
I so as to maintain the rents at levels affordable to its tenants.
Item 3; page 10
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status r--P-ro~~~~~m--~P~r-o-~-ra-m~------·~.--~~------0-e_s_c_r~ip-ti-on 1 S-t-a-tu-s-,1~1 -._D_i_v--,11 -. --_---------C-o-.m~m-e-n-ts--------~~
Requests for acquisition/rehabilitation of rental
. 1 properties are considered on a case by case
basis. · ·
of Rental
of Owner-
The city will continue to provide assistance on a case-by-case basis to
preserJe the existing stock of lower and moderate income rental housing,
I .
Provide loans, grants, and/or rebates to owners of rental properties
to make needed repairs and rehabilitation.
As financially feasible, acquire and rehabilitate rental housing that
is substandard, deteriorating or in danger of being demolished. Set-
. aside at least 20 percent of the rehabilitated units for extremely-
and/or very low income households. 1
As appropriate and determined by City Council, provide deferral or
subsidy of planning and building fees, and priority processing.
Priority will be given to repair and rehabilitation of housing identified
by the city's Building Division as being substandard or deteriorating,
and which houses lower income and in some cases moderate
income households.
As the housing stock ages, the need for rehabilitation assistance may
increase. The city will provide assistance to homeowners to rehabilitate
deteriorating housing. Eligible activities under this program include such
things as repairing faulty plumbing and electrical systems, replacing
broken windows, repairing termite and dry-rot damage, and installing
horne weatherization improvements. Assistance may include financial
.incentives in the form of low interest and deferred payment loans. and
rebates. Households targeted for assistance include lower-income and
special needs (disabled, large, and senior) households.
I [
On November 6, 2012 the City Council
approved a $7 .4 .. million residual receipts loan
from the Housing Trust Fund to assist with the
acquisition of and rehabilitation of 42 1950's era
duplex units in the Barrio (known as the
Carol/Harding project) and in 2013, acquisition
of the property was completed. The rehabilitated
units were rent-restricted for 55 years to low
income households (50-60% AMI). In Aug.
2015, the owner submitted an application (SOP
15-18 Pacific Wind) for city review of a proposal
to demolish 22 duplexes, consolidate the lots
and construct a 90-unit apartment project that
would be 100% affordable. Relocation
assistance will be provided to existing tenants of
the duplexes.
In 2014, the city awarded CDBG funds
($454,000) and Housing Trust Funds
($2,600,4600) to Solutions For Change to
acquire an existing 16-unit apartment complex
in the Barrio and convert it to affordable housing
for graduates of their academy that helps
homeless families find permanent housing.
Over 2015, the property was acquired and
families began moving into the property.
The city has implemented a Minor Home Repair
Grant Program for low-income owner occupied
properties that provides loans of up to $5,000,
which are forgiven after five years. Two loans
were issued in 2015.
Item 3; page 11
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2:1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status
of At-Risk
the RHNA
2 .. 1
One project within the city-Santa Fe Ranch Apartments-may be
considered as at risk if the owner pays off bonds early. While this is
unlikely since the current income at affordable levels is not substantially
lower than the potential income at market rates, the city wiil nonetheless
monitor its status. Through monitoring, the city will ensure tenants receive
proper notification of any changes. The city will also contact nonprofit
housing developers to solicit interest in acquiring and managing the
property in the event this or any similar project becomes at risk of
converting to market rate.
The city will continue to monitor the absorption of residential acreage in
all densities and, if needed, recommend the creation of additional
residential acreage at densities sufficient to meet the city's housing need
for current and future residents. Any such actions shall be undertaken
only where consistent with the Growth Management Plan.
The analysis in Section 10.3 (Resources Available) identifies examples
of how housing has been built on very small sites, such as .in the Village
and Barrio. However, to expand opportunities for additional affordable
housing, the city will encourage the consolidation of small parcels in order
to facilitate larger-scale developments that are compatible with existing
neighborhoods. Specifically, the city will continue to make available an
inventory of vacant and underutilized properties to interested developers,
market infill and redevelopment opportunities throughout the city,
including the Village and Barrio, and meet with developers to identify and
discuss potential project sites.
0 HNS, P
The city continues to monitor the affordability
status of the Santa Fe Ranch Apartments. To
date, the owner has not approached the city
about paying off the bonds early.
The city reviews residential development
applications for compliance with meeting the
minimum densities on which the city relies to
meet its share of regional housing needs.
Consistent with state law and the city's land use
policies, the city shall not approve applications
below the minimum densities established in the
Housing Element unless it makes the following
a. The reduction is consistent with the adopted
general plan, including the housing element.
b. The remaining sites identified in the housing
element are adequate to accommodate the
City's share of the regional housing need
pursuant to Government Code Section 65584.
The city continues to make available an
inventory of vacant and underutilized properties
and works with interested developers on infill
and redevelopment opportunities. In Aug. 2015,
the owner of the Carol Harding duplexes (see
program 1.3) submitted an application (SOP 15-
18 Pacific Wind) for city review of a proposal to
demolish 22 duplexes, consolidate the lots and
construct a 90-unit apartment project that would
be 100% affordable.
Item 3; page 12
Part 2 -Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
HE Program
Table 2.1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program lmplementation.Status
~~P~r=og~ra~m~~---#~~-+---~~-·-•·---·--------~D~e~sc~r~iLpt~io_n~------··------------t~~S~ta=t=u~s~~D~i~v--~ ___________ C_o_m_m __ e_nm ____________ __
Flexibility iri
Mixed Use
The Planning Division, in its review of development applications, may
recommend waiving or modifying certain development standards, or
propose changes to the Municipal Code to encourage the development
of low and moderate income housing. The city offers offsets to assist in
the development of affordable housing citywide. Offsets include
concessions or assistance including, but not limited to, direct financial
assistance, density increases, standards modifications, or any other
financial, land use, or regulatory concession that would result in an
identifiable cost reduction.
The city will encourage mixed-use developments that include a
residential component. Major commercial centers should incorporate,
where appropriate, mixed commercial/residential uses.
The city considers density increases, waivers
and modifications to development standards to
assist in the development of affordable housing
on a case by case basis.
In 2015, the city conducted a preliminary review
for a mixed use commercial and residential
project at 1044 Carlsbad Village Drive that
proposed a density increase.
The city considers mixed use developments on a
case by case basis.
The following projects were reviewed or
approved in the Village area in 201_5:
-CT 13-05 State Street Townhomes project
was approved in June 2014, which includes 41
live/work townhomes and six affordable
residential condos. The project began issuing
building permits in March 2015.
-CT 14-01 State Street Mixed Use 30 was
approved by City Council in Jan. 2015, and
proposes 14 'multi-family residential units, i 3
timeshare units and 4,529 s.f. of commercial
-Under review is The Wave, which is a mixed
use project that proposes 8 residential units,
13 timeshare units and one retail space.
-The city conducted a preliminary review for a
mixed use commercial and residential project
at 1 044 Carlsbad Village Drive that proposed
a density increase.
Outside of the Village area, the city was
conducting reviews of
-A development application for the Uptown
Bressi project (EIR 15-01), which proposes a
mixed use development with 125 townhomes
and approximately 80,000 s.f. of commercial
Item 3; page 13
Part 2 -Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status
r---~H=E---.~p~--~.---~~. rogram
Program #
Conservation 2.4
The city has established requirements, programs, and actions to
improve household energy efficiency, promote sustainability, and lower
utility costs. The city shall enforce state requirements for energy
conservation, including the latest green building standards, and promote
and participate in regional water conservation and recycling programs.
Create a coordinated energy conservation strategy, including
strategies for residential uses, as part of a citywide Climate Action
In the Village, encourage energy conservation and higher density
development by the modification of development standards (e.g.
parking standards, building setbacks, height, and increased density)
as necessary to:
-Enable developments to qualify for silver level or higher LEED
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
Certification, or a comparable green building rating, and to
maintain the financial feasibility of the development with such
-Achieve densities at or above the minimum required if the
applicant can provide acceptable evidence that application of
the development standards precludes development at. such
Facilitate resource conservation for all households by making
available, through a competitive pr.ocess, CDBG funds to non-profit
organizations that could use such funds to replace windows,
plumbing fixtures, and other physical improvements in lower-income
neighborhoods, shelters, and transitional housing.
Encourage infill development in urbanized areas, particularly in the
Village and Barrio, through implementation of the Village Master
Plan and Design Manual and the allowed density ranges in the
Status Div
0 P,B
The city's comprehensive General Plan Update
project includes a Climate Action Plan. The
General Plan and Climate Action· Plan were
approved by the City Council in Sept. 2015.
In 2015, the city finaled 1 ,203 building permits for
photovoltaic panels on residential structures.
In 2015, the city continued to implement the 2013
Building Energy Efficiency Standards as
established by the CEC.
In 2015, the city continued working on an update
to its Village Master Plan and Design Manual that
incorporates the area of the Barrio into the plan.
Under consideration are policies and standards
revisions that would incentivize infill development
and enhance pedestrian connections through
land uses and building and street design to help
realize the smart growth potential of the areas.
Item 3; page 14
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
f----P_ro_.~"'-;1 _am_--+-_P_ro_~ __ r_am_ !----~··_T_a_b_l_e_.·2-'--._1_._C_Y_D_2:_~_:_r_._i:_:_:_:_in~g-·_e_;_le_m_e-nt-P-ro_g_r:_a_m_lmr---::-:-=-=:===:-n-+ta-. -'-ti0"-~'-'·:_S_tar-tu_s ___ --'-_._C-'o..:...:mc:.cm=e.:c.:nc:..:t:.:::..s ____ =~
The city wm oontlnue to Implement rts lncluslonary Housing Q,dlnance, --1
which requires a minimum of 15 percent of all ownership and qualifying I The city continue~ to e~plore potential adoption I
rental residential projects of seven or more units be restricted and of a housing impact fee for development of
affordable to lower income households. This program requires an rental units if affordable units are not included
agreement between all residential developers subject to this in a development. ·
inclusionary requirement and the city which stipulates:
• The number of required lower income inclusionary units;
• The designated sites for the location of the units;
• A phasing schedule for production of the units; and
• The term of affordability for the units.
For all ownership and qualifying rental projects of fewer than seven
units, payment of a fee in lieu of inclusionary units is permitted. The fee
is based on a detailed study that calculated the difference in cost to
produce a market rate rental unit versus a lower-income affordable unit.
As of 2013, the in-lieu fee permarket-rate dwelling unit was $4,515.
The fee amount may be modified by the City Council from time-to-time
and is collected at the time of building permit issuance for the market
rate units. The city will continue to utilize inclusionary in-lieu fees
collected to assist in the development of affordable units.
The city will apply lnclusionary Housing Ordinance requirements to
rental projects if the project developer agrees by contract to limit rent as
consideration for a "direct financial contribution" or other form· of
assistance specified in density bonus law; or if the project is at a density
that exceeds the applicable GMCP density, thus requiring the use of
"excess dwelling units," as described in Section 10.3 (Resources
Pursuant to City Council Policy Statement 43, the city will continue to
utilize "excess dwelling units," described in Section 10.3 (Resources
Available), for the purpose of enabling density transfers, density
increases/bonuses and General Plan amendments to increase allowed
The city continues to implement its lnclusionary
Housing Ordinance. In 2015, building permits
were issued for nine dwelling units required to
be affordable through lnclusionary requirements
for the following projects:
• Fair Oaks Valley/Shelley Property (CT 02-
17)-3 SDUs
• Valley 17 (CT 12-07)-3 SDUs
• Tabata 10 (CT 06-13)-3 SDUs
In addition, the following projects receiving
building permits in 2015 purchased lnclusionary
Housing credits at existing affordable
• La Costa Residential (CT 12-05)-6 credits
• T abata/Biackrail 16 (CT 03-06) -3 credits
• Coastal Living 1 0 (CT 13-02) -2 credits
• La Costa Villas (CT 13c06) - 1 credit
• Walnut Townhomes (CT12-03)-2 credits
• La Costa Town Square Residentiai!Artero
(CT 08-03) ~ 10 credits
In 2015 the in-lieu fee per market rate dwelling
unit remained at $4,515.
Through its continued implementation of the
Growth Management Plan, the city tracks
development and the Excess Dwelling Unit Bank
in its monthly Development Monitoring Report.
As of Dec. 2015, the excess unit balance was 764
Based on analysis conducted in Section 10.4 (Constraints and dwelling units inside the Village and 322 units outside of the Village. These units are available Mitigating Opportunities), the city can accommodate its 2010-2020 for qualifying projects, which include affordable l RHNA without the need to utilize excess dwelling units to accommodate housing and density bonuses.
the RHNA at each household income level.
.~_____t______ ______ _____[_____L______t____ __ ____j
Item 3; page 15
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015 Housing .Element Program Implementation Status
HE Program
Program # Description Status Div Comments ~~~~----+---~----~----------------------~~~--~------------~------~--~~--~--------+---~~----~--------~------~----~
Bonus 3.3
Consistent with state law (Government Code sections 65913.4 and
65915), the city continues to offer residential density bonuses as a
means of encouraging affordable housing development. In exchange for
setting aside a portion of the development as units affordable to lower
and moderate income households, the city will grant a density bonus
over the otherwise allowed maximum density, and up to three financial
incentives or regulatory concessions. These units must remain
affordable for a period of no less than 30 years and each project must
enter into an agreement with the city to be monitored by the Housing
and Neighborhood Services Division for compliance.
The density bonus increases with the proportion of affordable units set
aside and the depth of affordability (e.g. very low income versus low
income, or moderate income). The maximum density bonus a developer
can receive is 35 percent when a project provides 11 percent of the units
for very low income households, 20 percent for low income households,
or 40 percent for moderate income households.
Financial incentives and regulatory concessions may include but are not
limited to: fee waivers, reduction or waiver of development standards,
in-kind infrastructure improvements, an additional density bonus above
the requirement, mixed use development, or other financial
The city is currently amending its density bonus regulations (Municipal
Code Chapter 21.86) to ensure consistency with recent changes to state
density bonus law.
0/C P, HNS
The city continues to make available density
bonuses in compliance with state density bonus
law (SDBL). In 2015, there were no SDBL
applications filed with the city. The city also offers
density increases through its inclusionary
housing program as provided for in Municipal
Code Chapter 21.85.
In July 2015, the City Council adopted an
amendment to the density bonus regulations
(ZCA 14-02) in the Zoning Ordinance, Title 21 of
the city's Municipal Code. The purpose of the
project was to make the city's regulation of
density bonuses consistent with California
Assembly Bill 2222 (Nazarian) signed into law by
the governor at the end of 2014.
Since the city had last updated its density bonus
ordinance in February 2014, under AB 2222 the
state made procedural changes to density bonus
law with regard to replacement of demolished
dwelling units when requesting a new density
bonus and the time of density bonus
agreements. An amendment to address AB
2222 was adopted by the City Council in July
2015. Additional changes to the density bonus
law were made by the state at the end of 2015
(AB 744) and will be updated in a future
amendment by the City Council in 2016.
Item 3; page 16
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015Housing Element Program Implementation Status
Development ·
The city, through the Housing and Neighborhood Services Division, will
continue to work with private developers (both for-profit and non-profit) to
create housing opportunities for low, very low and extremely low income
The city will consider using Housing Trust Funds on a case-by-case basis
to offer a number of incentives to facilitate affordable housing
development. Incentives may include:
Payment of public facility fees; I
In-kind infrastructure improvements, including but not limited to
street improvements, sewer improvements, other infrastructure
improvements as needed;
Priority processing, including accelerated plan-check process, for
projects that do not require extensive engineering or environmental
review; and
Discretionary consideration of density increases above the
maximum permitted by the General Plan through review and
approval of a site development plan (SOP).
The city continues to provide information and
work with developers to assist them in creating
additional housing opportunities for lower income
On November 6, 2012 the City Council
approved a $7.4 million residual receipts loan
from the Housing Trust Fund to assist with the
acquisition of and rehabilitation of 42 1950's era
duplex units in the Barrio (known as the
Carol/Harding project) and in 2013, acquisition
of the property was completed. The rehabilitated
units were rent-restricted for 55 years to low
income households (50-60% AMI). In Aug.
2015, the owner submitted an application (SOP
15-18 Pacific Wind) for city review of a proposal
to demolish 22 duplexes, consolidate the lots
and construct a 90-unit apartment project that
would be 100% affordable. Relocation
assistance will be provided to existing tenants of
the duplexes.
The city continues to offer incentives to facilitate
affordable housing, including those listed in
Program 2.2 above and Program 3.5.
Item 3; page 17
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status
Program #
Housing Trust
Section 8
The city will continue to implement a land banking program to acquire I
land suitable for development of housing affordable to lower and
moderate income households. The land bank may accept contributions
of land in-lieu of housing production required under an inclusionary
requirement, surplus land from the city or other public entities, and land
otherwise acquired by the city for its housing programs. This land would
be used to reduce the land costs of producing lower and moderate
income housing by the city or other parties.
The city has identified a list of nonprofit developers active in the region.
When a city-owned or acquired property is available, the city will solicit
the participation of these nonprofits to develop affordable housing.
Affordable housing funds will be made available to facilitate development
and the city will assist in the entitlement process.
The city will continue to maintain the Housing Trust Fund for the fiduciary
administration of monies dedicated to the development, preservation and
rehabilitation of affordable housing in Carlsbad. The Housing Trust Fund
will be the repository of all collected in-lieu fees, impact fees, housing
credits, loan repayments, and related revenues targeted for proposed
housing as well as other local, state and federal funds.
The city will explore additional revenue opportunities to contribute to the I
Housing Trust Fund, particularly, the feasibility of a housing impact fee· to .
generate affordable rental units when affordable units are not included in
a rental development
The Carlsbad Housing Authority will continue to administer the city's
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program to provide rental assistance
to very low income households.
The city participates in the San Diego Regional Mortgage Credit
Certificate (MCC) Program. By obtaining a MCC during escrow, a
qualified homebuyer can qualify for an increased loan amount The MCC
entitles the homebuyer to take a federal income tax credit of 20 percent
of the annual interest paid on the mortgage. This credit reduces the
federal income taxes of the buyer, resulting in an increase in the buyer's
net earnings.
The city continues to implement a land banking
program to acquire land suitable for
development of housing affordable to lower and
moderate income households. In 2015, there
were no offers ·to . donate land for affordable
The city continues to maintain the Housing Trust
Fund, which had an available balance of
approximately $14 million as of December 31,
In 2014, the city awarded CDBG funds
($454,000) and Housing Trust Funds
($2,600,4600) to Solutions For Change to
acquire an existing 16-unit apartment complex
in the Barrio and convert it to affordable housing
for graduates of their academy that helps
homeless families find permanent housing.
The Housing Authority continues to operate
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Approximately 545 households were assisted
through the program in 2015.
The city continues to participate in the MCC
Program, however, no certificates issued in 2015.
Item 3; page 18
Part 2 -Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Housing for
Persons with
Disabilities I
Housing for
Table 2.1 c;Y 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status ----~~----~----~----~----~ Program
# Description Status Div Comments -----------+~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~---------~1
The city will continue to encourage a wide variety of senior housing
opportunities, especially for lower-income seniors with special needs,
through the provision of financial assistance and regulatory incentives as
specified in the city's Housing for Senior Citizens Ordinance (Municipal
Code Chapter 21 .84). Projects assisted with these incentives will be
subjected to the monitoring and reporting requirements to assure
3.10 compliance with approved project conditions. 0
In addition, the city has sought and been granted California Constitution
Article 34 authority by its voters to produce up to 200 senior-only, low-
income restricted housing units. The city would need to access its Article
34 authority only when it provides financial assistance and regulates
more than 51 percent of the development
The city has an adopted ordinance to provide individuals with disabilities
"reasonable accommodation" in land use, zoning and building
regulations. This ordinance seeks to provide equal opportunity in the
development and use of housing for people with disabilities through
flexibility in regulations and the waiver of certain requirements in order to
eliminate barriers to fulfilling this objective.
·The city will continue to evaluate the success of this measure and adjust
the ordinance as needed to ensure that it is effective. Moreover, the city
will seek to increase the availability of housing and supportive services to
the most vulnerable population groups, including people with disabilities
through state and federal funding sources, such as HUD's Section 811
program and CDBG funding.
In those developments that are required to include 1 0 or more units
affordable to lower-income households, at least 10 percent of the lower
income units should have three or more bedrooms. This requirement
does not pertain to lower-income senior housing projects.
The city continues to encourage senior housing
opportunities through finanCial assistance and
regulatory incentives. No new senior housing
was added in 2.
The city has begun priority processing for the
College Blvd. improvement plans and a
mitigation site for future road construction
HNS, P impacts. In July 2015, the mitigation site was
approved by the City Council, and financing was
secured for College Blvd. Completion of College
Blvd. will allow the construction of the previously
approved Dos Colinas senior facility and the
Encinas Creek Apartments project, and facilitate
planning for a future potential apartment site
known as Basin BJ.
The city continues to consider requests for
"reasonable accommodation" in land use, zoning
and building regulations on a case by case basis.
No reasonable accommodation requests were
received in 2015.
The city continues to implement this program as
part of its inclusionary housing ordinance. No
three-bedroom affordable units were
constructed in 2015.
Item 3; page 19
Part 2-Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015Housing Element Program Implementation Status
Program # Description Status Div Comments
Housing for
the Homeless
Services. for
Homeless and
Military and
Carlsbad will continue to facilitate and assist with the acquisition, for
lease or sale, and development of suitable sites for emergency shelters
and transitional housing for the homeless population. This facilitation and
assistance will include:
• Participating in a regional or sub-regional summit(s) including
decision-makers from north San Diego County jurisdictions and
SANDAG for the purposes of coordinating efforts and resources to
address homelessness;
• Assisting local non-profits and charitable organizations in securing
state and federal funding for the acquisition, construction and
management of shelters; and
• Continuing to provide funding for local and sub-regional homeless
service providers that operate temporary and emergency shelters.
The city will continue to provide CDBG funds to community, social
welfare, non-profit and other charitable groups that provide services for
those with special needs in the north San Diego County area.
Furthermore, the city will work with agencies and organizations that
receive CDBG funds to offer a city referral service for homeless shelter
and other supportive services.
The city will continue to implement its Second Dwelling Unit Ordinance
(Section 21.10.015 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) and will continue to
support alternative types of housing, such as hotels and managed living
units to accommodate extremely-low income households.
The city will assure that information on the availability of assisted or
below-market housing is provided to all lower-income and special needs
groups. The Housing and Neighborhood Services Division will provide
information to local military and student housing offices of the availability
of low-income housing in Carlsbad.
The City Council approved a grant of federal
Community Development Block Grant program
funds in the amount of $454,000 and .a loan from
the city's Housing Trust Fund in the amount of
$2,436,000 to acquire an existing 16-unit
apartment complex at 945 Chestnut Avenue.
This purchase ·of property is in partnership with
Solutions for Change. After the full rehabilitation
of all the units, ·the apartment complex will
provide permanent affordable housing
opportunities for 16 homeless families who have
graduated from the Solutions University. In 2015,
the property was acquired and families began
moving into the property
During the 2015-2016 CDBG program year, the
city allocated $76,500 in funding assistance to 8
social service providers in North County and
serves as a referral agency for homeless shelters
and support services.
The city continues to implement the Second
Dwelling Unit Ordinance and consider alternative
types of housing. In 2015, building permits were
issued for 27 second dwelling units.
The city provides information on assisted and
below markethousing to individuals and groups
needing that information.
Item 3; page 20
Part 2 -Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Tabte 2.1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status
As a function of the building permit process, the city will monitor and
record Coastal Zone housing data including, but not limited to, the
1. The number of housing units approved for construction, conversion
or demolition within the coastal zone after January 1, 1982.
2. The number of housing units for persons and families of low or
moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of the Health and
Safety Code, required to be provided in new housing developments
within the coastal zone.
3. The number of existing residential dwelling units occupied by
persons and families of low or moderate income that are authorized
to be demolished or converted in the coastal zone pursuant to
Section 65590 0f the Government Code.
4. The number of residential dwelling units occupied by persons and
families of low or moderate income, as defined in Section 50093 of
the Health and Safety Code that are required for replacement or
authorized to be converted or demolished as identified above. The
location of the replacement units, either onsite, elsewhere within the
city's coastal zone, or within three miles of the coastal zone in the
city, shall be designated in the review.
Status Div
0 p
1) In 2015, building permits. were issued for 52
dwelling units in the Coastal Zone (37 single
family dwellings, of which 7 were attached
townhomes, four 2-4 unit structures and 11
second dwelling units).
2) In 2015, building permits were issued for
three second dwelling units required to be
affordable (through lnclusionary or Density
Bonus requirements) in the Coastal Zone.
The following projects receiving building
permits in 2014 purchased lnclusionary
Housing credits at existing affordable
apartments: Walnut Townhomes (CT 12-03)
and Carlsbad 16 (CT 03-06).
3) 0
4) 0
Item 3; page 21
Part 2 -Program Implementation Status-January 2015 through December 2015
Table 2.1 CY 2015 Housing Element Program Implementation Status
HE Program
Program # Description Status Div Comments
First, to retain the Housing Element as a viable policy document, the
Planning Division will review the Housing Element annually and schedule
an amendment if necessary. As required by state law. city staff will prepare I
I and submit annual progress reports to the City Council, SANDAG, and
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
Second, Senate Bill 575 requires that a jurisdiction revise its housing
element every four years, unless it meets both of the following criteria: (1)
the jurisdiction adopted the fourth revision of the element no later than
March 31, 201 0; and (2) the jurisdiction completed any rezoning contained Element in the element by June 30, 2010. While implementation of the city's 2005-Annual 2010 Housing Element satisfied the first criterion, it did not meet the Progress second. Although rezoning was completed before the end of the extended Report and 3.18 Housing Element period (April 30, 2013) to satisfy the adequate sites 0 P,HNS The city will continue its annual reporting. Mid-Planning program, it was not completed in time to meet the SB 575 requirement. Period
Housing The city will build on the annual review process to develop a mid-planning Element period (four-year) Housing Element update that includes the following: Update
• Review program implementation and revision of programs and
policies, as needed;
• Analysis of progress in meeting the RHNA and updates to the sites
inventory as needed;
• Outcomes from a study session that will be held with the Planning
Commission to discuss mid-period accomplishments and take public
comment on the progress of implementation. The city will invite
service providers and housing developers to participate.
With assistance from outside fair housing agencies, the city will continue to
offer fair housing services to its residents and property owners. Services
• Distributing educational materials to property owners, apartment The city contracts with GSA San Diego County, a
Fair Housing managers, and tenants; fair housing agency, to provide their services to
Services 4.1 • Making public announcements via different media (e.g. newspaper 0 HNS Carlsbad residents and property owners .
ads and public service announcements at local radio and television Services include those listed in the column to the
channels); left.
• Conducting public presentations with different community groups;
• Monitoring and responding to complaints of discrimination (i.e .
intaking, investigation of complaints, and resolution); and
• Referring services to appropriate agencies .
Item 3; page 22
Appendix A -Description of terms and methods
Regional Housing Needs-The determination of housing need for Carlsbad and all other
jurisdictions in California is derived from the Regional Housing Needs Assessment
(RHNA) prepared by the local regional councils of government (SANDAG) before the
beginning of each housing cycle. Based upon these assessments of need, the local
jurisdictions are required to adopt housing objectives in the housing elements of their
general plans.
A regional assessment of housing need is an estimate of the total need for new housing
construction throughout the region due to population growth forecasted to occur during a
specific time period. The overall housing need is then broken out by four income groups:
very low, low, moderate, and above-moderate (or upper-income)-all as defined by the
federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the state Department
of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The regional housing needs are then
allocated to the local jurisdictions on a "regional share" basis, according to models and
formulas designed by the SANDAG.
Table 1 shows Carlsbad's share of the current RHNA and is based upon housing growth
estimated by the State and SANDAG to occur in Carlsbad during the period January 1,
2010 through Dec. 31, 2020.
Table 1: Carlsbad's Share of the RHNA
January 1, 2010 through Dec. 31, 2020*
Income Group
Very Low
(% of AMI***)
50% or under
51 -80%
81 -120%
Over 120%
New Construction
(in housing units)
* SANDAG, RHNA PLAN: Fifth Housing Element Cycle Planning for Housing in the San Diego Region
201 o-2020, Table 4,
*' Definitions are from HUD, via the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
***AMI is the Area Median Income. The 2015 AMI for San Diego-Carlsbad-San Marcos MSA for a
family of four is $73,000.
Item 3; page 23
Definition of Income Groups -Table 1 defines each of the four income groups as a
percentage of the county area median income (AMI). HUD annually revises the AMI
based on cost of living issues such as the relationship of housing prices to income. For
2015, HUD established the AMI for San Diego County at $73,000. In addition to
establishing the AMI, HUD also establishes income limits for each of the four income
groups which are adjusted for family size so that larger households have higher income
limits (see Table 2 below).
I Table 2: CY 2015 Qualifying Limits on Annual Income
By Household Size
Income Group Persons per Household
2 4 6 8
Very Low $ 32,400 $40,500 $47,000 $ 53,500
Low $ 51,850 $64,800 $75,200 $ 85,550
Moderate $ 64,250 $80,300 $93,150 $ 106,000
Above Moderate > $64,250 > $80,300 > $ 93,150 > $ 106,000
Source: "2015 Household Income Limits," U.S. Department of Housing an~ Urban
Development (effective Mar. 6, 2015)
Prices of Affordable Housing -Generally, the federal and state rule is that housing is
affordable to a given family if the family pays no more than 30% of its monthly income for
housing expenses that include the rent or mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance,
utilities, and the like. A determination of whether a housing unit is affordable can be easily
made for assisted public rental housing and other public housing programs because
documentation is maintained on both the individual household's income and the actual
cost of the unit in question (typically rental). Income group determinations for income
restricted (assisted) housing units shown in the tables of Part 1 were made by the
Carlsbad Housing and Neighborhood Services Department.
To determine affordable housing expenses for rentals, the practice is to set thresholds for
each income group, using the 30% rule, with adjustments for the number of bedrooms (a
convention developed in 1993 by member agencies of the San Diego Association of
Governments assumes two persons per bedroom). An additional adjustment is also
made for utility allowance, as required by HUD. Table 3 provides the resulting maximum
market rate rental expenses (which include rent and a utility allowance that increases with
household size) for the very low, low, and moderate-income groups for CY 2015.
Item 3; page 24
Table 3 CY 2015 Qualifying Rent and. Utility Expenses
By Number of Bedrooms
Income Group Number of Bedrooms
1 2 3 4
Very low $ 810 . $1,012 $ 1 '175 $ 1,337
Low $ 1,296 $ 1,620 $ 1,880 $ 2,138
Moderate $ 1,606 $2,007 $2,328 $2,650
' Above Moderate > $ 1,606 > $2,007 > $2,328 > $2,650
Source: "2015 Household Income Limits," U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (effective Mar. 6, 2015)
With regard to for-sale housing, there is no federal or state required formula to determine
the sales price that would be considered affordable. The only federal or state requirement
is that the mortgage amount (including taxes, insurance. utilities, etc.) must not exceed
30% of the monthly income of the household (to be considered affordable to a specific
income group, see Table 2).
The varying factors (interest rates, closing costs, lending programs, etc.), which impact
the mortgage amount, make it difficult to specify certain sales prices that are considered
affordable to the various income groups. To simplify determining afford ability for reporting
purposes, the city uses a rule-of-thumb formula similar to that employed by many
mortgage-lending institutions, which was reviewed and accepted by the SANDAG and
the California Department of Housing and Community Development. The rule-of-thumb
formula is as follows:
Affordable sales price = 3. 0 x maximum-allowed-annual income for each class, adjusted
for bedroom count.
Based on this formula Table 4 gives the qualifying purchase price for housing for the
different income groups. The table illustrates that a three-bedroom house costing no
more than $279,450 would be the maximum affordable to a moderate-income family.
Item 3; page 25
Table 4: CY 2015 Qualifying Purchase Price
By Number of Bedrooms
Income Group Number of Bedrooms.
1 2 3 4
Very Low $ 97,200 $ 121,500 $141,000 $ 160,500
Low $ 155,550 $ 194,400 $225,600 $256,650
Moderate $ 192,750 $240,900 $279,450 $ 318,000
Above Moderate > $ 192,750 > $240,900 > $279,450 > $318,000
* 3X multiplier was developed by an ad hoc committee at SANDAG with subsequent
approval by the SANDAG Board in 1993. (There is no formula in state law) The rule
also assumes 2 persons per bedroom to provide a correspo'ldence back to HUD
affordability rules based upon persons per household (as opposed to bedrooms).
Other terms -Definitions for terms used in this appendix as well as Part 1 of the report:
Assistance Programs/Assisted Units -units receiving financial assistance from
the city or other and/or other subsidy sources and have affordability deed
Deed Restricted Units -units considered affordable due to local program or
policy, such as inclusionary housing ordinance. These units may also be assisted
Non-deed Restricted Units/Market Rate Units -Units that received no financial
assistance from the city and have no affordability restrictions.
Unit Category-SF (Single-family units), 2-4 (two to four unit structures), 5+ (five
or more unit structures), SU (second-units), MH (mobile homes).
Description of housing product types:
Single-family detached-A single home on a single lot, detached from any other
unit, except for an attached second dwelling unit.
Condominium-A detached or attached home on commonly owned property.
Apartment-A unit that can only be rented and not owned.
Duplex-Two units on a single lot. Units cannot be individually sold.
Second Dwelling Unit -A completely independent dwelling unit on the same lot
as a primary residence. A second dwelling unit may be attached to or detached
from the primary residence.