HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-08-15; City Council; Resolution 2017-158RESOLUTION NO. 2017-158
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary,
desirable, and in the public interest to construct the park improvements for the Pine Avenue Park
Community Center & Gardens Project (Project), Project No. 4603; and
WHEREAS, on Oct. 25, 2016, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution No.
2016-219, approving the contract documents, plans and specifications for the Project; and
WHEREAS, on Jan. 24, 2017, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad awarded a contract to
Barnhart Reese Construction, Inc. to construct improvements for the Project; and
WHEREAS, participation in the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Savings by Design Program for
the Pine Avenue Park Community Center will help achieve energy savings as required per the city's
Energy Conservation and Management Policy No. 71 and Climate Action Plan; and
WHEREAS, SDG&E estimates the city is eligible for $27,214 of incentives based on the current
energy efficient design of the Pine Avenue Park Community Center & Gardens Project, Project No.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. ' That the Public Works Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute the
agreement, attached hereto as Attachment A, with SDG&E for participation in the
Savings by Design Program.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 15th day of August, 2017, by the following vote, to wit:
M. Hall, K. Blackburn, C. Schumacher, M. Packard.
M. Schumacher
2017 Savings By Des ign Owner Agreement: Whole Building Approach
Th is Agreement is entered into by San Diego Gas & Electric (hereafter referred to as "SDG&E"} and the Owner (as indicated herein}.
This Agreement is a one-time offer to provide design assistance and a financial incentive to the Owner for participation in the
Savings By Design Program ("Program"} pursuant to the terms and conditions outlined herein and in the Savings By Design
Program Documents ("Program Documents"). The Program Documents are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and
include t he 1} Savings By Design brochure, and the 2) 2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook, which have been provided
to the Owner. Funding approved for this Program is limited and will be paid on a first-come, first-served basis to qualified
applica nts. Funds will only be reserved upon SDG&E's execution of this Agreement. This incentive offer is subject to the
availability of authorized funds. This Agreement is valid for forty-eight (48} months from the date SDG&E executes this
Agreement. SDG&E will deliver an executed copy of this Agreement to the Owner after acceptance and execution by SDG&E.
This incentive offer is an estimate and is subject to the availability of authorized funds. SDG&E reserves the right to modify or
cancel t he incentive offer if the actual system(s} installed differs from the proposed installation.
Additionally, self-generation systems (such as photovoltaics, fuel cells, micro turbines, and cogeneration systems) are not
eligible for incentives. This project may be subject to a significant reduction in incentives, up to and including zero
incentives p~id if it is discovered at the time of inspection that a self-generation system or device has been installed at
the project site to reduce the quantity of electricity purchased from SDG&E. Furthermore, the energy purchased for the
project site must be purchased from SDG&E under a tariff that collects Public Purpose Programs funds. .lni1lillQ
SDG&E reserves the right to modify or discontinue this Program without prior notice at its discretion, a~cknowledge
or by order of the CPUC. Payment of authorized incentives shall be made to the Owner only after all program .
requirements are met and upon verification of installation by an SDG&E Savings By Design Program Representative.
•Tobe eligible for incentives under this Program, Owner's project must be nonresidential new construction or renovation/
remodel located within SDG&E's service territory.
• Owner must install the energy-efficient equipment or system(s} specified in the "Proposed Design and Incentive Estimate"
section of this agreement (the "Proposed Design"} which at minimum exceeds Title 24 standards or a generally-accepted
industry standard for energy efficiency.
• Installation of any energy-efficient equipment required for compliance with Title 24 will not qualify for incentives under this
• Energy savings, and incentives based on those savings, will be based on energy efficiency improvements beyond the minimum,
currently in effect, Title 24 requirements, where applicable.
• Specific Restrictions apply to each energy efficiency system, as outlined in the Program Documents.
•Tobe eligible for incentives under this Program, Owner agrees that they will not apply for or receive incentives offered by local
or state entities or other utilities for measures covered under this Agreement.
• Install and operate the Proposed Design in accordance with applicable laws, safety standards, and existing governmental
regulations or orders.
• Provide SDG&E with Title 24 compliance documentation plus any other document ation needed to establish the performance of
systems selected. Owner agrees to provide SDG&E with all documentation necessary for verification of installation and
performance of energy efficient systems qualifying for incentives.
• Provide manufacturer's specification sheets to SDG&E prior to the payment of the incentive. Also, upon request, Owner agrees to
submit vendor and/or contractor invoice(s} to verify that incentive payments will not exceed 75 percent of the incremental costs
associated with the purchase/installation of the energy efficient technologies.
• Accept as final authority, SDG&E's determination of the incentive amount.
• Allow SDG&E and California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC"} representatives reasonable access to Owner's project site to
inspect and verify installation and operation. Owner understands that said inspection and verification is not an electrical safety
"'SOG&E'" refers to San Diego Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of Sempra EnergyCorporc1tion. 0 2017 San Diego Gu and Elect1lc Company. All lights reserved. These offerings are funded by California utility customers and administered
by SDG&E und•r th• ausplcos of the calirornla Public Utillti•s Commission. Janua,y 2017 W80A-lOl7•001 2 of 3
2017 Savings By Design Owner Agreement: Whole Building Approach
• Participate in measurement and evaluation studies, if selected. These studies are used to analyze current program
performance and improve future program designs. Owner agrees to fully cooperate with the study team if asked to
• Owner shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SDG&E, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company, officers, directors, agents,
and employees from and against all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, and liability arising from or connected with Owner's
participation in the Program. Owner shall, at SDG&E's request, provide a defense against any claim covered by this indemnity.
• In no instance shall SDG&E be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages as a result of this Agreement.
• Owner understands that SDG&E makes no representations and warranties as to proper installation, product endorsement,
technical feasibility, operational capability, and/or reliability of equipment for which incentives are paid. Owner agrees not to
make any such representations and warranties to third parties and agrees to indemnify SDG&E in the event said representation
and warranties are made to third parties. Owner further acknowledges that any incentive paid is funded through Public Goods
Charges from California ratepayers and that said incentives are intended for the benefit of customers of California utilities.
• Owner consents to SDG&E's assignment, in its discretion, all of SDG&E's rights, duties, and obligations under this Agreement
("Duties'1 to the CPUC or its designee. Such assignment shall relieve SDG&E of all duties arising under this Agreement. Other than
such assignment by SDG&E, neither party shall assign its right or delegate its duties without the prior written consent of the other
party, except in connection with the sale or merger of a substantial portion of its properties. Consent to assignment shall not be
unreasonably withheld. If an assignment is requested, Owner may be required to provide additional information if requested by
• Owner agrees that SDG&E will receive the energy benefit for which the Owner incentive is paid, for a period of not less than five
(S) years or the rated life of the equipment if that is less than five (5) years. Owner agrees that if 1) Owner does not provide Utility
with 100 percent of the related benefits specified in the application, for a period of five years from the receipt of the incentive, or
2) the energy benefit to SDG&E ceases (for example, if Owner' stops using the equipment or no longer pays the Public Goods
Charge (PGC),) Owner will return to SDG&E the prorated portion of the Owner Incentive dollars based on the actual period of time
for which Owner failed to provide the energy benefit.
• Incentives may be taxable and will be reported by SDG&E to the IRS unless Owner qualifies under an exempt status. SDG&E will
report the incentive as income to Owner on IRS Form 1099 unless Owner has established that it qualifies for an exempt tax status
as indicated on this Agreement. Owner is urged to consult a tax advisor concerning the taxability of incentives. SDG&E is not
responsible for any taxes that may be imposed due to incentive payments.
• By execution of this Agreement, Owner certifies that Owner meets all the program eligibility requirements and that the
information supplied on this Agreement is true and correct. Owner certifies that Owner has read and understands the Program
Documents and agrees to abide by Program rules and requirements set forth in the Program Documents. To be valid, this
Agreement must be signed by all parties prior to December 31, 2017.
In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date last set forth below.
ff~ ---
Signature ~ \}.;;ature
Elaine Lukey Michelle Costello
Owner's Representative (Print Name From Above)
Public Works Director t5.Z.<-f ' / l
SDG&E REPRESENTATIVE (Print Name From Above) d
EE Non-Res Programs MGR <J\u'::J t l 1
Title Date Title Date
"SOG&E· r"fe,s to San Diego Gas and EIKblc Company, a subsidiary of Sempra EnergyCorpo,ation. 0 2017 Scln Diego Gas and Electric Company. All righU reserved. lhe.se offerings are fundl!d by California utility customer.sand •dministe,ed
by SOG&E under the auspkes of the Califomla Public Utilities Commis.s1on. January 2017 WBOA-2017·001 3 of 3
Savings By Design
10379010 -Pine Ave Park Community Center (5001256512)
Summary of Energy Savings and Incentives
% better Owner
Building Description kW kWh Therms than T24 Sq Ft. Incentive
Community Center 0.0 93,749 733 32.3% 17,050 $31,014.00
Preliminary Savings & Incentive (prior to PV reduction) 0.0 93,749 733 $31,014.00
PV Adjustment to Calculations
!Preliminary Energy Saving & Incentive 92.63% 0.0 93,749 733 $31,014.00i
! PV Savings & Incentive Adjustments: 7.37% 4.2 (6,883) 0.0 $ (3,800.00) !
I I •-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~
% better Owner
FINAL PROJECT ENERGY SAVINGS & INCENTIVE: 4.2 86,866 733 32.3% 17,050 $27,214.00
., "' I!" :, -:1 .. ., :em be 10379010 Pine Ave Park Community Center (5001256512) Run No. AD E1 E2 E3 E4 ES E6 EP v6.7.0.4 CZ7 E. nerav t::rrtctenc Building sq-ft" Measure As Designed See Note AD below for model Information Notes: AE: Craig Bullock Modeled By: T Squared Engineen: v Measures ;:;,ummarv 17,050 Total Building Average Average 2pm-5pm Annual Annual 2pm-5pm %Better Peak Electricity Therms Peak than T24 Demand Consumed Consumed Demand Usa0<> Savt!!<!• lkW/vr\ lkWh/vr\ ltherm<ivr\ lkW/vrl 32.3% . 287,513 . ( -• -: ·,. --' ' -AO Edited provided EnergyPro model: Includes Ken's Ltg evaluation E1 E2 E3 E4 ES E6 Annual Electricity Saved• lkWhlvrl 93,740 ' -I ;ii -,, ' --' -Annual Owner Therms Incentive Saved• ($) Ctherms/vrl 733 $31.014 . ... ' ----. -. Reviewed: James G. RoclH. SDG&E Incentive 10% End Use Moitoring Parking Annual Combined Incentive Incentive .. Lighting Savings• ($) 1$\ $/sn-ft l~h,r\ $31,014 $ 1.82 s 9,838 so s -,1 $0 $ .• $0 $ . so s -so $ -$0 $ -'Compared to As Designed .,To qualify for the End Use Monitoring or Enhanced Commislonlng Incentives, please see the guidelines in the Savings by Design Participant Handbook •••This •rough order of magn~ude' estimate of IMC is based on RS Means or Cost Estimators reports or Industry Standard Practice. It is reliable, however no cost is guarenteed; Customers are encouraged to double check these values, and/or provide their own. Incremental Measure Cost % Better than T24 (IMC)" ... 1$\ 0% 5% 10% 15% s 1,066 '!';", ~ ·-·-~· }/\ I '.' \\nas-cp1 a\data2WKTGISHAREICPS\0Tl\SBO lnfo\Olgllal_Pl'Ojoct_Flles\SBOIProject_Oireetory\02_ YNauta\1037901 O_PinoAvePari<comrmmityCenter_ YNIOJ_E><Ante\03.2_ CUSTSELC\03.2.1_SLFGEN\5001256512_PineAvoPar1<_EEM_Summa,y.Jdsx 20%
3 10379010 Pine Ave Park Community Center -SolarPV
Standard Proposed Margin
7 Space Heating 36.94 9.74 27.20
8 Space Cooling 221.04 99.29 121.75
9 Indoor Fans 24.06 36.88 -12.82
10 Heat Rejection 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Pumps 1.27 0.00 1.27
12 Domestic Hot Water 68.34 70.63 -2.29
13 Lighting 81.51 42.83 38.68
14 Receptacle 104.80 104.80 0.00
15 Process 2.33 2.33 0.00
16 Process Lighting 0.00 0.00 0.00
17 Totals: 540.29 366.50 173.79
19 Average 2pm -5pm Standard Proposed Margin
20 Peak Demand (kW) 83.5 79.3 4.2
21 Standard Proposed
22 ENERGY COMPONENT Electricity Nat. Gas Electricity Nat. Gas
23 (kWh) (therms) (kWh) (therms)
24 Space Heating 0 733 11,485
25 Space Cooling 137,679 0 42,273
26 Indoor Fans 15,367 0 28,682
27 Heat Rejection 0 0 0
28 Pumps 415 0 0
29 Domestic Hot Water 98,541 0 101,841
30 Lighting 54,900 0 28,847
31 Receptacle 72,459 0 72,459
32 Process 1,999 0 1,999
Adjusted TDV Energy Use
(Exdudes Process Energy)
Standard Proposed
Design Design Margin
540.291 -1 366.501 =I 113.791
Standard %Below
Margin Design Title-24
173.791" 537.961 =I 32.3%1
Conditioned Floor Area (sq.ft.): 17,050 sq.ft.
The values below are results from an EnergyPro
"Noncompliance" energy analysis.
Margin Qualifying Margin
Electricity Nat. Gas Adjustment
(kWh) (therms) 0.9263
-10,639 733 eligible / gross
88,377 0
-12,335 0
0 0
384 0
-3,057 0
24,134 0
0 0
0 0
33 Process Lighting 0 0 0 0 0 0 .,_ ___ ...
34 Totals: ~~ m m~ o ¾~ m
Electricity (kWh)
41 Electricity (kW)
42 A~ Sempra Energy utiutV-
44 Natural Gas (therms)
45 These results are for Self-Generation projects with 8760
46 annual hour analysis showing hours in which measure is
"purchasing" energy. Hours of over production
47 ("selling") are not eligible for incentives, and these
48 results have been adjusted to reflect this.
s r um
% Be owT-24
(from step 2)
30.o I xi I 30.0%1:Ja---·L __ _
100.oi xi
!Owner Incentive
(from step 3) Subtotal
86,8661 =I $26,0601
4.21 =I $421 1
7331 =I $733 1
therms 100.0%
-1 $27,2141
($150,000 max)
Self-Generation -PV Report
10379010 Pine Ave Park Community Center -SolarPV Date:
3/16/2017 FIie: 10379010 PineAveParkCtr PV Calc.xlsx
Eligible Savings, kWh/yr: 86,865.6 Margin, kW: 4.21
Photo-Voltaic Analysis -Procedure to Establish Eligibility & Incentive
PV Reduction: 3.9" Climate Zone: 7
1. Run EnergyPro model in T-24 Compliance mode and Non-compliance mode.
2. Save output from parametric runs in "StandardNC.csv" and "ProposedNC.csv" for the
Non-compliance mode.
3. Print UTIL-1 and ECON-1 for Compliance mode; Print ECON-1 for Non-compliance
4. Go to PV Watts website, input PV system, using zip code, and select TMY3 data.
5. Save output as "hourly" data to "*.csv"
Save or Print "inputs and assumptions" into this spreadsheet.
6. Copy and Paste Non-compliance "StandardNC.csv" and "ProposedNC.csv" data into
this spreadsheet in appropriate tabs.
7. Copy and Paste PV-Watts "* .csv" data output into this spreadsheet.
8. Manually edit the "Energy Components" for both "Standard" and "Proposed" columns
in the "STEP-1" area of UTIL-1 tab (cells C7 .. C16 and E7 .. E16).
9. Standard -Proposed is "Margin" or Savings. This is compared to PV generation each
hour of the year. Qualifying Margin = minimum of "Purchase or Gross Margin".
10. Print UTIL 1, Non Compliance Runs, and Instructions Tabs below, for report.
Compile printed record/Report:
>UTIL-1 (w/ECON-1) SOG&E calculator;
>PV results tab; ,
11. >UTIL-1, ECON-1 from EnergyPro, for compliance and non;
>Summary & Procedures (instructions tab);
>PV documents and drawings;
>Backup documents, emails, etc.;
103 79010_P/neAveParkCtr_ PV_ Ca/c.xlsx Instructions Printed: 3/16/2017 5:57 PM
10379010 Pine Ave Park Community Center (5001256512)
EP v6.7.0.4 AE: Craig Bullock
Modeled by: T Squared Enginee El M t # ec. e er : _________________ _
17,050 sf CZ7 Gas Meter#: ______________ _
Electrical Inspector
Allowed Actual Checkoff
Lighting Power Density (watts/sf) 0.963 0.506 47.5% D
better than T-24
Split System No. of Manf. Model No. Tons Cooling EER Economizer I Notes Units
FC/CU-1, 3, 5, 6 4 Carrier 25HCD3 60 5.0 1.0 y D
FC/CU-2 1 Carrier 25HCD3 30 2-1/2 2.0 N
FC/CU-4 1 Carrier 25HCD3 48 4.0 3.0 N
FC/CU-7, 8, 9 3 Carrier 38MAQB 18 1-1/2 4.0 N
Packaged AJC Unit No.of Mani. Model No. Tons Cooling EER Economizer ~ Notes Units
RTU-1, 2 2 Carrier 50TCQD 14 12.0 11.6 SEER y
Water Heater/Boiler I ~~1,~
1 I Mani. Model No. 1a~r.:..1 Efficiency I
WH-1 Rheem Rheem 82VR30-2 15,533 0.90% Electric B
Envelo e
Glazing Manufacturer Description WlnlerU-SHGC Overhangs Factor
PPG Solarban 70XL 0.28 0.27 D
Roof U-Factor R-Value Joint App IV Ref
R-30 WOOD ROOF 0.035 28.6 JA4.2.2-A 17 B R-30 ROOF ATTIC 0.031 32.3 JA4.2.1-A20
Cool Roof A~ed Solar Reflectance I Therm Emltt I
Johns Manville JM TPO 0.1 0.85 D
Wall U-Factor · R=value Joint App IV Ref
R-19 Metal Stud 0.074 13.50 JA4.3.1-A5 D
Owner understands that changes to the Proposed Building Measures and Inspection Checklist, Including, alterations, D
substitutions, additions, or omissions will result In a project energy performance reconclliatlon review and may result In a
lower or higher energy efficiency Incentive payment.
2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook
January 2017
1.0 NEW FOR 2017 .................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 PROGRAM OVERVIEW AND POLICIES ............................................................................ 4
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Benefits of Participation ............................................................................................................ 4
2.1 .2 Designed for Nonresidential New Construction Projects .......................................................... 5
2.2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 General Requirements and Eligibility ............................................................................................... 9
2.4 The Participation and Basic Process ............................................................................................... 9
3.0 PROGRAM ASSISTANCE AND INCENTIVES .................................................................. 13
3.1 Design Assistance .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Design Resources .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Financial Incentives ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.3.1 Design Team lncentives .......................................................................................................... 14
3.3.2 End Use Monitoring Incentive ................................................................................................. 14
4.0 TWO PROGRAM APPROACHES TO EE BUILDINGS ..................................................... 15
4.1 Whole Building Approach ............................................................................................................... 15
4.1.1 Calculation Requirements ....................................................................................................... 15
4.1.2 Whole Building Approach incentives ....................................................... : ............................... 15
4.2 Systems Approach ......................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.1 System Approach lncentives ................................................................................................... 17
6.0 TABLES AND FIGURES ................................................................................................... 17
Page 59
2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook
January 2017
1.0 NEW FOR 2017
Systems Approach incentive changes:
1. Process Measure incentive rate to $.08/kWh.
2. Lighting systems to $0.08/kWh.
3. Demand incentive to $150/kW.1
Go on to the next page
1 For Systems Approach projects only, if at the discretion of the Investor Owned Utility (IOU), it is identified that the
customer can receive incentives for proposed energy efficiency measures through more cost-effective and streamlined
program offerings, the customer may be directed to apply for such programs (in lieu of Savings By Design program) by
the IOU.
Page 60
2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook
January 2017
Savings By Design (SBD) is California's nonresidential new construction energy
efficiency (EE) program, administered statewide and funded by Utility customers
through the Public Purpose Programs surcharge applied to gas and electric
These are the participating utilities:
• Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
• Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
• San Diego Gas And Electric (SDG&E)
• Southern California Edison (SCE)
• Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
This statewide approach offers the nonresidential building industry a multi-
faceted program designed to consistently serve the needs of the building
community throughout California. SBD encourages energy-efficient building
design and construction practices. It promotes the efficient use of energy by
offering up-front design assistance, supported by financial incentives based on
project performance.
SBD uses the 2016 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24,
Part 6) as a reference baseline for comparison and when appropriate, uses other
industry standards to determine reference baselines for comparisons. It
encourages and generates energy savings within projects to perform better than
mandated by Title 24. SBD analyses provide detailed technical and financial
assistance data that allows Owners and Design Teams to make informed
decisions regarding EE features.
Projects participating in SBD may receive design assistance, Owners' Incentives,
Design Team lncentives,2 Energy Design Resources, and/or other applicable
services. Services begin in the project design phase and continue through
construction completion. Design assistance can range from a simple plan review
and/or efficiency upgrade recommendations to a complete computer simulation
analysis that compares a number of alternative systems and integrated building
design options. Financial incentives, to help offset increased design interaction
and potential costs of construction, are available for projects that exceed
thresholds established by the program. Participation in the program brings
additional benefits, such as:
a. Reduced long-term operating costs
b. Greater comfort, health and productivity for occupants
c. Conservation of natural resources and cleaner air due to avoided power
2 Design Team Assistance to be offered in lieu of Design Team Incentives in SDG&E service territory
Page 61
2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook
January 2017
SBD targets the primary decision-makers in new construction and
renovation/remodel projects:
a. Building Owners
b. Developers
C. Architects
d. Engineers
e. Designers
f. Contractors
g. Builders
h. Energy consultants
The program serves commercial, industrial, and agricultural customers.
Alternative Calculation Method (ACM): Official method for demonstrating
performance compliance with California's Energy Efficiency Standards. The 2016
ACM Approval Manual is available from the California Energy Commission
Alternative Delivery Method (ADM): The ADM delivers the same services
available to all customers through Savings By Design. The purpose of the flexible
model is to provide a short term, focused offering of SBD services to promote the
use of a new energy efficient technology or to cultivate participation from a
particular market segment or customer type that may not have participated in
the program previously.
Construction Document: Drawings and specifications created by an Architect
that detailed requirements for project construction.
Design Assistance: Consultative services that assist customers in integrating
energy efficient recommendations into the design of the customer's facility.
Although customized for each project, design assistance may include the
following: integrated design facilitation, energy calculation analysis, life-cycle cost
analysis, and other services.
Design Development: The preparation of more detailed drawings and final
design plans, showing correct sizes and shapes for rooms. Also included is an
outline of the construction specifications, listing the major materials to be used.
Design Team: The group responsible for the design and implementation of the
systems in the building that use energy or affect the building's overall energy
consumption. The Design Team will generally include the building Owner, Project
Architect, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Lighting Designer, Energy
Consultant, Contractor, and possibly others. Design Teams that receive
Page 62
2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook
January 2017
incentives are responsible for documenting and delivering program influence
over the customer's energy efficient decisions on behalf of the utilities. The
program influence is included in the Energy Efficiency Report.
Design Team Application: A form submitted by the Design Team Leader to the
Utility indicating interest in participating in the Design Team Incentives
component of the SBD program.
Design Team Leader: The person who, for purposes of this program, takes the
lead in examining and implementing EE options, specifically, the person who
signs the Incentive Agreement and represents the Design Team to the Utility.
Generally, this will be the project architect, mechanical engineer, or energy
Energy Efficiency Report: A document that provides the Utility with a detailed
explanation of the SBD project scope and EE measures that the design team has
incorporated into the integrated building design. This report contains the contact
information of each design team member and incremental costs for each EE
measure type. The report also chronicles how the design team delivered program
influence over the customer's energy efficient decisions on behalf of the Utilities.
It includes, but is not limited to, a financial analysis of various EE measure
combinations and associated incentive levels and energy savings.
Free Rider: A program participant who would have implemented the program
measure(s) or practice(s) in the absence of the program.
Gas Surcharge: An unbundled rate component included on a customer's gas bill
to fund Public Purpose Programs, including EE, income qualified services, and
research and development.
Incentive Agreement: An Agreement executed between the program participant
and the Utility that documents the estimated electric and gas savings and the
estimated incentive amount for the project. Funds are reserved for a period of 48
months upon execution of this Agreement.
Integrated Design: Involves all Design Team members and enlists them to
consider energy use and financial impacts throughout the design process in
order to make appropriate decisions. Integrated design calls for the Design Team
members to be synergistic in the building design, construction, operation, and
maintenance of the facility.
Incremental Cost: The cost that the customer will incur above and beyond the
cost associated based on their original design of the building. These costs are
associated with the implementation of program recommended energy savings
technologies that enable the facility's efficiency to exceed current Title 24
standards. Incremental costs are to be provided by measure type (for example,
Lighting, Mechanical, and Envelope) and should include hardware, labor, change
orders, and engineering costs.
Integrated Design Analysis: A comprehensive analysis that includes energy
simulation and financial analysis to quantify the benefits associated with multiple
energy efficient options and strategies.
New Construction: The New Construction (NC or NEW} installation type
category includes new equipment that has been installed in a newly constructed
Page 63
2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook
January 2017
area, in an area that has been subject to a major renovation. It involves complete
multi-system replacement, area re-construction, or equipment installed to
increase the capacity of existing systems due to existing or anticipated new load
handling requirements.
Owner: The building Owner and/or developer of a project participating in the
SBD program.
Program Influence: A California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
requirement where documentation must be provided which demonstrates that the
customer is not a free-rider.
Project Information Form: A form completed by the building Owner, Owner's
representative, or Design Team to inform the Utility of their interest in the
program and to provide a brief summary of project details (for example, project
name, address, size, building type, etc.)
Project: The scope of work contained in one set of construction documents as
submitted for permits or a major phase
Public Goods Charge (PGC): A universal charge applied to each electric Utility
customer's bill to support the provision of public goods. Public goods covered by
California's electric PGC include Public Purpose EE Programs, income-qualified
services, renewables, and energy-related research and development.
Public Purpose Programs -SBD is a Public Purpose Program, which is
managed under the auspices of the CPUC and administered by the participating
California gas and electric Utilities. These funds are directed toward a variety of
efforts including income-qualified ratepayer assistance and EE.
Reference Baseline -SBD uses the applicable California state energy standard
(Title 24 and Title 20) as a reference baseline, a benchmark from which energy
savings are determined. If the ACM baseline does not accurately reflect design
changes or technological advances, the Utility representative reserves the right
to use a "standard practice compliant building" approach or similar baseline
adjustment. Where energy standards are not applicable, but substantial energy
savings are feasible, a standard practice baseline will be used. An experienced
Utility engineer will determine or approve the appropriate baseline to be applied
to such a building project and or process.
SBD Representative: The Utility representative responsible for establishing,
facilitating, and maintaining the relationship between the Utility, the Owner, and
the Design Team for the purpose of achieving the benefits of the program.
Schematic Design: The preparation of studies to ascertain the requirements of
the project. It consists of drawings and other documents that illustrate the scale
and relationships of the project components for approval by the Owner. The
Architect may also submit to the Owner a preliminary estimate of construction
costs based on current area, volume, or other unit costs
Time Dependent Valuation (TDV) TDV, as the name implies, applies value to
energy depending on the time it is used. This means that electricity saved on a
hot summer afternoon will be worth more in the compliance process than the
same amount of electricity saved on a winter morning. The value assigned to
energy savings through TDV more closely reflects the market for electricity, gas,
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propane, and other energy sources and provides incentives for measures, such
as thermal storage or daylighting, that are more effective during peak periods.
Title 20: California Code of Regulations relating to appliance efficiency. It is also
known as the Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards. Title 20 sets minimum
efficiency requirements for appliances, such as package-units, exit signs, and
other building elements in the state of California .
Title 24: California Code of Regulations relating to building design and
construction. Part 6 of Title 24 is the Energy Efficiency Standards for
Nonresidential Buildings. Title 24 sets minimum efficiency requirements for
building construction materials and energy-consuming equipment in the state of
Warm Shell: In "warm shell" projects, the building envelope, central mechanical
system, and core lighting systems are included in the design and Title 24
documentation. Future build out work or tenant improvements are typically
permitted separately and may result in subsequent participation in the program if
the tenant chooses to participate and the project meets the program terms and
conditions in the application.
Utility: California electric and gas utilities who have chosen to participate in SBD:
Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD),
Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP), San Diego Gas and
Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and Southern California
Gas (SoCalGas).
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To be eligible for SBD, projects must be:
a. At a point where the customer can be influenced by the program's
offerings and incentives to implement energy efficient design alternatives
in place of their current or conceived designs.
b. Located in the service territory of a participating Utility and subject to
payment of PGC for electric service and/or the gas surcharge for gas
c. Within the definition of new construction.
Projects may be deemed ineligible for SBD incentives if:
1. The project is determined as a free-rider (see definition above)
2. The project results in negative energy or DEER peak demand savings
3. The project received incentives for the same measures from another
Utility incentive rebate source
4. The project does not present a Net Potential Benefit to the Rate Payer
5. Redirected by the SBD Representative to other incentive offerings
To participate in the Program building Owner must adhere to the following
a. He or she cannot be a free-rider
b. Must be willing to consider the analysis recommendations
c. Attend a meeting with the Design Team to discuss the viability of
implementing various energy efficiency strategies
d. Sign the Owner Agreement offered by the SBD Representative
Below is an outline of the process.
1. In order to begin the process:
• Owners or other project representatives initiate contact with a SBD
Representative (or vice versa)-OR -
• A Design Team initiates contact with a SBD Representative (or vice
versa) indicating that they have a Customer who is interested in
participating in the program
2. Once contact has been made, Owner submits a completed Participation
Letter, Project Information Form, or Program Application (using the
appropriate form(s) provided by the Utility) indicating their interest in the
program. When applicable, the Design Team must complete a Design
Team Application during the conceptual or schematic design phase to
establish their interest in participating, which will be reviewed and
3 For a schematic of the Savings By Design Process, see Chart 1: Savings By Design Process on page 12
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approved by the Utility.
3. A SBD Representative will hold a meeting with the Owner/Owner's
Representative and the Design Team to explain the program's policies
and procedures.
4. A SBD Representative will work with participants to determine which
program path (Whole Building Approach [WBA] or Systems Approach
[SA]) to take. The SBD Representative or Design Team will then use an
array of tools and energy models to help the customer cost-effectively
optimize the EE of the project. Specific design assistance services will
depend on the program path selected.
5. After the customer has been persuaded by the program offerings and
incentives to select the recommended EE enhancements, the Owner or
Design Team will submit final plans, energy calculations (conducted using
program-approved software), incremental costs, and other design
documents to the SBD Representative for the Utility to review. If
applicable, the Design Team will provide documentation of its interactions
with the Customer and present evidence of how they worked on behalf of
the program to influence the customer's decisions to install energy
efficient design options.
6. The SBD Representative reviews and approves the project and issues an
Agreement to the Owner/Design Team4 delineating the proposed project
details, estimated incentive amounts, and terms and conditions.
The Owner (and Design Team leader, if applicable) signs, dates, and
returns the Agreement to the SBD Representative. By signing the
Agreement, the Owner acknowledges that they have read and agree to all
program eligibility requirements. Receipt and approval of the incentive
agreement from the Utility indicate funds have been reserved for the
project for a period of up to 48 months. Program funding is "first-come,
first-served ." The Owner must agree that they will not apply for or receive
any other incentive funded by the PGC for the same measures covered
under their SBD incentive agreement or any other incentive source
identified by the program's policy and procedures.
7. Once construction is substantially complete, the Owner or Owner's
representative must submit requested documents (for example, approved
construction submittals, commissioning report, as built documents, proof
of permit closure) to the SBD Representative and request an on-site
8. Allow access to the completed facility for on-site verification and, if
selected, participate in measurement and evaluation studies pursuant to
CPUC program evaluation requirements. The SBD Representative may
request integrated design analysis reports, manufacturer's specifications,
equipment cut sheets, and incremental cost verification to verify the
completed project matches the design that was proposed in the
4 Design Team Assistance to be offered in lieu of Design Team Incentives in SDG&E service territory
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If the project is built as agreed and the project meets all program requirements,
the incentive will be paid. If the as-built design differs from the one outlined in the
Agreement, the incentive may be adjusted to reflect the revised, estimated
building performance. If installation of the agreed-upon energy efficient
equipment is initiated prior to the Utility's execution of the Agreement, the Utility
or the CPUC's Energy Division (ED) may disqualify the project. Exceptions to the
above process may be made at the Utility's discretion on a case-by-case basis.
Construction must be substantially complete and program participants must
submit all required documentation to the Utility within 48 months from the date of
the Utility's execution of the Agreement. If the project's completion is delayed
beyond the final date, the Agreement may be voided; if voided, the project may
be eligible to reapply under the program guidelines in effect at that time.
Subsequent eligibility would be considered on a case-by-case basis and would
require Utility approval and execution of a new Incentive Agreement. At the
Utility's discretion, the original contract may be modified to allow for the
completion of construction.
Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Utility
reserves the right to modify or discontinue this program without prior notice at its
discretion, or by order of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
Projects are subject to CPUC Energy Division (ED) approval, which can place
execution of Incentive Agreements, on indefinite hold.
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SBD provides a variety of offerings to encourage the design of energy efficient
buildings. The program offers dE;)sign assistance on a project-appropriate level
and financial incentives to both the building Owner and the Design Team.
Design assistance and consulting is offered by the Utility at no charge to the
Owner or the Design Team.5 The level of assistance provided for a project varies
based on the program approach and according to the discretion of the Utility.
Assistance may be as simple as providing plan review and recommendations or
may be as involved as. energy modeling with financial analysis on multiple
options for energy efficient systems. Receiving design assistance does not
obligate the Owner to implement the design recommendations.
The SBD program maintains Energy Design Resources, a suite of EE design
products to support architects, engineers and developers with the integration of
more complex equipment and designs.
The contents of www.energydesignresources.com are available free of
charge, and include:
a. Design Briefs and Case Histories
b. Energy Design Software
c. Training and Workshops
The program offers financial assistance to help offset the increased costs
associated with designing and constructing energy efficient buildings. Owner
and Design Team Incentives are based upon the project's estimated annual
energy and demand savings (kW, kWh and therms) and are calculated according
to the rates and program entry levels shown in Tables 1 and 2 in Section 4:
Tables and Figures.
Incentives are limited to 100% of the incremental cost of the efficiency upgrades
up to a maximum project cap of $150,000.00.
Incentive payments are issued after construction completion is verified and when
all other required documentation has been received. The final incentive amount
is calculated based on the installed features. Final incentive payments may vary
from agreed upon (committed) estimates as a result of changes in the design or
installation of additional energy efficiency measures.
5 SDG&E offers a similar offering to the Design Team Incentive through their Design Team Assistance offering.
Design Team Assistance to be offered in lieu of Design Team Incentives in SDG&E service territory6 IOU: Investor
Owned Utility
for Internal Use Only -Southern California Edison
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2017 Savings By Design Participant Handbook
January 2017
Projects applying for SBD incentives that include non-lOU6 sourced energy
systems (NIOUSES) will be evaluated at the discretion of the Utility and may
result in a reduction of the final savings and incentives based on the type, output,
and operation of the customer's distributed generation system.
Incentives are paid to a Design Team leader who submits a Design Team
Incentive Application. Design Team Incentives are only available for Whole
Building Approach projects.
Requirements and Features of the Design Team Incentive:
a. The Design Team Leader must submit a Design Team Incentive
Application early in the design process.
b. The proposed project's energy consumption must be at least 10% below
the reference baseline.
c. The Owner must complete the whole-building Owner Agreement.
d. The Design Team supplies the SBD Representative with an Energy
Efficiency Report that summarizes:
• The baseline case, and/or
• The proposed case, and/or
• The incremental costs by EE measure.
The electronic files containing the energy simulation, construction
documents, and incremental cost estimates must also be submitted.
e. The Utility pays 50% of the Design Team Incentive after it acceptance of
the Owner's Agreement and Design Team Incentive Agreement. The
balance of the Design Team Incentive is to be paid upon project
completion (subject to as-built conditions).
f. See Section 5.0, Tables 3-5 for SBD document submittal requirements
Projects that design for and install end-use metering equipment that is able to
separately monitor and record lighting, HVAC, process, and plug loads are
eligible for an incentive calculated as 10% of the Owner's incentive. Projects
applying for the End Use Monitoring Incentive need to submit an End Use
Monitoring Plan describing how the metering equipment will be installed and
operated. Post measurement and verification (M&V) is not required for SBD
projects. The Utility may request M&V data at some date after occupancy to
insure that the building is operating within the parameters of the design. The
findings of the end-use monitoring data will not affect any incentives previously
awarded per the Agreement.
Requirements for End Use Monitoring:
6 IOU: Investor Owned Utility 7 Design Team Assistance to be offered in lieu of Design Team Incentives in SDG&E service territory
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a. Design documents, reports, and/or invoices that reflect the end use
metering installation and connection to the Energy Management System
b. Screenshot that shows the meters are connected to the EMS
Two approaches -the Whole Building Approach (WBA) and the Systems
Approach (SA) -are available to identify and quantify energy-efficient design
improvements. The approaches provide the flexibility required to serve a large
range of nonresidential projects, regardless of the approach taken . After
discussing project specifics, the SBD Representative will help select the most
advantageous approach based on the scope, phase, and goals of the project.
SBD promotes the use of integrated design analyses through the WBA.
Analyzing the performance of the building as a whole improves the Design
Team's ability to optimize interactive efficiency effects of the various building
systems. WBA projects must incorporate a minimum of three energy efficiency
measures (EEM), falling under at least two of the following systems: lighting,
envelope, and mechanical. When the EEM's are modeled together, they must
exceed Title 24 by a minimum of 10%.
WBA analysis requires the use of a program-approved energy design simulation
tool. EnergyPro is an example of a CEC approved software that contains a SBD
module. 8 The use of other modeling tools may be acceptable at the discretion of
the program administrators.
The annual energy savings is calculated by an ACM compliant modeling tool to
determine the % better than Title 24. For projects falling between 10% and 40%
better than Title 24, the kWh incentive rate is on a sliding scale and is equal to
the"% better than title 24." The Therm Incentive and Peak Demand Incentives
are both flat rates. ( See Figure 2). The minimum program requirement is for the
project to exceed Title 24 by 10% or greater.
WBA projects are eligible for an incentive based on peak demand reduction.
(See Figure 1)
8 The whole building modeling software preferred by the Savings By Design program is EnergyPro version 7 and
later. Version 7 contains a module dedicated to Savings By Design called the "NR SBD Performance" module.
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tool with the assistance of the SBD Representative. Each system needs to
exceed current SBD minimum thresholds.
System Approach incentives are calculated using a set incentive rate
($/kWh,$/therm varies by system installed (lighting, HVAC and/or process). SA
projects are eligible for an incentive based on peak demand reduction, which is
calculated at a set $150.00/kW reduced. See System Approach Incentive Rates
and Entry Levels, in the Section 6, Table 1.
Table 1: Whole Building Incentive Rates and Entry Levels 1
Incentive Type
Owner Incentive
End Use Monitoring Incentive
Design Team Incentive 3
Entry Levels (%
Better than T24) Incentive Maximum Incentive
Per Project2
Whole Building Approach
Incentives paid to the Owner/Developer:
$0.10 -
10% $1.00/therm, $150,000
$150.00 I peak kW
10% 10% of.Owner Incentive N/A
Incentives paid to the Design Team Leader
10%4 1/3 of Owner Incentive 5 $50,000
1 Unique building types and/or processes may receive a package of services and incentives that may differ from
the Handbook guidelines when we elect to use an alternative delivery method (ADM).
2 Incentives are limited to 100% of the incremental costs associated with efficiency upgrades with a maximum
project cap of $150,000.00.
3 Design Team Assistance to ·be offered in lieu_of Design Team Incentives in SDG&E service territory
4 Half of the Design Team Incentive is payable upon receipt of a signed Owner's Agreement and approval by
5 Design Team Incentive calculations do not in.elude End Use Monitoring incentives.
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