HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-02-26; City Council; Resolution 2019-024RESOLUTION NO. 2019-024
WHEREAS, on September 22, 2015, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad approved Resolution
No. 2015-244, approving the Climate Action Plan (CAP) which aims to reduce communitywide
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG); and
WHEREAS, in connection with approval of the CAP, the City Council certified a program
environmental impact report (EIR 13-02) in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), which evaluated the potential environmental effects of CAP implementation, including
adoption and enforcement of various ordinances and plans intended to reduce GHG; and
WHEREAS, Measure K-1 of the CAP requires adoption of a citywide transportation demand
management plan (TDM) detailing a mix of strategies to reduce travel demand of single occupancy
vehicles; and
WHEREAS, staff has prepared a· citywide TDM plan attached hereto that outlines the framework
for operationalization of TDM in fulfillment of CAP Measure K-1; and
WHEREAS, the city planner has determined that: 1) approval of the citywide TDM plan is a
subsequent activity of the CAP for which program EIR 13-02 was prepared; 2) a notice for the activity
has been given, which includes statements that this activity is within the scope of the program
approved earlier, and that program EIR 13-02 adequately describes the activity for the purposes of
CEQA Section 15168( c)(2) and (e); 3) the project has no new significant environmental effect not
analyzed as significant in the prior EIR 13-02; and 4) none of the circumstances requiring a subsequent
or a supplemental EIR under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 or 15163 exist.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the Citywide Transportation Demand Management Plan set forth in Attachment A
is approved.
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3. That staff is authorized to issue a Request for Proposals for consultant services to
implement the transportation demand management program.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the 26th day of February 2016, by the following vote, to wit:
Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher, Hamilton.
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February 26, 2019 Item #4 Page 6 of 31
Attachment A
The city's Sustainable Mobility Plan is an effort to examine alternative transportation options in
a comprehensive way to present an existing and future network that will make it easier for
individuals to understand and make varied transportation choices. The Sustainable Mobility
Plan effort will prioritize infrastructure project to close gaps that are hindering the use of
alternative modes of transportation like biking, walking, transit and safe routes to schools. A
robust infrastructure network will provide more options for the community to choose one or a
combination of transportation methods other than driving alone.
Infrastructure improvement projects identified through the sui tainable Mobility Plan will be
incorporated into the city's annual Capital Improvement Progrirh.
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In addition to the Sustainable Mobility Plan, the city wilhlfy~.lifute appropriate TDM 4;,;,~:Y '«•:«%
infra~tructure imp_rovements through other major ;l~~~Jforts/li,~~/he Village & Barrio Master
Plan 1mplementat1on. ~;:$\ ·{J0 ,
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Any new transportation services that is availapl~Jn Carlsbad either tnr6\igh efforts led by the . ·, ,.,..-;.,:,,,..,. . :~_z?-.,.,.,
city or through partnership with regional transpdr,t~Jion ageocies such as·SANDAG or NCTD also ·. /·. ,,, ., ..
fall into the category of infrastructure. For example;·should,thi?city work with the business ,:,::~;A_ •, ,;.,./. ~z,..,.~p ·•::,?-"•'j
community to launch service to and/2fr6,.m.transit stations tci the city's industria f hub around ~y,/,;,; ,,,, ' -;❖'.f
M cCl e II an-Pa lo mar Airport, such servici'ij tofild.be considered.an infrastructure improvement to ~~~<\. :-";~~-&~/· '•.(<,~}~ the city's network. ';/~!t ·<.$;:;•,,;;,.,_ ~:~,;,~,
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From the regulatory l.evel, in addition to Measure·K;:t of the Climate Action Plan, Measure K-2 ',C/; 1/. -;t, /r; <:❖ .I' ;/
of the plan requires ado~iqn of a }T;J$M ordinanc;,e' .. -.This ordinance places regulations on new ·½;2{'0. j/~~~¼ ·;;~... ~ [;>>,
non-reside,_gti_a_J;d.eyelopme11k !q,in..,s_t~!!•~P:(?£OPriat~•JfDM infrastructure and programs at the «~\/:..-?u%~/-%"0,, ·,z,;. .,,..,..{ ', ,.,.@.,,F, . '%~~
individua,ktl,e)felbpnierit,Wojeh.level. This<wjl,l~be.actiieved by the development and city ,.ft;f/,f,?:'· ·',?,JJ/ ti1-~ '-✓i¼(,>-... ' /,~>;1${0 1/.~ .
approvaJfof project-specifio;cTDM'pJa))s that development applicants will prepare when the -~h ✓✓❖.~%~-~ <1?✓~❖,,,
project m~:~tf~,the determih~J;,~.,resh6l~§:'3J average daily trips generate by employees. City staff
will use indLlstly standards td:ealculate'\tifer:age daily trips and determine the applicability of a
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project to submit a,project-spec'jfjc TDM plan. , / y/ 1,. ,,7~
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In addition to the TDM.ordinanfe';'other major city efforts that affect the transportation effort 'I ,'?: / V/1(;•
from a policy level will tdf,~}?l}""hich, if any TDM strategies would be appropriate. The Village
& Barrio Master Plan is an 'exa mple of such an effort. The plan addressed TDM by evaluating
parking requirements in the geographic area of the plan, parking program elements and
infrastructure improvements that would encourage all people in the Village & Barrio to
consider transportation options, whether they are residents, employees or even visitors.
City staff will work with the city's Chief Innovation Officer to identify potential areas where
TDM strategies can leverage technology effectively or to coordinate transportation-related
innovation efforts with this plan.
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Attachment A
3. Guiding Resources
TDM is not something developers or businesses have an expertise in and will need consultative
assistance. Carlsbad is at the forefront of municipal climate change by launching a proactive
TDM plan. City staff believe an important part of the citywide TDM plan is appropriate
assistance to make choices that are cost-effective and project-specific. The TDM ordinance
references the TDM Handbook, which will serve as a "living" document to provide guidance to
the development and business community on how to implement TDM in a specific context. The
handbook outlines a comprehensive list of strategies, details hqw the strategy can be /4'1! implemented and which modes each strategy addresses. d§;{>
Once the ordinance is approved and adopted, the TDM,;;~~,b~ok will be accompanied by more
d ·1 d . f . b TDM h . ' b ~%:f .,,~»1'1/,1/; · . . 1· I h eta, e in ormat,on a out on t e city s we page~as we· '.~San interactive on me too t at
will help filter the strategies in the TDM Handboo~t'a-s;d on wh'~f t-~ employer or developer ,~_Y// ,.,.~,,,.
wants to achieve. ';, ;y ; ,;,:, ,.-p--/ 1// ~,1/ ';/,' , /'
The TDM Handbook is considered a "living" docume,nt becau,se city staff e{p~ct to update the
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handbook based on experiences on~f .?evelopers an'~l?,,~JJ~i i es start using thJ. ~esource. It will
be iterative so that as TDM plans af(~pp~9ved and irrfp,(~91tnted, staff can gain ih sight ·,,,.;.;::.-'./.,' ;..:X/,.. ..~;.,-p.,
qualitatively and quantitatively on th'~~J!ic;:J!J;gess of eaeJf4t ~ategy within the Carlsbad
~.~•/:,. 'Jy· ~:%:"·•.. ❖,,(/~:,,e context. ~.·:~-,,.,:.,,/:,,;,.,, ··$,(7,;✓,
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The TDM ordinance"-fa n).:only addr:ess new noh~re'si,dential dev~lbpment. Staff recognizes that in ' ;%, . 3;'.;~ / ❖:':',. • . • order to meet our GHG reduction targets, proactive efforts must be made with the existing , ::,, ' •,. /2 ;f~,z,.., .,,,1/2::
business ;~~J;~~:.;,Carlsb(1W~fJfnJf{S~,~~t .regioi ~t employer and tens of thousands of
employees commute:io,to Carls.bad from out~Jd!=!:.the.,city. The TDM program will proactively . . 1$W <:?.:!:· ',;.:.,. •/f,;:'4 ~-. . · ,:;;f@r:-. 1dent1fvf fj :get and worl<,~11h ex,stwJ ,?usinessesJ o implement TDM plans. The most cost-
effective,,,WaV,.to implement,cf r:obusfT-0:r,it! program with the city's existing business community ·•~r•;,; <,,// :,,,.. y~/):k✓/.•
is to contra{(.f~M consultant l h vices Wffr·a qualified technical firm who will use best ~.~;;-. ''1//,t;.,,, ,,-,,_..
management rfraf t:J,c;es and Car~sti ad's position as a regional employment hub to expand the
·.,-;;,<;;·., %~7✓,:..-reach of TDM beyon,d'~e ordina nt e alone. '··{/;.•,. 4?~ .-,, ,,,, ·,. /:1///.1/~
City staff will work with th'~-f Df.;,f consultant to develop the TDM program, but the consultant
will be expected to providl tr.f; following services in the first year.
• Establish stakeholder advisory committee consisting of a variety of stakeholders within
t he business, transportation and government sectors
• Update framework for and monitoring structure of the TDM program
• Conduct outreach to the existing business community
In addition to this work in the first year to set up the TDM program, the TDM consultant will
also provide technical support for the TDM ordinance including review and monitoring of
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