HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-01; City Council; Resolution 2020-072EXHIBIT 1
WHEREAS, COVID-19, a novel coronavirus, is a respiratory disease with symptoms including
cough and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, for which outcomes range from mild to severe,
and in some cases death; and
WHEREAS, on January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the spread of COVID-
19 a "public health emergency of international concern"; and
WHEREAS, on January 31, 2020, United States Health and Human Services Secretary Alex M.
Azar II declared a Public Health Emergency for the United States, effective January 27, 2020, to aid the
nation's health care community in responding to the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on February 14, 2020, the San Diego County Health Officer declared a Local Health
Emergency as a result of the spread of COVID-19, which was subsequently ratified by the Board of
Supervisors on February 19, 2020; and
WHEREAS, on March 4, 2020, the State of California declared a State of Emergency as a result
of the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization began characterizing COVID-19
as a pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared a national
emergency as a result of the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Emergency Services has determined that conditions of extreme
peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the City of Carlsbad caused by the spread
of COVID-19 and the conditions require an emergency response, with the potential need for resources
beyond the capacity and control of the services, personnel, equipment, and facilities of the City of
Carlsbad; and
WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, the Director of Emergency Services issued a Proclamation
declaring a Local Emergency as a result of the spread of COVID-19, as authorized by Government Code
section 8630 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 6.04, which was ratified by the City Council on
March 17, 2020; and
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WHEREAS, the Proclamation of Local Emergency directs and authorizes the Director of
Emergency Services, or a designee, to address any and all impacts and conditions caused by the spread
of COVID-19 and to obtain any and all aid and assistance from local, county, state, or federal agencies,
including but not limited to aid and assistance pursuant to the California Disaster Assistance Act,
California Government Code Section 8680 et seq.; and
WHEREAS, the Proclamation of Local Emergency is effective until May 15, 2020 at 5:00 pm,
unless otherwise lawfully extended, or terminated earlier by the City Council; and
WHEREAS, Executive Order N-25-20 issued by the Governor of the State of California on March
12, 2020 orders that "All residents are to heed any orders and guidance of state and local health
officials, including but not limited to the imposition of social distancing measures, to control COVID-
19"; and
WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the Governor of the State of California issued Executive Order
N-33-20, which ordered all individuals living in the State of California to stay home or at their place of
residence except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of the federal critical infrastructure
sectors; and
WHEREAS, effective March 23, 2020, the City of Carlsbad temporarily closed City parks, trails
and beaches to help slow the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on March 27, 2020, an update to the San Diego County Health Officer's order
required cities to close parks, trails, and beaches where members of the public were not following
social distancing rules; and
WHEREAS, on April 24, 2020, the San Diego County Health Officer issued an order, effective
April 27, 2020, which requires the City of Carlsbad to submit and implement Social Distancing and
Sanitation Protocols in order to open public parks and recreation areas, including public beaches, for
walking, hiking, equestrian or bicycle riding; and
WHEREAS, COVID-19 continues to spread in the State of California and there continues to be
significant risk of widespread transmission of COVID-19 in County of San Diego; and
WHEREAS, as of April 28, 2020, 3,432 residents in the County of San Diego have tested positive
for COVID-19, including 52 from the City of Carlsbad, and there have been 120 deaths from COVID-19
in San Diego County; and
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WHEREAS, on April 30, 2020, the San Diego County Health Officer issued an updated order
which included sections pertinent to the City Council's consideration of allowing access to the city's
beaches; and
WHEREAS, staff has prepared comprehensive implementation plans for allowing access to the
city's beaches as early as Monday, May 4, at 9:00 a.m.; and
WHEREAS, staff has also consulted with the State of California Parks & Recreation Department
(State Parks) on proposed modified operating hours of 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on the potential
implementation date; and
WHEREAS, State Parks is in favor of enacting the proposed modified operating hours on state
beaches within Carlsbad but is currently awaiting direction from its headquarters on when access may
be allowed on state beaches; and
WHEREAS, staff recommends only allowing access to the city's beaches in unison with State
Parks decision to allow access to state beaches within Carlsbad
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to allow for public access to the city's beaches in unison with
State Parks' decision to allow access to state beaches within Carlsbad and in accordance with the San
Diego County Health Officer's Order and the Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol applicable for
each site.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the City Council ofthe City of Carlsbad, California hereby directs and authorizes the
Director of Emergency Services, or designee, to implement social distancing and
sanitation protocols for access to the City's beaches, to occur in unison with the
reopening of state beaches within Carlsbad, in accordance with all applicable Orders
from the County Department of Public Health and the following plans, attached hereto
A. County of San Diego Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol -Parks & Beaches:
I Agua Hedionda Lagoon I North Beach
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B. City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department Covid-19 Pandemic Response
Beach/Park/Trail Monitor: Health Screening and Site Procedure Plan
C. City of Carlsbad Police Department Covid-19 Pandemic Response
Beaches/Parks/Trails Reopening Plan
D. City of Carlsbad Fire Department Covid-19 Pandemic Response Two Phase Proposal
for the North Beach Opening
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the l51 day of May, 2020, by the following vote, to wit:
Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
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The safety and well-being of our staff and the public is our number one priority and for this reason the
following measures and precautions are enacted. These procedures adhere to the requirements by the
San Diego County's Public health order to open beaches, parks and trails amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health self-screening procedures and park site monitoring procedures for employees who will be
working at parks, trails and beaches.
Health Screening Procedures
• There will be health screening stations at designated city facilities
• Signs will be posted at entrances stating that temperature screening is occurring
• Employees will be required to self-screen before beginning their work shift
• Staff will be assigned to each location to ensure social distancing, screening and answer questions
• Every effort is made to provide privacy during the screening process
• Thermometers, gloves and sanitizing wipes will be provided at each screening station
• Screening areas are cleaned daily per normal disinfecting routines
• Employees with temperature above 100F or have symptoms of illness are to return home
immediately and call their supervisor
Temperature Self-Screening & Symptom Check Procedures
Employees are required to self-screen before beginning their shift at a park, trail or beach by performing
the following: _
1. Use hand held non-contact forehead thermometer to self-check temperature (written instructions
2. Self-check for symptoms of illness (written instructions provided)
o If temperature above 100F or have symptoms of illness, return to vehicle immediately and call
o If temperature below 100F and have no symptoms, wash hands and proceed to work
Park Site Monitor Procedures
• Employee will first report to designated health screening station
• Upon successful completion of health screening station, employee will proceed to assigned park site
• Employee will monitor for the following public health order compliance:
o 6-foot social distancing from those not in t he same household
o Wearing face coverings if someone is within 6 feet of someone else not in their household
o No gatherings of any size
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Supplies Needed:
• Thermometers
• Gloves
• Disinfectant wipes or cleaning supplies
• Thermometer Instructions for each station
• Self-screening instructions for each station
• Entrance signs for temperature screening
• Self-screening sign in sheet
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The Carlsbad Police Department is dedicated to supporting the City's mission to keep the peace, educate
the public, and provide for a safe environment in which people can enjoy the City's beaches, parks, and
trails responsibly. The police department will assist the Parks and Recreation Department, City
Lifeguards, and CA State Parks when these facilities re-open through:
• Continued enforcement of City of Carlsbad Municipal codes
• Supplementing Parks and Rec. staff at locations around the City
• Availability of PD personnel to respond to areas should the need arises
• Monitor locations using currently available resources to identify any social distancing issues
o Vehicles
o Drones
o City cameras
o PD camera trailer
• Verbally by Officers, Rangers, and CSOs
• Flyers -providing flyers to users on how they can safely enjoy City beaches, parks and trails
• Availability to answer questions and provide guidance to the community
Parking Management
• Residential areas that provide access to facilities
• Designated parking lots -open and closed
• Maintain safety of facility users
• Maintain flow of traffic in areas surrounding the facilities
• Continued enforcement of parking violations
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This proposal was developed by the Carlsbad Fire Department in coordination with the Emergency
Operations Center with support from the City Manager's Office, Parks & Recreation Department, Police
Department and California State Department of Parks & Recreation. This draft proposal for reopening
the City of Carlsbad's north beach (i .e., from Oak Avenue to the City of Oceanside limit) carefully weighs
the public's desire to safely partake in certain physical activities and exercise on the beach and in the
water while still adhering to San Diego County's Public Health Order's surrounding the COVID-19
This proposal follows the 2-phased approach developed by San Diego Regional Aquatic Lifesaving
Emergency Response Taskforce (SDR ALERT). The City of Carlsbad's north beach, however, has its own
unique qualities that require specific planning and adaptations.
PHASE I (Limited Public Access Phase) -Date TBD
1. Return lifeguard staffing to normal levels for observation, education and rescues in anticipation of
2. Post signage with updated rules and conditions of use at all access points and lifeguard towers.
3. Open all north beach and access points
· a. Ensure all San Diego County Health Department required signage is posted at each public
access point to the beach.
i. For access points less than six feet wide, signage will include action to be taken in
the event of cross-traffic (i.e., patrons to wait their turn for ingress or egress to the
4. Have lifeguard services from 0730 to 1930.
5. Staff a lifeguard at all three tower locations.
6. Staff beach lifeguard vehicles to facilitate continuous patrol during hours of operation.
7. Allow for walking/running on the entire length of north beach and shoreline.
8. Allow for the following ocean activities: swimming, surfing, bodyboarding and paddling.
9. Allow for the following lagoon activities: paddle boarding and kayaking.
10. No gatherings of any kind on the beach.
11. No stopping, standing, sitting, or lying down.
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12. No games of sport or activity requiring being stationary including but not limited to volleyball,
football, frisbee, soccer, yoga, stretching, calisthenics, or similar.
13. Allow for persons of disability to utilize the beach and open space and their caretaker with use of
beach wheelchair or other assistance device
14. Face covering is recommended when reasonable, and required within less than six feet of another
who is not within the same household unit, unless directed otherwise by the County Public Health
15. When using the beach, patrons should swim near a lifeguard.
16. Parks & Recreation Department Monitors and Police Department Officers/Rangers to assist with
public education regarding the San Diego County Public Health Orders.
17. City Communications Department will advise the public via city website and social media of the
beach reopening, social distancing requirements, and that county health orders are still in effect.
PHASE II (Full Public Access Phase) -Date TBD -Possibly coinciding with expiration of County Public
Health Orders*
1. No restrictions associated with beach attendance or social gatherings.
2. Games of sport are allowed.
3. No restrictions on beach attendance.
4. Opening of Coast Highway parking and all city beach lots in conjunction with re-opening of State
Park beach lots.
* Phase 2 may be adjusted to conform to any new or updated San Diego County Public Health Orders.
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