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1980-09-16; Housing & Redevelopment Commission; Resolution 5
1 2 3 4 // 0 RESOLUTION NO. 5 @ A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AND FROM THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ACCEPTING FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 OPERATIONS. ll WU€RLAS, the UdCed SCaCes DeparCvvlenk aC Uau&g and Upban Dz 5 has approved a budget for the operation of a Section 8 Housing Assist: 6 Payments Program by the Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment Commission 7 amount of $716,074, and 8 WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has approved a loan to the Car' 9 Housing and Redevelopment Commission in the amount of $59,430 for the 10 of operating the Village Redevelopment Program. 11 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Housing and Re( 12 Commission as follows: 13 14 a) That the above recitations are true and correct b) That the approved HUD budget Exhi bit "A," is hereby accel 15 c) That the approved Redevelopment budget , Exhi bit "B" is hc 16 for operating the Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment PI accepted as a loan for the purpose of administering the ' 17 18 Redevelopment Program subject to the conditions of the a! 19 20 establishing City-Commission relationships adopted by Cot Resolution #2, dated February 5, 1980. 21 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad Housing and Redl 22 1980, by the following vote, to wit: 23 Commission at a Regular Yeeting thereof , held on the 16th day of 3 24 25 AYES: Commissioners Packard, Casler, Lewis, Anear and Kulck NOES: None 26 ATTEST: 27 ABSENT : None ,i //-" 2 // ,. &=4/&2 _..' .2x aa;tk, kc&" /CHAIRPERSON Secretary I/ J I e " :- *,*<*y 0, oc $i,.P:, 'to$ DEPARTMENT OF I-IOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT !,,\:a p, 3 &!< 0 3, ... p .. ' ' f .E: ,\f :i;!l * '0 .. AREA OFFICE r b;:!:;\ 2' 2500 WILStllRE BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORhllil\C,O~.~ 0'3A3O ** .. REGION 1x 450 Golden Gato hvclutt P.0. D?x 30003 Sun Francisco, Califorrlirr 94102 #I I, IN REPLY 9.21 .. .- ' -. .* Mr e Jack E, Hcnthron Executive Director Carlsbaci IIousiup, and Redevelopent 3096 Harding St. Carl-sbad, Californ2a 92008 " Commission ., , Dear Eh c Henthron: . ' Enclosed are approved budget documents for Section 6, Existing Contrzct No. SF 535, Project Eo.'s Ch 16 E007 001-003 and 004 for.Fiscd. Year JSnding Julie 30, 1981, 15od:Lfj:cations made to For~n HUD 52672, Part I are due to a redistribt of Project CA 16 E077 001 which was approved December 3, 1977. Part 11 Calculation sf the kAdministrative Fee, Line 01, T~AS .inmeas( 3 to conform to th Pair Market Rent Zor a two bedroont 2s stated in t! Pcdcra.1 Regfster date Nacch 26, 1980. . Form WJ]) 52673, Estjmace of Total Required Annual ConLributions, ha been lnodified to conform to the above revis-ions and the increase in Lille Or, Project hccounc, Your Project Account Balance wzs j-llcrecise to confonl to the bnlance sho:m on. your fLnancial statextents Cor Pi '..x Ending June 30, 1979. ("7.. s;.Y):-c:r-cl.y, c=2"~7 7 t il,; L+-E&:f-d, Ii \.JLJL&L*/ 1 obert D. h1ill.e.r . l)eyut-.y DirecLor . 11<)u..;ing Ilmagclncnt I EnclostiTe , 6 t ~.yyn~q-T~?T 1- "> t ~ ';-, A 1 . .. : L .... ..i I! .. . , 8, - - . . , . I -. . - . .. .% 0 ''1 (1-2; ' U.S. DE AEtIY OF iIOUSI1IC. At:D lJR[\AIl DCVELOPMCNT I CA-16-1X)7*, ILCTION 8 1IOUSlt:C ASSlSl ANCE I'AYhII.II TS PCOCh'Ahl _"" "_._" - " """ - 1~1'~ OF LCA5INC MC7110OI (Clvrrh ESTIMATE OF . REQUIRED /dWUAL COHTIIIlXlTIONS ' . . tkvr Corclluclion I E] licha'Jiliktioo 2 r;l Existint 3r.y ** r ""1 _" NAMC Atlo AVO13LS5 Or VVIILIC S:OUZ!NC. AGLlNCY ""_ " - -. "- - _" FI F.rlC>lrrC. 113% 19f* 9i C;u";bad 1Iowi.ng & llcc!?~~.~l.o~~~~llt Cannission (1.11) (rhrcrr nr*cJ 30% !kwli~~g SLrrxk !far 31 I [I? . kp 3 carLE;bait, Ch 92008 JUII 30 z@ Oec: 't .a ' :." 4. .'. .. . _"""" ". NUMUER OF D\YCI.LIO~ UlJll .. 103. "_ __"" _." tlUU *ILL0 UFI'ICL 2500 Wils!1irc? P3.d. .. "._.""" mns. Ang-?lcs, G7 90057 - t4UMUEK OF UNIT MON +IS r .. 1 '12 \? 1 ' ' . . . .. .".f: +IUD ItEGlCllJAL OFFICE "______._ ~ """ - - ___ "_" - SUUI.IISSION (25) 450 mldm Cate A-J~ES P.0. k)x 36003 L .. l',"J Orieirial 0 Revisic s;m. 3;'rancisco, CA 94102 Revisi, . ... . -. ACCONTRAClNUMUEW """ I I SF 535 (21 1 . PAKT I - ESTI!,$/,TE OF AllNiJhL tIOUSING ASSISTMCE PAYMENTS REQLI!RED I261 ! ,,I[ (2s) --- "I%:;;; !3=-F=- , "-q++ I ""_ 08 """"T ,1 I (39-43) (44-48) I t49-541 SIZE OF AKOUNT PAYAI3LE UNIT LIOKTHLY TOY'ARD GROSS CENT :a! LINE I D'#/ELLitlC .GROSS ASSISTAI4ZE BY FAI.'.ILY HOUSING UONTiIS UNDER PAYMENTS LEASE ..' No* i (,) .= (S! - (GI - ."" 262 456 19 4 . E8 19 . i 300 216 . 218 90 " 1 354. 252 243 106 - ." . 04 ! ' -4 I . 24 280 120 400 288 "-&" "" 05 ! ~_".- 06 t """ ""- i- 07 -. li 1 1- - 10 AIAOUNT ritEwouSLY APPROVED DUI~ING I'ISCAL YEAR 11 SUl3TOTAl. . """" e """". "J2l2 ". ". " - ._ ." "" - 12 TOSAL. (!.in,. 10 ph:s I.inr 11) PART 2 - CALCULATION OF ADh\INISTI:ATIYE FEE ~zt;l "_ """""._" """" 'y"?:: UNIT IAolcrlis - ' T ""_" ll1Jll-A~~~~~~ FXII: hiA1;Kl.T ")"_ RENT """""_ -___"- m AL~~~~l.E~[~ P C I< C 1: I4 T "_ .." "_ "_" _""" .- """" "- 1.212 , -jpT3q : 0.5 "" """ - ."" ""."" "_ "_ __ _"" "1 - ., '. .I ,\,,\(,\ll{.i i'[:~:y~ou;~y ,jl'r:;ovcr) OUrllNC I-I'.CAI. YEAR ""_ _" _,_ .""_". ~.-.".""-"."""""" 1-.. " 03 I.ITT~,L. !Liuc 01 phs /.;,IC O! " pyyF,T?-p?n 1 ,: . - ~ ;!:: (1 ,: c , .. ." ,: , .. . . ., I. '. .I 0 ! ... ,. ?<:,D-X;.22 . ' t. Mi1 1v75 -L+" '@t .L STAT1 COOL IJAblC I U.S. PCl'ART1.r f(T OF IlOUSltlG ntID UROAf< 0EVCI.OF"t.NT SECTION e IIOUSING ASSIS1 AtICt PAYh<fNTS PROGlOJ~ "._."_ -. rypc or LCII:lfIG t.I1:1 .ESTIMATE OF REQUII?ED ANNUAL CONTRINJTIDNS I!ew Conslrucfisn Hclnbililaliotl -I I Existing I;-;. :", ,, tah~i 1'1'1 A 1(*1)1 S:;OI I' )I,* tr I~O,I'~I,<. A~.::~.GY *-ix ::;td t~ou:;.lq h T:CS:VC.LG~~;~X taidssion 3096 ilax?inrJ Strc~t CnrJ.shd, (3 32000 , _"""".I_ FY IINUING (131 1 1 qJ.- ' (I.),) (ChC~k "(IC lAal31 t [:; Jun 30 zig' - "-. _._" NUMIlCll OF OwELLII4l 1.. I . . ... 39 "" "_ _.". MUD I'IIILO OFFICfi 2500 KLshix:c'Blvr?, L1)S LKJC~CS,. CA 90057 .. "1 NUM(IEF1 01.- UIIIT MDh ' 12 """"" ~IUD.~P.CIONAL OFFICE I" "". SLJ~J~.llSSIVN 128) 450 ~al.den e& kvcnllc ;,x Origioal u P.0- PQX 36003 I San Fxmcisco, CA 94102 I". "____ AC CONI IlACT NUMDI PART I L ESTV4AlE OF ANh'Uhi iiOLiSIXG ASS!STI\NCE PAYt.IEHTS REQUIRED (x! DY FI.!.!ILY ASSIST:.NCE PAYMENTS " -_I_- "__I___ ._.".. "~ 13 SUIITOTAL "_. ___I_" "" ""- " 11 hrmw'r ~RESIOUSLY ~.PPI:OVCO Duluh'~ FISCAL YCAR 4 " ". . - ._ "- - 12 TC>TAl. (I.ine lDp!bs tinr Il) +" .. I'Al:T 2 - CALCULAllON OF ADh(ft4lSTRATIVE FEE 126) ....__I. l>;;i;l. .."-"-"- ~ I,) - I "" ':l;;9) ;l"l"--i -."-._I """""" I__""" - "C" """. izs.241 HUD-AI'PROVt.1, ?.RI( UIIIY iiOf2T1~S ALLflVAIII.F FAlR hiARLI:T l:f:l<Y PCRCLliT ......- -.""".- """. -.""."~"""___""__~_~ - 01 469 . sn3 ?>L\7 0.5 "__._____" ."-~""."""""I- ."""""""" L-. I """"-._.-__I - 02 NLOU~JT i't:i:vt@IIs1.Y APFIIOV~II wmwc rIscAL yrhn _._."" ~ .___ _.."" -."~"..-."_.." .""."._._. , -i 03 I IOTAI. ,'t.ir.v f~t pie\ 1.inr O.?! 6 I "" I"""- L F~~rfi~~~! 1 ,' " e !cun-::.J2 . .. i"""' & I 'lAs'c i IJ.J. DEl'ACll.$t'NT 01 IIOlJIItIG AND UttI1AN DLVFI.OFMEIIT SECTION 8 1iOLJS12fC ASSISTANCC I'AYlALNTJ PROGRAM EsrwTE OF REQUIRED At-lNUAL COXTRID)UTIbNS I WAlltl A:.l0. A[>C)ftCS; OF V~ltll.lC: HOtJ!XNG AGt:r<~q I_ ~t111sbad ~ousing & ~d~vebprmt CamissLon 3096 Ilarcli1lg Street (;"lsh& CR 92003 .. .. 1 ___I "". 1" "_. TYPC 01- LI:ASING MLl 1 tievr Consfruclion lkhabililblion ExislinZ FY CNOIUG 1131 ""- (11,) (Cllrrk OtlC, 14 1- Mar31 1~2 Jun 30 . . z i3 . b-BEI< OF' CIIVELLINC I 2'3 0 I #IUI> FIELO OrFICE I _" "".""._" I 2500 :\7iIshire Dl\.. I135 ~W@CS, C! 90057 t:"- tJUMLif:I< OF UNIT MON -12 0 u """ 1 HUU ftEGlOrJAL OFFICE .. I-. , .r SUDMI5510N (251 -"" 450 Go7Jm Gate Avenue i?ii jlriginal D I P.O. Pas 3GCO3 san Fmncisw, ci'i 94102 \ AC CONTRACT NUt4BE - SF 535 (E: .-~- I' PART I L ESTIMATE OF A>!;-!:JAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYI.1ENTS REQUIRED lz~l (44-40) (4 AMOUNT htOIlTI?LY u PAYAR1.E IiOUSINC. h(( 194 c{~e " SUBTOTAL I# """" i" I~IAOUIiY PREVI0USL.Y APrKOVEO IlUR1tlG FISCAL YEAR I-.I".- - TOTAC (I.ine* 10 IJZS I.inr 11) Fi: PART 2 - CALCUl.ATIOI4 OF 4IJIAIHISTl~hTIVE FEE (761 ""_ """ t2%.""- 116.3 (2r "\- ._"_ ., _:irI "3" "" . UNIT MOf4TJfS If~tD.f.f'l'l:oVtB >-IIil fAll< AIARLLT 121:fJT AL1.OV~AI~l.T. 1'LItCI.lIT - ."_"_ ""."" "- -"-------""_ l_"- 1%) - 1200 , YXL -3 c 17 8.5 __._" ~., _.""_"""." ~ -.----.- -.. -_ ."" " 07 AMOlIttT I'IICVIUII;I.Y Awrmvm rmrmc j:;scAI. Yrnn ___r_ ._"""""__"_._ ~."~.""""~""" "_. TOTAL !l.inc 41 plr~r Lint 02) 12- 1 """ ""- (I \ ~>Ll'ACila~ "-----I 1 6t tIUU517iG Alii, UkIIAII UiVI LOVlsf 111 1IA~~'~~f~ 1 I SECYI0:I R-):OUS11<2 ASSISTAI~CL' f'AYJ.l[tlTS PC0CT;hU ---pI st-># . . 11: C.h _. 1; :'s ESTI:.:ATE OF'TOTAL r:rmxI:EI) /,:wut,L co!ur:Iaumt!s TYI'?: 01. L.I.:A\SII(G bli3 _I """ _I """ I. i3 How Cora: 2. E;l. Rd,ol*~l*l~ t:&t.lt: r,tIc, f,i,Il%l::.L 01- VII!ILIC I~:)~I~.,~.I~,.,,~;~,I~:~. "- . ~L~-~i}j;~(~ 11~3u:;j.q an(1 !.?r:dcW.op,;rwkt. Ch:.ri:s:sion 3995 1la1:tiing Strcct .. 3. FA Ezirtirvg CaJrlshad, 01 92006 ""_" * 1141 fYCWIUG iSya . I .l. n I.%o;ch 31 2. rk! J"?. 30 "" 3. r- Seplronler , , 1 LOS 2500 Alirjkl~.~, V~~.I.:A~IX C? rmd. 90957 ?~f~E? NUI.I~~~< OI: I~YCELLIIIC *IUD FIEI.0 OI'VICL .. ."" HUIIIJErl OF' CIPltT MON 12 . L". ' 1 ". .. .- sucIcII:sIo~1 .. tI1)O HFGlOXAL Or'FICF 450 Cb?..C'cn Gate Avmce P.O. &x 36093 San Pratxzi.sc0, CA 54102 i- .. 1 E! Oriyinpt n I i 1 I"""" I si.' >.!JJ lk>) AC rol~] \?A 'I; N~II.:UC " PART 3 ILGI ).rt'r:cvEo "- Y I" .' "iF f (~:<,l4m,l II ((..<>IS E5TII;.ATE OF I?tiCWli< t'D LlHE W!!.B E :: ITEhl OESCElPflON C0NTf:IOUTiO:IS I [27-.,?:iI 1 , .- 17!1-301 + "*?>;.;~.7~..~*V:y ................ ................ ........ ..,.,I., ............. MIXII.<UM hl1h'l)j.L COSTCl!;lllIDH: , """-" ,,..,........... ............ *,.,**J ................ hnwbl Conll;bulion AdmrI:cI ................ ................ ................ ................................ ................ :::..:::: "._"" "_" ~. ~!..-C "- S! ................ ................ ProRofc!.hrimvn Annvsl Contrilulisns A:>pliccblr IC o Pc~iod DI Lcrs t!wn 12 ................ ................ .............. ................ ............... ................. i t ' ad. 1. ................ "- ............................ 03. I tj.criru:- /.2i:c1 ~c.c:ct!,:*:;;-% for F;s<oI Yc_'Lf.r,;. c 01 ?)us 0.') ~.:.:,:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:! G6.A PIOICC~ Acc&-licisnce 01 En4 oi Cwwm Fis:zI Yrx--Cslinc:c3 01 /irlv?l ................................ ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ ................. ................ ................ I"" (l:~!l~,~r~.J',~.,i~,~.. 7<,<cul ' ).,-or <.-.- G61-77 ___,______ Y ) ................ ., I 54, Yd Totot Ancccl cunl?;wonl Irullilu6!c-Clrin,.~lr.' sI .ict8,01 [I.,,,,. o I ,,I:., l,i:.c 0.11. ~:j;::::::::::::::::::i:::::l co9, ~ ....I ............................... ................. -. ." .". """"_ -.- "" "_ "." ...................... _I ........... ........... ................ c ___II "_""""""."- -. ............... .....::......:-.... I' ESTIC-T: OF BCCiJlREL) /NSL::.t Z~K?I:IOUTIO:!S (Nc*z-.tw: .4ri<ruccc an:? :;~.=~:....:~.~r~~~I """" ___""" !!wring Arsirtn::cs l;.ymcn~s-iarn tlL!3-5i=-:.?:r1 I, f.iue l?(;co ;,.crrtwt;ons) 17)- "1 +*?!;!.,r ~cc-rzrn, t!u3:-:~~7:~,~o:t :I :..cc 32:..rt, ;csmrt;ms) --It1+ - 623,528 1 06- "_""""" """_ .~~;339-- __ "_""" _"" Ir,dependrn1 f,,*l*:o~ :.~rc"<ir,~r~l Ad,I CCS!S " .I FT 1t[lll).L ESjIKAYE OF llw,n,,c~r,r, RE&ttII:ED r:.,.r.l J.SK:I;.L C5::TS:!CUTI<l:<S Ptctlllb;nnry hJ.h;s:,:*.vt E~prnrc-Ptmr {: &CC-Fmr. ti!J>-5;671, P~NI It\, "_____." "___ "_._ -~.~~.~~~~.~~~-!~~:~- "_."_" __"_ - -0- ...~~"-- - 7i90~~;1~"- --- i''cl,!:,;,,"!y &J.3.+::.:,*.c tlpm:r-2.llc, ACC--fcrrI :cxL"257i, I'nc1 113, Lmc X!it I.<.,. ,. .:r.. !:,.,,<I "".~."I___ -.I__ - 1). ~l.y~cxppn.ld.~lc Ea ..: w.-.~-Fo,~n liUi>-5Z57i.f'cs~ 11. I.one 3Wl.vc t,,\~ro.* rtlw(/ "" ""^" __ "___"""."""~_ -!?A- Toto1 l,rtwr,l CC-I~.:;..-.:-SS Rrq%!c<;?.z;::,.~J Swc /.I *. t,:.Jtt.rl>w,\j 5% pq "_" [)cllcll I,! rI,j ........ :,l C,-:::.?I "_" Yror-1:slis.:#:rd """ :'I Aclvsl .. .....-..--.-~.. -pw@kz&k 1.1. T~~~~~I tr.,t.vst C=.-..L ..,..7n. r:.-.i.,.,rt.d ,.,. r ,I,.I,,,,.I .,,,,,) ................................ , ' F'ravi$io,, i:.r P:O;CCI A~~ounl--f(cr,:irsf~j I #;col I'ror-.l~~~rr.csellJc.r~l~~c.lll.rrr.~ B ...... .. (,.l,,r,,,, .v,.,3.,: .. !.,,.. >.I. /.d.,.,o. '1 I.(, 1s ...,~..1,.~, 1.1 6qp TI-?? _____- ______ .-.-.-.-.--- "."".".. - ...................... .:..... .:. , ,I.. 1 z ........,.;....... 2 ................ I.~~~~., ~~,:.lccl A~~~,,,~~ r\alnr,cp "1 C,>J of f.!rc;,lr,.lt.d) I:~n~ YCO~ (I.~,~~. 0%. '.'I ........... ................ ...._..........., ... .......,..... ..... ........... """"""""""" ...... .._"""" ................ ._- ................ ............ .............. -1 ................ ................ ...._........... ................ _ ..............., ................ + I'. ,,.;,,,,, f.,.,r 01, .....,...... ::::1 """"" ................ ...._........... ....._.......... '., AlltdU/J. CC~:J'll:!~~ilC~~l5 .- ................ .....__......... ..._............ "" """_ ~ _"..__"__""" ),. jotd had CII.IPIL~IK~C>:. Xpprovcd. Erqw~srrJ Ji,tol Yrot ~!.no>v ?I. Lhw.~ 1' :::::::..::::::~..:::::::::: ................ ......_......... ...... _. ........ G93 -~.,~,~~~~~~-~~~~..~~~l~~.-!~~~-~~~ """" ___I . ....._......... .... ...~.~.~.~..,~.'.~.~.~.~. ... - ................ ................ $,"#iC GI 1"lOl hnl>.lr,f Co"l',bl,liar,t Lpprorcd-I:rqurrlcG Fircel Yroc . ....._.......... ................ ...._..._........ ................ ....,........... ................ (0) I:q.~c,trd ltsrol )'en, Lbsm~ym Armsol COIIIVIIWI~U~ A*tlao,<>rd II.oer.,O.l *,I ................................. ......... , ... , . , ........ I.e..,. I?. *.l.rcb..vcr I< l~\*vrJ (I,) I',O~KI A(rmv~1 11.1,te. 17 ,.etotw* 1..,,e Il;frrll ......... ................ ................ ................................. " ................ ............... ......,......... ................ ...... .......... I .................. ................ I "- --_ ""_ "" .I -*I""" . i ~).IIT. r.~ilj 1~171.11 Of: I~IIA Al~l~lc~Vll2(; Oi'I IClhl. !sIl'.flAltJj21~: __.. . ."_"" . _"________"__"_."~." ~ _.._. ... ...- __" Itl\l>l: hlltl 111 1.1 01 11111) I ll~.l.l) 1,I-l llyl. Al~l~lli>~~lll~~ 01 1 I(:IAL ' Ll<,llA'l I( ri: -. 3-. . -' t -. """ . ltG! ,:., 2 \), f,!,i!!!:;1-, \>:pt~!j' 1.;';1VJ.!!Y \Jti;:;:ing [~~mz:::rzmt H'....... ... y.&&Jj==w" L- 1- "I._~_.""_L.^._."_" "_. 1" II~.I:I .S:nJr tf../'*l TliF-pm"; nlI: 'a 1; iri/ < I ir e \. .: : -f. ! a: e p\.' i ' liUD-52G(i3 (5.721) US. tX:l'Alt.l 1AEN.T OF HOUSINC; t\NC) IIIIUAN DLVCCO~'hlt.NT F( REaUlSlTlC~N FOll I'AITflAl. I'AYLIENT OF ANNURL CO:.ITRlDUTIONS HOUSING ASSISTTdCE PAYUENTS Pl7OGIl.~:A - SEClION23 0 - SECTION 8 Q - Data of ncrp~i;iIioll~-7i&Ll~??- Fiscal Ycx Fndhc; Dsk .Jtxv 19nfl - Fur Otmtcr Entling -z?&& ACC Cuntract fiunl+ SF' 5 PtoicctIlun~her -" < P -333.3 Ro. of fhtlls in Fiscal Year - _________ -. NAhll: AN0 /\CwltC:iS 01: I'UULIC tlOlJ'.;lNi; AC1'NC:Y (Incfttdmp Xtp <:ode) Gyr-.S!),2d Ifousinc~ 6 ~cdc\~lop:;~t Caxnission ~~~~-l!~~~.~~~!~~~-.~.~.."~~~~~~~--~-~.~~~~ 4-r: OEPOSITAIIY UANK (Nanse. Addrrrr and Account NonhrrJ a rn CXISTINC 0 NEV 2, * a. Nunltrcr of Uttilr Under Lcs;e tu Eli:bl? Fmdics as cf hre vi iitqoisition b. Estimated Eiun!her of Units to IIC udcr Leabe at EI~ of h,ues!ed Ruarter c. Avrngc !hnl:ily i.loilsirig histmce I'dynlent l'er unit as of Iialc of flcquisition - ""~ 3 ESTIIvlATC OF UUAftTCI TO OR1 L.l . CONTRIBUTIONS ~~'~~~~~< INCUHIICD DE!SCRIPlION ANNUAL AUDn''oN' TOTAL COST FltRUlREO ESTII.1ATC. (11 (4)- PFIEl.IF,~iliNAnYTrDMI~1STRnrI~~E EXYEf:SE 13' -:-.ys,...* . .. 1. Preliminary Adrninist:a:ivc EXpFnsr-Pr;Ur tu ACC /Accwott 4010) 2. Preliminary Adrninistreiive Expmc-After XC(/lccorcritJOI?) s:< LiL -0- -I)---- I,. &d.&& 0 3. Totd Preliminky Adminislntix? Expensc (Lirrrs I B 2) ZOZ " tiONEXPENDABLE E(1UIf'hlIIENT . ,y* 4. Rephccment of h'~\nexpend;lblt. Equipment (h-omr 7520) 6. Pruprly Bctlerwntr and Additions (Accotcnt 7540) 6. Total b!OW);p?Il&bk2 IIUUSlI!G Eq:Lpment ASSlSTA>!C€ (Lbrcs PAYFXCTS 46 5) . :;;\::-. :. ..<."&. (4.Y "L>>L :., I). v -. -. 7. tlousing Assistmce I'ayments(Accowlr4715J K?d& 8. Total Adminislratlve Fc2 Approred for Fiscal-Year 10. Amount Prcvio::rly iizx~isi:ioncd lor fiscal yzar 12. Tot1 Adminislre;k Fee (Liocs 10 h :I] t3. To:al 1ndspecd;nt ESic h:co.w:;nt kdii Csts 3,900 14. Total Alio;y~lm fip;rxS forsecuriiy 2nd Utilily Ocpt;jils IC. Ertinaccd Adtliiion.:l haunt Hqui;ed 10 End o! li?qvtj!ed Rwrter 17. Total Security md Y.:ii:y ncpcsi:s (Lims 15 h It) 18. 19. Totd 13 Total LC 17) Funds Partial I:rqui:?d Paymm:: A!hOUCT :!I iizceived End OF of T!?IS Ecqucsred i3r Fid f2ERUISITION Ycar O~sikr 10 Date (LLm 3.6. 7. It. ~~1~~ ~ 20. Partid Paynlent Hquestec; (Litre 1:; miair iine /9] G.E,7 q- GETtlUD OF PAY?Xf)T INSTALL1.Il.t.IT 1NSTAL.LMCN r I(.ISlr%L 2N0 3r 21. nrqucslcd !n:;Srren! P-yrrlents I cItr;-rtI:y tint ~;o::i,y .1,~rra,w: Ir~yzllP:lt: ~w:: 0.wn or v,,:~ trn r.l.x~o nnly w;t~t rmpvct to I~A; W)WI~: 111 Zro uric!.: IXW L I,FL+S~PD nr~i~~oce r:.tymcnts art: tn;l& exr,yit a: stherv:i,c. I.ru.:i?d iq IIW IIo~~ing &,:istaw.c l'Jyrn.:nt> Contr~ctr and (?I I!V~ H ooo y:,u ~wior 10 I:! 2 ~rnkina OS 5uch lww,tn~ a;ristancc Iuymcnl;. xl:~~u,~cly irr;*,t.ctc.d ur c-zu~..I IO I,o inrwctcvl finrim!an,! im:( ourt o1cc5 r,,r I!,,. t,,-:w[it owt us,. of I),.. :.w,,:r:..., tu twuc 1,:s r~;rr.nt, s,!v md s~nttary 1tuw.in.j ~~cc'~~~~~~~*I.I~~"~II isrc lx-ing pru &ion: 01 t!m sl,ovr tx~mhzd (:otttr.xt ~t:~v~ ~>vvrt coml.!ss.4 with ~,y tlw i Irrtlrirq fqcncy; mal tiwt thi, rcquizition lor xttw4 cc ined by me aald to tile bcrt 01 my i.r~uwlca!,;~ ad bt4irf it ir true. cxtcxt and coms+a. , .. . ; , ' ..\ - 'ol .. . . .. "0- 155 I 1: AD!hliilSTRATILlf FEE '7i" FTp-C ' ' J13b- _' S.'Monlilly kate of hdninistrs:ivc Fee (Lim Xdkidccd by r;trn:bcrofmonihs 'as3- Lr fxol yccr) C' Vh ; 11. ktimaird A:!ditiod A:::crun; Rec,ui:?1! :o c::d oi 8?qu?stcd Ouarler t INDEPEMDERI PU??I.!Z ACCGUIITABT hUDlT COSTS :.Sccriorr 8 only) SECUKlTY fh33 UTILITY DEI'DSITS (S,CI~JI! 2300nly.J -0- . 15. knlount Prcviou;l,y iaI-,ci,iiioned for Fiscal Ycar 1 st- ""._I_. _""" ___ "__" " "" """" f"57-,41~ ~;-.~-~~.;.~~~~-~~-j~~l~,~~ f CarJ.sbx1 I!oucing 6 !?c~la~ci -. . "_ " -. . ." 'p,, &-,-T;;G {~~~~\~>~~-~"L.-- !i.2.csirl; b!icznagemont __ < 1 "_ --f+--- - . . - - - - . -" - - x& 'C"pL:LLL... ::..;::2 % Isr,:#iol #,C rrrtll 'l''1lC of O/llC,d ,la llUD I-ILLC) 0: I!:? r.:';':x;\T . ~(()!:cfil' . 14iikr, Lkpt:Vj Ui;e&r " ." """.__.____ ~ _"__. . - """ """ "" . (,~i~m:lltv orld Y'jtk (11 O/lil,id ,tttfhtui:rd to A!~,~r~~t.~*l t i l *.. . " _"."""" ___" (IrGtONAL /d~COLli4rlPJG I~IVISlUiJ frcvdidalwl by: _I"" (::i~*r:n11380.) ""___ """"I (Ilatc) I' .. .I [I i ij il .! i, . . -.. , -~. - " (3-u I.I=rnr> cn a TJ -4 -4 ak WCUU a -!J a (6.c u holG(J4JKJ ac UG=ul L1cI .I "