HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-18; Housing & Redevelopment Commission; Resolution 45RESOLUTION 110. - 45
RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING EXECUTlON OF SECTION 8 IlOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM REVISEU MASTER SECTION 0 ANNUAL CONTRlOUTlONS CONIRACT NO. SF-535(E) ..- INCLUUING PROJECT NUMUERS CA16E077-007 -itI) . . _ . . - - PROVIDING FOR THE DEPOSIT Oi?ii&iiE~PUll%ANT 10 A GENERAL DEPOSITARY AGREEMENT HICREAS the HOUSING AUTHURITY OF THE CITY OF CARLSeA (hcreln called the --- “Pub1 ic Housliig~gerrcy”) proposes ( r)to<Zteriil6-ZZSecf&i 0 Housing Assistance Payments Program Master Sectlon 8 Annual Contributions Contract (herein called the “Contract”) with the United States of America (herein called the “Government”); and (2) to provide for the deposit of monies pursuant to a General Depositary Agreement with a f inanclal Institution which Is a mc!mbcr of
the Federal Deposl t Insurance Corporatlon (herein called the “Uank”); al I nl th respect to any “Project” as defined in the Contract, and which at any tlmc, now or hereafter, is incorporated under the terms of such Contract:
.Section 1 ---_-__* The proposed Contract, deslgnated *Section 0 Housing Assistance Payments Program Master Section 8 Annual Contributions Contract”, pursuant to
the United States Ilousing Act of 1937, as amended, is hereby approved and
accepted both as to form and substance, and the Chairman is hereby authorired and directed to execute said contract-iirthree cou&rparts on behalf
of the Public Housing Agency and to forward such executed counterparts to the Goverrmlen t , together with such other documents evidencing the approval and authoriziny the execution thereof as may be required by the Government.
Section 2. The GIURALTAR S I!, L - -------- -----.. ___ and the Pub1 ic Ilouslng Agency have previously enteredfnto a General Ueposltarv Agreement. Form IIUU-51999A
dated. April fl- 1902 ----.I--.. which provides’ for the dcposl t oi spccif led monies of II a.. 0nC or more atltii’fi<&l low rent houslno uro.lects...“. The Public llousinu Agency hereby determines that pursuant to ti;e’ te&s of the AyreemcnL the afor;-
II~IIIC~I Oank shal I be the llcpositary for lhc Section 0 Ilousiny Assistance Payments I’royram established under the contract herein-above approved.
sect iOIl 3. The Chairman,Vlce-Chairman or Secretar Is hereby au lhor i zed ----- ill;iairEted to fiTe-ni.iit t~overnmenf7~~me to t me as payments are --y-f--
required, requisitions toqether with the necessary supporting documents
requesting periodic payments to be made 011 account of the Annual Contributions
Contract, and the proper officers of the Public Housing Agency shall prepare,
execute and deliver to the Government and sl1a11 accept payment therefor from the Government and such persons are aulhorizcd to do and perform all other thlnys and acts required to be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the pro-
visions of the Annual Contributions Contract.
Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
I AYES: Commissioners Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine
NOES : None
AGSE:,lT : None
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