HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-24; Housing & Redevelopment Commission; Resolution 82e 0 1 RESOLUTION NO. 82 A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT TO AMEND THE VILLAGE DESIGN MANUAL. 2 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS, on June 14, 1985, the California Coastal Commission certified the City of Carlsbad Village Area Sec Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan consisting of the C'it: Carlsbad Village Area Redevelopment Plan and the Village 1 Manual; and WHEREAS, on June 14, 1985, the Coastal Commission 10 conditionally certified the implementing ordinances for t 11 12 land use plan on the condition that certain modifications 13 the Village Design Manual made by the City Of Carlsbad; a WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission 14 I; desires to amend the Village Design Manual to satisfy the 15 /I conditions imposed by the California Coastal Commission, I6 I1 NOW, THEREFORE, the Housing and Redevelopment Comm 17 18 of the City of Carlsbad resolves as follows: 1. That the foregoing is true and correct. 19 I! 2. That the Village Design Manual adopted by HOUS 20 11 and Redevelopment Commission Resolution No. 14 is amended 21 22 23 follows: a. Section XII is amended by the amendment of the regulations for subarea 6 by the addition of the followir 24 I9Development of properties bordering Buena Vista I 25 appropriate property interests to the appropriate agency 28 a project shall be preserved in open space through the 27 defined by the California Coastal Act within the boundar: containing slopes in excess of 25% grade. Any wetland ai 26 of open space easements those portions of the bluff area shall be designed to maintain in open space to the recorc paragraph to the llDesicfnll regulations: irrevocable dedication of open space easements or other C J /I 1 2 3 4 5 e 0 organization. For bluff areas with less than 25% grade a wetland buffer area of not less than 100 feet in width she provided through the irrevocable dedication of an aPProPri open space easement to the appropriate agency Or organizat In addition, an appropriate public access trail shall be provided along the southern shoreline Of Buena Vista Lagoc facilitate public awareness of the natural habitat reSOurc the Lagoon, provided that the appropriate agency Or organization accepts the dedication of the public access easement. 'I 6 3, These amendments shall become effective upon 7 certification by the executive director of the California Coastal Commission. 8 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting ( 9 Housing and Redevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsl California, held on the 24th day of February, 1987, by thc following vote, to wit: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I% ATTEST: AYES: Commissioners Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux NOES: None ABSENT : None ABSTAIN : None l8 1 /& A. - 19 I ALETEW L. RAUTENKRANZ, City qlerk 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (SEAL) //// //// //// //// 27 II 28