HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-15; Housing & Redevelopment Commission; Resolution 3421
WHEREAS, on July 18, 2000, the City Council and Housing and Redevelopment Commission
took the necessary actions to adopt a redevelopment plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Area, and
WHEREAS, the boundaries of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area have
been established and a second redevelopment area for the City of Carlsbad has been legally created; and
WHEREAS, as one of the City Council goals for fiscal year 2000-2001, a goal was set forth to
develop and initiate implementation of a work plan which would outline the steps to be taken by the
Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency to develop a Land Use Strategy and Master Plan for the South Carlsbad
Coastal Redevelopment Project Area; and
WHEREAS; staff has developed a work plan which includes the need for outside consultant
services and the establishment of a Citizen’s Advisory Committee to assist in development of a Land Use
Strategy and Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission of
the City of Carlsbad as follows:
1. The Work Plan prepared for development of a Land Use Strategy and Master Plan for the
South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area attached hereto as Exhibit “2”, is hereby accepted and
approved, and the Executive Director of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency or appropriate designee is
authorized to proceed with implementation of the subject Work Plan.
2. The Request for Proposals for development of a Land Use Strategy and Master Plan for the
South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area attached hereto as “Exhibit 3”, is hereby accepted and
approved, and the Executive Director of the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency or appropriate designee is
hereby authorized to proceed with efforts to distribute the Request for Proposals for private Consultant
services to provide required assistance as outlined within the Work Plan for development of a Land Use
Strategy and Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area.
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3. The Housing and Redevelopment Commission hereby approves the application process for
appointment of a seventeen (17) member Ad Hoc Citizen’s Advisory Committee, to assist with
development of a Land Use Strategy and Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Project Area, and hereby approves the membership of the Committee which shall consist of: 1) a City
Planning Commissioner or Design Review Board Member; 2) a City Parks and Recreation Commissioner;
3) two residents each from the Southeast, Northeast and Northwest Quadrants of the City; 4) a resident
representative from the Terramar, Solamar, Lanikai Lane, and San Pacific0 Homeower Associations; 5) a
resident within the Ponto Area; 6) a business owner within the Ponto Area; 7) a property owner within
the Ponto Area; 8) a representative from Cabrillo Power; and 9) a representative from Sempra Energy/San
Diego Gas and Electric. All members of the committee shall be required to be full-time residents and
registered voters of the City of Carlsbad.
7 4. Staff is authorized to distribute appropriate materials to obtain applications from interested
8 parties to serve on the proposed Ad Hoc Citizen’s Advisory Committee, and to return those completed
applications to the Chairman of the Housing and Redevelopment Commission for appointment
consideration at a later date. 9
n 10 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Housing and
11 Redevelopment Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 15th day of May 2001, by the
l2 following vote, to wit:
14 AYES: Commission Members Lewis, Finnila, Nygaard and Hall.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Commission Member Kulchin.
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I. Introduction
On July 18, 2000, the City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment Commission took the
action necessary to adopt a redevelopment plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Project Area. Adoption of this plan established the boundaries for this redevelopment project
area, and effectively created a second redevelopment project area for the City of Carlsbad.
The key redevelopment goals/objectives set forth within the approved Redevelopment Plan
include the following:
r a Facilitate &$&&&&p~~~t &‘t& $&c& P&&r &,&‘:@:a~ small&, moii ‘&&&n~‘&y~~
generating plant. Utiiize excess pr!operty for projects that provide both ‘ti ~private. and
public benefit. ,: ,z’ i i 2:
jz “, (_ )‘ iQi/;: jb
l Provide funding for the ,~e&gnment of &&bad Bo&vard which will:, y&&$%&&s
property thatZcould facilit~te,‘expans~on ‘of existing regreational facilitie$&!&or provide
‘for other recreational facilities, and#& development of cultural facil@es or other put&z
facilities. s’s :i t( ‘ii
; ‘_‘ ‘I,, ,ij, 1,) #/_liB 3 ! ’ j‘ ,C‘ 0’ : IiS :z
l ‘Revitaliie,‘redev~~~~“gndjor g&m-&~ clean up the Ponto At%+& ’ ’ , , “ ‘” :_ ‘: & ,,‘I’
,i, .I~. ,j( ‘,s {
l Enhance commercial~,and g$&eational functions/activities throu@ouf the Redevelopment Area* ,” _,L_1- ,_, 1 :I$ ! , p, 2 , ,pi ’ ,,:, i ,!, 7 <i’ f ;*j:;:i,i:? _( ;, 4;:: , ;
l Increase parking and open space amenjties.
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___ :j :I/, _>I((’ ‘,
As part of the public hearings held to discuss the adoption of the South Carlsbad Coastal
Redevelopment Area, staff and the City Council indicated that follow-up activities would include
the development of a comprehensive and integrated Land Use Strategy and Master Plan for the
area. The following work plan has been developed in an effort to outline the steps to be taken by
the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency to develop the desired Land Use Strategy and Master Plan
for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area for the purpose of accomplishing
the various goals and objectives set forth above.
II. Status of Current Activities/Efforts/Studies/NePotiations
Because there are currently a variety of activities already occurring as related to redevelopment
of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area, this section will provide a status report on
existing, on-going efforts/studies/negotiations for information purposes as related to 1)
redevelopment of the Encina Power Plant, 2) realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard, 3)
revitalization of the Ponto Area, and 4) various other projects including negotiations with San
Diego Gas and Electric for development of their commercially-zoned property.
Encina Power Plant
A staff team, led by Frank Mannen (Assistant City Manager), has been discussing redevelopment
of the Encina Power Plant site for nearly two years with the current owners, Cabrillo Power
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(Dynegy/NRG). To date, an agreement has not been reached with Cabrillo Power. However, the
City has indicated its position and has a goal to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for
any improvements or redevelopment of the site.
The City and Redevelopment Agency’s objective is to work towards the complete demolition of
the existing Power Plant at its current location on the existing site and provide for construction of
a new, physically smaller Plant towards the rear of the existing site. The City and Agency’s top
preference is to have the new Power Plant constructed within the area between the railroad tracks
and Interstate 5, which is east of the existing Plant site.
With demolition of the existing Power Plant and construction of a new Plant to the rear of the
existing site, excess development property will be created which is located in a prime coastal
location. It is staff’s opinion that this excess property could be used for both private and public
land uses. Following is a list of ideas generated by staff for potential use of the excess property:
l Public Parking.
l Public Recreational (Passive or Active) Facilities
l Private Development with a Public Benefit, such as Marine Research with Aquarium
l Private Development with a Commercial Benefit, such as a restaurant or hotel.
A combination of some or all of the above uses may be most appropriate for the excess property
created by redevelopment of the Power Plant. It is also important to note that a feasibility study
is currently being conducted which has identified the Power Plant property as a possible site for a
future Water Desalination Plant. Due to the importance of electrical energy and water to the San
Diego Area, and specifically Carlsbad, it is important to identify the appropriate timing and
process to coordinate the discussions regarding redevelopment of the Encina Power Plant
property with the establishment of the larger Master Plan for the entire redevelopment area.
Cabrillo Power is currently completing engineering and other studies to determine the feasibility
of demolishing the existing plant and constructing a new plant at the desired alternate location.
Therefore, it will be beneficial for the Redevelopment Agency to wait until these studies are
complete before proceeding with detailed land use planning for the Power Plant and related
San Dieno Gas & Electric Properties
A staff team consisting of the Community Development Director (Marty Orenyak) and the
Planning Director (Michael Holzmiller) have been meeting with San Diego Gas and Electric to
discuss future plans for the 48-acre parcel east of Interstate 5 which is zoned for commercial
development, and includes property identified by the City as desirable for public use purposes.
This staff team has been more specifically discussing a lot line adjustment and other activities
which would potentially result in the slight reconfiguration of the 48-acre lot, and allow San
Diego Gas and Electric to separate property ownership from Cabrillo Power for the parcels (east
of Interstate 5) which are to remain under SDGE ownership on a long term basis.
These discussions are separate from the negotiations noted above as related to Cabrillo Power
and redevelopment of the Encina Power Plant site.
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Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Project
The Planning Department (Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director) is currently the leader on the
project to study the potential land uses for excess property created as a result of realignment of
Carlsbad Boulevard. Although a decision has not yet been made by the City Council to
completely realign Carlsbad Boulevard, a decision was made over one (1) year ago to study the
excess or surplus land uses that are possible options for consideration if the entire Boulevard is
realigned at a later date. The Planning Department was tasked with completing this Land Use
A consultant was hired to complete the subject Carlsbad Boulevard Land Use Study. The
consultant has been instructed to study various options for land uses that include public facilities
and recreational opportunities as well as commercial development opportunities. This study is
nearing completion by the consultant. Upon completion, a decision will need to be made as to
how best to process the results of the study and how best to incorporate the recommendations
into the development of the Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area.
Staff believes that the land uses identified within the Carlsbad Boulevard Land Use Study, and
ultimately approved, have an impact on redevelopment of the entire South Carlsbad Coastal
Redevelopment Area. Like the discussions on the redevelopment of the Encina Power Plant, it
will be important to identify the appropriate timing and process to coordinate development of the
land use plan for Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment with development of the larger Master Plan
for the entire redevelopment area.
An additional activity that is ongoing in the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area is
related to some public improvements that have been installed and have resulted in a partial
realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard at and around the intersection at Poinsettia Lane. Due to the
development of the Poinsettia Properties Specific Plan Area, public improvements have been
constructed at and around Poinsettia Lane and Carlsbad Boulevard that result in the enhancement
of the intersection as well as created some excess property adjacent to the Carlsbad State
Campground. The excess property that was created as a result of these improvements is the
subject of staff negotiations with the State of California Parks Department regarding a trade of
property at the campground site for other property that could be created if the City realigned the
entire Carlsbad Boulevard.
A staff team consisting of the Economic Development Manager (Cynthia Haas) and the Public
Works Director (Lloyd Hubbs) have been, and continue to be, involved in the ongoing
negotiations with the State of California over a potential land trade.
Redevelopment/Revitalization/Clean-Up of Ponto Area
Currently, there are no ongoing discussions or projects that have been initiated by the City or
Redevelopment Agency within the Ponto Area. However, there has been interest indicated by
various property owners in the Ponto Area who would like to pursue development on their
properties. An example is a recently processed Preliminary Review Application for a hotel/resort
on the property owned by Mr. Dale Schreiber. Staff has indicated to Mr. Schreiber that he has
the right to proceed with processing of a land use development application if he so desired.
However, he would be required to comply with all existing land use regulations, including
zoning and development standards. In addition, the proposed project could not affect other
properties in an adverse manner as a result of road alignments, etc. Staff has suggested that Mr.
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Schreiber delay his project application until a Master Plan is completed for the South Carlsbad
Coastal Redevelopment Project Area in order to better coordinate with the long term goals and
objectives for the Ponto Area, and to ensure that careful consideration is given to the best
circulation system for the area for development and revitalization purposes.
Other property owners within the Ponto Area have also discussed potential new development at
varying levels with City/Agency Staff. However, no formal land use development applications
are currently pending City/Agency approval or other action. It is also important to note that
property owners of surrounding/adjacent properties near the Ponto Area have been asked to
delay some of their plans for development of their properties until the Master Plan is complete
for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. The reason for this processing delay is to
allow better coordination and consistency with a vision for the entire area. These property
owners, however, can choose to proceed with their plans if so desired because no moratorium on
development has been approved nor does staff recommend a moratorium.
Pending Private Developments
Currently, within the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area, there are several
projects that have been approved for private development or are pending completion of the
application review process. These projects include the Cannon Court project that proposes
restaurant, hotel and retail on the property located north of Cannon Road and adjacent to
Interstate 5. A Residence Inn Hotel was approved for the site located south of Cannon Road and
adjacent to Interstate 5 and is currently under construction.
Coastal Rail Trail
For many years, Public Works Staff (Steve Jantz) has been working as the lead agency to
develop the Coastal Rail Trail. Within Carlsbad, this Coastal Rail Trail will be an important
consideration for incorporation into a Vision for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment area.
Therefore, it will be important for appropriate coordination to occur during development of the
subject Master Plan to include the final design of the Coastal Rail Trail System.
III. Development of a Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area
The following plan outlines the steps to be taken to develop and complete a coordinated and
integrated Land Use Strategy and Master Plan for the newly adopted South Carlsbad Coastal
Redevelopment Area. The goal for the Land Use Strategy and Master Plan is to address desired
land use objectives, development standards, project processing procedures and other
redevelopment activities for the entire South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. The
steps to be taken to develop and complete the Land Use Strategy and Master Plan are set forth
Step 1: Complete a Preliminary Analysis of goals, objectives, concerns,
constraints and opportunities
The first step would be to gather all pertinent information/data related to the various goals,
objectives, concerns, constraints and opportunities for all of the properties located within the
South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area.
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Product(s): Written report to summarize information/data and to outline any staff conclusions or
recommendations. In addition, parcel-based GIS maps will be prepared to clearly identify the
properties included within the South Car&bad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. Maps will
be prepared which identify the existing area without realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard, and
with realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard for further comparison and discussion purposes.
Step 2: Hire a Private Consultant to Assist with Development of Master Plan
Complete a Request for Proposal Process and obtain Housing and Redevelopment Commission
approval to hire a private consultant to assist staff in developing and completing the Land Use
Strategy and Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. It is
staff’s intent to hire a consultant who would be able to prepare the appropriate land use plan as
well as prepare conceptual site plan/architectural drawings for visual purposes. The consultant
will also assist with program coordination, Advisory Committee facilitation, and other activities
required to develop and complete the desired Land Use Strategy and Master Plan.
Product(s): Professional Services Agreement with a Private Consultant to work with staff on the
development and completion of the proposed Land Use Strategy and Master Plan.
Step 3: Develop a Vision for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area
Working with a private consultant, it is staff’s intent to develop a conceptual Vision for the entire
South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. This Vision will be presented to the various
outside agencies with jurisdiction in the area for review comment. Then, it will be presented to
the residents of Carlsbad through a Community Forum for input/feedback. A Citizen’s Advisory
Committee, appointed by the Chairman of the Housing and Redevelopment Commission and
confirmed by the Commission members, will follow with review the Vision and public
comments from the Community Forum and provide input/feedback to modify or refine the
Vision as appropriate. Ultimately, the Vision will be submitted to the Housing and
Redevelopment Commission for final approval before the process is continued for development
of the Master Plan document(s). To develop the Vision, staff will utilize the findings and
conclusions from the preliminary analysis of related goals, objectives, concerns, constraints, and
opportunities conducted as Step 1.
As part of the process to develop a Vision for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area,
it will be important to outline the timing and process by which the various ongoing projects and
redevelopment activities will be integrated and coordinated to better assure success in moving
towards the Vision. For example, if a decision is made to pursue a Vision which includes a linear
park from the north end to the south end of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project
Area, it will be important to incorporate this “Linear Park Vision” into the separate negotiations
related to Power Plant redevelopment, Carlsbad Boulevard projects and other private
Product(s): Written report, maps and other visual products to conceptualize the proposed Vision
for the entire South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area.
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Step 4: Scoping Meeting with Affected Agencies with Jurisdiction in the Area
The purpose of this meeting would be to meet with such outside agencies as the California
Coastal Commission, State Parks, and others who have jurisdictional authority within the
boundaries of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area to identify the various issues or
concerns that may impact the development or implementation of the proposed Land Use Strategy
and Master Plan. Staff would review the proposed Vision identified in Step 3 with these affected
Product(s): Written report on constraints and opportunities identified by the outside agencies as a
result of the scoping meeting.
Step 5: Appointment of a Citizen’s Advisory Committee by Commission
An agenda bill will be prepared and presented to the City Council to appoint a Citizen’s
Advisory Committee to work with Staff on development of a Land Use Strategy and Master Plan
for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area that has maximum benefit to the
entire community. This Committee will review and comment on the conceptual Vision
developed by Staff and the Private Consultant in Step 3, and review the comments received from
the general public during the Community Forum, as noted above. The Committee should consist
of the various stakeholders who have an interest in the redevelopment goals and objectives for
the Area. The Committee is recommended to initially include 15 members consisting of: 1)
residents, businesses and/or property owners within the Ponto Area, 2) representatives from the
various adjacent residential areas such as Terramar, San Pacifico, Poinsettia Properties, Solomar
and Lanikai, 3) a Parks and Recreation Commissioner, 4) a Planning Commissioner, and/or 5)
residents from other areas (quadrants) of the City. Staff is recommending that the Committee
membership be expanded to include two (2) additional members at the time that detailed
planning work begins on the planning area including the Power Plant and surrounding properties.
Theses additional committee members should include representatives from Cabrillo Power and
Sempra Energy/SDG&E.
Product(s): Written report and request to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission to
appoint a Citizen’s Advisory Committee.
Step 6: Initiate meetings/workshops with Citizen’s Advisory Committee
The Citizen’s Advisory Committee will work with staff and the private consultant to
refine/modify the Vision for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area, if appropriate
based on the comments received from the public during the Community Forum. After the Vision
is defined, the Advisory Committee will assist staff and the consultant in developing an
integrated and comprehensive Master Plan for the subject project area for each of the identified
planning areas.
Product(s): Written Report establishing a Vision for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Area. Draft outline of contents for integrated and comprehensive Master Plan.
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Step 7: Draft Master Plan for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area
Work will be initiated to develop a comprehensive Draft Master Plan for preliminary review and
comments by the Citizen’s Advisory Committee and various other stakeholders, as appropriate.
The Draft Master Plan will include, but not be limited to: land use plan, development standards
and design guidelines, circulation element, public improvements, permit procedures and/or a
redevelopment activities implementation strategy. The Master Plan will be developed in phases
with three key planning areas. These planning areas will include: 1) Power Plant and surrounding
properties; 2) Carlsbad Boulevard Right-of-Way and adjacent properties from approximately
Cannon Road to Poinsettia Lane; and 3) Ponto Area and Carlsbad Boulevard Right-of-Way from
Poinsettia Lane to the Southern City Limits. The detailed planning effort for these three (3) areas
will begin with the Ponto Area and Carlsbad Boulevard Area from Poinsettia Lane to the
Southern City Limits, which will be known as Planning Area 3. The detailed planning efforts
will continue with Planning Area 1 which is the Power Plant and surrounding properties once the
engineering and other studies are complete for the Power Plant. The final area to receive detailed
planning efforts will be Planning Area 2, which is the Carlsbad Boulevard area from Cannon
Road to Poinsettia Lane. The detailed planning for these three areas will ultimately be
coordinated and integrated into a comprehensive Master Plan document for submission to the
Housing and Redevelopment Commission/City Council and California Coastal Commission.
As noted above, the planning effort will occur in three phases. Each effort will include a process
which has the following activities: 1) review current land use designations and proposed
revisions consistent with approved conceptual vision; 2) develop General Plan and Zoning
designations; 3) review existing development standards and propose revisions as appropriate; 4)
develop and design “Special Land Use Opportunities” to be consistent with proposed
development standards; 5) prioritize development objectives; 6) recommend long and short-
range capital improvement programs; 7) recommend actions to improve quality of life for all
residents of Carlsbad through implementation of activities in the South Carlsbad Coastal
Redevelopment Area; 8) develop appropriate circulation plans; 9) meetings with Advisory
Committee. Community Forums will also be held at the appropriate times to obtain
input/feedback from the entire community on the various policy decisions noted above.
Product(s): Draft Master Plan for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area
Step 8: Public Workshops to obtain Input/Feedback on Draft Master Plan
In addition to hosting Community Forums during the development process noted above, the
Citizen’s Advisory Committee will also invite the general public to review and comment on the
entire Draft Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area upon its
completion. At this time, formal feedback will also be requested from the various agencies with
jurisdiction within the project area, such as the California Coastal Commission, State Parks, etc.
Product(s): Summary of comments/input/feedback received from general public during
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Step 9: Refinement and Modification, as appropriate, of Master Plan
The Citizen’s Advisory Committee will review and take action to refine and modify the Master
Plan, as deemed appropriate, to address the comments/input/feedback received from the general
public and/or outside agencies during the public workshops.
Product(s): Final draft of Master Plan for South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area
Step 10: Environmental Review, Public Hearings and Final Processing
The formal processing of the final Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Area, including appropriate environmental review, will be initiated for consideration and action
by the Planning Commission, City Council, Housing and Redevelopment Commission, and
ultimately the California Coastal Commission.
Products: Staff Reports and Agenda Bills required to process final Master Plan through to
Planning Commission, City Council/Housing and Redevelopment Commission and Coastal
IV. Timing for Implementation of Work Plan
It is anticipated that it will take approximately 24 months to complete the Land Use Strategy and
Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area. The process is to be
initiated in fiscal year 2000-2001, continue through fiscal year 2001-2002 and be complete in
2003. A preliminary project timeline is attached as an exhibit to this work plan for information
V. Summary
As outlined above, it is staff’s intent to complete a 10 step process to develop and adopt a Land
Use Strategy and Master Plan for the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area. Initially,
efforts related to development of the Master Plan will focus primarily on the Ponto Area and the
Carlsbad Boulevard Area from Poinsettia Lane to the southern city limits (Planning Area 3).
Efforts to Master Plan the Power Plant and surrounding properties (Planning Area 1) as well as
the remainder of the Carlsbad Boulevard area (Planning Area 2) will follow as subsequent
actions. Staff and a private consultant team will work to identify the various constraints and
opportunities represented within the subject redevelopment project area. An analysis of the
constraints and opportunities will then be used by staff and a private consultant team to develop a
Vision for the redevelopment area. This Vision document will be presented to the public during a
Community Forum and then submitted to a Citizen’s Advisory Committee for feedback/input
and modification/refinement, as appropriate based on community input. Once the Vision is
established and approved by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission/City Council, work
will begin on development of the Land Use Strategy and Master Plan document in a phased
approach starting with the Ponto Area and southern portion of Carlsbad Boulevard. Staff
anticipates that it will take approximately 24 months total to develop and complete the
processing of the subject Land Use Strategy and Master Plan in its final form.
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Upon approval of this Work Plan by the City Council, staff will initiate the appropriate activities
to begin the process as set forth above. Copies of this Work Plan will be distributed to the
various stakeholders for information purposes.
It is important to note that while the Land Use Strategy and Master Plan is being developed and
processed, all proposed development projects within the boundaries of the South Carlsbad
Coastal Redevelopment Project Area will be subject to all existing zoning regulations,
development standards, general plan requirements, permit procedures and other applicable land
use codes, policies, standards and/or regulations which are in effect for the area at the time a
development application is formally submitted for consideration. Although staff may encourage
some property owners to delay activities to develop their property until the Master Plan is
complete, staff is not recommending a moratorium on development and those property owners
will retain their right to develop under existing regulations and standards.
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South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project
I1 Project Area
0 0.5 Miles
The City of Carlsbad invites your proposal to prepare a Master Plan for the South
Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area (“Project Area”). The primary
objective of the consultant preparing the Master Plan shall be to complete an
intensive study of the Project Area, including a review of existing planning
documents, and to create a comprehensive planning document to be used by the
City of Carlsbad to implement its approved Redevelopment Plan for the area.
Exhibit 1 presents a map depicting the boundaries of the 555.5acre Project
Area. The area is generally bounded by Chinquapin Avenue to the north, the
Pacific Ocean to the west; Interstate 5, the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and related
properties to the east and just south of Ponto Drive to the south. The entire right-
of-way for Carlsbad Boulevard is included from Encina Power Plant to the
southern City Limits.
The Project Area is predominantly urbanized and includes the Encina power
generating facility, storage and light industrial uses, public uses, and residential
uses. Physical and economic blighting conditions that are proposed to be
addressed through the Redevelopment Plan include structural deterioration,
substandard design, obsolete buildings and facilities, incompatible land uses,
impaired investments, and inadequate public improvements.
In July of 2000, the Carlsbad City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment
Commission took action to adopt the boundaries for a second redevelopment
area within the City of Carlsbad. This area is known as the “South Carlsbad
Coastal Redevelopment Area”. As indicated above, this area is 555.5 acres in
size. It incorporates three primary planning areas - the Encina Power Plant and
surrounding properties, the Ponto Area and the Carlsbad Boulevard Area. These
areas are described in more detail below with background information.
Encina Power Plant. In September 1997, the City of Carlsbad began to identify
options for action to eliminate or reduce the environmental impacts of the Encina
Power Plant and to achieve more compatible land uses along its coastline. The
Encina Power Plant is located on Carlsbad Boulevard at Cannon Road and
began operation in 1954. The facility was expanded throughout the 1970s and
consists of five steam boiler units fired by natural gas and oil, and an on-site
Page 2
combustion turbine. Total generating capacity of the facility is 951 megawatts;
such capacity can create enough energy to provide electricity to nearly one
million households.
In November 1997, San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) announced plans to
auction the facility as California prepared to open up its electric utility industry to
competition. In May 1999, SDG&E completed the sale of the facility to Dynegy
Inc. and NRG Energy Inc. The City viewed this sales transaction as an ideal
opportunity to create a private/public partnership for redevelopment purposes.
The Encina Power Plant is critical to the provision of power throughout the
County, because it is a designated “must-run” facility, meaning that it generates
energy necessary to support the regional power grid and must generate power
regardless of price and other factors. As the region experiences rapid growth,
continued operation of Encina and other “must-run” facilities is even more
essential to meet increased energy demand-demand for power that has already
surpassed 1996 California Energy Commission projections for the year 2040,
according to the San Diego Union Tribune. Among the tactics to expand
power generating capabilities are to increase capacity and replace the
Encina Plant with a more efficient facility.
The City’s ultimate goal is for the Redevelopment Agency and Cabrillo Power to
work together to facilitate the demolition of the existing power plant, which is
visually unattractive, and to construct a replacement facility in an alternate
location (to the rear of the existing site between the railroad tracks and Interstate
5) which has increased capacity to provide electrical power. A new facility would
be far more efficient and be more aesthetically and geographically desirable than
the existing facility. In addition, relocation of the plant would allow for the
creation of one or more parcels of land near Carlsbad Boulevard and the ocean
that could be developed with uses/buildings that provide both a public and/or
private benefit. For example, the excess property (not required for power plant
operations) could be used for public parking, an aquarium, a marine research
center, park space, cultural arts facility, a hotel, restaurant, and/or many other
potential uses, This cooperative effort could provide great benefit to the
Carlsbad community, Cabrillo Power as well as San Diego County and the State
of California from an energy provision standpoint.
Ponto Area. The identified redevelopment area includes an area known as
“Ponto”. This area currently has a mix of uses including, residential, industrial
and commercial and lacks adequate/appropriate infrastructure. Many of the
businesses are operating in buildings constructed in the 1950s and 1960s that
have outlived their economic use. A field inspection of this area identified several
industrial businesses operating out of structures designed for single and multi
family residential use. Also, the area is subdivided into smaller parcels (the
median lot size of the parcels in the area is less than 8,800 square feet), which is
inadequate to accommodate industrial uses. They often lack adequate utilities,
Page 3
outdoor storage, parking, and loading areas as compared to even the most
marginal industrial districts.
Redevelopment activities are sought to accommodate the clean-up/revitalization/
redevelopment of this area. Specifically, the Redevelopment Agency hopes to
1) alleviate physical and economic blighting conditions; 2) ensure the existence
of adequate public infrastructure; 3) address incompatible land uses; and, 4)
promote economic development. Revitalization efforts within the Ponto area will
include assisting businesses to upgrade their facilities since many appear to be
obsolete. Upgrading the Ponto area will allow for additional services and provide
expanded employment opportunities for City residents.
Carlsbad Boulevard. Redevelopment may be used as a potential funding source
for the needed Project Area infrastructure improvements, including off site
improvements in the vicinity of the Encina plant, Ponto Drive, and Carlsbad
Boulevard. The Carlsbad Boulevard project involves the potential relocation of
the southbound lanes of this roadway eastward, to maximize the amount of
public lands available for other uses. Besides improving circulation through the
Project Area, this potential road project may generate remnant (or excess)
properties that may be reused for additional recreational and/or commercial
purposes to complement the adjacent Carlsbad State Beach and benefit the
The key redevelopment goals/objectives set forth within the approved
Redevelopment Plan include the following:
l Facilitate the redevelopment of the. Encina Power Plant to a smaller, more
efficient power generating plant. Utilize excess zproperty for projects that
provide both a private and public benefit.
* Provide funding for the potential realignment of Carlsbad Boulevard which
may yield excess property that could facilitate expansion of recreational
facilities within the area and/or allow for the development of new
recreational facilities, and/or development of cultural facilities or other
public facilities.
l Revitalize, redevelop and/or generally clean up:the Ponto Area.
l Enhance commercial and recreational functions/activities in the
Redevelopment Area.
0 Increase parking and open space amenities.
Page 4
1. Research and Analvsis of Existing Conditions: The consultant shall be
responsible for collection, review and analysis of relevant existing
information and generation/updating of graphics and written
documentation necessary to provide a comprehensive and accurate
description of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area.
The database must be presented in a manner that is adequate and
appropriate for public presentations.
2. Communitv Involvement: Community support will be critical to the
success of the final Master Plan. An Ad Hoc Master Plan Advisory
Committee will be appointed by the Chairman of the Housing and
Redevelopment Commission, and confirmed by the Commission
members, to provide input into the development of the plan. Also, there
will be a need to hold Community Forums throughout the process to
obtain input from the public at large on the various components of the
Master Plan. The consultant’s work program must anticipate and reflect
community input throughout the planning process by accounting for
working sessions with the Advisory Committee and Community Forums
with the general public. The consultant shall work under the direction of
Housing and Redevelopment Staff. However, the consultant will be
responsible for coordination of research activities, presentations and
facilitation of the Advisory Committee and response to comments.
3. Vision Statement: With input from city staff,, the Master Plan Advisory
Committee, and the general public, the consultant will be responsible for
preparing an overall Vision Statement for the project area based on the
existing goals and objectives contained in the Redevelopment Plan. This
vision statement will then provide a basis for land use recommendations of
the Master Plan.
4. Preparation of A Draft Master Plan: The consultant shall be responsible
for preparing a draft Master Plan document for review and comment by
city staff, the Advisory Committee, and various interest groups including
the general public
5. Preparation of the Final Master Plan: The consultant will be responsible
for incorporating appropriate changes from the draft plan into the final plan
and for providing a minimum of 100 bound copies of the final plan to the
City for distribution to interested parties and city officials. The consultant
shall prepare the final document through use of the word processing
computer program entitled: Microsoft Word 2000 Version. The document
shall be copied onto appropriate computer disks and presented to the City
with the final plan.
Page 5
6. Presentation of Related Graphics Materials: The consultant shall prepare
reproducible graphic materials (i.e., maps, etc.) and texts that
communicate the vision and the recommendations of the Master Plan.
Computer-generated graphics should be created through an IBM
compatible program, whenever feasible. Also, all text must be prepared
through Microsoft Word 2000. The consultant shall indicate the type of
computer program to be used to generate graphics and provide computer
disks with the noted graphics to the City upon completion of the project.
7. Schedule: Work on the Master Plan is expected to begin within fourteen
(14) days following execution of the City’s standard consultant agreement.
(A copy of the City’s standard consultant agreement is attached for
review.) The City desires completion of the Master Plan for the entire
South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area by no later than June 30,
To prepare a Master Plan that will be acceptable to the City, the Consultant will
be required to do the following:
1. Attend an introductory meeting between the selected Consultant Team
(Consultant) and the City of Carlsbad Project Team (Project Team).
Consultant will be provided with background information necessary to
complete Item No. 2 below.
2. Conduct a review of background information, including documents from
the creation of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area
(SCCRA), maps (zoning, general plan, ownership, APN, address land use
designations, vegetation, topography, developed vs. undeveloped land,
aerial photos, Coastal Rail Trail, Encina power plant property, City-wide
Trail System), completed land use studies (Sea Pointe Land Use Study,
State of California Parks & Recreation Department Master Plan for South
Carlsbad), the Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment Study (environmental
studies, engineering surveys of proposed and existing realignments,
excess R.O.W. maps, Poinsettia Lane/Carlsbad Blvd. Improvement Plans)
various City studies (Citizens Survey, Tourism Impact Study, Urban
Entertainment Study), and plans for pending land development proposals
in the Redevelopment Area. After completing the review, a meeting will
be held with the Project Team to discuss the Consultant’s preliminary
Page 6
3. Working with the Project Team, develop a conceptual Vision for the entire
Redevelopment Area. To develop the Vision, the Consultant and the
Project Team will utilize the findings and conclusions from the preliminary
analysis of related goals, objectives, concerns, constraints, and
opportunities conducted as Step 2.
l Product(s): Written report, maps and other visual products to
conceptualize the proposed Vision for the entire South Carlsbad Coastal
Redevelopment Area.
4. Facilitate a scoping meeting with affected agencies (Coastal Commission,
State Parks & Recreation) to identify the various issues or concerns that
may impact the development or implementation of the proposed Master
Plan. The meeting would also allow for the review of the draft conceptual
Vision identified above.
l Product(s): Written report on constraints and opportunities identified by
the outside agencies as a result of the scoping meeting(s).
5. Facilitate Community Forum and working meetings with Ad Hoc Citizens
Advisory Committee to present and refine Vision.
l Product(s): Written report and appropriate graphic displays establishing a
conceptual Vision for the entire South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment
Area as recommended by Ad Hoc Committee.
6. Draft outline of contents for integrated and comprehensive Master Plan.
l Product(s): Written report with appropriate exhibits on proposed contents.
7. Present conceptual Vision to City Council/Housing and Redevelopment
Commission for review, comment, and appropriate direction.
l Product(s): Power Point Presentation to City Council/Commission.
NOTE: The steps noted below for more detailed planning efforts to support
the conceptual vision will be completed in a phased approach for each of
the three (3) Planning Areas within the South Carlsbad Coastal
Redevelopment Area as noted on the attached map. The first phase will
include planning efforts for the Ponto Area and the Carlsbad Boulevard
Area from Poinsettia Avenue to the Southern City Limits (Planning Area 3).
The second phase will include planning efforts for the Power Plant and
surrounding properties (Planning Area 1). The third phase will include
planning efforts for the Carlsbad Boulevard Area from Cannon Road to
Page 7
Poinsettia Avenue (Planning Area 2). Steps 8-20 will be repeated three
times for each of the three planning areas as noted above.
8. Review current land use designations for the Redevelopment Area and
propose any revisions, consistent with the approved conceptual Vision. Once
complete, present the information to the Advisory Committee.
l Product(s): A map of the Redevelopment Area showing the proposed land
use designations.
9. Develop General Plan and Zoning Designations based upon the input
received from staff and the Advisory Committee.
l Product(s): Maps of the Redevelopment Area showing the proposed
General Plan and Zoning Designations
10. Review existing City development standards as they may apply to the
different land uses within the Redevelopment Area and recommend revisions,
if applicable.
l Product(s): Report and related conceptual drawings detailing the proposed
development standards for each of the different land uses.
11. Develop and Design “Special Land Use Opportunities” to be consistent with
proposed development standards for the Planning Area. As part of the
planning effort, the consultant will identify specific sites to provide the basis
for establishing appropriate land uses, development intensities, parking
requirements and design guidelines. Each site identified will represent a
special development opportunity that is consistent with the Redevelopment
Area’s market potential. However, there will be no intention to require the
development of these specific sites in the manner shown. Rather, the
material should be considered by property owners and potential developers
as reflective of the type and scale of development desired in the
Redevelopment Area.
l Product(s): Report detailing the proposed Special Land Use Opportunity
Areas including conceptual architectural and site plan drawings, and a
narrative of each development opportunity.
12. Facilitate a Community Forum and working meetings with the Advisory
Committee to discuss draft General Plan and Zoning Designations,
Developments Standards and Special Land Use Opportunities for the area.
l Product(s): Report detailing the proposed General Plan and Zoning
Designations, Developments Standards and Special Land Use
Opportunities with comments from public and Advisory Committee.
Page 8
13. Prioritize development objectives, both in terms of land uses and
geographical areas and concentration.
l Product(s): Report detailing development objectives.
14. Identify lots that are strong candidates for consolidation, if any.
l Product(s): Report detailing lots for consolidation.
15. Prepare development standards for upgrading the overall physical
appearance of the redevelopment area through capital improvements,
landscaping and other physical features. The standards will be used as
conditions for development within the Redevelopment Area.
l Product(s): Report detailing development standards and related
conceptual drawings.
16. Recommend long and short-range capital improvement programs (including
storm drains, sewer lines and under grounding utilities) to complement and
stimulate development within the redevelopment area. The Consultant should
identify sources of funding, both private and public, which could be used to
finance the costs of these programs.
l Product(s): Report on recommended capital improvement programs and
financing mechanisms.
17. Recommend actions that could be taken by the private and/or public sector to
improve the “quality of life” for all residents of Carlsbad through the
implementation of the Master Plan. Such actions may include the
implementation of the urban entertainment study, providing additional
recreational opportunities, increased public parking and coastal access.
Discussion must include methods for publicly and/or privately financing the
identified options.
l Product(s): Report detailing recommended actions and financing.
18. Develop a pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular circulation plan which provides
for pleasant ways to get from place to place in the Redevelopment Area and
is consistent with proposed development standards, land use designations
and on-going planning efforts (e.g. Coastal Rail Trail, Carlsbad Boulevard
Realignment, etc.). The plan should tie together activity centers and parking
resources and provide for an easy, non-congestive flow of all types of traffic
throughout the Redevelopment Area.
Page 9
l Product(s): Map(s) and related conceptual drawings detailing proposed
transportation system.
19. Analyze existing and future Redevelopment Agency resources (staff,
revenue, etc.) and make recommendations as to the proper investment of
those resources in such a way as to enhance the economic health of the
Redevelopment Area.
l Product(s): Report detailing recommended actions.
20. Facilitate a Community Forum and working meetings with the Citizens
Advisory Committee for their review and comments of items 13-19.
l Product(s): Revised Report incorporating Public and Advisory Committee
(Repeat Steps 8 - 20 for Planning Areas 1 and 2, after completing steps for
Planning Area 3.)
21. Prepare a draft Master Plan for all three areas based upon the input received
from the public, Advisory Committee and City Staff during Steps 8-20 noted
22. Facilitate Community Forums for input on the draft Master Plan and refine the
document accordingly after debriefing sessions with the Advisory Committee.
l Product(s): Report on comments received from the public on the draft
Master Plan, and revisions made to draft Plan as a result of review of
comments and related action by Advisory Committee.
23.Present the draft Master Plan to the City Council/Housing and
Redevelopment Commission for their information and comments/direction.
l Product(s): Power Point Presentation to Council/Commission
24. Prepare final documents, including the Master Plan, implementation
documents, financing documents and recommendations.
l Product(s): Final integrated, comprehensive Master Plan for entire South
Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area, with all appropriate exhibits,
reports, and related documents. All documents shall be submitted to the
Redevelopment Agency in both hard copy and electronic form.
Page 10
All responses to this Request for Proposal should generally be presented in the
following format:
1. Introduction -This section should consist of an introduction to the proposal
that conveys a clear understanding of the project requirements and
2. Qualifications -The overall capabilities of the Consultant’s organization
must be discussed in this section. Include a brief summary of the firm’s
history and experiences and provide specific/detailed resume(s) for the
key personnel to be assigned to the project, including the project manager
and the community involvement facilitator.
3. Methodoloqy- In this section, the consultant should describe the proposed
methodology/course of action for completing the outlined project and
specific tasks. The proposed scope of work should be clearly defined,
including the depth of analysis of research and the means for
obtaining/facilitating the community input. Also, the consultant should
identify the decisions, products, data and corollary information anticipated
from city staff or other agencies to ensure successful completion of the
project. The level of assistance required from city staff must be clearly
stated in this section.
4. Cost of Project -The consultant shall provide a detailed statement of costs
with subtotals provided for major tasks outlined within the proposed
methodology/ course of action to complete the Master Plan project.
5. Schedule -The consultant shall provide a detailed schedule for completing
the various studies and work items/tasks described in the methodology/
course of action. Identify any factors that may prevent the firm from
completing the project by June 30, 2003.
6. References - Provide a list of all clients for past and current projects. List
at least three (3) detailed references of former clients who have contracted
with the firm for services similar to those outlined within this Request for
Proposals. The references must include name of company, address,
telephone number of contact person and approximate year of project(s) for
those three (3) references .
Page 11
7. Authorization -The proposal must be signed by an official authorized to
bind the firm and shall contain a statement to the effect that the proposal
is valid for at least ninety (90) days. The City of Carlsbad will not pay for
any costs incurred by any firm or persons submitting a proposal in
response to this Request for Proposals. The City reserves the right to
reject, or modify or cancel, in part or in its entirety, this Request for
Proposals at any time. All data, documents and other products used
during completion of this project shall remain in public domain. Similarly,
all responses to this Request for Proposals shall become the property of
the City of Carlsbad and will be retained or disposed of accordingly.
Interested consultants must submit an original and five (5) copies of their
proposal to the City of Carlsbad’s Housing and Redevelopment Department by
4:00 p.m. on Friday, . Proposals may be hand-delivered or
mailed to the following contact person at the noted address:
CARLSBAD, CA. 92008-2389
All firms interested in responding to this Request for Proposals must initially
represent themselves solely by their written proposal. All written proposals
received by the City by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, will be
reviewed by the Redevelopment and Planning Staff Team assigned to this
project. The Staff Team will review all of the proposals and then make a
recommendation to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission for consultant
selection. The final decision for selection of a consultant and award of contract
will be made by the Housing and Redevelopment Commission during a public
The following criteria shall be used by staff in evaluating the consultant
1. The quality of the proposal, including comprehensiveness and
responsiveness to the requirements of this Request for Proposal.
2. Experience with the preparation of similar or related plans for other
redevelopment areas.
Page 12
3. Experience working in areas with conditions similar to those found in the
South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Area (i.e., coastal community in
4. Quality of the proposed work program/methodology.
5. Overall qualifications of the consultant team members, including those of
the project manager and community involvement facilitator and related
organizational capacity of the consultant firm.
6. Schedule for completion of the project.
7. Estimated Project Cost.
An introductory meeting will be held on , 2001 at at the
Carlsbad City Council Chambers located at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive in
Carlsbad, California. The purpose of this meeting will be to allow consultants an
opportunity to ask questions regarding this Request for Proposals. You are
encouraged to attend this meeting if you are interested in submitting a proposal
for the work set forth above. You may contact the Housing and Redevelopment
Department at (760) 434-2811 for any additional questions/comments. The team
members you may speak to are: Debbie Fountain, Craig Ruiz, or Frank Boensch.
The following attachments are provided for information purposes:
1. Map of the South Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area, with
designated Planning Areas.
2. Copy of City’s standard consultant agreement.
3. Copy of approved Work Plan for development of Master Plan for South
Carlsbad Coastal Redevelopment Project Area.