HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-24; Municipal Water District; Resolution 15RESOLUTiON NO. 15 c I c KESOLUTlON OF THE BOAnI; OF IjIIiECTORS OF CAKLSbAL, MUNICIPAL iltrATEK DISTfiICT STATING THE RXSULTS OF THE CAIYVBSS OF ELECTlON dETITHNS OF THE SPECIAL b0Ku 3LECTION HELU I?, SAID DISTRlCT On AUGlidT 23, 1955. XHEAIEAS, this Board of Directors by resolution duly called and ijrovided for the holding of a special election in Carlsbad Municipal 'dater District on Augxst 23, 1955, for the pur,.)ose of submittinE to the qualified voters of said district a measure f'or the issuance of bonds as set forth in said resolution and hereinafter stated; and iWEREAS, notice of said election was duly and rekularly given in time, form and manner as provided by law, and said election was on said date duly held at the polling places designated in said resolution and notice, and the votes cast thereat were canvasseci and the returns thereof made at the time and in the form and manner IJrovided by law; and 'JEEI;IEAS, on the 24th day of August, 1955, this Board of Directors duly assembled at its usual place of meeting and canvassed the returns of said election; and vEiElIEAS, on this 24th day of August, 1955, this Board of' Directors has duly assembled at its usual place of meeting and has duly and rei;ularly canvassed the absentee votes cast at said election; NOW, ThEHEFOFiE, the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Iguni- cijial iiliater District LGES fiEsrEi3J KESOLVE, LETERMINE AND Ofii~L5 as follows: Section 1. That the bond measure voted upon at said election is as follows, to wit: Shall Carlsbad Municipal ;;dater District incur a bonded indebtedness in the principal sum of $$,95b,000 for the pur2ose of the acquisition and coristruction of a waterworks syste, includinb water> riLhts, lands, rights and ,irivile&es, water su; ply conduits, liipelines, reservoirs, works, machinery and oth6.r Froperty useful and necessary to store, convey, su9;)ly or otherwise make use of water for the benefit of the district? Section 2. That from the election returns heretofore can- vassed it appears and this Board of Directors finds that the total number of votes cast in the election precincts established f'or said election upon said. bond measure and. for and. aLainst said. bond measure, the total number of absentee votes cast in said electfon %?on saia bond measure and for and abainst said bond measure, and the total number of votes cast in said district upon said bond measure and for and apinst said bcnd measure, are as follows: YES RO 63 93 29 88 47 63 26 71 28 63 45 72 4c 80 39 40 21 78 43 82 52 113 -- 31 1.02 464 945 -- TGTAL 156 117 110 97 91 117 120 79 99 125 165 133 1409 __. -1- Total Votes in Oistrict Absentee Votes NO Total 4t4 945 1409 - Ye s Section 3. That the votes of less than two-thirds of all of' the voters voting upon said proljosition were cast in favor of the adoption of mid proposition, and said bond proposition is hereb.; declared to have failed to carry at said election. AOOl"TE1), YIGNXJ AND AkPilOVEL, this 24th day of AuLust, 1955, - President of Carl sbad Municipal Ws t er Di s t r i c t c. (SEAL) I -2-