HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-09-05; Municipal Water District; Resolution 28AIZESOLUPIOB NO. 28 A A REBOLuPIOls OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTBIC!P DEEEBQdINIDTG THE AMOUNT I!i3CESSA,RY TO BE RAISED BY TAXATIOH DURIIIG FOB SAID FISCAL YEAR THE FISCAL YEAR 1956-1957, AND FIXING THE RATES OF TBXBTIOB TO BE LEVIED BX IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD llIuaICIPAL WATER DISTBICP WHWBAS, Section 24 of the Municipal Water District Act of 1911 prsvideo that the Board of Directors of the Carlabad Municipal Water Dia- trict ohall deternine the amount of money necersary to be raised by taxation during the fiscal year 1956-1957, ard that said Beard flx a rate of tax to be levied which will raise the amounto of money required by the District during said fiscal year to meet the paymento of the principal and interest on any and all bonds of the District, ard fix a rate of tax to be levied which will raise such amounts of money a8 amy be required fer all other District purposes; and WIElPREBS, the District is required to certify to the Board ef Supervisorr of the County of San Diego, California, the rate so fixed, and furnish said Board of Supervisors a statement in writing settinp; forth an estimate af the minimum amount of money required to be raised by taxation during said fiscal year and direct said Board of Supervisorr that at the time and in the nuamor required by lau fer the levying of taxes for County purposes auoh Board of Supervisoro shall levy, at the rate so fixed and determined by thio Board, a tax upon all of the property within the Carlobad Munioipal Water District; arri WHERl3AS, the County Auditor of the County of San Diego has under date of August 15, 1956, certified to the Treasurer of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District the assessed valuation of all property within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District as shorn on the last equklized assessment roll of the County of San Diego, subject to taxation by said District for the fiscal year July 1, 1956 t0 June 30, 1957; and #TAERBAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District doeo not have any outotanding bonded irdebtedneso; and WHEREAS, the Dibtrict has ard will have other debts ard tabligations becoming due ad payable during the fiscal year 1956-1957 incurred and to be incurred for the purpose of carrying on the operations of the Diotrict, which the Board of Directors of the District has found and hereby finds cannot be met from the anticipated revenues of the District; HOW, T"ORB, BE IT BFCSOLVED by the Board of Director8 of the Carlabad Bdunicipal Water District as follows: Section 1. That the Barrd of Directorr of the Carlobad Municipal Water Dietrict hereby determines that the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation during the fiscal year 1956-1957 for all purposes of the District ie $19,920,46. Section 2. District during the fiscal year 1956-1957 the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District hereby fixe8 the rate of tsuF to be levied for the fiscal year 1956-1957 at 11# for each $100.00 of assessed valuations ae said valuation is shown on the original assessment roll for the County of San Diego. That to raise said amounts of meney required b;r the Section 3, That the Board of Directoro hereby directs that at the time and in the manner required by law for the levying of texeo for County purposeo, the Board of Supervisors of Sari Diego County, California, shall levy in addition to such other tax as may be levied by said Board of -1- Supervisors a tax for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District at the rate so fixed and determined by the Board of Directorr of this district in this resolution, to wit: eleven cents (8.11) on each one-hundred dollars of asseseed valuation of taxable propertj as shown on the original assess- ment roll of San Diego Ceynty, upon all the property within the Carlsbad Municipal Water District; and it is made the duty of the officer or bedy bar- authority to levy taxes in said County to levy the tax 80 required. CARLSBAD XIA~$IPAL WATBR &SRICT c M. 6. bald Secretary of the Board of Directors CARLSBb MlRJICIPAL WATER DISTRICT -2-