HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-01-30; Municipal Water District; Resolution 71RESOLUTION NO. 71 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CkRZ1SBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AbfARDING si;350,000 BONDS OF SAID DISTRICT FOR IMPROVEIJIEMT DISTRICT NO. 2 THEREOF TO THE BEST BIDDER AND REJECTING ALL OTHER BIDS. WEREAS, at the time and place fixed for the opening of bids for the #350,000 bonds of Carlsbad Municipal Water District for Improvement District No. 2, designated BONDS OF CARLSBAI) MUNICIPAL IfATER DISTRICT FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2, ELECTION 1957; SERIES 1, ad numbered 1 to 350, inclusive, all bids were publicly opened, examined and read, and a tabulation thereof has c been entered in the minutes; and WHEREAS, the bid of the bidder hereinafter named is the beet bid made by a responsible bidder for eald bonde; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of' Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District does hereby RESOLVE, DETE3MINE AND ORDER as fOllOW8: Section 1, That the bid of Blank of Amerloa National Trust and Bavings Association, Taylor & Com~am, and Jones & CosRrove & Miller offering par, acorued interest to date of delivery and a premium of $b29.00 for said bond6 to bear interest payable annually the first year and semiannually there- dter at the ratee of: - Rates 5$ - Years 1958 to 1988 c is the bid for said bonds yielding the lowest net interest cost, Said bid is hereby accepted and the bonds awarded to said best bidder in accordance with the terms of the p~opoaal. Section 2. That all bid6 other than the one accepted in Section 1 hereof are rejected and the Secretary of the district is directed to return the check accompanying said rejected bids to the respective bidders. Secttion 3. That the interest ratet(8) on said bonda la (are) hereby fixed at the ratefs) stated in Section 1 hereof. Secrtion 4. The Treasurer of the district le hereby directed to deliver said bonds to the successful bidder upon the payment of par, accrued interest to date of delivery and the premium above stated. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 30th day of January, 1958 . and of the Board of Directors thereof. ATTEST: A Secretary of Carlsbad Munioiml Water District and of said Board. 2. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 1 88. COUNTY OF SAN DIE0 I, Max 0. EWad Secretary of the Board of Direotors of Carlsbad Munioi~al Mater District, DO HEREBY CEXTIFY thati the foregoing resolution wa8 duly adopfed by the Board of Directors of aaid dietrict at ad.lourned regular meeting of said Board held on the 30th day of January, 1958, and that it was 80 adopted by the fo2lowing vote: AYES: Direotors EWALD, FRY, my, ROGERS (SEAL) - ~- ~- - ~ ~ NOES: Direotors NONE ABSENT: Directors NONE n . Secretary of Carisbad, ediunioiml. ‘iiater Dietrlct and of the Board of Directore thereof .