HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-05-07; Municipal Water District; Resolution 80RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF MRECTORS OF CBIiLsEAD MUNICIPAL WA'IER DIS!t!RICT O~IPO THAT CORDANa WITH SCTION 4.1, MUNICIPAL UA!IXR MS!i'RICT ACT OF 1911, AS AFENIIED, AND DIREZT- ING SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO RECJUEST TIB BOBRD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAN DIE00 CclIJary TO APPOINT WESIJ3Y F. GHEQK AS DIRECTOR FROM DIVISION NO. 2 OF SAID WATER DISTRICT. NO ELECTION SHALL E H3LD IN DIVISION 80. 2 OF CARLSAD MUNICIPAL WATER DImCT IX AC- WHEREAS, the sixty-fifth dq prim to the day fixed for the DlgtFict general elections has passed; and WHEmS, only me person bas been nominated to serve as a prrmber of the Boasd of Mrectora of' Carlsbad Mun3cipal Water District from Division Bo. 2 of said Mstrict; and r WHEREAS, WESIET F. GREEK, is the only person who has been nandmted to serve as a member of the Board of Mrecltors of Carlsbad Hmicipal Water District Born Division Ws. 2 of said Msfrict; and WHEREAS, Section 4.1 of the, Municipal Water District Aot of lm, as amended, requires that the Board of Direators of the Water District shall pass a Resoluticm that an elecrticaa shall not be held when only one person has been nominated to serve aa a mem- ber ef the Board of Mreotors of a Water District within an~r one Division. NW TI4"OIE(E, "E BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THF, CAFUSBAD MJNICIPAL WAmR DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOUOWSt 1. That an eleation shall not be held in Division 2 of Ctplsbad Nmlcipal Water Mstrict on June 3, 1958. 2. That the Sberetary of this Board is hereby directed to enter this Resolution in full in the minubs of this Bmrd. 3. That tho SeePetarJr of this Boarcl is direoted to forward a cow sf this Resolution to the Board of Superrfsors of Sm Diep CoWnty with the rqqpst that the said Board of Supervisors appoint WESIEY F. GREEK to the office of a member of the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Iknicipal Water DisWct from Division NO. 2 inmmwdancs with se6fiOI3 4.1 of the hnieipd Wabr District A& of lm, as amsnded. - I ADOPTED, SIGFIED, AND AFTFW3ED this 7th day of Iky, 1-8, I Secretary of the bard of Mreictors CARLSBAl) MJRICCIPAL WATER DISTFUCT (=L) SATE OF CALIF-: COUBEY aF SAR DIEGO: : m. CARLSBAD MJNICIPAL lf' MSTRICT I.""" I, 13Bx 0. EWALD, Sectmtary of Le Board of Directtors of Carlsbad Ehnioipal Water District do hereby eertify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said district at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of May, 1958, and it was adopted the follawing VQ~Z - 1 t AXES: DIIBCM[RS: EWALD, FRY, KELwt, PACE BCES: DIHECTORS: HCSE ABSTAIICIlBG: DIRECTClRSr GBEEK ABSEMT: DIRECTORS: BlollpE Y, Seomtary of the Board of Direatore CARISBAD MJlfICIPAL WAm DISTRICT