HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-09-18; Municipal Water District; Resolution 161-- f +-- .I., I FiE~SOIdUrYION OF TIIE ROAKD OF DIRECTORS OF C A RIA SI3 A D hl IT 1 IC I I-' 4 I, 1YAT ER DIST RIC' 'r DE C I, A RI NC; ?'€€E NEC' 14:s S 1'1' Y €{'OR I YCU HR I Xi 4 BONDED INDEBTEi:IlSI7SS 7'0 RE PAYABLE FROM TAXES LEVIED (JPOX AN UNINHAI3ITED PORTION OF THE DISTRICT AND FIXING 'TIATE AhD I'LIZCE OF HEARING AND GIVING NOTICE OF IIEARISG. $ WHEREAS, the Board of Dircctors of CARLSBAD IL'IUNICIF'AI, WATER DISTRICT deems it necessary for the district to incur a bonded indebtedness to be payable from taxes lcvicd upon an uninhabited portion of the district: 40 he designated "Improvement District No, Vi-7," NOW, THEREIFORE, the Board of Directors of CARLASH AI) MUNICIPAL, WATER DISTRICT DOES IIEREBY RESOLIVE, IIETERWIIUE AXD ORDER as follows: Section 1. That it is dwmcxct nc(.cssary for said district to incur a bonded indebttdness, to be payabltl fro121 tnxrs levied upon an uriinhatiitcd portion of the district for the purpose of the acquisition and construction of facilities for the eollc>ction, treatmtknt and disposal of sewagr, and for the foregoing, rlpprirtcnnnc,es niid appurtriixnt work, and inc-lucliing ;i 11 l:ind, easements, pipe, pumps, equipment, mac.hinc.ry and other property necessary thcrcfor for the lands and iiihaliitants within the exterior boundaries of said Improvement District No. 1;-7, and including c'xpenses of all proceedings for the authorization, issuaiice and sale of the tionds. Section 2. That the amount of the proposed debt to be incurred for whichtbonds are to be issued therefor is the sum of $1, 250, 003, 00, Section 3. That this Board intends to form an improvement district.of an uninhabited portion of the district which in the opinion of the Board will be benefited, the exterior boundaries of which portion are set forth on a map on file with the Secrc.tary of the Board of Directors, which map shall govern for all details as to the extent of the proposed uninhahited *\ t 5 -1- improvement district, and to incur indebtedness by the issuance of bonds -- of the district for said uninhabited improvement district. Sectipn 4. That taxes for thc payment of said bonds and the interest thereon shall be levied excliisivelv upon the taxable propertv in the uninhabited improvement district. Section 5. That a general description of the proposed improvement, together with a map showing the exterior boundaries of said proposed uninhabited improvement district with relation to the territory immediately contiguous thereto and to the proposed improvement is on filca with thc. Secretary of the F3oat.d of Directors and is available for inspection hy any person or persons interested. Section 6. That Tuesday, the 16th dijy of October, 1962, at the hour of 2:OO o'clock P. M., on said day. is hereby fixed as the time, and the 'meeting place of the Board of Directors of CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, at its office, 2698 State Street, Carlsbad, California, is hereby fixed as the place for a hearing'hy the Board of Directors of said district on the qucstion of the formation of said proposed uninhabited improvement district, the extent thereof, the proposed improvement and the amount of debt to be incurred. That at said time and place any person interested, including all persons owning property in the district or in the proposed Uninhabited improvement district, will be heard, and that any owner of property within the proposed uninhabited improvement district may file with the Secretary of the Board of Directors at any time prior to the time set for the hearing thereon written protest to the formation of the proposed uninhabited improvement district. If such protests are filed by the owners of one-half of the value of the property within the proposed uninhabited improvement district as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the county, further proceedings shall not be taken. Section 7. That the Secretary of the Board of Directors is hereby ordered and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be given by publishing -- a copy of this resol'ution once a week for two (2) successive weeks prior to the time for said hearing above stated in the CARLSBAD JOURNAL, a newspaper of general circulation in the district. be given by posting a copy of this resolution in three (3) public places within 'the proposed uninhabited improvement distr ic.t at least two (2) weeks before the time fixed for said -hearing. Said notice shall also I , Section 8. The Secretary of the Board of Directors is hereby ordered to mail a copy of this resolution fixing the time and place of the hearing on the formation of an uninhahited district, postage prepaid, to each person to whom land in the proposed uninhabited improvement district is assessed as shown on the last equalized county assessment roll, at his 'address as shown on the roll, and to any person, whether owner in fce or having a lien upon, or legal or equitablc interest in, any land within the proposed uninhabited improvement district, whose name and address and a designation of the land in which he is interested is on file with the Secretary of the Board of Directors, c ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 18th day of September, ' 1962. President of the Board of hirectors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District. ATTEST: .- Secretary of the Board of Directors of said District. (SEAL I -3- STATE OF CALIFORXI4 ) COIJXTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) ss. - -. I, RICHARD R, COE, Secretary of the Board of Directors of CARLSBAD MUXICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, DO HEREBY CERTIFY 1 that the foreioing resolution was dulv adopted by the Board of Dirertors of said district at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of September, 1962, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: . Directors KELLY WNOHAN, COE, GREEK I ,EweRKLE ___ c # - ._- AYES: NOES: Directors ABSENT: Directors NONE (SEAL 1 Se(.r'titarv of Carlsbad hluniripal Watcr District and of the Board of Directors thereof. c STATE OF CllLIFORNIA ) COUXTY OF SAX DIEGO ) '- ) ss. I I, RICHARD R. COE, Secretary of the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Municipal Water District DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No, 161 of said Board, and that the same has not been amended or repealed. - , 1962. I_ .L .~- - DATED: (SEAL) rnXrnR. co E Secretary of Carlsbad Municipal Water District 31x1 of the Board ,of Directors the reof. -4-