HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-21; Municipal Water District; Resolution 285r__ x RESOLUTION NO. 285 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD Mlli\iICPAL WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING SALARY PLAN FOR THE DISTRICT FOR 1972-73 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors did on June 21, 1972 hold discussions regarding standard rates of pay, position titles, hours of work, ana holidays for all District employees; NOW, THEREFORE, The Board of Cirectors of the Carlsbad Muni ci pal Water Di s tri ct does resol ve as fol 1 ows : 1. The following standard rates, with step increases set forth thereafter, described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby established as the salary plan for the District. The normal eligibility for salary step increases shall be six months of meritorious service for Step B; one year for Step C; one year for Step D; and one year for Step E. These normal step increases shall be granted upon recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the Ranager. 2. The Standard Range and Class Titles described in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby adopted for the 1972-73 fiscal year. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of of the Carlsbad Municipal Kater District at a regular meet on the 21 day of June, 1972 by the following vote: P ATTEST: Directors ng held AYES : Di rectors : Carmi chael , Engelmann , Kel ly , Mac Leod, NOES : Di rectors : None Maerkl e ABSENT: Directors : None Board of Directors mw Secretary of the Board of Directors EXHIBIT B I' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT CLASS1 FI CATION AND SALARY RAfiGE FISCAL YEAR 1972-1973 --- CLASS I FI CATION TITLE General Nanager Intermediate Account Clerk Office Hanager 8i Accounting Officer Secretary (Nanager & Board) lu'ater Works Inspector Water Works Operator I11 Water Works Operator I Water Works Superintendent irjater Iiorks Operator I1 STANDARD RANGE 57 13 36 26 34 28 16 39 20 . . . - . -. . . .. . .- __ . . . -. . .- . . ~. , ... Salary Range Number 36 37 38 39 40 41 &$!$ 42 43 44 45 .- 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 .. ~ , .- I. Hourly Step A 5.0655 5.1924 5.3193 5.4520 5.5847 5.7232 5.8674 6.0117 6.1617 6.3117 6.4674 6.6290 6.7905 6.9578 7.1309 7.3098 7.4886 7.6732 7.8636 8.0540 A 878 900 922 945 968 992 01 7 042 06 8 094 121 149 177 206 2 36 267 298 330 36 3 1396 1431 1466 1502 1540 1578 - B 9 22 9 45 968 992 1017 1042 1068 1094 1121 1149 1177 1206 1236 1267 1298 1330 1363 1396 1431 1466 1502 1540 1578 161 7 1656 - C 968 99 2 101 7 1042 1068 1094 1121 1149 1177 1206 1236 1267 7298 1330 1363 1396 1431 1466 1502 1540 1578 161 7 1656 1697 1738 - D 1017 1042 1068 1094 1121 1149 1177 19 06 7236 1267 1298 'I 330 1363 1396 1431 1466 1502 1540 1578 1617 1656 1697 1738 1781 1824 - I. E 1068 1094 1121 1149 1177 1206 1236 1267 1298 1330 1363 1396 1431 1466 1502 1540 1578 1617 1656 1697 1738 1781 1824 1870 1915 - EXHIBIT "Bll corrected CARLSBAG MCN I C I PAL WATER DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION ANT) SALARY RANGE FISCAL YEAR 1972-1973 CLASSIFICATION TITLE ----I-- General Manager Intermediate Account Clerk Office Manager & Accounting Officer Secretary (Manager & Board) Water Works Inspector Water Morks Operator I I I Water Works Operator I1 Water Works Operator I Water Works Superintendent STANDARD RANGE 57 11 34 24 34 26 18 16 37 CARLSBAD r4lPiICIPAL WATEP, CISTRICT PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION GENERAL kIANAGER. JOB DESCRIPTION: Subject to policy determination, to plan, direct, coordinate, and administer the activities of the District includins the design and construction of all works and field operations; and to do related work as required. - --.--- I.--- TYPICAL TASKS: Plans for and directs a comprehensive program relating to the production, storage, treatment, tratxmission, and distribution of the District's water supply, integrates arid coordinates the District's program and operation with that of other public juris- dictions , prepares and presents budget estimates , work programs and pol icy recom- mendations before the Board of Lirectors; after approval , controls budget expenditures and sets up an adequate system of reporting from subordinates to furnish him with necessary control information, establishes broad departmental policies and directs and corrdi nates the acti vi ties of major subordinates in carrying out those pol i ci es ; prepares or directs the preparation of studies, reports and recommendations relating to water supply, as directed by the Board of Directors, represents the District in conferences relating tc water supply and administration at local 1 eve1 s. State and Federal Coordinates with the Districts consulting Engineers the functions of surveying and mapping, research , procurement of right-of-ways, construction, operation and maintenance of the system and works, reviews plans, estimates , specifications, bids and contract documents fcr major projects, confers with other individuals in the engineerin2 field on engineering problems directs the keeping of adequate records, maps, field notesg and memoranda, acts as advisor to the Board of Directors and carries out its instruction on engineering proposals, plans and supervises the formulation of a long range program of public improve~ents, assists in the preparation of con- struction budget estimates and cost estimates on special projects, act' the research and compl i 1 ation of comprehensive reports. E DUCAT I OiJ : - --.-- Education equivalent to graduation from a recognized college or university, pre- ferably with major work in engineering. A masters in Public Administration is extremely advantageous. ESPERIEMCE : I_---- Five years of administrative experience in management of a government a9ency with thorough knowledTe of the principles and practi ces of pub1 i c uti 1 i ty management , thorough knowledge of the principles and practices involved in the financincr of public utilities, through knowledge of State and Federal laws and agencies involved in the production, distribution and use of water, wide knowledge of the principles and practices of civi 1 ensineering , familiarity with thc principles and proper prac- tices of administerins and directing the activities of a public utility and the ability to put such principles into practice, ability to establish and maintain ef- fective workins relations with all working personnel and maintain effective public re1 ati ons . CARLSBAC. MLNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PERSOTII-IEL CLASSIFICATION OFFICE KA!iAGER AND ACCOUNTING OFFICER JOB DESCRIPTION : ----- hder direction of the General NanaSer, to plan and administer the District's general accounting system and supervise the operations of the accounting and secretarial offices; and to do related viork as required. TY P I CAL TASKS : - ---- Supervises the accounting operatior; of the District; plans and installs pro- cedures for accounting for revenues and disbursements; plans methods for obtaining useful management data from routine accounting procedures ; pre- pares, analyzes and reconciles financial reports; establishes depreciation schedules ; coordinates accounti no acti vi ties with other departments and personriel ; installs accounting procedures requiring participation by several departments or divisions; assigns and reviews the work of subordinates; trains and rates the work performance of subordinates; directs the preparation of a wide variety of financial and procedural reports and orders all necessary office supplies. EMPLOYRENT STANDARDS : -c ----. Education and experience equivalent to graduation from college with major work in accounting and four years of professional accounting experience. Ability to supervise personnel and maintain effective public relations. CARLSBAD F.?UNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL CLASSIFICRTIOr4 CONS T R U CT I 0 N I N S P E CT 0 R JOB DESCRIPTIOi4 : - -.I--- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Perform a1 1 routine inspection programs of construction projects of District. Included within the scope of such work are pipeline extensions within subdivision developments District-sponsored pro- jects $ and consumer connection jobs. Prepare daily inspection reports of all construction activiites ar;d niaintain liaison with General Superintendent as to construction pro- grams relating to operations. Kaintain coixplete records of plans, specifications, right of way documents progress reports, and other documents relating to con- struction projects. Represent Cistrict in all matters of constuction projects to be coordinated with publ i c agencies and publ i c uti 1 i ties. In parti cul ar, the Construction Inspector shall be the contact man for "location service" of District facilities. Supervise a1 1 special inspection/testing functions performed by speci a1 ists . Perform other duties as required for District program. CPALSBAC FlUNICIPAL NATER DISTRICT PERSOIWEL CLASSIFICATION SUP E RI NT EN SENT JOB DESCRIPTION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perform all general operational tasks fer the regulation and control of the water supply. The system includes reservoirs, darns, pumping stations, chlorination stations , pressure-control staticns, telemetering system, and an extensive network of transmission and local pipelines. General supervision of all maintenance activities of the District. Provide necessary supervision and instructions in the services of all types of equipment other than the complex electronic units. Included in the general group would be water meters , chlorinators, pressure regulators, and other such facilities. Provide overall supervision and control for complete operating records for the water system. This would include all flow data, treatment plant records, customer meters, and maintenance records for waterworks facilities, as well as other equipment and vehicles. General supervision of a1 1 general construction relating to customer services , repai rs to pi pel ines mi nor a1 ternati ons of the Di stri ct system, and other related pro.jects. All records of inventory, work orders, and the like shall be kept by the Superintendent. Provide direct supervision of all operational and maintenance personnel of the District. In addition, necessary training and in- structions must be provided to subordinate personnel. WATER WORKS OPERATOR I1 Definition: ----- Under general supervision, on an assigned shift, to operate all units of a water system including pump stations, chlorinators and reservoirs. Zypi cal tasks : perfornis repair and maintenance on equipment: cleans, paints, and lubricates equipment; keeps logs of operations, performs laboratory tests and prepares reports setting forth operating conditions and costs of treatment; operates disinfection equipment; obtains samples for the County Health Department; per- forms custodial duties in the buildings and yards and operates other mechanical equipnient as requi red. On an assi gned shi ft , operates flow meters pumps, reservoirs ; -- Distillguishing - Characteristics : Employees in this classification are responsible for the operation of water reservoirs, pumping stations and chlorinators within the District, under the super- vision of a Water Systems Operator 111. I----- Desi rable Qual i fi cations : ---- Education: Applicants should have a high school diploma or its equivalent as determined by this office. For each year of high school study lacked, applicants may substitute one year of work experience of a mechanical nature, in addition to that required below. Experience: -___ Within the last ten years, at least one year of full-time paid experience in the maintenance and operation of a water system, or at least two years of full-time paid mechanical or electrical experience in the operation and maintenance of pumps, electrical motors, hydraul i c valves , and meters. Grade I I1 Operati on Certi fi cate P,WWA - CNPCA. License: A valid California Driver's License by time of appointment. Note: Applicants must be willing to work either day or night or weekends as needed. .. .* CARLSBAL MLIHICIPAL WATER DISTRICT P ERSOMi EL CLASS I F I CAT I ON WATERWORKS OPE RAT 0 F? , T RA I NE E JOB DESCRIPTION; 1. Perform general operations maintenance tasks for operation of water system; daily inspection of pumping stations, chlorination stations, valve stations, and other such facilities; maintenance of operational records; read arid repair water meters. 2. Perform general construction tasks such as installing new services anti meters, minor construction and repair of pipelines and other such work. 3. Under supervision of Superintendent, perform operational duties, control water works faci 1 i ties. 4. hder direct on equi pnien t 5. Provide comp Facility. on arid supervision of Superintendent, perform maintenance as needed. ete custodi a1 service for the Dis tri ct Headquarters CARLSBAD frlUdICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PERSGFlldEL CLASSIFICATION WATERWORKS OPE RATOR JOB DESCRIPTION: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Perform general operations maintenance tasks for operation of water system; daily inspection of pumping stations, chlorination stations, valve stations, and other such facilities; maintenance of operational records; read and repair water meters. Perform general construction tasks such as installing new services, and meters, minor construction and repair of pipelines and other such work. Under supervision of Superintendent, perform operational duties, control water works faci 1 i ties. To accept the responsibility to live in a house trailer at Squires Dam and be lake guard for the District. This residence is manda- tory to provide off-duty hours of protection against unauthorized entry to District property. Inspect new ccnstruction under supervision of Superintendent. Maintain complete records on all equipment, and under direction and supervision of Superintendent, perform maintenance on equip- ment as needed. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION SECRETARY JOB DESCRIPTION: -- This is a skilled secretarial class with duties involved in providing secretarial services to the General Manager and the Board of Directors, and the performance of specialized clerical activities related to the function to which assigned, and performs related work as required. Duties are performed under di recti on. DUTIES: Plans and performs a variety of clerical and secretarial tasks related to the functions to which assigned. Takes and transcribes oral dictation, using standard shorthand or a dictating mach i ne. Types a variety of letters, reports, forms and notices. Composes and types routine correspondence. Processes applications and issues permits. Prepares and assembles materials for meetings. Attends meetings and takes minutes, and prepares drafts of proceedings. Screens telephone calls by providing information requested or referring party to proper department or official. Maintains time cards for department personnel. c Flakes appointments for department head and arranges departmental conferences. I _e. Handles confi dential correspondence for the department head. Operates 2-way radio and relays information to department field personnel. Assists the public at counter and provides information. Indexes, files and maintains records. - EMPLOYMENT STAIiDARDS : Any combination of training and experience equivalent to graduation from high school, supplimented by courses in stenography and typing, and three years of responsible stenographic and clerical experience. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Ability to take dictation at a speed of not less than 100 words per minute using standard shorthand and to transcribe same, or to rapidly and accurately transcribe from a dictating machine; ability to type at a speed of not less than 60 words per mi n u te . CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL CLASS1 FI CATION I NT E RKE D I AT E ACCOUNT CLERK JOB DESCRIPTION: Under supervision, operates switchboard, answers specific questions regarding District, acts as central information clerk, refers calls to appropriate department, serves as receptionist, cashier and billing clerk and performs typing and clerical tasks as required. TYPICAL TASKS: Computes water use and applies various rates to determine individual monthly billings. Prepares and mails monthly bills. Maintains records and balances accounts . Responsible for correctness of monthly billings and maintenance of records. May also receive and account for payment of bills. Answers telephone some of time, operates radio. Responds to customer's questions relative to their bills. E DUCAT I ON : High school graduation required and two years experience performing bookkeeping, fiscal or statistical activities. Experience and/or training in operation of vari ous off i ce machines . .- I ! Salary Range 1?1 umb e r 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ..' -. . CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT BASIC SALARY SCHEDULE SALARY STEPS Hourly Step A 2.1577 2.2097 2.2674 2.3193 2.3770 2.4404 2.4981 2.5616 2.6251 2.6885 2.7520 2.8212 2.8904 2.9654 3.0347 3.1097 3.1904 3.2654 3.3462 3.4328 3.5135 3.6001 3.6924 3.7847 3.8770 3.9693 4.0674 4.1712 4.2751 4.3789 4.4885 4.5982 4.7078 4.8289 4.9443 A - 9; 374 383 39 3 402 41 2 423 4 33 444 455 46 6 477 4 89 50 1 51 4 526 5 39 55 3 566 5 80 59 5 609 6 24 6 40 656 672 688 705 72 3 741 759 778 79 7 81 6 837 85 7 B 39 3 40 2 41 2 42 3 433 444 45 5 466 477 4 89 50 1 514 526 5 39 553 566 5 80 595 609 624 6 40 656 6 72 6 88 70 5 72 3 741 759 7 78 79 7 81 6 837 85 7 878 900 - -1- C 41 2 423 433 444 45 5 46 6 477 489 50 1 51 4 526 5 39 553 566 5 80 59 5 6 09 624 6 40 6 56 6 72 6 88 70 5 723 741 7 59 778 79 7 81 6 837 85 7 878 900 922 945 - . .. D 433 444 455 466 477 4 89 50 1 51 4 526 5 39 553 566 5 80 59 5 609 624 640 6 56 672 6 88 705 72 3 74 1 759 778 79 7 81 6 837 857 878 900 922 9 45 968 992 - E 455 466 477 489 50 1 51 4 526 5 39 553 566 5 80 59 5 609 624 6 40 656 6 72 6 88 70 5 723 74 1 7 59 778 79 7 81 6 837 85 7 878 9 00 922 9 45 968 992 1017 1042 -