HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-17; Municipal Water District; Resolution 545RESOLUTION NO. 545 I RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADJUSTING THE SALARY TABLE; CONTRIBUTING TOWARD THE THIRD LEVEL OF THE P.E.R.S. 1959 SURVIVOR BENEFIS INCREASING THE VACATION ACCUMULATION RATE; AND ALLOWIE; EMPLOYEES TO SELL BACK A PORTION OF THEIR SICK LEAVI WHEREAS, on June 17, 1987, the Board of Direct with representatives of the District's classified employee: WHEREAS, the Board feels it is appropriate to ad: District's salary table by 5% to reflect an increase in t of living, and WHEREAS, in the event of an employee death p retirement, the District will make reasonable efforts to insurance that will aid in thex financial recovery ( employee's designated beneficiary, and I WHEREAS, the Directors wish to provide add vacation time for employees of the District who have ter excess of ten years, and - I 1 WHEREAS, some of the District's employee accumulated sick leave balances that are beyond the 30 da! it takes to receive long-term disability payments, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend A'rticle 4 Sect and 4.6 and Article 5 Sections 5.4 and 5.5 and add Ar Section 5.38 to the District's Administrative Code to ref: Board's desires NOW THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CO, MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DOES HEREBY DETERMINE AND RES01 the Administrative Code is hereby amended, effective July by the attached exhibits. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 17th day of Ju K-" Sd&n M. Haasl, President Board of Directors COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER D I 1 I 1 I -vu I I \ I\LI \L /MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT . ADMINISTRATIVE CODE L) I’ TITLE: CLASSIFIED POSIT10 I r- ~ Latest Re.vision July 1, 1987 I ARTICLE 4 . CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) Sec. 4.4. Payroll Ranges. Bi-Weekly - 1987-88 RANGE A B C _- D ”””””””””””””””””””””””””- 15 576.00 600.80 626.40 652.80 6t 16 588.00 613.60 640.00 667 . 20 6! 17 600.80 626.40 652.80 682.40 71 18 613. 60 640.00 667.20 695.20 7: 19 626.40 652. 80 682.40 710.40 7r 20 640.00 667.20 695.20 725.60 7f 21 652.80 682.40 710.40 741.60 7’ 22 667.20 695.20 ’ 725.60 ,758. 40 71 23 682.40 710.40 741.60 775.20 8: 24 695. 20 725.60 758.40 792.80 8: 25 710.40 741.60 775.20 810 . 40 81 26 725.60 758.40 792.80 827 -20 8 I. 27 741.60 775.20 810.40 845.60 8E 28 758.40 792.80 827 -20 864.80 9( 29 775. 20 810 . 40 845.60 883.20 9; 30 792 . 80 827.20 864.80 902.40 94 31 810 . 40 845.60 883.20 922 . 40 9f 32 827.20 864.80 902.40 942.40 9t 33 845.60 883.20 922.40 965.60 1,0( 34 864.80 902.40 942.40 986.40 1,01 35 883.20 922 . 40 965.60 1,008.00 1,Of 36 902.40 942.40 986.40 1,032.80 1,O: 37 922.40 965.60 1,008.00 1,055.20 1,1( 38 942.40 986.40 1,032.80 1,079.20 1,l; 39 965.60 1,008.00 1,055.20 1,104.80 1,1! 40 986.40 1,032.80 1,079.20 1,128.00 1,15 41 1,008.00 1,055.20 1,104.80 1,154.40 1,2C 43 1,055.20 1,104.80 1,154.40 1,201.60 1,25 44 1,079.20 1,128.00 1,177.60 1,224.80 1,25 42 1,032.80 1,079.20 1,128.00 1,177.60 1,2i I #lUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ”” I. . . .&I .L I TITLE : CLASSIFIED POSlTION! ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE I. Latest Revision July 1 , 1987 ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) Sec. 4.4. Payroll Ranges. Bi-Weekly - 1987-88 RANGE A B c .- D ””””””””””“”””””””””””“”” 45 1,104.80 1,154.40 1,201.60 1,251.20 1,3 46 1,128.00 1,177.60 1,224.80 1,275.20 1,3 48 1,177.60 1,224.80 1,275.20 1,326.40 1,3 49 1,201-60 1,251.20 1,301.60 1,353.60 1,4 50 1,224.80 1,275.20 1,326.40 1,380.00 1,4 51 1,251.20 1,301.60 1,353.60 1,408.00 1,4 .52 1,275.20 1,326.40 1,380.00 1,436.00 1,4 54 1,326.40 1,380.00 1,436.00 1,494.40 1,5 47 1,154.40 1,201.60 1,251.20 1,301.60 1,3 53 1,301.60 1,353.60 1,408.00 1,464.80 1,5 I ‘55 1,353.60 1,408.00 1,464.80 1,524.00 1,: 56 1,380.00 1,436.00 1,494.40 1,555.20 l,e 57 1,408.00 1,464.80 1,524.00 1,585.60 1,Q 58 1,436.00 1,494.40 1,555.20 1,617.60 l,t 59 1,464.80 1,524.00 1,585.60 1,650.40 1,; 60 1,494.40 1,555.20 1,617.60 61 1,524.00 1,585.60 1,650.40 62 1,555.20 1,617.60 1,682.40 63 1,585.60 1,650-40 1,716.00 64 1,617.60 1,682-40 1,750.40 65 1,650.40 1,716.00 1,785.60 66 1,682.40 1,750.40 1,820.80 67 1,716.00 1,785.60 1,857.60 68 1,750.40 1,820.80 1,894.40 69 1,785.60 1,857.60 1,932.80 1,682.40 1,: 1,716.00 1,: 1,750.40 1,t 1,820.80 1,t 1,857.60 l,! 1,894.40 l,! 1,932.80 2,1 1,971.20 2,’ 1,785.60 1,I 2,011.20 2, 1. I j , I 1 c COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT . . . . . . . . .. I 4 ]Pa I TITLE: CLASSIFIED POSIT1 I ADMINISTRATIVE CODE -1 Latest Revision June 17, 1987 1 e ARTICLE. 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) Sec. 4.6. Termination of Employment (continued) Government Code S1301 provides: "Every off ice, the term of which is not fil law, is held at the pleasure of the appoj power. " The General Manager has discretion to terminal employees of the Distrlct without cause and w notice or hearing. This discretion is limi. the extent that the General Manager may no1 charge employees for improper reasons. Examp improper reasons include discharge on the basi 1. Race, sex .or age; 2. Participation in lawful political activiti 3. Service on jury duty; 4. Exercise of grievance rights; 5. Exercise of any rights guaranteed by the or Federal Constitution or State or Federz 1, ' The employee has the burden of demonstrating termination by the Manager is based upon an in reason in the event the employee requests rec eration of the decision to terminate the emplt (a) Retirement. Upon retirement in accordanc either the voluntary service or comp service retirement provisions of P.E.R.: employee shall receive 50% of all accun sick leave up to 250 hours. Any accum sick leave in excess of 250 hours sh; reimbursable at 100%. (b) Death. Upon the death of an employec compensation due such employee shall be 1 designated beneficiary of such employee. pensation for all accumulated vacatiol 50% of all sick leave up to 250 hours, a: of sick leave in excess of 250 hours shal be made. I I I L COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT ." .- - - -. . . . - - . - . .. ADMINISTRATIVE CODE u I WdkffiNG HOURS, + EMPLOYEE BENEFI: Latest Revision I June 17, 1987 t ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS , EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued ) See. 5.4. Vacation Leaves. (continued) (e) In computing the amount of vacation leave employee, holidays, vacation time, an leave shall be included as total service i period of time to be granted to an em shall be in addition to Saturdays, Sundal Holidays within or at the beginning or such leave. Sec. 5.5. Sick Leave. Sick leave is defined as the nec absence from work of an employee because of il injury or exposure to contagious disease suffc the employee, or the serious disability of t ployee while on a scheduled vacation, or a . authorized for medical or dental care. Emp shall be entitled to sick 1eave.with pay unc following conditions: 1 (a) Each full time employee shall be entitlec hours sick leave per one year,pf employmex (b) Sick leave may be accumulated for an unl period. Additional sick leave may be grar the discretion of the Board of Direct0 approval thereof. (c) Abuse of sick leave privileges shall be c for discipline or dismissal. (dl In computing the amount of sick leave ti an employee, holidays, vacation time an leave shall be included as total service i period of time to be granted to an em shall be in addition to Saturdays, Sundal holidays within or at the beginning or such leave. (e) An employee has the option of selling t the District 100% of any accumulated sick in excess of 250 hours. I .! I I .. r COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT . " . -. ._ .. . - "_ . . t"l TI WORK~NG TLE - HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFI' ADM I N I STRAT 1 VE CODE June 17, 1987 - Latest Revision ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.5. Sick Leave. (continued) (f) The Board of Directors, at its discretic purchase any accumulated sick leave f employee. Sec. 5.6. Jury Duty. All employees are eligible for ju leave with pay when required by any legally tuted court to appear for examination or ju: vice. 1nordertoqual.i.fyforpaid jury duty employees are required to furnish proof of E ance in a manner prescribed by the General Ma An amount equal to the per diem or fees paid court to the employee will be .deducted f I employee's pay. No deduction will be made 1 value of mileage allowances, meals or IC furnished by the court. In the absence of proof of attendance, an err will be required to use such Qgher leave prescribed by the General Manager. - I I 1 COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT ......... ._ . . _.-._ ADMINISTRATIVE CODE I 5 I t- T 1 TLE : WORKING EMPLOYE1 Latest Revision June 17, 1987 1 ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.37. Service Awards. A service award will be givc employees after periods of service to the Distric follows : 5 years ............. .Framed Certific; 10 years ............. Framed Certific; 15 years ............. Plaque 20 years ............. Plaque 25 years and each 5 years thereafter. ... To be dc mined by the Board at the Manager's recon dation Retirement ............. Plaque Presentation of service awards shall be by the Cl person of the Board of Directors ata regularmeeti the Board. Sec. 5.38. Third Level 1959 Survivor Benefit, The Dis, shall fund the employer's contribution for the 1 Level of the Public Employees Retirement Sy (P.E.R.S.) 1959 Survivor Benefit Program. The empl shall be responsible for his or her portion of premium. All employees hired by the District subse' to December 31, 1982, are required by P.E.R.S. to < this coverage. I i 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 I 1 ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 I, JOHN P. HENLEY, Secretary of COSTA REAL MUN WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted Board of Directors of said District at a regular meet: the Board held on the 17th day of June, 1987, and th was adopted by the following vote: -+ I AYES : Directors: Bonas, Henley, Maerkle, Woodward and Haasl NOES : Directors: None ABSENT : Directors: None and khe Board of Directors thereof I