HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-03; Municipal Water District; Resolution 567RESOLUTION NO. 567 I RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TIlE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AMENDING GUIDELINES FOR COMPENSATION AND REIMBURSEMENT OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the COSTA REAL MUNI( WATER DISTRICT has determined that it is desirable to prc additional guidelines relating to reimbursable expenses; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. Section 2.3.2. of Article 2 of the Administrative shall be amended to read as follows: 1 2.3.2. Limits on Compensation. In accordance state law, no director shall receive compensation amount to exceed $100 per day or shall be compen: for more than 6 days service in any calendar m Where possible, committee meetings should be schel for days on which another District meeting occurs. 2. Section 2.3.4. is hereby added to Article 2 ol Administrative Code of the COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRI read as provided in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. I 3. This Resolution shall be effective immediately. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of February, 1988. AYES: Directors: Haasl, Henley, Maerkle, Woodward, NOES: Directors: None ABSENT: Directors: None ABSTAIN: Directors: None c 1 EXHBIT "A" 2.3.4. Guidelines for ReimbursableEx2enditures: A. Transportation, lodging, meals, tips and meeting/conference registration fees are considered necessary expenses, providing such expenses are fair and reasonable. 1. Total reimbursement for use of personal vehicles shall be limited to 100 miles of travel each way. Beyond that, travel reimbursement shall not exceed the cost of the then-prevailing round-trip air fare to the same destination. 2. Reimbursement should not generally be provided for stays at hotels within San Diego County. 3. Lodging reimbursement shall not exceed the prevailing convention hotel rates offered through conference registration, where available. I 4. No reimbursement shall be provided for alaholic beverages or entertainment costs. 5. Per diem expenses, excluding travel, should not normally exceed $50.00 per diem. B. Except for compensation paid for attendance at meetings of the Board, no compensation shall be paid by the District to a director until the director has filed with the. District, on the form provided herein, a claim for comper;.s&ion and reimbursement of expenses with supporting receipts. Reimbursement for items not listed on the form shall be approved by the Board. C. No reimbursement shall be paid for the expenses incurred for accompanyment by a member of the family of a director. D. Reimbursement for the use of private vehicles shall be made at the rate of 20.5C per mile. E. The Board may approve waivers to this reimbursement policy based upon special or extenuating I circumstances. I 2 ORGANIZATIO BOARD OF DI. February 3, 1988 ARTICLE 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sec. 2.3. Compensation 2.3.1 Compensation, It is the policy of the Distric that a Director is considered to be rendering service b request of the Board and shall be compensated when: A. Attending each Board and Committee meeting $100 per day. B. Within the State of California, attending busi ness meetings as a District-designated represen tative or alternate to: I San Diego County Water Authority Assoc. of California Water Agencies-JPIA SDCWA Reclamation Advisory Committee (repl. SDRW Presidents & Managers Council of Water Utilities Assoc. of Water Reclamation Agencies California Special Districts Association National Water Resources Association $100, regardless of duration. C. Within the State of California, attendin business meetings of the -Association of Californi Water Agencies: $100 regardless of duration. D. Attending any other meeting, conference, organ izational committee, or seminar for which compensa tion is specifically approved by the Board prior t attendance: $100 regardless of duration. 2.3.2 Limits on Compensation. In .accordance wit State law, no Director shall receive compensation in a amount to exceed $100 per day, or shall be compensate for more than six days services in any calendar montk Where possible, committee meetings should be schedule for days on which another District meeting occurs. I 2.3.3 Reimbursement, It is the policy of this Dis trict that expenses are incurred by a Director in th performance of duties requested or authorized by th Board, and shall, upon claim, be reimbursed when: 2 I ORGANIZATION C BOARD OF DIREC February 3, 1988 I ARTICLE 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (continued) Sec. 2.3.3 Reimbursement (continued) A. Attending a meeting or conference for whicl compensation is otherwise authorized by Sectioz 2.3.1. B. Within the State of California, attendin! conferences or meetings of: Association of California Water Agencies Association of California Water Agencies-JPIA National Water Resources Association Association of Water Reclamation Agencies California Special Districts Association Water Agencies Association of San Diego County C. On District business other than committec meetings or board meetings within 100 miles of thc boundaries of the District. NOTE: The Count: Water Authority reimburses our representative tc their board fbr mileage to attend meetings. I they do not, the Director can apply to thi District for reimbursement. I D. Attending educational conferences within th State relevant to the operations and powers of th District as approved by the Board. E. On other District business more than 100 mile from the boundaries of the District, as approved b the Board. 2.3.4. Guidelines for Reimbursable Expenditures: A. Transportation, lodging, meals, tips and meeting/con ference registration fees are considered necessary ex penses, providing such expenses are fair and reasonable 1. Total reimbursement for use of personal vehicle shall be limited to 100 miles of travel each waj Beyond that, travel reimbursement shall not excee the cost of the then-prevailing round trip air far to the same destination. I 2 ORGANIZATION BOARD OF DIR February 3, 1988 ARTICLE 2. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (continued Sec.2.3.4. Guidelines for Reimbursable Expenditures 2. Reimbursement should not generally be provide for stays at hotels within San Diego County. 3. Lodging reimbursement shall not exceed tk prevailing convention hotel rates offered throuc conference registration, where available. 4. No reimbursement shall be provided fc alcoholic beverages or entertainment costs. 5. Per diem expenses, excluding travel, should nc normally exceed $50.00 per diem. I B. Except for compensation paid for attendance at meet ings of the Board, no compensation shall be paid by tt District to a Director until the Director has filed wit the District, on the form provided herein, a claim fc compensation and reimbursement of expenses with support ing receipts. Reimbursement for items not listed on tt form shall be approved by the Board. C. No reimbursement shall be paid for the expense incurred for accompanyment by -a member of the family c a Director, D. Reimbursement for the use of private vehicles shal be made at the rate of 20.5 cents per mile. E. The Board may approve waivers to this reimbursemen policy based upon special or extenuating circumstances. Sec. 2.4. Time and Place of Board Meetings. Sec. 2.5. Call for Special Meeting. I Sec. 2.6. Use of Board Room by General Public. COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I Expense Claim Claimant Date (s) From To Function Location I Sun Mon Other (Specify) Totals 1 ------------"" - _"" "-""-""-"-=""-=""-=""-~=---~-"""~"""- Mileage miles @ $.205/mi. $ I Expenses Total Expenses "_"""_ """"" Out-of-Pocket Expenses Guest Expenses Cash Advances Total Due: [ 3 District [ ] Claimant € > =========x Date: S igned : (Claimant) {Please Attach All Receipts to Expense Claim Form} STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 I 1 ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 I, JOHN P. HENLEY, Secretary of COSTA REAL MUNI( WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do hc certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted bl Board of Directors of said District at a regular meetin the Board held on the 3rd day of February, 1988, and that was adopted by the following vote: 1 AYES : Directors: Haasl, Henley, Maerkle, Woo( and Bonas NOES: Directors: None ABSENT : Directors: None ABSTAIN: Directors: None d& and the Board of Directors thereof I