HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-04; Municipal Water District; Resolution 605I RESOLUTION NO. 605
WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee of Costa
Municipal Water District has met with the representatives c District's classified employees; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Costa Real Muni Water District, at the Board meeting of September 7, 1988,
orized a salary study be done by Personnel Associates; and
WHEREAS, after consideration by the Board of Dire of the recommendations by Personnel Associates regarding sal and job descriptions; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend Article 4 Sectic
and incorporate the job descriptions prepared by Persl Associates: I NOW THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COSTP
the Administrative Code is hereby amended, effective JanuE 1989, by the attached exhibits.
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Secreqry, Board of ./ Directors /
I 4
January 1, 1989
Sec. 4.4. Salary Schedule and Job Classification. A Salal
Schedule and Job Classification is hereby estal: lished and is set forth as follows:
Board Board Board Board
57 53
51 51
31 31
Approved General Manager/District Engir
Approved Operations Superintendent Approved Administrative Manager
Approved Engineering Manager Senior Engineering Technician Senior Engineering Inspector
Public Information Officer
Const. & Maint. Supervisor
Systems Operations Supervisor Engineering Technician
Senior Systems Operator
Service Coordinator
Senior Const. & Maint. Worker
Executive Secretary
System Operator I1
Engineering Secretary
Equipment Operator
Const. & Maint. Worker I1 Accounting Office Assistant System Operator I Constr. & Maint. Worker I
Engineering Office Asst. I1
Engineering Office Asst. I
-6.00/hour Office Aide/Intern
A new employee shall be employed in the Sala:
Range for that particular Job Classificatio After the successful completion of six months I in that position, the new employee may be
(41 I TITLE:
L I ~-
Latest Revision
January .1, 1989
See. 4.4 Payroll Ranges. Bi-Weekly - 1988-89
903 -20
942 -40
963 -20
863 - 20
1029.60 .
863.20 '
883 -20
4 <
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/50.1-2 November 1988
Under general supervision, operates and maintains a water distribution system; performs water quality assurance duties; performs related work assigned.
S stem Operator I is the entry level class in this series. Initially under hsupervi slo;ii, incumbents learn and perform a variety of duties in water distribution systems operation and quality assurance work. This class is alter, nately staffed with System Operator I1 and incumbents may advance to the higher level after gaining .two years of experience and demonstrating proficiency which meets the qualifications of the higher level class.
System 0 erator I1 is the journey level class in this series. Incumbents per- mbaTe of operation and maintenance duties. This class is distinguished from Senior Systems Operator, which has on-going lead respon- sibili ty for the work of staff.
1 1. Operates and maintains valving, regulating, chemical feed and pumping stations, reservoirs and related facilities. 2. Reads and interprets monitoring devices on water distribution equip- ment; calculates and adjusts chemical dosages; performs preventive maintenance on production and feed equipment; constructs, modifies and repairs equipment; logs and records readings; reports necessary repair work; inspects pump sites and reservoirs; installs and repairs chemical feed equipment; repairs and rep12 ces pumps, motors, chlorinators, regulators and related equipment.
customer complaints regarding taste, odor and pressure problems.
metry systems, hydroelectric stations and cathodic protection units; performs instrument repair work.
puterized equipment and test equipment related to the work.
truck; reports needed repairs and service; performs minor preventive main- tenance on vehi cl es.
3. Takes water samples and performs standard laboratory tests; responds
4. Performs electrical and electronic maintenance and repair work on tell
5. Operates a wide variety of hand and power tools and equipment, com-
6. Inspects and drives trucks; secures necessary tools and equipment for
7. Observes safe work methods and safety precautions related to the work 8. Prepares and maintains a variety of computerized and wri'tten records, reports and logs related to work performed; orders parts and supplies for assigned jobs.
asibuilt drawings of work performed.
assignments; performs construction and maintenance work as required.
9. Reads plans, maps, specifications, schematics and blueprints; record:
10. Performs landscape maintenance and groundskeeping duties incidental a
11. May train and direct the work of others; acts as lead on small crew. I
System Operator 1/1 I Page Two
NOTE: The 1 eve1 and scope of the knowledge and ski1 1 s 1 i sted bel ow are I- related to job duties as defined under Class Characteristics.
Know1 edae of: " -
Methods, techniques, tools and equipment used in water distribution,
Operati on and maintenance of a wide variety of hand and power tools
Safe work methods and safety regulations pertaining to the work Basic computerized recordkeeping- applications Appl icabl e codes and regul ati ons Shop mathematics
operation and maintenance work
and equipment comnon to the fi el d
Skill in:
Operating and maintaining water distribution systems and equipment Operating and maintaining a variety of hand and power tools and equipment
Understanding and following oral and written instructions Properly placing cones, barricades and warning devices and directing
Exerci sing sound i ndependent judgment and initiative without cl ose
Preparing basic records and reports Reading and interpreting maintenance manuals, specifications, plans,
Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
used in the work
traffic flow at job sites
supervision I maps and blueprints
encountered in the course of the work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license. Must possess sufficient strength and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds an to perform sustained physical labor. Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions and to work with exposure to traffic and other hazards. Must be willing to work overtime and off-hour shifts as assigned or in emergency situations. Must obtain a Grade I1 Operator Certificate issued by the State Department of Health or a Grade I Operator's certificat issued by AWWA prior to advancement to System Operator 11. ?
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
System Operator I: Equivalent to graduation from high school and six month ot work experience in the maintenance or operation of water distribution systems.
I. System Operator I I : In addition to the above, two years of experience in water distribution systems operations and maintenance work at a level equivalent to the District's Systems Operator I class. College level coursework in water techno1 ogy is desirable.
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/sos.1-; November 1988
Under direction, plans, supervises and reviews the work of crews engaged in water distribution systems operations and maintenance and water quality assurance work; personally performs the work; performs related work as assignt
This is the first line supervisory level in the System Operator series. This class is distinguished from Superintendent, which is responsible for District construction and maintenance, as well as operations functions.
1. Plans, assigns, supervises, reviews and evaluates the work of crews engaged in a wide variety of distribution system operation, maintenance and qual i ty assurance activities. 2. Supervises and personally performs the operation and maintenance of a val vi ng , regul ati ng , chl ori nation, pumpi ng station , reservoi r and other re1 ate facilities and equipment; maintains operations manuals and logs; supervises an directs laboratory scheduling and testing activities. 3. Designs, installs, analyzes, troubleshoots and maintains SCADA and telemetry systems. 4. Instructs and provides for the training of staff in work methods, use of tools and equipment and relevant safety precautions. 5. Inspects job sites to determine work required and to evaluate perfor- mance. 6. Estimates personnel, material and equipment requirements for assigned jobs. 7. Provides technical assistance to crews in resolving difficult problem encountered. 8. Prepares and maintains a variety of written and computerized reports and records, including timecards, worksheets, accident reports, maintenance requests, etc.
prepares specifications for contract work; prepares detailed budget requests f section activities. 11. Coordinates work with other departments and outside agencies; provide for emergency repair work as needed. 12. Evaluates the work of assigned personnel; recomnends and implements disciplinary action as necessary; participates in the selection of new empl oyees.
precautions and equipment are utilized; conducts safety meetings.
9. Responds to questions and complaints from the pub1 ic and other agen-
10. Recomnends special work required or necessary equipment' maintenance;
13. Ensures that safe work methods are followed and that appropriate safe
System Operations Supervisor Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in water distribution
Principles and practices of employee supervision, including selection
Safe work methods and safety practices pertaining to the work Operation and maintenance of a wide variety of equipment and hand and
Principles of electronics Data processing. applications re1 ated to the work Shop mathematics Appl icabl e 1 aws and regul ations
systems operations and maintenance and water quality assurance
trai ni ng , work eval uati on and di scipl i ne
power tool s used in the work
Skill in:
Planning, coordinating, scheduling, supervising and evaluating the work
Preparing and maintaining a variety of accurate written and computerized
Reading and interpreting plans, maps and specifications and manuals Operating and maintaining effective working relationships with those
Identifying and implementing effective courses of action to complete
Coordinating crew assignments with other departments and agencies Estimating labor, material and equipment needs Establ i shi ng and mai ntai ni ng effective working re1 ati onshi ps with those contacted in the course of the work
of others
records and reports pertaining to the work
U contacted in the course of the work
assigned work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a Val id California driver's 1 icense. Must possess a Grade 111 Operator's certificate issued by the State Department of Health and a Grade Operator's certificate issued by the AWA. Must possess sufficient strengt and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds. Must be willing to work overtime and offihour shifts as assigned or in emergency situations.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is: -
Equi Val ent to graduation from high school, supplemented by college level coursework in water techno1 ogy and two years of experience in water distri- bution systems operations and maintenance work at a level equivalent to the District's Senior Systems Operator class. rl
Costa Real Water District
PA # 1/SUP.1-2 November 1988
Under di recti on, pl ans , organi zes and supervi ses the operati on, maintenance , replacement and repair of water treatment and distribution facilities; directs water quality laboratory functions; performs related work as assigned.
This single position class is a department head, responsible for all District operations and maintenance activities on an ongoing basis. This class is distinguished from General Manager, which is responsible for all District acti vities, including administration and engineering.
1. Develops and implements goals, objectives and work standards for
2. Assists in the development and administration of the annual budget fol
3. Plans, schedules, coordinates, administers and directs daily work of
District operations and maintenance activities.
operations, maintenance and laboratory functions.
operations and maintenance staff; ensures proper coverage for off-shift and weekend hours. 4. Develops maintenance schedules; plans, coordinates and directs unsche, duled maintenance and repair work. 5. Coordinates operations and maintenance activities with contract construction activities to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water for local water purveyors.
6. Directs 1 aboratory and water quality testing programs. 7. Confers with and provides expert assistance to District management
8. Selects staff and provides for their training and professional develol
9. Confers with water purveyors, contractors and governmental represen-
staff in the areas of water treatment and distribution.
ment; interprets District rules and regulations to staff.
tati ves in matters re1 ating to the Di strict treatment and distribution acti vi - ties.
supplies are maintained.
re1 ati ng to operations and maintenance acti vi ties.
10. Ensures that an adequate inventory of treatment chemicals, parts and
11. Maintains accurate records and prepares periodic and special reports
Superintendent Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Supervisory principles and practices, including work organization,
Principles and practices related to the treatment and distribution of
Methods and equipment used in the construction, maintenance and repair
Safety practices pertaining to the work, including the hand1 ing of
Sasic budgeting principles and practices Basic water quality testing principles and techniques Appl icabl e 1 aws, codes and regulations
planning and scheduling
a potable water supply
of water treatment and distribution facilities
hazardous chemical s
Skill in:
Planning, organizing, prioritizing, supervising, reviewing and evaluating
Developing and implementing goals, objectives and long- and shortorange
Analyzing complex water treatment and distribution problems, evaluating
the work of operations and maintenance personnel
pl ans and programs
alternatives and making sound recommendations within policy and procedural gui del ines Maintaining accurate records and preparing clear and concise reports Coordinating mu1 tiple activities and functions Establishing and maintaining effective working re1 ationships with those contacted in the course of the work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license. Must possess a Grade I1 Water Treatment Operator's Certificate issued by the State of California. Possession of a Grade I11 Operator's Certificate is desirable. Must be available for calloback in emergency situations.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of supervisory o lead experience in the operation, construction or maintenance of water treatment or distribution facilities.
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/SK.l=2 November 1988
Under general supervision, receives, -stores and issues material, supplies, too and equipment; serves as Safety Officer for the District; performs related wor as assigned.
This single position class is responsible for the full range of storekeeping duties, as well as serving as the District's Safety Officer. This class is distinguished from Superintendent, which is a department head, responsible for all operations and maintenance activities.
1. Receives and unpacks materials, supplies, parts and equipment, verifying articles received against packing lists and purchase 'orders; stores materials received or del ivers to the proper person or unit; issues supplies, tools and materials to operating staff, assembling materials from requisitions submitted. 2. Orders materials and supplies according to established limits and orders nonstock items as requested; prepares purchase requisitions or material requests, including stock or part numbers and prices, if applicable. 3. Works with operating staff to determine needs; works directly with ve' dors to determine stock avail abil ity and to acquire needed supplies and servicl in emergency or highipriority situations or under contract authorization. 4. Maintains accurate records and files, including a manual inventory control system; updates a catalogue of i tems stored. 5. Uses material handling equipment to arrange and store materials; main. tains yard and storage area in a clean and orderly condition. 6. Performs minor maintenance upon tools, equipment and facilities as assigned. 7. Inventories stock as scheduled or required; conducts annual fiscal inventory . 8. Purchases repair parts, jani tori a1 and kitchen supplies. 9. Coordinates and implements the District occupational health and safetj program; surveys facilities, properties, equipment and work sites for complianc with regul ations. 10. Prepares and presents weekly safety meetings; arranges for training a! necessary. 11. Monitors the storage and disposal of hazardous materials; maintains MSDS records and related reports and files. 12. Monitors changes in safety regulations and advances in safety equipmel and supplies; recomnends implementation to meet District requirements. 13. Repairs, rebuilds and maintains a variety of valves, pump?, tools and equipment; assists in vehicle preventive maintenance; performs incidental faci.
I' \. lities maintenance work.
Storekeeper Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Methods and practices used in receiving, storing and issuing materials,
Methods of taking inventories and maintaining inventory records Tools, materials and equipment used in utility construction and
Common units of weights and measure Use of common hand and power tools and material hand1 ing methods Principles and policies of industrial safety and accident prevention Re1 evant occupational heal th and safety regul ati ons and gui del i nes Safe work methods and safety practices relevant to water utility work
supplies and equipment
maintenance work
Skill in:
Making arithmetic computations, some of which involve fractions and
Maintaining supply records Safely operating motor vehicles, including pickup trucks and light
Identifying hazardous operations and unsafe conditions and recommending
Preparing and comnunicating effective safety training programs Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
Preparing and maintaining a variety of accurate records and reports
decimals, with speed and accuracy
fork1 i fts
remedi a1 measures I encountered in the course of the work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a Val id California. driver's license. Must possess physical characteristics to perform the critical and important duties of the job, including dexterity, stamina and physical strength to load and unload materi a1 s of various bulk and weight, including walking substantial distances and lifting objects weighing up to 100 pounds. Must be willing to work outdoors in a variety of weather conditions and work 'overtime as needed.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school, and two years of experience in water distribution systems operations or maintenance work, supplemented by some training or experience in storekeeping and/or occupational health and safety work.
Costa Real Water District
PA # 1/SS.1-2 November 1988
Under general supervision, maintains and repairs fire hydrants and related appurtenances, locates and marks underground services, performs preventive ma' tenance and minor repairs to District vehicles and equipment; performs related work as assigned.
This single position class is responsible for a variety of duties in hydrant maintenance and repair work, underground markouts and vehicle and equipment se vice work, This class is distinguished from Superintendent, which is a divisi head, responsible for all operations and maintenance activities,
1. Inspects, repairs and maintains fire hydrants, stems, seats, keys anc related appurtenances; schedules and conducts annual inspection and testing program.
pipe 1 ocator.
makes minor repairs and brake work; coordinates servicing with outside vendors and deal ers. 4. Orders and maintains an inventory of materials and supplies necessary to accomplish work assignments. 5. Reads and interprets maps, plans, blueprints and specifications and servi ce manual s. 6. Prepares and maintains a wide variety of written records and reports re1 ated to job duties. 7. Operates and maintains a variety of hand, power and shop tools and equipment related to the work. 8. Observes safe work methods and safety practices related. to the work. 9. Coordinates work assignments with other departments, outside agencies
2, Locates and marks out underground water lines; operates and maintains
3. Performs preventive maintenance on District vehicles and equipment;
vendors and others.
Service Coordinator Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in fire hydrant maintenance
Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in vehicle and equipment
Servicing requirements of gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and
Operation and maintenance of a wide variety of equipment and hand and
Safe work methods and safety practices pertaining to the work
and repair work
preventive maintenance and minor repair work
power tools used in the work
Skill in:
Inspecting, testing, repairing and maintaining fire hydrants and
Performing vehicles and equipment preventive maintenance and minor
Locating and marking underground water services Operating and maintaining a variety of tools and equipment used in the wor Preparing and maintaining a variety of accurate written records and report Estimating tool, equipment and material requirements for assigned work Reading and interpreting plans, maps, blueprints, specifications and
Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
Exerci sing i ndependent judgment and initiative without imnedi ate
related appurtenances
repair work
specification manuals
encountered in the course of the work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license. Must possess sufficient strength and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds. Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above.3~:
Equivalent to graduation from high school, and two years of work experiencc in water distribution systems operations or maintenance work, supplemented by some training or experience in mechanical maintenance work.
PA # 1/S03.14 Costa Real Water District November 1988
Under general supervision, assigns, directs and reviews the work of crews engaged in water distribution, systems operation, maintenance and water qualit assurance work; personally performs the work; performs related work as assigne
This is the lead level class in this series providing direction to staff and performing a variety of operations and maintenance work, This class is distin guished from Systems Operations Supervisor, which is the first line supervisor, class, responsible for the full range of water system operations activities.
1. Plans, organizes, assigns and reviews the work of assigned staff; system operation leads and directs staff engaged in water distribution, main- tenance and quality assurance work. 2. Personally performs the most skilled duties; provides technical assistance to crew members; instructs crew in work procedures and safe work practices ; troubl eshoots equi pment probl ems. 3. Estimates and secures tools, materials and equipment required for assigned jobs; discusses work to be performed with supervisors; assigns tasks - i ndi vi dual s; schedul es preventi ve maintenance programs. 4. Monitors work in progress; directs corrections and modifications as appropriate; evaluates job performance, 5. Maintains written and computerized records of work performed and materials used and operating logs; records asibuilt drawings of modifications; prepares a variety of written records and reports related.to the work.
specifications; design modifications as necessary.
tools, test equipment and other equipment related to the work; operates trucks and equipment.
precautions related to the work being performed; conducts tailgate safety meetings ; assi sts in devel oping trai ni ng programs. 9. Coordinates work assignments with other divisions; responds to questions and requests as appropriate; responds to customer services complaints 10. Calculates and adjusts proper chemical feed dosages for water produc- tion facilities. 11. Responds to emergency call s in offihours as required.-
6. Reads and interprets plans, schematics, blueprints, manuals and
7. Directs the use and maintenance of a wide variety of hand and power
8. Observes safe work methods and ensures the use of safety equipment anc
Senior Systems Operator Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Basic supervisory principles and practices Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in water distribution,
Operation and maintenance of hand and power tools and equipment related to
Safe working practices, including traffic control, protective clothing and devices related to the work and the safe handling of hazardous chemic Computerized recordkeeping applications Codes and regulations applicable to the work
Shop mathematics
operation and maintenance work
the work
Skill in:
Operating and maintaining water distribution systems Planning and laying out jobs, estimating tools and materials, and assigning and reviewing and evaluating work Training others in work procedures Maintaining written and computerized records of work performed, hours and materials used, and field conditions Operating and performing minor maintenance of hand and power tools and equipment and test equipment used in the work Exercising sound independent judgment within established guidelines Preparing a variety of logs, records and reports Reading and interpreting plans, maintenance manuals, specifications,
Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
maps, blueprints and schematics
encountered in the course of the work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license. Must possess a Grade 11 Operator's certificate issued by the AWWA and Grade I1 Operator's certifi- cate issued by the State Department of Health. Must possess sufficient strength and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions and to work wi tl exposure to traffic and other hazards. Must be willing to nork overtime a1 off-hour shifts as assigned or in emergency situations.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of journey level experience in water distribution, operations and maintenance work at a levt equivalent to the District's Systems Operator I1 class.
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/SET.14 November 1988
Under general supervision, performs complex technical civil engineering duties in planning, plan review, design and related engineering support areas; perfor re1 ated us the workwork as assigned.
This sing1 e position cl ass performs complex engineering design work within spe cified limits and under the direction of professional engineering staff. This class is distinguished from Engineering Supervisor, which is a department head responsi bl e for a1 1 dayoto-day engineering activities.
1. Designs and drafts plans for District construction projects, includin! water mains, pressure reducing stations, fire detectors and storage facilities, 2. Checks and processes plans and maps submitted by outside engineers fol private land development for compliance with District policies and standards. 3. Prepares legal descriptions, grant deeds and plats for water system rights of way acquisition. 4. Prepares quantity and cost estimates for varied projects. 5. Prepares water system agreements, reimbursement agreements, assessmen' spreads, contract documents and other related legal documents relating to watel system improvements. 60 May provide technical assi'stance and guidance to technical and construction inspection staff; performs duties of survey chief of party and inspector as required.
developers, contractors, engineers and public relating to water system matters.
Specifications for approval by District Engineer.
7 . Provides written and oral responses as appropriate to inquiries from
8. Prepares revisions and updates District Standard Plans and
9. Acts as Engineering Supervisor on a relief basis.
Senior Engineering Technician Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Principles, practices, methods and materials of civil engineering support work, including mapping, drafting, design and specifications, estimation and construction as related to water distribution systems Engi neeri ng mathematics, i ncl udi ng tri gonometry Computer applications related to the work, including CADD Data coll ection and analysis methods Standard office practices and procedures Operation of standard office and engineering equipment, including computer calculators, reproduction equipment, drafting tools and related equipment
Skill in:
Performing technical engineering support work in a variety of work areas Using drafting tools and equipment in preparing skilled layouts, designs
Analyzing engineering technical and statistical information, evaluating
Preparing accurate records and notes and preparing clear and concise
Reading and interpreting contracts, plans and specifications, maps, legal
Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
maps and related material s
alternatives and rtlaking sound recommendations
reports, correspondence and other written materials
descriptions and re1 ated complex regulatory and technical information
encountered in the course of the work
Other Reaui rements:
Must possess a valid California- driver's license.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school and five years of experience in technical engineering support work. Possession of an Associate of Arts degree in civil engineering is desirable and may be substituted for up to two years of the required experience.
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/CMW3.1* November 1988
Under general supervision, assigns, directs and reviews the work of crews per; forming construction, maintenance and repair of water distribution systems fac lities, properties and related structures; personally performs a variety of related tasks; performs re1 ated work as assigned.
This is the lead level class in this series, providing direction to crews and performing a variety of maintenance, construction and repair duties on water distribution system facilities, properties and related structures. This class is distinguished from Construction and Maintenance Supervisor which is a first 1 ine supervisory class responsible for all construction and maintenance activi ties,
1. Plans, organizes, assigns, directs and reviews the work of crews engaged in the instal 1 ation, maintenance and repair of pipe1 ines, valves, mete1 services, fire hydrants and related appurtenances, in grounds maintenance work at District facilities and easements and in related construction and maintenanc work.
2. Personally performs the most ski1 led duties; provides technical assistance to crew members; instructs crew in work procedures and safe work practices; troubleshoots equipment problems. 3. Estimates and secures tools, materials and equipment required for assigned jobs; discusses work to be performed with supervisors, assigns tasks t individuals at the work site.
4. Monitors work in progress at the worksite; directs corrections and modifications as appropriate; evaluates job performance. 5. Maintains records of work performed and materials used; records as- built drawings of modifications; prepares a variety of written records and reports re1 ated to the work. 6. Reads and interprets plans, schematics, blueprints, manuals and specifications. 7. Uses and directs the use and maintenance of a wide variety of hand, power and shop tools, test equipment and other equipment related to the work; operates trucks and equipment.
precautions related to the work being performed; conducts tailgate safety meetings; assists in developing training programs. -
questions and requests as appropriate.
8. Observes safe work methods and ensures the use of safety equipment and
9. Coordinates work assignments with other divisions; responds to
10, Performs special projects as assigned. 11. Responds to emergency calls in off hours as required.
Senior Construction and Maintenance Worker Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Basic supervi sory pri nci pl es and practices Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in the construction maintenar and repair of water distribution systems and re1 ated facilities Operation and maintenance of hand and power tools and equipment common to the field Safe work methods and safety regulations pertaining to the work, includin! traffic control and protective clothing and devices related to the w(
Skill in: ~~. .~
Planning and laying out jobs, estimating tools and materials, and
Performing and directing water distribution systems maintenance and
Training others in work procedures Maintaining accurate records of work performed, hours and materi a1 s used,
Operating and performing operator maintenance of hand and power
Exerci si ng sound independent judgment wi thi n establ i shed gui del i nes Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with
assigning and reviewing and evaluating work
construction work
field conditions and related reports
tools and equipment
those encountered in the course of work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid Class I California driver's license. Must possess su ficient strength and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds and to perform sustained heavy physical labor. Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions, in confined places and with expo: sure to traffic and to work overtime or off=hours shifts as required. Possession of an AWWA Grade I1 Operator's certificate is desirable.
A typical way of gaining the knwl edge and ski 11 s out1 ined above is:
Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade and two years of journey lev{ experience in maintenance and construction work at a level equivalent to ti District's Construction and Maintenance Worker I1 or Equipment Operator cl asses. -
Costa Real Water District PA # l/PIO.l-; November 1988
Under general supervision, serves as the District public information represen. tative and official media liaison; performs varied difficult and responsible duties relating to the District's media, community re1 ations, water conservati and school programs; performs related work as assigned.
This single position class is responsible for the District's public informatic program. It is distinguished from Administrative Manager, which is a depart- ment head, responsible for administrative, fiscal, human resources and public information activities.
1. Prepares press releases, bulletins and brochures describing District
2. Photographs and distributes prints of District facilities and activi-
3. Schedules and presents speeches to community groups.
4. Organizes District tours; coordinates special events and attends meetings as the District representative. 5. Develops and coordinates operation of programs by distributing water education material, training teachers to use available materials; administers the Watch Our Water! (W.O.W.!) program; conducts classroom presentations; coor dinates field tri ps. 6. Prepares employee orientation handbook for new employees and customer and empl oyee news1 etters . 7. Prepares speeches and written communications for the General Manager and Board of Directors; prepares staff reports as assigned. 8. Plans and coordinates publicity regarding the Model Garden program; develops and designs educational programs, publicity for the program to ensure comuni ty i nvol vement . 9. Represents the District to the media, comnunity organizations and various governmental and other groups. 10. Pl ans, directs and coordinates cable television spots; prepares adver. tising and promotion of District activities and programs. 11. Prepares a variety of periodic and special reports.
activities and services.
ties to the news media.
Public Information Officer Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Principles, techniques and methods of public information and community
Methods of preparing informational materials and disseminafing them
English gramnar, spell ing, punctuation and vocabulary Graphic arts and' printing methods, materials and terminology Photography and the operation of camera equipment Techniques of working with the public and the media on an individual
re1 ations
through the various media
and group basis
Skill in:
Work*ing on several concurrent assignments under time pressure Speaking effectively to various audiences with or without notes Using sound judgment in the assembly, evaluation and dissemination
Developing and maintaining effective working relationships with of information
various District personnel, the press, community groups, business leaders an government representatives
radio, television and other rnedi a
of the District I
Applying the specialized techniques of new and feature writing for press
Acquiring a working knowledge of the functions, activities and objectives
Moni tori ng news and pol i tical developments Generating public information campaigns to best represent the interests of the District
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California. driver's license. Must be willing to work evenings or offohours as necessary.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and ski1 1 s out1 ined above is:
Equivalent to graduation .from a four year college or university with major coursework in journalism, comnunications or a closely related field and twc years of public relations or public information experience, preferably in i governmental setting.
Costa Real Water District
PA # 1/OA.1-2 November 1988
Under general supervision, provides a variety of routine to difficult cl erica' support which may include receptionist duties, typing, word processing, recorc keeping and filing; performs related work as assigned.
Office Assistant I is the entry level class of this office support series. mlly under cTose supervision, incumbents learn office and District proce- dures. As experience is gained, there is greater independence of action withi established guidelines. This class is alternately staffed with Office Assist; I1 and incumbents may advance to the higher level after gaining two years of experience and demonstrating proficiency which meets the qualifications of the higher level class.
Office Assistant I1 is the journey level class of this series, ful ly competent mependently perform a variety of office support duties. Positions are characterized by the presence of fairly clear guidelines from which to make decisions and the availability of supervision in non-routine circumstances. This class is distinguished from Secretary which provides secretarial support a department head.
EXAMPLES OF DUTIES I 1. Types correspondence, reports, forms and specialized documents relate to the functions of the organizational unit to which assigned from drafts, notes, dictated tapes, or brief instructions, using a typewriter or word pro- cessor.
ness , compliance with departmental policies, and correct English usage, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 3. Enters, edits and retrieves data and prepares reports from an on-line or personal computer system, following established formats. 4. Prepares and updates a variety of reports, which may require the use ( arithmetic calculations and consolidating materials from several sources. 5. Maintains records and processes forms, such as payroll records, purchase requisitions and orders, and others specific to the organizational unit. 6. Establishes and maintains office files; researches and compiles infor mation from such files. 7. Acts as receptionist and receives and screens visitors and telephone calls and takes messages; provides factual information regarding City or unit activities and functions.
requ i red.
processing outgoing mail, erasing dictation tapes, making travel arrangements
and ordering office supplies.
2, Proofreads and checks typed and other materials for accuracy; complet
8. Reviews computer-produced reports for accuracy and makes corrections l
9. Operates standard office equipment, including a personal or on-line
10. Performs such office support activities as opening and distributing mi I
Office Assistant 1/11 Page Two
NOTE: The level and scope of the knowledges and ski 11 s 1 isted bel ow are refated to job duties as defined under C1 ass Characteristics.
Know1 edge of:
Office practices and procedures, including filing and the operation
Correct English usage, including spelling, grammar and punctuation Business letter writing and the standard format for typed materials Policies and procedures related to the department to which assigned Basic business data processing principles and the use of word
Basic record keeping principles and practices
of standard pffice equipment
processing or personal computing equipment
Skill in;
Perf orrni ng detai 1 ed cl erica1 work accurately Organizing and maintaining office files Composing routine correspondence from brief instructions Maintaining accurate records and files Making accurate arithmetic calculations Using initiative and sound independent judgment within established guidelir Operating standard office equipment, including a word processor and
Prioritizing work and coordinating several activities Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with
Understanding and carrying out oral and written directions Typing accurately at a rate of 40 net words per minute from printed copy
I centrat i zed telephone equipment
those contacted in the course of the work
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Office Assi.stant - I: Equivalent to graduation from high school.
Office Assistant 11; In addition to the above, two years of general clerica oroffice assi staX experi ence.
Costa Real Water District
PA # 1/GM.1-2 November 1988
Under pol icy direction of the 3oard of Directors, plans, organizes, coordinate and administers a1 1 District functions and activities; serves as District Engineer; performs related as assigned.
This class has overall responsibility for policy development, water resources planning, fiscal management, administration and operation of all District func- tions, programs and activities. The incumbent is responsible for accomplishin! District goals and objectives and for implementing the policies of the Board 01 an ongoing basis. The incumbent also serves as District Engineer.
1. Plans and organizes, coordinates and directs, through staff, all work of the District; develops and directs the implementation of goals, objectives, policies, procedures and work standards for the District; develops and imple- ments long- and short-range water resource plans to ensure an appropriate suppl for contracting organizations.
and appropriate federal and state agencies regarding the vizbility of water supplies; advises the Board on i ssues and program; prepares and recommends spe- cific long-range plans and action proposals to the Board. 3. Makes final interpretations of District regulations and ordinances, codes and applicable laws. 4. Directs the preparation and administration of the annual budget for th District. 5. Represents the Board and the District in contacts with various govern- mental agencies, community groups and business, professional and other organi zations. 6. Coordinates the preparation and presentation of various reports and written materi a1 s. 7. Directs the selection, supervision and work evaluation of District staff; monitors and implements employee relations and staff development proce- dures. 8. Directs the development and implementation of management systems, pro- cedures and standards on a District-wide basis; ensures that the District is in compliance with a1 1 contractual and legal requirements regarding the quantity and qual i ty of water provided.
of engineering and technical staff and coordinates the work with outside agen- cies, contractors and consultants. 10. Directs and reviews the preparation or examination of public and pri- vate engineering plans, specifications, designs, cost estimates and legal descriptions for a variety of construction and maintenance projects.
and office personnel .
2. Works closely with the Board of Directors, contracting organizations
9. Plans, organizes and directs, through subordinate supervisors, the worl
I 11. Provides engineering services and consultation to a variety of field
12. Personally performs difficult engineering work and contract administra-
General Manager Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Administrative principles and practices, including goal setting, program
Water resources management principles and practices Water treatment principles, methods and facilities management Applicable laws and regulations affecting District administration Funding sources impacting service and program development Principles and practices of service contract negotiation and admini strati0 Principles and practices of civil engineering design and construction Engineering standards and legal guidelines for engineering projects
and budget development and impl ementation and employee supervision
Skill in:
Planning, organizing, administering and coordinating a variety of services and programs Selecting, motivating and evaluating staff and providing for their training and professional development Devel oping and impl ementi ng goal s , objectives, pol i ci es , procedures , work standards and internal controls Analyzing compl ex admi ni strati ve probl ems, eval uati ng a1 ternati yes and adopting effective courses of action Preparing clear and concise reports, correspondence and other written materi a1 s Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with the Board of Directors, District staff, members of local, state and federal organizations and representatives of the community Exercising sound, independent judgment within general policy guidelines Preparing and evaluating engineering studies for large projects
Other Requirements
Must possess a val id Ca7 ifornia driver's 1 icense.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from a four year college or university with major coursework in civil engineering and substantial management experience in production, treatment and distribution of a potable water supply. An appropriate advanced degree and experience in working with an elected boar) or comnission are desirable. -
Costa Real Water District PA #I 1 /ES.1:2 November 1 988
Under general supervision, provides varied and often confidential secretarial clerical and office administrative assistance to the General Manager and District administrative staff; performs related work as assigned.
This single position class provides responsible and confidential secretarial support duties requiring the use of considerable discretion, initiative and independent judgment.
1. Performs difficult clerical, secretarial and routine administrative
2. Attends Board, comnittee and special meetings during and after normal
3. Acts as confi denti a1 secretary to the General Manager and re1 ieves tf
4. Prepares agendas and packets of background materials for committee ar
5. Receives and screens visitors and telephone calls; provides authorit:
work for the District involving the use of considerable independent judgment.
business hours, records minutes and prepares them for distribution.
General Manager of a variety of administrative tasks.
Board meetings; prepares Board Resolutions.
tive information which may require the use of judgment and interpretation of policies and procedures.
6. Researches, compiles and sumnarizes a variety of informational materials for use by the managers. 7. Types drafts and a wide variety of finished documents which may inclu legal terminology or confidential materials from notes, brief instructions, prior drafts and dictating equipment; initiates specified correspondence inde- pendently for signature by the appropriate manager.
8. Reviews finished materials for completeness, accuracy, format and correct spelling and English usage. 9. Organizes and maintains various administrative files. 10. Initiates followoup procedures to ensure that projects are completed and deadlines met; works closely with managers and other administrative staff matters pertaining to the Board of Directors. 11. Maintains an appointment calendar; makes travel and conference arrang ments; schedules and arranges meetings by reserving moms and equipment, issui notices and assembling materials. 12. Relieves manager of certain duties by transmitting information and keeping informed of pertinent matters. 13. Organizes own wrk, maintains critical deadlines and-coordinates acti vities with those of other District units to assure completion of the work.
Executive Secretary Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Standard office administrative and secretarial practices and procedures, including business 1 etter writing and the operation of standard office equipment Basic functions and organization of local and state governments Record keeping, report preparation and fil ing methods Correct English usage, including spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary
Skill in:
Providing varied and often confidential secretarial, clerical and office
administrative assistance to more than one topilevel manager Using initiative and independent judgment within established guidelines Using tact, discretion and prudence in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with government officials, representatives of business and community organizations, the public and District staff Researching, compiling and summarizing a variety of informational material Organizi ng and mai ntai ni ng accurate fil es Composing correspondence and performing clerical and related assignments
Organizing work, setting priorities and following up assignments with a
Rapidly learning District functions and personnel and the specific policie
Working effectively, meeting deadlines and maintaining attention to detail
Typing accurately at a rate of 60 words per minute from printed copy
Taking dictation by hand or stenographic machine at a rate of 90 words
I from brief oral or written instructions
minimum of supervision
and procedures related to the work
despite frequent interruptions
and typing accurately from rough drafts or voice recording equipment
per minute and in transcribing such dictation accurately
Other Requirements
Must possess a valid California driver's license.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school and four years of responsible secretarial and office administrative experience. Secretarial or business training and experience in deal ing with representatives of- governmental , business or community organizations are desirable.
PA # 1/€0.1-2 Costa Real Water District November 1988
Under general supervision, operates and makes minor adjustments and repairs to heavy construction equipment used in the construction, maintenance and repair water system properties and facilities; performs various associated field main tenance activities; performs related work as assigned.
Equipment Operator is a journey level class, competent to operate a variety of pieces of equipment skillfully and safely in a variety of field locations and situations. Successful performance of the work requires the use of initiative and independent judgment as assignments are often performed without direct supervi si on.
I 1. Operates a backhoe, loader, tractor, bulldozer and other types of heal construction equipment to construct, repair and maintain dams, channels, roads ri ghts-ofoway and other water distribution properties and facilities. 2. Checks job site for potential hazards, determines precautions for safc equipment operation and performs assignments in accordance with safety require- ments and job site conditions. 3. Drives a truck and trailer to haul equipment to and from job 1 ocation: 4. Inspects equipment, makes operating adjustments and performs minor prc venti ve maintenance and repair; ,maintains equipment in a clean and orderly con- di tion. 5. Maintains records of time and work performed. 6. Assists in training new operators; directs the work of semioskilled
7. Performs a variety of general skilled and semi-skilled field main- personnel assigned to assist with a project.
tenance work as a crew member when not assigned to equipment operation.
Equipment Operator Page Two
Know1 edge of :
Practices, procedures, methods, tools and equipment used in the construction, maintenance and repair of water distribution field properties and facilities Safety precautions pertaining to the work Operation, work methods and limitations of heavy construction equipment as used in field maintenance and repair activities California Vehicle Code and Construction Safety Orders pertaining to the operation and transport of heavy construction equipment Service and maintenance requirements of a variety of heavy construction equipment
Skill in:
Skillfully operating and transporting a variety of heavy construction
Directing the work of an instructing less skilled operators or semi;
Performing a variety of semi-skilled field maintenance duties Maintaining accurate records of work performed Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of the work Reading survey stakes, elevations and grades Following oral and written directions Using initiative and independent judgment within established guidelines
ski 11 ed assi stan tr
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California Class I driver's license. Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Must possess sufficient strength and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds. Must be willing to work with exposure to potentially hazardous conditions and to work off-hours as required.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Two years of field construction and maintenance experience equivalent to t District's Construction and Maintenance Worker I1 class.
Costa Real Water District
PA # 1/ET.1-2 November 1988
- Under general supervision, performs a variety of technical civil engineering duties in support of District activities; prepares and maintains computerized mapping systems; performs re1 ated work as assigned.
This is the experienced class in technical engineering work, fully capable of independently performing a variety of drafting, mapping, and varied engineerin support work, This class is distinguished from Senior Engineering Technician, which is a technical specialist, capable of performing engineering design work and which may provide 1 ead direction to technical support staff.
~~~ ~~
1. Prepares and maintains an automated utility mapping system using CADD equipment to maintain accurate records of current information; prepares, revie\ and maintains base maps and pipeline construction drawings in support of distr, bution engineering activities; updates maps, adding new boundaries and sub- divisions, underground services, easements and related information. 2. Performs drafting as assigned in preparation for water mains, storage tanks, pressure relief stations and other miscellaneous structures. 3. Calculates angles, areas, stationing, traverses and related mathematic functions for engineering construction drawings and field surveys; may assist i a member of survey crew.
4. Assists in plan checking of engineering construction drawing for confc mance to uti1 i ty standards.
5. Prepares project reports, cost estimates and routine memoranda and correspondence between the District and developers, contractors, public agencic and other concerned parties,
6, Reads and interprets legal descriptions, assists in the acquisition ar recording of easements and ri ght=of4tay and drafts corresponding. plat maps. 7. Prepares engineering construction drawings using computers, free let0 tering and mechanical lettering devices and systems. 8. Reviews "asobuil t" engineering construction drawings for new construc- tion, reconstruction and repairs. 9. Uses computers, calculators, drafting tools and equipment, reproductic equipment and a variety of other engineering and office equipment in performin! job duties; operates CADD equipment. 10. Provides and obtains informati on re1 ated to assignments from engi; neering staff, developers and engineers, the pub1 ic and other agencies. 11. Reads and interprets regulations, contracts, plans and specifications, maps and a variety of other engineering re1 ated information.
Engi neeri ng Technician Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Principles, techniques, tools and materials used in drafting, including
Principles and practices of civil engineering design and construction Engineering mathematics, i ncl udi ng tri gonometry Technical report-writing methods and formats Office methods and procedures, including record keeping and filing Computer applications related to engineering support work Appl icabl e codes, gui del ines and regul ati ons Basic surveying practices and equipment
computer ai ded drafting techniques
Skill in:
Using drafting techniques, tool s and materi a1 s to complete complex
Making accurate engineering computations Reading and interpreting plans and specifications, maps, legal property
drafting assignments
descri ptions, construction drawings and re1 ated engi neeri ng documents Analyzi ng technical probl ems, eval uati ng a1 ternati ve sol uti ons and adopting effective courses of action Communicating effectively orally and in writing Using a wide variety of engineering tools and equipment, office equipment,
Interpreting and applying regulations Coordinating several projects and meeting deadlines Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
computers, calculators and copy reproduction equipment
encountered in the course of work
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school, including successful completion of coursework in mechanical drawing, a1 gebra, geometry and trigonometry and three years of experience in technical engineering work. College or tech. nical training in preiengineeri ng may be substituted on a year for year basis for up to two years of the required experience.
Costa Real Water District
PA # 1/SEC.1-2 November 1988
Under general supervision, provides varied secretarial and office administrati assistance to a department head and departmental staff; performs related work assigned.
This class is distinguished from other District office support classes in that incumbents provide secretarial and office administrative services for a designated department. General guidelines for action are normally established by the manager or supervisor; however, day-to-day activities may require the u! of initiative and independent judgment, particularly when prioritizing work frl several staff members or when dealing with a variety of District staff and representatives of the public. This class is distinguished from Executive Secretary in that the latter provides complex and sensitive secretarial assistance to the General Manager.
I 1. Receives and screens visitors and telephone calls, providing factual information which may require the interpretation of policies and procedures; takes messages or refers the caller to the proper person.
ces both inside and outside the office. 2. Researches and compiles a variety of informational materials from sour
3. Opens and sorts mail and attaches pertinent back-up materials. 4. Types drafts and a wide variety of finished documents from stenograpbi notes, brief instructions, or printed materials; may use word processing equip- ment and input or retrieve data or prepare reports using an on-line or personal computer system. 5. Initiates specified correspondence independently for signature by appropriate management, supervisory or professional staff; reviews finished materials for completeness, accuracy, format, compliance with policies and pro- cedures, and appropriate English usage. 6. Organizes and maintains various office files. 7. Follows up on projects, transmits information, and keeps informed of
8. Schedules and arranges for meetings; organizes own work, sets priori -
9. Maintains records and tracks engineering contract progress against pro
10. Coordinates contract progress tracking with staff andcontractors. 11, May plan, assign, direct and review the work of a small office support
12. May compile materials for meetings and agenda i terns for Board meetings 13. May attend meetings and take notes as required.
unit activities.
ties and meets critical dead1 ines.
jected costs; calculates project cost and submits results to accounting.
staff; may instruct staff in work procedures. I
Engineering Secretary Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Standard office administrative and secretari a1 practices and procedures , including business letter wri ti ng
personal computer The operation of. common off ice equipment, including a word processor and
Record keeping , report preparation, and f i 1 ing methods Correct Engl i sh usage, incl uding spell i ng , grammar, punctuati on, and
Standard business arithmetic Basic supervisory principles and practices Basic record keeping principles and procedures Engineering termi no1 ogy Engineering contracting procedures and concepts
Skill in;
Providing vari ed secretari a1 and office admi ni strati ve assi stance to
Using initiative and independent judgment with established guidelines Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with
Composing correspondence independently or from brief instructions Organizing work, setting priorities, meeting critical dead1 ines, and
Planning, assigning and reviewing the work of a small staff Organizing and maintaining organized and accurate records and files
Typing at a rate of 40 net words per minute from printed copy
management, supervisory and professional staff
those contacted in the course of the work
following up assignments with a minimum of direction
A typical way of gaining the knowledges and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of responsible secretarial or office administrative experience. Business or secretarial school training i s desirable.
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/ENS.1-2 November 1988
Under direction, plans, organizes and supervises the activities of the Engineering Department; implements provisions of the Master Plan; performs related work as assigned.
This single position class is a department head, responsible for the day-to-da, engineering activities. It is distinguished from General Manager, which is responsible for all District activities, as well as serving as District Engi neer.
1. Develops and imp1 ements goals, objectives and work standards for District's engineering activities. 2. Assists in the development and administration of the annual budget fol engineering functions. 3. Plans, schedules, coordinates, administers and directs daily work for engineering staff. 4. Provides technical guidance and direction to staff in the areas of design, plan review, mapping, inspection, surveying and record keeping. 5. Coordinates engineering activities with those of other departments, outside agencies, developers, contractors and the public. 6. Selects staff and provides for their professional development and training; interprets District rules and regulations to staff. 7. Identifies engineering problems, researches solutions, evaluates alter native courses of action and makes recommendations for action or policy or pro- cedure modi f i cati ons . 8. Confers with developers, contractors and governmental representatives matters re1 ati ng to Di strict engineering activities. 9. Assists in the development of District-wide goals and objectives. 10. Maintains accurate records and prepares periodic and special reports and correspondence re1 ati ng to engi neeri ng acti vi ties. 11. Coordinates implementation of provisions of the Master Plan with deve- lopers, contractors and other concerned parties. 12. Represents the District in meetings with developers, contractors, county, state and other governmental agencies, community and business groups.
Engi neeri ng Manager Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Ci vi 1 engi neeri ng pri nci pl es , practices and techniques with particul ar reference to the planning, design, construction and operation of water transmission and treatment facilities Principles and practices of contract administration Federal , state and local 1 aws and regulations pertaining to domestic
Business data processing applications related to the solution of
Admi ni strati on pri nci pl es and methods , i ncl udi ng goal setting, program
water supplies
engineering problems and the maintenance of records
and budget development and imp1 ementation and employee relations
Skill in:
Planning, organizing, administering and coordinating a variety of 1 arge
Planning, organizing, assigning, directing, reviewing and evaluating
Selecting, motivating and evaluating staff and providing for their
Developing and implementing goals, objectives, policies, procedures, work
Analyzing compl ex technical and administrative engineering probl ems,
and complex engineering programs and services
the work of assigned staff
trai ning and professional devel opment
standards and internal control s
evaluating a1 ternative solutions and adopting effective courses of action
materi a1 s
variety of citizens, public and private organizations, boards and comnissions and District staff Exercising sound independent judgment within general policy guidelines
Preparing clear and concise reports, correspondence and other written
Establ i shi ng and mai ntai ni ng cooperative working re1 atibnshi ps with a
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license. Registration in California as a Professional Civil Engineer is desirable.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from a four year college or university with major course work in ci vi1 or environmental engineering and three years of pro. fessional engineering experience at a supervisory or administrative level i the design , constrocti on, maintenance or operation of water treatment and distribution facilities.
Costa Real Water District PA # l/SRI.l- November 1 s88
Under general supervision, performs inspection of construction projects and field activities to ensure compliance with District plans, specifications and contract provisions; performs re1 ated work as assigned.
This is the experienced class in construction inspection, fully capable of in pendently performing a variety of inspections on construction and maintenance projects. This class is distinguished from Engineering Supervisor which is a department head, responsible for a1 1 day-tooday engineering activities.
1. Inspects water system facilities to ensure compliance with District plans, specifications and policies, 2. Prepares progress pay estimates, change orders and other documentatic related to the construction management of District projects. 3. Prepares inspection reports on District project.
4. Compiles and reports information for the preparation of "as-built" plans; prepares "as-built" plans. 5. Reviews and makes recomnendations to the Engineering Supervisor, the Chief Engineer and to others for the solution of special construction problem: and conditions.
6. Schedules and arranges for construction surveys, soils and materials testing and other special services or materials. 7. Reviews preliminary plans and shop drawings to avoid construction problems and conflicts. 8. Conducts bacteriological sampling and pressure tests of new facilitit 9. Coordinates construction and inspection services in cooperation with
10. Meets and confers with representatives of utility companies, contrac;
contractors, other agencies and other concerned parties.
tors, public agencies and the general public; answers citizen complaints and requests for information. 11. Monitors contractor safety practices and makes onisite accident Investigations as required. 12. Interprets plans, specifications, codes, ordinances and policies to contractors and District staff; explains the 1 imits and parameters of the worl
as required. 13. Performs other activities as required to implement the District's construction and inspection programs. -
Engineering Inspector Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Construction methods, materials, practices, specifications and equipment Basic surveying principles and practices Field engineering practices and basic design criteria for construction
Relevant state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, codes and standard Safe work practices and regulations pertaining to the work Mathematics , i ncl udi ng tri gonometry and a1 gebra Methods and techniques of materials testing
Skill in:
Performing skilled inspections of varied construction projects Reading and interpreting drawings, plans and contract specifications Keeping clear, accurate and concise records and field sketches and
Interpreting and enforcing a variety of codes, ordinances and special
Exerci sing sound independent judgment within pol icy and procedural
Writing clear, accurate and concise technical reports and correspondence Communicating tactfully and effectively with the public, property owners,
preparing appropriate progress payments
requirements related to construction work
gui del i nes I contractors and a variety of others contacted in the course of the work
vol umes and material quanti ties Making accurate mathematical calculations related to inspection, including
Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license. Must be willing to work outdoors in a variety of weather and topographic conditions.
A typical way of gaining the know1 edge and ski1 1 s out1 ined above. is:
€qui val ent to graduation from hi gh school and four years of experience in field engineering, construction or technical engineering support, which included experience in construction inspection, surveying or contract or plan and specification interpretation. College level coursework in engi= neering or a closely related subject is desirable.
PA # 1/MW.1-2 Costa Real Water District November 1988
Under general supervision, performs both routine and skilled heavy, physical work in the construction, maintenance, repair and installation of water distri bution systems and related structures and appurtenances; operates a variety of hand and power tools; performs related work as assigned.
Construction and, Maintenance Worker I is the entry level class in this main- tenance series. Initially under close supervision, incumbents learn and perfc a variety of duties in the maintenance and repair of water distribution system This class is a1 ternately staffed with Construction and Maintenance Worker I1 and incumbents may .advance to the hi gher 1 evel after gaining two years of experience and demonstrating proficiency which meets the qualifications of the hi gher 1 evel cl ass.
Construction and Maintenance Worker I1 is the journey level class in this series. Incumbents pertorm the full ranqe of maintenance duties. This class distinguished from Construction and Maintenance Worker I1 I, which has on-goi ng 1 ead responsi bi 1 i ty for the work of fie1 d crews.
1 1. Installs, maintains and repairs water distribution systems, including pipelines, taps, valves, meter services, fire hydrants and related appurtenancc and structures; performs landscaping and grounds maintenance duties; performs construction and maintenance work on District buildings and facilities as assigned.
2. Excavates and shores trenches; backfills cuts; patches, repairs and resurfaces streets; cleans up work sites; installs, raises, lowers and grades Val ve cans. 3. Clears brush; trims, removes or plants trees and shrubs, performs weec abatement; does general groundskeeping work.
4. Observes safe work methods and safety practices related to the work; cones and flags worksites to secure from traffic; uses appropriate safety eqoi pment . 5. Inspects vehicles and performs minor maintenance; reports the need for major repairs and service; fuels and lubricates vehicles and related equipment. 6. Operates assigned vehicles skillfully and safely; observes safe drivin practices. 7. Operates and maintains a wide variety of hand and power tool s and equipment re1 ated to work assignments. 8. Reads and interprets maps, plans, blueprints and specifications. 9. Completes basic records re1 ated to work performed. - 10. May train and direct the work of others; may act in a lead capacity on sDecific jobs. I ' 11. Responds to emergency situations in offihours as required.
Construction and Maintenance Worker 1/11 Page Two
The 1 eve1 and scope of the knowledges and skills 1 isted bel ow are re1 ated job duties as defined under Class Characteristics.
Know1 edge of:
Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in the construction, maintenance and repair of water distribution systems and related facilities Operation and maintenance of a wide variety of hand and power tools and equipment common to the field Safe work methods and safety regulations pertaining to the work
Skill in:
Operating and maintaining a variety of hand and power tools and
Understanding and following oral and written instructions Properly placing cones, barricades and warning devices and
Performing heavy physical 1 abor Exercising independent judgment and initiative without cl ose supervision
equipment used in the work
directing traffic flow at job sites
I Other Requirements:
Must possess a valid California driver's license. Must possess sufficient strength and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 100 pounds ai to perform sustained heavy physical labor. Must be willing to work out of doors in a1 1 weather conditions j to work underground in confined places anc with exposurg to potentially hazardous conditions and to work overtime and off-hours shifts as required. Possession of an AWWA Grade I Operator's cer ti ficate is desirable.
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above. is:
Maintenance Worker I : Equivalent to graduation from high school and six months of womeFience as a laborer in construction or maintenance work,
Maintenance Worker 11: In addition to the above, two years of experience ir the construcmd-iiaintenance of water distribution systems at a level equivalent to the District' s Construction and Maintenance Worker I class.
Costa Real Water District PA # l/CMS.l* November 1981
Under direction, plans, supervises and reviews the work of crews performing varied maintenance and construction work for water distribution properties anc facilities; personally performs such work; performs related work as assigned.
This is the first line supervisory level in the Construction and Maintenance series. This class is distinguished from Superintendent, which is a departmen head, responsible for District operations as well as construction and main- tenance functions.
1. Plans, assigns, supervises, reviews and evaluates the work of crews engaged in a wide variety of construction and maintenance activities on field facilities and properties and the distribution system. 2. Supervises and personally performs installation, maintenance and repa; work on pipelines, valves, meter services, fire hydrants and other appurtenan- ces; operates construction equipment as necessary. 3. Instructs and provides for the training of staff in work methods, use of tools and equipment and relevant safety precautions.
4. Inspects job sites to determine work required and to evaluate perfor- mance. 5. Estimates personnel, material and equipment requirements for assigned jobs . 6. Provides technical assistance to crews in resolving difficult problems encountered. 7. Prepares and maintains a variety of written and computerized reports and records, including timecards, worksheets, accident reports, maintenance requests, etc.
8. Responds to questions and complaints from the public and other agencie 9. Recommends special work required or necessary equipment.maintenance; prepares specifications for contract work; prepares detailed budget requests fc section activities. 10. Coordinates work with other departments and outside agencies; provides for emergency repair work as needed. 11. Evaluates the work of assigned personnel; recommends and implements disciplinary action as necessary; participates in the selection of new employees. -
precautions and equipment are utilized; conducts safety meetings. 12. Ensures that safe work methods are followed and that appropriate safetq
Construction and Maintenance Supervisor Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Methods, materials, tools and equipment used in the installation, main:
Principles and practices of employee supervision, including selection
Safe work methods and safety practices pertaining to the work Operation and maintenance of a wide variety of equipment and hand and
Applicable codes and regul ations
tenance and repair of water distri buti'on systems and facil i ties
trai ni ng , work eval uati on and di sci pl i ne
power tool s used in the work
Skill in: ..
P1 anning, coordinating, schedul ing, supervising and evaluating the work
Preparing and maintaining a variety of accurate written and computerized
Reading and interpreting plans, maps and specifications and manual s Operating and maintaining effective working relationships with those
Identifying and imp1 ementi ng effective courses of action to complete
Coordinating crew assignments with other departments and agencies Estimating labor, material and equipment needs Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of the work
of crews
records and reports pertaining to the work
contacted in the course of the work
assigned work I
Other Reauirements:
Must possess a valid Class I California driver's license. Must be willing to work outdoors in all weather conditions. Must possess sufficient strength and stamina to lift and carry objects weighing up to 10'0 pounds. Must be willing to work with exposure to potentially hazardous conditions and to work off-hour shifts as required. Possession of a Grade I1 AWWA Operator Certificate is desirable.
A typical way of gaining the know1 edge and skills out1 ined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from high school and two years in a lead or super- vi sory capacity in construction or maintenance work at a level equi va'l ent ' the District's Senior Construction and Maintenance Worker class. -
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/AM.14 November 1988
Under direction, plans, organizes and supervises the District's administrative services, fiscal, public information and personnel functions; performs related work as assigned.
This sing1 e position cl ass is at the department head level, responsible for all District administrative functions. It is distinguished from General Manager, which is responsible for all District activities, including engineering and operations.
1. Develops and imp1 ements goal s, objectives and work standards for the District's administrative, fiscal, personnel and public information activities.
2. Directs the development and administration of the District's budget; prepares projections and forecasts of revenues; monitors and administers the insurance program. 3. Plans, schedules, coordinates, administers and directs the work of administrative staff; evaluates work performance. 4. Serves as District personnel officer; selects staff and provides for their trai ni ng and professional development. 5. Directs the preparation of and prepares a wide variety of information and background material s for the Board of Directors. 6. Pl ans and organizes complex administrative or management studies re1 ati ng to Di strict activities. 7. Identifies problems, determines analytical .approach, obtains and analy- zes necessary information; evaluates a1 termative courses of action and makes recomnendations regarding such areas as organizational structure, staffing, cos analysi s, producti vi ty , pol icy or procedure modi f icati ons.
8. Prepares reports of study conclusions,; develops implementation plans an assists in implementing pol icy and procedural modifications.
9. Maintains liaison with representatives of other departments.
18. Assists in the development of Districtowide goals and objectives; anal! res current and historical trends, determines variances and recomnends improvec cost effectiveness. 11. Represents the General Manager when conferring with representatives of other governmental agencies, corrmuni ty groups, board and comnissions, contraci tors and others.
12. Provides professional assistance to others on administrative and analy. tical matters.
13. Prepares technical reports, correspondence and other written material!
14. Coordinates and administers interoagency agreements; coordinates a
15. Acts as General Manager on a relief basis.
I variety of projects with the public and media.
Admi ni strati ve Manager page Two
~nowl edge of:
Principles, practices and methods of administrative, organizational and procedural analysis and publ ic administration Principles and practices of human resources management Pri nci pl es and practices of budget devel opment and admi ni strati on Principles and practices of supervision, including selection, work
Principles and practices of public information program management Computer applications related to the work Appl icabl e 1 aws 'and regulations General knowl edge of civil engineering and water techno1 ogy as re1 ated to District operations
evaluation and training
Skill in:
Analyzing complex and sensitive administrative, operational, economic, pol i tical and organizational problems, evaluating a1 ternatives and reaching sound conclusions
either in statistical or narrative form
Researching, evaluating and interpreting varied information and data
Interpreting, applying and explaining laws, regulations, policies and
P1 anni ng, directing and reviewing the work of a support staff Preparing clear, concise and complete reports and other written material s Maintai ni ng accurate records and fi 1 es Coordinating multiple projects and meeting critical deadlines Exercising sound independent judgment within establ ished pol icy guide1 ines Representing the District effectively in meeting with governmental agencie:
comnuni ty groups, boards an comnissions and the publ ic
Other Requirements
Must possess a valid California driver's 1 icense.
A typical way of gaining the knowl edge and ski1 1 s out1 ined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from a four year coll ege or university with major course work in business or public administration or a closely related fie1 and five years of professional 1 eve1 experience in admini strati ve, manage- ment, systems, operations, budgetary or related work. Supervisory experience and demonstrated major project administrative experience is desi rabl e.
Costa Real Water District PA # 1/SAA.1-2 November 1988
Under general supervision, in a centralized accounting setting, provides dif- ficult and responsible financial, accounting or statistical office support; pe forms related work as assigned.
This is the experienced level in the accounting office support series, with responsibility for performing responsible accounting clerical support work, pa ticularly as re1 ated to payroll and accounts payable activities. This class i distinguished from Accountant in that the latter is a full , professional level Accountant.
1. Performs responsible accounting or financial office support work in
2. Reviews invoices and related documentation; extends figures and veri-
3. Verifies and maintains various payroll records, ensuring that
4. Reviews and reconciles varied reports, computer output and related
5. Maintains varied subsidiary ledgers, auditing and reconciling reports
such areas as payroll and accounts receivable and payable.
fies authorizations; and prepares accounts payable for payment.
appropriate deductions are made.
and information and posting data as required; may generate general ledger entries.
completion of forms or the preparation of reports.
6. Researches and assembles information from a variety of sources for the
7. Makes complex arithmetic, financial or statistical calculations. 8. Provides information to the public or to District staff that requires the use of judgment and the interpretation of policies, rules or procedures. 9. Performs a variety of general office support work such as organizing and maintaining various f i 1 es, typing correspondence, reports, forms , and specialized documents, and proofreading and checking materials for accuracy, completeness and compl i ance with Di strict pol ici es and regul ati oris.
and uses such technology to produce reports; operates standard office equipment
and completion of assigned work.
10. Enters and retrieves data from an on-line or personal computer system
11. Organizes work, sets priorities and follows up to ensure coordination
Accounting Office Assistant Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Financial recordkeeping, bookkeeping and basic governmental accounting
Basic audi ti ng pri nci pl es and practices Office management practices and procedures, including filing and the
Business arithmetic, including percentages and decimals Correct business English usage and the standard format for typed materials Policies and procedures related to the division to which assigned Basic business data processing principles and the use of word processing
principles and practices
operation of standard office equipment
Skill in:
Organi zing , pri ori ti zing and coordi nati ng work acti vi ties Preparing, maintaining and reconciling various complex financial,
Reading and interpreting rules, pol icies and procedures Organizing, researching, and maintaining office files Making arithmetic calculations with speed and accuracy Using initiative and sound independent judgment within established
Operating standard office equipment, including a personal computer Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
Typing accurately at a rate of 40 net words per minute from printed copy
accounting, payroll , statistical , auditing and numerical records
I gui del ines
contacted in the course of the work
A typical way of gaining the know1 edge and skill s out1 i ned above is:
Equivalent to graduation from hi gh school and three years of responsible bookkeeping, payroll, accounting or financial clerical experience. College or business school coursework in accounting, bookkeeping and office admi- ni stration is desi rabl e.
Costa Real Water District
PA # 1/AC,1-2 November 1988
Under general supervision, performs professional accounting work in support of District activities and operations; performs related work as assigned.
This single position class performs all professional accounting and accounting support work for the District. Successful performance requires a thorough knowledge of pub1ic.agency accounting procedures and the ability to exercise sound independent judgment within established guide1 ines. This class is distinguished from Administrative Manager which is a department head, responi sible for all administrative, human resources, public information and fiscal acti vi ties.
1. Performs varied general accounting work, including maintaining the general ledger, varied subsidiary ledgers and journals, accounts receivable anc payable, payroll and numerous control and informational records and reports. 2. Coordinates the preparation and admini stration of the annual operati or and capital budgets. 3, Prepares all accounts payable checks, including verifying invoices and authorizations.
4. Maintains detailed records related to capital improvements and contrac progress payments. 5. Prepares a1 1 payroll checks and records and makes necessary payments t government agencies and benefit carriers, 6. Maintains accounts receivable records and prepares necessary statement 7. Prepares periodic and special financial reports and analyses, includin
8. Coordinates and assists in the external audit of Agency financial
9. Maintains records regarding investments, surplus funds,.interest ear-
10. Conducts special studies and makes policy and procedure reconendation
11 . Confers with District staff at a1 1 level s and represents the District
12. Monitors current accounting practices and procedures and recomnends
13. Assigns, reviews, verifies and evaluates the work of accounting cleri;
14. Operates computers, calculators and a wide variety of office equipment
those required for submission to various governmental agencies.
records and systems.
nings and other financial management programs.
in areas of expertise.
in contacts with others in assigned areas of responsibility.
modifications and revisions to District activities and procedures.
cal staff; provides for training and development of staff.
used in work, 1
Accountant Page Two
Know1 edge of:
Principles, practices and procedures of public agency accounting,
Principles and practices of business data processing, particularly
Laws and regulations regulating pub1 ic agency fiscal activities Budgeting principles and practices Basic auditing principles and practices Principles and ,practices of supervision, including selection, work
including budgeting and internal auditing techniques
as related to accounting applications
evaluation and training
Skill in:
Directing and reviewing the work of assigned accounting support staff Training others in work procedures Verifying the accuracy of financial data and information Ensuring proper authorization and documentation for disbursements Analyzing, posting, balancing and reconciling complex financial data
Making accurate calculations and reconciliations Reviewing and interpreting complex financial reports, transactions and
Exercising sound independent judgment within established guidelines Preparing clear, concise and complete financial reports and statements Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those
and accounts
1 egal do cumen ts
contacted in the course of work
A typical way of gaining the knowledge and skills outlined above is:
Equivalent to graduation from a four year college or university with major coursework in accounting, finance, business administration or a closely related field and three years of professional accounting experience, pre- ferably in a governmental or public agency setting. Subprofessional accounting experience may be substituted for the education on a year for year basis b a maximum of two years; however, a minimum of 30 units in accounting, auditing, financial analysis or similar coursework is required
WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do
certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted 1
Board of Directors of said District at a meeting of the
held on the 4th day of January, 1989, and that it was ac
by the following vote:
AYES: Directors: Maerkle, Henley, Woodward
and Bonas
NOES : Directors: Greer
ABSENT : Directors: None
ABSTAIN: Directors: None
and the Board of Directors thereof