HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-15; Municipal Water District; Resolution 609I I I RESOLUTION NO. 609 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REVISING ARTICLES 4 AND 5 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO INCORPORATE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LEGAL COUNSEL WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Costa Real Mun Water District, has a policy, Article 4 of the Administ Code, entitled Classified Positions, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Costa Real Mun Water District has a policy, Article 5 of the Administ Code, entitled Working Hours, Employee Benefits, and WHEREAS, Legal Counsel has made recommendations : letters dated September 6, 1988 and February 8, 1989 revisions to be made to Sections 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7 of A: 4, and Sections 5.9, 5.13, 5.21, and 5.33 of Article 5. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of Costa Municipal Water District does hereby amend Articles in acco: with the attached pages. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 15th day of March, 1989. 7 COSTA REA CIPAL WATER DISTRICT COSTA REAL I /I/1UNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT F- TITLE: I CLASSIFIED POS - ADMINISTRATIVE CODE I .. Latest Revision January 1, 198 ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (Continued) Set. 4-4- Salary Schedule and Job Classification. A Sal; Schedule and Job Classification is hereby est; lished and is set forth as follows: SALARY RANGE NUMBER JOB CLASSIFICATION 1 Board Approved Board Approved Board Approved Board Approved 57 53 51 51 49 49 43 40 38 38 38 37 37 35 35 32 31 31 29 23 19 $4.50-6.00/hour General Manager/District Engj Superintendent Administrative Manager Engineering Manager Senior Engineering Techniciar Senior Engineering Inspector Accountant Public Information Officer Const. & Maint. Supervisor Systems Operations Supervisor Engineering Technician Senior Systems Operator Service Coordinator Senior Const. & Maint. Worker Storekeeper Executive Secretary System Operator I1 Engineering Secretary Equipment Operator Const. & Maint. Worker I1 Accounting Office Assistant System Operator I Constr. & Maint. Worker I Engineering Office Asst. I1 Engineering Office Asst. I Office Aide/Intern A new employee shall be employed in the Sala. Range for that particular Job Classificatio After the successful completion of six months in that position, the new employee may be I* COSTR REAL /1/IUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT I IC i- tf- Ti TLE : tf- Ti TLE : CLASSIFIED POS. ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Latest Revis ion I I- \ January 17, 19; I ART1CLE 4* CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) Sec. 4.5. Salary Step Plan (For periodic wage increases) step plan is established by the District as fol. " " A Step - A new employee shall start at the "A" The employee shall remain in this step for a mi1 of six months. A step increase is not automz It is based on past performance and evaluatic the supervisor, and approval of the General Man; I I These pay step increases may be granted by District to those employees who have completed quired time in grade and who have received a sa factory performance report, The required tim - 4"" rade for each of the steps """ B, C, and D is one y Upon being promoted to a new position, the ployee's salary shall be established to be the in the new range which is equivalent to at leas increase in the old range. A new anniversary I shall be established for the new classificat The employee's evaluation date shall be the Sam for the new anniversary (promotion) date. The nc promoted employee should be informed that he/she subject to recall for a period of time. Sec. 4.6. Termination of Employment, EMPLOYMENT WITH THE DISTRICT HAS NO SPECIFIED ' OR TENURE. As a public agency, the Costa I Municipal .Water District is governed by applici provisions of the California Government Code provisions of the Water Code applicable to Munici Water Districts, Water Code S71362 provides: "Subject to the appro of the Board of Directors, the general manager sh have full charge and control of the maintenax operation and construction of the waterworks waterworks system of the district, with full PC and authority to employ and discharge all emplol and assistants, other than those referred to Section 71340, at pleasure, prescribe their dut: and fix their compensation, COSTR REAL /VIUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT k TITLE: I CLASSIFIED POS. ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE 1; latest Revis ion January 17, 191 . I ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) Sec. 4.6. Termination of Employment (continued) I Government Code S1301 provides: "Every office, the term of which is not fixe law, is held at the pleasure of the appoin :power. I' The General Manager has discretion to terminat€ District employee, with or without cause at any so long as the termination does not violate fed€ state or local law, or rights guaranteed by the stitutions of California or of the United States I I (a> Retirement. Upon retirement in accordance either the voluntary service or compul service retirement provisions of P.E.R.S., employee shall receive 50% of all accumul sick leave up to 250 hours. Any accumul sick leave in excess of 250 hours shal. reimbursable at 100%. (b) Death. Upon the death of an employee, compensation due such employee shall be pai designated beneficiary of such employee. pensation for all accumulated vacation t ,50% of all sick leave up to 250 hours, and. of sick leave in excess of 250 hours shall ( be made. I I. I I I I I COSTR REAL ~ /MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT L I ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE t"-- Latest Revision TITLE : CLASSIFIED POS / January 17, 19 (c) Discharqe. EMPLOYEES MAY BE TERMINAT] ACTION OF THE GENERAL MANAGER IN ACCOR! WITH WATER CODE SECTION 71362 AND SERVE A PLEASURE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER, The Ger Manager shall notify such employee discharge in writing. All such dischi employees shall be entitled to any normal pensation due, and shall receive all acc lated vacation time due. If employed b: District at least one year, employees I receive 50% of a1.l accumulated sick leave 250 hours and 100% of any sick leave in e: of 250 hours. (dl Lay Off. The District hopes that layoffs never become necessary. However, layoff: be required due to lack of work, a decrea: or loss of funds, or changing position reql ments. Should layoffs be required, they be implemented by considering the emplo! proficiency, productivity, length of emp ment, attendance, and reliability. Emp1( may be laid off by action of the General ager- Such employees shall receive two K written notice of layoff. When layoff is 2 cipated to exceed 14 days duration, the fol ing shall apply: Employees shall be paid accumulated vacation pay due. If employe the District at least one year, employees s receive 50% of all accumulated sick leave I 250 hours. Any accumulated sick leave ir cess of 250 hours to be reimbursable at 1 (e) Resiqnation. Employment with the District be terminated at the will of the employee- an employee wishes to resign, the Dist desires a two (2) week notice in writing. accumulated vacation pay and sick leave cor sation will be paid upon resignation. If ployed by the District at least one year, ployee shall receive 50% of all accumul sick leave up to 250 hours. Any accumul sick leave in excess of 250 hours shal: reimbursable at 100%. I I I COSTA REAL fl/lUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT t" TITLE: CLASSIFIED POS ADM 1 N I STRAT I VE CODE Latest Revi s ion January 17, 19; ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued ) Sec. 4.6. Termination of Employment (continued) (f) Termination Procedure. Except in an emergen following procedure will be followed: The employee shall be provided with a w notice of the fact and effective da termination. Disciplinary termination will narily be preceded by written notice to t ployee of the District's intention to ter his or her employment, the effective date termination and the basis for the termin The notice should also indicate that the em wil I, upon request, be afforded an opportun respond to the General Manager or the Gt Manager's designee prior to termination. this procedure should ordinarily be used tc mize the risk of error, circumstances may c onally warrant immediate termination witho vance notice, at the discretion of the G< Manager. Persons who are terminated may be entitl unemployment compensation. (4) Employee's Request for Reconsideration. On1 ployees with at least 6 months of service ar' gible for reconsideration by the General Mar: The request for reconsideration must be sub in writing within fourteen (14). days aft6 notice of termination has been mailed or del. personally to the employee. In the ever request is not received within this peri time, the opportunity to request reconside will be waived. A request for reconsidel must be in writing and must contain the fol information: (i) The reason reconsideration is requeste (ii) A summary of the factual information s: porting reasons for requesting rea sideration. COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT P- TITLE: I I CLASSIFIED POS; ADMINISTRATIVE CODE IL Latest Revision January 17, 19E I ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) I Sec. 4.6. Termination of Employment (continued) I (h) Conduct of the Hearinq. (continued) - and the admission of evidence or informat for consideration. The District and employee shall have the right to prod evidence, to produce witnesses, and to cro examine witnesses who are presented by the posing party. The hearing may be recorded and transcribed. I The costs incurred for Court Reporter's s vices and the preparation of the record ini ally shall be borne by the District. (i) """"""_""""""~ Waiver of Reconsideration A failure request reconsideration in the manner set fo in paragraph (9) above, or failure of the ployeetoappearatthetime and place of he ing shall be deemed a waiver by the employee reconsideration by the General Manager and ceptance of the termination. ( j) Notice of Decision. The General Manager shi notify the employee of his decision. I notice shall be in writing, dated, and shz inform the employee whether the employee is tained or terminated. The time limit for ju cia1 review of the final decision of the G( era1 Manager pursuant to the Code of Civil P hausted his/her administrative remedies unc the District's administrative rules. \ cedure S1094.6 ends when the employee has I. I I I COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE LL-L I TITLE: CLASSIFIED POSl I Latest Revision January 17, 19E t ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) Sec, 4.6. Termination of Employment (continued) (k) Benefit Termination Date. An employee shE not be entitled to any benefits effective day following the day’ that the status of ployment is terminated. The day of termination is not extended thro the period of accumulated vacation or s leave the employee is entitled to as of date of termination. Sec. 4-7. Part-Time Employees. The General Manager may ploy persons on a part-time basis at his/her d cretion as work load demands. Part-time employ shall be defined as those employees who are work in an approved job classification and are schedu to work less than the regularly scheduled work w on a regular and consistent basis. Part-time employees shall not receive the si accrual rate for vacation, sick leave or holic as full-time employees. Such personnel, working a regular and consistent basis at least or m< COSTR REAL fl/lUNlClPAL WATER DISTRICT t"i TITLE: f I CLASSIFIED POS. ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE I Latest Revision January 17, 191 ARTICLE 4. CLASSIFIED POSITIONS (continued) Set. 4-7. Part-Time Employees. - (continued) than 20 hours per week, shall be eligible vacation, sick leave and holiday accruals at 50' a full-time employee. I Such personnel shall be employed and compensatec 'an hourly basis within the range set forth Section 4.4 as established by the Board Directors. Sec. 4.8. Temporary Employees. The General Manager may E DELETED ploy persons on a temporary basis at his discret 1/7/87 as work load demands. Such persons shall employed, classified, and compensated in accord; with the provisions of Article 4,, and Articlc of this Administrative Code. Sec. 4.9. Underfilling a Position. It is in the best int ests of the District and its employees to encour employee development. One procedure available the General Manager to assist in employee devel ment is to fill a budgeted position with employee having lesser qualifications than position calls for. The employee who then would underf illing the position would be encouraged gain the qualifications necessary for perman employment at the level of the budgeted positi The Board grants the General Manager the author to utilize this procedure at his/her discretion. I I* COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT .. .. COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT .. .. 1 5 lp; I TITLE : WORKING HO EMPLOYEE B i I I- ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Latest Revision September 6, 19 L ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.9. Holidays. (continued) I 1. One Elective Day as a Holiday. In addition t above Holidays, each empioyee shall be entitl eight (8) consecutive hours off with pay of hi choice per each twelve (12) month period withi following limitations: 1. Employee must obtain supervisory approval ( electiveday at least 30 days in advance of tl day selected. "- 2. New employees are not eligible for the elc holiday until successful completion of one yt employment with the District. Full-time employees shall be compensated for hours' pay for each of the above-desig holidays. The General Manager shall develop a schedu holidays to provide for the Field Operatio hour per day employees. Any employee on leave of absence without pay c a designated holiday date shall not receive cc sation for said holiday. Each employee shall be entitled to holiday ti1 for each designated District holiday. If a trict designated holiday falls within an emp1( normal work wee,k and the employee is requir work, or if an employee is called back to wor regularly scheduled holiday, the employee sha compensated atarate of double time inaddit! holiday pay. To be eligible for holiday pay, an employee work or be on an approved paid absence the wc day preceding and the working day following a holiday on which the District office is cl The Supervisor shall report to the Personnel c any employee not eligible for the holiday pay, I I I 1 COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE P WORKING E 'ITLE: EMPLOYEE 1- La est Revi i n I ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.12. Uniform and Dress Codes. The District will furn each full-time field employee with a clean unif each day. Employees are to wear the furnis uniforms during the normal District working hot Those uniforms will be maintained by the Distric Employees are expected to keep themselves neat clean insofar as is practical.. All expense laundering or cleaning of uniforms shall be bo by the District. Sec. 5.13. Safety Equipment. The District shall furnish z necessary or required tools and equipment to ins a safe area in which to work. All District employees are charged with t responsibility to see that no unsafe practices conditions exist, and that all State laws in tl regard are enforced. Violations of this provis: will be the basis for discipline or discharge the employee and/or any supervisor who k knowledge of the condition, practice or act. Safety footwear: The District shall provide a employees protective clothing, tools and otk equipment necessary for the safe performance of : functions and duties without cost to the employ! The District shall provide two pairs of steel-tc safety shoes annually to each member of the fie personnel. The District reserves the right determine the acceptability of any such footwear I I I I COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT -. . .. . u I TI TLE: WORKING H( EMPLOYEE I I ADMINISTRATIVE CODE I Latest Revis ion February 21, 15 I ~ ~~~~~- ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.20. Workers' Compensation Insurance. (continued) 1. Failure to use or wear prescribed safc personal protection equipment. 2. Failure to follow safety rules or regulat 3. Where the employee's gross negligence or ful misconduct-is the proximate cause of C. Injury leave shall not be granted for aggrav recurrences or sequences of a preexistins service-connected physical disability ( physical condition existing prior to employm the District; provided, however, that this s tion shall not disqualify an employee otht entitled to sick leave under other conditio: sections . Sec. 5.21. Standards of Conduct and Discipline. A. Employee Rules In order that the rights and safety of all empl are protected and efficient operation of the Di: maintained, employee activities are governed by rc able rules of conduct. It is not possible to pro7 complete list of all types of conduct and perfo: that are impermissible. However, the followir amples of conduct that may lead to disciplinary a up to and including immediate discharge, are prc to give guidance: 1. Insubordination, including improper conduct . a supervisor or refusal to perform tasks ass by a supervisor in an appropriate manner. 2. Falsifying or making a material omission employment application or physical examin questionnaire, or any alteration or falsific of timekeeping or other District records. I I I COSTR REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT .. LA I TI TLE: WORKING €I EMPLOYEE : I ~ ~- ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE Latest Revis ion February 21, 1 ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.21. Standards of Conduct and Discipline. (continued) A. Employee Rules (continued) 3. Absence, or early departure from duty, w notification to the appropriate supervisor. 4. Theft or unauthorized removal or possess property of the District, its employees, or! tions servicing the District or the inhabit; property owners of the District. 5. Misusing, destroying or damaging property District, its employees, organizations ser the District or the inhabitants or property of the District. 6. Possession, distribution, sale, use or bein5 the influence of alcoholic beverages or i: drugs while on District property, while on d while operating a vehicle leased or owned District. 7. Fighting on District property or while on du discourteous treatment of District empl customers or visitors. 8. Bringing on District property danger0 unauthorized materials, such as explosiT firearms . 9. Transportation in District vehicles of unautk persons, or allowing unauthorized persons t access to District property. 10. Unauthorized release of confidential or pe: information regarding the District, its emF or customers. 11. Performing personal business or non-work rn, while on duty or utilizing District pro including the District business telephone. I COSTA REAL I 5 I 1 /"JNICiPAL WAER DISTRICT I - .. I I"-- TI TLEZWORKING H EMPLOYEE L ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE Latest Rev i s ion February 21, 1 ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.21. Standards of Conduct and Discipline. (continued) A. Employee Rules (continued) 12. Conduct disruptive to the District or prejt to the good reputation of the District. 13. Failure to observe other rules or procedures by the General Manager or the General Mar designee, or failure to observe federal, st local laws. 14. Unsatisfactory performance. It should be remembered that employment is at the consent of the employee and the District. Accori either the employee or the District can termina employment relationship at will, at any time, w without cause or advance notice. B. Disciplinary Procedures 1. Disciplinary procedures include, but ai limited to, the following: (a) Oral reprimand (b 1 Written reprimand (c) Suspension from duty with pay (d) Suspension from duty without pay (e) Reduction of pay (f) Demotion (g) Termination 2. Supervisors may issue oral or written repri All other forms of disciplinary action are re for decision by the General Manager. 1, ,' I I COSTA REAL 15 I I I 1 MUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT /=GEE& EMPLOYEE ADM I N f STRAT I VE CODE Latest Revis ion February- 21, 1 1 ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.21. Standards of Conduct and Discipline. (continued) B. Disciplinary Procedures (continued) 3. To the extent practicable and appropriate particular offense, the District, ap: principles of progressive discipline, will ( to use counseling and guidance before resor: disciplinary action. However, circumstanc sometimes warrant immediate imposition of ar of discipline, including termination. ~ 4. Suspension from duty, reduction of pay, demot termination will ordinarily be preceded by M notice to the employee of the District's int to impose the discipline, the effective date discipline and the basis for the discipline notice should also indicate that the employee upon request, be afforded an opportunity to I to the General Manager or the General Man designee prior to imposition of the disci While this procedure should ordinarily be u minimize the risk of error, circumstance occasionally warrant the immediate imposit discipline without notice, at the discretion General Manager. C. Harassment Policy i 1. Purpose and Statement of Policy It has long been the position of the Districl its employees should work in an environmenl from all forms of unlawful discriminati harassment, whether based on race, sex, nat origin, creed, color, age, religion, phy handicap or marital status. Through this per! policy, the District seeks to emphasiz prohibition of a1 1 forms of discrimin harassment of District employees by manz supervisors, coworkers or District client visitors, and to establish a procedure for ha1 allegations of harassment. COST4 REAL MUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT . .. I- T I TLE NORKING EMPLOYEE H( I 1 I I. ADM I N f STRAT I VE CODE Latest Revis ion February 21, 15 1 ART1CLE 5- WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) I Sec. 5.21. Standards of Conduct and Discipline (continued) 1 C, Harassment Policy (continued) I 1. Purpose and Statement of Policy (continued) This policy most frequently refers to sexu ' rassment, which is felt to be the form of di ination most in need of definition and explal Nevertheless, the.' principles contained il policy apply equally to all forms of discrimi harassment, whatever the basis. I' Discriminatory harassment, including s harassment, is a violation of Title VI1 c federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, and c California Fair Employment and Housing Ac- will not be tolerated by the District. Engag harassment is grounds for disciplinary acti to and including termination; thus, all alleg will be taken seriously and will be prc investigated. There will be no retribution a anyone reporting harassment, regardless c outcome of the investigation. I I 2. Definitions (a) Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome sexual adv requests for sexual favors, and other 7 or physical conduct of a sexual n constitute sexual harassment when: (1) submission to such conduct is made t explicitly or implicitly a te. condition of an individual's employ 1. f (2) submission to or rejection of suck duct by an individual is used a basis for employment decisions afft such individua 1, or I I COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WAER DISTRICT . .. + T 1 TLE : WORKING H( EMPLOYEE I ADMlNfSTRATlVE CODE Latest Revis ion February 21, 15 . I ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.21. Standards of Conduct and Discipline (continued) C. Harassment Policy (continued) 2, Definitions (continued) I (a) Sexual Harassment (continued) (3) such conduct .has the purpose or ef ft unreasonably interfering with an indivi work performance or creating an intimid hostile or offensive working environment Sexual harassment does not refer to an occa: compliment of a socially acceptable nature, normal, courteous and mutually respectful : actions between persons. Rather, it ref€ behavior which is not welcome, which may be p ally offensive or coercive, which weakens n and therefore interferes with the effectiven, the work environment. I (b) (C) ( Note that sexual harassment includes conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an ir dating, hostile or offensive working enviro Thus, regardless of their intentions, all emp. must be sensitive to avoid conduct which mi( interpreted as harassment, and, more gener must treat others in the work place with re and dignity at all times. Verbal Harassment: Refers to epithets, deroc comments or slurs on the basis of sex, national origin, etc, Verbal harassment c basis of sex includes any statement whi sexually oriented and considered unacceptablt reasonable person in a work place setting. Visual forms of harassment: Includes ob: pictures, posters, cartoons or drawings whic derogatory as to sex, race, national origin, or which contain material which is sex1 suggestive and offensive, "- I / I I COSTA REAL I 5 MUNIClPAL WAXER DISTRICT . .. I I TI TLE WORKING H( EMPLOYEE : ADMINISTRATIVE CODE Latest Revis ion February 21, 1' ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.21. Standards of Conduct and Discipline. (continued) C. Harassment Policy (continued) 2. Definitions (continued) (d) Physical harassment: Refers to assault, ir or blocking movement or any physical inter: with the normal work or movement of another based on sex, rac'e, national origin, et includes patting, pinching, brushing up as cornering, hugging, kissing or any similar pl contact considered unacceptable by another pc 3. Procedure (a) An employee who feels he or she has ienced discrimination or harassment work place, or is aware of others wh been harassed or discriminated against, immediately inform the General Mana General Manager's designated EEO off ice follow up as soon as possible with a w account of the conduct. (b) The Genera 1 Manager or General Mar designated EEO officer should first this District policy with the compl employee, and give him or her assurance there will be no retribution for ( forward. (c) District management will fully and effec investigate any complaint of harassment. will include interviewing the alleged T the alleged harasser and any witnesses. the investigation is complete, its concl will be promptly communicated to the a victim, the alleged harasser and all directly concerned. I COSTR REAL I 5 /MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT . .. E TITLE: WORKING : EMPLOYEE ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE Ii Latest Revis ion %ebruary 21, , I ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) I Sec. 5.21, Standards of Conduct and Discipline (continued) C. Harassment Policy (continued) 3. Procedure (continued) I (dl If its investigation concludes that ha1 has occurred, the District wil disciplinary action against the h commensurate with the severity of the ( and the victim will be advised of the taken against the harasser, Further, I management will take steps to prevent harassment of the victim or other emp including the prevention of any 't retaliation. I I Sec. 5.22. Damage to Private Property. Any accident or which may occur to private property through the of a District employee must be reported immedia the employee's supervisor, with the proper repor reduced to writing as soon as possible. I - See, 5.23. Publicly-owned Personal Property. A. Acceptance of Gifts. Employees shall not any gifts of any nature from any 'contractor vendor who is in the process of furnishing services, supplies, or materials to the D: pursuant to either oral or written' agreement Bo Token gifts of appreciation may be acceF District staff for the enjoyment of all empl I C, Employees shall not remove from any real p controlled by the District, without e authority, any salvage and/or surplus materil no employee shall seIl, trade, convey, I assign, transfer, or dispose of any pe property in any manner belonging to the Di without the express consent of the General MI I I I COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE CODE u I TITLE: WORKING H( EMPLOYEE I c I ~ Latest Revis ion February 21, 15 1 - ~~ ~~~~ ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.23, Publicly-Owned Personal Property (continued) D. Any personal property deemed by the District salvaged and/or surplus property shall be di of by the District in accordance with it2 adopted Ordinances or Resolutions pursua statutory law governing municipal water distr Sec. 5.24. Personnel Files. The District Personnel Officer maintain a personne.1 file for each empl Unauthorized access to personnel records is st1 prohibited, Within reasonable limitations, hot each employee has the right to inspect his or hl personnel file, Sec. 5.25. " Drivers' Licenses. In order to operate a Diz vehicle, all employees must obtain and maintain a State of California driver's license, which ml confirmed by the General Manager. The District will bear the cost of physical e, ations required for a Class I license, when thc for such a license is required for District bus: All physicals are subject to the approval of thc era 1 Manager. Sec. 5.26. Educational Reimbursement, The District encou educational advancement of its personnel, The PI of the reimbursement program is to provide fina assistance to those employees who voluntarily engi educational pursuits beneficial to the District. Although any employee who uses his leisure hou develop his skills and knowledge is to be cornme the District cannot assume financial responsibilii all such pursuits. Employee educational reimbur: is confined to expenses for voluntary, off-duty d opment which benefits both the employee an' District. I I I COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE L2-k lz TITLE: WORKING H EMPLOYEE Latest Revision I ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.32. Special Merit for Education. The District 1 developed a special merit award system to mutual benefit employees and the District by stimulating 2 rewarding employees for educational accomplishmen This program recognizes accomplishment in terms operator certification according to the following: Grade Amount ”_ One TWO Three Four $ 150 $ 300 $ 500 $1,000 The decision to grant this lump-sum award shall be mi by the employee’s supervisor, with approval by the Gc era1 Manager. The General Manager may recognize otl certifications according to their comparability to 1 above-defined award levels. Sec. 5.33. DefeEse of Public Employees. Pursuant to the Gc ernment Code Section 995 (Authority to provide for d fense of civil action or proceeding), except as othc wise provided in Section 995.2 and 995.4, upon reque of an employee or former employee, the ‘District sha provide for the defense of any civil action or pr ceeding brought against the employee, in the employec official or individual capacity or both, on account of nonmalicious, good-faith act or omission in the scope employment as an employee of the District. A cros claim, counterclaim or crosscomplaint against employee or former employee shall be deemed to be civil action or proceeding brought against the employt Sec. 5.34. Special Housing Facilities. The District mai tains a residence at Squires Dam. The purpose of th residence is to provide security for District faci ities. The following conditions apply to employee a signment as caretaker: 1. Employee Status, The employee assigned as caretak at Squires Dam shall be a full-time permane employee. STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 I 1 ss 1 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I, MARGARET J. BONAS, Secretary of COSTA REAL MJN WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted 1 Board of Directors of said District at a meeting of the held on the 15th day of March, 1989, and that it was adop the following vote: AYES : Directors: Bonas , Greer , Hen1 ey, Maerkl e l Woodward NOES : Directors: None ABSENT : Directors : None I ABSTAIN: Directors: None I