HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-18; Municipal Water District; Resolution 613. , .Car7,sbad Municipal Water District
f, Marqaret J. Bonas , ~ecretary of Carlsbad MWI Corporatfon), do hereby certify that rt a neettng of the Eoard of Olrectors, Corporatfon duly held on d!13/89 I, at whtch a quorum was present and acting thl the followfng Resolution was unrn mously adopted and that it is nor In full I effect without raendment or modlficacfon:
'RESOLVED, that each. of the offtcers designated below is author rapourred to open and aafntrfn wfth Underwood, Neuhrus i Co., fncorporatr Brokers') one or aore accounts for the purchase and sale (Including short si and dealfng and trading In, any and a11 forms of securities on b8half Corporation including, rlthout llRitatjOnr a, bonds, -, notel dybm, -e certlflcrtes of deposits, commrrcfrl prprr, money securlties, b .", p,. ,m contracts for the forratd delivery of U.S. Qovrrnment and federal agency s.4 stanby contracts ln such U.S. 6overnunt and agency seeurittrs, reparchaso a1 and resrlr agreesrnts fnvolring drbt ~nstruarnts of all klnds and optlonc underlylng securlttes whether drbt or equlty, which options are currently tr ray in the future trade on any exchange.
"Resolved, that each of the offlcers designated herrtn Is fully autho behalf of the Corporatton to give oral or written lnstructlonr by te telegraph, or otherrise. to the Brokers with rrtprtt to Such transactions at~ tines to have complete awthortty in rvery wry to bfnd and obtlgrtr the Cor for the carrying out of any contract. agreement or transactlon which shall bo tnto by any such offi~rr and/or agrnt for and on brhrlf of tho Corporation
. through the Brohrr; to pay In cash or by checks and/or7drafts dram upon t of the Corporat ton such sums as may be necessary in connut ion rlth any of accounts; to deliver securittes .to., and deposlt funds wlth.. the Brokrrs; to o transfer or dellvery of teeuritfes 'to any other persor whrtso8ve.r. and/or 4 the transfer of record of any securities to any naao selectrd by any of 1 offfcers or agents; to afflr thr corporate seal to any documents or rgreemrnc title thereto; to dfrect the rate or exereisr of any rlghtr rlth respect securities; to sfgn for the Corporation all releases, porers of attorney andlc documrnts In connection wlth any such account, and to agrrr to any t condittons to control, any such account; to dlrect tho BrOkIrS to Surren tecuritfes to the proper rgrnt or party for the purpose of offecting any excl conversion, or for the purposrs of deposit with any protective or similar COI or otherrise; to accept dellvrry of any tecurlties; to appoint any othrr pc persons to do any and a11 thfngs which any of the safd offlcers and/or ag hereby empowered to do, and generally to do and takr all action nec.es connection with thr account. or conridrrrd desirable by such .officrr andlo with respect thereto.
'Re'solved. that the establlshmert and uintenrncr by this torporation of more accounts rftR tho Broker prior to tho date as of rhlch thrso nsoluti rffectlre, and all transactions consumrtrd and actions taker witn -sf ttanSaCtfOnS of thr type describw rbovo are hrreby ratlfled and confirmed re spec tf .
'Resolved, that the Iroker. may deal rlth any and all of thr perrons huld above Stated offlees as though they were deal tng with thls Corporatfon direct1
"Resolved, that no limitations are taposed upon the above authorltirs ex follors:
Investments shall comply with the requirements of Sections
53600-53683 of the Government Code.
... .. .. I
gResolveall that t3e SeCretrfy of thfs Corporrtton bel rnd hereby isl dfrrc, certify rnd doliver under seal of the Corporrtlon to the 8roter:
(a) 4 true copy of these rrsolutiaos: I (b) specloen signatures of each and every person by these resolutions rngouered
(c) r crrtiffcrte that the Coroorrtton lt duly organized and vrlldly erislIng, Its Charter rnd 8y-Laus authorize ft to trinsict the business by rrsolutfon drffned, and no liritrtfon hrr bten otherwise lmporrd upon authority .
oResolved,' that the ltokrr my coficlurtvely rely upon rny CertlfiCrtlOn gfvi aceordrncr ulah. these resolutions, until the Broker receiver uri ttrn not Ice chrnge In any of the inforration recited therein.
'Resolvd. that, in the event of ray chrngr In the offlce or powers of pel hereby ruthor!red, the ftcrrtrty shall proaptly eertffy such ehro 8 to the Irotc rrtting fn the Hnner hereinabove prorlded, which rotltleatlor, m!r~ received, ! be rdwurtr both to terminate the rotharlzation ot the persons thenk ruthoritrd, and tO ruthorfte thr persons thereby substituted with tho saw forcr effect as If named In th8 foregotng n~oluflors.~
'This Resolution shall be and rearfn In full force rnd effect Untfl uri nofjffCaffQ!? of It. r9l'XEf!@a Shal! be t2C3tYSd by :ha g?Ska?Z.
'Tho offlcerr herein referred to are ai fpllour:
signature: - L e/&??/ I." &$jg&??/&
. .. //
Type Name:
Typa Ram8 :
I Sfgnrtun:
Type Name:
$1 gnr ture :
fypr Ram :
I further certify that each thr foregoing offfcer has been duly elected or appotnt that he iS nOW 1epally holding the office sag opposjtr hts name and that the SigfUtur8 forth each typed nam arm true rnb genuina rtgnrtnn of sat& oftie8rt.
€&IS 18th day of ,April *' 3989. I! MITl!€SS YHEBEO?, 1 .bme rlgue4 my M- ad aftixe4 the seal of the Cotporrt
Margare Bonas~6cTetaryj Board of Dire'ctors CARLSBR%cNICIPAL WATER DISTRKT (Sea1 1 -
..%. .. I
E^,- w-9 Payer's Request for Taxpayer Glve Tb
'7ev .L~Y :98A) to the
Jeoarr-e-! 3f !-e Twsury Identification Number and Certification or Barter 'vernal Reverue jewce
y L~FD as s-owr en a::?unt 'if Olnt accouct. ust flr5: d~ c;-r!e !*B -3r-e Y "e :wsw ~r ewty .wmse numoer yo^ enter .n Part I aecow 1 E Carlsbad Municipal Water District - i3 Accress i 5950 El Camino Real
2 La:{. %ate. a-c ZIP c3ce Y z Carl sbad, CA 92008
Llst account w?oe?(s)
here m Taxpayer Identification Number-For All Accounts m For Payees Exempt F Backup Withholding -
Enter your taxoayer adentlficatlon number In Sactal securlty number the aoproprlate box. For most Individuals. thls i- IS your social securlty number. If you do not 1 have a number, see How to Obtafn a WV.
Note: If the account IS In more than one name.
see fhe chart OF page 2 for gurdelrnes on whfch Employer Idmtification nurnkr
number to grve :he payer.
i 95-6005601
Certification.-Uncler penalties of perlury. I certrfy that:
(1) The number shown on thts form IS my correct Taxpayer ldentlficatlon Number (or I am watttng for a number to be Issued to m
(2) I am not subject to backup wtthholding either because 1 have not been notlfied by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I an
to backup wlthholdlng as a result of a fatlure to report all Interest or d~vtdends, or the IRS has notified me that I am no longer :
backup wtthholding.
Certification Instructions.-You must cross out itern (2) above if you have been notified by IRS that you are subject to backup wlthholdmg because of underreportlng Interest or dlvrdends on your tax return. However, If after being notified by IRS that you we . subject to backup wlthholdi g you recetved another notrficatron from IRS that you are no longer subject to backup wlthholdtng, do
out Item (2). (Ako see Cedicabon under Spe&c Instr&rons.) I ..
Please i y Slgn ! / Here i Signatur April 18. 1989 - ,- t I/
Instructions (Secfron references are to the Infernal Revenue Code.)
Purpose of Form
Complete thls form and glve It to the payer of
(Includmg broker and barter exchange interest. dtvldends. and certaln other payments
transact~ons) so that you w~ll not be subpct to the 20% backup wtthholding that became effective January 1. 1984.
taxpayer ldentlficatton number (TlN) to the payer,
Use thls form to report and certify your
to certlfy that you are not subled to backup wtthholding because of underreporting mterest and dwdends on your tax return, and toclatm exemptlon from backup wtthholding tf you are an exempt payee.
If you do not complete this form properly and return It to the payer, the payur may be rquired to wtthhold 20% of payments made to you.
Note: If a payergwes you a fon oMer than a w-9 to request your TIN. YOU must USQ the payer's form.
What 1s Backup Wlthholdlng
The Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983 requires payers to wtthhold and pay to IRS 20% of payments of Interest, dtvldends. and certatn other payments under certatn conditions. Thts IS called 'backup withholding.' If you gtve the payer your correct TIN, certify your TIN when required. and report all your taxable Interest and dtvtdends on your tax return, your payments w~ll not be subject to backup wlthholdlng.
Payments you recew wtll be subpct to backup wtthholdlng 11:
(1) You do not furnlsh ybGr TIN to the payer. or
(2) IRS notlfies the payer that you furntshed an Incorrect TIN. or (3) You are notified by IRS that you are sublect to backup wtthholding because you failed to repart all your Interest and dividends on your tax return (for Interest and divldend accounts only). or
not subject to backup wlthhdding under (3) (4) You fall to certify to the payer that you are
ab (for Interest and dividend accounts opened after 1983 only). or
only to interest. dividend. broker. or barter (5) You fall to certify your TIN. This applies
exchange accounts opened after 1983, of broker accounts considered Inactive tn 1983.
wrthholding only tf (1) or (2) ah apples. For other payments. you are subjec! to backup
'hm backupwlthholding and Information Certatn paym and payments are exempt
rsportmg. See Payees and Payments Exempt from &&up WithhoMiflg. on this page. and. Exempt Payees and Payments under Sm~fic Instructtom. on page 2. if you are an exempt
How to Obtain a 7lN
If you do not have a TIN. ygu should apply for om immediately. To apply for the number obtam Form SS-5, Applicatton for a Social Secunty Number Card (for Indtvtduals). or Fm 354. Application for Employer Identification Numbw (for bustnesses and all other enttties). at your local office of the SQctal kunty Administration or the Internal Revenue Service. Complete and file the approprtate form according to tts tnstruchons.
In the space for the TIN In Part I. sign i If you do not have a TIN. wrlte 'AOI
the form. and glve It to the payer. You have 60 days to obtatn a TIN and furnl payer. Ourtng the 60-day peflod. the Pi you recetve wtll not be subject to the 21 wtthholding. However. If the payer doe recetve your TIN from you wlthln 60 da withholding wdl begtn and contlnue un furntsk your TIN to the payer. Nah: Writing 'Applied For' on the for1 thar you have already appired for a Ti& you intend to apply for one m the near
As soon as you receive your TIN, cc another Form W-9. Include your new 7 and date the form, and gtve It to the p;
Payees and Payments GemF Backup Withholding
The followtng lists payees that are exer backup wlthholding and informatton re For Interest and divtdends. all listed pa exempt. For broker transacttons, pay- (1) through (13). and a person rcgrster the Investment Advtm Act of 1940 w regularly Ktt as a broker are exempt. I subject to reporting under sections 60 6C41A are generally exernot from bacl withholding only tf pald to payees desc Items (1) through (6). except that a co that plowdes medical and health care btlls and collects payments for such se not exempt from backup wlthholdlng 01 Information repartmg. Only payees des items (2) through (6) are exempt from wtthholding for barter exchange transa patronage divtdends, and payments by fishing boat opatw.
Form w-!