HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-05-22; Municipal Water District; Resolution 620" I RESOLUTION NO. 620 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REVISING ARTICLE 5 OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE TO INCORPORATE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LEGAL COUNSEL I WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Mun. Water District has a policy, Article 5 of the Administ: Code, entitled Working Hours, Employee Benefits, and WHEREAS, Legal Counsel has made recommendations : letter dated May 3, 1989 for a replacement of our poli military leave under Section 5.8, and minor revisions to Sel 5.11 and 5.17. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of Ca: Municipal Water District does hereby amend Article accordance with the attached pages. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of May, 1989. I CARLSBAD ICIPAL WATER DISTR CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 I 1 ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 I, MARGARET J. BQNAS, Secretary of CARLSBAD MUN WATER DISTRICT and of the Board of Directors thereof, do certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted 1 Board of Directors of said District at a meeting of the held on the 22nd day of May, 1989, and that it was so a by the following vote: AYES : Directors: Bonas, Greer, Henley, Ma and Woodward NOES : Directors: None I ABSENT: Directors: None ABSTAIN: Directors: None , Secretary MUNICIPAL WATER DIST. and the Board of Directors th I I I I COSTR REAL & MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE F TITLE: WORKING HC EMPLOYEE B I Latest Revision May 3, 1989 1 ARTICLE 5. WORKING HCURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.8. Leave Without Pay or Leave of Absence (continued) 4. Military Leave: A. Active Military Duty 1. Eligibility Any District employee who is a member of the : corps of the armed forces of the United : National Guard or the Naval Militia is entitl military leave of absence while engaged in m: duty ordered for purposes of active military ing, encampment, naval cruises, special exerc. like activity. This leave ordinarily may not 180 calendar days, including time involved il to and returning from duty, and reinstatement will be granted as required by state and f law. 2. Pay and Benefits If the employee has been with the District least one year prior to the beginning date requested active military leave, the employe receive his ar her regular pay for the first (30) days of the leave, and will receive tk: vacation, sick leave and holiday privileges i same opportunities for promotion and reempl the employee would have received had the em not taken the active military leave. For pl of determining this one year of service, all E of the employee in any recognized military E shall be counted as service with the District 3. Active Duty During Emergency Regardless of the employee's length of Sc any District employee may take active mj leave during a state of extreme emergency clared by the Governor of California or 0th provided by law. During such active eme military leave, the employee will receive his I I I COSTA REAL 1 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT - I ~ ADMINISTRATIVE CODE I 5 P T'TLE: :Me t- I L&$iyt3!eY4bB" 1 I I ~~ ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec, 5.8. Leave Without Pay or Leave of Absence (continued) 4. Military Leave: (continued) regular pay for the first thirty (30) days leave. B. Military Training Leave Any District employee who is a member of thc Military Reserve is entitled to a temporary 11 absence without pay while engaged in milita: for purposes of military training, drills training assemblies or similar inactiv training, for up to 15 calendar days annual: cluding time involved in going to and returni: that duty. Sec. 5.9. " Holidays. The business office of the District shall remain open from 8:OO A.M. to 5:OO P.M. through Friday of each week of the year, except UI following designated Holidays: January 1st (New Years Day) 2nd Monday in February (Lincoln Day) 3rd Monday in February (Washington Day) Last Monday in May (Memorial Day) July 4th (Independence Day) 1st Monday in September (Labor Day) 2nd Monday in October (Columbus Day) November 11th (Veterans' Day) Thursday designated Thanksgiving Friday after Thanksgiving December 25th (Christmas Day) In the event that a Holiday falls on a Saturda previous Friday shall be considered a Holiday; event that a Holiday falls on a Sunday, the fol Monday shall be considered a Holiday- The Di office shall be considered closed on the day desi by the State of California. .I I I I f COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT " ADM I N I STRAT I VE CODE F ~1 TLE: WORKING H01 EMPLOYEE B1 I Latest Revision May 3, 1989 i ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5.10. Work week, Payroll Period and Pay Day. The WOI shall consist of forty (40) hours in any seven (: period 'as approved by the General Manager. payroll period shall be bi-weekly and shall co two (2) work weeks. Payday shall be every Thursday in payment of wages up to and incl the previous Sunday. Sec. 5.11. Health Insurance and Life Insurance. The Dis will provide each full-time employee and hi dependents with a choice of ACWA-Blue Cross Pr Buyer, ACWA-California Care, or Kaiser healt: surance. The District will provide either of tl ACWA policies at no cost to the employee, and contribute an amount not to exceed the cost of the policy toward the Kaiser program at the option c employee. The District will provide each full-time emplo life insurance policy or group policy, as determir the Board of Directors, which will provide a reaso amount of protection or coverage at no cost t' employee. " Prior to being employed, a physical quesionnaire shall be filled out. This will be followed by a sical examination, the cost to be paid by the Dist An employee shall not be entitled to any benl effective the day following the day that the stat employment is terminated. The day of termination i extended through the period of accumulated vacati sick leave the employee is entitled to as of the of termination. Effective January 1, 1987, terminated employee leave for reasons other than gross misconduct o part of the employee, will be eligible, along their dependents, for continuation of health insu coverage to be paid by the employee as required 1 federal law. I I .I COSTA REAL TITLE: WORKING H( MUNIClPAL WATER DISTRICT 5 P L -. EMPLOYEE 1 .- ADMI N I STRATI VE CODE Latest Revis ion May 3, 1989 ARTICLE 5. WORKING HOURS, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (continued) Sec. 5-14. District Tools and Equipment, Employees are e> to exercise normal care and proper use of all Di: owned vehicles, tools and equipment. Sec. 5.15. Disability Insurance, The District shall provic employees a Group Disability. Insurance Plan. Th of such premiums shall be borne entirely 1: District. Sec. 5.16. Credit Union. The District will permit a payroll tion bi-weekly for those employees who wish to themselves of the services of the San Diego ( Employees' Credit Union. Sec. 5.17. District Vehicles. District vehicles are to be us authorized business only. It is advisable that c employees be provided with the use of a Distric hicle for transportation between the emplc residence and the District office. From time to the General Manager may assign District vehic: certain employees to provide for improved eme~ response and to facilitate attendance to aftel meetings and functions related to District bus Assignment of the vehicle is not for the spc benefit of the employee, but for the improved c tional efficiency and effectiveness of the Dis. No persons shall ride in District vehicles E authorized persons. Personal Vehicle Used for District Business. In cases where a District vehicle is not available fs use of Directors or employees engaged in D~E business, a personal vehicle may be used. Empl shall obtain pre-authorization from their super Reimbursement shall be made for such personal vt use at the rate of twenty and one-half cents cents) per mile. Sec, 5.18. Retirement' Plan. In accordance with an agreeme1 tween the District and the Public Employees' Reti: System, all full time employees shall be enroll members of the System. The District contribute: the District's and employee's share of the costs. "