HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-20; Municipal Water District; Resolution 650.f A. * * 1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1989 AND AUTHORIZING THE 4 SERVICES TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR THE KPMG PEAT MARWICK FOR THE PROVISION OF PROFESSIONAL 3 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR AUDIT SERVICES ~. I RESOLUTION NO. 650 5 11 6 7 8 WHEREAS, the District is desirous of performing an audit of th financial statements of Carlsbad Municipal Water District and obtainin an evaluation of the District's organizational, operational and financia 9 11 condition as of December 31, 1990; and ''I/ WHEREAS, the firm of KPMG Peat Marwick performed the District' 'I. /I audit for the period ending June 30, 1989; and 12// WHEREAS, City staff has recommended that the services of KPMG Pea ''l/Marwick be retained to perform the District's six month audit from Jul 1 15 14 1, 1989 to December 31, 1989; and WHEREAS, KPMG Peat Marwick has a1 so proposed to perform a busines 16 17 18 review of the District for the period ended December 31, 1989. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of tt Carlsbad Municipal Water District as follows: I 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I1 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the proposal of KPMG Peat Marwick is hereby accepted. 3. That the President is authorized to sign the agreement fc services shown in Exhibit B attached hereto. /// /// /// /// /// /// .. , .. .. * 1 /I 4. That the amount of $30,000 is hereby appropriated to the Specia T 4 2 costs of these services. 3 Studies Account from the Unappropriated Operational Reserve to support th 4 11 5 11 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsba 6 7 Municipal Water District Board of Directors held on the 20th day o March , 1990, by the following vote, to wit: 8 9 NOES: None AYES: Board Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson 10 11 ABSENT : None 12 ATTEST: 13 1 I 15 14 ALeRA$TEkRer> (SEAL) I.6 I/ 17 18 19 ~ 2o I: 21 22 23 24 I 25 I I 27 26 28 Q. - 45 -. 0 0 .. AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE "-,I SERVICES RELATED TO THE REVIEW OF OPERATIONS CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1989 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 2'7& day of L*J ) 1990, anc effective immediately by and between KPMG Peat Marwick (hereinafter called thf "Auditor") and the Carl sbad Municipal Water District (hereinafter called "CMWD") ! WITNESSETH THAT, WHEREAS, CMWD intends to conduct an audit of its financial condition; and WHEREAS, Auditor possesses the necessary skills and qualifications to providt the services required by CMWD, and; WHEREAS, CMWD desires to engage Auditor to perform the services as described ir the scope of services below. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: (1) EmDloyment of Auditor. CMWD agrees to engage Auditor and Auditor herebj { (2) agrees to perform the following services. ScoDe of Services. Auditor shall do, perform, and carry out in a gooc and professional manner the following services: A) Audit Operations: 1. Objective. Auditor is to audit CMWD's financial statements and assist District staff and Board in assessing the organizational, operational, and financial aspects of CMWD as of and for the six months ended December 31, 1989. 2. Audit Standards. Auditor shall conduct the examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and procedures applicable to governmental units. 3. Procedures. Auditor is to perform tests of the accounting records and such other procedures as described in the KPMG Peat Marwick letter dated March 5, 1990 (Exhibit A). 4. Reporting. Auditor is to provide audited financial statements and a written evaluation of the District. Auditor shall provide one reproducible copy of the report to the City of Carl sbad Finance Director. # B) Operation Review: Auditor is to provide a business review as described in Auditor's letter dated March 5, 1990, Exhibit B attached hereto. The scope of services, reporting, procedures and emphasis shall be as shown ,I .. .~ 1 4 1 (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 0 0 in Exhibit B. One reproducible copy of the fiscal report shall be provided to the City of Carlsbad Finance Director. Time of Performance. The services to be performed hereunder by Auditor shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure their expeditious completion and best carry out the purposes of the agreement. A1 1 services required hereunder shall be completed by April 30, 1990. Compensation. City agrees to pay Auditor a sum not to exceed thirt) thousand dollars ($30,000) for all services required herein. Bill in< shall be on an actual time and materials basis up to this 1 imi t. Method of Payment. Payment will be made by CMWD to Auditor up to thc amount agreed upon in Paragraph 4 as follows: Auditor wi 11 provide i progress bi 11 ing to CMWD. Final payment will be made upon acceptancf of the complete audit by CMWD. Chanses. CMWD may, from time to time, require changes in the scope oi services of Auditor to be performed hereunder. Such changes, which art mutually agreed upon by and between CMWD and Auditor, shall bt incorporated in written amendment to this agreement. Services and Materials to be Furnished by CMWD. CMWD shall providt Auditor with reasonable access to any materi a1 in the possession of CMWD CMWD will further make appropriate CMWD staff avail able to providt direction and input into the review process as necessary. Termination of Aqreement for Cause. If, through any cause, Audit01 shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner his obligation undel this agreement, CMWD shall thereupon have the right to terminate thi: agreement by giving written notice to Auditor of such termination anc specifying the effective data thereof, at least five (5) days beforc the effective date of such termination. Information and Reports. Auditor shall, at such time and in form as CMWl may require, furnish periodic reports concerning the status of thl project . Records and Inspection. Auditor shall maintain full and accurate record within respect to all matters covered under this agreement. CMWD shal have free access at all proper times to such records, and the right tl examine and audit the same and to make transcripts therefrom, and t' inspect all data, documents, proceedings, and activities. Accomplishment of Project. Auditor shall commence, carry on, an complete the project with all practicable dispatch, in a sound economical, and efficient manner in accordance with the provision thereof and all applicable laws. Matters to be Disreqarded. The titles of the several sections subsections, and paragraphs set forth in this contract are inserted fo convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in construing o interpreting any of the provisions of this contract. 2 .. ,. .I 0 0 .. I (13) ' Completeness of Contract. This agreement and any additional 01 suppl ementary document or documents incorporated herein by speci f i ( reference contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the partie! hereto, and no other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subjeci matter of this contract or any part thereof shall have any validity 01 bind any of the parties hereto. (14) CMWD Not Ob1 iqated to Third Parties. CMWD shall not be ob1 igated 01 liable hereunder to any party other than Auditor. (15) When Ricrhts and Remedies Not Waived. In no event shall the making b: CMWD of any payment to Auditor constitute or be construed as a waive by CMWD of any breach of covenant, or any default which may then exist on the part of Auditor, and the making of any such payment by CMWD whill any such breach or default shall exist in no way impair or prejudice an, right or remedy available to CMWD in respect to such breach or default (16) Personnel. Auditor represents that he has, or will secure at his ow expense, a1 1 personnel required in performing the services under thi agreement. A1 1 of the services required hereunder wi 11 be performed b, Auditor or under his supervision, and all personnel engaged in the wor shall be qualified to perform such services. (17) Notices. Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports required by thi agreement shall be sufficient if sent by the parties in the United State mail, postage paid, to the address noted below: fl Carlsbad Municipal Water District KPMG Peat Marwick James F. Elliott, Finance Director 750 B Street 1200 Elm Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 Carl sbad, CA 92008 (18) Covenant aqainst Continqent Fees. Auditor warrants that their firm ha not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fid employee working for Auditor, to solicit or secure this agreement, an that Auditor has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, othe than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerag fee, first or any other consideration contingent upon, or resulting from the award or making this agreement. For beach or violation of thi warranty, City shall have the right to annul this agreement withou liability, or, in its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price o consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. (19) Nondiscrimination Clause. Auditor shall comply with applicable Stat and Federal laws regarding nondiscrimination. 1 (20) Termination of Contract. In the event of Auditor's failure to prosecute deliver or perform the work as provided for in this agreement, CMWD ma terminate this agreement for nonperformance by notifying Auditor t certified mail of the termination of the agreement. Auditor, thereupor has five (5) working days to del iver any and a1 1 documents owned by CMb under this agreement and all work in progress to the City of Carl sb; Finance Director. The City of Carlsbad Finance Director shall make 3 .. <~ ,. .. 0 e -1 5. ~" (21) (22) determination of fact based upon the documents del ivered to CMWD thl percentage of work which Auditor has performed that is usable and 0' worth to CMWD having the agreement completed. Based upon that fundin! as reported to the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shal' determine the final payment of the agreement. Disputes. If a dispute should arise regarding the performance of wor under this agreement, the following procedure shall be used to resolv any questions of fact or interpretation not otherwise settled b agreement between parties. Such questions, if they become identifie as a part of a dispute among persons operating under the provisions o this agreement, shall be reduced to writing by the principal of Audito or the City of Carlsbad Finance Director. A copy of such documentec dispute shall be forwarded to both parties involved along wi tl recommended methods of resolution which would be of benefit to bot1 parties. The City of Carlsbad Finance Director or principal receivin! the letter shall reply to the 1 etter a1 ong with a recommended method 0' resolution within ten (10) calendar days. If the resolution thu: obtained is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved party, a letter outlinin! the dispute shall be forwarded to the Board of Directors for theil resolution through the office of the Executive Manager. The Board 0' Directors may then opt to consider the directed solution to the problem In such cases, the action of the Board of Directors shall be bindin! upon the parties involved, although nothing in this procedure shal' prohibit the parties seeking remedies available to them at law. Suspension or Termination of Services. This agreement may be terminate( by either party upon tendering thirty (30) days written notice to thl other party. In the event of such suspensions or termination, upor request of CMWD, Auditor shall assemble the work product and put samc in order to proper filing and closing and deliver said product to CMWD. In the event of termination, Auditor shall be paid for work performec to the termination date; however, the total shall not exceed th( guaranteed total maximum. CMWD shall make the final determination a: to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made Compensation is to be made in compliance with the Code of Federa' Regul at i ons . (23) Status of the Auditor. Auditor shall perform the services provided fol herein in Auditor's own way as an independent contractor and in pursuii of Auditor's independent calling, and not as an employee of CMWD Auditor shall be under control of CMWD only as to the result to bt accomplished and the personnel assigned to the project, but shall consul1 with CMWD as provided for in the request for proposal. ~ -1 Auditor is an independent contractor of CMWD. The payment made tc Auditor pursuant to this agreement shall be the full and complete compensation to which Auditor is entitled pursuant this agreement. CMWC shall not make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf 01 Auditor. CMWD shall not be required to pay any workers' compensatior insurance on behalf of Auditor. Auditor agrees to indemnify CMWD for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overtime payment, workers' compensation payment which CMWD may be required to make or 4 *I .. e 0 .. behalf of Auditor payment which CMWD may be required to make on behal of Auditor or any employee of Auditor for work done under this agreement -4 Auditor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Refor and Control Act of 1985 (8 USC Sec. 1101 - 1525) and shall comply wit those requirements, including, but not limited to, verifying th el igi bi 1 i ty for employment of a1 1 agents, employees, sub-contractor and consultants that are included in this agreement. (24) Ownership of Documents. All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, an reports and specifications as herein required are the property of CMWC whether the work for which they are made be expected or not. In th event this contract is terminated, all documents, plans, specifications drawings, reports and studies shall be delivered forthwith to CMWC Auditor shall have the right to make one copy of a1 1 documents fa hi s/her records. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Auditor have executed this agreement as of the dat first written above. 1 ATTEST: President Ab John H. Davis Partner I - 5 .. w 0 ~ I ~ Mmh 5, :1.480 242% 2mEg F, EEiSE Fhm?:e Ddtw CmHsbad, CN.ifrm2.~ 92Hj8T.1989 Dew Jk.: - >. , .. , _, .._. __ .. .- i HEgTf\T1vE Api3 PRElivJip::tAY DF;AFT . >. 1 w W -1 Ma; city %me$ sf c&rlsbae I?. EXolit MaTh 5, 'i980 2 om asdd.ate of fees is SJSQ bEad gl?. 23.g. 353 Q ~ Fin&n&3j a& E.cl;sna;ir.:$ @&i& Yag, I ow aiadit. * ' WE will be p~kkd, with 3 December 31t 1989 ~al hafaace and a :TW..-?.Q&~G &S&.d ECCS~.S mdy~~i~~ We ~~d~~~d;l &at be hd bdmce .c Xau v..ill mt :be adjusatd fix depre.ciztiozl sindace Jdy I, 1489; fid &S3I$fS to be cspj.:dized S&E JQI~ I, 1989, ~~eatm-y~ ac~~nn~g payable md accrued * ' we wllk be pmvided with 8 sch;I;dlil%- of iavesba$#tg thge inc"l&$s a * ' "J., Y&.sj ;p& DT&-$& wit$ ba&: ~a~8~t;~&g~fis. expcnses. ca;3cul&don of wmie/z. ht.mSt at Desamkr 31, 1989, - -I In thg g~e~t B~~,~.&&ies OT UE~SZSECII DXI~,~~JJ~S ~;$~dd devel~? vihleh ~qu;ise L~~~r~tiig~t mare cxie3.,sivt? -dxa if 22%i.sdp3teCl i7t, as E&m&t; fQl= &c mdit of LhEie basis 5nmcid. statement the D&ri@* sa& ht:T&3.9.e$ cr corlei~ons would & repaned ea you. E autP;sP*aad, %x.'$ rvc .. pp-y+.& <A+ k % $s'!3- L. ,,h. <~as.mml +%E-. wo& ar~d rezciva sgcE ad&&;?na? fees as ~gpd upon at &at be, *lhh U.l,U (2 .sabLD*d, *? "py m? %!AS +" l.c;i3sx7$ "e 82x2 pp&Tx,d tu COrn@?Cg gJ,r work u on QQy accq&act ahis "aettf%r, and we will F.ck:edule SE vQrk-:;o b% &&' to igsue the Dishes tl s Decg&jap y- 31 ~ 15 finmc,id. d&Xm@X& by .Agd %> IWQ, If you Rave 3X-y que&ians KgBIg this lener m- my Ot If tha ~WIIS ~f 0%~ ~D~KWXEKI~ g.5 i>gaE&. in '&AS leg.= m~ a~c~p~.bIc 10 YOU, please sip ad re! rnE%5T8 pleB,% do rI8E %$$ita tc GdL a,e< We bok f~~rmt~d kc WQTE~II~ %:<& yon 05; $22 engagement, %'cry crtlx$ YOUIT?? KPMG P&AT &f,@&T&ycK John H, Dsavis Bmer Ern:jw, I ~~~~~~~~~~ Sigmm ~""""-,,- .""""" __"_____ ---"."-"-"..I_.. "_I -.I._ ~-.Y1____I__"_ Dak * 3. w 0 -1 ! ~ March 5', asso I I ma J&m P, Elllatt Ffn,anca Birocror City of Caslmbad 1200 E& A~enue @srlabd$, Ca.i"fomTa 820CF"989 Dear J%F: TENBATfYE AN9 FRELTRSINARY Dfi/ FOR RF?;'iZW 4PfD DISGLISSiBN rnLf% la:%teI is4 t6, so;,nf€Fg W+l% ~~.~~~~~~~,~~~~ Qv =the ke eat to Paview cer"ein s.per9tiT%g m*6 %i,rarD.ciaif arb&a-o54he Gaelebad Muai-dW Lmd the 3iQturs a5 $tL@ servisea we vlll providda. mie letter also XBtE i ' "I ' ' I ??i&tt2F? q%S&,S-!*Ck [the Di%tP$zcC), 1% deSEribES the obj@let%VG Qf she r&Yi$4 the pr6cadxre!a we Pn?.e;nd to pe~f~rn~ d.mxibes the type ~f report wc individi1a8s expsckcd t.3 yzfam the review, establishes an ea"t~matc: timetable fs.r c-arnple&$isa sf our VOZ~, and 5ndxde~ ax ostimt.a sf DUT fatse, %9t@DC!. &Cl aB$UE, 23Qll2d2S hkh BW88 Find, QtJ.Z3,~~f%t2&~$0~B Of fZes%ahl Of tkk I 0bjectip.c ~ I Bur r&ie'# %a &s be perEc?m:e& in ca~mectlm with Eke Bifjtaict becoming I YOU fe 1 yr2Ur tX%2iBB3%,2Et Gf the &Pgan%2Xkti5&21, Gp&Hat8QTial p md fi9aanciia: susasid12tlg district of t3.E at:? of Sarlsbzri, Our Obj%CtiV€5 fa to &Bait31 aspectg of the H;Saw.ct, we 7h.iI.1 perfom eenrtaan proceduroo for thl DiBtricya bu&tr,ness srtiv%.kiea, cor review will be Blrazted tx%?ard khrlsi b~~Si.g~~;%i acti.~bti~'~ ZEXI FEIs~G.~. data +%itl% ~0% have iden~ified &E 3~i- 0: GQTxCem, to y3un purpoae of ~,aafati-ng you ir, obk~.lnfra a beeter xa.$erst~ndPz=g of thr 8Vk @,b$lig;X $0 COEpL&?t& ezr WQZk .%EX! $0 gather t.hE $l2fQ%-mEl~~Cln YOU reQU%%l will b& B5Zpandsat up023 %%e nvi%Eabikity of rhe infPmatiQe and thl c~cpe~a&~a~ and a\FsiiebiIbt$ of r,Ba aal%3gcmaa% e2 the District, Wa wfl, keep ydu lafolmsd, RB t5 tkg StgttU3 of the eB&%gemilent bl well a& an; significlI*ac zinEir&z$ a$ 6rEP WOTk gaogrseses, + * r. w m 1 i Prace&drss FQR R!3'!El.'l AND Dis?d%iO!'i The p~k6d~~'~~ ~e i~cend 'io perfom SX.~ t limited ?&j%kfEQf@ &4M##$teat to ebooe %hHch you he~e 8e~errnined vSIP be&"mee-Lyomr fafornational needs and t~alauch vi%E rat ncccssarily disclsae 811 eignificmt mttera abeout the Dlstrll-~ er rsveal err~rs and irregzllasities, if any, in the Dietairf 's mdarPfing h%ostr,&tion. Ualeas otherwfae indicated, our inquire& will be directed a%, aru.3 the data gatbared will be abtained fr5m DiBtric't j?Er8graEl S A&&! g.~Z~d1,~?@% &re QutliaEid below: m ! 1, *: (B , ~0% each $I&& acc.amt €3 d.seenae. at December 31 @ E989$ summarize $kc .$niLov$n.g Plxforizatiaa; I - b@Ca'&9t nm%er - bar& name *" type of actowit - CUP~B~~ ~~ETCBE ~t?.~e, if kntere~it b$&Jbis .- wutharizEd eigrastutea - ?3%1rnCk! per geasraa ledges -I 2. * @ ' write z n8rrEitiVe smsq- of ehe Dfatr:ct?s Pnuestenerzt palicios ~ inclUdir& *the TLEmeB aP t$3 %?ldivrd%raals wha carry thea: out. g nF.agarB a ~m~rf og %~~sStmen'r,o 3a1.6 et ~scanmr~e~ 31, 1889 ' 9- ancln8tEg me %bb%,O-tcrh& Xn%amatiQZl: - Dye! 429 iavtstE.enr - IIpsuetr - M8,taxrizy date - Locatitsn of 23ePJrTty 1 - Dace ~uPchiaB%d , - CQUgOn kate 3. & L B Pprafp$.de d!Zeails zf E;:: :.nbiv5duail T€?csi-sa;bf.cS in eIECF3.s sf $io*ooo. -I 2 ,, -1 I 4 w 0 7 4, * TENTATWE F,WJ P~~~~M~~~R~ DRAI: FQR REVIEW AND DlSCliSSION @ ! flbkafn detail of izYW1taq at-, bcccEit3 F 31, ISSfiUBjECT TO CHANGE e \ ~r~te a ~m=arg.t:-vre mmwy cf the ~iaratafet'zz pmceduzea relating ti! inve.moxy., includi~ ma$ nathtrd, fr~quency of phyeieal inventory j CQEZZB~ tygs of reecrds m:aintaPned (perpetvm,3_ or periodic), cus'todg ~ &?d w11a CW& p%wri:Ea,ss addfticnal itcmej, , B ."-,, " .5 * &si @ 1 \kite & ~armtiv~ SYEZBPJ 05 %e District's pmceducea relatip& ta ~~~~~n~.g~~ba~*~g%@~~ GUB~QQJ 9% ~haae mmt~, type of dea;afI recobas ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ and dBgrecistam Tiethedo exsod. ~ g25ater ehXL $;bO8O0O, @ ~ Prapaze/cbtwin 1 detailed l%s?rfri sf &$&&%I with $n&lvPd1BK?. FDBtl @ ~ Gbt&>h cap57 ai Ho"cem tapi.tB,'i izproePAeat plan, Smarizg filn&.neSDl plazt3 ;Pop. %he needed 0Bpr4Yementa. Evaluate tke al9Q;caaq a9 kh.9 @XiStiE& LdEg-tErn eapbzal fmprovemncnt plan. @ EV~~BV tkg rx~t~rstbs gma ~OZ fnaf r:eg#Pred, maintenance Bxpesd%t.Eutea fer exieEiT& utility plant * 4, &*dLl. **@ eGFEE~&&&Lgg%a : Q OBkaia capy of plan, @ Smarirea bulancao eie Ceacnbar 31, 1989 €or 'the plan as a whole I @nd. for sash particlpanc. 7, %JE KrLd FGcrvse ~~ecssc~;l; a ~btain a I%s~ing ef mcx~zs in e~ecsa OF $10,830 at December 31, ~ 29889 +a PbP~:*yi$%E! 6e:';aflw Bf my 63:QTotBd &YiBDURtt$ or €#Bovmts mol?@ thm 80 1 aap past due, 8 s Gana",9.a~~~~~~.~~~~~~~; @ Ph~epare EE w:planz..b,ioz f;f th purpose af these deg~~fts and how they ara h&%r(..u%3Ed, @ @;5t@.%.ra i li8tip'l 05 i5epx3itE3 reee!E?red, 3 -~- 'V -I 3 w W P 9, Ddbt; I TENTiiiiVE nND PRELIMINARY D i FOR RPml AND ~1%@116616 e 3bksa41n a W-m,Eary of caEtiPEsates 0% pa. t%cip%&io \ payable $iE @8cemb@3; 31, 1'38'3, For 4 pXt$&-"xe auranaerizty" , fo1Sowi~: - laalse date h Dollar emom,% of ismc - Nieturity ocked.ule - Swary of signlffcmt conmmtt - Unapm'c p~ecrseds nnd details bf -endituses ! - Entereat sate(s) j I - i3CJ'elws Xi[;BWLt outstmding at Deembar 31, 1989 @ j Rtviaw the District's gcsb"986 debt for Esgly incoane tax I implArJation re!lateng to arbitrage earnfngs, ! 30 * F ~ @ Ob~&in!@iZE3aPi22 the foLi6w8- iliIfO~wtiQn: - carreno; xwea schedule - Date Fate8 58CrnE ef:fect!Ive - Brsaedures far 2evfexlq r&irt$s; , * EhiY frEq'LBd2tXy it bo done f mo p@rforar3 the analy9%23 - %ha% eyDSa Of Ca2lkF3 WET.@ the PdEBB EiEt t(2 EE@#Vf?X 4 AckUd %fOl%~e: of SalGB tZOE.paZed ko those pro~@@ged 11. -LEii%3 facq; 9 RBVifN r'sl,,., p33EE+!s3 aned tD eBml?lish tho najor facilitiee! fees, hjiseuss Wlkh zmiagc?ml.TLr the apgl%asbl%%tg af WB 1600 83.d the step8 , that hma bEez $@&e31 $0 c9mgG.y witk It5 rcgufrmente. I2 0 t Q Przpaae BE ax~lals,sian of the B:mTXab operatbq budgsr: &;rB%e,ps, 1 S7.amariz.5 ?LO%? capitE.1 itms #re handled 9a the sukaailal budgeti= hiclsde aetaaas of hsw aci;1;a!, rasulta &re comgJ&rcd ea budget. proseea 1 4 w W f I 13 q -kg&?>, ,e,%$ F,",plove,333 E e3 itBt&.BTL the 2Ql?%i3'ddT. 2aZGrm8c$Fn abou i apiboyeea: "__/* - - Hms, age mQ goeftion; - years 0% acrvl~; and - salary, b~rw: e~~pl~~ne~~t contrasts and fr!.we benefits Q , BovZew the ~onflfc': of interaat foms for the 1988 calendar year I akld my thak ar'n, QB file far tho 1989 ra'l,aadar year, 14. &@lapee reaatsonq: 0 Ingnire @?bout the rlistrict'fl rePatdoaship with Bra emplwp'eei3, inclradi1, *m4Gn e5ntr?Scts, Balary md %fin,&@ benefits, peneafrrn Cwllfornia YaUBPi% Eaplclyccs' Re%%rem..ent sys%a. pl&RS 9Zd. &Ep~C?~e?lk 6034f,FBCL;B, SWELrlbZt? the hteB$ aV&iaable hfoTTWitk-3n EelBtfW to tk? BiBkP%Ct'a p%r%iC%patiCR iE th@ 1 15 * * @ RavBcw all knrpIa>Tent agTernenti3 identical fw step 13 above md Ifst thE significant pravifilaons af e&& one, 3.6 a JasurEbPlcet = IaqQGra SAmt E%a,uTE-Ace w!%?2rage &nd sbtafn a liBtltlt@l 3% insuraace poBieiaL3 irL 19rr3em Zdm&f€y pol4cias 53." type and extent of e.%rveaag,a. A,os@riswin the BXZa-LE that "re B%B%PiC$ has used self-laaurmca, 17 n *, ~~~"~~~~~ tke fGlZOWPP4 %nr'Ombtlon about the %?$strict'& data praceasfn.2 ;aya%Zm; - Type of Bardware - - $oftware applicntions - Age a% ha-Td.waFe md software - NabnkBn&?ee ZgrcmcntB 4 FTogrm,in& c2,q%?3ilPtie& - Ssewrity "1 5 -I i ~.. - 1 w w x?#* &$, 4 1 TENTATl'JE AND PRiLiFfliNARiP Di I FOR RFVIEVI AN4 DlSCUSSror 6% ~ Inwire aBcswt WTL3t3SrSr the District 1 has enke$peE2pp ci ' DQT&i@,s@ com%c%Sntw GT ccs?t%&ct&' Qr gg othgrwr&e res ricted th,e j ULSC .f the iIiE2tTiCt'S 883EP_$, i* ."-l- 19. @&=: @ F5crfarm such a'rh.~~ prnc;s&~rce BEB nxlay Ac requsstsd by you, Report$ upan th% asj3&Lc",ion PSf 63,s bUE%BE%BEErk'S revfew WE will rtpsst 'rQ you in w,Pibt%ng our 623rmen::a md obser7atiQss which wllE $e based on the resulks ak" pE?rPamir* tar?? afokezaen2iDnzd ~HOceduTea, 891 Q€ QUF CQrnEEtB glad obserYqt%azs rzgsrdixs the cTgani3st$.Qnwb, operational and finsfacid aspecti of the D%a",r.ict WIPH 'be eovared la one lom&-fom repert, Wf? w$lk r9vteW @. f$.F-d+ draft Sf Wr Eegost- Wit$ th% Hgrnb1&a@llt Of the District for bkse purpose of veri=fy'am the liastuel accuracy of the iILfBrn4t.iOB ~~~~~~~~~ therElsrc Bccw.ure4 af %tB @pecE$..Z E-ItQre, cm seagost may not be suited for any puspca~ o~t4sr chtm ca aa8.fg.r; yea in ~QUT evaluation of this mex-pz- e~d, as GO~C$,Z; sf th~ ~iky af ~ar~sbad. asd managanent and aacmbcra OP the ~alsard 05 B%reatars af ",e Ca~labssS 3wicipai Water Di~triet~ nia restristinrm. 2s ~ BUGhs $% Pn%%n&ed i3QlEtlg for the %fa$ of E&szia$&e~~~t and pd%ElbCr&l Qf thhe SiQF nat initandEd =a linlt the Bistributian of thia repozt, which upon ~~,ce~t~tanc~ b~ tk~ cie~ 39 c~.mmzs PS a matter 05 p~tm~ t-ecara, @.2r Eej$QT!t %%la $ndaCi%kE t$WhL VB h%,Vs SbO Clblfg&$iOn e0 UP'htE QV,p reQOr% or to reYdo&l tha %zsfermatic;z ccntaincd %herein b;cet%uBe a% B'SseaatE an& tranaEctioaB cecarr%= su.bseguca-:: to the dare of the report. Staffin& mat3 QUali%-8,sartiGr& J: ~311: hmx? o~~x-all respzsibiiity for the conduct o€ our BuabntssmanA'a rsv9mv.l I wlilP b~l eszi~,teB 3g Ezo Rob Stiee, a. iscnior manager in our Car-Ssbkd offlz~, In m%%.t5.m3 we vill be aaaiisted by 15s. Kurt A. Rmey, a ~ ~eniok ;ZP~Q,B~~T in QES 'tlTa~"t~3 XegbOn Gov~~B~z~ Con~uSJri~ Pratttc~, AB Ms. Zk*$CB aai! I %,aV@ pr"eT:sbl%9g prci7fded prafessfcnal se.rvie9leji to the City 43f ewfbRbad Ksld e,ka D%s%E:-ice, 1 BiB not fnsa2&be my biogP#gk%cal inzP~mm"citure on. tB?.m, A bbogr&pD$sa3 &etch of Hr, Bmey is #ttachad a~ ExhibEt A, 6 w w "I We &W psa)aEcJ, 9 XPYC~C~ agy rgylg '@ga esF%aaqaQ to Be Eaz& 23 f lfs9g) sac .LC3 r,Q April 19ao. Fees i ~ Qulr Ba&s are has& ,on C%B wst~al time required to cc)mgletsa the agreed-ugm work. ia alcl-itica ti: ~ua f~t~i WE am sebmbumed far travel, repor1 pregasitkon, and su.17ic11 other art-of-pocket expenses as are incursed 01 comect+i~n, vith th~ en~~~~rne~t~ 1% fa OW grastirc to render progresai billin$sl OKI a Ififweck,iy Barsis, I ~t io $ifficuPt to betemine precisely tke, mount of time required tc compPeh OMI WOP.k+ Scvera,1 ZgiGtORS outsside of BUT direct control c4uJ.r hgve st~~ im~ijnct, exh. a.8 ~bhe cosperat%on of the DXetrict's mamgeaaent ant the wblh3ikity ~f zeqxaeosaB data, Baaed on our taperisme in psrfosmfn sirnil& e~ag~.~~n.ts, hxovevez3 we eatiml%te tha': our total fee;^^ exchdiq snt-of-packe.t expm~s; wanbd mt exceed $15 ,FCI~. 6f for some reBBo: aftar YE bl.,gin our r:earPew ym decide not ta proceed with the eHlgagement Pnacesrrad t4 thhat poine $K tine. It %e ydessaeaod in &Ec,c%r;tEng this letter that nefthes few nor pqman zlaereog it3 s3ntir2ent u2;on ths results elf the review Bf the comppst3.cn 0 the pr+aed acgnisition. 4 WI VTCU$a ",ZEhEki? CiQr '%$'Grk &X! WOUld bill YOU QTdy for fee8 %Ed t?!XpenBe nar¶r** BieaEle j Indisace your r?ccepeante OE these arrangements by signing a3 retua-xliw$ ant? copy sf t-ni.8 letkear to U86 Very t:s.i.lly yocr, MPXG Faat 3s.rwicL 3ah B,' Davle $ Paz"cZl2r &wzr&l. : Ghy ox. Carl,cbad "1 By,: _*_""___"___ Bate : -~~".-~-~ T ' -* , .. ' -I I Y c -4 I w w p&.&&, ; I-z". .. 1 - . ,.- TENTATNE AND PRELIMINARY DRA' FOR flE\fIF.W /JiD D!SCLM\OV: S'!,!RIECT TO CHANGE HEn R&ey fe a: Ssnicr FkQager 5% the F9MG kea %Gk's Western Rag9335 Guveri1rL4nt cQlaBiuHt%r@ F'rB*c-,",fCe p where he d 0Illr Publfe Finance Group, , Ryh, B.w*ay has 9:gnifacmz agerience ps#Yldbi=rlg ffsancial LQ ~~~~~~~~~,~~ t Izclua%lJ ~~~~~~~~~~~ studies, finm%al mpass analgs$Ei p f%nanr,iaL formsati!3n, fePceaaei md guklfc offerki?&a, In &d%StSCl?, lk, &mey haa # satro'ngt aftla&r'ltandh.g of gQV'@EX&Filt kLfQXTli3t$LCTi SYBtetm8 and finWC,,f&l m5deIh4, Hr* Bwxegds e~$r:gcpIcB iracl;ades the fol3_Eawing: e Mmape?+ in c;taF%rge of w water Irate Bnx1.dr conreetion fee atudy Pcr the Ra.jwe SdF4kes Agency E3 sappost e prspoided 70-mile pipeline. fiis pipeiiao womd deliver entitled water from the California. Water Rl'Oj@ct= kQV gPGWth, sy?apse pcgUhlio~. (smd fixed i~~~~~S Were ConEjAdCrgd $.%: dEvr?la?h& the rata Send CQXUIWtioXl fee Igl"CdUFe necessary to ctsnatruct ELIXI aperate the pipeline, @- ~~~~~~~ in E3.&qg2 of 3ur eng8;gmeee for the 3a Ml$b bsaocbatfon 06 Gavlanaeaiz.% (srmas) to amine trannportstloe salas tal %olsecweTA& mz8ea; ie blhdll3dEd i3 thiE project, TW~EUE FQ~ rn ~pc.a~lng Z'YT~GG~ bend offering. Evaluatiash of the data, support ~d. ~llethsdologies utilized by SANDAG'B econonis: Q XmQEr In cR&,sgs of c;3r progesrt ta dcvelag the DanarateC psocem?:~~~ ZB~ %t.ructwe ~&quir:cd by the state'@ Departmen% ol CCTEB@~YZ%~&CXi fGi? the SEW reCyGliR8 BEO$Pa. under the progrm, ear& $gpS 0% mt~.ter',al ~~1st be ecoao~~%@&lBg recyclable, ad a CbBt #tuay EEd rate seZct2ng prGCOI5 %re raquired to BS!3i3BS amkual sabsk&y zequlre%23ka fez- zncssnQmic'ea2 materislEz 5 TIT%& ]proc%ilag %nc%adaa ZhB Emrvt3y of DVEP io0 Pacations throughoat Pkre stat&, d~T~lo~~~at of rwke-ae%ting regulations, eassomie Bmpaet axTalyois md eatatIxiE32ment ar PBCEm, m Hmwgemea% and gmfnaaacg of I feasibiliey I&BI&$ P'PDJEC~ for the C~~ifOrni~ Fairs Fin.=ci= $BthQrktyw me feasfbillty BtUd3 amZuat@,e the f7mds that ma;$ %B av~,i.hkd.~~ to aer~Pce rever~e Bond2 far tbE conecsssc%%sn Qf ea"belB%ke wagsriq facilities at fafrgromds %E tks3. state, 0 ~~~~~~.~~~ &%& ge%-fombenze of &a prcjwt ti9 deve;lsp a five-yaax 9n421adEd EEPBEk &?atgsPs, evaluation QbF ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bode: fQZ'EWiB'5 fez EU'L E3bUl3kOV Sl.iHgEPf cstIl%eE I WeBp5na1b%1lt%ES deYe2.opment and ~egnrt ~T~FZE~C~VLI. 8 .-* k .*. >a w '. -t w . , ,".* .1-- RTATtVE AND PRELIMINARY Dit! FI)R REVlEy/ AWD D!SCUSSIBN @ ;C.;ana~e%sntz a3.4 %ea8 €sLalyst re%p"rt kl ~~~T~~~,~~~ to >grpTn,aap & sp?i.g"ye&j$ impHgaentatio% p B -Et pmjectian"4 ~ d,~et.rl~dte& AX^ witchi~4 TE~WCCI~ for Gpfta~ ~eaeaa~. ~avfnga and I %r5ae,~~,. 3%~ rmCwx&8 vhich wt3-sld fnclud~ over 100 Ama, 12 ! F%x~mei&zB %mtltiat%cns md ~WMBPOUS data centers, was evaluated : $OF teePaled faasfbilbtg, COBtp fanraocfel fBtUrm aad ; 3trakagic LmpHmsnest.:ox?. p1aE foe bringixq up inatitutlesrg, ~ hplemen=frG c~pabflftias md perfosaing special ~LQ$E-c~~ ~ge~ 8 ~ five-year gcaried. .%EZ?k.l@t.Zib%?~%kg.e me EeZUIC€&XXC C08% prO~eCk%#%X~ 'Were be&@& QTlt e I B HEasibiliay aase5Bsment and fomlitfon ongpost for the Blastic 3ecye;izg CDrporatioz al @alifosmia, w. not-for-prafit orgwixatior Pazmed 60 promo'te ghas;ties rscygling in the at5ter The entity WQE Some4 20 csrply with tAe mandates of the new beverage: contaimo~ mcgcling p-sogrm Ir, the state* Revenucts, saegreeaas and fundi% I~B-TS~S wara asaesscd to 2etem.iwe the appsegriate tima tsi br k j h..T:3 ~, , -6 iaSi PRdUskTry a;tDbEE:$ I c --. i I ~ 1 ,? b .-' L*,:~.~~)LC~!$ chi? dosiga cf 8 finmcial QT'sttlr! tQ BUppQrt calhfal?flis'a 4 'rEY bE'Y&TfigE cQnKaiXi3r TflCyClhl prC?$rBJIl .for the Deg&,r",mernt oi G,an3@Eya?;ioa. me ayateai, %?%i.Ch #ill ba no& by lYiimcrb2:: , ; -~&2.&4~~~ie~ y ,\?.+ nE?&ed flexfbility &Ed efats-oriented control # -.. '5- .." 7 .2i-li -^ .. *.L..,,Lri-Ed w bcc.h@;oT of azisnce 8egjree iw-%u&8aes5 achfr,$sa~~,2%s 2.:'. .:cco73tar& .3Zp$asis frpom the Cralff-orr,ia St&tE unfvr;rgii:;77 :yiiPns 3r.z I;;% 9 &a..ti,Bied P:&lfs, dccn~:s-itwsr,t liceased i.n the. stat,@ of Caa-P'PomAis, -~ , .- ..., =- , .~. ~= ,~ ~ i I .-. "_ ,;( - S:'; ,I,__ *- .+ 4 9