HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-21; Municipal Water District; Resolution 1076I P 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 RESOLUTION NO. 1076 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (CMWD), APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH DOKKEN ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR THE POINSETTIA LANE BRIDGE WIDENING, PROJECT NO. 3551, SEWER RELOCATION, PROJECT NO. 3810, AND WATERLINE AND RECLAIMED WATERLINE IN POINSETTIA LANE, PROJECT NO. 3442. 7 provide professional engineering services for preliminary engineering, environmental stL 8 WHEREAS, the Engineering Department requested Statements of Qualific; preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates from twenty-two private firms ink 9 providing engineering services for the Poinsettia Lane Bridge Widening, Project No. 3 received responses from seven firms and after review of the proposals, staff is recorr Dokken Engineering as the best qualified firm for preparation of plans, specifications estimates based on their experience and expertise on similar types of project; and 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water Dis l4 and estimates; and 16 Dokken Engineering for professional engineering services for preparation of plans, spec l5 determined it necessary and in the public interest to approve and accept an agreen 17 WHEREAS, total project cost estimated for the preparation of plans, specifical 18 19 estimates is $226,376; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $2,405,000, including $2 million for th widening, $30,000 for the sewer line and $375,000 for the water line, have been p 20 appropriated for the overall Poinsettia Lane Bridge Widening Project and there are 21 funds available for the design of this project; and 22 WHEREAS, the project cost estimated for design and construction of the 23 waterline in Poinsettia Lane is $240,000 and no funds have been appropriated; and Ill 24 25 Ill 26 Ill 27 //I 28 /I/ I- ll a 0 a 1 WHEREAS, on January 5, 2000, the Planning Commission adopted Pial 2 Commission Resolution No. 4715 approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration issued b Planning Director, and Planning Commission Resolution No. 4716 approving Cc Development Permit 99-30 for the Poinsettia Lane Bridge Widening Project; and 3 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of Carlsbad Mur 5 Water District (CMWD) of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 7 2. That the agreement with Dokken Engineering for engineering services to p 8 which is attached as Exhibit 5, is hereby approved. 9 plans, specifications and estimates for the Poinsettia Lane Bridge Widening Project, a c 6 10 4. That the President of the Board of Directors is hereby authorized to exec 12 3. That recycled water connection funds of $240,000 for the design and cons1 11 of a recycled waterline in Poinsettia Lane are hereby appropriated. 13 proposed agreement for engineering services with Dokken Engineering for preparation o specifications and estimates. 14 15 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Carlsbad Fv" 16 Water District held on the 2 I st day of March , 2000 by the following vote AYES: Board Members Lewis, Hall, Nygaard and Kulchin 17 18 NOES: None I 19 ky ABSENT: Bo /piP///! f iezger-+m !$, * 20 j ,!k J, ,: 1 (J ! / f I , // I >_ JV4y7 ; (.y$ff)/fi ;I' 21 22 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, F'f68de6t *'. ' ,' iic ' <' '" ,I ATTEST: 23 24 25 A&:*. %"z& LO'dlWfNE M. WOOD, Secretary 26 27 28 (SEAL .‘f ; - > I 0 * - City of Carlsbad March 30,2000 Dokken Engineering Attn: Richard T. Liptak, Project Manager 3914 Murphy Canyon Blvd., Suite A-153 $an Diego, CA 92123 RE: AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES At the meeting of March 21 , 2000, the Carlsbad City Council adopted Resolution No.’s 2000-90 & 1076, approving the above referenced agreement. Enclosed for your records is a copy of Resolution No. 2000-90,1076, and a fully executed agreement for your files. If you have questions concerning the contract, please contact Lloyd Hubbs, Public Works Director, at 602-2730. Sincerely, c da Dee Ulrich - Office of the Carlsbad City Clerk Enclosures (2) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive - Carlsbad, CA 92008-1 989 - (760) 434-28C 1 :- . , m 0 AGREEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR POINSETTIA LANE BRIDGE WIDENING PROJECT NO. 3551, RELOCATION OF SEWER LINE PROJECT NO. 3810, CONSTRUCTION OF A WATERLINE IN POINSETTIA LANE PROJECT NO. 3442, AND CONSTRUCTION OF A RECYCLED WATERLINE IN POINSETTIA LANE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the dB + da1 "r/ll.he*.k/ ,20e, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a munici corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATl DISTRICT, a Public Agency organized under the Municipal Water Act of 191 1, ant Subsidiary District of the City of Carlsbad hereinafter referred to as "District", a DOKKEN ENGINEERING, a California corporation, hereinafter referred to "Contractor." RECITALS City requires the services of an engineering Contractor to provide the necess; design services for preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for Poinse Lane Overhead Widening and Sewer and Waterline Extensions, City Project Nos. 35, 3810, 3442/CMWD Project No. 90-1 11; the District requires the services of engineering Contractor to provide the necessary design services for preparation plans, specifications and estimates for Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening Sewer a Waterline Extensions, CMWD Project No. 90-1 11; and Contractor possesses t necessary skills and qualifications to provide the services required by the City and t District; 1 rev. 03/02/ 0 e , :. _' ' NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual coven: contained herein, City, District and Contractor agree as follows: 1. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS See attached Exhibits "AI", "A2'1, "A3", attached hereto and made a part here 2. CITY OBLIGATIONS The City shall: A. Provide contractor with one (1) digital copy, on 3-112" diskette, of Standard Special Provisions for Specifications in Microsoft Word, 6.0/95 format. B. Provide one (1) copy, on 3-1/2" diskette, of City title sheet in Auto( Release 14 format. C. Provide expeditious review of plans in conformance with the de: schedule. The District shall: A. Provide copies of existing sewer pipeline and waterlines to be connected 3. PROGRESS AND COMPLETION The work under this contract will begin within ten (IO) days after receip notification to proceed by the City Engineer or designee and be completed within se hundred twenty (720) calendar days of that date. Extensions of time may be grant€ requested by the Contractor and agreed to in writing by the City Engineer or designc The City Engineer or designee will give allowance for documented and substantis 2 rev. 03/02 I' I. 0 0 unforeseeable and unavoidable delays not caused by a lack of foresight on the par the Contractor, or delays caused by City or District inaction or other agencies' lac1 timely action. 4. FEES TO BE PAID TO CONTRACTOR The total fee payable for the services to be performed shall be $226,376. other compensation for services will be allowed except those items covered supplemental agreements per Paragraph 8, "Changes in Work.'' The City reserves right to withhold a ten percent (10%) retention until the project has been accepted the City and the District. Incremental payments, if applicable, should be made as outlined in attact Exhibits "BI", "B2", and "BY. 5. DURATION OF CONTRACT This agreement shall extend for a period of seven hundred thirty (730) calen days from date thereof. The contract may be extended by the City Manager/Execui Manager for two (2) additional one (1) year periods or parts thereof, based up01 review of satisfactory performance and the City's and the District's needs. The par shall prepare extensions in writing indicating effective date and length of the exten( contract. 6. PAYMENT OF FEES Payment of approved items on the invoice shall be mailed to the Contrac within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. 3 rev. 03/02 b'% I. 0 e 7. FINAL SUBMISSIONS Contractor to deliver submittals to City per attached Exhibits "AI", "A2", "A3". 8. CHANGES IN WORK If, in the course of the contract, changes seem merited by the Contractor, City or the District, and informal consultations with the other party indicate th: change in the conditions of the contract is warranted, the Contractor, the City or District may request a change in contract. Such' changes shall be processed by City in the following manner: A letter outlining the required changes shall be forwarc to the City/District by Contractor to inform them of the proposed changes along wit statement of estimated changes in charges or time schedule. A Standard Amendrr to Agreement shall be prepared by the City and the District and approved by the ( and the District according to the procedures described in Carlsbad Municipal Cc Section 3.28.172. Such. Amendment to Agreement shall not render ineffective invalidate unaffected portions of the agreement. 9. COVENANTS AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES The Contractor warrants that their firm has not employed or retained i company or person, other than a bona fide employee working for the Contractor, - solicit or secure this agreement, and that Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay 2 company or person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commissil percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration contingent upon, or result from, the award or making of this agreement. For breach or violation of this warrarl 4 rev. 03/02/ 1, It 0 e the City or the District shall have the right to annul this agreement without liability, o its discretion, to deduct from the agreement price or consideration, or othen recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fees, gif contingent fee. 10. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Contractor shall comply with the state and federal laws regarc nondiscrimination. 11. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT In the event of the Contractor's failure to prosecute, deliver, or perform the v as provided for in this contract, the City ManagerExecutive Manager may terminate contract for nonperformance by notifying the Contractor by certified mail of termination of the Contractor. The Contractor, thereupon, has five (5) working day! deliver said documents owned by the City and the District and all work in progres: the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall make a determination of. based upon the documents delivered to City of the percentage of work which Contractor has performed which is usable and of worth to the City in having the contr completed. Based upon that finding as reported to the City Manager, the Manager SI determine the final payment of the contract. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon tendering thirty ( days written notice to the other party. In the event of such suspension or terminati upon request of the City or the District, the Contractor shall assemble the work prod and put same in order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to City 5 rev. 03/02, I, 1, 0 0 the District, In the event of termination, the Contractor shall be paid for work performed to the termination date; however, the total shall not exceed the lump sum fee payablt under paragraph 4. The City ManagerlExecutive Manager shall make the fina determination as to the portions of tasks completed and the compensation to be made. 12. CLAIMS AND LAWSUITS * The Contractor agrees that any contract claim submitted to the City or the Distric must be asserted as part of the contract process as set forth in this agreement and nc in anticipation of litigation or in conjunction with litigation. The Contractor acknowledge that if a false claim is submitted to the City or the District, it may be considered frau and the Contractor may be subject to criminaf prosecution. The Contract( acknowledges that California Government Code sections 12650 et sea., the Falf Claims Act, provides for civil penalties where a person knowingly submits a false clai to a public entity. These provisions include false claims made with deliberate ignoranc of the false information or in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of information. the City of Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Municipal Water District seeks to recover penalti pursuant to the False Claims Act, it is entitled to recover its litigation costs, includi attorney's fees. The Contractor acknowledges that the filing of a false claim may subjc the Contractor to an administrative debarment proceeding wherein the Contractor rr be prevented to act as a Contractor on any public work or improvement for a period up to five years. The Contractor acknowledges debarment by another jurisdiction grounds for the City of Carlsbad or the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to disqu: the Contractor from the selection process. 6 rev. 03/02 I' I, e 0 The provisions of Carlsbad Municipal Code sections 3.32.025, 3,32.C 3.32.027 and 3.32.028 pertaining to false claims are incorporated herein by referenc 4nv,l; 13. JURISDICTION Contractor agrees and hereby stipulates that the proper venue and jurisdic for resolution of any disputes between the parties arising out of this agreement is I Diego County, California. 14. STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall perform the services provided for herein in Contractor's t way as an independent Contractor and in pursuit of Contractor's independent call and not as an employee of the City or the District. Contractor shall be under contrc the City and the District only as to the result to be accomplished, but shall consult t the City and the District as provided for in the request for proposal. The persons u by the Contractor to provide services under this agreement shall not be considc employees of the City or the District for any purposes whatsoever. The Contractor is an independent Contractor of the City and the District. payment made to the Contractor pursuant to the contract shall be the full and comp compensation to which the Contractor is entitled. The City and the District shall make any federal or state tax withholdings on behalf of the Contractor or its employ or subcontractors. The City and the District shall not be required to pay any work compensation insurance or unemployment contributions on behalf of the Contractc its employees or subcontractors. The Contractor agrees to indemnify the City and 7 rev. 03/0: ,, 1, 0 e District within 30 days for any tax, retirement contribution, social security, overt payment, unemployment payment or workers' compensation payment which the ( and the District may be required to make on behalf of the Contractor or any emplo; or subcontractor of the Contractor for work done under this agreement or SI indemnification amount may be deducted by the City and the District from any balal owing to the Contractor. The Contractor shall be aware of the requirements of the Immigration Refc and Control Act of 1986 and shall comply with those requirements, including, but limited to, verifying the eligibility for employment of all agents, employe subcontractors and Consultants that are included in this agreement. 15. CONFORMITY TO LEGAL REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall cause all drawings and specifications to conform to applicable requirements of law: federal, state and local. Contractor shall provide necessary supporting documents, to be filed with any agencies whose approva necessary. The City or the District will provide copies of the approved plans to any oi agencies. 16. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All plans, studies, sketches, drawings, reports, and specifications as he required are the property of the City and the District, whether the work for which t are made be executed or not. In the event this contract is terminated, all docume 8 rev. 03/02 I' ,I e e plans, specifications, drawings, reports, and studies shall be delivered forthwith to th City or the District. Contractor shall have the right to make one (1) copy of the plans fc its records. 17. REPRODUCTION RIGHTS The Contractor agrees that all copyrights which arise from creation of the WOI pursuant to this contract shall be vested in City and District and hereby agrees 1 relinquish all claims to such copyrights in favor of City and District. 18. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the "City" and the "Distric and their officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against all claim damages, losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performanc of the work described herein caused in whole or in part by any willful misconduct negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liabl 19. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or any monij due thereunder without the prior written consent of the City and the District. 20. SUBCONTRACTING If the Contractor shall subcontract any of the work to be performed under ti contract by the Contractor, Contractor shall be fully responsible to the City and 1 District for the acts and omissions of Contractor's subcontractor and of the persc either directly or indirectly employed by the subcontractor, as Contractor is for the a 9 rev. 03/021 I, %I 0 8 and omissions of persons directly employed by Contractor. Nothing contained in thi! contract shall create any contractual relationship between any subcontractor c Contractor and the City or the District. The Contractor shall bind every subcontractc and every subcontractor of a subcontractor by the terms of this contract applicable tl Contractor's work unless specifically noted to the contrary in the subcontract in questiol approved in writing by the City or the District. 21. PROHIBITED INTEREST No official of the City or the District who is authorized in such capacity on behz of the City or the District to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or take part ~ negotiating, making, accepting, or approving of this agreement, shall become directly ( indirectly interested personally in this contract or in any part thereof. No officer ( employee of the City or the District who is authorized in such capacity and on behalf ( the City or the District to exercise any executive, supervisory, or similar functions connection with the performance of this contract shall become directly or indireci interested personally in this contract or any part thereof. 22. VERBAL AGREEMENT OR CONVERSATION No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of tl City or the District, either before, during or after the execution of this contract, sh affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained nor entitle tl Contractor to any additional payment whatsoever under the terms of this contract. IO rev. 03/02/ I. I, 0 0 23. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18, "Hold Harmless Agreement," i terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the partie hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, ar assigns. 24. EFFECTIVE DATE I This agreement shall be effective on and from the day and year first writtf above. 25. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The City has determined, using the guidelines of the Political Reform Act and t City's conflict of interest code, that the Contractor will not be required to file a conflict interest statement as a requirement of this agreement. However, Contractor here acknowledges that Contractor has the legal responsibility for complying with t Political Reform Act and nothing in this agreement releases Contractor from tl responsibility. 26, INSURANCE The Contractor shall obtain and maintain for the duration of the contract and a and all amendments insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage property which may arise out of or in connection with performance of the w hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractc ~ Said insurance shall be obtained from an insurance carrier admitted and authorizec do business in the State of California. The insurance carrier is required to havc 11 rev. 03/02 8% I, a 0 current Best's Key Rating of not less than "A-:V" and shall meet the City's policy insurance as stated in Resolution No. 91-403 and the District's policy for insurance stated in Resolution No. 772. A. Coveraaes and Limits. Contractor shall maintain the types of coverages and minimum lin indicated herein, unless a lower amount is approved by the City AttorneylGenc Counsel or City ManagedExecutive Manager: I. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. $1,000,000 combir single-limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If. submitted policies contain aggregate limits, general aggregate limits shall ap separately to the work under this contract or the general aggregate shall be twice ' required per occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability (if the use of an automobile is involved Contractor's work for the CitylDistrict). $1,000,000 combined single-limit per accidl for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workt Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California 2 Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury. 4. Professional Liability. Errors and omissions liability appropriate the contractor's profession with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per claim. Cover: shall be maintained for a period of five years following the date of completion of work, 12 rev. 03/02 1, ,. e 0 B. Additional Provisions. Contractor shall ensure that the policies of insurance required under agreement contain, or are endorsed to contain, the following provisions. 1. The City and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District shall be nar as additional insureds on all policies excluding Workers' Compensation Professional Liability. 2. The Contractor shall furnish certificates of insurance to the ( before commencement of work. 3. The Contractor shall obtain occurrence coverage, excluc Professional Liability which shall be written as claims-made coverage. 4. This insurance shall be in force during the life of the agreement 2 any extension thereof and shall not be canceled without 30 days prior written noticc the City sent by certified mail. 5. If the Contractor fails to maintain any of the insurance covera! required herein, then the City will have the option to declare the Contractor in breach, may purchase replacement insurance or pay the premiums that are due on exist policies in order that the required coverages may be maintained. The Contract01 responsible for any payments made by the City to obtain or maintain such insurar and the City may collect the same from the Contractor or deduct the amount paid frc any sums due the Contractor under this agreement. 13 rev. 03/02/ .e 8. 0 4b 27. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES The name of the persons who are authorized to give written notices or to receive written notice on behalf of the City/District and on behalf of the Contractor in connectior with the foregoing are as follows: For City: For Contractor: Title Public Works Director Name Lloyd B. Hubbs Address 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad. CA 92008-7314 -~ ~ ~ Title Name Address Project Manager Richard T. Liptak 3914 Murphy Canyon Blvd., Suite A-153 San Diego, CA 92123 Architectllicense Number: C 40887 2%. BUSINESS LICENSE Contractor shall obtain and maintain a City of Carlsbad Business License for tt: duration of the contract. 29. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement, together with any other written document referred to contemplated herein, embody the entire agreement and understanding between tl parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Neither this agreement nor any provisi hereof may be amended, modified, waived or discharged except by an instrument Ill Ill Ill Ill 111 14 rev. 03/02 ,. I/ 0 * writing executed by the party against which enforcement of such amendment, waiver ( discharge is sought. Executed by Contractor this b& day of Gd ,20@ CONTRACTOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal DOKKEN ENGINEERINGJ a Californiacorporation By: , &AJTAM (sign here) v Richard T. Liptak, Vice President &he% ATTEST: By: LOR IN M. WOOD, City Clerk Richard Lewis, Secretary (print nameltitle) CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL - WATER ArchitecVLicense Number ATTEST- +%7" LwRAlNE M. WOOD, Secretary (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (Chairman, president or vice-president and secretary, assistant secretary J CFO or assistant treasul must sign for corporations. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secret: or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering that ofTicer(s) signing to bind the corporation.) (if signed by an individual partner, the partnership must attach a statement of partnership authorizing t partner to execute this instrument.) APPRo BY ,\L, D "7 r"911- Deput City Attorney 15 rev. 0310211 .' I. e 01 ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT .~.~.41P.rre~O-.~.~.dC.~.~e~.~.~.".~.. !"state of California \ 1 County of <55.CY-CL1724W&, 1 ss. i on pkkrdl bnl 7~= before me, \ \Wk 'izi ic:. 'VLTL \ 5 (DATE) i .? .. personally appeared 2 f',k (NOTARY) fl , 9- Wtk I : c ,u&& g, '2iJ-Z 1 [\&CA . ). ( ,Q i SIGNER(S) ' i 1 671 personally known to me - OR- proved to me on the basis of satisfac i i i 1 evidence to be the person(s) whose na idare subscribed to the within instrumen acknowledged to me that he/she/they exe the same in his/her/their authol capacity(ies), and that by his/her/ signature(s) on the instrument the persc i i i or the entity upon behalf of which person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ''7 ~ I' i i i i8 i vrc,&/ ~<@\,J&,& / qyc.-Qy "3 '>A ?m-~ t3 3a4-3" - ,/ I' -. 1" kA.p,Lx,.h; NOTARY'S S~GNXTURE OPTIONAL INFORMATION The information below is not required by law. However, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this ack edgment to an unauthorized document. i CAPAcm CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUME INDIVIDUAL c,ly; C. c&ci s ai," k", . CORPORATE OFFICER c31?( CI , k,&&\c& \36yC,! iu( L" - TITLE(S) I E OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT 1 c] PARTNER(S) 0 0 ATTORNEY-IN-FACT 1 0 TRUSTEE(S) - aq NUMBER OF PAGES u GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR i o OTHER: i yL{&.&\ (Qfl 7&Z , , " 0 DATE OF DOCUMENT 1 SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: i NAME OF PERsoN(s) OR ENT~Y(IES) v Qxk2n /&h i I$,\ M" ci 4-L. OTHER \ .. Ze~a~e~~~~~.~e~e~~~e~0l~~~e~.~.4~.~e- APA 1/94 VALLEY-SIERRA, 800-362-3369 .I I, e e EXHIBIT "Al" SCOPE OF WORK for Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening (City of Carlsbad) A. Final Design 1. Preparation of Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate (PS&E). 2. Prepare plans in ink on mylar, or other media acceptable to City, on screene topographic map using scales of 1" = 40' horizontal and 1" = 4' vertical ( 1'' = 8' vertical as agreed to prior to plan preparation. Provide one set ( approved final plans in digital format compatible with AutoCAD Rel. 14 ( current version in use at the time plans are prepared. Digital drawings sha be on 3 1/2" floppy disks or other media approved by the City. Provide one sc of mylar plans of final drawings. 3. Include in the improvement a typed list of contract items to be included j the Contract Documents. Estimate and bid item list to have identical itel descriptions, compatible with Standard Specifications for Public WorE Construction (SSPWC), and identical unit values. 4. Submit detailed calculations and summary sheet of Engineer's Estimate ft construction. 5. Prepare hydrologic and hydraulic reports to City standards. 6. Prepare erosion control plans. 7. Prepare phasing and traffic control plans. 8. Prepare striping and signing plans 9. Prepare structure plans 10. Prepare city street lighting plans. 11. Prepare planting and irrigation plans. 12. Prepare technical specifications, including standard and special provision; Provide printed original and electronic copy in Microsoft Word Version 7 t the City. Specifications in Greenbook format only. 13. Provide to the City Project Manager, in a timely manner, copies of telephon conversations reports, meeting minutes, transmittals and correspondence. 14. Provide ten (10) sets of bluelines of plans at 70%, 90% and 100% planchec: submittals. 15. Provide ten (10) copies of the technical specifications and cost estimates a 70%, 90% and 100% plancheck submittals. 16. Coordinate design with Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) wher applicable. ,a 0 e 17, Provide plans to affected utility companies and assist City Project Manag with coordination for relocation of facilities required to be relocated due the roadway construction. 18. Coordinate design and construction requirements with railroad agencies ar the Public Utilities Commission. 19. Perform additional field surveys to locate survey monumentation necessal to establish and calculate existing property, right-of-way and easement line Property, right-of-way, and easement lines will be calculated' from combination of survey data and record data from both the title report ar record maps for the subject property (APN 214-450-25). The City will supp a current title report. 20. Prepare a plat and legal description for the acquisition of right-of-way ( easement, Easements for proposed utility relocations, drainage facilities, ( other proposed facllities are not included. Grant deeds, subordinatio agreements, and other instruments of transfer will be prepared by the City. B. Project Management 1. Project meetings shall include an initial project kick-off meeting wit. monthly meetings until the project is complete. 2. Prepare a detailed project schedule using Microsoft Project, or othe approved software of the final design phase. The project schedule shall b updated monthly and with each submittal and be provided to City Projec Manager sufficiently prior to the monthly meetings for adequate review. 3. Provide quality assurance reviews. 4. Prepare semi-monthly (2 per month) progress reports detailing worl accomplished during period and work anticipated for next period. 5. Prepare meeting minutes and record of conversations for all project relater meetings and phone conversations. h' !I 0 e EXHIBIT "A2" SCOPE OF WORK for Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening (Water and Recycled Water) A. Final Design 1. Preparation of Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate (PS&E). 2. Prepare plans in ink on mylar, or other media acceptable to City, on screenc topographic map using scales of 1" = 40' horizontal and 1" = 4' vertical 1'' = 8' vertical as agreed to prior to plan preparation.. Provide one set approved final plans in digital format compatible with AutoCAD Rel. 14 current version in use at the time plans are prepared. Digital drawings sha be on 3 %" floppy disks or other media approved by the City. Provide one SI of mylar plans of final drawings. 3. Include in the improvement a typed list of contract items to be included : the Contract Documents. Estimate and bid item list to have identical ite descriptions, compatible with Standard Specifications for Public Worl Construction (SSPWC), and identical unit values. 4. Submit detailed calculations and summary sheet of Engineer's Estimate fc construction. 5. Prepare water line plans, specifications and estimate. 6. Prepare recycled water line plans, specifications and estimate. 7. Prepare technical specifications, including standard and special provisions Provide printed original and electronic copy in Microsoft Word Version 7 t the City. Specifications in Greenbook format only. 8. Provide to the City Project Manager, in a timely manner, copies of telephon conversations reports, meeting minutes, transmittals and correspondence. 9. Provide five (5) sets of bluelines of plans at 70%, 90% and 100% planchecl submittals. 10. Provide five (5) copies of the technical specifications and cost estimates a 70%, 90% and 100% plancheck submittals. 11. Coordinate design with the City of Carlsbad Public Works Department wherl applicable. 12. Provide plans to affected utility companies and assist City Project Manage] with coordination for relocation of facilities required to be relocated due to thc roadway construction. 13. Coordinate design and construction requirements with railroad agencies an( the Public Utilities Commission. B. Project Management ,I I, 0 e 1. Project meetings shall include an initial project kick-off meeting wi monthly meetings until the project is complete. 2. Prepare a detailed project schedule using Microsoft Project, or other approvt software of the final design phase. The project schedule shall be update monthly and with each submittal and be provided to City Project Managc sufficiently prior to the monthly meetings for adequate review. 3, Provide quality assurance reviews. 4. Prepare semi-monthly (2 per month) progress reports detailing WOI accomplished during period and work anticipated for next period. 5. Prepare meeting minutes and record of conversations for all project relate meetings and phone conversations. >* si 0 * EXHIBIT “A3” SCOPE OF WORK for Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening (Sewer) A. Final Design 1. Preparation of Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimate (PS&E). 2. Prepare plans in ink on mylar, or other media acceptable to City, on screen1 topographic map using scales of 1” = 40’ horizontal and 1” = 4’ vertical 1” = 8’ vertical as agreed to prior to plan preparation. Provide one set approved final plans in digital format compatible with AutoCAD Rel. 14 current version in use at the time plans are prepared. Digital drawings shE be on 3 %” floppy disks or other media approved by the City. Provide one SI of mylar plans of final drawings. 3. Include in the improvement a typed list of contract items to be included the Contract Documents. Estimate and bid item list to have identical ite descriptions, compatible with Standard Specifications for Public Worl Construction (SSPWC), and identical unit values. 4. Submit detailed calculations and summary sheet of Engineer’s Estimate 6 construction. 5. Prepare sewer line plans, specifications and estimate. 6. Prepare technical specifications, including standard and special provision Provide printed original and electronic copy in Microsoft Word Version 7 1 the City. Specifications in Greenbook format only. 7. Provide to the City Project Manager, in a timely manner, copies of telephor conversations reports, meeting minutes, transmittals and correspondence. 8. Provide five (5) sets of bluelines of plans at 70%, 90% and 100% planchec submittals. 9. Provide five (5) copies of the technical specifications and cost estimates E 70%, 90% and 100% plancheck submittals. 10. Coordinate design with the City of Carlsbad Public Works Department wher applicable. 11. Provide plans to affected utility companies and assist City Project Managc with coordination for relocation of facilities required to be relocated due to th roadway construction. 12. Coordinate design and construction requirements with railroad agencies an the Public Utilities Commission. B. Project Management 2' #L 0 e 1. Project meetings shall include an initial project kick-off meeting wi monthly meetings until the project is complete. 2. Prepare a detailed project schedule using Microsoft Project, or other approv software of the final design phase. The project schedule shall be updat monthly and with each submittal and be provided to City Project Manag sufficiently prior to the monthly meetings for adequate review. 3. Provide quality assurance reviews. 4. Prepare semi-monthly (2 per month) progress reports detailing wo 5. Prepare meeting minutes and record of conversations for all project relat accomplished during period and work anticipated for next period. meetings and phone conversations. 3’ “ 0 0 EXHIBIT “Bl” COST ESTIMATE Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening (City of Carlsbad) A. Final Design Firm Comments Total Dokken Engineering Final Design (PS&E) entire project $137,340 except that listed below and the portion covered under agreement with CMWD Lintvedt, McColl & Associates Right-of-way Surveying, Mapping $7,378 and Right-of-way Acquisition Documents Linscott, Law & Greenspan Lighting Plans $4,038 ADL Planning Landscape Plans $10,000 Subtotal $158,756 B. Project Management Firm Comments Total Dokken Engineering City portion Project Management $11,040 Subtotal $11,040 TOTAL $169,796 .. 1. e 0 EXHIBIT “B2” COST ESTIMATE Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening (Water and Recycled Water) A. Final Design Firm Comments Total Daniel Boyle Engineering CMWD Water $13,135 CMWD Recycled Water $13,135 Dokken Engineering Structural Engineering associated with CMWD Water $7,960 with CMWD Recycled Water $ 7,960 Subtotal $42,190 B. Project Management Firm Comments Total Daniel Boyle Engineering CMWD Project Management Water $3,325 Recycled Water $3,325 Subtotal $6,650 TOTAL $48,840 .. *b e e EXHIBIT “B3” COST ESTIMATE Poinsettia Lane Overhead Widening (Sewer) A. Final Design Firm Comments Total Daniel Boyle Engineering CMWD Sewer $ 7,740 Subtotal $ 7,740