HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 2.r) 81) 3. ESOLUTIO!d NO, 2 3 4 A XSOLTJTION OF TI-2 CIW pJ-$JlNJ-iqG CO~:!~~{I~~IO~{ OF TIE CITY OF CARLSBAD t CALIFGRNIA, RECOM- I,:E)JI)IJ$G Thz ,Q)()PTIOT< OF A =VISED ZONING ORDIN&JCE FOR TEE CITY OF CAFiLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, 5 6 The City Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, 7 California, does resolve as ~ollows: 8 &HEREAS, the City of Carlsbaci Planning Cornmission has ( 9 ducted 'a study of the revision of the present zoning ordinnact 10 WERE&, -the said Flanning Commission has now complete( 12 WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission did on June 26, . 3.1 study of a proposed revision of the present zoning ordinance; 13 ana July LO, 1956, hold duly advertised public hearings as prc 14 by law on the proposed new zoning ordinance and zoning zap v~h; 15 is a part of said proposed ordinance; and 16 WIIERElliS, at said public hearings the said FlannincJ Com l7 received the recommendations, objections, protests and cormen. 18 all individuals and parties who desired to be heard; and 19 ;;p- , ksLkASy '3 - thereafter the said Planning Commission consic 2o each and every recommendation, objection, protest and comnen-t 21 by any party at said. public hearings; and 22 WhXEAS, the said Planning Commission finds that the a. 23 proposed revised zoning ordinannce, with amendments, and the 24 attached zoning rnap represents the recommendation of the Plan. 25 Conmission; and 26 WHEP;CLAS, the said Planning Conrnission has fotlnd the fo 27 facts to ex,ist: 28 1. That the present zoninq ordinance of the City of 29 problems which exist in this city, 30 2, That the attached. proposed zoning ordinance, with 31 recoLmendation of the Flannino, Cozzission for the 32 Carlsbad should be revlsed to solve the particular amendments, and attached zoning rnap constitute the revised zoEincJ ordinance for the City of Carlsbad, .o me 3. 2 3 4 5 6 7 G .m a 9 10 11 12 13 3, That there are three specific areas which the Planning CoxrciSSh has determined need furkher and. more detailed stutiy, To complete the study of such afeas v~ill entail the use of information which is not ROW available, such as topographic naps, the harbor survey and other information to be subnitted by propest\j owners, The specific areas are : (a 1 The property of the San Diego Gas and Electric Company lyins withln the City limits a (b) The lagoon area, (c) Property adjoinin9 Pi0 Pico, between Elrn Avenue and Tamrack Avenue, The Plannin5 Commission is of the opinion that the revised zonmg ordinance is of such importance to the City of Carlsbad that the revised ordinance should not be delayed to complete -the study of suc; areas and that the zoning assigned to said areas under the proposed revised ordmance will not ad- versely effect said areas or .the property owners, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ?K)W 2 TFEXFORE, 82 IT RESOLVED that the adoption of tht attached revised zoning ordinance, including the zoning map, 1 recommended for adoption, AND FINALLY ESOLvt,D, that a copy of this Resolution h forwarded to the City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed by law, P44SSED, kFFROVE3 and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of t: Planninc, Commission on the 28th d~ay of August, 1956, by the fc 22 ing vote: 23 24 25 AYES : Comxissioners Baumsartner, Fennel, Jarvie, Stri; Swirsky, Yourell, IdOES : None 26 27 28 29 ,.a (7 ,< 30 Secretary 31 ABSENT: Commissioner znselmann, ATTEST : .m 8 . LL"q . '32 -2- 8’ c - .e 9 I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was ado1 2 by the City Planning Commission at a seGular rneeJiing held on - 3 29th day of August, 1956, by the following vote ; 4 5 AYES: Commissioners Baumgartner, Fennel, Jarvie 3 Stringer, Swirsky, Yourell NOES : None ABSENT: Comnissioner tngelmann 6 7 T- a 9 DATED: Aupst 25, 1956, 10 11 k c h*(” 8 F zd 12 Secretary 13 14 15 16 17 18 .19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,. -3-