HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 4.o e* ~RESOLUTIOX NO, A KESOLUTI@N OF THE CITY PLGNXING COH”SS10X OF THE CITY OF ANCE OF TENTATIVE M.P OF PARADISE ESTATES, LOCATED IN THE CITY -3” CARLSBAI), CALIFORNIA T,LE CITY OF C-ULSBAD, CALIFORKIA, IBCOMT4ENDING THE ACCEPT- THE: CITY PLAKNING COJ~SSION ef: THE CITY OF CLRLSBAI) DOES RESOLVE AS 127IERBA3, there was filed with ths Commission a tentative map coverir. FOLLOWS : a proposed subdivision, PARADISE ESTATES, under the provisions of Or ance No, 9050, located at the Nurthwest Corner of Valley Street and Basswood Avenue, legally described as porkions of tots 32, 33 and 34 Patteasonrs Addition to Carlsbad, in the City of Carlsbad; and W-IEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission did at a regular m held on November 13, 1956, study, discuss and cansider said tentativ and reports as required from the Carlsbad Fire Chief, the Carlsbad ?4 Water Company, County Public Health Director, City Engineer, and sta report of Gordon furhitnall & Associates; and WHEREAS, the Planning Cornmission has found the following facts to ex That said sub-division consists of 1.5 lots, with a cul-de-sac street traversing same west to east, conforming in lot size and frontage wi zoning requirements of the City of Carlsbad, and otherwise in confor: with the requirements of Ordinance #9050 as regards 2 tentative subd map e NO%, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of PAKABISE ES be recommended to the City Council for acceptance, subject to the CO: tions and provisions set forth in the report of the Fire Chief, the bad Mutual Water Company, County Public Health Director, and City En and that aZI lots contained within the subdivision meet the 75OO-squ foot minimum minimum and the street frontage requirement+ .. AND FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to ’ City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed by lawo I HERE3Y CERTIFY TIIAT the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the Cii Planning Commission st a regular meeting held on the 13th day of Novc 1956, by the following vote: AYES : Cgmmissioner s Stringer, Jarvie, Fennel, Engelmann, Your( NAYS : None. ABSTAINING: Commissioners Swirsky and Baumgartner, ABSENT : None. Dated November 13 , 1956. ‘by&&. fi-q /fy: {Y $, 2 e ,..;..,li:; ~ , :I .&,’.rLf- =*-I I ,<&& d:+/j ChairIcan of the Plannini Commissio; i I Secretary