HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-02-26; Planning Commission; Resolution 6.' 'I * li 0 * ~SOLUTIOB! EJO., .&:. 0 - ,..:, I B 2' 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 501 IE I H2 3.3 3.4 15 X6 IT! 18 19 j 20 81 22 23 i, 24 25 28 27 28 i 29 I I 30 31 32 /I 1 1. A WSOLETIOE OF THE CITY PLANNING C0M"ISSIOIB OF TIE CITY OF CABLSBAD GALIFORBXA RZCOMMENDI THE FUZCLASSIFICATIOR FR6R ZONE IbP )JRESIDENTIAI PRO~~SIBML) m Y8rn k!!! '[ElR!kY!& EIIWBE5fi) em OF CARLSBAD. .OF PROPEM'H LOCATED BE'PWEEH ROOSETmLT STREZT AND WISON STREET, NORTH OF GRAND ATEWE, IN 1 The City Planning C~mik~Ion of the City of Carlsbe Galilarnla, does reealve as fallme? WHEREAS; there wae filed with this CoiaDalrssfon un November 29 ' 1956, the petitfan of 'Albert Stein, 2469 Ocean Street, Carisbad, California, requesting 8 change Of P ne classification under the provisions of Ordinance No, 9060: and WEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Flaming Oomnission'6 the 1'7th day of December and the 20th dtiy of December, 1956, a duly a,dvertised public hearin as prescribed by law to corn reclaseificstion from Zone Rd f Realdenti~Professio~l) to Zone Cb2 (Mineral Commercial), of that property describea as: Lots 33, 34, 35, and East Half of Lot 32, Seasiae Lands,. City of Carlsbad WHEREAS , the PlannZng Camissfon has found the fol 1, That the applicant has requested the change of in order that the property may be used primari! for the location of 8 large mrket and parking adjacent thereto, 2. That the proposed site has been found by the PI Camrnissfon to be adaptable to the subject use 1 no precise plan for the development of the pro] has been submltted by the applicant. 3, That the present widths of both Madison Street Roosevelt Street, which front the subject prop are not adequate to carry the excessive traffic wNch will be thrown on these two streets as I( as the market commence8 operatlon, 4, That there. is no cross street north of Grana Al and, unless a right of way'far alley purposes ! dediczted by the applicant, poor traffic circu: will result. 5, That there are no curb or sidewdk installatio: facts to exist: the area, 6, That the existing alley between Grand Avenue a' applicant ft property.. will require the installa' of improvements in order for it to be utilized an acce8s to the applicant's property, HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the reclassiffc of Lots 33, 34 and 35, be recommended to be appmved provide fQl1OWhg conditions shall be attachea thereto and made a pa thereof t 1. That the applicant submit an accepta.blepecise! for all of the property and said plan be suffi delineated to assure that the use and developm of the land involve& Is carried out in a manne .%I s I 00 *e I will not in any way be detrimental to the other pro and be in accordance with the desires expressed by applicant 8s the basis fos the requested change of 2. That th8 rr9pliesf;t detlieats ta th8 City of C@l. as a right of way far public etreet, the mast westerly eight (3) feet sf the said lots along Reosevelt Street, 4% ll 8. That the applicant dedicate to the City of Carl 6 ll aa a ri &of Way for p@JLGztre twenty 'f 20) feet of the e Rii8h*rl**d ewt 6 7 9 18 4, That the applicant dedicate to the City of Carl right of way for alley purposes along the most northerly ten (10) feet of Lot 35, Seaside L ar: , 5, That the applicant install and construct all in according to specifications and improvement pls 11 ts b@ approved-by the Cisy Engineer, 92 mente in the dedicated right of way for alley F IS lis I I 14% I 6, The8 the applicant install and construct sidewe and concrete cabs along all bo~vldaries of hle property fronting on a dedicated street accord1 to specifications and .Improvement plans to be approved by the City Englneer of the City of CE 16 17 18 7. That the applicant inktall and construct iqmt on the existing alley, between Grand Avenue ani applicantts psoperty, according to the specific a.nd imljrovement plans to be appmved by the Cil Engineer of the City of Carlsbad, 19 ' 20 8x I g2jj 23 24 25 26 I 27 1 That the requested zone change for Il;asterly On%Bi tot 52, Seaside Lands, be held in abeyanc4 without prejudice, a period of approxlmatelg sixty (60) days, with 8 hearing cia1 to be February 26, 11957, AND FINALLY iIEEOLVED, that et copy of thfs Resoluti be forwarded to the City Council for its attention in the mal prescribed by Taw, I HEREBY C'3RTIFY that the foregoing Hesolution was adopted by the City Planning Csdssian at a regular meeting on the 20th day of December, 1956, by the following vote: AYES : Commissioners stri Baumgart ner, Fern Yourell, Engelma1 Stringer and Jar' 28 /I 29 /1 NOES: None ABSEMT: Hone 3o I 31 i 5811 I I 1' -34 .. /;! : .&-4Jq ' .; M, r SWM.,D, Secretam Carlsbad City Planning