HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-04-09; Planning Commission; Resolution 10c 00 .o BESOLUTIOH NO. 10 A BESOLUTION OF TRE CITX PLANNING CQHMLSSSON OF TEE CIm OF CABLSBAD, - CALIFORNIA;-- .$ECOMMEEJD1NC) THE' BECLASSIFICATION FROM ZONE E-I-ls (Besidentall 15,000 sq, ft.) TO I"7.5 [Residential 7,500 sq'. OF P4iOPERTY I;EW DESCRIBED AS BLOCKS * (3# AND 'HHR , BELLA VISTA TRACT, AND PORTION OF BLOCK "I" 9 BANCHO AGUA mrom, BORDEBXMO OH PARK DIRVE, BOUNDED ON TIE SOUTB WZPE HILLSIDS DRIVE AND ON. TEE NORW BY THE RCf!ERSEXTION OF PARX ~~ AEJD pom0E ST-, w: 1 The City namfng Commission of the City of Carlsbad do resolve as follows z %HERSAS, there was filed Uai%h this Commission on March 195?# the @eti$ion of Alllaa,&ylings, 4015 Pa& Drive, Carlsbad, California, requesting a change of zone alassifioation under the provisions of Ordinance No; 9060;. an8 WHEHeAS, the' City of Carlabad Planning Commissloa did 0: 9th dap of .April, 1937, hold a duly advertised publie hearirmg as presoxWx?d by law to oonsides reclessifieatlon from Zone R-3-15 t' Zone R-1-7..5 af that property desoribe8 as: Blocks @aa .and *fI3" BelZa Vista Traet, and hrtion of Blook,.@fn, Iianaho Agua Hedionda, City of Carlsbetd'; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found the followfnr 1. That the mount of street SPoatage omed by each per.son at the presept time would probably make any future street improvements a severs hardship 2. That the type of "Welling8 now errlsting in' this. . ape8 are more suitable fpr lot area of 7,500 se. ftf than l5,OOO sq, ft. Sots'. 3. 'phis property is withia mlklyig distmoe of the new: Magnolia Sohool and the future High Soh001 and willI therefore, be 8 potential area for heavy pspulatloari be That the'property borders on p~operty already classj as E-1-7.5, The proposed zone ohaage would merely faots to exastt: . or even .ap impossibility in this area. . extend the borders. 9. That no protests agafrnst such rezoning have been fll NOWITHEREFORE, BE IT BESOLVED, that the reoXass$floation Blocks aGG" and nHa, Bella Vista Tract R and Portion of Blopk "1" , E Agua bdionda, be reoommended to be approved.as submitted. with this co~ission~. AND PIN@LX RESOLVED, that a oopy of this Resolution be forwarded to the City Council for its atteation in the manner presoribed by law% f. r( .() @o 1 ‘BBREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Besolution was adopted by the City Planniag’Comnaissioa at a regular meeting held oa the 9th day of April, 1957 .. AYES: Comniasioners, &tipsky, Pourell, ‘Engelmann, Jarple, Strlager and Efawgartuler, NQES c” Ifone .. ABSENT : Commf ss foner Fennel zn,.o. H, 0, EWALD, Seoretary Carlsbad City Planning ~ommis& .1 ..I e-,. /” ; .e. i /j \ <” <’> - 6 PAUL s, smsKY, CbIPm ( x. /..“ L ,“r ;.;:; , & :: .( < ; 5 “,c,: ;‘. . “E -2 -