HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-04-29; Planning Commission; Resolution 110 0 3ESOLUTION NO 0 11 A RESOLUTION OF TEE CARLSBAI) CITY PLANNING COMIMfSSLOfJ RECOMHENDfNt3 AHEPJDHEHTS TO OBDXHANCE 850. 9060 OF THE CITY OF' CARLSBAD The City Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad doe# resolve a8 follqwsr: . WflEIBAS, it was found t6 be necessary to amend Seotlon Eo, IlUli,4 of &dinar108 No. 9060, in order to oontrox and prope1-3 restrict signing, by adding thereto as follows:: 'Permitted'signs shall be limited to identffleation of ooaypants, type.of use or aonarhoditfes~ sold or semieed on the premises, or the lease, sale or rental of the premises." ad, .. . wI.IEREAS, it was found to be desirable ,to amend Section NQ'. 1$01,1 3.n order to prevent the crreatiori of sub-standard. buildl sites and obstruofions on proposed streets, this section is recommenaed to reatl as follows and adding thereto: ''LIRITATZOH OM ISSUANCE OF HJZLDING PERNlTo Mo bUildin8 permit shall be issued fos any structures to be erecited 0x1 a lot having less than 40' frontage on a street;, or 0x1 a Pat lgGatea at the terminus of a street thzt shoul be ex.l;endedl, until suoh building site shall have been approved by the Planning Commission of' the City of Ca??lsbaB. II IPJW,%%IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the foregoing amendn AND FIN- RESOLVED, that a copy of this Besolution be to Ordlnanoe No. 9060 be reoommzended to.be approved'. f&aPded to the CAty Council for its attention in the mner presoribed by laws. by the City Planning~Comhmfssioa at a regular meeting held on the 29Wi day of April, 1957, by the f ollowtng vote: I HEXEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolutlon was adopt AYES : Caniisshers Swirskg, Jarvie s BauHtgartner , Stringer 3 Enaelmann, and Yourell$ ' NOES : lone ., . mSEm: P?ormaiasiomrs Fennel ["'. /A</- [f .e c, +op ,J 8%. 4) qIj ~ c&><,';,4 4.b- ,/ i,f3. - FAulc S, SWIBSKY, C&hfmam i { I h 3 p* u e/"t -L., ,. E. 0. EX^, Sectretam -1 - Carlsba4 Clty Planning coma