HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-11; Planning Commission; Resolution 55I '" 60 a* 1 2 3 4 5 i i RESOLUTION NO. 55 A RESQLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE. TENTATIVE MAP OF PARADISE ESTATES m UNIT NO, 2. 6 ll WHEREAS., the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~ 23 24 February 25, 1958, a tentative map of Paradise Estates - Unit No. 2 submitted by Sanford J. Mock, located northerly of Basswood Avenue, Valley. Street and Canon Street, the subject lands being a portion of LC 33, and, 34, Patterson*s addition to Carlsbad, Map No. 565; and WHEREAS, on March 11,. 1958, the Planning Commission did c( the tentative map as submitted, comprised of twenty-five (25) lots; an WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did at that time take into c ation the. reports of the various City agencies and committees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map PARADISE ESTATES - UNIT NO. 2 be approved, subject to the follou conditions : 1. All buildings constructed in this subdivision are connected tc Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 2. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision comes from t ~ Carlsbad M.utua1 Water Company. 3, The sewer and water lines are not Laid in the same trench in 4 part of this subdivision. 4. Proper drainage is maintained throughout the subdivision so 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 5. Subject subdivision is within the Carlsbad Mutual Water COIX service area, is properly water stocked, and may be served upon inst tion of 6" mains in "A" street and Canon Street, 4" main in IIBtl street services and meters to each lot. Installation to be done by this cornpa upon execution of agreement with the subdivider. 6, Fire Hydrants shall be located as follcpws: I I I I .. 00 0. 1 2 (a) Corner of Basswood Avenue and ''A" at Lot #27. (b) Corner of Basswood Avenue and Canon Street - nor1 3 Jl Standard 6" - Double 2 1/211 outlets firehydrants shall be install€ 4 5 7. The map title should be changed to ''RESUBDIVISION NO, 1 6 . PATTERSONfS ADDITIQN TO CARLSBAD = Lots 32,33 and 34, Map 7 9b The source of domestic water supply should be changed to "g 8 8. The map shall designate the ow.ner of the property'. 9 Mutual Water Company". lo I 11 ~ 10, Approximate street grades and street names should be shov I 11. All interior easements for, public utilities shall have a 124 12 12. All subgivision streets and improvements for existing right 13 paving shall consist of 2 inches or more of asphaltic concrete laid upc 14 shall be constructed to standards of the City of Carlsbad, Permanent streets. Concrete cross-gutters shail be installed as needed. 18 Drainage shall be adequately controlled on the slopes at the terminus 17 13. Storm water drainage facilities shall be provided as needed 16 base as approved by &'Departme&. 3.5 p ;? 5 !' p, ;: (> ,> i. !.; 'r; ~ / 19 14. All required street name signs, barricades, and safety de\ 20 shall be installed. 21 15. Water mains and services, sewers, and all other undergro 22 23 utilities shall be installed prior to paving of the str-eets. Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 11th day of March, 1' 29 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 28 prescribed by law. 27 to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention in the man 26 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be fc 25 a revised map to show all features which have been approved. 24 16. Upon approval of the tentative map, the subdivider should 1 30 31 32 /I by the following vote, to wit. -2 u - .I L,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 *e @. .AYES: Commissioners Fennel, Jarvie, Engelmann, Ebright and NOES: None ABSENT: Chairman Baumgartner and Commissioner Swirsky. -/. i /A"> ~ '.,Z". r J; ;$ / a ,,&f j?t] s&J &*L.~~~~~~ 4 " .. ,. ATTEST: f ,:.? /r .i ) ,. I' !". //4& ~ - .J ;\ , ,,i I-, "$A+( ** W ALD, Secretary -3 *.