HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-08; Planning Commission; Resolution 59e J, RESOLUTION NO, 5q 2 4 PACIFIC PLAZA, SETTING FORTH .CONDITIONS FOR 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING WdEREAS, on the 8th day of April, 1958, a duly advertised hear 5 COMMISSION APPROVING THE PRECISE PLAN OF PERMITTED MODIFICATIONS THEREOF. 6 the development of that property in the City of Carlsbad that is bounded 7 held by the Planning Commission to consider the,adoption 3f a precise p on the West by the Hosp Tract, on the South by a line parallel to and apy 9 Ease by El Camino Real, on the North by the City Limits of t'ne City of ' 8 10 mately 1700 feet South of the Northerly limits of the City of Carlsbad; a: 11 WHEREAS, at said hearing the Planning Commission has heard 2 12 substance as follows: 18 representing the applicants for the adoption of the precise plan, testifie 17 1. It is hereby stated that at the hearing aforesaid, Mr. May Ma 16 of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Comm 14 factors relative to the adoption thereof, 13 persons interested in or opposed to said precise plan and considered all 19 of a precise plan earlier; one problem related to the applicant's 20 "There are two s.erious problems which have prevented present: 21 22 inability to design drainage facilities without first having prior knowledge of the manner in which the State of California was goi 23 24 to design the drainage facility of the freeway interchange adjace, freeway interchange. Mr. Kalicka pointed out that the proposec 27 access roads designed by the State of California to serve the 26 to the subject area would be modified in accordance with the 25 to the subject area; and further that the design sf access roads 2% 29 precise plan is based upon assumptions as to what the State of and conditions that are set forth in the Resolution of approval. 32 in its present for--, but permit certain modifications upon term 31 and asked the Planning Commission to approve the precise plan 30 California would do in their design of the freeway interchange, II e a 1 2. It is hereby fouiTd that the best interests of the City of Carlst 2 will be benefited by the adoption of the attached precise plan. 3 3, It is hereby recommended to the City Council that the Giiy C8 4 5 adopt the, precise plan for Pacific Plaza in accordance with the details c 9 4. It is further recommended -7. th*at the precise plan as herein re 8 mdifications as hereinafter set forth. 7 part hereof, and further in accordance with the terms and conditions, a 6 precise plan as. the same- are shown on the map attached hereto and mad ed by the Planning Commission witho& further notice of hearing in the 1 i t b~ ;,.A:. k .;<. .$ &Ir I n 10 partictllars: 11 with the location and grade of the access roads hereinafter desi5 12 a. The ingress and egress features may be modified to cc by the State of California for its freeway interchange. to be locat1 13 14 15 16 17 the intersection of El Camino Real and Vista Way. b. That after receiving the approval of the City Engineer the City of Carlsbad the Planning Commission be permitted to I mdify the drainage facilities so as to inter-relate with the drail I 18 of parking area to floor space areas to be not less than as show] 22 the proposed precise plan may be modified provided that the rat 21 c'. That the location and placement of buildings as shown 20 the interchange at Vista Way and EL Camino Real. 19 facilities to be hereinafter constructed by the State of California 23 24 the map attached hereto. d. That the floor plans of the several buildings may be m 25 -e. That any and all changes made as above set forth mair 26 to meet the operative requirements of the occupants thereof. the placement of the major buildings in the center of the precist 27 28 no'ievent exceed the number of entrances on each side as the sa: 32 f. That traffic entrances may be changed in number but s 31 attached map. 30 muls be maintained between all of such buildings as shown on t 29 substantially as shown on the attached map and that the pedestr.! shown on the attached map. -2 - f/ I1 1111 9 I) 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of tl 2 following vote, to wit: 3 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 8th day of April, 19 58, t 4 6 5 AYES: Chairman Baurngartner , Commissioners , Fenr,el , Jarvie 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Stringer, Ebright and Engelmann. NO E S: Kone ABSENT: Commissioner Swirsky. ATTEST: .. WALU, Secretary 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 -3 -