HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-26; Planning Commission; Resolution 78.+ f /I 0 0 II L 2 3 4 5 RESOLUTION EO, 78 A RESOLUTIOM OF TEE CARLSBAD CITY PLABXING LEGALLY DESCRIBD AS A PO3TIQB OF BLOCK 2 OF MULLfS ADDITION TO CARLSEAD, IUP 514, AX) TKE VmSTmLY 100 FET DESCRIBED I3.T ASSESSOR rS BOOK 35, PAGE 77, AS PARCEL 8, COhQiISSION DEXYIPJG. A VAR IMCE OX PROPEXlTY 6 WEREAS, ROYAL L. SEILEY did apply for a variance for a 7 lot split, said application having originally been made by IIJ 9 lot wea from 7,500 square feet to 5,000 square feet to allow 8 duction on lot width from 60 feet to 50 feet, and reduction i 10 N, M48RIOM; and 11 VHEBEAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did publi 12 of all individuals ani parties who desired to be heard. 16 received the recommndations, objections, protests and come^ 15 VHEREAS, at said public hearing the said Planning Commi: 14 held on August 26, 1958; md 13 legal notice of hewing on August 14, 1958, of a hearing to k 17 NOW, TZIE;E(WORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the variance be den: 18 as requested, for the following reasons: 19 the Easter Plan indicates that it will be a 60 foot 21 10,000 square feet, Basswood is a 40 foot street and 20 1. The lot is presently 100 feet x 100 feet, making 22 !I street in the future, &ich would reduce his lot to 23 feet in an area zoned for 7,500 square feet. 26 standard lots because they would have only 5,000 square 25 2, If the split is allowed, it muld create two sub- 24 9,000 square feet. 27 3. To create 5,000 square foot lots would be unequitab 28 1958, by the following vote: 32 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 26th day of Au 31 PASSED, APPROVED A?JD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of th 30 designed for lots 7,500 square feet in size. 29 to other property owners in the mea who have homes /I !I 11 .. ,- m 0 1 NOES: Chabman pro tern Ebright, Commissioners Fennel an( 2 AYES: Commiss ioners Eamgartner, Stringer and Hayes. ABSE;WT ; Chairman Swirsky. 3 JWVi€t# 4 5 6 7 8 ATTEST: 9 y-" \ 14 "L % E. PRICE, Secretary 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -2-