HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-09-23; Planning Commission; Resolution 85I + ! 0 .a 3 2 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ' 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 85 A RESOLUTIOB OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANMING CO~lINISSION RECOMXE3TDIWG APPROVAL OF THE TZHTATIVS MAP OF VILLAGE EOW , WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receiv September 11, 1958, a tentative map of Villaee Homes submitted R, Le Watson, being a portion of' Tract 117, Carlsbad Lands, NE Roe 1661, bounded on the north by Laguna Drive, between Jeffer Street and 101 Freeway; and I-EAS, on September 23, 1958, the Planning Cornmission c cons-;der the tentative map as submitted, comprised of 14 lots; IYHEREfAS, the Plmming Cornmission did at that time take ir consideration the reports of the various City agencies and con mittees; MOW, TKERE;FOm, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of VILLAGE HOEES be approved, subject to the following cooditionr 1. The tentatfve map is in compliance with the technical quirernents of the Subdlvision Ordinance. 2. All lots appear to have sufficient area and lot fronl for the R-1 6,000 square foot zone. 3. Preliminary information indicates that there will be guired a certain dedication for property fronting on Laguna Dr On the bash of the 7-1/2 foot dedication shown on the tentatj map, there will not be created any sub-standard. lots. If, hov detailed survey results in the need for an additional dedicati there will then be created lots wiih less than the minimum 6,( square feet in area, The Department of Public Services recom that there be sufficient dedication of land so that Laguna Drf can be developed to a street with 60 feet of right. of way and feet of roadway. 4, All new subdivision streets and improvements for exi: rights of way or dedications'along rights of way shall be con2 I c II 0 e I1 1 shall consist of 2 inches or more of asphatic concrete laid u 2 to the standards of the Gfty of Carlsbad, Bermanent street pa 31 sub-base approved by the Department of Public Services. VEhere 4 there is paving to match existing roadways, the new paving sha 51match the design grade of the existing street. For Laguna Dri 6 the total width for the southerly half of the roadway shall be 7 the tentative map. 8 20 feet instead of the 18 feet as shown on the typical section I 9 5, All lots shovld be adequately graded to prevent pondi 10lwithin the subdivision and to provide for adequate street drai: 11, 6. A11 required street naae signs, barricades and safety 12 vices shall be installed in the subdivision, 13 7, The subdivider shall allow a sufficient deposit to pl 14 of Carlsbad, 15 the street trees in accordance with the requirements of the Ci standards of the City of Carlsbad, 23 lines, fittings and services, all of which must conform to the 22 The extension of Eorne Street will require new construction of 21 lthe lots fronting on Laguna Drive thou& an existing water ma 20 9, The municipal water system is capable of serving all a9 the streets, 18 underground utilities shall be installed prior to the paving o 17 8, Water mains and services, sewers and laterals and all 16 I 24 10, Sewer service is now available for lots fronting on L' 25 26 Drive. A sever line extension from the intersection of Hope k 11. A11 improvements required of the subdivider to be ins 29 Carlsbad, 28 system shall be in accordance with the standards of the City o 27 and Rome Street will be required, All construction of the sew1 30 construction shall commence until such plans are approved, 32 rnent pias approved by the Department of Public Services, and : 31 and dedicated %o the City oT Carlsbad shall be described In iq I -2- I, I c l 0 e ll 12. 0,vle (1) standard 6" - double 2-1/2" outlets firehydr 2 shall be located at the corner of Hope Avenue and Home Street. 3 AND FIRALLY RESOLVZD, that a copy of this resolution be f 4 tion in the manner prescribed by law, 5 warded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its att 6 PASSED, APTROVED AhTD A3OPTZD at a regulan? meeting of the '7 ber, 1958, by the following vote, to wit: 8 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of Sept 9 AYES: Cornmiss ioners Jarvie, Ebright and Hayes. 10 ABSTAINING: Chairman Swirsky and Cornmiss loner Baumgartnc 12 ABSENT: None. 11 TTOES: Commissioners Fennel and Stringer. 13 14 15 1 I ATTEST : l6 II 171L$s 'P \\ -In I1 "-- '. s *O11 d L 17- "--L. .*. PRICE, Secretary 1 r\ /I IY I\ 20 II n-? ll r;i 22 23 24 25 26 /I hN I' I 28 L'f Ii .-.e I/ dY ' 30 31 I 32 1 -3-