HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 86t...+ I1 * 0 c a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ib 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 1 25 11 28 27 I 29, 30 31 32 7"/7 "1- .CC.~~VLUT LON NO. 86 A RES O~Tj~I@%~ ()p T Ez C kRLSE;Js CITY T)L A" ?\T:TJT$ic7 -" I - CO?T?TSSIO&- i>i;!L- RxCOpJ,Tg\;T)ING @F_j;OVAL OF Tm T~y&y-yJ=J7E F:ra 8-p GRXE3PJJO OD FKi K . VflmEP,S, the CarLsbad city Flanmhg (Solmission did rece Sep'cember 23, 1958, a tentative map of Greenwood Park submit by Banning T. Cmtarini, owner, and Narvin X. Emphreys, sub being a portion of Tract- 11'7, Carlsbad Lands, Nap Mo. 1661, on the north by Laguna Drive, between Jeffersos?, Street and 1 Freeway; and V,TERZ4S, on Gctober lG, 1'358, the Plarming Cornmissior, d consider the tentative xap as submitted, coapr2sed of 9 lots 7tgEIE3E.AS y the Plamning Coxmiss ion did. at that time take consideration the reports of the various City agencies and c mittees; NOT;:i, T:-LamOj3.Sy 3s IT RESOLVm that the tenta-tive lnap 0 GRl3ZF:OOB f&lK be approved, subject to the following conditi 2 1, The tentative map is in compliance with the technic requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance, except for 302 (a address of owner and subdivider missing, 2, All lots appear to have sufficient area and lot frc for the R-1, 6,000 square foot zone,(except as noted in 33 3, A variance on the width of lot No. 9 is allowed, if necessary, with the restriction that the lot fro2tage not be than 60 feet in width, and that every effort be made to main the required maximum width, The Department of Public Servic recornends that there be sufficient dedication of lad so tk: Lagvna Drive can be developed to a street wlth 60 feet of ri of way and 40 feet oZ roadway. 4, All nev subdivision streets and improvements for ex rights of way or dedications along rights of way shall be co structed to the standards of the City of Carlsbad. Permanen 1, r. // 0 0 II I 1 street paving shall eonsist of 2" or illore of asphaltic concre 2 laid upon sub-base approved by The Department of Public Servi 3 #&re tlnere SS ga~ing t6 match existing roadways, the flew pau 4 shall join *he existing paving at desigE grade, 5 5, All lots should be adequately graded to prevent pond 6 within ik.e subdivision ana to provide for adequate street dra 7 6, The Department of Tublie Services recomer,ds a drop 8 3.1 be connected wi-& the existing Cbainage facilities at the nor 10 necessary storm drainage to be approved by the City Engineer, 9 at the southwesterly romd corner of Laguna and Banning, with easterly comer of Jefferson and Laguna, A concre-te cross gu 12 shall be installed at the entrance of Bacning Lane, 13 7. All required street narae ~Igns, barricades, ana safe 14 devices shall be installed 5aCr-e subdivision, 15 8, The subdivider shall allow a sufficlen-i deposit to p: 16 of Carlsbad, 17 the street trees in accordance with the requkernents of Yne C 18 9. Water mains and sepvices, severs and laterals and a1 19 of the streets, 20 other underground utilities shall be installed prior to the p 22 10, The municipal water system will have to be extended : 22 of the City of Carlsbad. 23 Banning Lane. This new construction must conform to the stanc 24 11, Sewer services as indicated on the tentative map mil: 25'1 adequate and must confor3 to the standards of the City of Car: 261 12, All improvenents required- of the subdivid.er to be in: 27 jconstru-ction shall co-mmeme un%fl such plans are approved. 29 ment plans apppoved by The Depwt%er,t of Fv3lic Services, and 28 and dedlcated to the City of Carlsbad shall be described in il 30 I 13, One (1) standard 6'' firehydrm-l shall be locate& at t 31 32 northwest corner of lot No. 9. -2- I, ;e I LJ 0 0 I! UD pi?WX,Y RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolu’cion be 2 tiion in the marmer prescribed by law, 3 warded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its ai 4 PASS-D, APPZOVE9 AXD ADOPTED at 2 regular meeting of thc 5 1958, by the following vote, to wit: 6 Cmlsbad City Planning Cormission held on the 14th day of Oci 7 AYES: Chairman SmirsLy, Col/;lmissioner s Fennel, Jarvie, Bawgartner, Stringer zrd nayes. 77 8 9 $1033 : ?Tone ABSEJZ: coromissionep EbpZme. lo I 3.1 12 -” &Le%- Chairman 2.3 I ATTEST: 14 15 F- \- -Q - <.% ~GI”+B. FRICZ, Secretary 17 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 j 24 I I 25 1 26 I 27 28 29 30 31 32 I - 3- i