HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 89a c ! 0 3. RESQLvTIOM 170 *" 89 2 41 5) A R~~~L~TION OF TJ+E CJJ?L~~~ CITY PL&,$;I>TG CO].z.jI SSI ON HEC O~:~:k~~~~I$~ TaT CE<T)J"J ARZAS MOT EE =CLUJ)D FRtJtJ T ;a GJJTIC CZTTm I&$Ti;a pS;N, .. 5 1' The Carlsbad City Plaqning Commission of the Ci%y of Cw 6 does hereby resolve as follows: 7 \T€IE3E4Sy the City Council of the City of Carlsbad did on 8 to mend the Plaster Civic Center Plan of the City of Carlsbad 91 16th day of Septmber 1958, adopt Resolu-Lion of Intention No, 10 II deleting certain areas tinerefrosn; and Oktober, 1958, hold a d*y advertised pu-ijlic hearing as p:?escu; 12 V,%EE3A-Sy the Pimming Conmission dTd on the 14th day of by deletillg certain properties described as follows: 14 by law to consider the mendment of the Civic Center Idaster 23 13 I I 15 described as follows : 16 Parcel I. Assessor's Parcel Mo, 35-45-3, being a portion of Carlsbad "m-ds, Tract 117, nore particular1 17 18 19 20 21 22 Be inning on the northerly line of Tract 117, north 89 8 57' west 358.58 feet from the northeast corner; theme north 89* 57' west 108 feet; thence south 34' 33g east 250.58 feet; thace north 55* 27' east 88,90 feet; thence north 34O 339 west 189.55 feet to point of beginning. Parcel 2, Assessor's Parcel No. 35-45-4, being a portion of Czrlsbad Lands, Tract 117, nore particular1 described as follows: 23 24 25 26 Beginning at the northeast comer of Tract 117; thence north 89O 57' mest on the northerly line 358,58 feet; thence south 34O 33' east 342.91 feet to a point on the southeasterly boundary; thence north 55O 27t ezst on the southeasterly boundary to the sov.theast corner of said tract; ihexe north 0' 52' west along the , easterly line 167.40 feet to begin-ning, EXCEPTING roadway. I/ 27 i XOV?, TE3EFO3IZ , E" IT X3:SOLVZD that the delet ion of the 28 1. A master plm places no legal restrlctions or limits 30 for rne rollowing reasons: 29 described properties is hereby not recommended to be approve 31 on the use or sale of property effected, 32 2, The master plan has been developed as the result of I1 - L ! 0 e h 3. The master plan is sound planning, is required by st 2 expenditure orf inuch 1; ime andl great expense by the City, 3 the desires of one individual or a sraall group of individual 4 law, and, therefore, should not be destroyed as -be result o 5 4, %hen a master plan is adopted, it is not necessarily 6 ard orderly growth of the community. 8 acquired, but the plan is to be used as a guide in the contr: 7 anticipated that property inclu-cied ia the plan wlll be immed 91 5. if NPesa Larnp-ion and the Zahlers are allowed to with6 10 lishing a dangerous precedent whereby other isolated propert 11 their property. from the master plar?, the Council ~3-11 be est scribed by law. 20 warded to the City Council for its attention in Kie marmer J 19 &!ID FIMALLY RiXSOLVD, that a copy of this Resolution be 18 for tk completion of tne Site plan. 17 indicates that the Zahler and Lawton properties are necessi 16 development of a Sivic Center Site Plan, and that plan clear 15 6. The City Council has already expended funds for the 14 colnprehensive master plan, thus making it completely inoper2 13 owners might withdraw their properties from other areas of t 12 21 I PASSXI, APP30V2D AX3 ,U.lOPTD at a regular meeting of thc 22 1958, by the following vote, to wit: 23 1 Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of O( '' 28 'I 271 i 29 I AYES: Chairman Swirs7Xjr, Conmissioners Fennel, 3awngart1 Stringer, and Rayes. NOES: Commissioner d-wvie. ABSEXT : Gommiss ioner Ebright. 25 !I 26 I ./ 30 I ATTEST : PRICE, Secretary ' I1 -2- 11