HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-28; Planning Commission; Resolution 90A' (" ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 e RESOLUTIUE NO. 190 A zEs()LuTIgyJ OF 7-a @kLRLSEp-J CXpJ CL"J"j-CAyJOM OF ZOX-pTG. 32: I<T@rnA>p-J TJR IVE , ~~y$J~ay.: TIE I-qTm SXY AJJL 1 r" T AOK OF H-T"J&I)-JE D5I-E JiT\D R-j-c-..J"Q;T-J j"EjyE lvORT;y$Am '110 TIiE iyiT~qS:j~~IO~q ')y ,&$D RIc.p7J,,@$D 33. IVs. PL,~;CI~~~~~,'G CO~;~~iSsI(J$] WEC ~$~,;~~;~~;~ ;f;z,J)~~~o(J1) STRFLT, SUE$fA 'JISTA A-rSTGE 71 The Carlsbad City ?laming Commission of tine City of Car 8 does hereby resolve as. follows: 9 1b2~TE2iEAS3 at the regular meeticg of the Carlsbad City Pl: 10 request clarification of the zonijng as it applies to Bighlanc 11 Coamission on the 14th day of October, 1958, the Secretzry dl and 18 October, 1958, appoint a committee to investigate said zonin6 17 TRUBEAS, the Planning Commission did on the 14th dxy of 16 Section 1502, of Ordinance 9060, of the City of Carlsbzd; anc 15 Avenue a-izd Iiighland Drive, as provided for under Article 15, 34 Drive northmard to the intersection of Elmwood Street, Buena 13 Drive, between the intersection of Hillside Drive and Eighlax 12 19 1. Properties having a frontage on Highland Drive shall 23 NOV.~, TmDOTG, 33 IT 3ZSOLVD that the zoning applicabl 23. 'KBXREAS, the committee has made a report to the Plair~rling 20 Comtliss ion; 22 the above described area shall be const-rued as follows: 24 10,000 square fee%. 2511 a minimum required frontage of 75 feet, and a minimwa area of I 26 2, There a lot split is requested- for corner property P ' 27 ha-ii-ing frontage on HfgUand Drive, shall be the controlling 1 28 the above described zone, the lot being created at the inters frontage on %he side streets 32 teristics, inclv-ding zoning regulations, of other properties 31 lot with fronta:e on a side street, shall assme all. of the c 30 as to zoning; and any lot created to the rem line of the cor 29 11 .v . /- I, e 0 I/ AJ\ID~ ?IX4LLY KSOLWD, that a copy of this Resolution be 21 warded ~b the ~ity GOWGLL reax,”; fi- rending approval, 3 FASSm, ATFZCVZ!) x\% JaOPTyD at a regular mee-tbg of the 4 1958, by the follov~irq, voke, to wit: 5 Carlsbad City ?laming Commission held on %ne 28th day of Oct 6 AYES: Chairman Swirsky, Commissioners Ebrrgklt, E5auga.r.t Stringer , hayes, and Jarvie .. 7 8 NOEX : IIone. 9 AEISmJT: Corm-iss ioner Feme1 ., 10 rn 3Sb-225 Chairman 11 ATTEST : 12 13 1$.-1~. PKICE~ Secretary 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 29 I 30 31 -2- 32 ‘ ll