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1958-11-25; Planning Commission; Resolution 94
I' I( 0 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 xzS(J=J?JTI02; ;qo ~ 94 &! ~~S,~L-pL~~\; @' TH": C$j-jLSBi!lJ3 CII;Y . A\ _. ./ Li.ll>li 21 L\, - l?, G A PLi~~~~?i~;F. ,;PTI;T.-TS- (JJJ G.9AT,T?l"- TT i. -9 f :.,;,-F x7 .A,T<T 3Q ,-' TTT ril-y- TA G;c,L 'J 23,s ,::<I E-a 1.ti.L" .d- ULV L-LG". "i 7 L (jy 1;o B 5 Qy LAg--q p, r"7V i\ my ?\ XL. i 4-A AT,,;b,~~.i4 L~z~~C'T 30 n 5 9 LJCSCRD~-;<G- "9 ;:e 27x9 x?$ TETT GI*m OF p v&L~,aij;i3, '3- c- .' Ji7J BxII<c 1398 ST,SE>JA XJISTA AVzJ;LT> ""."."* 7 y<-Amzl",3 J L;Lqz>Tr-z J? * >4:y& '8 --, d.%,!i'L.C ---~.~-"" c B 3QGZZS, d-id apply for 8 9 -variance to ailor?: ~eC.uct',m in lot width from 60 feet to 52 1 to alLov? 2 lot spli.t, said property lytn?; 02 he north side ( 10 z.uer,a Vista B~~e-r_ue: Sety;eeE Ffo pic0 and. v7L -' 1, r.ile?ae ue propertiss in 'cne neigkhorhood x~:~ti"_ coxpal 21 approved. 8s r$lq,-~l.esce~. for, the roliowJing reasons: 20 19 ing p~operty owcers; 18 17 held. on Movezxber 25, 1.358 et 7:30 f.iL,; 2nd- 16 a le@ notice or hea-r;iriig on 3overYcos~ 13, 1S58, of a hea.?b~g 15 14 Buena. VPs ta Avenv-e ; ad. 13 zccoyeting to 1,;;sp lr119 -jn t'c.e G:it?,r of CaplsS~?~, g&. -L;eTz:z: i3!j{ 12 particu-larlg descTibed. as Let ?:o. 5 of Liezvin2 i;.esa Tract ;';oC 11 sq$l.z.~d Dr im J nore - " .,- L, .. ~,,.-. .;;.p~<~~L~ 9 the *Zr_pLsb& ,sL%y zla,nli;~ing Co..-:$ssio~ did. p-:~1: 7""T" T ~y>~~,~i-;lL~9 there ~.~~~pe 20 ~pctests yegr&s$epe3 by ch~g ~,y<'~o? 7.T iLC;c 1"- , ~~~~L~Oj~-~ lljz zT ~L;~~~LTJ~<~, th.at 'the variance be -> ,- 1- 22 3. That it ~5.11 30% adTre?sel.y ~-ffec-; the cq:.l-pre':?e~.si:ie 25 2. The granting of' the vari,m~;e T:JilZ not be izlJ~.ri.ous . 23 frontage to khat requesteii by the syp24crnts. 24 bfi-e ?v.bl.?c TveLfsre or s~.x~rou.~dLr~g proper t3e s. Ll 20 2,roperty and, by graating this vmfa~ce, tjle ap21icaizts 31 5, The-3 2s 2 syi211 resLdcl2-ze Op es.~ e~stcpl;~ io^ ,. ( 30 ' v~iance s~d there T:erg RO objectiocs, 29 surrcu.2d.ing r?yD')$y " ties rc,,?orr.:T:$r?_r:::c- yr.2 E?;rE,ntFng of th-e 28 4. Thst sl;t.stanx..iaily all of the property oyqleps of Ynf 27 17:eCz g;o 92 -51- zq:.in.. v 00 " 32 h2ve aiieqv.Ete BTSZ. fey -;he constyU-ctl:32 of a GYP;:^ c~:x~er I + I( 9 0 1 FA,Szza, hE ~~~TJ?73 _;1;3 X3QFT:V.T at 8 pezJ-1s.r Tileetipig of' $>Ac 2 nTth Gth.e? hornes fn the neighborhood, 3 :zgyl s',sad CLty ?la:--,-!- rL";zc co?2:iss 10". 'nel6. 012 the 25th d2)- of ycT, 0 .. .$ $JF;S: ::;9ai~x&-p. 3-0 , telr.= 3'3-rjcc~b 5 So:p~>ls sioz?,crs 3pL13;;gaytr 5 pjfjg, !jy pg fc!lo?q@z 7?3 te 5 ta i \!!7 'I& L! ?erxei, Stringer, Yiayes, and Jzyie, d " 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 I' jj-gE S z ?&ne . / @S':"-,'T A.h. . * sna -1 I~~;~~- * -e,, '3r Swirskg o pT-ssT * i '"5"- i "----J ' 14: Je3* Y'ISE, Secretaxy PT. 15 16 17 28 I 2.9 20 21 22, I 22 i I 28 27 24 25 26 I 29 30 31 I 321 -2 - II