HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-13; Planning Commission; Resolution 101.. ' " ! 9 0 11' 2l 31 4 RESOLUTION NO. 101 A RFSOLUTION OF THE CABLSBAD CITY PLAFBTING CO&~?ISSIOH RECOMMENDING AT PRO VAL OF THE TEX TAT! IVE XiP OF LIHRIAR VILLAGE. LI_ " 5 lirJHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Comission did recei tj portion of Tract 232, Thum Lands, according to Map 1681 in th 9' west corner of Tamrack Avenue and Jefferson Street, being a 8 E. 5. Hale Company, owner and subdivider, located on the sout: 7' Deceaber 19, 1958, a tentative map of Linmar Village subllrittec 10 City of Carlsbad; and 11 BFiEREAS, on January 13, 1959, the Planning Commission dis 12 and 13 consider the tentative map as submitted, comprised of 18 lots 14 VllBEiUS, the Planning Commission did at that time take i: 15 nTCJ,V, TEZFBFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map of 1 7 mittees; 16 consideration the reports of the various City agencies and COI 18 1 LII?I.UR VILLAGE be approved, subject to the following conditio: I 19 j 1, The tentative map is in compliance with the technica 20 requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. 21. 2. A11 lots appear to have sufficient area and lot fron 22 for ti39 R-1, 6,000 square foot zoneo 23 3. All new subdivision streets and improvements for exi 24 l structed to th.e standards of the City of Carlsbad. Permanent 25 rights of way or dedications along rights of way shall be con shall join the existing paving at design grade, 29 Where there is paving to match existing roadways, the new pav 25 I laid upon sub-base approved by The Department of Public Servi 27 street paving shall consist of 2" or more of asphaltic concre 26, 30 I 4, That the subdivider offer to dedicate the most north 31 12' of lots 1, 12 and 13 for future street purposesa 32 5. Tamarack Avenue is shorn on the Xaster Street Plan I1 ii I! I a 2 3 4 G U 6 7 8 91 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 119 21 I 2o i 2211 23 24: 25 I 26 I 27 '1 28 I 29 j 30 31 32 I! // 0 e adopted by the Planning Commission by Resolution No. 12, and adopted by the City Council by Resolution go, 276, as a major street and, theirefore, 84 feet wide, As the present right of way of TmaraGk Avenue is 60 feet, it iii se~ommenQed 'that thf side yard set back lines on lots 1, 12 and 13 be 20 feet in c to provide for the future development of Tamarack Avenue. 6, Linmar Lane is shown on the tentative map as a 50 f( street and slopes and extends to the south line of tbe propel so that it might be extended at some future t ime in a southel direction. In view of the lack of any proposed subdivision 1 the south, it is required that for a 50 foot street, it be widened at the south and similar to a cul de sac for the pur] of turning around; that the subdivider dedicate a 1 foot buf: strip at the south end of Linmar Lane; and that drainage of ' street to the south be provided for over the pivately owned property- on the south in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer , 7, All lots should be adequately graded to prevent pon~ within the subdivision and to provide for adequate street dr 8. All required street name signs, barricades, and saf devices shall be installed in the subdivision. 9, The subdivider shall allow a sufficient deposit to the street trees in accordance with the requirements of the OS Carlsbad. 10. Water mains and services, sewers and laterals and a other underground utilities shall be instdlled prior to the of the streets. 11, The municipal water system will have to be extended Linmar Lane. This new construction must conform to the sta of the City of Carlsbad, -2- A ,- i * iD I 4 12, Sewer services as indicated on the tentative map wil 2 adequate and must conform to the standards of the City of Car 3 13. All improvements required of the subdivider to be ir 4 stalled aril dedicated to the City of Carlsbad shall be descr: 5; In Iqmmrnen.li plana approved by the Departxnent sf fuUic Sel 6 and no constructfon shall comnence until such plans are apprc 7 '14. One (1) standard 6" firehydrant shall be located at 8 corner of Limar Lane and Tamarack Avenue. 9 Am PTNhLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be 18 tion in the manner prescribed'by law. 11 warded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for Its a- 12 PASXD, APPRQV3D AXD ADOYTED at a regular meeting of tht 13 1959, by the following vote, to wit: 14 Carlsbad City Planning Comaission held on the 13th day of J~I 15 AYES: Chairman Swirsky, Cornmissioners Ebright, Baumgar. Fennel, Hayes and Jarvie. 16 17 NOES : None. 18 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 2s 27 28 29 30 31 32 I I I ABXEW: Commissioner Stringer. ATTEST : t - -1 \k\ J. H. PRICE, - q Secretary -3-