HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-10; Planning Commission; Resolution 1071 .I s - t, I 0 e 1 i a X:SQLUTIOM 140 , 1-07 2 4 FRQIui ZORZ R-1 TO ZO8E 3.-3 03' CZRTAZN DESIG- 3 1, ?&SOLUTIOI\! OF %':a CATdSW3 CITY PUNNING ~~>;~,~~~~~iJ ~~C@@~&~DI~JG ~~~~~SS~ICA~~~~~Q RAT3;D P3CPZXl'y IN '_€E CITY OF CAGSBliD. 5 The Carlsbad City Planning Comission does resolve as follows: 6\ WEIWS, there was filed. with this Cornmission on Januwy 2, 1959, an 7, plication from Dorothy Pennington requesting a change of zone classificat Q under the provisions of Ordinace No, 9060; an6 I 9 K€E?XEAS, the Carlsbzd City Planning Commission did on the 10th day c I po cribed as: 12 to Consider rechssification from Zone 3-1 to Zone El-P of that property d 11 February, 1959, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by la 13 14 Lots 11, 12 and 13 of Schell ad Sites Addition to Carlsbad, according to Xap No, 2145 in the City of Carlsbad; 15 and 16 WEEUS, the Carlsbad City Pla-nning Cornmission continued the hearing 17 property described as: le February 10, 1959, to Zarch 10, 1959, to include in the public hearing ad, 19 I 2o I Lots 8, 9, 10, 27, and 29 of Schell ad Sites Adcition to Carlsbad, according to Hap No, 2145, in the City of Carlsbad; 21 and 22 hWmS, the Carlsbad City Planning Coradssion did on the 10th day of 23 24 ,consider reclassification from Zone E-1 to Zone R-f of the above described I I March, 1959, hold. a duly advertised pl-iblic hearing as prescribed by law tc 25: I' property; and I/ 27 I I I 2s 1 'tfHE3.WS, the Corn-ission has Yound the folloilring facts to exist: 28 I 1. In the interest of good planning and due to the topographic locat the property be rezoned as 3-3, being.a more restrictive zone than R- 29 as the property is more suitable for multiple dwellings thm E-?. 30 2, The highest and best use of the progerty would be for residential 31 3, Rezoning to 3-P would multiply 'che business zone of the city by 32 income. /I 1'; '* I 9 e 1 !I a more area than is needed at present and would result in spoiling a. 2 residellliaL arc31 3 LL~.IL~%~OW, 3s IT PXSOLV3D, that the reclassification of the gbc 4 approved; 5 described property from Zone R-1 to %one %3 is hereby recommended to 'x the City Co~1ci.1 for its attention in the rnarmer prescribed by lawe 7 AND TIKLLY :FSSOLVZD, Ynat a copy of this resolution be forwarded 'cc 6 wuviT, ;7--,7 -2 7 €3 R4SSEl3, PPPROVED AM3 ADOPED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad Ci 9 Planning Gomission held on tile 10th day of >!arch, 1959, bg the following BO, -vote, to wit: I la. 12 13 kms: Chairman Swirsky, Comrissioners h%right, Fennel, Stringer, I\JOES : None e Hayes and Jarvie, ABSXNT : Coxnissioner Baumgartner. 4 15/ If) i 17 11 ATTEST: 18 19 20 \-I-\ 5&&+ 7 c i JX PRICE, Secretary ~ 21: I 22 I 23 24 ,I 26 1 25 1 27 1 28 29 I 30 31 32i Ii -2- J '!