HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-14; Planning Commission; Resolution 111ll 0 1 2l 3 4 7 0 msoLuTLoN EIQ.. m A RESOLUTIOH OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PMNIHG COl4MISSI~ REColmIHG AN 'ORDlMAMCE €33 PASSEX) TO Buow A TEE3pORARY COWITIONAL USE PERNIT ON PROPERTY I;EGALLY DESC€UBEB AS TEIE; WESmY 1 ACXE OF LOT 12, BLOCK C, TBVM LANDS, ACCORDDIG TO HAP MO. 2103. Dl THF: CITY OF. .CARLSBAD, 6l WHEZUS, FRAHCIS JOHN MD VlRGIEJIlf E. FOX did apply for a Conditioraa 7 with operations relative thereto; and 8 Use Permit to allow construction of a recreational boat landing and di 9 14REE3ASs the Caslsbad City Planning Camission did pub3ish a legal n 3-0 sf hearing on P'larch 1, 1959, of a hearing to be held on March 10, 1959, ai 13. WHEBEAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Comaissfon continued the hearing 12 7:30 P.M.; andb 13 Weh 10, 1959 s to April 14, 1959 ; and 14 biHEBAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Conrmission did hold a hearing on 15 April 14* 1959; 16 MOW, TIBREFOa, 3% IT RXSOLVED that the Plarmiag Cortmission recomend 3.7' Use Pellait on property described as: 18 to the City Council that an Ordinance be passed allowing a Temporary Condi 19 in the City of Carfsbad, and being 423.5 20 .The westerly 1 acre of Lot 12, Block C, Thma Lands, according to Nap No, ZlO3 Barrison Street 21 I I 22 for the following reasonst z3 I 1. That the application for the Conditional Use Permit was made to t 20, 2.5 1 it beiag in conflict with,,Article 14, Section 140% Subsection (10) (b), 'Planning CoWni~~io~ and the Planning; Conmission could not advance such req I titg.90Lo 26 11 1 2. The City Council has on previous occasions enaeted similar Ordina 27 on property commonly known as "The Pirates' Cove" and Whitey's bat Lmdi 28 !I 3. It is reconmended that such Ordinance be subject to the following 30 1 29 conditions: ' a. That all structures placed upon the aforesaid described prope: 31 and relocation at any tine that the City may requeslt such removal and/or 32 ' shall be of a temporary nature, and said structures shall be subject to re1 I/ I c @ E 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2.7 18 ~ 19 20 21 j I reloeation; that said removal and/or relocation of the structures shall bl the sole expense of the ownem. be That at such time as the City shall hereafter provide a new use plan and/or master plan for the development of the proposed harbor, t applicant will do all things necessary to coznpb with such new plans, and this grant of the eonationdl use permit shall not operata to create a ve right for the maintenance of any struc~ures CQEtm3X-y to the provisions of such new plans* AMD PIMALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolntion be forwarded t,t City Cornoil for its attention in the manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AMD ADOPTED at a remar meeting of the Carlsbad (2 Planning Cogrmissiorr held on the 14th day of April, 1959, by the f oXl.ow5.n~ vote, to wit: AYES: Chairman Swirsky, Commissioners EJetka, Zahler, Fennel, Hayes aad Jarvie, NOS: Commissioner Stringer, ABSENT: None. , 1 ATTEST: Y- s b &"-91g Chairman AI W I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I \I4 L I/ %. PRICE, Secretary ii I 11 I I 1 I 1 -2- I! I